Why lgbt in vidya triggers Yea Forums so much?

why lgbt in vidya triggers Yea Forums so much?

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I don't like the girl on the left. I don't care about lesbians.

I'd cum in the chick with the black hair's Jew nose.

I only dislike virtue signaling, quite a few LGBT characters only exist so the producers can show off how progressive they are.

I'm not triggered by LGBT characters at all, as a straight male I actually find some "trap" and "trans" characters cute.

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only when the west does it, yuri is fine

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Kill ALL fags

cute.. cute!!
Kill faggots and trannies.

if it's cute it's ok
time to dilate now, sweetnicole

Its ok when Japan does it though.

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Some people just can't handle it

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if there's going to be lesbians in a game it's going to be on my terms ie futa

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>quite a few LGBT characters only exist so the producers can show off how progressive they are.
How do you know when they're doing that?

handle what?
ugly ass women?
shoehorned story about cute clean strong lesbian love in barbaric world?
authors who tried to be EXTRA realistic and went full retard?

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When the first news you get about the game is how progressive it is.
Now, I'm not gay or trans, but I'd hate to be talked down to that way.
This whole virtue signaling going on in the western corposphere these days is nothing pandering of the worse sort that does little but differentiate these people from us and keep them from normalcy.
Imagine having glasses, and every other media is advertised as being "so brave" and "daring" because it has four eyed characters, and not because of any real merits or breakthroughs. Enforces "the other" and would just increase bullying in schools. This is what is happening with gay and transpeople in the name of "liberalism".

It's pretty easy to tell.

Pic related was a textbook example of virtue signaling attempt, but it backfired.

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because Yea Forums is now nazi and want to gas the kikes and lgbt is a kike way of subverting white societies

Best examples is when it isn't really brought up in your face, you only find later on organically and it isn't a big deal or a selling point for the game.
Like, you know, sort of how it should be in reality.

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Yea Forums is literally 90% actual faggots, though

Real lesbians don't really exist. Most women are bisexual in a sexual sense but actual lesbians are just women who have had bad experiences with / hate men.

They have the highest rate of domestic violence and just don't really work as a concept despite what the media try to present.

that's where you are wrong, in reality all women are gay
Because they like dick, and that's gay as fuck Nigga

Why are you still posting this?

i don't care if its in a game as long as the devs and publisher don't push it as a marketing point for the fucking game. there are fags in fucking gta 5 but nowhere does it actually pander to them and give them a spotlight. sony and naughty dog literally designed the whole game around this fucking storyline and it was the focus point of all their marketing right up to this point e.g. their E3 trailer where OP pic comes from. fuck sony for that i won't touch this game with a stick.

yuri girls are actually cute though, so it's fine. People don't complain about lesbian shit in mass effect for the same reason

Yurifags lead to this cancer. Get hit by a bus, fag enabler.

We actually don't, we just know all about the other leftie Stasi bullshit that will inevitably come with it.

Remember that joke in Family Guy where one guy shows another guy pictures of his kids that he keeps in his wallet? An then starts hitting the other guy in the face with them?

It's like that.

because it's not a good thing to promote

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this 100 percent

but every Stasi shit right now has been made law by conservative and right-wing parties?

Need a bf lads

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Because 90% of Yea Forums is made up of edgy kids, with half of them shitposting to fit in and the other half being unironically triggered by homosexuality.

>Wants a BF
>Isn't out there right now looking for him
Not only are you a Faggot, you are a lazy faggot

Why wouldn't they use it as marketing when it gets overemotional people like you constantly talking about it?

>constantly talking about it?

are you retarded? there is a thread about it, i'm responding to it. this is the first time i've even mentioned it since i first saw the trailer a year ago or whenever it was. good luck with sony selling this game to the majority of their userbase who are arabs/euros/arabs in europe.

cause it's gay

It triggers /pol/tards, that's all

Shut the fuck up and die incel.

Because people think Jews invented big noses and anything with them must be hated on.

Diversity and tolerance are good things to promote incel.

here's your (you) faggot

Unironically this. Not that hating retards would ever understand it.

What are you talking about? What Stasi shit has been made a law? Is it a law to put lesbians in TLOU2?

jews should be hated on. they've done more damage to this world than they've contributed. the day iran nukes israel will be a good day. the talmud is one of the most disgusting series of books i've ever read and people who follow it need to be exterminated if is what people want. it teaches you that if a goy hits a jew they're punishable by death. so much for diversity and tolerance.

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I hate any kind of political propaganda and I hate SJWs


Look user I'm just sick to death of lesbians. Why can't I play as a qt trap instead?

I have morals and know the difference between right and wrong.

so fucking gay

Top: Soulful, erotic and earnest.

Bottom: Ugly, faked, soulless.

its LITERALLY only ok when Japan does it

I'm not the OP but I'll clarify a few things for you user. There are some faggots and dykes in the world that are so OBSESSED with people (outside of the LGBT community) to like them for their ""difficult life-choices"" of sucking dick and licking clitorises. However, they freak out that are people in the world that are either: Completely Neutral, Ambivalent OR Completely Opposed to Them. So the only reasonable thing that their Rainbow brains can conjure up, is to force businesses and studios to kowtow to them with the objective of gaining support from the general population (through an entertainment medium that generally caters to children); if they don't to cater to them, they'll eventually get blacklisted as being homophobic. The LGBT is literally a Rainbow Sex Cult that ostracize, belittle and demonize anyone that doesn't care for their """struggle""".

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I only like lesbian stuff when it's cute, and this is not cute at all. The gigantic hairy jew nose ruins this for me.

pretty much this

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Top: Based Japan
Bottom: jewish propaganda

I dont buy product from progressive companies. You should do the same.

Spotted the amerimutt.


It's literally okay when Japan does it because it doesn't feel like pandering

Based as fuck

its not the lgbt that bothers me its that they are both ugly and that repulses me


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im a faggot. ama.

I like it when it's cute and not realistic, men aren't cute so I never like male-on-male

It's a forced leftist agenda intended to condition the audience.

People who are mentally healthy like cute things. People who are deeply insecure are repulsed by cute things, because they think it threatens the attention they may receive; people may choose to watch cartoons instead of paying attention to them.

That's the reason ugly fat lesbians are considered OK and worshiped by the west, because women don't consider it a threat to the amount of attention they might receive.

Based and dick pilled

It's not lgbt, it's shoving it down our throatholes.

Becouse it's forced


>Top: Based Japan
>Bottom: jewish propaganda

Top is promoting racemixing and sure jews are behind it
Your eyes are being clouded by that shitty waifubait darwing.

Top: CUTE!
Bottom: the west sucks at this and games, What do they have left?

the only ones that bother me are when it's super forced. heck, forced romance in general is pretty shit imo. the only thing good forced is sex

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The left girl has a massive schnozz. I'm surprised Ellie's head can cover it.

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I hate the Muslim ideology and anyone that stands for it also hate weird tranny freaks

Because all feels cookie cutter. They're not gay for any real reason, it's all for the sake of scoring good boy points from the public.

i just think the focus on lesbians is funny, lesbians are largely non-threatening to gamer sensibilities while still appearing progressive

Christianity and Islam allow anyone of any race to be a part of them. Only Judaism says anyone who isn't a Jew should be executed.

LOL you absolutely sure about that

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It's intentionally creating something unappealing for the target demographic. You never see this in media targeted towards women. Imagine if half of all hollywood romance movies started having average looking Indian men as the romantic interest and every news outlet shamed women for not accepting it.

Yep. Straight from the Talmud itself. Meanwhile Christianity and Islam let anyone of any race join them.

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what it actually triggers Yea Forums is the fact this masterpiece is ps4 exclusive only
their envy can be told from miles away

Special reminder that girl love is pure and you will never ever know how good this feels.

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>game has obvious LGBT fanservice, to the detriment of the gameplay
>throw it in the garbage
>game has obvious sexy waifus for Yea Forums, to the detriment of the gameplay
>throw it into the garbage too

Neither belong in video games.

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because of memes and the fact that video game companies aren't genuine in their use of LGBT and mostly just do it as a form of advertising, so idiots on Yea Forums mis-place their anger at which people rub their genitals together because their dads beat them when they would "act gay".

Jews aren't a race. The concept that Jews are a race was normalized by Europe during the rise of nationalism.

>Jews aren't a race

you're literally retarded

you literally cannot be a jew unless you're a semite. it is a race.

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Really showing your intelligence with that 16 year old /pol/ edge.

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>why lgbt in vidya triggers Yea Forums so much?
They're bad female vidya characters. See pic related.

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>blank canvas
>muh self insert
go back to /r9k/ faggot. self insert blank canvas fags are the worst. We get it, you have autism and can't empathize with a character that has any personality or shows any emotions, but stop trying to shoehorn your mental illness into video games.

Because pandering to LGBT is being used in place of good gameplay and story. Unironically why it's okay when Japan does it.

Lesbians in games aren't lgbt, they're intended for straight cucks.

It doesn't. But the game is supposed to be about surviving the apocalypse, not about Ellie's awkward crush, so the focus on the lesbians is worrisome and slightly annoying given the current state of pandering developers. Still have my eye on the game, but I won't pretend that I don't have doubts about it.

>People who are mentally healthy like cute things

I see. Good to know.

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>I need emotions and personality in my video game
Wtf I hate Tetris and Pac-man now?!

>So, what do you do around here?
>I'm trans

>female characters to emulate
>Curly Brace
>Curly fucking Brace, whose panties you can acquire in-game and who has the least impact on the story out of all characters
Is this a meme list or something?

>tetris and pacman are good
user they are shitty games that were the best we could do at the time due to hardware and software limitations. do you go and look at really really really really old cars from the early 1900s and gush about how good they are? fuck no.

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I donā€™t want bloody faggots in my games. Is it so much to ask for characters that arenā€™t massive fags pandering to the 2%? Screw the gays all of them, send em into an oven or something. Make them space laborers, just get them out of my friggin games damnit.

Arcade Gannon was done pretty well.
He's a fag but you wouldn't even know unless you pried him for info.

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The panties are a joke item, and are far too out of the way to impact the regular game. Compare that to 13+ hours of mandatory cutscenes in Xenoblade, or Bayonetta shoving her ass in the camera every 5 seconds. Also, Bayo and Xeno are cinematic experiences, whereas Cave Story is a video game. So you know, that's also a factor.

>user they are shitty games that were the best we could do at the time due to hardware and software limitations.
Funny how these games are still infinitely replayable, while your cinematic experiences lose their luster before you even finish playing them.

No. Fags are fags east or west.

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if you want movie actors to portray fake emotions you can relate to watch movies, because they are shit in video games
I don't want to be stuck looking or listening to a character in a game for more than 2 hours if they have shitty writing which they always do especially if they are mary sue females with no flaws

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I guarantee that you accuse somebody of being triggered at least once a day.

Cry harder about faggots you faggot.

We're talking about video game characters, not games, unless you're going to contradict your own list.
And in terms of characters, Curly is absolutely irrelevant. In the original game she's not even playable, and all she does is almost get killed. What is there to emulate - drowning like a bitch?
>Bayo and Xeno are cinematic experiences
Yeah especially Bayo, the character action game? It has fucking character in the genre name, you goddamn retard.
Get the fuck outta here nigga, your list is shit.

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It's essentially propaganda. If you don't understand why that's frustrating then I suggest you look into history.

>It's okay as long as I never find out

>adult males obsessed with "le cute"
no you moron
effeminate manchildren like you perhaps

>Funny how these games are still infinitely replayable
nostalgia is a strong thing user. if those games were made today they would be considered shovelware mobile garbage.

what games are you playing with mary sues? the best video game characters are flawed. Maybe you should stop playing ff xii because even a game like life is strange is filled with extremely flawed characters. Hell, the reason Yea Forums hates it so much is BECAUSE of how flawed chloe is.

I can't wait till sexuality is something no one gives a fuck about.

>It's essentially propaganda.
>god damn seeing so many gay people all the time has slowly corroded my fragile heterosexuality and now i can't stop secretly craving dick

Imagine being so retarded that you think outside influences can effect sexuality.

Let's see, I think when a half of the reveal trailer for your zombie srvival game consists of two lesbians making out, we might be entering virtue signalling territory.

He's right, cute or hot doesn't matter, people don't like to look at fiction that is as ugly or uglier than them, there is absolutely no reason.
Wrestling died the moment they started pushing midgets and jobbers as world champions and trannies as "The ManĀ®"

>In the original game she's not even playable, and all she does is almost get killed. What is there to emulate - drowning like a bitch?
She represents an avenue for the good ending. She's a boss fight, an ally who helps you through the dungeon section of the island, and she even acts as additional firepower in the hell sanctuary. That's all a female character needs to be: positively influential on the gameplay. She doesn't need character or emotions otherwise.

>Yeah especially Bayo, the character action game?
Yeah, 2+ hours of cutscenes really says "action" to me.

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Because it's done to push on an agenda instead of being done in a tasteful way.

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>nostalgia is a strong thing user. if those games were made today they would be considered shovelware mobile garbage.
Shovelware mobile garbage? Nah user. Games today couldn't pull that off without microtransactions and DLC everywhere, with some lootboxes for good measure. You just don't like them because there's no titties to jerk off to.

What "agenda" exactly?

See bottom right corner of pic Retards can be manipulated.
Do you actually think all the actual incels (those who call sane men "incel" basically) turned into trannies because they were mentally born women? You must have more mental problems than them if you think that's the case.

>Telling people you just met about your sexual preferences
Might as well go around with a shirt that says "I suck cock".


>nono you're triggered
>reply is literally just that
nice argument you triggered homos

I still don't understand, what is the fag agenda? All the fags I know care about is getting laid.

there are annoying prick characters who are "flawed" in your eyes but they are just bad writing but suddenly do amazing shit randomly
they bring nothing of value and have no challenge they need to overcome in the story because anytime they do something important it is a deus ex machina moment they didn't deserve
a teenage girl would never survive on her own in some post apocalyptic world, the trailer showing that last of us 2 bitch beating people down with an axe and taking 4-5 arrows in her and going toe to toe with a dude twice her size is retard plot armor even for video games

go drink some bleach, shit smear

I played Catherine Full Body recently, and holy fuck Rin is an awful addition. Her route is fucking dumb, she detracts from the overall pacing of the game and ruins the balance of the original story. She really feels like some person just shoehorned their fetish into the game. Ironically, Erica serves as the perfect counter-example: a trap character done right.

>You just don't like them because there's no titties to jerk off to.
No i dont like them because they are very basic and boring. They survive on nostaliga and nostaliga alone. Do you think zoomers care about those games? Of course not, the only people who like those games like them because of nostalgia.

My top played games are warframe, dark souls, new vegas and Divinity OS 2. There are basically no tits to jerk off to in those games, but the gameplay is pretty fun and the characters are actually characters. Even dark souls has npc's with emotion and character development.

You're just a sad little autistic manchild who can't handle the idea of having any kind of emotion in his video games.

Figures you wouldn't understand, it never having been a problem for you.


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>She represents an avenue for the good ending
You mean a damsel in distress turned into stepping stone for triggering true ending flag, uh-huh.
>she even acts as additional firepower in the hell sanctuary
Because Quote is carrying her, hence her being damsel.
>That's all a female character needs to be: positively influential on the gameplay
She as a character has no influence on the gameplay whatsoever. Her gun is more useful than her, if anything, stop fucking embarrassing yourself.

I'm gonna put it in spoiler because this triggers a few retards
did you notice how the tranny and just generally fag agenda is the only type of marketing that heavily pushes white men front and center? Sometimes it's white women, but it's mostly white men and fags. The more white men and women you castrate, the more you can justify importing mutts like Claire Redfield from Mexico.
That's all it is, whatever other excuse is fucking bullshit.

Dude, what the fuck.
It means it's about pushing on a "political" or "social" viewpoint for the sake of it instead of just making it good or fitting for the story, for example.

>See bottom right corner
"i want my kids to be gay" is not the same as saying "i am magic and can make my kids gay" you absolute fucking moron. its wishful thinking and most likely their kids will be straight as fuck.

Sexuality is completely innate.

>t. autismo who just wants dry empty characters he can self insert into

Yea Forums thinks anything done with girls who aren't cute anime girls was made to destroy their happiness.

It doesn't matter if you're a faggot or straight, obnoxiously proclaiming about your sexuality in public is just bad taste and a lack of manners.

If you don't understand the difference between fetish and politics that's your problem. Nessa is fetish, the mutt in the Mermaid is politics.

Wow user, you're so brave for sucking cock and telling us about it at the first unsolicited opportunity like that.

What is political about wanting to fuck the same-sex?

Alright, just stop replying to me.


you must be 18 to post on this website

And yet if somebody immediately started talking about their girlfriend you wouldn't blink twice. Unless you got angry out of jealousy.

You're so brave for getting mad at being told that.

"political" in this context is code for "i dont like a thing and it bothers me to have it in video games pls remove reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Why are you fuckers so mad? Name to me a single other piece of video game media that features gay characters kissing upfront in the camera.

1. the daily mail is a tabloid and not reputable news source
2. you are now conflating sexuality with being trans and have admitted to literally being underage by not being able to tell the difference

you have to be 18 years or older to post on this board.

Fag getting mad people mention their girlfriend while saying other people are mad.

I'm not mad. You're just missing the point and I don't think I can make it any clearer. You're either baiting or not worth the time.

Take a romantically neutral game (maybe some light romance/flirting during cutscenes, but it's not the core of the game)
Let's say Kirby, a WWII shooter, FIFA and a WWF game
Then throw in gay characters and make sure they're in the foreground.
Tell everyone you're throwing in gay characters.
Say that the only people who have a problem with the waddle-dee/nazis/referee's extended make-out session are homophobic racist bigots
And now you too have stuffed progressive virtue-signaling into a game
If I want to see guys making out, I'll buy yaoi. If I want to see girls making out, I'll buy yuri. If I want to just play a game for shits and giggles, I'll play the Kirby/WWII shooter/FIFA/WWF game

>No i dont like them because they are very basic and boring.
Yeah, heaven forbid a game have gameplay and not be some cinematic arthouse.

>You mean a damsel in distress turned into stepping stone for triggering true ending flag, uh-huh.
Yes, VIDEOGAMEY applications. What a shock!

>Because Quote is carrying her, hence her being damsel.
Still a positive effect on the gameplay.

>She as a character has no influence on the gameplay whatsoever. Her gun is more useful than her, if anything
She's the one firing her gun, so that's good enough. Stop trying to turn games into movies and go read a book if you want "character development" so damn badly.