Why is Capcom shutting down everything suddenly?
Why is Capcom shutting down everything suddenly?
>shuts down Monster Hunter
>shuts down DD
What's next
DDO was the biggest obstacle for DD2 and now it's dead. Based Capcom is coming back.
your life support.
>DDO was the biggest obstacle for DD2
To make Dragon's Dogma 2.
Jokes on you. I'm already dead.
DDO team is moving on to DD2.
Capcom is an AA company now. It's what happened after most of their bigger games failed. MHW saved them from closing.
Good. Nobody asked for this game anyways hence nobody played it - now we can have DD2.
that's unfortunate, specially since I never got to play it as it was never brought over to the west and I'd rather not play it with terrible ping
but at the same time, the possibility that Itsuno is working on DD2 means that this isn't a big deal at all
It's hilarious to see posts like this when the other DD thread has people loving DDO who want it to come west, only for this piece of news to arrive.
>people believe there's such thing as a redemption arc for capcom
Post yfw
Would Capcom truly be back if DD2 happened?
>What is DMC5
>What is RE2make
>What is MHW
>What is the inevitable DD2 that Itsuno is working on
Instead of a sequel, they made an mmo. The two were never going to coexist.
why not? MH had 2 MMOs which lasted for many years.
shit, i just bought it cuz it's on sale...should i refund ?
Nobody played it because it was japan exclusive, not because nobody wanted the game
The jap only MMO is shutting down, not the original game's online functionality
MH is also an ancient franchise with like half a dozen titles now, not counting re-releases. Hell, it's one of Capcom's biggest series. Of course they'd sink more money into it.
ohhhh ok
But DD2 is happening
didn't Hitsuno? said he wanted to work on it?
the biggest "fuck capcom" is killing Frontier,because it had a lot of shit that's not on other MH
unless the madmen are working on a classic mh with all the shit from frontier
that's a vague as fuck answer that doesn't prove why a DD mmo couldn't exist alongside a sequel. a MMO gets shut down if it doesn't make enough profit, that's all, that's why both MH mmos are getting shut down too.
DMC5 had Itsuno's team in it yet they didn't need to shut down DDO beforehand to make it.
>including MHW in there as a positive
I agree with you otherwise.
>Of course they'd sink more money into it.
Hence why they kept re-using tons of assets until MHW? They aren't exactly big budget games you know.
Wiat what? Is this confirmed?
To be honest I have a strange love hate thing with DD, it feels like such a slog in the first half. I'm on the part where that dude with the magic shield betrays Mercedes.
I don't know every time I play i just lose patiencce but then something great happens and I continue playing until it gets boring.
Keep crying,MHW is the best selling game
If you google Itsuno Dragon Dogma 2 you'll find some news where he's thinking about working on it
I think he had to pick between DMC5 and DD2,and if DMC5 was successful then capcom would let him work on DD2
Everything ends.
Please let dragons dogma 2 have a co op option.
I just want to go on an adventure with friends :(
Reminder that in yesterdays game informer MHW video they made some weird remark about Dragon's Dogma's future.
They're shutting down DD Online because they're getting ready to release the true DD sequel.
Dragons dogma switch. Is it worth it?
Are YOU worth it?
I knew this was going to happen because they don't want competing games but RIP
Why cant they just make Standalone non online versions of these games.
Playable like any other Online games.
As in you make a server and invite your friends.
Weird, wasnt the game getting updates even not long ago?
Why would DDO be Japan exclusive when the majority of the sales from the series came from the West?
Because they’re too lazy to make a single player game work online.
Capcom being Capcom
>some weird remark about Dragon's Dogma's future.
They only said they'd have DD news today. This is the news.
Dragons Dogma 2 better be a fucking finished game you can actually do shit in and the game doesn't have a rushed boring ass story.
PC version is the ultimate version.
Japanese people are some of the most clueless people on Earth, stumbling into success by pure accident.
Well duh? If someone's asking for a Switch version chances are they're not at home all the time and want to play it at a friend's place or something.
They're shutting DDO down because DD2 is going to replace it, online multiplayer and all.
>They only said they'd have DD news today. This is the news.
No, it's not. He was asked why he wanted to bring the franchise back and said there'd be news today.
What do you Anons want to see from DDO being imported into DD2?
Co op.
>said there'd be news today.
You're agreeing with me. He didn't say there'd be news about DD returning, all he said was that there'd be DD news, period.
oy vey, shut it down!
This isn't the news though and its not even in context of what was said. You're either mentally stunted or doing a really odd bit of shitposting.
>This isn't the news though
Because you say so?
>and its not even in context of what was said
He never said anything about bringing it back today. You're looking at what the interviewer said, not what Ryozo said.
if that were the case, they would shut it down closer to the release of the sequel
it makes more sense that the team working on DDO is being shifted to work on the sequel, and not that Capcom doesn't want the two games to compete
And you're being disingenuous about the conversation as a whole. Taking what was said completely out of context and applying it to something else.
The question was straight up about him bringing it back and he answered.
>And you're being disingenuous about the conversation as a whole
You're not reading my posts. Again, you're looking at what the interviewer said, not what Ryozo said. It's called dodging a question you idiot and it happens literally all the time.
Probably because Capcom branch for online game is failed to reach target.
He didn't dodge anything.
Do you need a mod? you brain is leaking all over the floor.
>remakes and dulled down normalfag bait
wow such a great redemption
COG is the branch that developed MHF and DDO, they're left with two mobage games after that if they're not dissolved. Could be a shift in manpower or layoffs, but with how the TW version of the former went out (halfway through an entire update cycle and scrapped the missing monster off the previews) I'd assume they would've had to known about the closures for quite a fucking while.
>He didn't dodge anything.
Not dodging the question would mean that he said "Yes, DD2 will be announced tomorrow". Instead he said "there'll be DD news tomorrow". It's tomorrow already and there's DD news, looks like a dodged question to me.
You're really stubborn, I mean, your mind was already set in stone by claiming "this isn't the news" without any proof.
what if DDO closing down IS the DD news?
MH Explore has shitty decision lately, they really went with "please roll our gacha to play".
Or a "No" answer too.
Lewd male panties.
>dragon's dogma online
Made by capcom
>MH online/frontier
Not made by capcom
No no no no no!
They better be making DD2
Sounds a lot like Frontier, though at least the current armors are actually good. JP Frontier still goes through its usual premium motions with gacha sets on rotation and shitty lotteries with stingy rates, even a Netcafe booster here and there. I mean, they likely already offended their whales with a six month notice of permanent closure, so I don't get why they're just going about the usual. Makes me wonder if the final month of the game would actually have some fun fucking around shenanigans like free Z100 Ravi weapons.
I'm half-surprised the devs didn't do anything new to send off the game on a higher note or at least tried a soft-reset, but there's also a fair deal to fix up.
MHF and DDO are Capcom, MHO was Tencent.
to be honest it wouldn't be too hard for dragon's dogma online. iirc most of the game is client sided, so they'd just need to rework the hub town.
The world itself. It was very fun to explore.
Damn, I just started it like a month ago.
I just got my third pawn and level 60
No, DDO and Frontier is COG, Capcom online dan Smartphone branch.
>they likely already offended their whales
Same thing happen in Explore, when they literally said on update stream that EVERY weapon that previously obtained will became obsolete (including the gacha) by new tier mechanic unless the dev pick one to be buffed by upgrade (Even then the current tier gacha weapon still superior).
They enraged player so hard, the next month update stream only filled by negative comment making the atmosphere heavy.
I think you mean Okami 2.
I wish they'd shut down the entire company instead.
The green text is meant for
>What is DMC5
>What is RE2make
Worse than the original
>What is MHW
Trash that killed MH
>What is the inevitable DD2 that Itsuno is working on
Probably a disappointment.
Well, I suppose Deep Down will certainly never be a thing at all.
Here's your reply.
Let me go to the moon.
Why would you want a zelda clone when DD is on the table.
Capcom is the best dev on the market right now. Prove me wrong.
I think DD would turn out as a better sequel in 2019 than a theoretical Okami 2 but I know Okami 2 won't ever happen so I'm gonna shitpost it.
Okami wasnt really that good anyways.
I just think Okami was one of the weaker "capcom" games.
I don't.
Why do fags care about this when it was nip shit only as is?
bing bing
Okami's pacing was screwed up from stretching everything out. Shaving the game to half the length would've been to its benefit. It approached DK64 tier in terms of mind-numbing repetition.
pigs are so fucking disgusting, I wish I could club that thing on it's head with a hammer but I know it would start screaming louder than a fucking shredder.
I find it funny that Capcom's online games and mobile games are the worst games in the industry in terms of microtransactions and terrible industry practices which all failed while their singleplayer games all did incredible well and have none of those greedy stuff in them.
First of all, you're both retarded.
Ryozo never said there would be DD news tomorrow.
Furthermore the fucking interview was recorded over a week ago.
The interviewer asked about the revival of DD and Ryozo said that he'll "ask about it in tomorrows meeting"
Both of you are wrong and retarded.
Sad, I never got to play this. Was the co-op actually fun? Do you think they'll make it an option in the sequel? I always thought DD would be fun with co-op.
Letting you team up with another arisen and both running around with your pawns sounds like fun.
first DMC5 and then DD2? we dont deserve itsuno
So DD2 will be developed by the DDO team with Itsuno at the helm? And DMC6 will be the DMC5 team with a new director? Or do they completely reshuffle devs for every new project?
there's really no chance they'd make DMC6 without Itsuno, it's his franchise
also, I don't see another Devil May Cry being on the works anytime soon,as I believe Itsuno would rather work on something else for now
most (or at least some) of the people that worked on DMC5 are likely to work on whatever game Itsuno is working next, and it's possible that it's Dragon's Dogma 2 because both Itsuno and the fans have shown interest in it
also, bringing the some of the DDO team to work on it would make sense as well, and this cancelation could be another hint towards the start of the development of DD2
>there's really no chance they'd make DMC6 without Itsuno, it's his franchise.
Its technically Kamiya's franchise, Itsuno has wanted to find a new director since DMC4. Itsuno himself even said that he only views himself as a foster father to DMC.
So DD2 then?
Itsuno has a habit of just taking whoever he wants into his team. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just takes his whole or majority dmc5 team along with him for DD2 and also snipes top talent from like 3 other dev teams within capcom cause he can just do that. He did the same for the original
>He did the same for the original
Actually, the most of Capcom's talent during DD's development was on Resident Evil 6
haven't played 2 hours yet since i got it on sale last christmas on steam, might try a refund
It's not on steam
That's Dragon's Dogma Online, an MMO only released in Japan
it was a mistranslation, sweetie. and the interview was weeks ago, anyway. as was "tomorrow"
>make game exclusive to japan
>it doesnt do well
>scrap it
No thanks. I wouldn't want to give up any part of Okami except for that last boss rush.
how about a 4x speed button for dialogue
you can only refund on the first 14 days after the purchase you retard
Probably going full retard with "LIVE SERVICE GAMES" they are Crapcom for good reasons.
They started giving away golden orbs (the p2w money) as the login bonus, but they removed the loto - as in the main reason to use them.
They're the best dev hands down. Currently and of all time.
>heres the dragons dogma news you were promised by capcom, bros
Honestly they could literally port the entire game to a single player experience (with adjustments to the grindy MMO shit) and it would be fine.
Huge world, huge storyline, new classes and enemies. Everything is already there.
>expanded summoner class
>the west never got to play it
>People that didn't care never got to play it
and why would they if they didn't care about it
Post more.
They made a fun MMO style DDO and kept releasing new content. Now all their time will be transferred to an actual title now.
Batboy lives.
DDON had some people who worked on the original on the team, hopefully they get folded back into capcom
>make mmo
>release it only in japan
>shuts down
Cringe and retardpilled
Who is that character?
as opposed to
>make mmo
>release it worldwide
>shuts down
The same reason why we haven't got a new Elder Scroll mainline title the fucks at Bethesda are making bank on the MMO and they don't want to disrupt their constant cashflow.
Kek imagine sucking this mush Crapcom dick.
Didn't Itsuno say something about some conference today about DD2 in an interview?
What about that?
Good, now we can get an english private server and a new Dragons Dogma.
whenever gameinformer uploads the newest video
Must have been bad seeing as how it is getting shut down.
The series has always been semi-popular shovelware that the japs and weeaboos faggots would just eat up, so jewcom made mad cash by copy-pasting 99% of the monster roster, adding a tiny amount of QoL and maybe one or two more monsters and re-releasing it the hundredth time.
When they actually tried instead of just photocopying the series again, they shat out world which (except for content quantity and difficulty) took a huge dump on all the previous installments and made itself capcom's best selling game of all time.
stop making online only games. When this game shuts down it's gone for good and there will be no way to play it. It's just a fucking waste to throw a game into the trash can.
I briefly played it when it first launched but damn I loved the game and it felt like it was actually already out in english before the big purge happened. we had a channel filled to the brim with english speaking players and capcom being lazy forcing P2P in parties made sure our connections were great.
It had great emotes, AMAZING character creation, badass combat animations, a gorgeous outside world to run around in and even a damn hot spring where you could get lewd with other players.
I just hope it improves DD2 multiplayer.
heres your DD2, bros!
This When Capcom can make a brand new series with the same quality as their recent releases THEN I'll call them Capgod. For now they're just making hyper-westernized versions of things they've done in the past. For RE it's perfect but for DMC and Monster Hunter it lost a little bit of the soul the series had.
Then the Capcom redemption arc ends early.
All the monster designs and the raids. God-tier IMO
Also, actual fucking online playable pawns
I value gameplay. I'm sure your VNs are great though fella.
Am I the only one that's fine if its DDO international/DDO2? I mean DD2 would be fucking amazing, but honestly anything is better than fucking nothing
>and the raids
just not the cancer parts like the boss going fucking nova and killing everyone at the end
>honestly anything is better than fucking nothing
Here's your Dragon's Dogma gacha, bro. Better than nothing, right?
Don't joke like this
or the fucking platforming bullshit to get to his 2nd phase
Yeah those are garbage. I still think DD2 is 100% being developed, especially since Itsuno did say he would work on it once DMC5 is done.
The moment of truth should be today around evening time. Let's hope for the best
will DD2 take place before or after DD1? because either way it's fucked
if it takes place before then it means your arisen WILL either die or become a dragon
if it takes place after then that means dragons are still a thing and the endless chain was "repaired"
maybe they're going to ignore DD1?
>spend money on an online game
>company shuts it down to save a dollar a day from server costs
>money spent never reimbursed and content lost forever
Games as a service is the future, the dystopian future.
Emotes, as silly as it sounds
Especially that one that's just DIO's pose from Jojo part 3
No, DD2 will take place in the fucking moon as it should be
did you ever play the shit? It was awful. a cool setting and some interesting gameplay mechanics marred by horrible overal design and shitty boss mechanics.
Hope you're ready to gamble for swimsuit she-goat.
who cares
I won't believe it 'til I see it but I'm saving up a big NUT for it.
In the beginning that stuff was awful, yeah. There was a pretty sizable backlash and they got rid of the horrendous boss mechanics like the need to dryhump them.
>implying “before” is still part of the same cycle
Not thinking like a seneschal son
If DD2 gets announced, I'll forgive Capcom for MML3
It takes place in another reality, which are infinite.
what the fuck are you talking about?
What if they announce MML3 instead of DD2
What will the new pawn speechlines be? I hope wolves still hunt in packs
really depends what else there is in the world
wasn't there supposed to be elves in the original version of the game?
either way, I hope they continue having your pawns give you little lore dumps when you go into places like the catacombs, really helped with the world building
Hope they give more voice options for pawns. Hate having the same 2-3 selections heard from every pawn.
The game, user.
I'm talking about the game.
You know DD2 never, ever right?
anyone know what the b.b.s stood for?
I forgot what it stands for but it's referring to the asynchronous nature of message boards. It was the inspiration behind the pawn system.
oh ok, neat. thanks fren
Bbs is their name for message board.
Punching shit and turning enemies into gold statue is probably the cloest shit i want
A mage pugilist
You actually thought it wasn't going to be dead? Really? After several years and refusing to answer any questions on it?
I've never got the Overlord stuff
DDO2, which'll hopefully be released internationally this time, let's fucking go.
dragon dogma thread?
guys, i don't know what i'm fucking doing, i've just been doing all these fetch quests, well i don't know where to find skeletons, dire wolves, or snow harpies.
skeletons are in crypts or wander out at night
dire wolves are further north. same with snow harpies
2 of them are outside the initial zone, leave them forma later
yeah, for some reason the skeletons aren't spawning in the crypts for me anymore, only undeads.
>dire wolves
Try looking in packs
a western dev studio was contracted out to make it.
they took down their western studios and kicked out Inafune. After that, we got
>DD interest revival
and now we're gonna have a chance at either DDO universal or DD2 which is highly likely. No other company had a redemption arc this big
This aint 2013 anymore.
yeah, but then dead rising taught them that westerners (and especially canadians) make things worse so they stopped doing it
>Devil May Cry
>niche hardcore audience
They removed the following to cater to WESTERN AUDIENCE
>No Turbo mode
>No reversal after Reversals being in the Demo
>No Guard Flying
>Removed a lot of existing technique from older games
>No Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition planned so playable Vergil is NEVER EVER
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user
>no turbo mode
DMC never had them in vanilla. Only special editions unless you're on PC
>no reversals
There is.
>no guard flying
still exists
>removed a lot of existing techniques from older games
such as?
>No Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition planned so playable Vergil is NEVER EVER
They said that with DMC4 yet here we are. Expect it a title for next-gen
Did you get that from your ass or something?
Just a reminder that Dragon's Dogma had 4 different releases on 6 different consoles/pc, a region locked-mmo, and a fucking ANIME before there has been even a single word confirming the existence of a sequel.
on top of all that, all of this happened after DMC5 finished production. DD2 is absolutely happening
Why put MHW in that list when MH has been capcom's most consistently successful and good series since it started? The only thing world did differently was actually get noticed in the west for once.
How are they gonna make DD2 with RE Engine? I know monster designs will still be great from the looks of DMC5, but what about humans?
isnt tomorrow already over in japan or hasnt it started yet? in regards to the alleged meeting
You know RE Engine is just an updated MTF, right.
MHXX didn't have a western release for years since it did not get a localization until MHW
probably gonna look like those human NPC's in DMC 5's opening cutscene
they're not terrible for literal who's so that's fine
There's no way you're a real DMC fans. I refuse to believe that you're going to attack me with this delusion unless you're one of those weird ones. Because DMCbros stick together unless it's one of those weird ones who will defend anything and everything.
that tree
I know, but the engine has some fucing 50/50 chance of either beautify or goblinafy a character. Their males are great tho
ESO is entirely zenimax themselves. Bethesda has only a minor supervising role to ensure they don't completely destroy the lore.
>if you aren't doomsaying 24/7 you're not a real DMC fan
I'm done with you. Pulled 200 hours with DMC5 and will pull another when the SE version comes out next year, just like DMC4
What I'm getting at is that MHW is always put on these "redemption arc" lists despite the fact that MH as a franchise has never had a drop in quality or hiatus like the other games listed did.
>Their males are great
Only thing that matters.
I know, but they haven't had a localized MH game for 3 years back in 2014-2015 so there was a drought. Another reason MHW is in the lists is because it broke the handheld cycle and it finally came to proper hardware
>but the engine has some fucing 50/50 chance of either beautify or goblinafy a character
that has nothing to do with the games engine but the modellers and texture artists going off the concept artists rendition which is pulled from the creative director
>only 200
I knew it. I knew you were a weird one. Call me when you at least pass 500 hours.
So when is that info supposed to come out today?
which they did anyways.
This fucking guy. Go shit up a dmc thread then faggot were talking about the redemption arc of dragons fucking dogma here
Wouldn't be suprised if they do a DD crossover with MHW, it makes perfect sense.
My DMC post was about western influence. Yours was a DMC post. And now you're telling me to discuss DD in a DD thread? Nice back paddle there kid.
ES is a series that has the Dragon Break the lore consistency has always been a joke.
What would be the most likely monster? I'd say Griffin.