>Co-worker starts trying to talk to you about Jrpgs in front of female co-workers
Co-worker starts trying to talk to you about Jrpgs in front of female co-workers
do you actually work.
>co-worker starts trying to talk to you
co worker tries to talk to you about doing work
Do it you pussy
During the brief week I worked at a warehouse before seeing how shitty the working conditions were and bolting, the manager for my team on break would pull out this big binder of Final Fantasy cards and talk none stop about it.
I was laughing my ass off when some 40 year old came up to the table and said 'aren't you a little old to be playing with panini sticker books.' before going back to his potnoodle.
Unless you're talking about rance, most girls I know like jrpgs more than most game genres, unless you're talking about super normie ones who just play fortnite for the attention
also sneed
>Implying all JRPGs are made for degenerate robot virgins
Fuck off, faggot, you haven't experienced a true JRPG at it's core.
>he doesnt work in a boomer workplace where the average age is 40 and the next older person after you is 10 years older than you are
I'm talking about people who look down on games in general, actual functioning adults. Don't talk about Hyper neptunia, senran whatever around normal people and don't drag us down with you.
>aren't you a little old to be playing with panini sticker books
fucking kek
>Implying that actually happens and you don't just wake up and post on Yea Forums all day and waste your life
>What's your favorite video game?
>Romancing SaGa
>Oh, is that one of those weird Japanese virtual girlfriend games?
>implying NEETS fuck anything that isn’t their hand
>I'm talking about people who look down on games in general, actual functioning adults
What is with Yea Forums's weird worship of normie culture the past few years? Did all the people who memed about going to Yea Forums while not liking video games eventually get taken seriously?
Not only is it dumb, but it's harboring some outdated ideals, even the most basic of normies dont really give a shit about video games anymore
>Worrying about what women think of you, to the point of trying to hide the things you get enjoyment from.
Truly the mark of the beta.
Some games are fine to talk about but Jrpgs are a huge no-no
>not openly discussing hentai with your 40 year old co worker father of 2 in front of girls then proceeding to get the girls phone numbers and never bother texting them
small time
I'm sure they are amazed by you and your love-pillows and hot-gluing your toys.
I work at an amazon picking warehouse wage cage which is about as basic as you can get, and I heard guys and girls talking about the ff7 remake, idk man
Maybe that title is misleading
>No it's a revolutionary JRPG of it's time where you can pick from different characters with different stories, cool right?
>Oh yeah man, that's epic
Unless you work with absolute tards, this is how a conversation would go down.
>QT at work asks me about my favorite games
>She tells me all about her favorite games
>She wants me to watch more anime so we can talk about them
>Seeing Toy Story with her on Saturday
How do I not fuck up?
not him but if youre handsome and charismatic they literally wont give a shit m8, i know thats hard for you to grasp because you are neither of those.
>not getting the co-worker to hook you up with his kids
just b yourself unironically
This. For fuck's sakes, I don't want to fucking network with the other wageslaves. I just want to show up, do my fucking job, and go home knowing I'll get the paycheck I need to survive another few weeks on this god awful planet.
I don't even know how you could fuck this up, just don't bring the poop sock with you.
>like 6 year old boy
>baby girl
i think im alright
FF7 is THE normie Jrpg
If you've already gotten that far, unironically JUST B URSELF
Getting people to notice you is the hard part, you're already past that part which means someone just likes being around you, grats
If I don't want to talk with them I just focus on whatever I'm doing and "uh huh" "mhmm" "thats funny dude" whatever they're saying and it works.
Yeah I'm sure this happens to you regularly in real life.
Delusional. It's quite sad really.
>You engage in said conversation
>Female coworkers join in and discuss their favorite games as well
>lonely and depressed
>Try to talk to coworkers
>Mmhmmm, okay, yeah, alright, gotta get back to work user
>They go back on YouTube.
Fuck dudes. :(
>tfw immigrant and just stop understanding the language when coworkers start dumb conversations with me
Feels good
what do you mean? i had a girl hit on me at work last week and suggest i go out with her and her friends so I dont know if you mean being approached in general or me being a weeb and attracting females? i screwed around with a girl who i watched anime with and also drew porn and sent me hentai. whats your point?
If her favorite game is some basic shit like Animal Crossing or Kingdom Hearts, cut all contact. Avoid her at work, stay at home on Saturday, even get a new job if you have to.
I'm sure those ham-planets are a real catch.
First, you don't talk about your interests unless asked to. There is only one thing more telling of being a loser than hiding what you like, and is being a fucking faggot who won't shut up about it. Again, it shows an unhealthy concern for others liking you or your shit.
Also this, but it is not about being handsome or charismatic. Is about being confident. Women are attracted to confidence over everything else.
So you walked around work with your cum-stained love pillow and all the girls flock to you?
yeah but the confidence thing has a limit, if you're 5'3 and your face is ugly as shit i doubt you'll get very far and confidence will just come across as creepy to them.
>Coworker tells me how much she loved Ivy from Soulcalibur on Dreamcast
>Instructor for my training built the arcade cabinet at my job
>not pre-ordering your future spouse for guaranteed first access
>Every conversation with a female is about sex
>Weebfag "Hey user, do you play games?"
>Say yes and they won't leave you alone and talk shit to you all the time about garbage your not interested in
>Plus they smell like fucking shit
>he's looking for ((catches))
enjoy your skank that will whore herself out on the first opportunity
that wasnt my point, my point is that you can like weeby shit and still attract women. who you are matters than anything. i dont have a love pillow and if i did it certainly wouldnt be cum stained or coming with me to toil.
I actually told someone about my hotglue fetish. I don't know how the subject came up, but we were talking about what kind of porn we wish there was more of. Showed him some pictures. That was fun.
Literally the worst advice you can give on this fucking website.
If it's not then what the fuck are you talking to them for? Trying to become one of their new gay friends?
not him but whats wrong with having standards as long as they arent ridiculous? even if they are its your choice to have them.
>in front of female co-workers
Ask me how I know you are a wimpy beta faggot.
>Showed him some pictures.
>implying 90% of this website isnt normies and chads larping as freaks to gaslight the actual freaks and drive them further down their dark path
>hey girl
>hey user
>hey did you just draw ratatouie there?
>yeah pretty cool right?
>yeah pretty high quality
Actual conversation, now kill yourself.
>Male coworker from another department asks me if he can use my computer during a break.
>Proceeds to unapologetically watch dolphin porn with the rest of us around.
I wish I was joking.
Just for clarification, ya know. Kinda hard to explain otherwise.
unironically /pol/, claim boogieman all you want
Yea Forums's strange passion for defending corporations, worship of "chads" while pretending to be one, and generally trying to look down on it's own board all stems from the election
literally went through this early this year before she ghosted me to date some other guy. hope your date goes well user
i really hope youre just baiting
Literally all I know about Romancing Saga is that the music slaps.
Thank you Mario Romhacks.
It's shit-tier advice for people trying to get a date, which most people asking for advice are on this step
This person is already on a date
just kill her and the other guy bro easy solution
>feds this post is a joke and not meant to call violence to any person/s
no one would ever say that, when is the last time you actually spoke with someone who wasnt family?
Well, you're right on that one, it's got some pretty funky tunes.
And the remake has great new auditions, too bad the artstyle is garbage, but hey, it was worth it.
>I love Earthbound!
>Oh no I just watched a streamer play it.
Every. Single. Person.
That's Pokemon
An unaware normie would 100% say that to a game with fucking "Romancing" in the title
Chances are your version of "talking to people" is incoherent mumbling/weird noises on top of being extremely ugly
Do rehersals in the mirror, ask someone who isn't your mom for advice on looks
Pokemon is a kids game, not a Jrpg
an unaware normie wouldnt even be aware of hentai games.
fed here
whatever you say, David
i applaud your effort user
>kids in class you teach start talking about Fortnite
Yeah, but the Saga part would probably convey the epic story it has, rather than "waifu simulator".
the IRL equivalent of mashing A through NPC dialogue to skip it
I like this meme, mind if I save it?
At least someone tries to talk to you...
Yeah, just like "Booty Quest" or some shit, right?
Or you could just explain to them what the game is so they understand, it’s not hard
you cannot use "saga" to undo the first word. "dating saga" and "panty quest" still sound suspicious as shit
>ITT: basement dwellers with no real life contact trying to explain to you how the real world works
>these same people are self-proclaimed experts on "normie behavior"
>Coworker starts complaining about his kid spending all his pocket money on Fortnite
I feel for the boomers sometimes
I wish it was meme, user.
But user they seen how it works in their animes!
SaGa is the name of the series though, RS is a series inside the series
>Friend tells me how he had to stop his kid buying shit in Fortnite after he let him spend ÂŁ100 on shit
He looks so different with his head shaved.
not the same person
Imagine wasting time making this nonsense image.
But neets are always wasting time
picked up
What's the most embarrassing Jrpg?
>ohnonono the absolute STATE
How do you respond without sounding mad?
You literally can't.
Was Zestiria for me. Could not finish it. What the fuck were they thinking
Report them for toxic behavior
Trannies are legit disgusting but saying this just makes you look like a big bad nazi from teh chans
>have sex
You literally can't fight back against this
>ohnonono the absolute STATE
they wouldn't say this if you weren't already mad, unless they're trolling in which case just safely ignore them
say GG back
the person saying it is retarded, just ignore them
>have sex
see above
>caring about what 3D roasties think about you
are you under 18?
>Co-worker starts talking about the customer who almost bought gummy bears instead of feed and seed
coworker tries to talk about sneed
>friend refers to you by your steam name instead of your real name in front of girls
>invite coworkers home, including one boomer
>when he sees my anime girl figurines he is visibly triggered saying "I didnt expect that"
>say it's just some souvenirs from my time in Japan
Why are normies so sensitive? Is it so difficult to understand people like different things?
You know speaking to people may help relieve you from all that anger. Keeping all that bottled up is not good for you.
4/10 at work won’t stop talking to me about anime and video games. It’s honestly annoying. She is a self-described weeaboo and plays competitive Overwatch and WoW. She also wants my dick real bad but I’m married and even if I weren’t I absolutely would not fuck her.
I also have a female employee who watches normie shows like Nardo, Bleach, and Boku no Pico Academia. She’s cool about it though.
The key is to hide your power level until someone else brings it up.
Yeah it's difficult to understand why a grown man likes figurines of underage girls
It's not "cute', it's degenerate and weird
Standard anime girls? Oppai tiddie statues? Loli? Mecha? Amiibo?
Get her to suck you off at work, that's what the uggos are for
>anime girl figurines
Your creepy anime waifu shit IS offputting outside of this place, you know that right? Everyone thinks so, and if you don't hear it often enough it's just people being polite. Based boomer is just being real with you.
>he has female coworkers
Pretty standard stuff. The most "weird" ones being swimsuit Garupans. Good thing I hid my wall scrolls and my daki before
They aren't going to want to fuck you anyway, OP.
>tfw you're now the female coworker and you get invited out to hang with the bros
Get with the times grandpa.
>his workplace has women
>when I was a neet
>wake up at 5pm, depressed
>now that I'm a wagecuck
>wake up at 5am depressed
in reality, no matter what you do, the ride never ends
at least as a wagecuck you have something that loosely resembles self-respect
>"S'up, niggergamer66"
This is the place where people rationalize jerking off to men, buy Nintendo rehashes annd have anime toys. Selfrespect is not within their cognitive abilities.
At least you get cash to buy sexdolls and all the games you ever want
a lot of people tell me working actually made them happier. assuming your job isn't unnecessarily hard on you it will get you out of the house more, make you less focused on negative thoughts, and you'll feel more satisfied spending money you earned rather than what your parents or uncle sam gave you.
Can a fish describe water it has been living in for all its life?
And, since we live in society...
This. Wageslaves are so self unaware it's insane.
Definitely not for me. I do get out more now but the only difference between my neet days and now is that I have money
>tfw you start hating coworkers and going anti social after u find out there are rats and snitches around ur cubicle
your average person is a rat and a snitch. the sooner you realize this the better
>talking to normalfags
We gonna be stuck 'til I fix the motta.
well at least you have money. just buy booze and drink after you come home. i usually feel pretty good in the morning after i've drunk a bit the night before.
Oh god, it's that guy who steals/lies, and then tries to act like he's the one being wrong.
>coworkers start fucking and sucking
(formerly Sneed's)
>Little brother plays fortnite
>Parents are literal boomers who think if you buy anything online you'll get your identity stolen, won't let him buy anything in game
>Asks me to buy vbucks for his birthday asks for ÂŁ20 worth
>Haven't played it so I ask what they're for
>He's being a little shit and won't give me a straight answer
>Finally says he want a cosmetic in the game
>There's apparently no way to earn them ingame
>A single costume is sold for ÂŁ20
Apparently his friends at give him shit for only using the starting look, most of them have spend a couple hundred on skins and dances.
No wonder microtranactions are still around despite being unpopular, with little shits like that spending fucking hundreds of their parents money on them.
Also what should I get him for his birthday, I don't really want to give tim any money
I was waiting for her to accidentally drop it over the railing. Such a disappointment.
einstein actually had a menial job that allowed him to reflect on math since he was very quick on his work
>getting bullied for not whaling
Man, fuck kids.
Try to find if his taste is salvageable and find a game to gift him that's equivalent or cheaper than a fucking Fortnite skin. Make sure to consult him in detail about it and don't make it a surprise, just straight up tell him if he wants you to buy him a game instead and then try to find something he would like. Maybe that way it will put into perspective that for the same amount of money for a single fucking retarded skin he could instead get an entire game.
Also teach him that whales are braindead, in-game cash shops are a fucking scam, and that his friends are retarded.
Stuff like that is the biggest waste ever. I bought Vbucks for my nephew so he can get the season pass or whatever they're called and told him to save the leftover Vbucks for the next season pass. What did that dumbass do? He bought dances with the leftovers.
>coworker finds the loli manga
I know some stupid kids and even dumber adults who act like this over CS:GO skins.
>tfw I was that guy except I would talk about cuhrayzee and fighting games
I wish it were socially acceptable to actually talk about vidya more.
>want to say hi to the people around me
>hear them start talking about other people when they aren't there
Not worth my time. I am sure they do the same to me.
This, although honestly, working has improved my mental health a lot and helped me to learn how to socialize, even though I still have a long way to go. And at least I'm making money now.
user that's going to the movie here.
Is it really a date? We've done several stuff before together but I wouldn't call it a date. The usual thing that makes it a tell-tale not-date is the subject of paying. All the legitimate dates I've been on I paid for everything; this girl usually takes care of her self though, not that I'm opposed of paying for her or anything.
The girl I have a crush on at work fucking hates me and it's fucking with my mental health something hard even though I've been through this exact ordeal like a million times by now.
Just be yourself and chill. Don't overthink things.
This image has never failed to make wagies seethe
At least you have male coworkers
>video games make more money than the entire movie industry
>somehow still not acceptable to talk about it
I seriously don't get this.
Who gives a fuck if it’s socially acceptable? I wish I had someone at my job to talk to about vidya
Just don't flip out and call Bonnie a whore and you're fine. Maybe it's a date, maybe she just really wants to see Toy Story but not alone.
You don't get bored at work? Shooting the shit is kino
This is often the way that I feel but the guy who talks about vidya is seen as a loser or at least a weirdo and even people who play a lot of vidya from my experience would rather talk about other shit.
Imagine if she bullied you. Imagine if she punched and smacked you about. Imagine one day, she forces you into the staff room and forces you to smell her brapper. Imagine she makes you drink her peepee. Imagine if she takes photos and blackmails you. Imagine if she becomes your dommy mommy. Haha
Kill me, Pete.
Dear god, these people need to be dragging and publicly hanged. They're like a ticking time bomb just stalking and waiting for someone to do something that doesn't fit with their status quo before talking about them behind their backs.
Why would you pretend to be someone you're not? I don't show my powerlevel at work either, but if someone starts talking to me about games I talk about games with them.
They probably already think you’re a loser if you are this insecure about the things you like. Fuck them. Hardly going to feel bad about it when my coworkers think a good time is going clothes shopping or discussing what they watched on tv or netflix
Depends who your co-workers are. I worked in publishing with almost exclusively middle aged women for a couple of years. They were boring as shit to talk to.
Man I fucking wish.
She's incredibly nice and friendly to everyone at work except for me, whom she blatantly ignores. She used to be nice to me but my social anxiety, especially when it comes to women I'm attracted to, made me get all weird whenever she was around, which I think is why she doesn't like me anymore. And whenever I make a mistake, she fucking yells at me and gets genuinely mad and it pisses me off in return.
Literally what the fuck do I even do? She also has a boyfriend.
The key is good coworkers. I had a lot of great friends at my last warehouse job. Before then, and now, things were miserable.
>coworker wants to see your room
maybe if you had some friends at work you wouldn't hate your fucking life so much
>tfw only liked two people at my old job
>sometimes just the three of us would be on shift and the hours would fly by
You can't do anything. She has a boyfriend, you don't sound Chad enough to cuck her away from him and you don't sound like you would really be happy just becoming friends with her, right?
I'm married and I still find myself getting crushes on girls around me, it's all about just getting over that mental hurdle of affection towards someone and them ignoring any other difficulties.
>coworker finds the loli art you drew
>maybe if you had some friends at work you wouldn't hate your fucking life so much
>Making friends at work.
That's a liability, and one that's bound to stab yourself in the back with. Especially with jealous employees. No. There are no real friends at a jobsite, just cogs in the machine. A well learned lesson from my grandfather, who so much as hasn't kept a single tie with any of his job 'friends' since he retired.
Could just confront her about it. Not like she is ever going to like you. Sounds like a stuck up cunt to me. Is she your boss or is she in a higher position, or is she an equal? Either way, I would just retaliate (appropriately). She yells at you, yell your response back at the same pitch.
How old are you? I learned quite fast that women generally don’t like me, so I treat all of them the same (like shit), including the good looking ones. If you put them in their place, they won’t fuck with you. That goes for anyone, really.
Yeah I guess I should just let it go.
Fuck, she's so hot though.
What’s the protocol for asking out a coworker? I’m quitting my job in a few days since I got a better job offer elsewhere.
Why not just fuck them? Post pics of them
get the fuck off my board you fucking normie scum
What is your job?
Post pics of her
just b urself
>Could just confront her about it. Not like she is ever going to like you. Sounds like a stuck up cunt to me. Is she your boss or is she in a higher position, or is she an equal? Either way, I would just retaliate (appropriately). She yells at you, yell your response back at the same pitch.
>How old are you? I learned quite fast that women generally don’t like me, so I treat all of them the same (like shit), including the good looking ones. If you put them in their place, they won’t fuck with you. That goes for anyone, really.
She's in a different position but has no authority over me. And yeah, I've made up my mind that the next time she does it, I'm going to put that bitch in her place. It's so frustrating.
I'm 23 btw.
Fast food. I make the food in the back.
There's the Steam summer sale going on right now, buy him a bunch of shit I guess.
buy him Quake and Doom (1993)
You need to go back shitskin
No wonder your a faggot, fuck off loser.
>fast food
Damn. Yh definitely confront her about it. I was hoping you were going to say that you are in a different line of work. Could’ve at least got some good wank material, even though she’s a bitch.
Being unjustly singled out to be yelled is reportable to HR, at least in my company. Talk with your manager about feeling 'unsafe' with the colleague and get the report sent in. Either a) she'll be fired for being a cunt or b) you or her will get moved to a different department/shift.
Do you actually think I would have pictures of them? Who the fuck has pictures of random co-workers? I'm not a creeper.
I'll call her out on it the next time it happens.
>Talk with your manager about feeling 'unsafe' with the colleague and get the report sent in. Either a) she'll be fired for being a cunt or b) you or her will get moved to a different department/shift.
I mean, I would, but I'm pretty sure they'd take her side because she's been there for way longer and most of the managers like her way more than they like me.
>caring about female co-workers
ghost her if she watches dubbed anime
Girls are gamers too bro.
Whatever you do, don't give him the money. You have to tell him how pathetic his little friends are for buying cosmetics and circlejerking over it.
Dude sports game on tv
Chitei no Nikuya
think of it this way: if you get too depressed while you have a job at least you can afford to buy a gun
>be in middle school
>have fat friend
>we both play WoW
>every time you see him in the hallway he starts loudly talking about his "toon" in WoW while people looked at us funny
To this day I despise people who call their characters toons.
If someone is pursuing further education, that person by definition is not a neet. NEET = gopnik
Working gave me a schedule that I can autistically follow, and ever since then I've been eating better, reading more, and socializing more because I have to maximize the usage of my time off. Plus money is nice I guess, and the work is engaging and non-physically demanding.
based chad thundercock
I know a guy at work who seems completely normal and knowledgable, but every now and then I'll get some clownworld comment from him, like he'll completely misunderstand what a game is about, or he will get the level cap totally wrong, or he'll pronounce Tifa 'tihfah'
>co-workers talk about video games
>it never goes further than mass effect
I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that would know what FF7 is.
>tfw my boomer coworker keeps bringing up FF7 like it's relevant in 2019
>Have somewhat high standards(for the current year) regarding who is and isn’t worth becoming friends/work buddies with
>Standards are apparently too high because I can barely stand anyone I don’t become acquainted with through multiplayer games
>female co-worker starts using MGS memes out of nowhere
That one surprised me
>waiter tries to talk to you about Pokémon while you're eating your meal with friends
>try to become friends with someone
>all they do is ask you to come over and smoke weed and do gay shit
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
Sounds like she kept you waiting huh haha
Co-workers make the job. Having laughs and sharing things is not only good for you, but makes the time pass. Don't try to cope with social anxiety and expect the worse. There's better user...
>falling for the work meme
>Wanting to shit where you eat
Female co-workers aren't women. They're objects of productivity. And even that is questionable.
>gay shit
You need to be more specific user. Unless you actually mean faggotry was afoot
>normalfag coworker brings up vidya out of nowhere
put your arm around her in the theater, kiss her at the end
>Think normalfag coworker has semi competent taste
>When he goes more in depth he talks about nothing but surface level video games like fortnite
Girls like JRPGs more than WRPGs
Based boomer
>had two female coworkers talk about vidya at old job
>one of them talked about how big of a Nintendo fan she was
>tell her I love Metroid
>"What's that?"
>the other would talk about how cool it was that she could 'finally' talk to someone about hardcore video games
>all she ever played was Destiny, CoD, and sports games
I don't know what the fuck I'm expecting honestly.
Key is to work but not too much, aka part time
>wanting to fuck coworkers
>wanting to fuck the middle aged female coworkers that are extremely likely to gossip and start shit
that's just asking for trouble user. best case scenario is absolutely not worth what could happen
>assuming your job isn't unnecessarily hard on you it will get you out of the house more, make you less focused on negative thoughts, and you'll feel more satisfied spending money you earned rather than what your parents or uncle sam gave you.
None of that is true if you're a workaholic to the point that it physically harms you and drives you to a deeper level of depression than just being a NEET. You think those guys addicted to working as hard as they possibly can to the point it destroys their relationships outside of work are really happy because they're getting a paycheck? Of course not, otherwise Japan wouldn't have such a high suicide rate.
but it unironically is relevant
ff7 is one of the few boomer games that you can talk about right now what with the remake happening
>in love with a coworker and fucked it up
Fucking end it Pete.
Even with movies it is really hard to talk about anything that is not Marvel movies.
>Square Enix tries to ply the money from boomers with a remake
If I was working at a job because I cared about my co-workers and not my paycheck at the end of the day, I would be a fool. The jesters in the office called 'friends' don't make the job any better.
>he thinks women can love
you have a tough road ahead of you
>Not fucking them all at the same time and owning all that pussy
your friend is based
>Used to share office with another guy (IT)
>He had his speaker on with radio music
>Months later we find out we're both weebs
>He start putting on those "1 hour epic anime music"
>Lots of traffic in to our office because it's an IT helpdesk
why the fuck is it always shooterfags that think that they're hardcore and "niche gamers"?
I don't even want to talk about weebshit games despite a lot of good ones coming out soon, just give me someone that can talk about something that isn't WoW, Overwatch, or CoD.
>find coworker's loli manga
>tell him that shota > loli
He's still mad at this simple truth.
What's a good job for someone with no skills, no qualifications and generally useless all round?
>a new game is coming out in 2020
at least your coworker is clearly trying user, that's better than what most of the thread has to deal with
Don’t talk unless spoken to at the movies.
That's just how things are. I'm sure there are people out there that only play smartphone garbage yet consider themselves to be hardcore.
>t. butthurt boomer
It's not a new game, it's just a nostalgia based cash-grab. That's why it's not relevant.
The only thing I've heard about it from boomers it that it's going to fuck up their beloved childhood game
>talk to video games to co-worker
>only plays waifu gacha
Yea Forums is in unironically a bunch of spergs constantly projecting their insecurities onto everybody else.
>quitting after a week
that guy on the right is 6'3 for christs sake. If he just trimmed that hair, actually moisturized, and was wearing something nicer than a loose orange shirt he'd look great
Gaming is mainstream activity nowadays
Nobody under 50 is going to give you shit for playing video games
>>had two female coworkers talk about vidya at old job
>>one of them talked about how big of a Nintendo fan she was
>>tell her I love Metroid
>>"What's that?"
she was obviously hiding her power level from you
NEET + Money is the ultimate way of life.
If you're a poor neet with little money then just go wagecuck until you make it.
Just being ourselves.
whos the girl getting railed?
>being this much of a bitch you can't discuss similar interests with other people
you live a life of constant embarrassment for no reason.
Take your hurt sexuality and go.
99% of the time when a similar interest comes up with me and co-worker they always have skin deep knowledge on the subject and its like talking to myspace profile tier person who is like "yeah I loved X growing up" but couldn't name one thing about it despite bringing it up.
I've literally made one friend and it was over cringe shit like Dark Souls because they actually knew shit and we bonded over that garbage pvp.
fucking this
>try to be nice and talk back to the co-worker
>he keeps telling me shit I don't care about
>and what do you do user?
>I play video games
>Oh cool, so I was fucking this Stacy right, and then this [..]
Haha this is me.
Please help.
>you live a life of constant embarrassment for no reason.
Be honest, you wouldn't want to talk to losers like us in real life anyway.
>NEET for several years
>never did anything, decided to get a job
>get a job
>it's even worse than being a NEET
What the fuck is even the purpose to life?
better yourself and then find a better job
Make a cheat sheet for what to say
this is hard to read
He sounds based and you should like a fag
Don't miss the signs
your grandfather was an autistic faggot and so are you
>Female co-worker start trying to talk to you about Jrpgs in front of chad co-workers
This. How can normies care so much about sports?
>Male coworker has a pikachu backpack
>Literally everyone makes fun of him for that simple fact
Normalfags are fickle things.
Why the fuck would a grown man wear a pikachu backpack in public?
Why not? He worked and paid for that.
She most likely thinks you're a fairy, so it's best to just pack it up and leave
I guess he really wants to keep his virginity, huh
>all my coworkers think i hate them because i never initiate conversation
>actually like them, just too autistic to think of anything to talk about
Fuck video games and Yea Forums for stunting my social growth. You guys are the reason I'm a reject.
>my steam name is a synonym for "black guy"
>get called nigger
>hate my coworkers but still converse with them
Don't blame this board for your autism.
>coworker asks when i'm getting a haircut every time i see them
A fellow Brutal Mario enthusiast I see
>people who don't work let alone go outside thinking they have any ground to talk about wage slaves when they're slaves to the government
>Same thing happened to me
>Decide to put it in a hipster man bun
>"Wow user, very strapping!"
user i get it, You can like talking to a girl without having/wanting to fuck her. It doesn't always have to be either ChadFuck or Virgin Beta Orbiter. You can actually just talk to a female without needing to instantly move into dicking them. If that develops later, cool. If it doesn't that's cool too.
>qt christian co-worker tells me she got a DS
>tells me animal crossing is fun and I should play it
>tell her I really like doom
>'oh, I'll check it out'
Can't wait until tomorrow
>zoomer colleague tells everyone about their epic awesome ark base and amazing gf
>and her 2 kids
>and how they get all the pussy
>but only when they buy her stuff and pay the bills
>and they take the kids to there dads on weekends
I stopped talking to humans back in 2015. Never been happier.
Make pics to share with us.
Lanklet and bluepilled.
I have a group that I sit together with and eat lunch with at work
we're all friends now and we hang outside of work regularly
some of them are girls that have nothing to do with vidya and we still talk about it in front of them
>taking work place relationships home
Oh no no no no
>work friendships
That's a MEGA YIKES from me.
we don't actually work together at all, we're all in different divisions in different buildings so you don't even see eachother
that's probably why it works
our team won, well played!
our team lost, these fuckers can't play!
get a job murasaki
imu isn't going to carry your ass forever
>she has favourite game
>she wants to watch anime
You already fucked up
>coworker tries to make ""small"" hours-long talk every day
>not replying or telling him to fuck off would be rude