Long time WoW player here, i'll admit it

Long time WoW player here, i'll admit it..

Buying shadowbringers right now..

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Other urls found in this thread:


>long time wow player
anyone who plays after wotlk is immediately diagnosed with severe brain damage

your opinion, choices, and your thread do not matter, because you are mentally impaired via chronic frontal lobe rot

Pretty much this desu

>new race is humans but fatter
how did this happen


>my pile of garbage is the best!
>nuuh my pile of garbage is better!
MMO players are the lowest scum.

What the fuck is that thing? Kill it with fire.

You play indie games all day, don't you?

>not waiting for classic
>buying chink mmo thats worse than bfa

Why would you play a game about ERP and screenshot archery?

>retail wow player confirmed to have brain damage


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>world of sleepcraft
>final fantasy 14: snorebringers

when are mmo players going to get some taste and/or standards?

>I play games for pretty character models!
Is there a quicker way to out yourself as a gay/tranny?

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>screenshot archery?
long time mmorpg player, wth is screenshot archery?

Most wow players play blood elf for a reason retard

I play Pandaren because I play Monk and I'm autistic in Class / Race combos

>playing after TBC

You are not most people, sperg.

The biggest strength of FFXIV is that class design is 100 times better than nu-wow.

why? what's good about it?
not being ironic. just genuinely thinking about trying XIV but all I hear in this board is hype shitposting with nothing that is actually compelling me to play it

>Playing after vanilla

>playing at all

>if you don't play mmos you must like indieshit

>if I report this poorly made shop enough times it will hook someone

XIV is boring as fuck single player FF with optional online
PVP is fucking atrocious jesus christ


>healing in wow
>have to think about positioning, manage all your cooldowns, look at 29 other players and worry about their positioning, coordinate dispells with the other healers, manage your mana, etc etc

>healing in ffxiv
>uhh just dps i gues
>ohh theres some damage? just pop one of your 50 aoe max heal+shield+regen cooldowns
>ohh btw we took out all the dps spells hope you like spamming broil

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MMOs are just dance dance revolution for people who think waiting for gear to drop is strong gameplay.

idk I played healer in wow too and I just spammed smart heals while using jade lightning on the boss

>long time shit eater here, i'll admit it..
>buying weeb-shit right now..
You are reason why the genre sucks.

Okay, how does that change what I said? I never said this applied to your chink skinner box alone.

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>PVP is fucking atrocious jesus christ
Not the games fault you suck at it

>healing in wow
>walk around the pillar and spam instant casts
>duh is hard guys

No one wants you. FF14 players don't even want each other

>At least enjoyed WoW a bit every now and then
>Now with scaling everything feels like shittier than it was
>Not to mention the flaming train wreck that BFA is
>FF14 is super fucking boring but seems like it could get better but, like, fuck
>Like every other MMO now is doing the stupid scaling shit too

Wish it would stop to be honest

why play video games at all retard

Most class mechanics in FFXIV only work when you're close to max level. You could just read up what your job is like at max, so you'll know if it's more interesting than early on.
Personally I didn't find lvling in FFXIV as bad as most people make it out to be, with both the story and your character advancing constantly, where in WoW only your character is advancing while doing pointless quests.
The post ARR part is pretty terrible though.

Entertainment. Are you literally brain damaged?

>but it's better than modern wow!
that's not a very strong argument

>Orcs — invaders aka peaceful refugees, green BVLLs
>Trolls — Wewuzers.
>Taurens — """"""Peaceful""""" natives
>Undead — H*locaust survivals, trying to destroy civilization.
>Goblins — World (((Bankers))) and smartest manlets
>Belfs — nu-Europeans
>Draenei — le greatest (((refugee))) ally. Know shit in religion of Light.

HOW Blizzard does keep getting away with THAT?

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they are legit the same game. one just has better graphics. ffxiv is boring af to play.


>modern """""mmorpg""""" players fighting over who has the better smelling garbage
>meanwhile classic wow beta is going so well that most of the bugs being reported are just people misremembering things

Remember, you're always welcome home if you ever feel like playing an actual mmorpg.

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Imagine seeing politics everywhere. So glad I'm not mentally ill.

layer 7... asmongold raid group 2 ... home ...

At this point I'm 99% sure they will find the way to fuck up Classic. Like. There's no way nu-Blizzard will get something right, it's impossible.


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>Is a tranny brain damaged
Do you really have to ask?

>classic wow beta already dead after 2 weeks
You can't make this shit up.

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>meanwhile classic wow beta is going so well

>5 year old game is better than 15 year old game in a death spiral

Gee mister who would have thought


One brings shadow, one brings the light.

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>classic is full of zoomers reporting no lfr or quest markers as bugs
>i-its going so well guyz!!!

>classic wow beta is going so well that most of the bugs being reported are just people misremembering things
Not really. The batching and leeway is a shitshow, layering is still there, they will return report button on release. Hopefully we can screech loud enough about at least leeway and batching so they back down like with regional servers.

>Trailer theme is Boss theme
>Main theme is FINAL BOSS theme
Holy fuck. That was some next level shit.

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>Level 74 WHM

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>The batching and leeway is a shitshow
See, this is what im talking about. The biggest issues with the beta are just people insisting that their memory of 15 year old video game are right despite blizzard constantly saying that it's working as intended.

Streamers will contain the absolute worst people to one server, therefore sparing the rest of the playerbase from the worst zoomers. Classic is going to have it's very own containment server that makes every other server better simply by existing.

I know you guys are worried about your games dying, but don't worry, im sure there will always been erprs to keep your favorite modern "mmo" alive.

harsh but true

>Holy fuck. That was some next level shit
ff6 already did it years ago by playing part of dancing mad on the title screen.

Well seeing how most wow players arent trannies but autistic homophobic somewhat racist neckbeards i'd say you're pretty far off the mark


Why is every fucking XIV player obsessed with wow
Why do you even give a shit

I see you've never been to /wowg/ or tranny central as I like to call it

Piano part, or the organ part?

I played on release. It was never that good.

Doing Nazjatar and Mechagon and it started feeling pointless again. Last time it happened was in Cata and that made me quit for all off MoP and WoD and most of Legion. I think this is the end.

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>The biggest issues with the beta are just people insisting that their memory of 15 year old video game are right despite blizzard constantly saying that it's working as intended.
It was there because half of the people
played with fucking dial up, not because it was a design decision. Everyone sane knows that batching is a shitshow, "muh blink gauge" is not an argument and I am sure you will enjoy your time bring sheeped though kick. Same goes for leeway, you no longer need it when you can send packets more than two times per second.

Honestly I couldnt give less of a shit but my YouTube feed is fucking full of Asmongold’s bullshit and I have no idea why since I’ve never watched anything WoW related or any of his garbage.

>Not Interested
>repeat until youtube shuts the fuck up
Surprisingly it's working.

>um actually everyone had 200 ping in 2004
Maybe in your 3rd world shithole but in the 1st world most people could play games like 1.6 and ut just fine. Maybe you're too young to remember but the average person did not play online games with 200 ping.

yep, when you start asking yourself, why i'm even doing this? in a mmo is when they truly die

>3rd world shithole
I wish American internet was that good.

Wow Stormsblood launch trailer was shit compared to shadowbringer

Just wait for classic. BfA is WoD tier (I've played through all expansions) and I'm never going back to retail.

Classic beta is slowing down because people don't want to burn out and already got to experience some of it. Release pop will be very high.

How did Blizzard fuck up Classic? They already made it. Like it was already finished. 15 years ago. How?


They already put it on life support with indian gms

>976 sks on sam
well there goes the memespeed build

crazy son of a bitch

WoW is trash but XIV is also trash.

Fucking trash generic shounenshit


No reason to play ffxiv as long as ffxi private servers exist.

really interesting how quickly arguments went from "classic will kill xiv" to "mmos are for gays" after shadowbringers

Blizzard is trying to pander to their audience using representative identity politics, but they didn't realize that people play MMOs to escape reality

mmos have never been hard

To bad it looks like washed out generic anime shit while you float above the ground. I'll probably die before a decent MMO is ever released again.

This is the most ''''''''''''''epic''''''''''''' WoW fight

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>everyone who doesn't like my game is one person
Is that a bit of cope I detect?

Why are xiv players so obsessed with wow?

Great thread.

Who gives a fuck about WoW?

because it lives rent free in their head since ARR was a wowclone

>be me
>friends wanna get into wow again
>never played past lvl 50
>sounds gay, I'm in
>lvl1-10 nostalgia
>lvl11-20 shenanigans and good time
>40-60 getting kinda repetitive. More mechanics and stuff tho, also bants still exist
>lvl61-uninstall dreadfully boring and annoying redoing of raids and instances for specific items
I never enjoyed "the end game". What level of mindless do you have to be to actually like doing the same crap over and over again for a 0.04% drop chance of a purple chicken mountxr

the only play who bring up nu-wow on Yea Forums are lorefags and xivtrannies

I play it because WoW has pvp and XIV doesnt

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>people play MMOs for the story

For what purpose?

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who are you quoting

XIV has PvP. I won't vouch for it being good, (then again neither is WoW's) but it's there.

I've tried it and it's extremely bad.
WoW has warmode which is enjoyable.

I prefer everything else about XIV though but no pvp is a killer for me.

Some do. Or at least the worldbuilding. WoW shit all over the warcraft universe.

The Lich King won, WoW died in WOTLK

That's too bad, but I know how you feel. There's some content in each game I wish I could get out of the other one, like 14's story and class design or wow's m+ content.

World of Aryan ubermen: fashnilla in 1 month.
Unless you are a human piggy (americuck)


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this is the most garbage falseflag baiti ever saw on Yea Forums

For me the best parts of XIV is the story and the social shit like minigames, multiclassing, housing etc.

Pve is good too but nothing special.
It's not that bad on EU, I spend like 90% of my time gaking people.

FF14 will always be trash.
they did nothing to improve the game since launch.

What the fuck is it doing

>finish msq
>no new dialogue from Unukalhai

Because it took a number of years and WoW killing a dozen MMOs, stagnating the genre completely, but finally WoW is getting fucking mutilated by a game that fucking shits all over it in quality on literally all fronts.
I'm very much enjoying this massacre.

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still better than wow

>playing cuckshit

The game has 15k players on EU servers lmao, only americans play this shit.

story in 14 is dogshit

wow is trash but 14 is more trash

wow is dogshit just like 14

Funny that these threads made to avoid janny by shitting on wow attract the WoWbabs instead

>He thinks Xiv killed wow
WoW killed wow.

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what a shit character

Well EVROPEANS blessed by the FVRIAE EVROPEA only play white man games likes classic wow.

no. FF14 is unresponsive garbage.
its incredible how shit everything feels from movement to menu interactions.

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easily the worst ff character next to lightning

>press ability
>wait 3 seconds
>press another ability

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>caring about classic

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Yea Forums is infested with twitch zoomers

Shhh user, don’t tell him other games don’t have ogcd “weaving” they just press it and the action happens.

You have never played ffxiv.

Muh ogcd tho...

I'm over 30 and have played wow since its release up to cataclysm

I refuse to support shitty blizzard just to replay content I already did

>The absolute way to tell someone hasn't played

you sad ignorant fool, you have like 4-5 timers to weave between the global cooldown and only time to press like 2 of them

>using all your ogcds at once with one macro is better than consistently weaving them in between gcds

Yes, and? Maybe not the "most" epic, but Lich King is a great fight, from lore persepctive and as the final encounter of the expansion (no, Halion doesn't count). It's a long, arduous battle, with very little room for fuckups and a varitety of both personal and raidwide mechanics everyone needs to be aware of.

The intro is too long, and personally I fucking hated the fight as a hunter with constant mana and range problems, and the finale is a pretty meaningless after the first time. It has all the components of a good boss and nothing more, nothing less. I understand this might be difficult for you to understand, but people have different opinions and preferences, and not everything needs to condone to the mold of objectivity that you possess. I don't care for XIV and as such I tend to distance myself from any arguments since ultimately it doesn't matter whether I can change your opinion on the subject or not, nor will giving my own piece of mind without proper understanding of the whole, as it will just come out as a hollow, groundless insult.

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Is dancer fun? I've only mained healer before.

Same, I am just finishing up the original ARR quests. They finally start getting fun after about level 40.

>Your character being responsive and allowing split second second actions?
>it’s better if it an unresponsive shitpile
At least you admit it instead of seething.

Post ARR is torture, but it's worth enduring.

Why can I press only up to 2?
Aren’t they out of the gcd?
As in I can press them whenever?

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Factually wrong. They have added DOZENS of cash shop mounts and hundreds of cash shop cosmetics, neither of which you can buy with Gil despite paying a sub fee.

>expansion doesnt include a sub

>mfw as an XIV chad watching "retail" and "classic" posters bicker ceaselessly even though they're both going to be paying the same sub fee

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>AAR, 50 levels
200~ quests
>Post AAR
240~ quests fuck you waste your time running around doing a fat whole of nothing.

It's alright. Seems pretty boring to me. Though dancing around like an idiot on the battle field and nuking everyone around you as a result is kind of hilarious. I think my favorite dps is probably samurai, but I haven't experimented with many. I'm branching out since they fucked Astro so hard.

Classic players thinking they're somehow fucking over blizzard by playing classic is hilarious

most ebin WoW fight is clearly Ragnaros HC.

>Orcs but standing straight
>Tall trolls
>Purple elves
>Tramp stamp Draeneis
Why is this allowed?

You mean the one that broke several guilds?

Because people will pay for it.

Everything in ARR, both the pre-50 and post-50 content is very good and you'll be doing yourself a huge disservice to rush through it or not pay attention. Talk to everyone between quest stages, focus on characters and worldbuilding, and it'll pay off in the end.

>Legman McGee
>Not classic release c’thun
Haha! buggy boss in the bug dungeon haha!

You can press them whenever, but they have animations, so you can only use the next one after the animation of the first is played and you don't want to clip your GCD.
XIV is designed around this, you have like 10 ogcds or more and many of them directly deal damage, so it would be beyond retarded if you could use all of them at once (and then have nothing to do during the following 2.5s GCDs).

I get their desire to "go home", but it's so bizarre to see them going on and on about sticking it to "retailfags" when they're going to be paying the same sub and will literally be counted as retail subs anyway since Blizzard won't differentiate between the two. They're going to use classic to show shareholders how popular BFA is with players and how many returning subs it got them.

I actually don't understand why classicfags don't just play on private servers, the game's been cracked ages ago so it's the same experiece, there's no layers, lfg or any of that shit, it's free and you can play on local servers with people from your country
why would you pay for an inferior experience when you can get a better one for free

yeah that fucker took like over 500 tries.
my guild tried him decked out in the next raids gear and he was still hell.

Whew dude take your girlpills and dilate

Some of the post ARR is really just entirely pointless. Just look at the fucking moogle primal.

See, in every other mmo that downtime wouldn't exist, you'd simply do your rotation and when you press something it just happens because most mmos aren't console kiddy garbage designed for Japanese school kids who play on ps4

I am basically just ignoring everything that isn't a voiced cutscene, directly after a voiced cutscene or a more animated cutscene. If people are just staring at me blabbing about shit, I am not going to read it. Too much nothing is happening.

huge waste of time and a gigantic drag that will only burn you out.
terrible idea.
the game has way too much useless filler shit in the main stories already.

Such is the way of a blizzard cuck.

Imagine it being 2019 Anno Dominae and still bragging about being a healslut, in any MMO ever.

Imagine being this poor. The base game has a free trial to lvl 35. Just do that if you're new. If you're not, stop being a cheap fuck.

Stay mad, WoW cuck.

Well, every other MMO isn't doing as well as 14 right now :^) but have fun with your korean shit or WoW

sub 1800 brainlet

yeah FF14 is an awful CD capped MMO.
in better games people actually play around pooling resources and other elements, but FF14 is straight up nothing but mashing your rotation from start to finish with zero flavor skills.

really bad game.

This game is shit, literally the same solo shit as wow where you dont have to interact with anyone, just with dogshit asian lore and aesthetic. Literal reddit mmo

Now that they have a huge audience, I wouldn't be surprised if the next patch addresses the shit pvp mode.

>You can press them whenever!!!
>You are just locked to animations!
>Which you have no control over
>And also lock you always for the same time
>And that is while the UI SHOWS you that you can execute the action
>What! It’s responsive dude!!
Why do xivtrannys freak out when you tell them other MMOs ogcds are out of the gcd and usable whenever and they don’t have a concept f weaving because THEY DONT HAVE MORONIC CONSOLE FRIENDLY LOCKS.

classic wow is reddit core

It would be nice if more than 2 dps jobs were viable.

Pressing one button to activate all your ogcds at once would be a lot more console friendly though.

redpill me, Yea Forums

people post screenshot of XIV bars that show dozens of abilities, and at the same time criticize wow for being braindead easy rotations that lack buttons to press. but then I read complaints about XIV combat being inferior to WoW, so which is it?

which game has the better combat?

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XIV is good for reasons like social features, housing, fun stuff to do outside of dungeon and raid spam.

yeah 14 is shit

I don't know about wow but in xiv you have a lot of buttons that you use in the same order every single fight, save for downtime or adjusting to mechanics

shit character

why don't you play them and form your own opinions

ok Yea Forums you've convinced me, i bought ffxiv

what's more fun, machinist or summoner?

XIV has better class design by far, personally I prefer the wotlk design with shorter gcds that have more complex systems to the ogcd based design of XIV, but that's just personal preference. XIVs execution of it's design is great and most complaints about it are from Wowdrones that never played it.

nothing in ARR is good


14 barely has any gameplay

FF14 has more buttons to press but that does not make it a smarter game.
You rarely juggle something like procs or additional resources, you just press the buttons in order. There is no gear that impacts your playstyle.
You also dont have any fun spells that make a difference for the whole raid like Warlock portal, most of the time you are hardlocked into doing DPS as a DPS and Tanking as a Tank with very little true utility.

Now WoW has been purging fun utility skills for a while too but it still offers more fun shit in that regard than FF14.

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neither, they're both bad

Hmm. Maybe that's why pvp isn't a thing. It would require a complete rebalance of the game that would ruin every other class for people that don't even play pvp. The only real solution is a pvp mode with a small set of pvp only skills that could be balanced out. But then it becomes no fun because the game is built around a strong rotation. So effectively you'll probably never get it. Do they have 1v 1 fights? That might be the only option.

Because you always chain them right user?
It’s fine to admit Xiv isn’t responsive the tranny brigade won’t come to your home and rape you for it

You unlock Machinist at 50 so just start with Summoner (Arcanist).

What you're missing here is how WoW players actually play. 95% of them use plugins that handle almost all button presses, rotations, cooldowns, etc. They even have plugins telling them where to move and when in raid content so they, and I mean it here, DONT need to ever actually learn the mechanics. They just go where it tells them.

14 doesn't have that level of plugins, so the players over there are weaving a shitload of off gcd's into whatever fuck-rotation they are doing on their jobs. WoW "could" be as much work as FF14, but in the end the FF14 players are likely playing more actively in combat than a wowbaby since they aren't using assloads of plugins.

I stand by my opinion cause I dropped both MMO's to instead play a 15 year old MUCK


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is this some awful way of justifying the lack of godlike addons in FF14?
pretty pathetic.

nevermind the fact that the FF14 client tells you exactly what you are supposed to do with every boss too.


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Never played wow but some classes genuinely have long action combos and position based abilities. For instance monk. Use an ability and change form opening up new abilities to use. Use one of those and change form again opening up a third set. Keep repeating those steps all while minding that they each do more damage from a specific position relative to the mob. Now also remember that you need to weave in of global cool down skills too. And you also need to keep doing abilities that change form because you get stacks of greased lightning that decrease your global cool down and make weaving in even harder at every level. Some classes are easier than others but it depends on what you're into.

>tfw WHM
>tfw 444 ilvl
>tfw full crit melded
>tfw aflatus crits for 70000
what a feeling

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>ff14 client tells you what you’re supposed to do for boss fights
what the fuck am I reading

>played at release of ARR
>had to use some janky ass 3rd party dmg meter
>results were not 100% accurate but gave you an idea
>every dungeon I was hard carrying the group with my summoner
i'm convinced a lot of XIV players are ex WoW babies that couldn't make it in a raid/mythic guild.

>95% of them use plugins that handle almost all button presses, rotations, cooldowns, etc
Please post your character and your bot nigga.
Only healbot “handles” presses (in reality it makes macros for you and uses them as fake key bindings when Hoover over your healbot ui).

Nice shitpost here’s a (You)

you heard me.
FF14 spells out mechanics all the time.

Machinist is really fun but summoning bahamut to fight for you is equally amazing

>No abilities that make a difference
That's why dancer is required right?

how about gw2 frans

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Play it if you like Final Fantasy, especially 1-5 and 9

>Muh wotlk
this is how you know the poster probably never played the game in the first place, wotlk was fucking shit, it started off with a literal rehashed raid, had the worst 2 raids in the game's history and introduced dungeon queuing among other disasters.
the only reason people have this shit expansion on a pedestal is because of people who wank to the lore but never actually played the game.

The pvp kits are different from the pve stuff so at this point its just a lack of caring or lazyness.

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t. weeb tranny

I dont know about the freshest gimmick class, the game has been completely awful about it for the majority of the time it was out.
And I've seen how other jobs got changed with the newest expansion. They didnt get any cool shit I'm talking about.

the whole lich king story got ruined too because it was all clearly rushed.

WoW is a dying game filled with losers that can’t accept its shit. XIV is the new mmo everyone is flocking to because it looks fun. I picked it up today after I finally dropped WoW for good.

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Your mmo has the same amount of players as destiny 2 right now. Congratulations on your achievement

>literal rehashed raid
user, please stop. it's already been confirmed that literally less than 1% of the community ever stepped foot in naxx. it was perfectly fine to reuse a raid that no one fucking raided, especially when it tied in heavily to the current storyline.

there's a lot of things you can criticize wrath over, but reuse of naxx is just a stupid one.

The worst raid in the games history is Dragon Soul.

True, only zoomers think that it's good.

>grinding fates in kholusia while listening to music

Lich King was literally the best expansion, 12 million subs speaks for itself

>after I finally dropped WoW for good
see you in 9.0
this. people shit on toc, but dragon soul was just terrible.

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so? its still rehashed.
it was absolutely not fine to reuse it especially the way they did it.
WOTLK was pathetic.


Is this the kinobringers thread or the asspained wow baby thread?

People bitch about the Astro changes but I actually like them now that I've had a chance to use it.
>Ability to give anybody a 6% damage increase.
>Ability to give the entire party an 8% damage buff
>Ability to shield and Regen all at once
>Aoe healing and damage for anybody that isn't brain dead and stands in the circle
I'd say these things make a difference if you've ever wiped at 1% remaining.

I just cant get into ff14s combat. It just feels so fucking sluggish.
>i-it gets better 100 hours in
It might but fuck me there is not a chance i can make it that far. i dont know if its lag or just slow or what but holy shit.

>WoW is a dying game filled with losers that can’t accept its shit. XIV is the new mmo everyone is flocking to because it looks fun. I picked it up today after I finally dropped WoW for good.

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I dunno man, the Argus fight had a pretty good feel to it, at least the soundtrack felt good to me.

Organ part.

yes tranny, just consume square enix product. thats better.

Your DPS parsing isn’t “required” nor changes the boss strat to the level warlock portal does.

Yeah I could see that. Personally I'm in it for the story and raiding though so I can hold off on pvp if it means I get more like shb. Hopefully they address it though since I know there are people that want it.

those ARE good tools that the game is lacking across jobs.
if they added more stuff like that across the board I'd have less of a problem with it.

Aside from Activision fucking blizzard? Unironically yes it is.

aren't they synonymous at this point

>Better class design by far
>Scholar exists

Stop lying to people, both games have shit class design

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>that gif
This entire video game series must be purged.

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you know nothing about SE.

I don't understand why WoW just doesn't drop the pretense of being an MMO and become a raid crawler. All content outside the raid is so vapid there's no reason for it to exist except to keep california trannies in work.

They're both bad, stop playing mmos and stop paying subscription fees.

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Get back to the Azerite farming piggies, a rare spawn might pop! Don’t forget to do 20 more world quests for a .05% of getting a titanforged bracer

I don't parse because my dick is still in tact. Doesn't change that when running a raid yesterday that my entire alliance had 3 dps that weren't dancer. The clear time was hilarious.

I'll be comfy in classic wow in August, dilate weeb faggot

as someone with more than 2k hours in both games, wow combat is better by miles, but everything else is worse tho

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the wow babies have been more obnoxious since their patch flopped and kinobringers was a resounding success.


invite to asmon later plz

I know I've liked an immense amount of games from their company, easily in the twenties, and they're remaking fucking Seiken densestu 3.
Opposed to blizzard, where I've liked four fucking games and then they ruined all of them systematically.


>devs literally tell you to unsubscribe after you finish everything

>healing in both
>it's so easy i do it with a dick in my ass AND my mouth at the same time

>remaking a coop game as a single player game

whats the point playing an mmo wehre you don't even interact with players, you can level to max and you probably will without interacting with even 1 player outside of dungeons, and even in dungeons most people just say hi in the beginning and thats all. and the zoomers who play this game shit on modern wow, which has all of the same shit, but at least their worldbuilding is great, unlike that asian generic garbage



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But they do user. Just across healer there are differences in each kit that can focus to a specific gameplay style. Do you want pure healing so nobody ever dies? Do you want damage buffs and healing so the group kills the boss before anyone dies? Or do you want to focus on dealing damage with your group and leave healing to your fairy? Even the difference dps bring along abilities that can be pretty handy in a group. I've saved my group from a wipe a few times on monk thanks to mantra or using second wind on myself to solo the last few percent on a boss. They all have something to bring.


Nothing in arr is good except coil but that’s another story
Do yourself a favor and skip everything until maybe the last 5 quests, do the same with Stormblood

>Fleshing out the combo and combat system to accommodate the change
Get fucked

Only the male version looks good since they rock the sailor/strongman aesthetic


>Xiv virgin game “director”
>Thanku for enjoying gaimu, feer free to reave when you finish all content werr be here when you come backu :)

>WoW chadev team
>What? Polishing? Listen up VIRGIN how about you buy this pig and then fucking buy six tokens? What is that I hear? Yes daddy ion? Thought so faggot. Don’t ever dare disrespect me again

The crystal tower you fucking speed reading faggot.

>ruining the combat system to justify cutting the core coop system
SE deserves to die.

The same people who shit on retail WoW are the same people who regularly play FFXIV and think it's a great game, despite both games being the fucking same.

I'm so tired of mentally addled fuckwits on this board. You're so dedicated to shitting on games yet you can't be assed to actually learn about these games to properly shit on them. You are the epitome of worthlessness.

Neet scum.

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Honestly the only thing better than wow becoming a raid crawler would be it becoming a raid crawler.
With vindictus gameplay



How did wow go from 12m subs to less than 1?
How much of it was the market changing and having more options for players and how much of it was blizzard fuckery
How did blizzard bleed subs slowly over the years without making good changes

Despite its shortcomings (3.2 was terrible desU) wotlk had achieved peak class design, never had as much fun just doigg whatever with my characters in any mmo ever so that made up for it.

>XIV trannies
WoW is so shit they’ll add NPCs to dungeons!!!
In game npc to do dungeons (trust and squads)

>With vindictus gameplay
Damn it i miss it. I don't think i ever got the same thrill as having my party die to Succubus Queen before even the phase change and then having to solo her. I miss my Arisha.

truthpill: it's only wowfags falseflagging and trolling each other, ff14 players are playing the new expansion or ERP as catgirls in their mansions

XIV has no titanforging and stuff making me login daily, it's basically MOP WoW which already makes it's better than WoW now.

>Tell people to unsub
>the madmen actually sub even more

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> it gets good 200 hours in
As an active player, I have no clue how ffxiv gets new players, the early game experience and the first impression of the game is terrible

There's going to be a bleed out from an old game, but blizzard literally don't care about subs, only about money they can make from the cash shop. Their rep contacted bellular and told him to stop talking about players instead talk about quarterly revenue instead since they measure their success by that now.

summoner and scholar share levels so if you get sick of dps dungeon queues then you can always just swap over to scholar

Can someone explain what the fuck was the Twinning. I have no clue about any of it or that final boss.

>wow babies think their game can even compete with the pure, unadultered kino of shadowbringers

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Rent free

>he's actually full blown retarded enough to believe this
man what has blizz done to you poor cucks

I guess it depends on the player. I recently got into it and didn't have any issues. Then again i love reading every quest and all that, was in no hurry to reach "endgame" and still haven't, maybe i'm just getting old but i prefer playing the game in a relaxed manner.

>Tfw I didn’t know about the merger and lost all of my characters
I am salty to this day, so much I refuse to play it.

>not making you log in daily
also insulting to compare the shitpile that is FF14 to the best WoW expansion by far.

Enjoy I guess
Also, please don’t be one of those faggots that gets offended when given advice on how to play properly
We had a surge of those

>tells players to unsub after they are finished with the patch
That's a very cuck thing to do desu


>Time turning up the volume
>Time turning on us always
>No time enough tomorrow
>For turning back to where we began

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Shut up fag you dont even play. Go back "home"

>anyone who plays after wotlk is immediately diagnosed with severe brain damage
I'm diagnosed with terminal illness. I've played since 2005.

How is whm now?

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The fisrt of the worst expacs you mean.

>Posts Jesse Cox
>self acclaimed wow fanboy and youtuber

>how to play properly
I don't really get that but I've had no issues or complaints so far. I do mae sure to read up before trying a new dungeon or trial, don't want to waste anyone's time.

Based Alkaizer.

no that would be TBC.
MoP still best.

best damage, ok healing

It's not like the warcraft lore was very well established anyway.

>just fucking have to spam aero and broil over and over
fucking stupid

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NINbros are we still any good

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Does tank levels of damage, 50% more than other two healers.

just compare both games highest tier content and warcraftlogs/fflogs. ffxiv has objectively higher apm than wow despite the slower gcd and optimizing ffxiv ultimate fights are more complex than optimizing wow mythic fights where you got addons to handhold you for 15-20 minutes.

>WoW is a dying game filled with losers that can’t accept its shit
Sounds like every game ever at one point as long as you have a negative attitude towards it.

If you're playing an MMO for combat you've picked the wrong genre

You can do that side quest literally any time

>people talk about XIV story being the biggest selling point
>mfw trying to understand why anyone would pay monthly for something you've completed in a week or two
if the combat is shit, what reason do you have to keep subbed?

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literally only brought along for TA again

>XIV is the new mmo everyone is flocking to because it looks fun.
How this can be the case when the gameplay hasn't changed almost a bit the last time I played since release of the re-iteration of 14 is beyond me.

WoW PVE became shit when they started tuning raid mechanics based on the assumption that everyone uses DBM and third party tools to play.

>a rare spawn might pop!
You're out of touch with the game.

what do you play an MMO for?
remember this is Yea Forums, so i'm ready to call you a nigger faggot if your response is something related to RP or sims garbage.

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Is it acceptable to play a lion boy one or do I stay on my cute human?

>devs literally tell you to unsubscribe after you finish everything
I did. And I never came back.

You could easily raid mythic/heroic without log in daily in MOP but with legion/bfa you lose a lot of power compared to other people if you don't farm your heart/artifact power.
Besides I never said XIV is better than MOP or anything, it's by far my favorite expansion and it has amazing class design compared to XIV.

you lose your player housing if you don't stay subbed

because you're a low level scrub that only does DF tutorial content

>lion boy
If you're a fag you can play hrothgar yeah

Kinda funny looking through this thread seeing people defend 2 awful games that hardly passes as MMORPG.

Fucking retards

it's okay to unsub.

Can you still play for free up to lvl 35 in FFXIV? I remember I used my 14 day trial back then, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to try it out again

it has persistent worlds so they are MMOs.

now what aren't MMOs are dragons dogma online and PSO2, those retards that call those MMOs should be shot since they lack persistent worlds and things are heavily peer to peer.

I was a level 50 white mage at one point, but I think that could be considered lower level these days. I don't know what the current cap is.

Strong muscular men in dresses are ancient god tier taste

I used up the 14 day trial too but then I just made a new account and leveled up to 35 with the free version, I'm subbed now though


Wrath babies are hilarious when they talk about how Cataclysm ruined WoW when the whole MMORPG aspects of it was being butchered during wrath

>WOLTK > Murderer
>Cataclysm > Coffin

the game considers all players "new" and give them a new player icon until they reach level 70 and completed stormblood now.

this might be a dumb question but i'm supposed to save 3 feathers for tech step/ devilment right?

go away metaslave raidtranny

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I wonder if their support could help me with this, because I don't want to use a different email

it was being butchered during tbc
vanilla is the only true MMO experience WoW has experienced

I don't? I'm speaking from past experience

It's really no contest at this point.
FFXIV has japanese voice-over, which makes it infinitely superior to WoW, which lacks one.

Funny how Classic is going to crush both in popularity
We are all going home bros

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I started playing ff14 almost a week ago and so far I’m having a blast. I’ve been a WoW player since the early days of vanilla and I’m pleased to say I have moved on. I haven’t felt this way about a game in a long time. The feeling of always wanting to hop on and play as much as possible is amazing. I haven’t felt like this since wrath of the lich king days. I’m playing a lancer and just having a grand ole time. I’m so glad I decided to give this game a chance. If anyone has any crucial tips for a new player I’d love to hear it. I’m a level 28 lancer at the moment. I can’t wait to get to experience the end game.

I might get back to the game sometime, but I will probably not play White Mage again. Paladin would be cool.

I'm mostly striaght..

Can I play this without watching anime during my free time?

If WoW's voiceover isn't bongnese ear-aids, then I can overlook the lack of JP voiceover.

I love it when to developers throw shit at each others.

straight people don't play male characters



make sure you always stand at the edge of the platform when using your skills, that's what every good dragoon does

Not gonna lie that whole meol reveal was predictable as fuck. I called it as soon as I saw them handing it out early in the game.

Yes, but watching it will enhance the experience

The two gigantic mistakes Wrath made (and all following xpacs made worse) was to have a semblant of an overarching story and make previous raid tiers irrelevant the second a new one releases.

what server do you play on?

>playing MMOs in the year of our lord 2019

Lmao. Most people play their own gender. Male Shep was the most popular by a good margin

you should have two monitors already. one with game open, the other with Yea Forums or google open. makes life so much easier for lots of games.

I do

It's the opposite, most people play what they want to fuck

Because male shep looks good and any male in XIV besides a boring hyur looks like shit.

The thing with XIV is that it's a game that pays off and builds up hype through the roof if you stick with it.
The story is legit really good, competing with most of the best numbered FF titles, however you need to stick with it, as it starts really slow building up the world. This wasn't a problem when it launched, since you could take small steps with no rush, but now I guess the journey is quite long, so at this moment, you play this game for the story, knowing that it gets really good with each patch all the way to the end.
Gameplay wise is the same, the devs keep improving on the gameplay based on people's feedback/comments, it's like the opposite of what WoW does, but same as a the story, you need to progress through it to unlock your skills and get a full rotation that feels cohesive and not just random button presses.
Music wise as well, they give the main composer a lot liberties to try different genres of music tracks that really pays off, the dude is just a genius when it comes to music and he just keeps getting better and better tracks.

I would recommend you to play the free trial, it reaches up to lv35, mind that as I said, the start is painfully slow and the story is boring for a while, so judge it like this, if by lv35 you don't like the areas, music or are at least a little bit interested in the world at all and legit hate them and can't stomach it anymore, then it's not for you, because the rest of the game builds up on this and makes it a lot better in each aspect but in the end, everything will have the same "feeling" as those areas, gameplay becomes a lot faster paced and story has a lot of twists, but ultimately if you don't like being there, then nothing can be done about it.

Nothing in FFXIV is even close to being as challenging as HM LK 25, and that's not even the hardest fight in the game's history


Says the Final Fantasy XIV player...

the other mistake was designing dungeons to be AoE spamfests. before wrath, dungeons relied heavily on crowd control and communication. but since they had to implement the Looking For Dungeon tool they had to dumb down dungeons so any random low geared player and composition can beat it.

It's factually not though in every poll I've every seen. You're projecting your desires onto others. I miss when we bullied men for playing as girls.
Whatever you say gayboi.

>if the combat is shit, what reason do you have to keep subbed?
With WoW's inferior combat the question is better suited towards people who play that game.

no don't fuckin pretend
XIV's pvp is garbage and might as well not even be in the game.
WoW's pvp is probably the best class based hotkey MMO pvp out there.
In general WoW feels infinitely better to play

>ok healing
but user, you can solo heal titania and innocence ex as WHM

>Most people play their own gender.
They do it if they want to roleplay. Otherwise, they just pick what they think looks good.

Also when it came to Mass Effect, it had romance and you could get your waifu.

Incredibly ironic post coming from the male character player (this means you want to fuck dudes)

the fight is easy as hell if you got DBM installed to spoonfeed you every mechanic by the second.

>no arguments

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You are trolling right?
You where so bad you needed heavy CC?

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several generations after the Black Rose holocaust Garlond Ironworks try to find a way to undo it; to that end he uses your experience in time travel (Alex raids), space manipulation (Omega raids) and world hopping (World of Darkness) to teleport the crystal tower to the First and unfuck it before the Rejoining. The Tycoon is a man made timelord like Alex, probably to assist in the time travel part of the plan.

FF14 and wow are the SAME FUCKING GAME

What's funny is that you think this is somehow exclusive to world of warcraft

>10k more players than xiv

I wish there were more games with healing like GW1's.

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While it was a downgrade from BC, wotlk was the last good expansion where it was worth playing. The ICC finale was nice although I didn't like things like ToC. Ulduar was really well done and nothing in the newest expansion can top it.

Plus they proved they could achieve a good flying focused map and is referenced time and time again when anyone tries to say flying makes everything boring.


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in heroic MT you needed to CC the 5 man gank squad or else they gang up on your healer since their aggro table doesn't work like normal.

if this was a WOTLK fight then you would gather them all up and AOE them down.

ya its the same game, probably the same devs too.

not really. WoW caters to zoomers, FFXIV caters to boomers. I mean fuck WoW encourages you to skip the game by including a boost with the game and shoves a cash shop menu in your face at the character select screen like its a smartphone game.

Weebs are genuinely retarded, user.
That's the only explanation really needed.

They actually think the bottom-tier story of any FF is worth paying $15/month for and regularly praising.

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ok, 14fags

how good is 14?
lemme tell you this, last time i played was the FIRST release of 14.

>active characters 270,000

so its dead?

It's now a wow clone but also a singleplayer game
14 is peak zoomer, it's literally a console game

This isn't layering. This used to happen in vanilla.
Mobs phase out if you kite them between zones.

Tell me more about Jaina getting Orc'd, now that's a story.

>FFXIV caters to boomers
How? It also has level skip and is all about endgame bullshit with the same tired roles, mechanics, and stat inflation as WoW.

Yeah I'm sure the fight was easy if you waited until the full ICC buff kicked in and everyone else had cleared it and released DBM plugins for it and weak aura scripts.

That's pure revisionist shit dude, the fight was challenging, it was a massive gear and skill check. It didn't go down for almost 4 months after the raid released.

Everything in FFXIV dies in 2 weeks tops and no one even needs to be good at the game because it's designed to be played with a controller and bad reaction times.

depends on what aspects you're referring to

everyone in WoW has like 10 different alts to play different classes so the numbers for WoW are hyper-inflated.

Meanwhile you can play 17 classes in FFXIV on one character and there's no point to alts for gameplay because of the MSQ and bonuses.

>FFXIV "All characters" include everyone from level 1 to 80, active characters include people who have done a level 70 quest that appears early on in the new content when the cap is level 80
>WoW "Total Characters" only includes characters which are in guilds and passed most of the newer content to reach max level
You're supposed to keep things as equal as possible when you compare them.

How is it that a game that had loading screens and came out more than a decade STILL blows every other MMO experience out of the water? Fuck, two still goddamn hurts.

Fuck you nigger I kited mobs to capital cities all the time.

do raids and shit have DIFFICULTY or is it WoW shit of stay out of the puddle.

Even under those conditions, WoW is still struggling to beat FFXIV in terms of active high level players.

No they aren’t!
In XIV you buy store mounts and glams to show off while you dilate and in wow you buy mounts because otherwise Ion will break your legs.

why do we kill him tho if he is one of the needed parts for the travel

More like Simon says, ground flashes with indicator, you move out of it. Player gets arrows on them, you stack on them

what zoomer do you know loves reading 2 books worth of lore or enjoys slow paced combat instead of ADHD combat

It's a console game for weebs, where 80% of the players play it for the cringe-tier story.

I'm not exaggerating anything, either.

t. Absolute shit tank

>the edge is calling tonight

I wouldn't say it's difficult, it's just a dance you have to learn, the harder part is having the other 7 mouthbreathers not fuck up

People keep mentionning that XIVs combat is bad and I'm kind of the same mind but the thing I hate the most about it is that it would be really fucking good if they fixed their awful, awfull engine and netcode.
There's just no impact on any ability, say what you will about WoW (it's fucking awful tbdesu) but it feels good to just press a button and see the game react instantly to it and have big numbers pop on your screen. In XIV everything feels delayed by 0.2sec, the health bars feel like they take years to deplete/be restored even with perfect ping, it's baffling that DoTs and HoTs are STILL tied to server pings (???????????) . And that's in addition to everything being tied to animations, you can walk 0.5 seconds before your spell stops casting and it'll still cast so when you move your character around its like piloting a bloody roomba or something, it's embarassing that DRG jumps and NIN dash work the way they do like nips have no fucking idea whan an Y axis is. I mean it has all the good ingredients to make a great combat, classes are generally well designed but it lacks all that crisp that make vidya combat satisfying.

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DBM plugins were out on day 1 because of the PTR, the fight was a joke mechanically. the only wall was gearing up and finding competent people to raid with at a specific schedule.

wow player here

i can not get along with the hideous UI of FF14 or the god damn weeabo looking races of this game

help i really enjoy the SP FF games but this one really looks like some generic weeabo grindmo

>WoW's pvp is probably the best class based hotkey MMO pvp out there.

>thinking rptrannies dont have 2 dozen different oc characters

WoW did more damage to WoW itself than XIV could ever do. In fact I'd say XIV benefited heavily from BFA. It has been said for like a decade that the only thing to kill WoW is WoW itself and that's exactly what happened.

Shadowbringers is by far the best XIV expansion and it could not have come at a better time for SE so they could reap the benefits that blizzard gleefully handed out.

Male Elezwn and catbois are fine desu.

Everyone shut up and post tummies

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The same zoomers who enjoy visual novels because that's what 14 is, a glorified visual novel for social retards who get triggered by other players
The perfect zoomer mmo

>wow clone

Brownies are working on it 24/7 making sure its the shittiest of quality

Of course


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define DIFFICULTY, like you if you get hit you die instantly like in dark souls

>giant strongfat males
>frumpy lardass bloated corpse females
It's not fair

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>all the 2h weilding classes are tanks
who in his right mind thought this would be good!?

im never gonna have a house

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I dont see the issue, DK mains have actual brain damage and can't stop ook ook tunneling healer?
Yeah pack spirit was dumb but the bigger issue is that you can be a literal mongoloid player and by picking DK you get a 500 rating boost

if this game's ui is hideous then wow must be your mother tier

what in the goddamn

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I think it's funny whenever ninjas use assassinate and just jump into outer space

what's your favorite game by chance

While BC was too unbalanced to appreciate instanced PvP, WotLK had pretty good PvP honestly, don't think I ever had more fun doing BGs and arenas in a MMO (except at the beginning when DKs were still fucking retarded). Though I'd not touch that nu-wow trash you linked with a 10 foot pole.

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ya, pvp is pretty broken right now

Yes it has changed, the devs learn and try to improve on mechanics and the overall feel of the game, they even accepted that lv1-50 is trash and are working to correct it, but it's not their priority right now.
For example, you can't compare ARR boss to Stormblood boss, you get a lot more skills that can be be use instantly, meaning bosses throw more shit at you and mechanics need to be done faster.

at least wows ui look crisp and somewhat, well, fleshed out if you know what i mean
this one just looks bland, the minimap even a bit bigger is so low res ( yes i use 4k size)

but i could get over that if the races looked like final fantasy and not some generic japanese mmo...

I love how FFXIV makes current and former WoW players seethe. They are so deluded that they go as far as calling a 400+ hour story MMO "a game for zoomers", nigga a zoomer doesn't play the same game for more than 3 hours because of their short attention span let alone one that's based on story instead of "INSTANT ACTION OPEN WORLD SURVIVAL CRAFTING PVP"

>yoshi p on fanfest : white mage is easier to play
>release : WHM is almost the same as it was
Did he honestly think that the players gave a fuck about managing lilies?

The only thing they made easier was to reduce my 6 dot refreshes a minute to 2.

only cowards need a shield

I have both and you cant really compare the two because they feel nothing alike
Stop being a queer

why even bother at that point

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They're supposed to be pseudo-Vrykyl tho


well sure but all i wanted is a damage dealer class with the gunblade or the axe guy should also be dd because

>wrath had pretty good PvP
t. DK or retnigger
Mid Cata PvP was far far better. Before every rogue got their retard daggers but after launch tuning was fixed was good

I feel you.
Honestly what annoys me greatly is the
>It’s for consoles :)
When consoles have the major share in the 2 other games where ping is hyper important after QUAKE, fighting and action/beaten up/cuhhraze games (idk how you call em).
It fucking makes me seethe that when you mention wowfugees and xivdrones go full defensive retard.

Hmm, hard to say, probably Nier or Kotor 2, why?

fucking hell, blizzard

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no, like, you have to fucking think during a fight and as a tank or healer, DO YOUR ROLE PERFECTLY.

Yoshinoya is pretty good, but I prefer Sukiya.

I was playing Priest and Hunter mainly.
Didn't play much Cata so I can't speak of experience but it looked pretty decent too. When I came back with WoD the classes were so absolutely butchered that I quit instantly.

>when you find out that world of warcraft raiders can't even do their content without an addon holding their hand

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>generic weebshit anywhere near the top of your list
consider suicide

>XIV won
it's more correct to say that wow lost and everyone else won by default
ff14 is still trash, it's just wow has turned itself into worse trash
8.2 has a few good ideas but not enough to save bfa
next expansion could salvage it if classic does well and inspires different design philosophy though

automata or the original

>>generic weebshit anywhere near the top of your list
you mean FF 14?

I'm calling bullshit on your post, you can't say you play single player FF but hate weeaboo aesthetic of XIV, they are the same.
Also just because there are cat people doesn't mean you have to look like that, there are lot of face options to choose from, you can transmog your shit even.

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It's all smoke and mirrors. I've been playing Shadowniggers as PLD and I really only have 1 single target combo, one aoe combo, and one combo that applies a DoT. Everything else is some kind of defensive CD that I dont even have to use most of the time if the healer isnt retarded.

Wow endgame sucks but at least all my buttons feel necessary.

it's not fucking hard at all. The classes are hilariously easy to play and have not even a drop of complexity. The boss mechanics can be hard but they use addons to help them play. Literally giant text flashes on the screen telling them what to do and counts down to hen mechanics are going to happen

Original, I mean I really liked automata but the first one holds a special place in my heart
>Kotor 2
>Weeb shit

most people use dbm because it's useful, not because it's necessary
you can get by just fine in mythic progression with a few weakauras. most bosses telegraph plenty easily if you're paying attention.
nice pic btw


>fail tank swap in seiryu ex, everyone dies
>fail heal check in seiryu ex, everyone dies
>fail dps check in seiryu ex, everyone dies

As always ulduar fags circlejerking when they havent touched a raid since then.
Every raider on the planet agrees MoP raids were peak

>but hate weeaboo aesthetic of XIV, they are the same.
they sure are not the same user, those horned fucks look like generic TERA classes, humans might look final fantasy-ish but thats about it

idk why youre projecting, I just come into this thread to remind both WoW and XIVfags their games are shit.
So is nier you stupid weeb
There wasn't a single good idea in 8.2 and the entire reward and progression system is still fucked beyond redemption

>women aren't in bikini armor
>actual day night cycle
>heavens actually move
how will blizzdrones recover?

The recent expansion is one of the best Final Fantasy games of the last 15+ years.

What warframe is this?

Sounds like you got carried m8

Yeah, all they really have to do is the level squish, bring back talent trees, remove level scaling, fix the noodly animations, unprune the the classes, and redesign every zone.

They killed my boy.

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>Is there a quicker way to out yourself as a gay/tranny?
yea, by playing FF14

"difficulty" in raiding is a meme because you will always be dragged down by the most retarded member of your group by design

you're just talking about a different kind of difficulty. you're shitting on situational awareness and emphasizing rotational optimization. it doesn't matter though because the retard who does it wrong is going to drag you down in either case.

I don't know how you can like the original when it's more boring than FFXIV, it got low reviews from critics and players for a good reason.

Oh, and get rid of the current personal loot system and everything now being a random loot box.
Probably would help to bring back real tier sets and set bonuses too.
A bunch of other things as well, I'm sure they can do it

>most people use dbm because it's useful, not because it's necessary
literally every single world first video has the fucking addon
meanwhile in ffxiv you actually have to memorize the mechanics and react to them based on what happens in the fight. You know like every other video game in existence.

Imagine wow fags trying to do something like King Moogle without an addon holding their hand

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>women aren't in bikini armor

if they were in bikini armor that would be a plus for it, you fag.

invite to asmon layer

when will they add the ShB pvp gear?

why are 70% FF14 players trannies?

You're right I didn't play during MoP, that's why I directly compared it to BFA, the expansion I tried for over 6 months before getting sick of the RNG gearing process and weekly chests of nothing.
The class design I seen in MoP at the time did seem to completely peak then though. After that the class designers got lazy, clearly.

so youre just in this thread to shit on everyone? go away


You'd have a point if the armor didn't have gay LEDs on it

Yes I'm aware its magitech

imagine being this much of a zoomer

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why do the first levels drag on SO FREAKING MUCH

is it true that one character can be every class?

>level squish
it sounds like it's going to happen
>talent trees
probably won't happen, but you might see more talent-like things like the essence system in 8.2
>remove level scaling
probably won't happen because most people playing don't acknowledge it as a problem
>class pruning
they've acknowledged they went too far with pruning and stated their intent to backpedal in some of their most recent developer talks
>redesign every zone
desu if i got uncorrupted vale back i'd call it a win

Because the combat was fun and the story was actually good? The entire plot of 14 was utterly horrendous, honestly shadowbringers was the first time SE managed to shit out something half decent in the game. It's really just an all around below average game

i mean that armor is pretty much a meme yeah

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Healing in WoW fucking sucks.
>Stack entire raid group in 1 spot
>Cast Area of Effect healing spell
>It heals 4 people out of the 20 players standing still

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He didn't say they don't exist but people rarely use it.

I cleared every extreme primals and most of savage without ever touching DBM type of plugins.

you can but they start at level 1, except dark knight, red mage, astrologian, gunbreaker, dancer and maybe samurai? but I'm not sure I haven't played samurai

>links an armor set from 2004

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Yes, this is one of the huge advantages over WoW honestly

You don't have to start over from scratch every time you want to try something different. You can even save your favorite gear from leveling to use later on different classes. P cool

samurai is 50 year

thanks user, i do need shadowbringer for gunblade right

can i play "solo-ish" like explore and shit, my own fainal fantasy adventure?

>literally every single world first video has the fucking addon
because it's useful, not because it's necessary
if you are doing competitive world first progression, of course you're going to want every advantage available to you
that doesn't mean it's necessary. you can totally raid without it. one of my irc mates with multiple cutting edge achievements raided without dbm. he didn't get world firsts but clearing mythic is still more than 99% of the playerbase accomplishes.
i use a boss mod myself because i don't see any reason not to, but i have absolutely raided without it before, whether because it wasn't working right or because i was playing on a new install after my hard drive died.

So what would Emet Selch's plan for you have been had your soul been able to handle all that light?

Blizzard literally no longer knows how to design zones for natural progression, they could not remove level scaling even if they wanted to.
At this point leveling being so bad is a plus to them since they sell so many character boosts anyways.
Not that they know how to do level scaling either, being stronger at 110 in blues compared to 120 in epics for example.

You'll still run into people yes but you don't need to group up unless you are doing dungeons, trials, hunts, etc.

because your first class will take much longer to level than your alt class.

Not exactly disagreeing here, user, but when DBM was first conceived, WoW's player alert system was so trash that there was no reasonable way to even react to things. That is what DBM provided: an easy way for everyone to know who the living bomb was and so forth.

Ironically, its invention made Blizzard realize they never had to fix their worthless UI because addon developers would do it for them.

Tbh this game is a single player game with optional online content lmao

god damnnnnnn also male clothing looks so feminine...

i mean, he was gonna heal himself anyway
just removing the needless busywork :^)

Dungeons and trials require playing with others, but the game has a good dutyfinder for that, and otherwise you can play completely solo

>wow has no housing, no social games, no customization
Why even bother? Its barely an mmo

What is the highest dps ranged class in shadowbringers

Have sex unironically


>because it's useful, not because it's necessary
if everyone is using it to the point where Blizzard is actively designing raid mechanics around the assumption that everyone is using the addon then that sounds pretty necessary. if it wasn't necessary then guilds wouldn't outright demand it.

swtor, from a solo standpoint, has a way better story also voiced

All I'm saying is that wow raiders rely on it and it trivializes the content. Like we are discussing difficulty and if you use an addon that literally handles mechanics for you it makes it easier. LIke it even tells you how to respond to each individual mechanic

Meanwhile in xiv

this is a pretty summerfag post

anime and hrt rot the brain

>open video
>mc player is standing in an AoE for like 8 seconds
>only lost half their health
maybe if XIV didn't have incredibly lenient reaction times you would have a point.
Here's a real fight

If HW and ShB weren't a thing, I'd agree.

WoW lacks the proper warning systems of other MMOs since they rely on people to make mods that do it instead of developing a functional UI.

Would've offered you to join him.
If you refused, he'd just try to kill you instead.

Did you even play modern wow you fucking dumbass, most fight are tuned around dbm so they can't be memorized because you have tons of random elements that a addon can't tell you.

I'm kinda new to pop so what's going on here? Healing from enchants or Azerite traits or what?

but dude those epic raids, those dopamine pumping slot machine rolls on stats, the open world!!!

They all look weeaboo user, don't fool yourself, also just because other people want to look like that doesn't mean you have to, just look like whatever you want

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i agree that blizzard shouldn't be designing content around it. it ends up with them designing content that's needlessly complex because they just assume you'll have a boss mod.
as far as guilds demanding it, most of them don't bother checking. if they do, you can just spoof the checks or find a better guild.

i don't disagree that a lot of people rely on it, i'm just saying it's entirely possible to do all the content in the game without it.

holy shit you can use any exterior in any housing district now

What do you wanna bet that his friend who you are the reincarnation of was one of the Hydaelyn summoners?

user those are player AoE's

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you have to do dungeons, if you're a dps that means that you'll have to sit in queue for half an hour to get into a party, queues are instant for tanks and healers though but with tanks you kind of have to know what to do and the only healer you can start with is white mage
bar that my best recommendation is starting with arcanist, at 30 you can unlock summoner which is a dps and scholar which is a healer and they share levels, it's also in general a pretty self sufficient job, you have a pet, you have heals, you can pull groups of mobs, so it's generally very beginner friendly

why does WoW need a giant text to flash on your screen when a mechanic happens and why can't it be like FFXIV where you can tell whats happening just by animations and spell effects instead of reading text. like compare tankbusters in WoW and FFXIV, the tankbusters in WoW look like the boss is auto attacking visually and the only way you would know is if an addon warns you to get ready for it. meanwhile in FFXIV you know its happening not because of a addon, warning sound effect, or flashing text. you know it's happening because you can see a big fucking attack coming.

>video is 20 mins long

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>the green pool that the narrator explicitly states is part of the mindcontrol mechanic is a player AoE
maybe you should learn the mechanics yourself sweetie

>wrath of the lich king pvp wont come back
>you will never instantly kill people just because you have a great raid weapon
i hear MOP pvp was great and fun is that true?

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Like I said, they are lazy and offload their work onto the modders.

it all comes down to bad design. The devs can't be bothered to actually animate them. A shit ton of bosses in wow are just normal mobs with normal animations scaled to be be bigger

Just imagine the smell in there goddamn

no idea but you can try it out
i'm playing on tauri right now

This is the same difficulty as mythic if not easier.
Prove me wrong.

It was the last decently fun PvP even though everything was really dumbed down at this point.

Because Wow is still running on an engine with animations from 2000 and fucking 4

FFXIV has spectacle that wow will never be able to reach without a new game altogether, which is why DBM is usually required by guilds.

it might be the same difficulty but they don't use addons

>parsing my lv 20 chocobo at level 80
>2.5k+ dps
Wow, my bird is doing more than most players did back on heavensward.

Yet WoW combat always felt better.
PS4 was a mistake.

It's doing more than some healers and tanks I have seen at Level 80.

it's probably doing more than some players are now

There is m+...
>It’s a necrotic, sanguine, quaking, volcanic week

First I was gonna say how they should've included Vrykul instead but the option for different bodytypes should be a standard for every race and the very limited character creator is honestly the real problem here.
WoW still doesn't even have a height slider.

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>wow census which is a meme
>FF14 """active""" accounts based on an achievement from a two year old patch

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