Don't mind me, just posting the perfect Lara Croft

Don't mind me, just posting the perfect Lara Croft.

Attached: 1557840645799.jpg (1909x2159, 453K)

Actually, vanilla reboot Lara is the loveliest.

nu lara looks way better

not enough midriff

Post pictures of her to prove your point.


haha epic horse meme my friend, well memed

wrong Lara

OP here, I usually make 99% of the Lara Croft threads on here using this picture but I decided to change it to the picture in my original post to throw off horse-posters and so far it has worked but now here they come.

Attached: 1547162103707.png (1080x1876, 2.92M)

So pretty!

She truly is the perfect woman.

Attached: 1557683146682.png (1080x1080, 1.23M)

where did you post it user, i dont see it... just some ugly whore

Which strain should I vape today?

Attached: IMG_20190704_120452.jpg (3120x3120, 1.25M)

It's wolves, user, wolves.

Attached: noname55.jpg (647x319, 56K)

too bad this lazy bastard doesnt do animated cumshots anymore


Post Laras, thanks.

Attached: laras.jpg (1920x1080, 411K)

Based user

Attached: 1554117421467.jpg (2346x2880, 3.41M)

Why do you all hate Lara so much? We should be protecting her!

Attached: 1547515676380.png (1354x1070, 843K)

Real Lara can protect herself just fine.

Attached: 1403471759800.jpg (2700x1891, 1.81M)

>Constant daddy issues
>Not TRU or reboot Lara


Their eyes say it all.
I just want to adventure with Real Lara.

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Attached: lara25.jpg (1280x768, 212K)

>posts Laura

>Those fingers

What is this goblin

Gorilla Strawberry Cock

Attached: 9najp0xspnd21.jpg (640x647, 99K)


t. American

nuLara aka Laura is basically American.

Attached: 1559940743096.png (690x577, 40K)

have a horse cock

That doesn't even mention her being American.

Ok, I'll wait until your dad is finished with it.

Anniversary is the best

Attached: o2-D7IUTV01.jpg (1280x2070, 450K)

Perfect body type. I want to suck on her piercing.

Why people even like nuLara when she has literally no more personality than TR1Lara and has no redeeming qualities aside from her face.

>Interested in a womans personality

Found the gay

gorilla glue so it kills you

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Fucking butt ugly

That's not a pic of your mum lmao

Damn user, not cool

>How to kill a franchise with a single design.

Attached: My lovely horse.gif (500x375, 764K)

The only thing it's killing is my heart for not being with her.

Attached: 1557680577573.jpg (720x960, 43K)

Just smoke crack you pussy.


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>tfw constantly daydream about Lara

Attached: flaunt.webm (1920x1080, 2.08M)

It still annoys me how SFM animators abandoned that model as soon as the inferior Rise model became available.

Honestly I can't imagine a woman, fictional or not, who can compete with Lara.

Attached: screen31.jpg (199x768, 174K)

Same here user, she truly is the best girl

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