Is the new pokemon really that bad as people say it is?

is the new pokemon really that bad as people say it is?

Attached: tenor.gif (256x468, 1.43M)

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When even normalfags start complaining and starting movements, you know that GF fucked up hard

it's not even out you fucking dumbass




Why does that girl look so sad?

she just want to play pokemon man

It's her last meal :(

Why are little girls so cute, bros?

Only 2d ones

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somebody post it


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shes a ghost and shes eating while crying over the torn pieces of her from the machine


is she ok

You can see she's fine in OP's gif.

see She's obviously some kind of immortal scp or regenerating youkai loli her hymen probably regenerates too

I always assumed so seeing as she's fine in the OP image.

I'd rather die like than than by cancer.

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pretty gay of you user

damn, sekiro looks like THAT?

>skinning version leads to autoban

is that the laser one or is there a third one I've never heard of

would she fully recover from harapan?

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There's also this one.

Attached: PDSMVwB.gif (145x145, 157K)

That's great, Chen!

stop hurting little anime girls

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...Do you have cancer?

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my fucking dick

Who even makes these

No, just saying.

Keep hurting the anime girls please.

I have, for a while, wondered why the machine does not peel off the face as well

It's hard to make a handbag out of that part, too many holes.

it stops at the neck and ankles so she keeps her feet too

Some jap with a guru fetish


Attached: Midge(1).jpg (422x594, 77K)

They got rid of that catch phrase after gen 4


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why is he so sad?

Because they kept putting uglier and uglier monsters in their games, thinking that it was a suitable substitute for innovation.

It's a beard illusion. He's actually ok.

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I would be sad too if I was indian

>user what's that thing on your shirt?
How do you answer?

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No sir, not gettin outta this chair.

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its a joke from my favorite cambodian tv show

>her hymen probably regenerates too
fun fact, this probably happens with sherry from RE2 as well.

>not having a fetish for guru


If you get cancer you can kill yourself painlessly.

What's yer offer?!

Imagine the sound.

Attached: Noah Bright's tears.gif (500x375, 163K)

I'm certified autist then, I don't interact with humans
there will be meatballs everywhere

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I think I have a guru fetish too

I bet that feels so fucking good.

I know a related game.

Attached: yabatanien.jpg (1080x1768, 306K)

If you're interested in the game.
It's in japanese, but you don't need japanese knowledge to play it.

Attached: yabatanien2.jpg (1080x1686, 331K)

Thanks user

oh sure, I get a week long ban for posting a reaction image from The House That Jack Built that had fake blood in it 5 minutes after I post it but this thread is fine

fucking jannies

i just know the right people ;)

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How did this manage to make its way into normie memes anyways?

Is Lolita Syndrome a good game?

Twitter is the answer to anything these days

"vvindowsme" is the name

1st google result sure is cancer.

They made some cute, non-violent stuff too

Attached: 977.gif (200x409, 49K)

For the horse or the dolphin?

Have you played or watched any gameplay of the Let's Go games?
Sword and Shield will be closer to that than to the older main games.

I love screaming anime dorks

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Oh God yes, thank you

Those are some 'fuck me' eyes.

Careful, he'll sue you


This is what pedophiles actually want.

who this