WoW classic...Hom- OH NONONONONO

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Other urls found in this thread: engine&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD05DIk5vjAhVDwMQBHVtiCPkQ_AUIECgB&biw=1088&bih=533&dpr=1.76#imgrc=4eC-RMqyfA_oGM:

Hello sir, thank you for doing the needful sir

Why would you ever trust Activision Blizzard after WoD, Legion, BfA and all the cash mounts/pets/cosmetics? I mean, how can you trust them to not fuck up classic?

poo in the loo team ready to save azeroth bhai

pretty bitchin' photochop you got there!

What does it smell like in there?

like poop,sweat, computer dust and curry

unironicaly imagine the smell.

Unironicaly, where are the Homefags shilling at? They use to spam Yea Forums with "oh classic wow home, im jizzing my pants rn ughhhhh", but now they are gone. Did they finally realized that WoW classic is destined to die after its first month of its release?

Attached: I mean, what happened guys.png (397x366, 268K)

I think everyone just realised that it wasn't as good as they remember it being

muh streamers showed up and they ran like bitch nigga kids who saw their mom playing yugi-oh which means it's not cool anymore

There are still threads everyday about it, but a lot of the discussion got relegated to /vg/.

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What was the thing that broke their spirit? Its like they left Yea Forums in one day. Did sharding hit them that hard?

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Dark skin bad!

layer 6... shard 32... instance 12... thread 8... home

Did they got banned in here? I guess its more fitting to discuss it on /vg/. I thought these guys were like Alita fags on Yea Forums and got free pass from the jannies

Btw why blizzard add that shard feature(or didnt fixed it idk)? Cant one realm handle all the players at once?

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Ah yes the zoomerinos carrying their beloved twich streamerfags with their items and money. I heard about that but I think blizzard might put a cap or a limit to prevent this thing from destroying the game's economy, so I think it cant be that harmful

XIV fucking won

enjoy never having another healing class bro

I'm not a girl so I dont care.

I'm enjoying all the free materia on my scholar

I don't get it
the fuck is a layer

You ever seen inception?
It's a server within a server.
You can't wake up.

that looks uncomfortable, no ergonomics at all

So? There are no girls here anyways. Why would any dude give a shit?

Its like you are in a same place but this place has some alternative realities that only some people can exist. Me and my mates only exist on the reality(layer)5 of Kalimdor map. The rest people are on a diferrent realities(layers) of the Kalimdor map and play the game.

Streamers killed all of my desired to play classic. I don't care if they're on a different server. I don't want them to exist.

Fuck WoW and fuck NĂ¼-Blizzard.

I only sympathize with the poor janitor because he has to clean all the shits under every desk and the rest rooms that would look and smell like Bombay at the end of the day

This is bad because streamers would have their own realities(layers) to play alone with their followers and everyone in WoW classic would suck dick to join to their favourite streamer's layer, and not actually playing the game at all

XIV may have won the fight against WoW, but as an MMO, has lost the war. MMOs are a dying genreand thats a good thing!


I thought trump was going to stop this shit? Was I lied to?


Designated shitting meeting room

I'm not sure if people are being ironically retarded by pretending this isn't a lazy Photoshop or not

This shitty meme "We go home bois" is literally the most cringy shit i ever seen on the internet you pathetic faggots

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They went home, only to found with horror that home is now an abandoned shack that is being haunted by ghosts

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Careful I read that this image is haunted

Did they try turning the game off and on again?

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Yea I know, it can cause extreme """sharding"""

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Hello Sir , please Subscribe now , coders do don't get the bonus pay extra if SubScription less than 100 . 000. Delid dis Good Sir thank you come again .

sry bhai, fingers are filled with poopoo cant touch power button

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buy year subscription for warcraft dear, we have epic mount for you dear, also send bobs and vegana to motivate WoW classic team


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this guy looks like he smells worse than Indians

Is this real??

You can't mantain hype for months, they're gathering strength and starting the hype train again a couple weeks before release



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they only thing they are gathering, is their strength to hold their diarrhea with their colon. They will release their shitstorm to their audience in a month


It's fake


Attached: ITS BEAUTIFUL.gif (500x250, 467K)

they all played shadowbringers and realized it was home all along

its real

xiv is extreme trash

Please provide a source for this picture

Seething wowcel

here you go senpai

It's not

We got so far and came past so much QoL. I mean, people expect it to be like retail, or even just Wrath or Cata.

BC, even, was a different beast than vanilla. Vanilla WoW was rough. We expanded for a reason. Execution was poor, but I give Classic a phat uptime of about three months before it piddles into a quiet, private-esque server population that juuuuuust misses the mark for "can make 40 man raids happen with anything resembling consistency."

Another thing is that we don't really have that kind of time anymore, so for a lot of us the concept of spending even MORE time slogging through an MMO, and getting even less reward for it than we do in retail, it's all very much unappealing to the extreme. I like a novel concept of bashing around classic with some pals or whatever but if you expect me to dedicate the literal hours to raiding ever... All for fucking what? It's not like they're particularly rewarding, it's more like playing dominos but every domino is placed by a different person who may or may not see the rest of the dominos.

Anyway the point is, the dream is dead. The reality is that MMOs were, and are, just time sinks. Now that mobile gachas have emerged, MMOs are losing face. They just don't have those positive feedback cycles.

Attached: its real.gif (400x300, 987K)

>game didnt die for over a decade
>it will die after a month

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Then it would be simple to provide a source for the picture

alright here's your source dude enjoy engine&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD05DIk5vjAhVDwMQBHVtiCPkQ_AUIECgB&biw=1088&bih=533&dpr=1.76#imgrc=4eC-RMqyfA_oGM:

virus/adware/malware/keylogger/popup/dolphin porn/wannacry

So, as expected , it's fake. It always amazes me that Yea Forums will go full retard and except anything as true as long as they get to shitpost

you failed for it, so it makes it half true lmaoooo

As someone who has never played WoW, what's the point of WoW classic? What's the life expectancy? Won't people just get to max like autists cause they already played through it and there's nothing new to discover and then find out there's fuck all to do?

Are they going the OSRS route with content updates that will retain the feel of classic or is it a one time deal no more content after?

The point of WoW classic is to stfu the nostalgia fags and make them return, but, it turns out that war...war has changed

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No one is falling for their lies again, especially not after the "beta". The hype train is dead.

i dunno. you'd think people would be tired of doing the same shit they've done for years over and over and over but nope. complete waste of time and nostalgia.

vanilla WoW is item and lockout gated so that will keep people occupied to a degree.
also the ridiculous no fun brainlet PVP grind which takes 12+ hours a day.

they arent launching with all content patches at once so they can probably drag it all out over 1-2 years. past that the game will be in purgatory with nothing new added ever, at least thats the plan so far.

They are playing ffxiv and private servers
Asmongold already hyped everything there was to be hyped

Goddamn christ they were paid shills/marketers/ Blizzard have done the same with OW and he's doing it every xpac and to some degree major content(lmao)patches and everytime Yea Forums fall for it.
Sure they learn, they doesnt use same 5 texts with 2 images for 6 months like durning mop/wod. But its still spamming similiar texts and a little changed images(adding single pixels to avoid detection like those on fireeden) and retards bump it to 500+ posts


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ideal scenario
>release classic
>let it run it's course for 1y
>don't release another expac for normal wow
>release Warcraft 4 with the canon continuation of the story retconing any and all the retarded bullshit they have injected into it with wow
>release "wow2"

explain this to me. what am i missing?

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>>release Warcraft 4 with the canon continuation of the story retconing any and all the retarded bullshit they have injected into it with wow
>>release "wow2"

>The same team that brought you Cata-BFA will """"""""""FIX"""""""""" WoW.

Why are you people such beaten wifes? Why do you think that Actiblizzard won't turn around and hit you again....

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nah mate i have no hope something like this is feasible, just saying what i would like to happen
i know that blizzard both doesn't want and isn't able to produce anything good

This desu, fuck them

>nah mate i have no hope
I see this said too often when it comes to people.
They always say the best thing will be to make WC4 and remake lore the old way!
But when i ask why would people want actiblizzard to do that they always say it's just a dream.

Stop dreaming and move on. You're creating a bubble of hope even if it's small.

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vanilla wow already ruined canon.

God I hate Indians. They stink, they are filthy and their work is terrible.

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People pretend that they're gonna enjoy leveling and smell the roses, but all of them will rush to level cap with a optimized class/race combo. It's not the same as it was back when everyone sucked at the game.

When streamers stop playing it will be dead in the water.

God I wish I were Japanese

They think they do, but they don't.