do it for her

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Other urls found in this thread:

finished it on launch
I'm hoping the DLC will be good as well

No thanks bratan, i'll wait for stalker 2

>wannabe open world
>Ditch the claustrophobic atmosphere that metro was known for
Couldn't play it after first 30mins.It's not shit but also nothing to jerk over,there are much better games.

I did. But I dropped after a couple of hours because it's a extremely mediocre game

No, I don't give a shit about your slavshit open world trash and I especially don't give any more of a fuck over some ugly bacon faced gook.

Am I the only one finding these metro games really boring?

I completed 1 and 2 and it felt more like a job than fun

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t. Zoomer

Exodus is the worst metro game had to force myself to finish this turd.

name 3

>doing it for her instead of her

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I got bored during the desert area and drop it
Does it get better later on?


that's the least metro feeling part of the game

Is this one of the saddest scenes to come out of recent vidya?

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metro is a dating simulator

you have to pick up every zones waifu in order to get the good ending

Being the Admiral is suffering

She looked more russian in Last Light, here she looks ukranian

Should I buy this for the OG PS4?

Is there a difference?
t.faceblind autist

Volga > Taiga > Caspian > Novosibirsk

Post pics of hot women to show us the difference.

there is but you would need to be either one or the other to notice it.

Played it recently via steam sharing. Easily my game of the year. Fuck Epic Games, Tencent, Deep Silver etc to not make this game buyable on Steam. That's why no one gave a fuck about metro.

will the DLC be set after the main game or in between along the way?

music is just fantastic

>Dialogue drags on and on in every scene
>Voice acting is terrible
>Don't want to switch to russian because fuck reading subs
>"""""open world"""""

I was over it midway

Thank goodness you could always go back to playing Fortnite!

plebeian as fuck

Shame I had to pirate it, almost genuinely felt bad, Fuck the stealth section on the boats, i had to do that in the day time without being spotted.

>Fuck reading

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Just wait till night at the safehouse nigga, like wut r were u doin.

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No thanks, Epik Kike disinfo agent. Your service is still horseshit. Enjoy life in shitty fucking China and let me know when it's out on Steam instead.

pirate it you moronic trash person

You can play it for $1 USD with xbox game pass though.

I tried it, but couldn't get past the awful sound design.
When walking slowly it sounds like my character has four legs.

2ch is leaking again? or is it dead for good?

swamps was so borring, it was dragging on and on and on. bullshit.

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Are you actually ADHD? It takes a couple of hours to complete the entirety of the first zone, counting all the side content for gear/armor & weapon upgrades

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no. now she is looking like poors man lara croft.
with botched hair

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Raiding the train was so nice.

Well, you simply don't like them. I love them even though I'd prefer an open world Metro similar to Stalker. The English dubs are horrendous though, always change them back to Russian.

if i find planescape torment fun
dont think adhd is the right diagnosis

The only map that actually felt like Metro was the first one, it was pretty good and felt like an expansion of the “open world” part in Last Light. But the desert sucked hard and dragged on way too long. Taiga sucked all the way through and Novosibirsk is a pretty cool corridor.

The problem with these fucking games is that they copy the worst parts of the Witcher 3, the pointless dots on the map with useless shit. I spent a long time exploring the swamp so by the time I got to the desert I was extremely burned out.

enjoyed it more then the first game, haven't finished last light yet
but this game had kino moments

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There's like a handful of side shit for each zone, what are you talking about. TW3 assaults you with sideshit.

Please answer this Senpai

I only wish there were more smaller maps like the bunker in between the larger ones.

pirate it, then buy it next year on steam.

stalker 1, 2 and 3

I already finished and it was average as fuck. Open world meme was awful and mostly a big waste of time when 95% of the loot you find is just bunch of ammo, chemicals and journals and the rest are actually important upgrades. Best area was the one with tree hippies and crazy bear.

I don't play on pc, don't care for it.

metro is a console shooter

Yeah, that's why I'm asking should I pick it up for the base ps4

wait for a redux and discount then

The Caspian didn't sucked it was just as far from Metro as it could be, it felt like Mad Max and considering the game is full of clichés it was fine, Volga has the tech hating cultists, Caspian has Mad Max bandits, Govt. bunker had cannibals, Taiga the forest children and Novosibirsk while it was good the last segment was really fucking trash with those discount Librarians.

>Diagnosed with turbo lung disease
>Start smoking
Fucking slavs I swear.

why do you even care?
>some random thot is smoking
>blame slavs

Strong Autism here

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>why so you even care?
Why do you, reddit spacing sperg?

I only play metro games for the tiddies.

How good are the tiddies in this one?


Volga >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dead City >>>>> Taiga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caspian Sea

Gun customization was top tier, hope they add more in the dlc. Belt fed bastard and shambler and the 15 round semi auto valve were fun as fuck

I finished it and it was okay, not great not terrible. Ending where all my comrades rushed to my side to donate blood so i could live pulled my heartstrings

I would if it was on steam.

>got a 2080ti the other day
is the ray tracing good?

if you can handle sub 60

Just use the surprise discount.

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I won't let this thread get archived.

I play again for qt Anna

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You are going to be a sub beta permavirgin your entire life.

Nah, you're not wrong. Metro is a "cinematic" experience meaning you have to slowly walk behind an NPC spouting exposition while he/she does basic stuff for you like opening doors and you have to sit and wait like a good boy for them to do that. Linear games are not bad, not by any means, but the Metro games are REALLY linear in the worst ways possible. Their game design should be the epitome of what Yea Forums hates but for some reason it's okay in the Metro games.

Haven't played Exodus so dunno how that one is.

I already did, it was great fun on Xbox PC Pass