Try to do no-kills run of game

>try to do no-kills run of game
>MC kills six million Russians anyway in cutscenes

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What do you do for a no kill run during the motorcycle chase, anyway? Tranq 'em all? I'm doing a no kill run right now.

Use your grenades.

>Try to do no-kills run of game
>Your actions gets hundreds of people executed for not doing their job properly

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>tranquillise dozens of soldiers in MGS2 to avoid killing them
>they presumably all drowned anyway when Arsenal Gear activated

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I still hate the fact they gave all the Russians american accents. Way to break immersion!
Also, young Ocelot sounds fuck all like the original.

Just started playing this. Why are the controls so fucking awful? It's the worst I've ever experienced, even more than Resident Evil.

still better than mgsv ocelot

just play the game faggot

MGSV Ocelot is great, the fuck are you on about?

>Why are the controls so fucking awful? It's the worst I've ever experienced, even more than Resident Evil.

Double bait.

>I still hate the fact they gave all the Russians american accents.
They made up for that in MGS5. At least that's what people who speak Russian seem to say.

I'm being for real. Just killed the Pain. I'm having a lot of fun but the controls are garbage.

MGS4 had best Ocelot, prove me wrong


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Assuming you're not baiting, are you talking about MGS1 or 3 (considering how you say "this", when OP's pic is from 3)? Either way, you're a faggot, and they play perfectly. I only played them all for the first time in anticipation of V, and I don't need nostalgia or anything to be able to confidently say that they play perfectly

If you tranq the motorcycle pilot, his bike tumbles over.

t. started the series at V

Cool thanks, never tried to no kill before and I just got past The Fear with just the tranq

You can kill The End by:

Waiting a week IRL
Setting PS2 clock forward 1 week
Sniping him with the dragonov after a cutscene before he is wheeled away
With tranquilizer, getting his camo (the best camo in the game)
With regular bullets

Why don't other games do this?

I'm talking about 3. It controls like ass dude. From there being no controlled crouch option, to Snake immediately popping up from a crawl if he taps an object, to the crawl janking out randomly and not working because he's snagged on some pebble or something, to the absolute worst shooting controls I've ever seen, it's a true mess all around. To be clear, I'm still having great fun and enjoying the game, but goddamn. Feels like I'm wrestling a gorilla just to play.

Doesn't that Sokolov scene imply everyone in the game is speaking Russian and they are just getting "dubbed" in English?

can you traq him for the camo after that cutscene though?

"Your Russian is superb"

Maybe I'm wrong, but does't Big Boss ask someone else to translate Russian for him, in one of the other games?

Brain damage

You get the camo by holding him up,
Tranquilizing him only gets you his rifle.

>MGSV Ocelot
His whole personality is "Kojima gave me the script, that's why I know that Miller is always wrong and you should trust Quiet"

Its almost like no kills is an absurd concept outside of being a ghost. When Snake is forced to confront an enemy head its kill time, any other result is bat shit insane.


i hear it.

"Brain damage", and not actually being Big Boss

Doesn't explain why Ocelot wouldn't translate for him.

Kek what? He's just level-headed. He saw no reason to kill her immediately and knew that Venom would kill her if she tried shit on a mission. Miller came off as deranged in comparison.

poor miller :(

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iirc you can also flashbang them

Play the 3DS version then

Next time you do The Fear there is a really nice trick. For some reason if you throw a flash grenade to The Fear, all the damage done while Fear is dizzy counts towards his stamina bar (no other enemy in the game works this way), so you can effectively flash him and AK-47 him down in a matter of seconds.

Accurately translating on the fly is pretty difficult, especially when you're hearing it through a radio on somebody 15 feet away and you risk getting one of your friend's killed if you fuck up. It makes sense that they'd get a professional for it.

Miller was right though
>superhuman with ridiculous stealth capabilities and super strength
>works for Cypher
>dude let's just bring her back to MB, you need your own love interest anyway
There was literally no justification for bringing her back except "lol she has a unique character model, this clearly means she's important to the plot"


It's an old game. What do you expect?

Kojima originally wanted mgs3 to be in full russian for immersion but decided to just add the scene in while everyone is talking in Japanese/English

Ocelot was right. Quiet was their only link to Cypher even assuming Miller was correct, which meant she had more use alive than dead. Also, she saved Venom, which meant that it was possible she could be of use as an ally. He also had her under close watch at all times.

Nothing I guess. I'm just surprised. Compared to this RE4 controls smooth as silk.

She saved Venom after Ocelot wanted to take her alive.
Also she's not the first Skull you encounter, but she is the most dangerous. Why can't I extract the other skulls until later in the game since "we don't have the facilities to contain them" but it's ok to take her?

Spam stun nades during the chase

Is Quiet technically a Skull? How can that be true?

She's not part of the Skulls unit since she is an assassin but she also underwent therapy with The One That Covers so she is just like the skull troopers.


>doing a ghost/undetected run
>cutscene puts you on alert state
>didn't get undetected checkmark

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Cold War outfit and just stare at them.

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>try to get trophy where you have to beat a boss with minimal destruction of the area
>boss destroys a big chunk of the area in a cutscene and it effects your destruction percentage in game.
>have to skip cutscene to avoid this.
Why would you do this?

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>Kill soldiers be shooting a red oil drum and letting it explode
>Give enemy soldiers poisonous food and watch them die
>Dragging and dropping bodies into water, quicksand, electric fences and off of cliffs
>Throw poisonous snakes at soldiers
>Still get 0 kills

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Has enough time passed since V that we can finally have comfy Metal Gear threads?
Hold me bros.

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