How do we save the AAA industry?
How do we save the AAA industry?
we don't
very good question, I'll answer if you post more
Every girl should try out Ann's costume at least once!
Make them unionize so the entire industry collapses.
let hideo kojima direct the next 3d mario game and have mario be voiced by dwayne the rock johnson, and it also has bowser voiced by john cena
belly chub and thick pubic hair with treasure trail that goes to the belly button
Dont let it burn it let burn
Let it crash and burn. Once (((they))) don't see money flowing to their greedy pockets, they'll leave their influcence with the annoying politics
You don't.
AAA doesn't mean what it used to mean, its not a marker for quality, but rather money spent.
Right now the AAA industry is 50% marketing, 40% middle management, and 10% actual game development
I'm uncomfortable with how large my studio is getting. We're working on way too many projects at once.
I think for AAA to thrive, people need to be more willing to aim for 30 hour experiences instead of 6 month expansion-drip-fed ones.
Aaaaaaand now its about jews.
This. It needs to die like in 1983 and get reborn.
More of what? 18?
m o r e
Indeed the bloat and greed is killing it
Salvation in death
he's describing metal owl
make more games with battle sex mechanics and systems
I wished for Ann to be 18 but.... not like this...
Crashing it.
idk bro just keep posting A18 please
jesus christ
AAA games were never great, you just had shitty taste. Learning to dislike the majority of them is just part of your growth.
No film buff considers transformers his favourite movie.