Finally going to order this, which one should I try: gestalt or replicant?
Nier Gestalt vs. Nier Replicant
Other urls found in this thread:
Nier Replicant is Japan only, there's a translation patch I don't even know how you use, but it just takes the Gestalt script and replaces instances of "father" with "brother" and stuff like that, rather than actually translating Replican't script. Your only real option is Gestalt unless you know Japanese.
I don't have problems with moon runes but I've heard that there're some differences between two versions, are they really significant in terms of plot?
Replicant, AKA the "Brother-Nier", is the original and still canon "version" of the game.
It completely changes some of the underlying themes and balance of the story. While the father worrying over his daughter sounds like a neat idea on the paper, and the English dub is amazing at best (gotta love the banter), it is extremely weird to see some 40+ yo papa act like a total naive moron throughout the game. Some hinted, darker backstory bits are also cut or lost in translation in the Gestalt.
There is also a big "growing up" part around the middle of the game's story, that is completely lost in case of the father-Nier. Hell, the Gestalt version even sort-of jokes about this in its own script.
Besides the slight change of themes, the two games mostly play identical. If you got access to both, play both.
As far as I know, no major differences to the plot itself, just slight differences in character relations and implications because of the different protagonists. Nier Automata has references to both games, so neither one has been treated as the "official" version, although one of the many short stories you can read after playing the game, if you want to, is only relevant to Replicant and has no Gestalt counterpart.
old man version is superior to young brother who gets assraped for money
based fragile masculinity user who behaves exactly as predicted by square-enix marketers
>completely changes
>Besides the slight change
There's no changes besides the character model, just get the game and make a rice farm already.
>he doesn't like punished dad Nier
based faggot who likes getting assfucked
I played and loved the Papa Nier version originally. Later on I read and watched some of the Bro Nier stuff and the post-game stories, and now I prefer it. It just makes a lot more sense in the big scope of things, and you can just feel that the Papa version is nothing but a reskinned teenager .
Ok, so I'll try the daddy's adventures then.
Btw are there any good ps3/4 games besides of Nire that only exist on disks?
Yakuza 3 on PS3 was disc only, I have no idea if the PS4 version that came out recently is available digitally.
Everthing on PS4 that is on disc is also available for download
Disc exclusive games for PS3 that I can think of that might be worth picking up are Resistance 3, 3D Dot Gaming Heroes, Beautiful Katamari (or Katamari Forever I dunno one is 360 exclusive the other PS3 exclusive), Sorcery or Heavenly Sword. There's plenty more but I can't think of any right now.
Replicant is the OG and Gestalt was a rushed rewrite to the western market and it shows.
For example, there's no confusion over the fact that this Conan The Barbarian looking guy can't use heavy weapons prior to the timeskip because in Replicant we was a child.
I still hope that Square eventually releases a remaster of Nier that let's you choose between the 2.
Thanks, guys. Going to search more hidden stuff.
Excuse me for living where men are men.
I think the better version is Father Nier
Hopefully we can have a Taro thread without shitposting and bait
replicant the old man looks too weird with the boys animations
>Excuse me for living where men are men.
>gets assraped for money
Is it true?
Yeah it's canon in the kid version but barely plays a role in the story
yes Taro is very edgy
I don't get it
My headcanon is that Brother Nier is the replicant while Father Nier is the Shadowlord.
It makes Brother Nier's struggles and tender moments with the gang feel more natural. In contrast the idea of an aged father taking care of his daughter through the apocalypse only to be thwarted in the end due to his daughter suiciding really gives that much needed gut-punch.
Didn't kaine also rape a corpse? Or did I dream that.
No, the only difference is that brother Nier sucks dick for money and Papa Nier doesn't
I'm not aware but it sound very Kaine-esque
>My headcanon is that Brother Nier is the replicant while Father Nier is the Shadowlord.
oh yeah huh...
N-No, you probably dreamt that.
In a drama CD she did I believe. There's also a novella segment somewhere that depicts her jerking off after fighting a shade, described by a person witnessing it.
How does Nier on PS3 hold up? I still go back to games like Blood Omen and Legend of Dragoon, I imagine it's still playable.
I want to play Nier A but I want to play Gestalt first, despite not needing to.
>being a daddyfag
Hella frickin gay
It's fine, bland gameplay but that's a step up from Drakengard
>Despite not needing to
Anyone to tells you that is a secondary who isn't worth listening to
There are entire characters and arcs that won't make sense without Niers context, and certain plot elements won't either
I have the willpower to play Fear Effect today, just because I was a kid when it came out. How do we get a Drakengard 1-3 port?
>Drakengard 1-3 port
Right after the Ace Combat 3,4,0 HD port
being a guy who gets fucked anally for money
which is gayer again?
Replicant is canon and doesn't have shitty American voice acting, so that one.
EOPs always defend Gestalt because it's the only version they can play, but that's just denial.
I knew them asshats were lying.
Is it a Xenogears/Metal Gear/Bloodstained situation? Ideas guys leaves and continues his vision? Sorry, new to Nier.
And Emil helped in killing his sister then fused with her. And he wants to be papa nier's wife.
Gestalt for Liam O'brian
Where are her nips
I would agree with you 99% of the time. But nier's dub is good.
Not at all, the company who made Drakengard and Nier literally doesn't exist
I listened to a few clips of cutscenes and thought it was pretty bad/average dub quality. Honestly the Japanese VA is not that good either during emotional moments, but English is worse.
oh shit so she was the obsessive type. or was it the shade inside her combined with her personality.
Look m8, that looks like an animu gril to me. I'm not hip to you kids and your "trap" nonsense.
Anime men are rarely drawn with nipples
Buy either and play RepliCant (the original and as-intended version). You can download an English-patched game and emulate it with RPCS3.
Sorry for spoonfeeding but who owns the rights of the game at that point?
>tfw big dick daddy Tyrann putting abominations and bitch scientist in their place
If Taro does make another Nier game I hope it is based on the events post-Nier before brother/daddy Nier became the Shadowlord.
I'm always happy to help newfriends in Nier threads, I just fucking hate secondaries and normals.
I think SE own the rights now considering Automata
>being an onii-chan fag
it means that she was born as hermaphrodite
i never heard of Secondaries before. Whats it from.
She's a boy with tits.
Drakengard 3
Man, I'm a fucking dummy. I asked my question wrong but you answered it anyway. So did they buy it and bring Yoko on?
naw he will make a 5th dragoon dragon about a 4th game that was supposed to exist and why and what happened to it.
ment for
I don't think they invented it, but it's used all the time in the touhou community. It's someone who hasn't experienced the main media of a franchise and only knows it through hearsay.
Because you aren't claiming to actually know anything about the franchise you aren't a secondary, but someone who goes "Wow 2B is a sexy robot so that means the game is awful" is.
SE also published the Drakengard series except 2 but we don't talk about 2, so I imagine there was some people in there who wanted Yoko to keep making games.
ok well I hope that they make yokos Drakengaurd 5. I am really interested in how bat shit insane this guy is.
It's in the store though.
>Really interested in how batshit insane this guy is
How to tell someone hasn't played Drakengard: The Post: The Motion Picture
They died for nothing.
Thanks dude.
You can emulate the first 2, the third theoretically but my comp is awful at doing it.
Keep in mind the OST in 1 is supposed to be like that, I was searching for hours for a solution until I listened to the OST and realised it was meant to be that way
Yoko is already exhausted. Happy ending of Automata is a proof of this.
In both versions of the game, the shadowlord is the same age as the Nier you play as.
I don't know if this is common knowledge but
>Seafront is just Hills of Radiant Winds but acoustic
>Emils Shop theme is Emils theme from Nier
no dude, you know what he was doing with drakengard 4 right? He was planning on skipping it and the 5th game would be about what happend to the 4th game
Yeah and it was supposed to be called "The Search for Drakengard"
poke him with a stick, he's fine
yeah thats what I wanted to see how he would connect all of that to what he made already.
>brother Nier sucks dick for money
wew lad, care to elaborate?
He seems like an Itoi type who will just leave the industry. Automata was his Mother 3.
Kaine has both sets of genitalia, and hermaphrodite, not a trap.
Those tits are too good to be fake.
He said he wants to make more, as well as an AV
Am I the only dude who didn't sexualize 2B?
No rest for him while there are countless shotas for him to torture and make nuclear
And great sets of T&A to design
plus i did play it, the controls were ass and gameplay dynasty warriors feel, along with dungeon crawler. Any ways Yoko fid much better with Neir Automata so I expect it to stick for the next game.
I didnt while playing her. For some reason it was only after people kept pointing it out with fan work and porn did I sexualize her.
But Papa Nier is GOAT
>2B? Sorry, friend, but for me it's A2
Anyone else popped a boner after Emil gets left behind and Kaine beats up Nier
Should I play this game if I think that Drakengard 1 as an unplayable trash?
literally me
You must've made a typo, surely you meant Accord
Whatever you say weeb
Yea Forums really is full of retarded kids nowadays huh
Yes, fans hate the gameplay too
>for me it's A2
Literally me
Gotta love weebs automatically trashing English dubs. Almost as if it is forbidden to acknowledge any good VA work in English because Japanese VA is always good with no exceptions
Game had too much 9S and too little A2
I was mad when playthrough C was mainly 9S
I want to play the english patched version of Nier Gestalt on PC but I don't know how to.
I have literally no idea where to begin. People have tried explaining it to me but I still don't understand.
Please help.
>has the same face as 2B, but is more attractive anyway
>doesn't hide her eyes like a pussy
>pretty much naked the entire game
>strongest playable character- can hack and fight better than 9S and 2B
>her story is a reward for dedicated players only, 20 hours in
>has the biggest backstory
>never gets infected with a logic virus
>the final shot in the game is her, obviously the most important character
How could you choose 2B over A2?
Gotta love Ameriturds who blindly defend their garbage dubs when they don't speak a lick of Japanese.
yeah it has good game play its just action rpg
Nier Gestalt is already in English. I emulated it on RPCS3
>Download and configure RPCS3
>Download NieR
>configure the game on the emulator
Depends on how much Japanese you can understand OP. Though Papa Nier is way more comfy.
Nice projecting, I'm not American and I speak 3 languages. Get off your high horse because you learned Japanese to fap at VNs, self righteous weeb.
well in the english version it wasnt that good. It was kind of Hokey. Thing was though that added to the polar opposite of the end of the world. Its almost amateurish but its neat.
well you dont need to know japanese to tell the mood and emotions of the scene is. Its not like subs arent translated right there either.
>Touhou community
If IIRC correctly, the secondary gatekeeping started with Tsukihime, where /jp/ gates people who only got into Tsukihime after the comparably lackluster anime. I could be wrong and mixed up Tsukihime with Fate/Stay Night, though.
That sounds right, the Tsukihime anime was pretty bad from what I hear
>Kaine has both sets of genitalia
Funny how people say this when the only thing that has been mentioned about Kaine is literally her dick. Her having a vagina, or having both, has never been mentioned. Even when Taro first talked about her she was called a "dickgirl" or "intersex".
so she is a futa then
I want a basic understanding how newfags don't know how to pirate and emulate. Are they just born after the 2000s?
Don't start this shit in a nice Taro thread
I really don't remember how to do this although I've been doing it a lot when I was in school. I just stopped pirating everything since I'm already 30 yo, live alone, no gf and stuff so I just spend all my money on buying vidya from sony and fatso because it's much quicker than search for torrent, download it, open the utorrent etc.
Yes, we are getting "Red Dead Redux" which is basically a remastered version of 1.
Then dlc with Jack
there is actual evidence towards "Red Dead Redux" in this video-
Go to 2:32, why would he have thought that a new Red Dead would be called "Redux"? It was a slip and he is currently working on it right now.
I prefer the father Nier dynamic. It’s the one time that “localising” something improved it. I think the Japanese are too obsessed with stories about teenagers. It’s refreshing to play a game from the perspective of a father. I’m much more interested in the plight of grown adults than children.
That said, they’re essentially the same game so just go for whichever appeals to you more.
Whatever you say weeb
Not that guy but I have lived in japan for 4 years and speak fluent Japanese. I quite liked the English dub of Nier, although admittedly I played it before I learned jap. Of course it’s a bit corny, but it’s a video game so that’s to be expected. I think the emotions came through well. I remember tearing up a couple of times while playing.
He was a whore to pay the bills.
Based lost user
You don't need to know fluent Japanese because the best VN ever, Starless, is already fully translated
user is saying the "best" version of the game is where the core dynamics are young, but the past is old.
based deleted post 3 hours ago user
The only post I deleted was my Guilty Gear lobby in /ggg/, unless I made a major mistake and posted it here
My brother.
She has the superior ass.
Wasn't there DLC in the Papa Nier regions where you played as Shota Nier?
The DLC was for you to play as [Opposite Nier], we only got the boy Nier for Papa Nier scenario because we only got Gestalt. Japan got a Papa Nier in boy Nier scenario that's basically the same.
Japs like the freedom of youth. Low birth rates and life as a salaryman drains all sense of adventure as an adult
Papa Nier is good on paper until you actually play the game and he acts like a 14 year old shounen protagonist as he was intended to be.
As other anons have said there's also the whole midpoint timeskip that gets gutted due to the change and makes a nice scene with Kaine into a bit of a joke
how'd you post this duplicate file
This is so sad but true.
i own
yoko why you such a crazy dick?
>Hiroshimoot and Yoko Taro were the same
>The split from Yea Forums to 4channel was actually the next Nier game
They literally reskinned the protagonist and replaced "brother" with "father" in the script.
Which do you think is better?
Reminder that Brother Nier despised Yonah.
That is all.
my god. I new he make real life into video game!
Papa Nier
t. clemps
Dad nier is based and I love seeing him be naive despite his age.
so he is almost autistic like....
>A Yoko Taro character is autistic
Woah...that'd be like a Hideo Kojima character being poorly written
His heart is so pure and righteous it's endearing
God I hate "deep lore analysis" channels that just recap the plot and vaguely try to guess at some of the background information.
Clemps doesn't really do that though, I like him a lot. It's people like ValkyrieAurora that are unironically cringe and yikes
"We're friends now!"
That's exactly what his Nier videos are.
No they're just recap videos and the side content
You're gonna have to explain to me how recapping the story slowly and taking breaks to give your fan theories about background details like Red Eye isn't
>recap the plot and vaguely try to guess at some of the background information.
Besides Red Eye which he also said was his own theory when did he do it?
Question: Do I need to play this before touching Automata? Will I be missing out on anything major if I don't? I have never played any of the Nier games but I got Automata as a gift recently.
Yes at the very least, but ideally you'll play Drakengard 1-3
Nier is to Automata what Drakengard was to Nier.
Honestly, the inclusion of Nier in the title at all seems more like a marketing decision than anything else.
Please refrain from making embarrassing posts like this in the future or you will be ejected from YoRHa
Not that guy but aside from Automata being one of the endings involving Emil, is there anything else that connects Automata to the first Nier? I personally played a bit of Nier but my Xbox 360 got damaged so I couldn't continue.
It's true though. The references between Nier and Automata may be more blatant than the ones between Drakengard and Nier but there are very few ties between the narratives that matter.
Emil's drama CD and the YoRHa stage play are more important to the direct story of Automata than Replicant/Gestalt are
Retard, they are both utter shit
Yes a lot. There are multiple endings in Nier that directly impact Automata
>Very few ties
yikes and cringe but unironically
Well fuck, guess I'm gonna emulate or find a cheap XBox.
Apparently it can emulate fine, although 360s and PS3s are at that nice point where they're super cheap but not quite in the retro meme stage
You need to be a literal faggot to suck Clemps’ dick. His automata videos are just embarrassing to watch and very misinformed
I haven't seen his Automata ones, but his Nier and Drakengard ones are great
I'm not saying there aren't ties at all, but the important ones generally don't stem from Gestalt/Replicant themselves.
Emil stems from there sure, but his character in Automata as well as his narrative thread has more to do with his audio CD than it does with the game.
There's the blatant things like the library from Gestalt/Replicant appearing in Automata but that's about the same level as the Drakengard weapons appearing in Replicant/Gestalt. It hints at the tie between the titles but is ultimately not very important to the core narrative.
One of the largest plot points in Automata is because of events that happened at the end of Nier, although I agree the stage play is more important to Automata
I have a PS3 and still emulated Nier, it's too expensive plus I don't like disk spinning noise
>Besides the time he did it when did he do it
based retard
>He does thing
>Aside from when he does thing when does he do thing
>When he does thing
>Does thing once
>You claim it was multiple times
>Ask for proof
>None given
Yeah I can guarantee your position on the gamergate bullshit
Again, I'm not saying that that stuff isn't there at all, but it's not like it's a huge focal point that gets dumped on you. Just as one ending of Drakengard sets the stage for Replicant/Gestalt, so too does one ending of Replicant/Gestalt (or more specifically, Grimoire Nier) set the stage for Automata.
And just to clarify something in case I'm being misunderstood, I'm not saying this to imply that Replicant/Gestalt should be skipped because it's not an immediate prequel to the narrative of Automata. I'm just saying that the ties between the two are about on the same level as the ones between it and Drakengard.
The link between Drakengard and Nier is the dragon dying and causing all that bullshit, so I'd agree that's not much of a tie but I think it's much stronger between Nier and Automata
>You claim it was multiple times
I didn't.
I said that's what his nier videos are, and I quote
>just recap the plot and vaguely try to guess at some of the background information.
Now, I understand your grasp of the english language is loose, so I'll walk you through this. His big guesswork at Red Eyes is him vaguely guessing at some background information. He may have guessed at more shit, but fuck if I remember. The point is that these videos hit the parameters I specified. I'm sorry you can't read.
God, fuck off. That shit is retarded and you're a hyper defensive asshole about some obnoxious British guy.
>Seething this hard
Jesus user
Fun fact: That gay swimming anime made some bumfuck hotel in Sydney really popular with Japanese tourists because the main character stayed there with his gay lover or whatever
Please refrain from talking about things you don't know about, it's bad form
>Gets proven wrong.
Don't invoke the "Gaaymer gaaate" card if you don't want to be called a bitch, bitch. That shit's stupid and you look like a histrionic moron when you randomly whip it out.
You were wrong about what I said about your e-celeb.
You were wrong about my stance on gamergate.
Now you're doubling down yet again with a new allegation. Wanna guess how this one is gonna turn out? I'll give you a hint, it's the same as the last two.
Accidentally quoted myself instead of
Now I look very silly.
I think that's bullshit, but I do know a ton of Japanese tourists flooded the town Twin Peaks was shot in.
>It’s refreshing to play a game from the perspective of a father.
Is it really? There's tons of games these days that do that same thing.
user meant to add Japanese to that sentence. Their culture is all about youth when it comes to fiction.
Sure user, everyone else is wrong and retarded. I bet when you play your faggot team games it's never your fault when you lose
Yeah but Nier came out 8 years ago
>"Wow 2B is a sexy robot so that means the game is awful"
Good enough reason for me
>$20 on Amazon
>too expensive
Are you going to tell me how what I said about Clemps is wrong? Are you going to tell me my opinions are secretly wrong and you know the REAL truth about how I feel about Gamergate, and that I SECRETLY support it?
Get the fuck over yourself. You tried to start and internet argument over semantics and were wrong. Stop reaching for new ways to "g-got 'em!" and deal with it. Christ.
Good enough reason for the game being bad? That's a secondary
>You said he did something all the time
>He did it once
>Asked for proof
>None given
>Correctly guessed you don't care about proof in other aspects
>You seethe
Used at the store was double the price of Automata's plus my country doesn't have Amazon and it's like 70 yuro anyway
But it did increase tourism for that hotel and it is a gay swimming anime
Seems to be a good enough reason for it being good
After looking at cutscenes and dialogue from both, I think the English version has a better script and works better thematically. Without spoiling too much, having an older nier makes the player interrogate his agency and ideology much more than you would a kid/young adult. Also one of the best moments at the end of the game is not nearly as impactful and appropriate in the japanese
>You said he did something all the time
Except I didn't. I said it describes one video series, which it does, as he did exactly what I described there.
Then you kept implying I agree with Gamergate, which I don't.
Are you going to keep ignoring what I day so you have a convenient strawman to slap around or what?
I want to play this game, but it's kinda of rare and extremely expensive here on Brazil
>It describes an entire series
>Something happening once means the whole series is about it
You can emulate
This. I played automata first, and there's so many kino moments that are made 20x better by having played gestalt.
Some of them work in reverse too though.
Like entering the library.
follow this
>He does things in this series
>b-b-b-but not in every video!
So are we going to drop the pretense and admit you're just butthurt I said I disliked one of the things Clemps put out, or are you still going to pretend I said he made a habit of it because I referred to the offender as a collective instead of memorizing which part(s?) he did it in?
Yeah it's stupid, I'm glad we agree.
>hues that dont pirate
a majestic unicorn
Does it work well?
I have it on PS3 but it'd be real nice to play it on PC too.
I have an AMD FX6300 tho
Everyone did
Because you said he did it all the time when it was literally once, and when asked for proof you start seething
Scenes I'm thinking of are the mall secret, emil quest, song of the ancients
I emulated it with a 2500k from 2012, RX580 and 8Gb RAM
1280x720, 30FPS with drops to 15
Quick loadings and no disk spinning noises, it's great
>"canon version"
>Automata references both
don't pull "canon" argument. You have always been wrong.
>Because you said he did it all the time
Quote it.
That's awesome.
I am really excited for PS3 emulation getting good. Plenty of great games that could be enjoyed even more on PC.
>he doesn't know about ending E
>just want to discuss a videogame
>entire thread is shitflinging about some literal who Eceleb I have no idea who he even is, AKA a literal who
just end this board. If you people always latch on to this garbage there is no saving this
The entire thread has been great, it's just one retard
Oh you poor thing.
You're illiterate.
Let me help. The non-quote portion is talking about his Nier series and does not require multiple examples. It asks how actions like this, plural, are not akin to what Clemps does and the wider description quoted. The quoted segment is the descriptor of these actions, which many different Youtubers enact.
Clemps was never accused of doing this more than once.
Take the L.
Yeah, his fanboy takes it personally if you dare besmirch his name, it's a shame.
Sorry for ruining a Nier thread by engaging in his faggotry, user.
>He's STILL seething
Jesus user jesus
What's your favourite part of Nier to get the thread back on track
Can you go suck eceleb dick elsewhere, stop shitting up the thread
thoughts on Zero's game?
I dunno if I just got lucky but when I played it way back when I never noticed a lot of the really horrible frame drops other people were complaining about. Generally inconsistent framerate sure but all the clips of it dropping into the single digits never happened to me.
Hills of Radiant Winds was the thing that really impressed me at first, I thought it was extremely impressive the overworld theme was vocal
The order I played them in and was quite satisfied with was: Tomato > Gestalt > Tomato again.
Automata doesn't reveal so much as to take away from Gestalt's story and there's plenty of small details within Automata that you're not going to pick up until after playing NieR.
Last (You), bitch.
Keep being mad about being wrong. Your e-celeb is human like everyone else.
Jack's raid on the town is some supreme directing and a great example of conditioning. You fly up that hillside because you know it like the back of your hand.
>Insulting your core audience of virgins
Brave move. The game is cool but the frames really kill it, I hear emulation is way better than the actual PS3 for it though
Forest of the text adventures was the best part of the game hands down
I hate that one because of the slowdowns I got in the northern plains
Taro's worst game.