>Mobile games are predicted to eclipse regular games, mostly because of Chinks
>Casualization and micro-transactions everywhere
Mobile games are predicted to eclipse regular games, mostly because of Chinks
>>Casualization and micro-transactions everywhere
pc gaming started that
what was his problem?
Yeah and the Brits made the first tanks, but it was the Germans who first utilized them effectively.
What made the elephant want to hit that cow?
Based elephant.
True, but mobile gaming will really use it to the fullest extent with instant gratification and shitty cheap games that exist only to trick people into giving more money. You cant really make a full game for mobile.
he wanted to steal her phone, he reaches his tooter at it when she drops it
she would have gone flying if that dude wasnt behind her. elephants dont fuck around.
Elephants can't fly silly.
>NIS just announced a few days ago that they plan to have all their new games release simultaneously on consoles and phones
>just vote with your wallet bro
wasn't that bad, she would have fell over probably, though women seem to have some instinctive reflex to fall over from anything
>mfw I never touched a mobile game.
It may have seen people with phones multiple times throughout his life and was curious what it was and why people were pointing it at him constantly so he hit her to take it.
He's in musth, you can see the cum/urine like liquid dripping out of his head
God that thing could windmill all of them to the moon if ti just stepped forward
>he hit her to take it
do oliphaunts normally do this?
This baby elephant just made me realize that elephants are fuckin cool.
Maybe he got blinded a few times from dummies who use flash and thought 'Not this time bitch!'
Instant reaction when she raised her phone.
There can be no forgiveness for this
Man elephants would be baller at a dance rave.
baby phampers are the best
We won't forgive.
And an elephant never forgets.
I don't actually know, but elephants are pretty good at making logical conclusions compared to most mammals.
I do think is probably closer to what happened though
this is the worst quality webm ive ever seen
>the concerned mama when it falls
I wish I could be reborn as a little elephant and just stay like that forever.
Or it's a bull elephant in must, which just likes to attack anything for no reason
I can't stop watching this. When it falls over I can't stop myself from laughing.
>he didn't play snake and whatever this was called on his 3310
Could an elephant beat a bear in a fight?
oh man that brings me back to 2002. I used to play that all the time while in the hospital because my mom was dying :(
Yeah but that seemed like a reaction specifically to her raising the phone considering it tried to grab it immediately. I wouldn't assume they'd let an elephant so close to people if it was considering liability and potential lawsuits.
Elephants beat fucking Rhinos, what do you think?
Flash from the photo
What about a grizzly?
>safety procedures
You can see the elephant is in must because it's dripping ooze out of its ears. The zoo handlers probably thought it was funny to let the white people come close and get slapped.
African Elephants are even stronger.
That's not very fun
>200 kg grizzly vs 5000 kg elephant
Play Dragalia Lost
>hurting a white women
You know what this means Mary
Elephants will make bears look like some dexfags despite being quite quite dexterous with their trunks. what do you think?
redpill me gud game wit hot girls wit big tiddies, no p2w/p2p, not boring, not too grindy and some cool bros in there as well
imagine being that truck
it's prööööh not proo
americans have no soul
The only thing that'd stand against an agressive (bull) elephant would be a small tank or other form of ACP.
Even hippos know not to fuck with them, and hippos are the scariest things in all of Africa.
Wrong. Niggers are the scariest things in Africa.
50 Gorilla vs 1 Elephant
Who would win?
elephants r p.kewl
Gotta love they they compare the top payers to whales.Then again, anyone willing to pay that much is retarded.
That's what I love about elephants. They can kill anything they want but choose to (by nature) be these social herbivores that are typically non-violent so long as hormones are under control.
Wrong, it's mosquitos.
fuck chinks
Mosquitos brind down individuals. Niggers bring down entire countries and eventually modern civilization.
What do whales work as? What is the salary of the average whale?
lmao get pröwned, roastie
I find it really interesting that Elephants immediately become serial killers when they lose father figures and instantly stop once you put some older males into their habitat.
>baby elephant running around having fun
>it falls and hurts itself
>runs crying to its parent
wow. just like humans.
fucking weird.
Me on the bottom left
>tfw an Elephant has had more female contact than you
didnt this get cancelled?
Why are there so many elephant threads recently?
What are you talking about? It's whites who brought them to the states and whites that opened the floodgates in Europe. By your logic, the biggest threat to civilization currently is white people. Honestly, I agree with you.
What terrible people those Japanese were. Deserved those nukes.
Most serial killers tend of have father issues as far as I know. I think it's just more difficult growing up when you feel alienated from those around you and have no personal heroes you can aspire to be.
a lot of the problems in games are more sourced from PC games
>live services is just an attempt to make all games like MMOs (a genre predominate on PC)
>idiots who were okay with spending lots of money on a FREE EXPERIENCE give big devs the idea that they should put money spending options in their games
>graphics whores having devs priortize looks over if the game runs well or is even good (thanks Crysisfags i hope your 7/10 game looked pretty)
>discord trannies generally destroying gaming discussion and only caring about fandom over the games itself
Gorillas flee, elephant wins.
Now consider elephant vs orca. Who wins?
>graphics whores having devs priortize looks over if the game runs well or is even good (thanks Crysisfags i hope your 7/10 game looked pretty)
This doesnt really apply to mobile games though, since those game tend to look cartoony and shit
Niggers would have broken free of their continental cage eventually. Whites have been and still are speeding up the process.
>starving them instead of just shooting them quickly
2 nukes wasn't enough
Depends on the terrain, I'd think. Sea or land?
i can't think of how phone games really poisoned on how devs think games should look outside of other phone games
i mean clash of clans face hasn't really shown up outside of phone games
God I fucking hate Asian subhumans
>PC gaming
>when most franchises were dumbed down when they came to consoles
Elephants are denser so they'll splat before the orcas do
where's the joke.
Chinks are sort of the reason why we have most problems these days, climate change, mobile apps, overpopulation, communism.
Holy fuck it's like they secrete their own cocaine to get it going.
Joke is they are doing this because they are right in the middle of a war and battle all around them and nobody thought to use a gun.
Even 140$ Is fucking nothing with a decent job, hell even a burger flipper could afford that.
The elephant musth've been pretty angry.
>New (optional co-op) Max Payne-esque game where you play as a seasoned Elephant detective and his rookie Orca partner in a version of neon-cyberpunk-noir chicago.
Regular guns can't penetrate an elephant's skull, so it would have been a painful death either way.
What's weird about that. We're animals just the same.
Geeze, just run a plane into them.
It's been forever since I studied this stuff, but if I remember correctly a lot of the most noteworthy serial killers were raised by a single mentally ill mother. They didn't have father figures at all. So you're probably right.
Yeah but these would be military grade rifles.
shut up nigger
Just use a bigger gun then... Like, I don't know, an elephant gun?
Bitch shoot them through the eye.
>be in a war
>guns can't even kill elephants
Japs would be the first to go in the great elephant uprising.
Have patience, EFLs are almost incapable of saying Ü Ö or Ä no imagine some stupid shitskin like in that vocaroo
Antitank rifles and machine guns can kill them. Another joke is amount of poison needed to kill one elephant would probably cost more than a big gun and ammunition.
vocaroo the pronunciations pls
Holy fuck. That hippo is getting rekt.
Getting the fuck out of there eh? Don't blame you.
W-what, I'm not an elephant, honest!
Stop using 9mm and use real ammunition
>The only thing that'd stand against an agressive (bull) elephant would be a small tank or other form of ACP.
friendly reminder that our ancestors hunted those things with crudely made wooden spears and were very successful with it
Is that the rider being an ashole or the elephant going on a rampage on his own?
Wrong, the 7.7 mm the japanese arisakas use could still penetrate an elephant's skull, people used to hunt elephants with .303 british from lee enfield rifles all the time. The japanese probably just didn't feel like wasting a bullet or two.
This guy shot an killed over 1000 elephants, mostly by shooting them in the head with a mauser
Mammoth is actually pretty small and weak.
Elephantmen vidyagaem when?
Show your dick as proof
Jesus fuck that was funnier than I imagined it would be. Thanks user, have a good rest of the day
Babar grand strategy game when?
This. Everyone was bemoaning their favourite genres back when consoles finally blew up, now it's the smartphones which are apparently to be blamed. While in actuality it is the enables, the masses barely capable of cognition that are at fault, not a particular category of devices.
>Getting the fuck out of there eh?
Damn straight. Not my circus; not my monkeys
You think some brave soul tried to fuck an elephant?
LoL was the trojan horse for microtransaction garbage in the west.
top lel
Best threads on Yea Forums right now across all boards.
so this is the power of nofap
fucking shit why was that so funny?
sounds like a mobile phone going off
Mammoths still existed while the Pyramids were being built.
LoL had an actual trojan in the form of Pando Media Booster
It's the elephant, I don't think the riders could do that even if they wanted to, they must be scared shitless.
Literally pic related
Had a hearty giggle right there m8
Jesus, I can't breathe.
FIFA and TF2 were before LoL
Fuck. The ease that elephant has lifting a fucking car like it's made out of paper.
Can you commit acts of genocide?
You think they could afford to spend bullets on non-Americans or Non-Chinks at that point?
How naive
Why not behead it with a katana then?
Why not just spare a couple of human lives to save the bullets needs?
The humas were starving as well.
Feed the humans to the elephants then, problem solved.
Why didn't they eat the elephants?
then just inject them with the poison via a needle
because they tried to poison them
What even is this comic
>What are you talking about? It's whites who brought them to the states
Weren't the slave ships owned by jews though?
Reformed bio-weapon suffering from ptsd in a cyberpunk setting.
I wonder what that elephant's Battlenet tag is.
This was made by a German user
Whales literally don't matter. It's the Minnows and Dolphins. Look in any thread about how much Yea Forums spends on f2p games. 90% of posters will say something like "I only spent 10$ once because [excuse]" and the other 10% will call them out on destroying the games industry by enabling this faggotry.
whales absolutely matter
>every time I set in the bus, train or plain I see young zoomers playing mobile
Its not just China. Its every zoomer that can afford a smartphone.
average all round
high int and mana, low str and con
high str, low int
high con, manlet
heated gaming moment
+2 to STR, -2 to DEX, +1 to WIS, -1 to CHA
Favoured classes: Druid, Monk, Barbarian
Why didn't the elephant just whirr the phone?
Elephants had a better k:d ratio than humans
This totally applies to PC and console games, who's users spend absurd amounts of cash on improving graphic fidelity every 5 years, while developers don't do anything that could not be done on a XBOX/PS2/Gamecube. Why do you need the latest Nvidia or AMD card? Is it not because the latest games waste computing power on effects and raytracing, which don't affect the game's mechanics at all?
Video games are EXTREMELY stagnant, and developers have mainly innovated in getting customers to pay for less and accept incomplete products. Mobile games, for all their faults, are at least finished and playable.
Horse armor was a console phenomenon.
Then just ride the elephants into battle and become invincible
>Testosterone levels in an elephant in musth can be on average 60 times greater than in the same elephant at other times (in specific individuals these testosterone levels can even reach as much as 140 times the normal).
Imagine being a fat lazy low T neckbeard for 90% of your life and every once in a while you become 140x the man you were, I bet you could even get a girlfriend.
Based elephant
>all these retards expecting zoo staff to be able to just easily get their hands on firearms
Sounds more like a sure fire way to find yourself on the deathrows once your mind becomes clear after being clouded in RIP AND TEAR and STICK IN PENIS for like a few days.
from the side, it looks like he's smiling
>Gamers Rise up
What is wrong with mobile apps you fucking retard?
They give the ability to do stuff online without wasting away at your computer, so now people that don't have to spend their lives atrophying on their race car chairs are the enemy
>they are right in the middle of a war and battle all around them
Name 1 land battle on japanese soil on ww 2 you god damn idiot.
Iwo Jima
Yeah, I literally spent $10, once, in one game. Because stash tabs in path of exile are fucking neat when you want to trade.
Very good.
Why are elephants so based?
yeah, people are just jealous you have any fucking type of phone made after 2007. That's it.
Well besides Dolphins, elephants are the the most sympathetic and caring creatures on the planet. It really comes down to how smart they are.
In absolute awe at the size of that lad.
Dude, there's one shut in and one boomer that just fucking SEETHE at the thought of people owning smart phones, and will tell you all the shit you can do with them are useless, so you may as well buy a 200$ laptop instead of having all the features rolled into one device
Chinks still play a ton of PC games. Japs are the real problem with their love of handhelds.
It's incredibly hard to kill an elephant, even with a huge elephant rifle, shooting them in the brain hardly ever does it. You need to hit a specific spot, which is very hard as their heads are huge
If you miss, you have a flailing elephant that will suffer for hours before dying
Based elephant poster
Also fuck mobile gaming and fuck china.
Communism will always fail.
how can men even compete
this is great
what are some games where you can play as/ride an elephant?
That's actually a mixture of pee and cum leaking out
>elephants name is sahara
how stereotyped!
far cry 4
Does it matter? Many of them are getting themselves into debt over this shit.
A good majority of men in Jail were raised by single mothers. You never hear about criminals being raised by single fathers outside of the odd case of the dad beating the shit out of the kid.
Rome: Total War had elephant units
Most total war games. Total Warhammer has the best ones
Loved seeing them throw people around and just crush formations.
If a game is F2P and not in a horrible micro-transactions state then I don't see a problem spending around the same amount it would cost to buy a newly released AAA game as long as you enjoy it. It's free, you consider the game good, might even have played it for years, xx amount of dollars for some convenience you've been without all that time should be fine.
name ONE good mobile game
May just be correlation because blacks are a lot more likely to be raised by single mothers and also to commit crimes.
Are there statistics on whites or chinks or whatever raised by single mothers?
This is like a Renaissance painting
Mount and Blade Warband with certain mods.
I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just not something that'd ever cross my mind. I pay to get products, not to support them.
>mobile games overtake core games in profitability
>all aaa publishers move into mobile development
>aaa games die out
>normies leave for mobile
>passionate lower budget teams move into the vacuum
>gaming is good again
So that is the user who made the thread asking what to ask, pussied out when is this an aprils fool joke was suggested?
Its pretty sad what happened to the Japanese game industry.
You forgot:
>only companies buy high end PC parts
>PC parts triple in price
Looks like he's swinging a nunchuk.
Yea Forums - Fat mammals
>They are attacking us!
I would call them lawnmowers because the green Romans always would be taken out first.
Not that i've seen but the fact that most serial killers are raised by single mothers kinda points to a causation. Not to mention most school shooters too.
don't need high end parts just play doom
Fair enough.
>Not to mention most school shooters too.
we all know the real reason for those
The one where he is lit up with the wide-shot of the audience is even better
I went to the zoo once and we were allowed to take some bananas and throw them into the elephant enclosure to feed them. I accidentally tossed a bunch too hard and struck an elephant in the face and another elephant came by and stole it off the ground. She was just staring at me. I felt bad and tossed another bunch at her (didn't hit her this time) but she just walked away.
I guess he wasn't mad at you he was just disappointed
Chance is that she probably rethinks about that just as you rethink about it now.
decently well-off middle class men who are single. instead of buying a car, house and spending money on a wife they just buy micro-transactions in their little bachelor apartment
Elephants truly are intelligent and gentle creatures
Look at the enclosure it's in, this isn't a zoo rich enough to think about things like that.
mtg has loxodons
>When the musth kicks in
>that first musht of the day
Actually Britain invented modern tank warfare as well as the tank itself, but the army's top brass were all stubborn retarded horsefuckers that refused to listen even after the new fully-mechanised force repeatedly shat all over traditional formations in war games. Unfortunately some German officers attended these war games and they were very much open to new ideas, unlike Britain's own people.
>Casualization and micro-transactions everywhere
We have this already and most consumers don't like it
Micro-transactions are in every game because they make money. You think that pay-to-gamble mechanics are in modern games because mobile titles are popular? No, they're there because they generate a huge amount of income for the company. The same is true with casualization: the more people who play, the more people who will gamble, the more people who will be giving money to the game.
Now, hypothetically, what would happen if one were to consume this musth, just hypothetically of course? Also, does anyone know if there are any zoos with elephants in stockholm, coincidentally?
you go man, show it to that braphog
I propose a new, distinct category of interactable entertainment programs: "video scams".
Based Prööh :DD
There are enough video games to last anyone a lifetime already.
Must be an african elephant.
Mowgli is built for male contact.
Ah, look at the shitty graphics, the diversity quota splash. When I clicked that image, so many negatives burst forth in tandem to instantly make me decide that I would never, ever play it.
>all these fancy methods which just put more strain on the shoelaces and cause them to break faster
>all of them look fucking stupid outside the upper right
>that one which asks you to tie the knot inside the show and walk around all day like that
Reminder Japs treat dogs better than any other Asians. They were just barbarians who needed to be taught, desu they still need to be taught not to kill whales and dolphins.
it is, actually
How about those kingdom rush ones? I think they're good tower defense fair even if the paying for heros leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
>Shortly after the March 1945 bombings of Tokyo, the Japanese placed U.S. Army Air Force navigator and bombardier Ray "Hap" Halloran on display naked in a Ueno Zoo tiger cage so civilians could walk in front of the cage and view the B-29 prisoner.
What are you on about? The entire point of that graph is to show that a single killer whale provides more than 70 minnows worth of currency. The ones that don't matter are everyone who's lower than whale on the spending chart.
>Hitler orders that all captured 'terror bomber' crew be executed
>Japan: hold my sake
based elephant BTFO social media thots.
no photography you bitch
God look at that air of confidence, he knows the fire he will start, this is one for the history books.
danke schön
but muh anecdote
Seethe more.
I do this with my penis
That's a turd burglar if I ever saw one
a good one at that
my brother friend is a security guard and that doesn't stop him from spending 200 dollars at month in some mobile game
It was Xbox.
redpill me gud game wit hot girls wit big tiddies, no p2w/p2p, not boring, not too grindy and some cool bros in there as well
The way Mobile games should have being is "get free game, is just a demo, then it ask you to buy it or get a ton of adds" and thats it.
The moment they had infinite revenue by crippling the game dessign, then it went to shit.
Most of the decent games for mobile actually do this.
Depends if you find all cover up not that big tiddies sexy...
I recomend Card thief
I like this developer, their games are simple, and they have no p2w, no intrusive, just a "get adds or a timer if you play for free, or pay once and get rid of timers and adds, so is just a real simple game"
>holding back so much cum that it leaks out your head
can relate