>y'shtola scene
Fuck this piece of shit expansion. Fire the fucking cuck writer. Fuck this shit.
You know what you must do.
more like queuebringers. had a queue of 3000+ last night. get better servers god damn it
Runar better fucking die. Worst fucking piece of shit character.
If you don't have the will to take her back you deserved to be cucked.
Has the OST been uploaded yet?
>tfw like several classes but can't decide which one to play
As if fucking Squeenix cuck writers would let you. They're fucking dedicated to forcing WoL as a cuck. Can't even fuck Alisaie if you want to.
WAR joins, pulls half the dungeon, stands in blizzard debuff, doesn't even activate defience and dies due to frostbite
That's because WoL was meant for Feo Ul.
It's shitbringers
You can't fuck her either. Fucking Runar bitch ass piece of shit gets animations with Y'shtola WoL doesn't get fucking anything. Not with Y'shtola or Alisaie or Feo. Fucking trash. Squeenix cuck bitch writers.
I fucking love the "muh waifu" crowd getting absolutely btfo
Yoshi is pretty based
I love the seething because they gave muh catgirl waifu a love interest.
All those brown futa cat commission didn't do you much good did they.
Fuck you
Ah, a true gentleman at last.
Oh fuck I forgot that guy. He must be seething.
That just makes the scene 300% better.
>tfw no krile hat for males when it gets added to mog station soon
WoL doesn't get any fucking scenes with her what the fuck are you talking about.
How tf do you dancer? They do no damage. I was having trouble out dpsing SB MSQ monsters when I tried it. Am I just a brainlet?
She's constantly going on about how her adorable WoL is hers and hers only.
>Waifuing Y'shtola
You were asking for it.
Stand in range of them during technical/standard step
Is she WoL's only though? Think about it. You should be worried even if you're not a Y'shtola bro. This fucking bullshit could happen to you next.
Except it isn't because they added a totally new pedophile pandering doormat character that gets like 15 monologues
Do the Ascians really look like this or is it just because they are phantoms?
Who the fuck is your waifu? It could happen to her next dumbass. That's what I'm fucking saying. They should keep all the waifu characters off limits for fuck's sake.
They're originally formless beings, so probably.
>he's actually mad
Fucking based Runar holy shit.
Fuck you. They better fucking kill off Runar. He's a fucking piece of shit.
I bet he's the brown futa cat commissioner.
What was this form in 1.0?
when do i get this set, not till 80?
I bet he's the bunny boi poster who thought male viera would be real. Hroth cucked him SO HARD
Accept the lion cock already
Post GNB glamour ideas!
near the end of the MSQ
What the fuck would you say if it was your waifu you fucking assholes.
I preferred XIV nicknames when they had "shill" in them, fairly sure we should refer to it as "shillbringers"
What if next expac she gets fucked by some other guy then. You shouldn't be celebrating this shit for fuck's sake.
Is it REALLY that Kino though? Are standards for MMO writing that low?
have sex
>whm out of the shed finally
>ast and sch cant stop seething
feels so good bros
I think anyone with half a decent amount of self respect is beyond that type of rock bottom, so it's fair to assume we got an all-clear to laugh at your shitty life.
Just kill yourself, really.
Remember to report the delusional cuckfag
Full Heavy Allagan Armor with the biggest gunblade you can find
The eastern imperial set with an imperial looking gunblade and the title
It's not kino it's fucking trash.
It's the best FF story we've gotten since Yea Forums was founded.
Shut up cuck and lick the cum off your hrotgar god's balls, they're wet from breeding Y'sthola.
Give it a patch. Remember WAR in 4.0.
They'll get some ungodly buff that makes no sense thematically.
>tfw number 740 in queue
My husbando Magnus is single and ready for my dick
It's not kino and the trannies pretending it is have no standards
They enjoy circlejerking so they don't have to accept the reality of their game being laughably embarrassing from all standpoints, let them be. It's not like they have any other game to shelter themselves in and delude themselves about their situation after the MMOcaust.
Servers back yet? Dissidia is getting boring.
>wowbros in denial
its okay bros im sure 8.2 is really good
No it isn't Shadowbringers has the worst fucking FF story ever made. It's like 3 hours long of generic bottom of the barrel shounenshit where nothing of importance happens and becoming warrior of darkness was completely irrelevant, it doesn't even scratch the surface of the story in 12 or 15 or Spinoffs like Type-0 or WoFF
They went up about 20 minutes ago
It is very good but cutsceneskippers will tell you its shit because its something that has been building since the beginning.
>i sure love bathing in AIDS, at least it's not ebola!
wow is fucking shit but so is this embarrassment of an expansion, 14 has never been good
The beginning was atrocious and nothing that comes out of it can possibly be good in any level unless you are desperate to make your time investment mean something and elevate something very basic and half-cooked to "good", so it's not like they are wrong.
kek let them seethe, eden in 2 weeks brother
>wowbros will never again experience kino
sad really, i hope you guys can experience something on par with shadowbringers kino levels one day
It's complete shit including those pathetically done cutscenes that look worse than ps2 games
>WoWbabboon cant grasp the concept of a story building on itself
news at 11
>only wowfags shit on shitshowbringers
>criticize xiv
The complaint was MMO WRITING was poor, as in all of them, jesus is this how threads go with console exclusives?
Just because you're better than a steaming pile of shit doesn't mean you're good either
The absolute state of 14 year olds thinking anyone shitting on 14 must like wow
they're both shit but 14 is especially bad
Accept the Alisaie pill, and you'll be happy.
It's sad how you can go out of your way to rip off Granblue's setting after it makes a better take on Final Fantasy than you ever did, and still manage to make something so embarrasingly bad as FFXIV turned out to be.
probably the best the best expansion the game's had in terms of presentation
I'd say it's too early to judge it on the battle content until eden comes out
Fucking think about it. This stupid cuck writer bitch could cuck you with Alisaie too. Fire that dumb cunt. What will you do when Alisaie gets a npc shitter boyfriend next expac?
what the fuck are you even talking about?
What's a good EU server?
>cntrl F "wow"
>8 results found
Are we really deflecting this hard before the thread even hits 100 replies? Feeling a little insecure in here, spoiler: both are extremely terrible
It's as bad as anything from 1.0 because its never been good and it looks worse than fucking PS2 games, even ff11 had better presentation
Sky Rat fending set.
Right, you found us, it's the DSP thread.
You must be seriously desperate, man. Just accept it's regurgitated shit trying to copy and paste too many sources to keep their own track of consistency.
holy shit DSP being the mascot of XIV threads on Yea Forums would be kind of perfect actually
user you understand that none of the NPCs actually ever show romantic interest in our protagonist right?
See the difference is that Alisaie is sopping wet for the WoL and her deceased friend straight up says she's smitten.
Y'shtola never gave much of a fuck about you.
Look at the fucking Valentine's day event. You shouldn't fucking celebrate what's happening to Y'shtola bros. You'll see. It'll happen to you. You'll fucking regret defending this shit Alisaie bro.
What about SHB was bad, be detailed and descriptive
It's fairly kino and the standards for MMO writing are extremely low.
Is this about the lion guy carrying Y'shtola or is there another scene later on?
In the meantime, I'll enjoy the schadenfreude.
He can't because he's a wowfag that hasn't played the game
The fucking cuck shit you moron. It was a fucking 10/10 but the cuck shit makes it 0/10.
you pathetic little shit lmao
Uhhhhh I don't like looking at cat people.
>Fucking Runar bitch ass piece of shit gets animations with Y'shtola WoL doesn't get fucking anything.
Blame lalafells. We'll never get real cutscenes and NPC interactions because of them.
You'll see. You'll deserve it when Alisaie gets fucked by some random piece of shit npc. I was trying to be your bro you asshole.
Bioshock vibes.
I'm giving you this (You) because you seem like the kind of person who's going to kill ximself if you're just ignored and I feel like saving a life today.
Compared to recent FF games, yes. FF15 wasn't even able to tell a proper story without relying on DLC and a novel, and every other FF after 12 has been complete trash in almost every regard, spinoffs included.
Light, Chaos has been taken over by baguettes.
it doesnt matter what character you waifu man, your character is not gonna end up with any of them. The WoL is gonna end up in some bitter sweet ending becoming a guardian diety at the end of time forever warding off bullshit to maintain the balance so everyone else can live in peace.
>trying to be contrarian this hard
its okay to like things user
Which servers on light are good?
That's fucking bullshit man. All the fucking time and money invested in this shit. It's trash bro.
The only thing I'm willing to accept is the return of our lord and saviour
Energy Drain!
If you started getting into FF14 because you wanted to waifu some NPCs, then you are a fucking retard without peer user. Apply yourself.
>we are happily married with our wife waiting at home with a new outfit.
>wanting some used up whore elf or cat
Please respond.
What wife
I play on odin and it's decent, I know phoenix and lich are good too. Twintania is new and has new player bonuses if you're into that.
Remember there's cross server play so it's not terribly important which one you pick.
i wish i had the time to get back into ff14
there's one scene where he holds her in his arms and another where he's concerned for her wellbeing
Don't fucking do it bro. It's fucking cuck shit now. Stay far away from this piece of shit cuck game.
All of the main story was in the game, 4 2 hour dlc stories that are literally sidestory or expanded prequel to play as the villain have nothing to do with the main story and the novel has nothing to do with the main game because its literally a non canon alt timeline
14 needed 3 FULL FUCKING EXPANSIONS with a fucking subscription you pay every month for 6 years and constant updates to tell its generic piece of shit story convoluted lore dump """""story""""" that is objectively worse than anything in 12 or 15 or type0 or wolf, with worse presentation, production quality, animation, visuals etc than any of them
Stop making excuses for your time investment into this piece of shit
Don't come to Cerberus, we're fucking full already
mini-filia's tight cunny
Why don't you do the same advice and stay away from the threads?
Take your lithium, schizo tranny.
Being contrarian would be thinking 14 is good.
One of those fucking gay ass waste of race expansion lion fuckers princess carries Y'shtola and she smiles and laughs. It's fucking bullshit. WoL never gets a scene like that with her. Hrothgar are fucking trash. The new writer bitch is a fucking cunt.
Don't skip cutscenes nigga.
Man I wished there was more to do than just 2 ex trials at end game.
>being a waifufag
You brought this on yourself
You really don't, it's even worse than 1.0 now.
Raid opens in 2 weeks
mad cuz bad lol
People need to know this shit. This fucking game is trash now. Fuck this expac.
Is this ingame, or a sneaky edit?
>objectively worse than anything in 12 or 15
fucking lmfao
I love all this falseflagging.
literally everyone disagrees
its not fucking bullshit you moron, the player character could be a lalafell and having a lala try and princess carry y'sthola would be fucking impossible so yeah
so does anyone have any actual grievances or is it just hyperbole from an autistic waifufag
I don't. Fuck this new writer bitch. She was doing a good job before she added this cuck bullshit.
it's the waifufag ironically (?) shitposting
That's some salt, I'm a noob that only has been playing for a few days, so explain to me, don't players marry each other in this game, was there ever any sign of romance with her being a NPC and all?
I bet you play male lizard.
>All of the main story was in the game
>i'll just handwave all the critiques about how aimless a lot of the game felt
>Instead of fixing this, they just dive into non canon shit instead
and each tells something more cohesive than those same four you keep touting
get better arguments
Who gives a shit about Y'shtola
I just want to give G'raha a hug
Ehmet Selch should've princess carried here
They should fucking add animations for the races that can. If they can't fucking do that then don't let npcs fucking do it either. Don't fucking touch any of the waifu characters. Fuck. I'm defending your waifus too you assholes. I don't give a fuck bout Alisaie but it's still wrong to do that with her. I'm trying to fucking help you.
just no
lyse ended up not even mattering to anything and did less than luna did, and 14 needed ARR, HW, SB and ShB to tell its still unfinished story, at least XV ended its story since launch while any of the DLC happen prior to the ending as parallel sidestories or literal prequel.
yeah ff14 and its expansions are bad
Emet needs more artwork
great character, legit felt bad when he died
There is. There was a fucking Valentine's day video and a Christmas event bro.
that was ardbert, he's the one talking regardless of your race and gender
still mad lol
the bigger question is why anyone would prefer a 40 year old bitchy mooncat over literally any other npc
I'm not talking about him i'm talking about Hythlodaeus, but Ardbert is us too.
Fuck you liar. You fucking liar.
Speaking of Ardbert, who would've thought he'd become the best of bros after beating the shit out of him in HW.
Was pretty hilarious hearing Ardbert speak out of my Bunnies mouth.
She's a suncat
>lyse ended up not even mattering
she gets credit for more that she should, but she absolutely does more than the wallflower that is luna
No one disagrees, you're a tranny not a human. The only reason you defend 14 is because you sunk 9 years of your life into playing it, anyone that just jumped straight to ShB which was stated you could do sees it for the generic piece of shit it is.
cute slut
What makes you think it won't happen to the other waifus. That's what I'm saying. Fuck bro. Think.
>only known female hrothgar is dead
There's no need to lie to insult Lyse. She's bad, but she's not anywhere near as bad as Luna
sounds like you need therapy
Good. Those fucking shitters should go extinct.
Take the hint and follow suit
Nothing says she was a Hrothgar.
Delete this fucking image
Please, I beg you
I don't care about the rest of your post or your conversation with that other user in general, just get that image out of my sight, it disturbs me in an undescribable way
The wife of the miner alcoholic or someone else? We were never actually shown her, were we?
Why the fuck are there no male Viis though, they don't even share the same lore as Viera. JUST SHOW ME A MALE. It's Male Mithra all over again.
It's the best we've had in XIV but it's flawed and the ending is much weaker than the beginning.
Standards are really fucking low. I suspect most of the people sperging out about how it's the greatest writing of all time have never actually read a book.
True but her name sounds eastern european which is what hrothgar seemed to be followin in terms of names and accents
I'm really trying to like Gunbreaker, but it doesn't feel that good for some reason.
I've only done dungeons up to 64, and tried it out at 70 through HoH but it jut seems slow and kinda boring
Someone should add the Hrothgar here
Rate the following tanks from 1 to 10:
Slow in what way?
have you ever played a tank before?
GNB is very fast paced compared to the others
>One brings shadow, one brings light
>Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
>Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
>Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
What does it mean, bros?
How do I racechange (for free)?
I don't mind being a gay elf but the casting animations are terrible
I mained DRK and got it to 80 and it felt more active than anything I've done with GNB so far
>I cried at Amaurot!
>I cried!
>When Ardbert held out his axe it was so based
Can someone please spoonfeed me the origins of this meme template? Seen it a few times over the years, the version with tank specs etc. what happened with Y'shtola in the past to make her cuckbait?
You can't for free unless you have yet to beat the core ARR MSQs, which you'll get a free fantasia for doing so.
look in your inventory if you have a fantasia potion, you usually get one or two for free
battle animations are the same for all races
What part of amaurot made you cry user, specifically?
haha I greentexted a thing and posted a wojak, get owned
>Stop enjoying good things, all things are bad! If you enjoy something it means you're a braindead moron!
Fuck off.
Everything in anything ff14 is aimless, in XV you are always on a clear defined path and you have a plethora of optional content to do, you citing retards that are too fucking stupid to even understand that means nothing.
Nothing needed fixing because the main story was told with a fully fleshed out satisfying and tragic ending since day 1, one which built itself entirely from content in the game
Meanwhile 14 needs 4 fucking entire expansions just to trick people into thinking its good despite it being dogshit with worse presentation than any of the fucking dlc have too
Not a single thing in 14 is cohesive, its literally an unfinished piece of shit that is still unfinished and has less actual story content than anything in XV. 14 doesn't even have a real MC or any character development or any good villains or any good side characters and it has shit graphics and terrible animation and worse than ps2 level cutscenes and buttrock forgettable music and not a single coherent element in it
meanwhile XV starts and finishes its story within itself and only has self contained side stories for side content which tell literally more coherent and self comcluded stories than anything in 14s terrible expansions ever have, while looking and being a billion times better, not a single fucking thing in 14s expansions is anywhere near as good as episode ignis or its music and presentation
Get an actual fucking argument
even the fucking food looks like plastic shit worse than a ps2 game
Why do you even reply?
Get a life barry holy shit.
Oh alright, I'll keep playing then until they pop up
Really? That kinda sucks. I tried both Arcanist and Thaumathurge and it just looks really bad. Maybe when I get more spells it'll look more natural and flow-y?
Yeah I know you are
Please go into more detail about all these cutscenes you cutscene faggot.
You sure typed a lot to say nothing.
You could have just typed
>I like XV but I don't like XIV
And it would have achieved the same result
I just started the expansion, should I do sidequests or will I get enough xp to 80 with the MSQ and dungeons?
The fucking writers didn't cuck the protagonist either. Fuck this shit.
higher level spells have way cooler animations, yeah
So I never did finish the Alex questline. DId they ever explain how some random primal robot summoned by fucking goblins has godlike time travel/manipulation powers when even the Ascians themselves cannot?
>not cucking your shitty wife in XV
step it up user
Don't fucking do it. Drop this shit bro. It's fucking cuck trash.
Dungeons and MSQ will easily pull you through the game but a lot of sidequests are absolutely worth doing for the extra flavour they add to the zones.
So glad this is back. No reason to downgrade after all these years
If Noctis cucked his wife nobody gives a fuck. The issue is Shadowbringers fucking cuck writer cunt bitch cucking the WoL. She should lose her fucking job. Fucking cunt.
What did you generally do with GNB? What moves did you use?
You can't talk about any game without that retard showing up to suck Noctis' dick.
KH3 threads are literally unreadable.
How do I expand my inventory to show all my inventory instead of just two sections?
I did daily roulettes every other day and got to 80 just by doing that, main quest and flying sidequests before I even got to level 79 zone.
The late 70s will need an extra push to get a level out of them, but other than that it's pretty easy to just follow the MSQ
the cuck poster is honestly hilarious. i have never seen anyone this triggered
post more of this coalburner
Alexander was created by a timeloop, goblins only summoned it via the Enigma Codex.
Alright, I'll save the sidequests for when leveling GUN or something
She's a virgin tho, and she only found the black actor handsome
post the webm of ryne doing a dance next to thancred again
Build cartridges with the combo
Spend cartridges on Gnashing Fang, using continuation on
Spend cartridges on Burst Strike when GF was on CD
Use Sonic Break, Bow Shock, Rough Divide, etc. on CD.
The GCD just feels so slow and it doesn't help that like 11 of GNB's moves are on the GCD. There's no reason for Sonic Break to be on the GCD, while Bow Shock isn't. It doesn't feel good wasting a whole GCD on a DoT that has an animation that doesn't even look cool like Goring Blade or Circle of Scorn
best dungeon to spam from 70 - 71 for second class. Leveling a healer
Lyse does literally nothing that matters or impacts anything, meanwhile Luna is central to the entire story and if not for her direct actions then Noctis never would have restored the Dawn.
>she is literally going around waking up the astrals and performing the rites and forging the covenants as the Oracle so that noctis can gain their power and reclaim his throne
>holding back the starscourge
>healing people canonically as part of the story of disease and scourge
>safeguarding the ring of lucii
>if not for her then noctis never would have gotten the ring at all because she's the one who went back to Regis to get it
>it's her direct actions being the main reason noctis even succeeded in bringing back the dawn because he got the ring and the astrals blessing and could access the crystal thanks to her
>Powered up Noctis to his King of Kings state during the rite with Leviathan which in turn reactivated the Kingsglaive powers back after they had lost them following Regis's death, and the Kingsglaive regaining power is the prime reason humanity was able to fight back against the Daemons during the 10 years of world of ruin, if not for Luna doing that then humanity would have perished
>it's her death itself which further spurns the spread of the starscourge and which pushes noctis to accept his kingly duties and accept his death too by performing the light of providence by using the power of the crystal, the astrals, the glaives in the ring thanks to Luna
>Was already dying by performing the rites and healing the scourge because of the immense toll it takes on her body, yet even after being weakened and stabbed she still tried to heal Ardyn of his scourge
>Became a qt ghost that can do stuff beyond the grave
Meanwhile Lyse
>Did nothing
>Doesn't matter to the story
>No one even remembers her
>Everything in anything ff14 is aimless
blatantly false, try again
>XV you are always on a clear defined path
a defined path that has you doing aimless things maybe
>citing retards that are too fucking stupid to even understand that means nothing
the only retards are those who ignore what is literally present in the game. are you sure you played XV?
>14 needs 4 fucking entire expansions
people were playing for the msq long before their current expac, try again
>that is still unfinished
I would hope an on-going game would be in such a state
>has less actual story content than anything in XV
blatantly wrong when you quantify
>14 doesn't even have a real MC
which speaks volumes for how terrible protagonists like noctis ended up
>meanwhile XV starts and finishes its story within itself
it failed to create something compelling within itself in the first place
>fucking graphics is what makes a story good
how about you try seeking an argument first.
I've already been putting some forward, you just throw criticisms but no actual citations behind them
PLD 10
No one liked Y'shtola anyways, so it's not like anyone actually got cucked
Hard to say. The one shown there is a recreation of a memory by one of the few remaining ascians. They were really good at creation magic and seem to prefer chilling in a body so I would guess that a physical form was like clothes for us. Either it was unimportant for the memory recreation since the point was to "see" all his friends/loved ones again, or when doing unimportant things they just used a vague robed apperance like we use jeans and a tshirt.
sonic break is fine besides having a lame animation, it doesn't interrupt your combos and if it was an ogcd weaving it in in the middle of continuation would be a pain in the dick
14 is shit
I like gunbreaker but man compared to the other 3 tanks they crumble during the same pulls other tanks do. So far I got war and pld to 80 and while working on GNB I feel like cardboard when I pull.
See. I knew you could do it
Stop pretending 14 is better
I did. That's not the fucking point. If it happened to my waifu it could happen to yours. Fucking think bro. Next expac this stupid writer cunt could give Alisaie a npc shitter boyfriend.
we had another some time ago
He wasnt celebrating it, it was saying it was expected. Literally all he said was "you were asking for it".
> and if it was an ogcd weaving it in in the middle of continuation would be a pain in the dick
I mean, you could say that about any of GNBs other OGCDs that it already has. Sonic break just feels like a speed bump
Yeah. I'm way to used to TBN on DRK just mitigating the shit out of everything
>Lowest DPS dude
>Has dance partnet
>Has eye of the dragon
Why does this keep happening?
Filibuster's was made for GNB
You can say that, and removing a standalone GCD by turning it into an ogcd would make it that much worse.
nice dodo fgt
I can't believe XV-kun is still alive
I do not get why anyone plays lalas.
Please tell me the Yshtola waifufag is just falseflagging
surely someone can't possibly go this far about a digital girl
>Removing a standalone GCD by turning it into an ogcd would make it that much worse.
How? It could still be on it's weird 58.7 second timer and not trigger the GCD. That already sounds better than being on a weird 58.7 timer and triggering the GCD when you use it.
Heart of light isn't quite TBN levels of broken but it's decent.
Camouflage is also a very good cooldown in dungeons and aurora is surprisingly okay.
Is Barry still here?
It's not just bout Y'shtola you retard. It's bout all the fucking waifus in this shit cuck game. Fucking new writer is a cunt. She'll come for your waifu next asshole.
skalla is better for gnb
They are cute
P-please post more Minfilia
I don't see how the other tanks GCD rotation is any faster. Could you explain?
>Australian hours
>Thread shits itself
not everyone uses meters
They're a support class
It's probably the dude that spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars of commissions of his futa catgirl fucking Y'shtola
>Camouflage is also a very good cooldown in dungeons
No it isn't. It's fucking worthless if you have bad luck. I once popped it during a large pull + heart of stone for more mitigation and I only parries one attack.
Sure. Let Alisaie date that blue haired cat bow from Kholusia and let people seethe
It doesn't because just in your opener you have to weave in bloodfest, no mercy, bow shock, rough divide and blasting zone while also avoiding clipping from continuation.
Now imagine removing one of the few gcd locked moves you have and turning it into yet another ogcd to weave in.
It's a mess and it's hard to get everything down without clipping as it is.
Ninja has the gayest run
even if you didn't get a single parry it's 10% raw mitigation, which is more useful than dark mind in a dungeon
Am I fucking myself playing gunbreaker as my main job ?
My highest tank job was PLD at only level 30ish, and my highest overall job is RDM at level 64.
I enjoy tanking as a gunbreaker and I think I'm doing well enough during regular 4-man dungeons, but I'm kinda intimidated to tank during raids when the MSQ will eventually force me to do them.
I do, and i liked the scene the autist is sperging about, i thought it was cute and fit Runar quite well though i didn't think Y'shtola was in love with him.
She has loads of scenes that imply she wants Urianger's chadlezen cock, the scene with Runar literally ends with him getting friendzoned
no u
You admit you're in to cuck shit? Fuck you. That's why you're defending this bullshit. Asshole.
I haven't touched PLD or WAR yet, but I have more shit to press as DRK. GNB just doesn't have enough shit to press outside of continuation to feel "fast" like everyone is saying it is for some reason, unless I'm missing something, and continuation honestly doesn't even feel that good to pull off. The animation is limp
MSQ doesn't force you to do raids.
It's a pretty obvious falseflag, any real waifufag would be playing with JP voices and in JP tigerfag calls her 姉さん and not anything that could be construed as relationship, there's a reason you haven't seen any JP fanart of them.
Second highest dps of the tanks and very decent utility. GNB's fine.
cute bird
That's fucking shit too. Y'shtola should have fucking scenes with WoL. Fuck this shit expac and fuck that stupid cunt bitch writer. She's fucking trash.
Endless Summer of Famfrit I want to say you're a faggot for kicking me just because I /pet and /hug the lalas while you being the autistic couldn't wait a moment.
GNB right now is the second strongest tank in raw damage. Their mitigation is kinda weak for dungeons. In raid all their mitigation is fine
Nope, everything in 14 is aimless.
Getting the Astrals by Muna doing the rites, the Royal Arms, getting to Luna who has the ring of the lucii, and heading to Niflheim to get to the crystal are all to reclaim the throne and restore the dawn by killing Ardyn, everything in the main story is in service to that, nothing is aimless.
You're the only one ignoring content in the game as you just proved you never played XV.
14 needed 4 fucking full expansions to tell its dogshit unfinished story
meanwhile you're such a retard that thinks a story with a defined ending that fully ended the story for good is somehow unfinished because they made prequel content and literal sidestories later on.
Noctis is objectively the best FF protag and has more character development, personality and humanity than every character in 14 combined, even fucking Talcott a tertiary character has more character arc than the retard blank slate in 14, that's just more proof for how shit 14 and its terrible characters are
14 has never been compelling meanwhile XV is the most compelling an FF story and villain have ever been which is why its do beloved, np one even knows any ff14 characters besides the ones that get shoved in dissidia because they forgot 14 needs a rep
How about you stop defending 14 having worse graphics than 15 despite 2 of 14s expansions coming out after 15 released and with 14 itself made in the same gen
>he thinks I like Alisaie
ok XIV-kun
fuck off barry
The first half of your points refer to throwaway events in the story (things Lyse drowns in), passive plot effects (sharing qualities with a hypothetical wall in the background is character?), or just playing inventory for someone important.
The second half of your points either tie in to the nature of her being, or her influence on someone that actually does something (Noctis)
The 69 one
Patch dungeons never give decent exp
Is what FF14 trannies must do.
>Formless dumpy bodies
>Move like they have no elbows or knees and have shit their pants
>Gear looks potato sacky and compressed
>Weapons (and them in general) looks silly in any roll except healer
>90% of lala NPCs are jews of the highest order
>Most of their voices dont fit their apperance
At least other mmo mini races such as goblins or elins are nice to look at. Lalas just have nothing redeeming about them.
No it's kH-kun, obviously
>meanwhile XV is the most compelling an FF story and villain have ever been which is why its do beloved
Fucking spat out my drink
They removed diversion. Just pick the DPS with the biggest threat meter.
>tfw called that he'd start posting in these threads the instant metacritic shit started getting posted
Dilate, tranny.
You dont need meters to know to partner/eye the sam/blm instead of the mch that is dying to mechanics.
Fuck off tranny
Ninja is so boring now
>removed stances
>removed Jugulate
>removed Mutilate
>Huton lasts forever
It's so boring now.
Just stop replying, imagine wasting braincells arguing against someone defending XV
Where's goetia tomestone trader?
Also what ??? do I need to unlock to be viable for expert dungeons? I have no unlocking quests in Crystarium and I've done the Twinning.
I think I've seen you in-game.
Are you Noctic Caelum set up to look 100% exactly like him?
None of that is throwaway, all of that is core to events in the story and character presentation, lyse doesnt do fucking anything while luna is actively awakimg the astrals to perform the rites, is holding back the starscourge and healing those inflicted, is the entire reason why noct can access the crystal by getting him the astrals and the ring and restored the kingsglaive powers which is the only reason humanity still stands 10 years later
The pair of dwarven mythril ear cuffs is added to your inventory.
>doing raid as a tank
>DPS says at the end of the run
>"this run would've been faster if someone danced with me"
This make me laugh. Poor DRG didn't get his dancing queen.
It was definitely one of those rare times where I get sad near the end because I don't want it to end because it's so good, like a great novel. I'd 100% say it's the best FF since at least 10, but I'm holding off until we see Eden (Nomura is involved and considering how godawful KH3 was I'm withholding judgement).
Yeah the truth must be shocking to a tranny like you.
Eulmore for both
So uh.. whats new gameplay wise?
Is what FF14 trannies must do.
t. 14 tranny
should i level posterboy drk or gnb for the msq ?
it's not enough for large pulls.
War has IR + Mascemt Flash + chaotic cyclone
PLD has clemency + shelltron
All of these are better for large pulls than camoflauge
ofc standards are low, its a fucking video game not a book.
It's fucking trash.
you mean the thing everyone did when his outfits were added because everyone loves him?
None of the tanks feel good in ShB.
More dumbing down but hey, at least some skills stack charges now!
its the worst ff story
Is there any anime/manga/novel (fuck light novels) eastern or western made like Shadowbringers? Other than Berserk?
No one did that.
My whole FC makes fun of you everytime we see you.
Not him but that's a yikes. The first time sure, but multiple times? Makes ya a bit of an asshole, don't you think?
Nomura is only designing characters for Eden, his input to the writing should be minimal and unless it's actually Coil 2.0 it can't really be THAT relevant to the plot
>4x ast and mch weapons
>2x dancer
nice game square
>elins are nice to look at
You're pretty embarrassing
>Nope, everything in 14 is aimless.
Again, false, try again.
>Getting the Astrals by Muna doing the rites, the Royal Arms, getting to Luna who has the ring of the lucii, and heading to Niflheim to get to the crystal are all to reclaim the throne and restore the dawn by killing Ardyn, everything in the main story is in service to that, nothing is aimless.
Now break up those sub-goals into how the problems are actually tackled into game and say there isn't filler with a straight face
>14 needed 4 fucking full expansions to tell its dogshit unfinished story
You still refuse to address the comment and repeat your verfiably false statement
>meanwhile you're such a retard that thinks a story with a defined ending that fully ended the story for good is somehow unfinished because they made prequel content and literal sidestories later on.
And on the inverse, just because it's finished does not mean the tale itself was good. And rather than fixing it, the devs blow it on peripheral plots and nothing of substance
Noctis is objectively the best FF protag and has more character development, personality and humanity than every character in 14 combined
Noctis is a terrible protagonist especially when compared to other FF protagonists. Events in their games actually affect them in some way.
> XV is the most compelling an FF story and villain have ever been which is why its do beloved
where is it beloved?
>How about you stop defending 14 having worse graphics than 15 despite 2 of 14s expansions coming out after 15 released and with 14 itself made in the same gen
I'm still waiting on the explanation of graphical quality equating better story
>alliance raid roulette
>void ark
>get 4 DNC while being a DRG
>start spamming dance
>get 5 commendations at the end
Shit's fun.
No one dressed as him period, at least not on Ultros. I saw - and still see - a billion cats wearing Lightning's gear and using her hairstyle, but I haven't seen shit for Noctis.
>implying they're not
Fuck your arguments. Tell me all there is I need to know about the physical ranged DPS. I need a new class.
Shin Angyo Onshi
It's korean, but it's pretty good. It's also finished, unlike Berserk
This nigga
Can you stop giving mods a reason to delete these threads by replying to a proven autist whose opinion no one cares about?
>he missed the 15 minute voiced Y'sthola sex scene where the WoL fucks her silly
they're cute and funny
just dance
cope nigger
>which ends with Runar fucking her in front of you all day
You're not a Final Fantasy secondary are you?
Fuck you
>not Vauthry
Where is the fucking survey point that Y'shtola is asking about REEEEEEEEE
I just chose the ultimate waifu.
I did went into 8-man dungeons or encounters for the MSQ though. I'm not completely familiar with the terminology yet.
Explore a little dude. It's the only quest that makes you take in the scenery
Anyone who started with 7 is a secondary
That particular image came from /ffg/ in /vg/ before they got butthurt over FFXIV talk.
>wowfag 8d chess to get these threads removed is to argue about XV with the only person who likes it
Found it right after i complained
This area's music is comfy
>where is it beloved?
fucking BTFO
He just wants to go home.
>WoL Lalafell can kill creatures 100x its size
.Can't princess carry a cat girl.
popular female character which makes it easy to rile people up by making cuckshit
because you sympathize with the burden he bears, he lost everything he ever loved and is carrying the fate of his people on his shoulders
Honestly Nomura is fine when he has someone sitting on him telling him not to do stupid shit. The absolute mess of Kingdom Hearts and it's retarded plot spread over 20 games is the result of him being given free reign.
the ABSOLUTE state of machinist
>se doing anything for non lalas
>find the survey point in this area
>hm I wonder if it's the spot where 6 people are standing in a circle watching a cutscene
mmos lmao
>it's not okay to destroy the present for past
>but it is okay to erase a future that's shitty for our present
What a bunch of hypocrites
He should have won. Hydaelyn is the true evil in the world.
Then he should have subbed to wow classic
In his point of view everyone will just become whole again instead of dying.
looks like boting is back on the menu boys
it's not shitty for the present though, it's a future that's shitty for the future
Who the fuck thought making that thancred fight last that long was a good idea?
Only the ascians become whole which is the only race he cares about. All the other surviving races are getting fed to zodiark so he can revive the other half of ascians that got fed to zodiark.
>Dungeon is just FFXIII assets
i skipped every single cutscene
how dare you
For me, it's Akaedemia Anyder.
same here bro
[jazz music stops]
Is there an orchestrion roll for the boss theme music?
those legs and butts are out of this world though. none of the races in this game got anything on them, let alone the potatoes.
I haven't played through the story yet but I always assumed that it's some sin eater goop
>took 10 totems for SAM weapon
>took another 10 totems for WHM weapon
> anyone remembers ff13
now post how they look in-game
>Just completed it for the first time
>That jazzy, retro soundtrack
>The aesthetic of everything being so much bigger than you being used well, having you fight experimental plants and such
>Fucking Quetzalcoatl from FFVIII shows up at the end and has a great boss fight
And I thought The Twinning couldn't be topped for dungeons this Expac. The only question is what I'm supposed to do now that I've done the both of them.
I started with 3 on DS
Holy hell that whole Gamer gunnar glass fad was fucking stupid, lmfao
But the scions said it's not okay to just murder people to fix his own time yet they did just that to those in the future, even if they resolved to being deleted when sending catboy back to fix shit
How do I get the frog suit? It's a FATE in tempest, right? What's the name of it?
Literally everyone did that
>got DNC and SAM weapons
>no plan to play it at lvl 80.
can anyone on aether screenshot their partyfinder list?
Why are you lying? Literally everyone was him
shadowshitter is actually worse
What makes this game worth playing? What does it do differently to other MMOs?
nothing really.
it's for social rejects to show off their barby dolls and validate themselves with simple step counting and absolute parroting of reddit guides
what was ripped from 13. Never played it
>lying on the internet
wait a couple threads and ask again when the XV fags get bored
>level warrior from 71 to 73 with trusts
>trusts only hit 72 in the final run
>can't use them for the second dungeon until they are 73
I guess ill level paladin to 73 next
Nothing, it's not worth playing
Almost every enemy model aside from the final boss
literally no
>cant even shill 14 trash because he's scared he'll get called out for lying to praise 14
I wish I could have been here for the launch
My GPU died and I can't buy another one for the next few months
I do nothing of what you've mentioned and I still enjoy the game.
>XV fags
It's just the one
I'm thinking based
Out of 22 runs I've only won WAR on greed
No plans on playing tanks
Why do the Garleans hate primals again?
I wasn't, therefore you're incorrect and a liar. You've impeached your credibility.
Literally yes
i have more time in this game than most scrubs in itt
then there are these people who pay 14 a month to chatbox in city-states.
or some shmuck playing on ps4 that fell for the final fantasy meme
Take a look, you'll recognize a few.
you're not human you're a tranny
They're a blight upon this star, user.
I don't know why you posted photos of funneee meme car
Are you just arguing for an excuse to post your shitty potato?
>no one likes xv they just like xv content!?
No, I just said there's only one FFXV fag in this thread
And it's true
Shh, guys, nobody tell about coil.
Sam's sword drawn moving animation is so bad
Not him but complaining about XIV using monsters from other FF games is like complaining SMT games reusing their demons in all their games
Why? If you held it any other way you'd stab yourself
It also uses enemies straight from XI and XII throughout the game
>it's a "Yea Forums wants a new Quentin so badly so they accuse anyone that 1) points out obvious flaws in DMC5, 2) likes FF15, 3) dislikes Kingdom Hearts, or (apparently) 4) points out flaws in FF14 of being one singular individual, because it couldn't *possibly* be an opinion more than one person holds" episode
It's unironically one person
It's true though, almost everyone was in it just for the 4 person mount
You don't need to out yourself so easily
kill yourself barry
I'm at work now but I remember my elin mystic being pretty cute in the game
I started with xiv but I play through every game it references afterwards and then I make fun of secondaries as if Im not one
Its ok you're in denial
This board is so predictable. Back to Yea Forums I go.
FF1 is a better game than FF15
Just saying XI had original models for enemies. Why is XIV so low budget? It's lore shattering.
the drinking straw arms and humongous hands are unfixable
I don't think I was ever looking at her hands
Only big dick aether-users can summon them and they cant so theyre jelly
So you're retarded
Yeh they're retarded
I played them all except XI and XV but I could only be arsed to finish XIV since the others all suck
Quit pretending like you've played the game lol
>Yea Forums predictable but Yea Forums isnt
>star wars bad am i right guys
>mcu bad am i right guyes
>black people and women in movies bad am i right guys
>new movie bad old movie good am i right guys
All of Yea Forums is predictable
It has the highest DPS of any tank, and the highest skill ceiling.
Paladin has the best overall support and mitigation abilities, and since tank DPS is all VERY close it's basically the best tank.
Dark Knight and Warrior are kinda in the cuckshed. Dark Knight still has it's Magic Resistance niche to an extent, even if Gunbreaker has the same party-wide magic resist CD.
Meta is probably gonna be PLD, GNB, WHM, AST, 2 DNC, SMN, NIN.
Please ignore any Reddit Letter Media poster, they're lacking quite a few IQ points
Which Gunblade though.
Which did you pick?
>"Emet-Selch, I challenge you!"
>"This ends this day, one way or another it ends!"
On a side note I remember some user saying how it would be cool if WoL said something out loud during shadowbringers. Looks like they got their wish.
Only reason most people have the Noctis set is because it's given to you at the end of the questline, if they put it up on the cash shop not nearly as many people would have it. You went in for the car and got the clothes as a bonus, fuck off moron
Imagine caring for y'shtola when loli Minfilia exists
I left at the end of sigma. If I picked it up now how many hours do I need a day to reach the end JUST in time for savage
I could accurately predict the reply to every single thing I say in regards to DmC, FF15, MGS4, or Dark Souls 2. The Yea Forums script says to dislike these games, and the Yea Forums actors all follow the script without thinking for themselves.
>2 DNC
Between the two of them and their buffs they might even provide the overall dps of a single real DPS class!
how many times do i have to tell you fags minfilia is already a teenager
i'd fuck that every day though. no i'm not thancred.
>2 DNC
user, I...
WoL will never have canon relationships with any NPC because you're supposed to wed another player.
I am not looking them up. Just tell me which enemies or fuck off
"everybody here is a sheep except me"
- everyone
Second choice.
>loli Minfilia
Why say stuff when you don't know what it means?
AST will be brought no matter how shitty their healing and personal DPS might be. Especially since every card is damage now.
westerners still have this banal notion that young/younger=loli
khloe would be one, but not minfilia
Whoa man, you're so enlightened. No one on Yea Forums holds their own opinions except for you. Congratulations
You severely overestimate how much dps nuAST contributes. It's very, very bad.
>adventurer in need: dps
>queue up
>average wait time: 11 minutes
option 3 is what I went with
>"Let's rebuild it together, old friend."
imagine unironically typing this post out
I played seven up to Costa Del Sol, does that count?
user please stop, every women within 50 miles of you are going crazy just thinking about your alpha cock!
>two threads up because retards didn't put xiv in the title
imagine being this scared of janny
>literally the exact same message
Holy shit, it's worse than I thought
I liked the story but anyone felt it was too short?
Kinda wish they introduced WoL light spasms earlier and Emet or someone coaxing him to get WoL to just ignore the first and go back home.
You know, the people who play this game are kinda cringe but the people who hate it are even cringier, jesus christ man
>two people can't call me retarded or they're sheep
Good to know
It's more than that, and if you can't see it I feel empathy for you.
>That one delusional cuck autist
>That one delusional FF15 autist
parseshit aside, how is monk at 80 in terms of smoothness?
SSS is making me scratch my head
Look man, it's probably not too late to get some help. I think modern medicine has finally advanced far enough to cure delusion
There was never a choice.
>WoL said something outloud
So what's your favourite dungeon gear from this expac? For me it's Voeburtite.
Technically they did.
What do you mean by that though?
nice script response
ardbert talks through you for two lines of dialogue, which is great, the whole sequence up to the lvl 80 trial is fantastic
When Ardbert spoke through you, Ardbert is a fragment of you
says the delusional tranny ff14 autist
>your favourite dungeon gear from this expac
might as well ask what your favorite dungeon gear from previous xpacs was considering its almost all recycled models.
That's exactly what a script response would say!
Ignore them and they will fester and die in a puddle of their bile and piss
says the guy with a dick in his butt
ravel but thats because exposed midriffs are good shit
I remember seeing a guy in one of the pre-release threads saying he wanted the final boss to be Hades, although he thought it would be G'raha instead of Solus
like you ff14 trannies do after you an hero because someone bullied you on the internet?
the crafted stuff is, the dungeon stuff is not
Oh, really? What was Voeburtite recycled from?
exactly the response i was expecting
i pity you pathetic whelps, living predictable and soulless lives
I'm the only one here who sees the world for what it truly is
Now you've just devolved into nonsense. I advise you to seek help.
77 and 79 gear off the top of my head are recycled crafting/gathering gear and recycling WoD/320 crafted gear
weapons are unique though
Six Sided Star is basically the button you press when you have to step away from the boss for a few seconds to drop an AoE on the floor or something, it's very useful and helps the class' flow a lot. The only real weirdness it has now is how you use Anatman to get GL2 in your opener, and using PB as a DPS cooldown to alternate DK and BS, which I don't like doing.
I've come to realize that even if people excited about things are sometimes obnoxious, there is nothing more obnoxious than a jaded bitch faggot complaining that other people are enjoying things. People like that are the most annoying, miserable, faggoty people around. And this board is full of them.
You are a waste of breath, oxygen, atmosphere. You are a jaded, wasteful, miserable cunt, that hates the idea of other people enjoying anything. So there you sit, in your half broken chair, cheeto dust encrusting your fingers, as you type away soi to try to bypass the word filters that were put in place because your ilk is just that obnoxious. You groan and exhale as you lift your tired, flabby arm to reach your semen encrusted mouse, hovering over "no selected file" as you expend a monumental amount of effort to click,and eventually navigate to your wojack folder, picking the default open mouthed minimal effort reaction image. You spend an egregious amount of time solving your captcha, years of sitting in your chair and not bathing has crusted your eyes nigh shut, and you view the world in a half squint. You finally hit post, and chuckle to yourself a little, but not too much because moving is a physical activity.
Sure got them for enjoying something. That'll learn em.
>demon set recycled for the third time
>do role quests
>one is about a dumb roastie
>another is about an abusive alcoholic midget who is also a bigot
does it get better bros?
>i-i-its not recycled!
>at least 3 dungeons use recycled gear
god they were so lazy with sets. bunch of recycled shit and the last 3 dungeons drop only acesories. at least the raid and tome gear will be great. r-right?
I'm the second post you replied to, and I'm not mocking you or saying they hadn't recycled gear, I just didn't know that they were recycled, and since I really like the look of Voeburtite gear, I'd be interested to know what past set was used for them.
which ones?, and whats it recycled from, i didnt recognize any of it?
>another is about an abusive alcoholic midget who is also a bigot
I'm surprised they had enough self control to have Rowena and Gerolt be the only characters who have copies on The First.
Wait, the Lv80 dungeons only drop accessories?
funny how accurate this is, it doesn't really matter what they do in the story for xiv, there's always people like this
We'll more than likely get Hildibrand shit involving First-clones
Physical DPS isn't bad.
There's people like that for everything. Nothing is sacred
71 is existing gear dyed black and for different roles
77 is gatherer/crafter gear
79 is demon sets again
Clockwork Knights
The Flan enemies
Dreadnought and the 2nd boss
It's a 2 second scroll you spoon fed cuck.
hey look the second response that is basically the same as this
Honestly I think noone can disagree with this. WAR is still very flashy but I wish its rotation was more varied, PLD is a bit samey at times but has its merits, GNB looks insanely cool but is lacking a bit of utility and DRK is very nice to watch, but doesnt quite do enough
I hope that isn't your primary source on this.
>all this talk about getting cucked by canon characters
>not just EBing your best friend
you guys are losers
Whoa hey I think I've also seen this response before!
Just finished the MSQ.
Shadowbringers probably has the best JRPG climax sequence in the past decade.
"I challenge you, Emet-Selch."