Will this game be a disappointment?
Will this game be a disappointment?
it already is
oof that's a damning screenshot. hope it's from the non-pro version. is that chromatic aberration or just video compression artifacts?
it's on PC and it was recorded using a 1080ti, yikes indeed senpai.
It'll a a good game. Not the masterpiece or trainwreck people are predicting, just good.
It says work in progress on the top of the image user. Not saying theres a chance it won't look like that but we wont know shit till we see the other gameplay they'll show at gamescom in August.
No, it's gonna be based 100%
I already pre-ordered a copy for both myself and my genetic white son, stay mad trannies, the dilation station is that way.
I hope it's good, just the gameplay demo from last year felt souless and scarcely "cyberpunk"
idc I'm just waiting for the pic of Michael from GTAV with the red mohawk so I can type FROM SAFEWAY TO TESCO
It won't be a disappointment to me, but I NEVER thought it would be anything but a decent to pretty good immersive sim that I'd buy on sale. People who were legitimately expecting the depth of the PnP were retarded.
Depends on what you consider cyberpunk I guess.
Where is that screenshot from? I don't remember seeing that in the demo?
it'll be a mega hit, there'll be a lot of people disappointed there'll be more calling it goty and we'll never hear the end of either opinion
I'd say it's actually a legit screenshot from the game. We can only assume they learned from Witcher 3 reveal footage which tuned out to be bullshots.
it is from the demo right after the driving shootout scene with jacky.
>Will this game be a disappointment?
Financially? No
For me personally? Probably. I already didn't like Witcher 3 and this just looks like Witcher 3 with guns.
no, it will be kino
it will be good as long as the game has night time so I can walk around the city like an autist listening to Blade Runner 2019 and 2049 soundtracks in the background.
What are the chances of this being downgraded? Because honestly I thought it looked worse then witcher 3, even post downgrade. Plus it seems like they're trying to maintain hupe but ensure they can't get as much flak for a downgrade, what with the work in progress slapped on top of the screen at all times and the guy taking over it stressing it's not a finished version of it a few times. That said I don't understand why people were mad about the no childhood hero thing, we had no idea what it would even change in the game and was entirely because people convinced themselves they'd get 2 other big name celebrities like Keanu Reeves to play the other two heroes.
I think maybe the RPG elements of the game will be lacking, but the experience overall will be an enjoyable one. Like Witcher 3, I guess.
>Will this game be a disappointment?
Goty of this generation incoming
You can't be disappointed when you already know how much it will fall short of what it should have been. I don't think any game of this caliber can surpass Thi4f in the "I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed" -department. We already know this game didn't even try to capture the scope of Cyberpunk 2020 ie. didn't try to let players play whoever they wish, even if that would have been infinitely limited compared to a PnP RPG. So if you still manage to be disappointed, then that can only happen in two ways. Either you haven't paid attention, or CDPR has lied about something significant.
It depends on what you're expecting.
lmao shut up tranny
I doubt you can be a tranny in the game. There may be a pronoun selection slider but I doubt your girl can have a dick. Unlike in Cyberpunk 2020. Because that's a role playing game.
For (You)
will sex scenes be in first person? will the Polaks be that based?
So many people praise the Witcher 3's open world. Maybe they are right. But it felt worse to me than the previous game's more linear world...
>outing yourself as a tranny
lel go back
almost certainly;
releasing a trailer for a game several years before release is a bad idea
>car design from the early 1980's
so everything's retro?
Thats what Cyberpunk is, retard
no that car is retro cassette punk not cyberpunk
no im optimistic
can't wait to see how westbrook and the main city actually look like
>We already know this game didn't even try to capture the scope of Cyberpunk 2020 ie. didn't try to let players play whoever they wish, even if that would have been infinitely limited compared to a PnP RPG.
So you wanted them to try and do something that they wouldn't have been able to do in any meaningful or satisfying way just cause that's what you wanted.
Wheres the punk part come into these, especially that "cyberpunk"?
I hope it has a chromatic aberration slider.
For me and other some other anons...yes - I was expecting a in-depth game with multiple roles and everything in pic related. But it just seems like they went for the mass market appeal, the aesthetic being all bright and the introduction of celebrities is proof of that
From what has been shown it's looks nothing more like a 'GTA in the future' aesthetically and gameplay wise will play out like a super simplified dues ex. No-one can really say it's good or bad until the game releases, but right now - yes I am disappointed. CDPR was supposed to be niche but they've expanded into the mainstream and have to inevitablely dumb down everything
also the radioactive expanse known as the "Badlands" that apparently surrounds this city.
Only for Yea Forums bcause it will sell billions of copies despite all that shitposting
>CDPR was supposed to be niche
As if that wasn't going to change after Witcher 3 blew the fuck up.
the first teaser was pure kino. Any footage we got after that was worse and worse
Shit selling doesn't instantly mean it's good user. I think the game will be a decent 8/10 and enjoyable for what it is, but I only started to pay attention to it around last e3 so I had no idea about any promises people say CDPR made.
It looked like cuckrunner so no wonder Yea Forums ate it up. Even if the game looked terrible in terms of gameplay and everything besides aesthetics you'd still be shilling for it.
>People are still mad about daytime existing and California being sunny
Were all those things really promised by the developers initially ?
"Work in progress" means it's going to get even worse not better.
>had no idea about any promises people say CDPR made.
They didnt make any promises or claimed anything. Pretty much they said nothing about the game. Its just bunch of larpers saying cdpr promised them shit because they're schizo and it was real in their heads.
>Nigger so retarded he actually interpreted "why aren't fuckhuge buildings blotting out the sun?" as "hurrrr mad about daytime durrrr"
I've asked this but never seem to get a answer. They did say something about trying to adapt the tabletop in one image I saw but I think that was back when the first cgi trailer came out. Shit changes in development all the time, the problem was how CDPR announced it so early in development and then went quiet about the game barely saying shit about it because they were focused on witcher.
Aside from the rpg depth, no. All those things are shit anons hyped themselves about knowing full well it would never be possible to attain.
2 years before launch you fucking retarded niggers
You don't know what that means you stupid fucking nigger
I don't usually complain about AO but this is the ugliest implementation I've ever seen. Or maybe it's just the game that's ugly.
Motherfuckers they still have a year to go. I'm not saying they'll 100% fix all of it, or any of it, but you can't condemn the game when it's a year away from release
Yea Forums has been condemning this game since last e3 user because of the sun.
Yeah because skyscrapers are going to block every shred of sunlight pouring in right
based mr burns
If it's real Cyberpunk yes.
Holy shit that pic gave me autism worse than any vaccine ever could.
>games looking better between marketing and release
Almost never happens.
>cyber mount & blade
Just admit you were delusional from the start.
It probably wont be a bad game though might not be extremely god either. The best cyberpunk game is E.Y.E. and Cyberpunk 2077 will never have as many augmentations possibilities or fun weapons to use.
NO COP OR CORPORATE NO BUY. And for any fanboys I mean a FULL story, not background shit
Frendly reminder that Mike Pondsmith browses Yea Forums and probably because of your shitposting about WAAAAH IT'S TOO BRIGHT the game looked way dark in last trailers.
He probably saw it and told CD Project to make the game darker.
Happens all the time with NRS games though. Happened with KoF XIV too.
But you can ally yourself with corporates in the main story.
You never had a full cop or corpo story either, laying the trpg. Unless you were playing a specific campaign made for that. What I want is the background o be really important, not just one or two dialogues that change a bit.
Proof that he browses Yea Forums?
His gigantic ass.
He posted it on his AMA on reddit, give me a couple of minutes, i'll try to find the link
I want a FULL corporate story. Not hard to understand. Best bet right now would be a full corpo expansion
God I can't wait for my Snowcrash-esque game. Bladerunner faggots can get dabbed on.
>Never played the table top
There is no fucking corpo story you retard. Every player is a runner doing shady run-n-gun shit. The class you pick is just a character background before you were forced into a life of crime.
He might've been joking though due to Yea Forums's reputation.
Top kek, that's proof enough for me.
And now it's a full game. Take your aspergers meds
That's wrong, most games are like that but you can really do whatever you want and make great campaign where everybody's a cop and stuff like that. That wont happen in 7 though.
>ghost in the shell isn't real cyberpunk
The more you know.
With the amount of sheer hype from normalfags, absolutely. But it will still probably be a really solid game.
It's not going to be the crazy world changing video game with tabletop RPG-tier customization and interactivity that people are anticipating it to be.
Of course it isn't, look at this shit.
Who cares it's DRM-free I'm not gonna pay for that.
For fucks sake just play TTRPGs, video games will never be what you want them to be
>people are hyped
Do you even know how tabletop rpgs work, faggot? The story is whatever the fuck the DM guides. You aren't limited to only using preset adventures.
Then we'd have at least the aesthetics going for it if nothing else, unlike the current state of the game. The gameplay we saw was a textbook 7/10 stuff with shitty bullet sponge enemies and forced fpp even though stealth and bing bing wahoo with mantis blades would work a lot better in tpp.
>It's not going to be the crazy world changing video game with tabletop RPG-tier customization and interactivity that people are anticipating it to be.
Anyone who kept up with the development even a little bit saw that it's story driven. It will still be a solid game though because CDPR tend to stick with their games for a while after release and fix them up. I played the Witcher 3 only after the GOTY edition was out and every quest I googled had people complain about bugs yet I encountered almost none. Now if only I could stop myself from playing CP2077 at launch... There's 0 chance of that though since the game is all about replayability.
>Woah if you like ignore all the source material and make up your own game by just stripping it down to the mechanics, you can do anything!
This. Everything I've seen of this makes it sound like Yea Forums expected a cyberpunk bannerlord with a raven better and more fluid combat system and ridiculous amount of depth to it's rpg mechanics and how the world reacts to you and pretty much capable of doing anything at all in it. If bannerlord is still stuck in NEVER EVER a game like that wouldn't have a chance of coming out anytime soon.
>Then we'd have at least the aesthetics going for it if nothing else, unlike the current state of the game.
So in order words you would shill for the game regardless of its gameplay because it looks like bladerunner, good to know.
Let's see.... RPG developer who has made exclusively medieval styled games make a giant open world game with guns and vehicles (both of which extremely difficult to stand out with and do well), with a ridiculous set of promises about gameplay styles. Gee I dunno OP, I can't figure out if this will be a shitshow or not.
>ignoring the source material
Jesus you are fucking retarded aren't you. You use the source material and lore to guide a story in that world you brainless nigger. If a group agrees to do a cop story in cyberpunk that the DM made then you can, this is how tabletops work.
It's gonna be at least okay/good but it's not going to live up to the ridiculous hype that just about everyone was giving it
Sounds like your describing a open world deus ex
It's an eternal repeat of "you can do anything!". Videogames that actually try that broad approach quickly become sandboxes for modders. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's not the only formula for making a good game. The Stalker games were story driven yet left plently of room for partial and total conversion mods.
How the fuck would playing a corporate work? A telltale rype game where instead of shooting shit yourself you hire some solo to do it for you?
Oh shit the Cyberpunk 2020 referee book tells you himself that you're retarded.
>ahh anothjer day successfully wasted getting anonymous to argue with me
punk means genre
>vehicles (both of which extremely difficult to stand out with and do well)
If all else fails they can just make robohorses.
Compared to all those other options, nobdy wants to play a video game as a business man counting his money in a skyscraper.
it's not dictionary official
I heard it explained several times as high tech - low life. Punk basically meaning decay and degeneracy. But it doesn't work that well for every genre on there.
It doesn't work at all for every genre on there but cyberpunk and maybe dieselpunk. Steampunk is extra retarded since when you read science fiction from back then they were imagining stuff using electricity or weird chemical reactions and never steam.
Yea Forums will never allow it to be viewed in a positive light because it is sjw
>dumb phoneposter can't read
shocked, i tell you.
>Dude this TT game had this niche thing that the game itself admits most players don't pursue. wtf why isn't the videogame including it
So you're mad that a videogame doesn't have full length campaigns for every fucking class? The only retard here is you.
It's cyberpunk, not donald duck
>wtf why isn't the videogame including it
Where did I say that faggot. You made an ultra retarded post saying the dumbest shit ever and I corrected you.
>I heard it explained several times as high tech - low life.
This is not the rule of cyberpunk and never was. It's a phrase one guy once said about cyberpunk. That's all. It's not a natural law or something. The "punk" in cyberpunk was a reference to the rebellious anti-establishment political themes often present in the works, not "decay and degeneracy".
punk means genre
>It's a phrase one guy once said about cyberpunk
"one guy" being Bruce Sterling, co-founder of the cyberpunk genre.
If that is the case, your name means vile, cancerous shit from now on. I'm certain others in the thread will support this motion and thus, by virtue of "whatever the majority decrees the new meaning of a word to be is law", henceforth you will be known as vile, cancerous shit.
I hope it'll be good and this is just an early shot. But you can see that all building that arent in the center of the shot are bland and blurry like swede 90's CVTs.
>co-founder of the cyberpunk genre
What the fuck are talking about? Cyberpunk doesn't have a founder and has origins predating Bruce Sterling. He's just some douchebag who has claimed ownership of it. It's not his. He didn't invent it. He doesn't set the rules. Art doesn't work this way.
is this in-game?
whatever square
Dude what? That shit is obviously way more complicated and time consuming to actually produce. Also that sex scene shit lol. So obvious.
I was wondering the same it's hard to tell if the artifacts come from yt compression or some weird filter like in the OP picture.
i think it'll be a divisive game to say the least
expecting lots of 9s but also 7s in terms of ratings. to be honest my hype is getting lower with every new thing i see about this game, i'm not a basedboy who gets an orgasm when he sees keanu.. all i saw was a meme actor pulling me out of the game. now they released that terrible nu metal song. i don't know guys, if they can't even nail the music
no, cyberpunk officical twitter said its just a wall art and not gameplay
but the buildings and assets are, like the judge dredd inspired megablock on the left, and the orange tranny ad next to it, the city will look similar but not in this arrangement
Because it has niggers ? You should have seen it coming.
>table top
Nobody wants the table top retard. They want the setting. Same with 40k games and all other table top stuff.
You can't simply dismiss the effort he made to crystalize the genre through his own writing, his work with OG William Gibson, and through the compliations he organized as "one guy" user, that's disingenuous at best.
I, for one, am glad the game turned out to be the way it is. I don't know much about cyberpunk 2020, but the game world looks a lot like Judge Dredd, so I am hyped. Don't care about that shitty movie that bombed hard.
>it sold bad it must be bad
>it sold it must be good
why don't you go play fortnite instead retard?
That's the opposite, people have been asking for stuff that's in the tabletop and not in the game since it was announced.
Yes, I absolutely can dismiss it. He doesn't just get to decide he's in charge and sets the rules. I cannot even fathom why you would believe that's a reasonable thing for someone to declare in regards to art.
Also the 40K tabletops are fun but broken, so nobody wants that for a video game.
It's not about what I'm describing but how it's stuff CDPR have never done before and people are used to how good the driving is in games like GTA that have been doing this for decades. I mean just look at the demos, the driving looks fucking garbage
>ohnononno the absolute STATE
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>I cannot even fathom why you would believe that's a reasonable thing for someone to declare in regards to art.
Sometimes when someone create a whole new thing, like Schoenberg for example. But that guy wasn't a fag about it like William Gibson and Bruce Sterling.
I never said that the shitty movie is shitty BECAUSE it bombed hard, though. But you're too salty right now to process things properly.
Have sex.
Even if you respond without sounding mad people will act like you do.
>but the game world looks a lot like Judge Dredd
I've only seen the old film but it gave a much more dismal feel, complete with the proverbial sunlight obscuration (not because of night-time but rather due to air pollution and hive-like scrapers).
Possibly but i remember when Yea Forums was shittng on w3 hard despite being console babies that didn't play the previous games and it turned out great, i have faith in cdpr.
Not a argument
No, there's plenty of sun in Judge Dredd. But in the first movie they made great night scenes that stick in your mind.
The biggest the expectations the longer the fall.
Why, because degenerates like trannies and furries are in a setting that's a degenerate dystopia?
>Dystopia doesn't have niggers
Absolute state of cucks.
Well, why are you so dumb then?
This, it's what I said about that dumb image people post of someone saying "I'm mad now but I'll calm down while you'll always be retarded" or some shit and acting like it's the perfect response to "lol u mad".
Perhaps. It was some time ago, I seem to need a re-watch.
I haven't seen the movies, but I think the game captures the "punk" feeling of Dredd pretty well
>still no arguement, only ad hominem
Lmao okay niggerbrain, keep jerking off to your real human bean
first time they showed a pic of V leaning on his car i knew that an idiot modeled the car. why would you put filters behind rear wheels..
Yes, cdpr can't into gameplay, and TW3 gameplay was at least appealing. Here the 50mn video of gameplay is just meh.
please just take a deep breath and try to understand that simple sentence i wrote here.
>“The player in Cyberpunk 2077 can create a custom character that has one of three origin stories, that we call lifepaths: you can be Nomad, Corpo or Street Kid. Each of that Lifepaths has a different starting location and story background that are strongly connected with the origin story. Anything more I say can reveal too much from the story, so I will leave it like this.”
Confirmed scrapped
When it's an action adventure game about a character that the writers have decided for you, the game shouldn't be subtitled 2077. But rather just "V". Naming it Cyberpunk 2077 just like Cyberpunk 2020 even though nobody expects a AAA production values game to have literally infinite RPG content is like releasing a RTS game set in the Half-Life universe and calling it Half-Life 3.
Source it lad.
They locked your background to include keanu reves character
I don't think that was scrapped. That's the scrap left over right there. CDPR first talked about seven classes and later with no explanation and without addressing that previous statement they talked about three life paths as if they had never advertised more in the first place. So they just cut more than half off of their original concept and marketed that as a positive to all the normies who think that literally any choices whatsoever are a positive even though three is already a downgrade of an necessarily infinitely watered down seven choices.
So no source, thanks.
classes are not the same as background origins
but you are gonna pay for it if you wanna play multiplayer :)
What you're espousing is complete and total genre anarchy. By your logic, cyberpunk doesn't exist at all.
You mean they removed a choice that we had no idea what it would affect or if it was just a placeholder or not
most definitely, still worth my shekels and time
Absolutely. Genres are supposed to be general after the fact classifications, not hardcore prescriptions. Adhering to strict "rules" of genre is retarded. Only talentless and unimaginative hacks do that. No work is ever just a genre, there are usually all sorts of elements from all over the place in there. Cyberpunk itself is just a kind of a vague sub-genre of sci-fi. It barely even exists. The idea it has some sort of absolute definition that works should adhere to or they are not "real" cyberpunk is complete and utter crap.
They made the greatest game of all time Witcher 3
This will be even better
Faggots in this thread will seethe harder when it gets a 98 metacritic
It's from the gameplay trailer, not the E3 trailer.
As long as it looks decent at minimum and plays great I don't really care all that much, I'll likely have to turn down enough detail options to run it smoothly enough (~45minfps) at 4K anyway so if it looks even half or three quarters as good as the gameplay trailer (ideally with the placeholder distance models replaced with final of course) I'll be happy.
>witcher 3
>best anything
>93 metacritic
Yikes, fanboy. Just yikes.
Yes. It's also been in development too long to be good or have any sort of coherency to it. It's just going to be a mess of shit that the developer throws at the audience, but it will be really lackluster and mediocre.
best game of the year at least :)
You shouldn't use the exact same naming convention in your game as is used on a totally different game that just happens to be set in the same universe. Nobody expects this game to have the scope of an actual PnP RPG but naming it as if it's an actual sequel just brings more attention to the fact that it's a sliver of a slice of a fraction of a percent of the game it's based on.