Which one are you, Yea Forums?
Which one are you, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ocarina of Time was released in 1996
Fug I meant 1998. But still.
He tried his best
Boomer. But replace the ps1 with a Sega Saturn
Finally a clean cut generational cut off I can wrap my head around
I had an N64 with F-Zero X and Bomberman 64
Zoomer but i hate the wii and zelda is boring shit. i grew up mostly playing early PC games and shit on the gamecube.
>muh epic boom zoom doom meme ecks dee
please go be normal somewhere else
>coconut water
kys nigger
Real cool guys are trannies in-the-making that post anime reaction girls.
OoT is a boomer game Zoomers weren't there for the jump from 2D to 3D
Im a real human not a caricature like you
30 yo boomboy
Yes, but only Zoomers think it's infallibly good because boomers have told them so.
18 yo boomer here
1986 boomlet at the keyboard, my first console was a MegaDoraibu II with a 6-in-1 cartridge
>not posting anime reaction images to remind trannies what they can never be
Yea Forums alone accounts for the suicides of something like 10% of the entire transexual population. Do your part.
the only thing Yea Forums accounts for is their own suicides and mass shootings like the one in New Zealand.
Born 88', started with a Micro Genius, ps1 -> ps2 -> ps3. Never had a dedicated gaming PC, but I played most its classics. Skipped ps4, played Bloodborne to death at friends', considering a Switch til the ps5 rolls out enough worthwhile exclusives, if ever
I am doing my part by convincing a tranny (you) to commit suicide.
I think you had enough internet for today
zoomer gang
26 year old boomer here.
Low glycemic index.
neither because i dont play videogame and i dont exist
A based boomer
>identifying as a shitty Wojak edit
what leads a person to do such a thing
But Gen z is 1995 onwards right?
35y/o boomer here wishing I was in my early 20's and didn't waste so much time playing vidya and instead spent time building relationships.
The side that doesn't post reddit memes
When I hear about my other boomer friends and acquaintances having kids and getting married, I'm almost glad I'm gonna waste my life away on vidya
Your dob has to begin with 1 to be a boomer, you 2000 born zoomer fuck
Zoomer starts much earlier, i.e. can‘t remember 9/11
no it doesnt
zoomer is 2000- and on
fuck off you arent one of us
20 year old boomer here
All of you are gaiafags.
Hard to say, i was born in 1994, played ps1 as a kid and also bought wii later when i was like 12-13. I live in Russia and we had most of pre 00s consoles all in one generation basically. I played ps1, ps2, nes, genesis all at the same time. N64, snes, gameboys, i've never seen, but they probably were sold in Moscow or something, not in my cunt.
Absolutely seething. Do you not feel embarrassed showing such vulnerability in public?
No it’s not really decided but 99/2000 would be the easiest way to round a generation up
Zoomerdom encompasses mid to late 90s, one born in 1994 could barely have any memories of PS2 and he likely still is a fucking undergraduate
zoom zoom
My First Video Games were Spyro on the PS1 and Super Mario Bros for the NES. Zoomers start at 2003-2004.
what? they'd be 12 when ps3 came out. People born in 1994 were some of the prime demograpics for ps2.
>y'know this thing that happened in America? If you don't personally remember what you were doing that day, you're a zoomer
You yanks need to get your head out of your asses. Kids around the world didn't give two fucks about 9/11. A clean year cutoff is a much better option. Be it 1990, 1995, 2000, or whatever.
Are you retarded? Zoomers are gen Z. Even putting it at 2000 is later than most estimations.
You are zoomer, you were just "born in the wrong generation" zoomer
Despite being born in 1997, I played the ps1 in the early 2000s when games were still being produced for it. You have NO memories of the early 2000s so you playing it is no different from a 10 year old today playing Spyro
12 year old bommer heer
>Kids around the world didn't give two fucks about 9/11
they didn't give a fuck about anything because they were kids and being kids around that time is what makes them zoomers. it has nothing to do with whether you actually cared about 9/11 but its a good indicator if you can't even remember it happening. cool your inferiority complex.
somethings wrong with this image, cant put my finger on it though.
I would have a Dreamcast though. Now THAT was a consile. *siiiiiiip*
i remember when my old man bought me ps1 for my 4th birthday in 1998, and i first played medal of honor, mom was goin apeshit why dad let me play "SUCH GAME WHERE YOU KILL PEOPLE", dad didnt gave a fuck and still let me play it... shit was whack lads
im this but unironically, born 3 months after 1999, grew up with SNES though. what the fuck am i?
>tfw born 90
feels good
>Born in 1999
Any games where you win without even trying?
What the fuck. That should be around super famicom era.
>Getting this mad over a meme
I smell a zoomie behind this post
a poor person
1994 bootleg nes boomer here
>one born in 1994 could barely have any memories of PS2
Are you retarded? I was born in 1999, my first console was a PS2 and I had acces to a PS1 at the time since one of my family members owned one. There was not one guy in my class, who didn't posses a PS2.
who fucking PEGASUSchad here ?
You're misunderstanding, this has nothing to do with memes. It has everything to do with loathesome 6th gen babies who don't even remember the Y2K scare and now are acting like they're ancient beings rewriting history and shit. Same faggots who claim games before 2000 aged poorly and games after 2010 are all shit.
because its good and natural and not full of high fructose corn syrup like every other drink
t. boomer
>born 3 months after 1999
Just say you were born in 2000. Stop trying to associate with us.
a faggot
>when your friends won't let you play with them because you were born a few months earlier/later
What if I played both?
Nigger, I was born in 1998
I'm a zoomer too, OP's chart is retarded even though I did grow up with the PS1.
I wish I could enforce 25+ threads. I'm sure you kids will grow up just fine but I don't really want to have anything to do with most of you as you are.
>tfw zoomer but because I was a poorfag growing up mostly played boomer shit
A third worlder.
Fit the boomer meme. But I’m born in the 70s
zoomer faggot. Your first memories are from fucking 2006 lmao. Thats like when gta 4 came out hahahaha.
Your big brother's SNES being lodged in the closet, never seeing use over the 360, isn't "growing up with".
Boomer but raised on NES, SNES and N64.
Den I play da PS2. You gay cunts ;3
Not him but how braindead are you that your memories start when you were 6? I was born 94 and easily remember shit from when I was 3 onwards
A bit of both
I was born in 2000 but I've never played halo or call of duty instead played alot of older style games
Of course you can have them as a handmedown, stop being a zoomtard. You were born literally when PS2 came out, and you were 6-7 when it reached it's end of life, you don't belong in that generation. I too was lent a NES in my day but it doesn't mean I was that early of a b00mer so stop using a piggyback argument
The only people who put the cuttoff between 95-99 are either zoomers who want to be associated with 90s babies or people who were born in December 1994
Obvious bait but it needs to be restated that anyone born after 95 is a zoomer
>Childhood amnesia, also called infantile amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories (memories of situations or events) before the age of two to four years, as well as the period before the age of ten of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time
I don't remember anything before 5.
That game had an insane soundtrack
This song was so good it was even part of some of the ads.
We got it good, desu senpai
Boomer, first consoles were a Spectrum and Atari.
coconut water is delicious fuck off
t. caribbean spic.
Being born in early 90s vs late 90s might not sound like a big deal but it is a huge difference. Especially if you were born at the ass end like in 98, what the fuck? You're nothing but Gen Z if you don't remember Y2K and 9/11 and the 5th/6th gen first hitting the shelves
What comes before boomer? I was born in 1976 and i grew up with atari 2600 and c64.
I don't think millennials calling themselves boomers get to bitch about anyone else playing the "wrong generation" card.
I swear I didn't come into consciousness until high school. I was also a lab rat though and the medication I was on since 6, as well as my parent's constantly abusing drugs and each other didn't help. I have vague recollections but nothing I want to sit on. My point though is that you should have sex
>What comes before boomer?
The greatest generation
gen x aka the one gen no one cares about because they're too close to baby boomers
You're a wizard if you're still hear, so just throw a wizard cap on the boomer and you got you're own memeable identity. Now go back to Facebook old man
I think he meant before "30 year old boomers"
What would a Doomer be?
That's not the timeframe in which Boomer were born, fucking newfag.
>all these zoomers ITT
These are the zoomers calling you a zoomer
Sent from galaxy note 8
TRUMP 2020
Got a complaint? Register it by KISSING MY ASS!!
This really is a board filled by kids, holy shit.
Zoomers are the ones who love it though. It fits.
>dude time passes holy shit
well, i am between a zoomer and a millenial, but at least im not pic related.
i remember shit since i was 4, what kind of life did you live user?
You're in the middle of the pic you fucking retard
Ive been married 19year and have two kids tho. Also i deleted my facebook back during the election. Every other post was some fag calling some other fag a nazi. People talk shit about this place but facebook is far worse.
im an only child
i say zoomers start out 20
Milton Police Department
Trump 2020
Lock Her Up
Be quiet child and go play with your crayons.
>Nintendo classic and PS1 days.
Gold man, red alert 1, Crash Bandi, Spyro Tomb raider.
Donkey kong, Mario Castlevania.
Everything was so simple back then.
zoomzoom detected
9/11 is the litmus test
What sad existence you live
Bob "Big 'Un" Smith
Woodbury School of Accounting '71
[email protected]
I don't get mumblerap. It makes me feel so old.
I'm a grade A 100%, born in 2000, year of the dragon, millennium baby, smoking hot zoomer. LOUD AND PROUD BOYS.
I have a good life, you sit like a bitch nigga crying on here.
I regret creating this meme and shilling it here and on /fit/ while drunk.
Wow so cool and edgy
google hwo to make casrol
how to make caserol
hwo to make caserole
92G E-3 300th Sustainment Brigade '81-85
B.S. in Smart Ass at the School of Hard Knocks
Exodus 2:11-12
Taliban Hunting Club Proud Supporter
Dad gave me Cock a duty 1 on christmas eve when i was 11 or something, that night i was blasting germans with christmas songs in the background.
Yes yes user you're very cool. You're very cultured and prefer music from an era with more quality stuff, you listen to everything except rap and country
Why would you still browse Yea Forums in your 40s this place is a fucking dump
Ask yourself this same question when you’re 40.
Sure, man
>Tfw my actual name is Rick and i'm currently going towards my 30s.
Sucks to be an oldfag now a days.
People born in 1999 are the last ones who remember a full year without web 2.0 (2004)
People born in 1998 are the last ones to remember a full year of the early 2000s (2003)
People born around that time have more lasts than firsts. In 50 years or so, half the world's population will consist of people who have never known what the world was like before Youtube and facebook
>has kids
You fell for the bait user, sorry to put it so bluntly. I'm sure you got a job you love and live your life to the fullest, which is why you're here in your later years. But you can tell me that yourself if you'd still like
wellllllllllllllll AH KINBEEEEEEEEEEE
Don't pretend all music is equal. 90s rap was great and real country is fine. Pop country is ass.
Mumblerap is the first genre of my life that has no redeeming qualities to me. Shit beat shit flow shit lyrics.
28 here
Jesus make it stop
based schlomo
I was born in 1993 and played Orcarina of time at release at 5.
How the hell is orcarina of time a zoomer game? I'm 26....
Same reason you are browsing it now probably.
'91 here.
Grew up on DOS games playing shit like pic related and Lion King, Blues Brothers etc.
My friend had a PS1 with Crach Bandicoot and GTA.
Never owned a console/handheld until I got a GBA. Played the living shit out of that thing. Spiderman and Megaman BN were my jam.
Got a gamecube later with all the classic exclusives and multiplats (melee, Billy Hatcher, PoP trilogy, 007 EA games, Spiderman 2, etc.) Still kept playing PC on the side though, especially BF2, SW Battlefront 1 and 2, Counter Strike and the Splinter Cell games and Halo online.
Later my brother brought a 360. Played pretty much all major titles on it. Mass Effect games, BF3, Gears, Halo shit, Bioshock, CoD, Bulletstorm etc. I also bought a 2nd hand Wii U somewhere down the line and hacked it to have a Ninty machine.
Fast forward to start of this console gen I gave up on consoles after the terrible reveals and built a PC instead. Played some great titles but got done with those and all I play now are RS2 Vietnam and Hitman. Everything else bores me too quickly.
I hate the direction online fps are taking with faggotry like Overwatch and R6Siege. What's even worst is people (ahem.. Americans) can't handle bantz and devs have to actively ban people to create a safespace for special snowflakes.
Grow some nuts you crybaby niggers.
So yea I guess I'm pretty boomer.
i wish i could be as happy as you being a zoomer, i hate that this site has made me self conscious about what year i was born
t. 2000s baby
sega saturn is definitely boomercore
>implying Yea Forums would still exist in 18 years
Either way by that time I'd already phased out completely to /vr/.
see here
I've been here for 15 years already. I don't see this place disappear in 18 years.
Anything past 1992 is zoomer
Nothing wrong with being a zoomer. It's a zoomer world we live in. Gramps are left behind.
Boomer, but i started playing games on the famicom with my dad
Yea Forums outlived yahoo chat, myspace and facebook. Its going nowhere
I really don't get your point. Skynard isn't my favourite but they're absolutely better than mumblerap.
Rap is fine, it's just specifically mumblerap that has no redeeming qualities. I want to kill myself when they play that shit at the gym.
I'm 30 year old boomer but I enjoying new games and indies more than those old memes. Living in the future is more fun than living in the past.
95 here and I'm definitely a zoomer, how could you possibly think you're not one?
You're just coping, most parents do
My job sucks but the wife and kids are alright. My oldest kid just left for college so only one left then me and they wife are droping out of society and moving to thailand to retire.
yes, i am zoomer
you arent
>tfw zoomer with actual baby boomer parents
Feels weird
im okay with this, makes the 90s kids seethe and pretty much all of that generation had a ps2 eventually
Nigga you realize the reason "we" hate zoomers is because we are old as fuck and have achieved as much as you 18 year old zoomers (nothing).
It sucks so fucking much to realize you're STILL browsing Yea Forums after all these years and accomplishing nothing with your life almost in your 30s. Zoomers like you at least still have some hope about your futures. I'm not depressed or anything either. It's just that zoomers are a bitter reminder of having opportunities and chances that we let go in life.
Also it's a bit annoying when the cultural ties you've had with others on Yea Forums start to disappear since the games/movies/experiences you've had don't align anymore with the average poster here.
RICKAH beeeeeeeeeeeeeee VEH nerVURRR
zoomers are 2008+ primarily
boomers are 1992-2007 (the peak)
I can't stand microtransactions, open beta's and the DLCs they're shitting out these days.
Boomer and zoomer are the worst things to happen to Yea Forums since wojaks became a thing.
OP's a fucking moron
Why did you need to bring your security blanket? You could've left much sooner
This song is great, eat shit faggot.
>zoomers are 2008+ primarily
>boomers are 1992-2007 (the peak)
Aw come on. Don't be hard on yourself like that. I'm sure those 10 AM Saturday morning lawn mowing sessions are plenty of accomplishment!
The real question is do zoomers ERP?
The Monster sent a C&D at Wojack.Inc?
Boomers are 1980-1990. You have to have grown up and experienced the fucking years, not just be born in that period.
Coconut water > Budget red-bull
Zelda: OoT > apparently no games
Hacked wii > PSX
I'm a boomer and I've never done that gay shit.
I was born in 2000 and raised on Genesis and N64.
But let's get real here. Focusing on generational gaps is going to get us nowhere. It's essentially just creating another easy argument for meme-obsessed retards to latch on to to whine about something while culture keeps changing.
>le boom boom zoom zoom
meme is absolute garbage when it comes down to it. It's no different than parents in the 90's who complained about the "MTV generation".
Now shut up and go play some video games.
What am I if I only drink tap water?
fuck i shouldve clarified that it's probably better to identify these groups by the games they enjoy than their year of birth but yeah
boomer rangei s probably 1984--1994
zoomer is probably 1994-2004 then
Aww the babys trying to speak
Not retarded.
Likely poisoned if you live in America
You mean my wife? She's got all the pussy though. Seriously though shes pretty great. Sleeping alone sucks. I don't know how you guys do it.
I'd say the move from 1990s to mid 2000s is the biggest demographic transition in human history and therefor the distinction is actually important.
We went from a "normal" society that has always been the same only with different technology. To a hyperconnected society due to social media and smartphone popularity in the mid 2000s.
Zoomers were most likely kids during this transition so they don't remember the actual difference and how big of an impact and chance it made to society. While boomers are the ones that experienced their entire youth in the old world and only saw the transition happening as a late teen or young adult.
It's not even about which is better the "old" life or the hyperconnected social media+smartphone life. It's about having truly experienced the transition firsthand and the mark it left on you as a person.
To meme for a bit boomers just accepted the technology but zoomers were molded by it. It's their "normal"/
>imagine identifying yourself as a buzzword
>imagine being THIS insecure about your own age and interests
lmao at all ''''''boomers'''''' and ''''''zoomers'''''' ITT, what a sad bunch of failed normalfaggots you all are
You might have memories from age 3 (anything before that is biologically impossible) but you would also have had zero perception of pop culture and society back then. When you start school is generally when you start "knowing" years
idk man there's pretty clear trends among people from different generations and just because exceptions exist doesn't mean the whole concept of identifying people like this is useless
You'll never make mumblerap good dude.
a bzoomer
Zoomer that loves boomer shit
>20 yo
>Yep... now that was a good skin for minecraft
You weren't even in grade 1 yet when SOCIAL MEDIA cancer started. Kill yourself
2000-2003 zoomers witnessed the transition of social media and iphone lifestyle, most of them used Windows XP, the time where facebook and twitter was in it's early years and no one cared about it. back when Flip phones were the hot new thing, and you didn't have good internet on it, if at all.
From my experience zoomers don't have the attention span for Zelda games, not that they even really that require much
kys op
They really do have adhd, no joke.
>past like 95, if even that
You just know this was made by a 98 born zoomzoom
Whats mumblerap got to do with this?
2000 zoomers would be 7 years old and barely able to tell the difference when smartphones and social media became mainstream. That's not enough time to be actual part of society and notice the transition.
The increase in dating difficulty. The slow desocialization of people. The kids disappearing from the streets because they all choose to play videogames from home online with each other instead of playing outside.
It's extremely creepy how quickly society changed in just a couple of years. Hell I've had multiple girlfriends during highschool in the emo era and hanging out and getting laid was extremely easy even for nerds. Social media changed all of that. Everything is a commercialized pissing contest right now.
There are also upsides to how things work right now but the transition has a big impact on your mindset and view on life. Something zoomers will never grasp as it's just "normal" for them. It's just how life is to them.
Yeah I wasn't conscious of social and pop culture climates but I still experienced the media and how insular everything was back then, specifically how people interacted before internet blighted everything. Retails and rental and all that shit too. I wanted to be Spyro one halloween and that was before you could order anything niche like that so my gran made a costume from scratch. Fast forward some two decades later when I wageslaved customer returns at Amazon, one of the things I processed was a commercial Spyro costume except it was the Skylanders gremlin. Had an existential crisis
holy based
Yep. Appreciated. Had a good one.
You're not wrong. However, the change that "zoomers" witnessed was more of a shift in internet culture as opposed to a shift of technological culture. For you, your major change was when society moved from a more analog one to a digital one, for zoomies they witnessed the internet shifting from few popular forums and websites to more major social media becoming popular and killing everything else.
For the record, again, I stand by my point. Even though we may have had different experiences due to culture shifts, we're all still people in the end and we're not really that different. I've met several 30+ year olds that I genuinely connect with, it's just that the tribal mindset of a lot of people, especially those who use the internet frequently, makes them refuse to accept that maybe people are actually human and not just able to be put in a box because of labels.
i had a console that looked like sega saturn but was a NES emulator. Had a ton of pirated games on it too. Played on that from 1998 to 2006.
>zoomers born in 2000-2003 are trying to cram themselves into the last of the old school now
You 2000 born cucks start forming hard memories at age 5, RIGHT when Youtube was getting popular. Someone born just 3 years earlier actually experienced a time when there was no Youtube or Facebook
Confirmed boomer. Gave me a chuckle
And that's a problem for what reason? I still don't get why people want to pretend to be what they aren't. I'll willingly admit the internet was part of my childhood, personally, although I still knew many kids who didn't use it or know about it. I didn't witness the 2007 apocolypse, most of my experience on the internet when I was 9 was shitty webcomics.
But regardless that doesn't change the fact that we're all still people and just because you can't quite connect with us because of what we grew up on doesn't mean there's nothing we can connect about.
you do realize like 90% of people on earth saw 9/11 like any other day right? It was not a big happening outside of the US, there weren't even that many people that died.
You love it and I don't.
>the fact that we're all still people and just because you can't quite connect with us because of what we grew up on doesn't mean there's nothing we can connect about.
My little sister was born in 1999 and she is basically a child. So are her 1997 born friends.
>you do realize like 90% of people on earth saw 9/11 like any other day right? It was not a big happening outside of the US
I live in Europe and my mom called me crying thinking the US would go to war with Russia. She thought it was revenge from the soviet union since it was 10 year anniversary of the Soviet Union collapse.
EVERYONE watched 9/11. My Japanese girlfriend remembers what she did that day. Maybe third worlders without technological access didn't but everyone in the first world did. It had a real impact on the mindset of the average person.
9/11 was about more than the people that died though. It represented international security risks and started a proxy war that had international repercussions as well
Yo man you fuck her yet
Yeah yeah, respond with a buzzword. Your retardation doesn't make me wrong.
>I was born in 2000
>le boom boom zoom zoom meme is absolute garbage
Nope. Incorrect!
paki fucktard
Not even going to call you a zoomer, you just sound naive. The generation gap is an age old meme for a reason. Of course people of all age brackets can have meaningful connections, but this just comes across as "I was born in the wrong generation."
I'm a 84, the n64 was my middle school multiplayer console
You fucking zoomer idiot it wasn't even the first time they tried to bring down world trade center.
>born 1999
You wish lil zoom
>I live in Europe and my mom called me crying thinking the US would go to war with Russia. She thought it was revenge from the soviet union since it was 10 year anniversary of the Soviet Union collapse.
The same talibans bombed world trade center not even 10 years prior.
It's your favourite genre.
Oh wow really friend? Because it was the first time they succeeded you fucking dunce, using a stolen aircraft to boot
Bullshit, the N64 wasn't around in the 1940s.
This wasn't bombed though but a double jet flying through buildings. Most people didn't even think this was possible for small scale terrorists to pull off.
What does anything of that has to do with your cunt?
>Because it was the first time they succeeded
No they literally bombed WTC. The bombs went off, it wasn't a failure. Imagine thinking the first terror attack on the same building wasn't representing international security risk but the second one did.
No it's just the first terror attack zoomers can remember, despite the 90s having plenty of them.
I can't tell for certain whether you're serious or not
I'm a boomer and I remember multiple terrorist attacks, specifically the aum shinryikyu Sarin attack in Tokyo and the IRA in Northern Ireland.
But 9/11 was on a whole other scale and you're a confirmed zoomer that is merely pretending if you don't recognize this.
They made a big deal about it in 93, you just weren't born yet.
You're a retard dude. Not only did they level the entire shit but the HIJACKED TWO GODDAMN PLANES you fucking idiot. Crises involving commercial planes are treated extremely seriously in the international community for reasons too numerous to explain to a chimp like you
It was made into a big deal because it happened in muttland and Israel/USA needed an excuse to invade the Middel-East and bomb it to kingdom come.
9/11 was on a different scale because it was used as an incentive to invade the middle east. The terror attack in itself is not anything particularly major, the damage is about equal to the beslan school siege.
I'm not from the US though and it was a big deal here.
Name one (1) terrorist attack more epic than 9/11 then.
36 here. Fuck im old....
This is what you're hung up on? It wasn't the first time terrorists hijacked planes either.
About half of these are american ones.
No. I didn't live in the US and everyone here in school got called by their parents and/or friends while it was happening live.
It was a genuine happening and some schools even evacuated or send kids back home.
>terrorist attack
It was a planned Mossad operation.
Maybe you can help put these zoomers in place that are pretending like 9/11 wasn't a special case.
>some schools even evacuated or send kids back home.
Nigga at most you watched it on TV and then went on with the next class.
All right and of those hijacking how many nuked an international trade hub? How many started a proxy war? 9/11 was a perfect storm and you can't fucking wrap your head around that
>how many nuked
There has not been a plane hijacking that had anything to do with nukes. Are you retarded?
>9/11 was a perfect storm
For the Bush administration to go to war over oil, sure.
Nope I was send home and I played Majoras Mask all day at home while my mom was frantically calling everyone on a shitty cord phone.
Why? It's so bad. Classic rock is hit or miss.
I was born in 1990, but I spent my childhood with a PC, because we had one and my parents saw no logic in getting me another machine that played games. And looking back on my life, I appreciate this gesture, because I'd grow up significantly dumber otherwise.
>haha ur old
>haha you’re young
Who fucking cares.
zoooooom weeeeee
the one that is not a forced meme cock sucker
Everyone claiming they only grew up with a PC is Eastern European.
>tfw millenials and zoomers are arguing over who is older
It's pretty funny.
>And that's a problem for what reason?
It means you are the first of the subhuman zombies. By the time I'm dead, the world will consist of nothing but people born in years starting with 2, such as yourself. They will all have zero memories of what the world was like before Youtube, Twitter and Facebook entered our lives permanently
Yes and? People thought the same thing with Gen X being slaves to television.
I've met British people who grew up with only Commodores.
And before that - radio. Fucking Socrates complained about youth degrading and having no values. It's just the human nature.
>By the time I'm dead, the world will consist of nothing but people born in years starting with 2, such as yourself.
Wonder if people thought this at the end of the 1800s.
While we're on the subject:
>not anything major
>killed 3000 people
>involved 4 hijacked jet airliners, two flying into WTC 1&2, 1 the Pentagon, and 1 crashed
>hut buildings stood long enough to get tons of reporters and video on site leading to the world watching the towers collapse live
Name any single terrorist attack that has come anywhere near the numbers from 9/11.
I dunno, everyone touts it's health benefits, but I guess that's like all in comparison to soda or other sugary drinks or something? Shit tastes like cereal milk to me and makes me gag.
33 y/o Boomer
Don't care about anything but gaming.
my earliest memory is from age 2 you goldfish-brained retard
Flying elbow DROP!
*lands on your face*
BOOYAH! Dats gotta hurt!
I bet you didn't play on release. It was considered casual trash at the time by mmo fans.
Nice bait you retard. I know people born in 2003 who were playing the ps2 when new games were still being released for it
You. Me. Pontiac Silverdome.
SET. IT. UP!! NIGGAH!!!!!!!!
based lil zoom zoom
sure glad I was born in 98 not like you 2000s kids heh....
baited for this EXACT reply
>boomer starts at 1980
What if I was born in 1979?
you're absolutely ancient
>ohnononono the absolute STATE
How do you respond without sounding mad?
You have those backwards.
can I call you pa?
I have all the belts, I owe you nothing.
Born 1988 (only)
30 years old ONLY
cope seeth sneed dilate have sex yikes cringe based purple-pilled
alternatively, don't respond at all because you're on an anonymous imageboard and have no need to 'save face'
also remember to antagonize all tripfags and namefags (except Nigger he's based) for trying to turn this website into a place for their vanity
you hate the meme because it makes fun of you retard, don't pretend it's something greater
>Your age now
>The age you started browsing Yea Forums
>12 (first visit was when HARMONY was a thing)
>19 year olds can be boomers according to this chart
fuck off
Literally born yesterday
Zoomers born in the 2000s didn't actually grow up with an n64. The meme is just pointing out that they sheepishly like the Zelda Game, having first probably played it on an emulator when they discovered its wikipedia article or something
essentially this. personally i like it a lot, and it helped me overcome my food&sugar addiction after 30 years.
>born too late to be a boomer
>born too early to be a zoomer
Kill me please
This thread
not based and definitely cringe
God i can't wait for this silly trend to die out
Wish I never found this place desu. Haven't truly enjoyed myself here since at least 2012
I'm jealous desu, I never got to see this place pre-2010. I heard 2008 is where it started to go a bit shit, but even I saw it devolve completely around 2012 (When tumblr/SJW boogeyman took hold)
>too young to be a social justice warrior millennial
>too old to be a zoom zoom
Feels good to be born between 1995-1997
Imagine being this mad.
In my experience the peak was 2007 and 2011. it went down in quality from 2007 but it went up in 2011 again. Then it never recovered after 2012 and only became worse over the years. Although right now is actually a lot better than it was in 2016. Just nowhere close to the actual fun years of early Yea Forums.
You have probably experienced 2011 and that was pretty close to the greatest Yea Forums has ever been.
You ain't got the Ultime Trannysuckah fuckfuck championship belt.
Meme aside, why is Generation-X barely mentioned in this kind of argument?
If you were born in anywhere before 1990, all/most of your childhood was shaped by the non-internet culture and society so lumping them with Millennials doesn't seem appropriate just because they hit 20 in/after 2000.
I hope you useless pieces of shit have a good day so that maybe you'll consider being less useless
no way i'm a fucking boomer, there's gotta be something inbetween boomer and zoomer
Generation X missed Yea Forums. Most were already post-college when Yea Forums started. They have memories of BBS boards and communicating to other universities to buy weed.
Yea Forums has been millenial central since the start but due to ironic weebs, youtube channels such as pewdiepie and memes becoming popular with young children we now also have lots of those young children that are now grown into the threads.
The transition year is 1995.
People born after 1985 were only 12 to 7-ish when the early internet really started to take off. I'd say if you were a teen throughout the late 90s then you aren't just merely a millennial.
Is it safe for me to fight someone with such obvious mental illness?
It tastes exactly like cum. No joke.
I was born in 1988 and we had internet when I was 7. I never even played the NES and my early childhood cartoons were anime like gundam and dragonball. Most of those are considered millenial.
I don't identify with gen X at all and am a firm millenial.
sometime in 2006 or 2007?
>tfw didnt grow up with consoles or actual pc games so i played flash games all my childhood but now i can enjoy any game regardless of when it was made with no bias cause of shitty flash games
feelsgoodman but ive got so many games to catch up on
blehehehehehehe le funni wojak
Are all Spongebob zoomers this retarded?
It's surprising that someone doesn't recognize the pasta
>TFW old enough to remember when people asked newfag wojak and pepe posters to leave
>They're now considered the original Yea Forums posters compared to zoomers
>That shitty processed coconut water
If you ever had a real coconut you'd know the difference is like night and day
>newfag wojak and pepe posters
You act like anything's changed
What's changed is that people now act as if the original wojak and pepe are some sort of Yea Forums idols and true "Yea Forums culture" while the majority of this place hated that shit.
>unironically using the word nigga
Yeah, you were born in 2001
I found the perfect Wojak edit for OP.
I'm born in the 80s when we genuinely said that daily.
Nah, speak for yourself. I hate zoomers because I find them annoying and most of the ones I meet irl have terrible social skills from growing up with social media.
The fuck are you smoking?
Is 23 boomer or zoomer?
>and most of the ones I meet irl have terrible social skills from growing up with social media.
This is what your mom would say about "those pesky kids growing up with television"
truth is that they are annoying because they are young insufferable kids and you're a proper adult now.
You must've looked pretty out of place at that middle school, user. Don't they have night courses for that?
2006 or 2007
Born in 88 first console was a second hand SNES
Eventually got an N64 that I played on a little black and white TV.
Was a late teen for the 7th gen. Got a GameCube but found it underwhelming beyond a few games. Got a 360 a year later from weekend work as well as internet and a Dell prebuilt. Halo was my first introduction to online games. Once I finished school and got a job full-time I built my own computer, it's been my go-to platform for the past decade now. Still have a PS4 and switch but the exclusives rarely feel worth it, I just play dad games now like grand strategy or Sims.
1994 and below is definite boomer
1995 is transition year
1996 and up is definite zoomer
Nah, there's data showing their ability to perceive body language is worse.
Boomer, but I played Doom quake cnc and nfs you console fags, real Boomer played on Windows 95
>Still have a PS4 and switch but the exclusives rarely feel worth it
I literally only played BoTW on my switch and never touched it again. I only played Detroit become human on the PS4.
These are definitely going to be my last consoles as there isn't any use to owning them anymore.
>OoT is now a Zoomer game, but Playstation is still Boomer territory
This meme is making less and less sense every day.
t. 30 year old
Dude, people born in 96 and 97 were in the core years of their childhood around the same time that 1990-1995 borns were. Sure, they were also kids in the zoomer late 2000s, but that doesn't change anything. Honest to god zoomers are like late 1998-1999 onward, but since they were born in the old century I include them as boomers too
>people born after 1985 were only 12 to 7-ish when the early internet really started to take off.
1980-1985 is a cusp because their childhood was more Gen X but more their mid teens and early twenties were more Millennial.
The similar stuff goes for 1995-1999 with their childhood being more Millennial but more Gen Z in their mid teens and early 20 as stuff like smartphone and Youtube was already a super-spreading by then.
That's the official clasification of gen Z. 1995 is the cutoff point.
95+ is zoomer and zoomers didn't grow up with oot they grew up skyward sword and the older ones MAYBE TP/WW. OOT is boomer
How t give up you are a Zoomer.
Holy fuck im actually a boomer, i feel old
Zoomers hate OoT. Haven't you seen all the threads on here calling it dated, and about how they didn't play it until years later?
a "boomer" or boomer?
I think I count as a zoomer still
You absolute fucking retard.
Gen Z aka Zoomers start from 1995 to 2019
It doesn't start at 2000, you goddamn fucking insecure zoomer.
I saw a thread with a similar picture on /g/ yesterday. I swear it's one butthurt zoomer in denial making these thhreads.
You're both idiots. Zoomers begin in 2000, and OoT is definitely boomer. There are people born in the late 90s who grew up with OoT.
Boomer/Zoomer thing is all about your current age desu.
If this meme existed in 2009, the boomer would start at 1970 and cutoff would be around 1985, or I should say, the cutoff would be shifted forward as time passes unless it doesn't die out.
Born 05-05-1987
Sorry for late reply
Me bite dah skin on your face and hands bruh
Zoomers start after 1985, lil zoom zoom.
The US Census defines 2000 as the cutoff point.
PS1 ftw!
>mfw called both a boomer and a zoomer
You guys are retards. The age doesn't even matter, the meme is just another GOOD THING BAD THING rage comic tier shit.
1999 are the last of the boomers. They're the last people to have grown up in a world without smartphone/social media cancer.
Reality check
1980-85 X-Boomers
1985-1995 Boomers
1995-1999 Z-Boomers
There arent clean cuts,everything is a transition,core zoomer is 2005-2010,gen z ends early because things go faster every day and Gen T are the new little kiddos.
I disagree. There are some people born in the late 90s who are pure Zoomers, although most are boomers. Core zoomer, in my opinion, begins 2010-present. Zoomer culture started to emerge in 2007.
Z-Boomers are the teens -late teens(back then) which made Dubstep and Cod style games massively popular in late 2000s early 2010s
What is the term boomer derived from? Baby boomers were born much earlier, directly after ww2
Keep in mind kids just follow what teens and young adults make popular.
I'm a 22 year old boomer. Fuck zoomers and fuck people who like MHW.
Both of those were made by millennials, and Zoomers ended up being the main demographic of it.
People who like dubstep tend to have been born in the 2000s.
There is no official classification other than it starting sometime in the mid 90's-early 2000's. That's why so many retards are arguing in this thread. No one actually knows the exact year this garbage starts.
The real answer is lol randumb humor
I got both, I played both. I was born before both so get fucked.
I'd ask what games people got their PS1 for but all the responses would probably just be FF7, MGS, SotN, or "my parents bought it for me" so I won't bother.
The meme is literally '30 year old boomer'. If you were born in the 90's , you're a zoomer. Sorry kiddos. I used to post this back when you fags were actually banned for being born in the 90s because you were literally breaking the rules by being here.
Generational cutoffs after the 70s are lame to be honest.
Everything about them is when you experienced the internet/cel(smart)phone related stuff, not about war, political events, or a great musical history.
>Zoomer culture started to emerge in 2007.
That's why those born in 98-99 are mainly zoomers. I see 98-99 borns online posting nostalgic memes for early zoomer culture like minecraft and saying things like "98-03 gang unite", whereas people born 95-97 are always trying to distance themselves from zoomers and posting nostalgic memes for things we consider millennial like yugioh. 95-99 babies all spent parts of their childhoods in two different era, but the 98-99 ones are clearly more nostalgic for the zoomer era
>that 23 year old boomer that is a civic nationalist
>98-03 gang unite
Why is always 2000s kids posting these then , just go to Tiktok lmao sometimes even up to 04,no late 90s grown as man does this cringy shit.
No one born in that time period wants to associate with people born 2000~.
And you literally can't be "nostalgic" for Minecraft seeing as how it officially came out in the 2010s, which WE'RE STILL IN.
99ers are the last of the boomers.
1995 is conskdered GenZ by those who round it up at its earliest date. 2000 Is a widely accepted start year though and really makes more sense as a year to transition to the post millennial generation. As generations arent an officially/legally recognized thing though there will never be an objectively correct answer.
>no late 90s grown as man does this cringy shit.
But they're on Yea Forums
>that zoomer desperately trying to pretend to be a boomer
fuck off. millenials aren't even a good generation, it's a shit generation. the only good thing about us is that we at least grew up with good cartoons and video games, unlike you who grew up with adventure time, chowder, minecraft and assorted brown n bloom trash.
Estimations of what exactly? A Generation is just some man-made way of stigmatizing a certain age group by generalizing all of them to have certain traits(like Boomers being racist, or Millennials being lazy, etc)
I'm a boomer born in the late 90s who grew up with Ocarina of Time, Spongebob, Tamagotchis, Beanie Babies, and Rugrats.
a rare X-Bro has appeared
Anyone that's younger than me is inferior to me. Sorry, but its true.
Why does this thread have like 400 replies
Go on the "gen z" subreddit and you'll see tons of 98 99 borns calling themselves generation z, and saying their childhood was the wii/hannah montana/diary of a wimpy kid. There are hardly any 95-97 borns there, and the ones that are only ever complain about having nothing in common with 2000s borns
The early zoomers will soon start calling themselves boomers and blaming their juniors and you can't stop them.
Some people born in the late 90s are Zoomers. All I said is most are boomers. Zoomerdom isn't JUST a generation, it's also a mentality, so while it officially starts in 2000, there's some prelude before.
Also, what's wrong with Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Sure it's a dumb book, but it's good for children.
>I'm a boomer born in the late 90s
THis zoomer must be baiting
Im 33.
Late 90s fuckers rise up
And time continues to flow on...
trannies know more about games than you
I'm a boomer.
both zoomers and boomers get triggered by it.
If you were born in the late 90s, you're the last to have grown up in a world before smartphones/social media cancer.
Late 90s borns are boomers.
*Gen Z and millennials
But Teletubbies is for literal preschoolers.
The official non zoomer pass if you had this as a kid.
These images are literally mental illness.
I had that as a kid.
WAS, Im guessing you didnt saw it back then and you only know the new series top kek Zoom zoom
Ignore the Og gba modded screen btw
You just admitted to being a Zoomer lmao
Born in 92. Got to personally experience the 2000s technological revolution. If I was born 10 years earlier I would be a disgusting oldfag tainted by late 80s/early 90s, if I was born 10 years later I would not have the perspective I have on the internet and technology that I have. Also being the PS2 era generation feels pretty good, it's probably one of the best era for video games, developers finally figured out how to make proper 3D games but it hasn't been fucked by the casuals yet. It's so good that you can take a PS2 game, render it in HD and it will stand on its own merit and even btfo recently released games.
41% yourself freak
you were like 8 or 9 by the time iphones came around. fuck off already zoomer
You didnt buy ps1 games?
My bro is 91 and bought a ton.thanks to that (Im 98) I spent the ps2 gen playing both ps1 and ps2 games
First of all, I'm a boomer, not a Zoomer.
Second of all, iPhones came out in 2007, but I didn't see anyone using them until like 2010-2011.
Implying kids,preteens had phones
Fuck off Zoomer
Boomers love Ocarina of Time. This meme was made by a PS4 zoomer faggot
92 as well. A good fucking year. All years before 92 are shit, all years after are shit. We are the enlightened promised year.
So can we finally admit this is literally the shittiest recent meme?
1999, just enough to count as boomer/zoomer with all the positives and none of the negatives from either side
>born in 98/99
>iphones came out in 07
>n-no I'm totally not a zoomer even though I wasn't even 10 when iphones were already a thing and I completely missed life before things went to cancer in 07
Had both. Played DigDug on my Atari plug n play though.
Only once people start admitting that Zoomers start in 2000 and stop lumping in people who grew up pre-smartphones and have good taste with Minecraft/Fortnite retards.
I remember life in the early 2000s. A big portion of my childhood was before 2007. Sounds like you're projecting? You even say "zoomzoom" at the end of your post, indicating you're a Zoomer since Zoomers say zoomzoom.
Yeah yeah and a le wojak to you too
Also, once again, no one used iPhones until the 2010s.
If you want though, I could say I was born in the wrong generation, which would make me a boomer anyway, even though late 90s borns are boomers regardless.
I was 8 when the PS2 got released, I had a GBC with Pokemon before that but my first home console was the PS2 so kind of missed out on the PS1/64 stuff outside of Tekken 3 at a friend's house. I remember someone at school lending me a copy of FF7 though and being utterly BTFO by it despite having almost 100%'d FFX.
don't you have a streamer to be donating to zoomzoom?
I don't watch streamers, because I'm a boomer.
if you were born after 9/11 i don't even consider you human
My internet browsing really did a number on me back then, ended up getting into a bunch of degenerate shit in a very short space of time and never really recovered.
>2 or 3 years old when 9/11 happened
I had this one, dig dug was my favourite but I spent countless hours on Rally-X
Yes, that's a pic of you. I already knew that, you didn't need to tell me. This isn't Twitter.
>'i know you are but what am I' tier response
>same gen
>somehow one is zoomer
hmmmm I wonder what company OP likes
Signing your posts is against the global rules.
They do it for free
Why am I being called a boomer when I'm only 26? I thought boomers were people in their 60s? I'm a millennial.
millenials should be banned from 4channel
This is a zoomer only site
If it did, I'd splooge down my mouth all day, every day
My family wouldn't hear about me ever again
You're turning 4channel into reddit, whatever you are DIE FAGGOT
I had the same!
what's with all the late 90's zoomers in this thread pretending to be boomers?
Only some people born in the late 90s are Zoomers. Most are boomers.
Late 90's is zoomber
100% of them are zoomers
It's like 2 or 3 delusional zoomers. too much adventure time, icarly and hannah montana as a kid fried their brains
Do you really think all people born in the late 90s are girls? You keep bringing up Hannah Montana.
40% of them are Zoomers. 60% are boomers.
Who here /93/ ? Im literally a boomzoom mutt
i watched hannah montana despite being a boy because i had a crunch on her. pretty sure a lot of boys my age did.
Zoomers born in 98-99 grew up with the same shit as other early zoomers born in the early 2000s. People ONLY ever lump them in with pre 1998 borns like in the op since they were the last ones born in the 20th century.
This image was CREATED by people born around 98-03 who consider themselves to be the same thing
Well then I guess I really was born in the wrong generation, since I think whoever made that pic is an idiot.
I'll be honest, sometimes I do wish I was born like 5 or 10 years earlier. I still consider myself a boomer because I grew up with a lot of 90s stuff and I have good taste in stuff, but I will admit a lot of people born in the late 90s are fucking retarded.
21 year old zoomer.
1999 gang
>bought a sega saturn to not be a nintendo fag this generation
>a little bit better than what the n64 turned out to be but still absolutely btfo by the sony boomers' library
kinda odd to think that the boomer meme originally started out as an insult or at least it did on my home board of /o/ where it meant someone who liked old shitty cars because they were old and liked inferior technology in cars such as carbs because "they don't make em like they used to" then the zoomer meme followed shortly after and boomer became a compliment associated with good taste and a cultured generation.
Honeslty any SEGA console is boomercore
>being born a certain year and being a boomer or zoomer is some kind of badge of honor
>OP mocks Zoomer/Boomer meme
>More than half the thread takes it seriously
Summer Yea Forums.
Also, the fact that the mongoloid who made that image put B.O.B. there is really concerning.
The guy's a flat earther/Holocaust denier. He also denies that slavery happened.
Ordinarily, I would advocate separating art from the artist, but I don't think you can do that in this case.
it's almost like cars and video games are different. cars improve in many ways, video games just keep getting worse
Ps1 baby born in 2000, what does that make me?
Born in the wrong generation
Everything after '79 is zoomer
Can't wait for another cool weekend with the boys. We're gonna play some fuckin' naomi PCBs and have some fuckin' beer and sips!
Which one are you?
replace ps1 with
im a 21 year old zoomer and i like cherry seltzer water to drink
>21 year old
Bitch, you're old enough to drink and do taxes, you ain't a Zoomer.
history is written by the winners and guess who won the 4channel race
21 year old here, what the fuck is fantage???
>childhood consisted of playing outside and playing metal slug on shady arcades
>now 24/7 on computer
bros... what went wrong?
im a zoomer. zoomer starts at 1995.
i dont really care if im a zoomer, at least i grew up with glorious gamecube and raimi spider-man.
based fellow zoom zoom
But read this: "Zoomers hate OoT"
A lot of people born in the late 90s, myself included, LOVE Ocarina of Time. It's one of my favorite games.
Therefore, I hereby declare Zoomers officially start in 2000.
1980s child but I don't consider myself a boomer.
That is reserved for my parents.
Delete this meme, in just one years time pure zoomers born in 2000 will be turning 20
BornIn2019chads rolling in
>98+ kids don't like metroid prime, dmc, twewy, turn based jrpgs, dos fps, half life 1, crpgs like planescape and fallout 1, rts or n64 games
feel sorry for zoomies for having such shit taste.
this was an extremely underrated game on the ps1, only good hercules game I've ever played.
Born in 2001, so right.
Some do.
>wanting to fit in with boomboom redditards this bad
I hereby name you honorary millennials your complimentary blacked subscription will arrive by email shortly.
eh, I'm from '99 and I definitely love some of those games. Except for turn based JRPGs. The majority of those I played are shit.
I am 12 and I like the PS2 xdd
>Boomer vs Zoomer thread
>majority is boomer cirlejerk
>rest is "Im a zoomer BUT" posts
source: your ass
>when u cheat on ur gf with pedo furry and won't be able to do cool podcasts like this anymore