Noticed something while playing Skyrim again:

noticed something while playing Skyrim again:
>any quest starts where there is a good guy and a bad guy involved
>you MUST take the good guy's side
>even if you are doing the work got money or reward, the bad guy talks to you as if you were the good guy and share their beliefs
>the bad guy is killed at the end by the player
It happens a lot, and it is pretty embarrassing. Clearly Bethesda wrote two sides of an argument, picked one to be the one for the player, and then expected all buyers to not notice how ideological beliefs are imposed on them that always align with the only side you could ever pick.

Dark Brotherhood is probably the worst since you can kill Cicero after hating on him in every conversation and Astrid still says that "you were right" about the Night Mother being important.

I have ZERO hope for VI being any decent in this department.

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Take your meds bro.

I'm not crazy, Todd. Every quest unfolds like this.

I'm not Todd. I'm your doctor. You need to take your meds.

It's not like that all the time you can side with a cannibal cult and feed them a priest

I thought she had three gallons of milk.

cute milkies

Blame that fucking cunt Emil. he ruins everything he touches

Bethesda is famous for writing good stories since when? TES has great lore but writing is consistently shit.

I just want a game like fable that lets me be a murderous cunt
not everything should be capeshit hero garbage with one dimensional npcs who praise me after I kill 3 rats in a cave

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fuck off piccolo

Ya got a problem with that, kid? You aren't rooting for the bad guy, are ya?
Remember, keep it simple stupid.

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That's because it's a Daedric Quest. They always get way more thought and time than regular quests.

>not everything should be capeshit hero garbage with one dimensional npcs who praise me after I kill 3 rats in a cave
So you want one dimensional HURR I'M EVIL SO I KILL EVERYONE RAWR >:D shit instead?

I still think it's very gay that you can't just take over by yourself, why do you gotta pick sides? It's so fucking lame, unforgivable.

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I'd like the option yeah
the more variables in my alignment literally means less one dimensional npcs, brainlet

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>the more variables in my alignment literally means less one dimensional npcs, brainlet
That's not variables, brainlet, it's literally just the opposite side of the same autistic spectrum of shitty middle school tier writing.

Wait hold on, it's two sides of the same shit, you're gonna get the same shit you hate, it doesn't matter if theres more options of low quality shit. Instead you should wan't high quality options instead of a trashy different one.

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I agree it's pretty bad for actual roleplaying purposes but that's a little reductionist. There are quite a few quests with more options or nuanced outcomes. Off the top of my head there's Saadia and the Alik'r, the Forsworn questline, whether to fulfill any optional DB objective (especially Nilsine Shattershield since her mom kills herself and her dad turns to alcoholism).

I said like fable not 1:1 braindead npcs, retards

TES have always sucked. They just sucked less once upon a time.

>TES has great lore
Yeah I guess just nameswapping Rome, its rulers, and its neighbor is pretty good lore huh?

Pelagius is almost a complete copy of Caligula, and it goes beyond mere allusion or parody given that he was the first Emperor assassinated just like Caligula.