Challenges high king to fair combat

>challenges high king to fair combat
>cheats and uses the voice to kill him instantly
>throws a bitchfit when the empire won't make him new king
What the fuck was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Typical snow nigger.

Why actually is the voice cheating?

Any Nord can learn the way of the voice, given enough ambition and dedication. His shouting Torygg to the ground proved he had neither. Skyrim needs a real High King.

>Becoming an elf slave
No thanks

Thrall pulled the exact same bullshit when he challenged Garrosh. Shitty babyfaces these guys are.

Why did he use the voice anyway? By all accounts the king was barely a boy not trained in the way of the sword.

yeah just make (You) the high king. get the dragon lineage back in the court, really piss off the mountain jews as you torch their ranks with your dragon army

Ulfric using the Voice for combat when the Greybeard doctrine explicitly forbids it shows he not only doesn't care about the nordic way of life, he is a hypocrite for defending traditions he himself violates whenever it suits his purpose

>High king knows laws of single combat
>know ulfric is a seasoned veteran
>Ulfric is known to be a user of the thu'um
>high king could have said no and it would have proven ulfrics point all the same
>says yes
>fucking dies almost instantly
really was his own fault for being so retarded
I also like how people take solitudes mage opinion of the matter 100% as fact even though shes a fucking vampire. Like how stupid are people--oh wait, some people actually think ulfric is a pawn of the thalmor because of a note in a thalmor embassy when the thalmor knew you were coming.
>b-b-but the note!
>h-h-hes a pawn! He is!
honestly how stupid do you have to be to actually be an empire fag.

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because the voice is prohibited from being used in honorful duels

Skyrim needed a real king and it should have been the Dragonborn and not him. He was too selfish and admits as much in Sovengarde. Elves needed to be kept in check and a bunch of other issues needed to dealt with.

The problem was he was unequivocally not the person to do it was because he was first and foremost out for himself and only himself. He only cared about Skyrim and the Throne because he thought himself better than everyone else and was a glory hound who only really cared for himself. He would have made a terrible King and he only seems like an okay choice when compared to the limp dicks of the Imperials.

His killing of the King was pure proof of how much he was unfit to rule. Torygg would have seceded from the Empire if Ulfric just supported him on the matter and he himself was a staunch Talos supporter. Ulfric could have had a unified Skyrim with Torygg as King free from Imperial rule. But he didn't want that. What Ulfric wanted was to sit his happy ass on the Throne because all Ulfric ever cared about was Ulfric.

He had no argonian mommy

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No its not. The grey beards have no say when they openly allow skyrim to be occupied and let talos worship be banned. They high king is supposed to be the shield of skyrim. If he can't win a 1v1 then he shouldn't be king

Traitor and a cheater. Literally Yea Forums's idol.

Well people are used to taking shit for granted

actual reddit tier argument.

You're forgetting that:
- they were friends
- Torygg would back an independent Skyrim
- Ulfric recognizes he was wrong (if he goes to Sovngarde)

>Says the actual reddit tier response

I installed a bunch of mods today and idk it still doesnt feel very fun.
Im starting to have doubts about wether or not skyrim can ever be fixed into a fun game.

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why does him being his friend work against ulfric? It shows how far he is willing to go for skyrim and its people
Did you even read my post?
if he came to that conclusion in the after life he probably knew that in his life but needed to stand by his actions.

Point of order, the challenged gets to choose weapon. Showing up to a swordfight and then magicking someone to fucking death is kind of dishonorable

The Grey Beards have all the say considering their leader could rape Skyrim into oblivion by himself and usher in a new reign of Dragons, but doesn't because he's refusing his nature and is teaching humans Thu'ums for tradition and so that the Dragonborn can come by and defeat his brother so he can finally fuck off in permanent retirement.

By using the Thu'um to kill. Ulfric broke his master master's reason for teaching it to humans who are not Dovah.

You can't have a fun game when the combat is shit and a simple fetch quest takes 20 minutes or more.

>Any Nord can learn the way of the voice
and it literally takes fucking years of training with the not!Jedi to do it, that's why the Dragonborn is notable at all, he's fucking mastering the Voice when it takes decades of practice to reach that level

Didn't Garrosh mcfucking poison Cairn in their duel?

>what is mercy

It takes decades, actually. Ulfric studied it for 10 years and only knows Disarm and Unrelenting Force.

It shows how far he is willing to go for his ego and desire for power. There was no reason for him to be on the Throne if he could get his friend to do everything he could have done just by telling him to do so and he absolutely could have. The only thing it couldn't satisfy was his ego.

Garrosh didnt, the tauren witch did because she didnt like cairne.
Garrosh hates that type of dishonesty and nearly killed her himself for making his victory dishonorable

>be shield of skyrim
>old as fucking dude who knows a bit of old magic challenges you to a fight to the death
>wife and whole court watching
>have yet to prove yourself as a shield
>sweating profusely
>accept challenge
>Thinks: how hard can this really be?
>Hes old, slow and probably senile
>I was trained by a veteran master at arms!
>stand up
>draw sword
>wtf hes inhaling
>loud thundurus crack shakes the whole building
>wtf was that
>oh shit im on the ground
>oh shit my ears are bleading
>oh shit hes coming at me with a sword
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
>aww fuck he stabbed me
>awwwwww fuuuuuuuu...........
>its getting so dark.......
being a retarded king is dishonorable

Ok maybe I just need some big quest mods and some more combat overhauls.
Though i dont know how much they'll affect me considering I mostly try to play magic casters

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Garrosh deserved better than the shafting of his writing he got
At least WoW is dying

No, Magatha Grimtotem poisoned Garrosh's axe without his knowledge

Which is really fucking weird because Garrosh would have won anyway being the PvP Chad that he is

Magic sucks in Skyrim

When you meet Torygg in Sovngarde, he says that he knew he would be killed by Ulfric, shout or not. He still fought on because he needed to be an example for his people.

>no option to kill Ulfric and lead the Stormcloaks yourself

Skyrim was extremely fucking underwhelming

Fuck elves and fuck the Empire 2bh, Ulfric is my nigga

>be monk faggot
>willing to let your people die because
>overlook that jorgen ment that you shouldn't use the thu'um to start shit
>using it to defend your country is fine
>let country slowly die because you cant read as well as a 6th grader


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Theres just no mod to make magical combat fun huh?

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again that is the opinion of a vampire you mongloid.
example for what? retardation. Unless him and ulfric were in on it hes still retarded.

>Ulfric murdered High King Torygg with his voice
>Shouted him apart
>Can't shout Ulfric apart with your voice because he's essential
Bethesda: Not Even Once.

>example for what
Honor, peasant

>tfw had sex w/ him using mods
hehehehehe feeling sneaky..

There's a mod that gives you 300 new spells, but it just makes you a walking nuke. So, vanilla game is you kiting people while waiting for your magicka to recharge, while mods let you clear a room with a fireball.

Its actually the opinion of several people including his wife and Ulfric himself in fucking Sovengarde. Its so bizarre when people are so wrong that that the characters themselves can say that they were doing it for the wrong reasons but people will still be in denial about it.

Yes you can. I think most games I like actually have shit combat and 20+ minute fetch quests.
Skyrim fails because of its bad writing and shallow-as-fuck world.

>all these empire fags
>empire is the reddit faction
ya'll need to actually get off the board.

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I think Skyrim's fetch quests are so bad because it's all the quests are. Compare it to Fallout, for example. In Skyrim, you need to fetch a crown. You go through a dungeon full of draugr to get the crown at the final room. In Fallout, you'd just go to the second floor of a building, grab the item and get out.

I mean, in Skyrim you can do that too, but the whole experience is too linear. You KNOW the thing you're looking for is at the end of the dungeon. No side paths. And there's also the very conventient shortcut to the beginning when you finally clear the dungeon.

Explain the success of the Final Fantasy franchise

>shallow-as-fuck world
Name three open world games with a better world

>country being occupied
>nords literally being taken from their home for worshiping talos
>but-but-but muh honor!

In 1 hour, you barely finish 2 Skyrim quests.
In 1 hour, you advance the plot quite a lot in Final Fantasy.

Except they weren't, until Ulfric cocked everything up, remember? They paid lipservice to the law but didn't enforce it. It wasn't until Ulfric forced their fucking hand - like the Thalmor wanted BECAUSE HE WAS ONE OF THEIR ASSETS - the Empire had to try and enforce the prohibition

The Dragonborn in V is a literal fucking smooth brain. The dumbest motherfucker that ever was, and you want this retard leading a nation?

Ulfric needed to stand by his actions. Even in his life hes sad he killed torygg. His wife is a literal who, who probably couldn't even find skyrim on a map.

>Do five to fifteen quests
>Nation goes from on the brink of destruction to a never before seen prosperous golden age in less than a week or two of in-game time

Yes actually

>Ulfric was an asset!
Learn to read a fucking dossier. Ulfric is considered an asset the same way a roving bear causing problems for a local village you hate is an asset.

Ulfric distracts the Empire, that makes him an asset for the Thalmor. He's an asset for as long as the Civil War continues and he stops being an asset when said Civil War ends - because now he's a threat.

are you actually brain dead?
Ulfric is trying to fight against his peoples genocide and you people are like
how do you even come to the conclusions you do.

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>Not even addressing the point just restating what you have said before because you actually don't have a point
Okay at least we are both on the same page. We both acknowledge that Ulfric absolutely had no reason to kill Torygg other than his ego and plunged Skyrim into a civil war just so he could sit on the Throne. If he was willing to take a back seat Torygg could have lead Skyrim to independence with his backing but he wouldn't have been the King.

Good to know we are on the same page. Ulfric is a shit.

That's great, except the DB accomplished that by taking orders from other people and not questioning a thing. The DB is a controllable beat stick, that's not the same as making decisions as a King.

>You forced me to genocide you within your ancestral lands

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>In 1 hour, you advance the plot quite a lot in Final Fantasy.
Depends entirely on the title in question. 9 or 10? Sure. 6, 7, or 15? Those drag on for what feels like days.

Yes and no. There's several mods that add new effects, but that's a good way to blow up your rig with how unstable the game is. There is a balanced magic mod, but when I used it hardly changed the gameplay. The only mod I enjoyed before SE was released was a magic fist mod that allowed you to dual-wield elemental attacks so you could be a punch mage.

The Talos worship ban wasn't enforced until Ulfric killed Torygg, user. It was a law, but the Empire didn't enforce it, until Ulfric began his revolt.

Simple fact is that Bethesda has been shitting on and weakening the Empire since Morrowind.

The Stormcloaks will win and Empire cucks can't do shit about it.

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Strictly do you really need the King to be anything more than a magically guided beatstick?

>Ulfric joins the equivalent of a monastary at a young age
>learns the thu'um and jedi shit
>keeps hearing about muh immigrants ruining skyrim and muh skyrim for the nords
>gets assblasted about it
>runs away from his commitment to the greybeards to go into politics
>becomes a Jarl by slaughtering a bunch of native squatters (who were admittedly shitters)
>carries on and on about muh talos muh skyrim muh nords
>wants to be king but mom won't let him
>challenges the king to a duel and cheats to win
>Surprisingly this wins over no one and only the hardliners or
>creates such a shit that the Empire has to send a decorated general up to deal with him, and is forced to allow the Thalmor to "assist" in keeping peace/enforcing the White-Gold Concordat - which is what they intended all along by secretly supporting Ulfrics ambitions and activities
>Tulius gets shit done by being ruthless and puts Ulfric to ground and finally captures him, resolving matters fairly quickly
>is only foiled by the literal fucking apocolypse kicking off
>muh talos muh skyrim muh nords
>outright admits he was a fucking shithead in the afterlife

it's small wonder neo-Yea Forums loves Ulfric, he closesly mirrors the real life political hacks they rode in on in 2016

nords aren't going anywhere and the Empire isn't enforcing immigration quotas. Everyone carried on worshipping Talos BEFORE Ulfric blew the issue up, exactly as the Thalmor wanted

Nice try, smoothbrain. Ulfric was supported in secret by the Thalmor with the intention of kicking off the civil war in the first place to give them an excuse to come in and start murdering Talos worshippers. He's a patsy. They only worry about what will happen if he actually unifies Skyrim, which he is well on his way to not doing because he's incompetent and Tulius dunks all over him despite the Thalmor actively working to sabotage him

That dungeon shortcut was cool for the first few dungeons, but then I realized that literally every single dungeon in the land of Skyrim was built that way.

I didn't say it was bad, I said it was shallow. It's not a world, it's a stage backdrop for your adventure. A linear game with the walls removed. You can't do things out of order, and you can't try to solve problems creatively because the devs only implemented one solution. You just walk from set piece to set piece.

>im going to kill the king so i can be king!
>Thalor: kidnapping and murdering nords and imps
your argument makes no sense. Why would 1 man cause a civil war against a bigger nation that has bigger allies just to sit on the throne.
Literally makes no sense. I ignored your other point because its fucking hearsay and opinions of Dead and retarded people.

It wasn't enforced. really. Are you people so gullible.

Literally *everyone* says this in game and comments things are much worse now that the Thalmor are roaming the countryside

There is no rule that the Voice can't be used in honor duels. The taboo comes from the Greybeards only, not Nords in general.

>You can't do things out of order, and you can't try to solve problems creatively because the devs only implemented one solution. You just walk from set piece to set piece.
I don't understand what any of this means. In regard to the world itself this is all blatantly false. Exploration is never gated and very few questlines are.
I assume you're talking entirely about a lack of roleplaying options in quests and are demonstrably terrible at conveying thought.

>The taboo comes from the Greybeards only
who are the authority on and only remaining practitioners of the Voice, user

>Why would one man cause a civil war to become a King
>I ignored the rest because its hearsay from the spirit of the fucking person who we are talking about
Okay I get it. You are either dense or your ego is so fragile that you literally cannot handle being wrong on the internet so you have to just bullshit and spew rhetoric when confronted with the fact you are wrong. Its okay I understand. You have a good day now and stay away from sharp objects, sharp words and harsh opinions. Wouldn't want big boy to have to confront reality.

The ban was a law, but the Empire let the Talos temples stand. They didn't really enforce the ban. After Ulfric started his rebellion, they were forced to. When you go to the Temple of Divines in Solitude, the priest will say the shrine of Talos was removed not so long ago - and it shows, because they didn't even rearrange the other shrines around it.

>Ulfric was supported in secret by the Thalmor!
Yes retard, because the Civil War distraxts both sides. As soon as you fucking end the CW, he's no longer an asset because he's now gunning for them. The Thalmor don't want the conflict to end, they want both sides to wear each other out and swoop in to take Skyrim.

You are a fucking retard. Ulfric hates the Thalmor, he doesn't ask for nor want their shady help. Their attempt at delaying his execution was shit he didn't know about. Again, once you end the CW and side with Ulfric, the Thalmor will no longer keep pulling strings to keep him alive.

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Why did Skyrim just recycle the same fetch and kill quest formula for every quest? Oblivion had a lot more variety and not every quest could be completed by slashing every enemy to death.

Its funny how you mention the forsworn uprising and how Ulfric went in with his militia and liberated the city when the empire refused to do anything about it only until Ulfric liberated it and made talos worship legal again The empire stepped in. Even though you also said the Empire didn't enforce the law even though earlier you also glossed over the fact that they did enforce it.
You are a literal retard.

The way of the Voice is a philosophy. The Nords may respect the Greybeards but their views on the correct use of the Voice is not law, it doesn't even seem to be wide-spread.

Oblivion had the dark brotherhood quest, that was it. The rest of them where just boring as fuck fetch quest too.

he was secretly gay and it made him aggressive and unhappy in life.

imagine being an empire fag so bad you openly blame the man trying to free skyrim for causing skyrim to fall into chaos.
I bet you guys don't care about your children's future or their children's children. Imagine not fighting against your own peoples oppression and genocide because you at that very moment are content with only being ass rammed by your oppressors once in a while.

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this tbqh

Smoothbrain continues missing the point. Ulfric hates the Thalmor but it doesn't change the fact he's their patsy. By starting the civil war at all he played into their hands. Yes, they want the CW to drag out. But he's such a fucking egotistical idiot he got played into starting it in the first place.

>except when we really need help now pls gais
>just don't let any of your non nord troops linger around too long after you save us from our problems
>also we want all of the Empires protection without fulfilling our end of the feudal compact by obeying your laws lol

Can we just admit the whole Civil War questline was a load of low effort horseshit?

>can't wipe out enemy garrisons because unkillable npcs
>city raid quests have you fight super weak versions of regular guards
>permanent damage to cities making certain building inaccessible
>boring busy work quests (go here kill this dude) for 90% of the line
>final missions are buggy as hell and literally change nothing in the overworld, you kill a couple of npcs that weren't doing anything anyways and then it's done

Skyrim had shit quests in general but civil war had some of the worst

I didn't join the Stormcloaks mostly because of how cringe Ulfric was

i dont get it

Yeah bro, let in the refugees and who cares if your country goes down the shitter and the natives become a minority. I bet you're German

Was the civil war the only well written part of Skyrim? It's the only part of the game that can still stir debate even today.

Still not as bad as the shitshow that is the theives guild storyline

The children were the fucking future.

That was the entire plan, the Altmer don't reproduce nearly as much as humans do.

Ulfric fucked it all up by starting up a civil war and diminishing the overall number in both his ranks and the empires soldiers. He gave Nirn to the Altmer because "muh pride." He didn't think a step beyond that.

your green text makes no sense and you are grasping at straws. Ulfric liberated markarth with nords and whoever volunteered to help.

Thieves guild was good in the early missions where you were being an actual thief, it got retarded when the nightgale shit started

>Greybeards having any sort of say
They're just a bunch of lazy faggots who sit in their rooms reading doujins all day. The Greybeards are good for nothing except accepting charity and judging people for actually being productive.

I see in issue helping the Stormcloacks fuck the Thalmor we have to start rebellion somewhere.


It seems most of the content that had to be cut from the game revolved around the civil war. In retrospect that's pretty inexcusable considering it's one of the major driving forces of the plot.

Empire planned on fucking the Thalmor over first.

Ulfric fucked that plan up.

are you trolling? I have refuted every point you have made and you keep putting your own opinions into your argument and are ignoring facts.

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Okay but when are we going to acknowledge how weird it is that four men in their eighties live together and do nothing but scream all day?

Tell me user, where might I find more of this...

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Where did you find this? Not trying to start a fight on info but if this shit is true my ideals have changed.

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No. The actual fucking plan the empire had to deal with the Thalmor was to literally out-reproduce them and beat them with numbers alone. This is stated in the game several times.

Ulfric did not look any further than his own selfish ambitions. As a result, the Nords are guaranteed to be genocided, along with possibly the other humans now. There is no more "think of your children's future" because there is no longer one. He blew it.

Well, to give an example, let's look at the Markarth quest. You know, the one that starts when you enter the city, where you're framed for a murder and need to escape the prison.
If you choose to resist arrest when the guards come for you, the game doesn't really know how to deal with it. You know who framed you at this point, and you can break into their house and attack them, but they don't die, or even really acknowledge your murder attempt. The only way to advance is to get arrested, because that's the way the quest was designed.
As for exploration, it is literally gated with locked gates that won't open until you fulfil the right story requirement. There's a minimum of one in every dungeon, that keeps you from accessing the shortcut until you reach the dungeon end, and also several associated with individual quests.
I guess you could call it a lack of roleplaying options, but I think the bigger issue is the lack of immersion. You can't stray from the path the devs intended. You can't kill people the game thinks it still needs, and you can't enter places you're not supposed to see yet. I want a world that at least tries to pretend it doesn't exist solely for my adventure.

When you attack Solitude (final quest of Stormcloak side), both Tulius and Rikke say that they planned to attack the Thalmor after the Civil War. And even if you side with the Imperials, Tulius will say that he's not very keen to the Thalmor walking around Skyrim.

You have a point... Even during the main quest the diplomatic truce has the "Thalmor bitch" walk-in in on this shit and everyone throwing a fucking fit.

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Why is the Voice cheating? It's a perfectly valid means of fighting people.

I read somewhere that the ending of the Stormcloak campaign was supposed to be a shocking twist to the player. The game basically railroads you into joining the Stormcloaks, but in the end, you discover you didn't really do any good, and the people you backed were worse than the Imperials.

And the Empire can't still do that after the Civil War questline? You didn't destroy the entirety of the Empire with the Stormcloaks; you defeated the small contingent sent to govern Skyrim. Also, it's bullshit that Tullius would say that, because again, his contingent wouldn't stand a fucking chance against the Thalmor. Hell, the ENTIRE Empire lost that fight once before, and within the game's timeline, it wasn't very long ago.

The Stormcloaks just want a free Skyrim; they're not interested in the Empire's potential war with the Thalmor, but they believe it's their right to fight for their homeland without an anemic, inept government stepping on their toes. I agree with them.

>be high elf
>can join the stormcloaks having to go only through one extra line of dialogue
This always bugged me. In a perfect world Altmer wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Windhelm, and other elves should have to complete an extra quest to prove their loyalty before joining.

This poster is an imperial shill who takes Thalmor cock up the arse on a nightly basis. Don't believe his low IQ lies.

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Dunno if I'm convinced yet user do you have more proof?

user please. You are to blue pilled for your own good. Don't be a fool as to believe the thalmor would have simply let the empire follow through with their plan. Ulfric knows that they can win and beat the thalmor sooner as opposed to later. If the empire just waits it out they let the thalmor get stronger and will stand no chance. We obviously both hate the thalmor you are just getting to worked up over not liking ulfric because you think hes power hungry. I have seen 0 actual evidence he is and if dialogue is enough to persuade you that he is only in it for power than listen to what ulfric has to say and hear it with an unbias opinion.

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Are Thalmor basically tamriels version of the jews?

The Stormcloaks are a nord-exclusive faction, but Bethesda's gatekeeping bullshit had to make it accessible for everyone. Granted it would be kind of fucked that only one race could experience that rather significant portion of the story, but still.

fuck off randy

This fucking thread sucks is there anywhere else where we can argue about this shit

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>Tullius: "You realize this is exactly what they wanted."
>Galmar: "What who wanted?"
>Tullius: "The Thalmor. They stirred up trouble here. Forced us to divert needed resources and throw away good soldiers quelling this rebellion."

Blame Betheseda for embracing the philosophy that choices shouldn't matter and the player should never be locked out of content.

>a thread died for this!

Blow it out your ass.

Who are you quoting?

There more like the Nazi's except more pussified

The guy I quoted, obviously.

net time post the whole thing.

ullius: "Enough... enough..."
Ulfric: "This is it for you. Any last words before I send you to Oblivion?"
Tullius: "You realize this is exactly what they wanted."
Galmar: "What who wanted?"
Tullius: "The Thalmor. They stirred up trouble here. Forced us to divert needed resources and throw away good soldiers quelling this rebellion."
Ulfric: "It's a little more than a rebellion, don't you think?"
Galmar: "Heh."
Tullius: "We aren't the bad guys you know."
Ulfric: "Maybe not, but you certainly aren't the good guys."
Tullius: "Perhaps you're right. But then what does that make you?"
Ulfric: "You just said it yourself."
Galmar: "It makes us right."
Tullius: "And if I surrender?"
Ulfric: "The Empire I remember never surrendered."
Galmar: "That Empire is dead. And so are you."
Tullius: "So be it."
Galmar: "Just kill him and let's be done with it already."
Ulfric: "Come, Galmar. Where's your sense of the dramatic moment?"
Galmar: "By the gods! If it's a good ending to some damn story you're after - perhaps the Dragonborn should be the one to do it."
Ulfric: "Good point."

Even that last line reveals Tullius' arrogance. He never accepted that it was a civil war in the first place, that the people fighting him ever had legitimate grievances or a right to redress. He's the tyranny of the Empire personified.

>Skyrim can't beat the Thalmor on their own!!
Hamerfell did it. And Hammerfell, unlike Skyrim, is adjacent to the Summerset Isles.

>The High King was his biggest fan
>Agreed with Ulfric about his ideas of Skyrim independence

Ulfric just wanted to be high king himself.

Please, user I'm thirsty I need more black marsh mommy.

>"I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil! I fight for their wives and children, whose names I heard whispered in their last breath. I fight for we few who did come home, only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing! I fight... because I must."

kino and redpilled

A necessary evil to Strike down the Thalmor.

Where is it stated that in order to train with the Greybeards, you have to also obey the Way of the Voice? They follow it, but I'm fairly certain they don't force it upon anyone else.

TES VI is going to be centered around dabbing on Thalmor faggots, right? P=please Todd, I'll buy your game if you can just deliver this.

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Haven't played in about 8 years, but the gist of it is that the White-Gold concordat was just a cease-fire, as both sides lost too many people to really continue fighting. Hammerfell "seceded", ie they found a method of keeping the Thalmor out without putting the Empire at risk, and the Empire secretly supports them by "losing" supplies in their terrority.
Humans also reproduce more than Elves do, so they just needed a couple generations of soldiers to be built up to overtake them. Hammerfell is on that plan, Skyrim just needed to be too.
The Talos-ban was a temporary measure only, and any Nord with half a brain could see that, as the Empire didn't even enforce it. Ulfric considered it the end of the world, only to actually create the conditions that could end the world now.

I want it to take place before the Battle for Red Mountain. That way we can have dwemer and chimer as playable races.

He's likely not allowed to come back.

Then why didn't he declare independence from the Empire? Consequences be damned. That's the difference between him and Ulfric, and probably why Ulfric thought he had to kill him.

Be's a Thalmor puppet, of course he's a fag

God... TES 6 is going to fucking suck

Whatever your opinion on the Civil War, Ulfric, whatever - Grey Beards are confirmed useless hunks of shit. They are the worst Nords.

They've been tricked by a Dragon into believing pacifism, not realising said dragon lives forever and is just playing the long game to cuck the only people that ever posed a threat to him or his scaly friends.

If they weren't protected NPCs like every other moronic ingrate in this stupid game they'd be dead in my play through.

I'll buy the game if it's centered around superior Altmer oppressing the lesser races.

Paarthurnax turned away from his natural domineering inclinations long before Jurgen Windcaller.

for the record, the TES universe is supposed to end.

It's fated for this. Each game is about some sort of armageddon-level event going on that threatens everything, which is usually stopped but at a great cost that helps accelerate that fate.

Is Paarthurnax a liar? I dunno if I was reading that somewhere but it sounds like a load of shit, there is truth to that tho only thing graybeards are useful for is training sneak and finding shouts fuck everything else

>Superior Altmer


God I can't wait to murder grandpa high elves in wheelchairs by the dozens. TIMES UP FAGGOTS, I'LL SEND YOU TO WHERE THE DWEMER ARE MYSELF

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>so he can finally fuck off in permanent retirement.
PAAR (ambition)
THUR (overlord)
NAX (cruelty)

And as soon as Alduin leaves he goes to assert lordship over the remaining dragons.
You were his puppet the whole time.
Paarthurnax was just biding his time for Alduin to be out of the picture, so he could become the Dragon King.
Teaching the Nords that the Thu'um should be a pacifistic tool of worship is a part of his plan, to make sure that they forget how to use the most effective weapon against him
Do NOT believe Paarthurnax's lies.

Literally all it would take is the player character achieving CHIM and declaring peace. CHIM is superior to the Aedra, Daedra, and the Elder Scrolls. If Bugthesda wants to keep the paradigm, they have a way out.

More graybeard propaganda

That's what Vivic did, then you killed him and as a result Vvanderfell got fucked as he was the only thing stopped a moon/comet from crashing into it.

Don't put much stock into that plan.

>breeding fast makes a race better
t. nigger

Dragonborn still exists and could easily kill him

>That's what Vivic did, then you killed him
There was a millenia-long golden age of prosperity inbetween.

And? It's was only temporary.

Nirn is fated to die, chim can't stop it.

>Numbers don't matter in a war of extermination
Tick tock, Grandpa. Should have had sex.

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Incorrect. You're conflating the greybeards values for their own cult vs nords entirely. It's like alcohol isn't allowed in America because look at these weird mormons who don't drink alcohol.

Dragonborn isn't immortal. Paarthurnax can just wait a little longer.

Is there a single man more based than this beast?

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There's actually no solid evidence that Vivic is dead. He's just not around anymore. It's very possible he became the Godhead.

>And as soon as Alduin leaves he goes to assert lordship over the remaining dragons.
What remaining dragons?

Anyway he can't supplant Alduin, and Alduin isn't dead. You just sent Alduin back to his own time to force him to play his part

He could be, if he becomes Hermaeus Mora's servant like Miraak did.

Are you dumb on purpose? The Dragonborn can fucking absorb dragon SOULS

His influence sure as shit is gone, that's for sure.

>had the king in your pocket
>instead of trying diplomacy he thinks the best way to do things is to be king himself by shouting the high king apart, spark a nasty prolonged civil war that allowed jew elves to enter and boss your citizen around and fracturing your population in two which results in shitload of dead nords

He wants the throne user, stop buying into their lip service and recognize that it's an excuse for him to climb to the top. The empire isn't innocent but Ulfric was in the wrong.

Is that supposed to be a problem?

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The dragons that Alduin revived but that the dragonborn didn't kill.

>Each game is about some sort of armageddon-level event going on that threatens everything, which is usually stopped but at a great cost that helps accelerate that fate.
This is not true at all. Most games aren't about armageddon level events and it's not really true that stopping them only serves to speed the process up. I don't even know how that last part is supposed to make any sense. This is lorefag crap. And it's addressed by Paarthurnax when he suggest it might be possible that the world is supposed to end in regards to stopping Alduin and the player is given options on what to say in reply. Paarthurnax basically acknowledges there's no real reason the world HAS to end and there's nothing wrong with keeping it going.

No, I stated this was going to happen. I think you're losing the thread here.

Of course it is. One of the problems with viewing the Tower is that you realize that really, nothing is real, including yourself... until you force yourself to be real. At that point, there is usually a period where the person who has achieved CHIM just abuses the fuck out of their powers until they grow bored with dicking around inside of a dream and go on to make their own dream. If Vivic has become a Godhead, he wouldn't give even the barest hint of a fuck about his "legacy".

going chim isn't becoming a godhead.

But what good is having the king in your pocket if the king doesn't fucking do what you want?

pretty sure by the time you hit the paarthurnax choice he's the last one

No, but it's part of it. The last part is Amaranth, which is possibly something Vivec did. Talos likely did not, seeing as how he's now a recognized Aedra.

You remember incorrectly. There's a large gathering of dragons at the end of the game after you defeat Alduin.

He wasn't even the last dragon before Alduin resurrected them all. There was still the dragon in Blackreach, and Durneveir.

Yeah but the sandniggers dont need to be coddled by the Imperial teat to survive

>kill the king and takeover because he doesn't agree with a thing
>have absolutely 0 fucking political skill to pull strings when you got the king as your fanboy who would listen to your other requests and a respectable position with fellow jarls who would listen and agree

Get outta here ulfric, you'll make an absolutely shit king with your 0 points into politics

Axe Specialization > Politics
Every time

>N-n-no you'll get independence after I smooth things out with these other politicians, just wait a few more years p-please
This has gone from "The king agreed with Ulfric!" to goalpost moving pretty quick

Who the fuck are you even replying too with the king agreeing thing. My point was that if he really wanted independence there are much better way to do things like using the other jarls to apply pressure on the king to force his hands, blackmailing him, flaseflagging empire doing shit to nords, flaseflagging the empire killing him, hell even using shit like magic or potion to change his mind or mind control him. Instead Ulfric chose to kill the high king in front of everyone sparking a civil war because it was his best shot at the throne skyrim be damned.

Oaarthurnax was mindbroken by a Godddess.

I’m about to play vanilla Skyrim on the Switch.
What path will make my character a living nuke.

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seriously? There's only like one way to play and that's mindlessly. Choice is a total illusion in skyrim.

>There are better ways to achieve independence than just declaring independence outright
Oh no, a few imperial puppet Jarls have to be disposed of, oh the humanity! Ulric could just kill those retards to thunderous applause. Ulric wanted fast, the King wanted it much slower, if at all. And pretty much everyone of your "solutions" just leads to a similar result where the Empire would be pissed.

Stealth archer

Thalmor take a backseat in TES VI, though they are there, manipulating events behind the scenes.
TES VI is more or less a direct continuation of Skyrim, though not in a way you might think. The Dragonborn (canonically a nord male, same guy in Skyrim trailers, though you can import your Skyrim character through a save file) has just died, and in his life promised his soul to just about every Daedric prince. Of course his soul really belongs to Akatosh, who swoops in and picks it up before the Daedra can.
Daedric princes are pissed, and form an uneasy alliance to destroy the metaphysical concept of Akatosh, and thus time itself.
The Thalmor are trying to manipulate the Daedra and their worshippers to their own end.

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>tfw playing in VR on PS4
>tfw seeing those models close up and the vaseline covered textures
But god damn the scale is unparalleled and getting to feel like I'm actually there makes it feel new again. I feel like actually roleplaying stuff like staying at the inn a bit just for the atmosphere.

Not got the motion controls yet but will do.

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Literally cucking yourself. Skyrim VR is best on the PC unironically due to all the mods. Even I got a good ass PC just to play modded skyrim.

I'd have to upgrade my PC for that, and the PSVR was a gift so it didn't cost me anything anyway. I can put up with the shitty visuals though the lack of mods sucks, yeah. I wish there was at least Creation Club, this would be 10x better if there was a needs mechanic with hunger/thirst/sleep. But nope, just base game and DLCs. Still, I'm having fun.

>tfw head east to the Eldergleam
>head out and back to the main path
>end up going a bit north and it starts snowing
>notice a giant structure at the end of a bridge
>it's fucking Windhelm and it looks cool as fuck to see it with that sense of scale
I'm heading to the Shrine of Azura later tonight.

I also like how the objective marker can be set so that you need to directly look at it for it to show, so I actually have a reason to use Clairvoyance for once.

arrogant king wanna-be that was played by the thalmor like a fiddle.
caused a civil war that ultimately weakens both skyrim and the imperal throne, and strengthens the thalmor, no matter who wins.
a failure of a leader, a useful idiot and will be remember as such.

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The only ones who are able to use the voice in the 4th Era are the Greybeards. Ulfric was training to be a Greybeard before the Great War and he abandoned his training to fight in it.

He broke his oath.

Kind reminder that Ulfric's stormcoons are only supported by reactionary turbo-boomers like Dengeir of Stuhn (muh conspiracy), Korir (muh magic), Vignar Gray-Mane (muh family) or Skald the Elder (muh make Skyrim great again) and husbandofagging impressionable girls like Hermir Strong Heart. Stormcoons are the brainlet choice, canonically.

Literally the only reasonable Stormcloak jarl, Laila, herself says she doesn't believe in Ulfric

makes you think hmm

You can blame Sony for no mods on the Playstation which is retarded.

pretty much

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And? His body is mortal. That's the entire point

Skyrim /pol/tards are a fucking plague in skyrim threads
Fuck off to /pol/ you annoying retards.

Non-VR Skyrim PS4 has mods though, albeit more limited than the Xbox One mods. Skyrim VR doesn't have mods at all on PS4.

Terrible writing

Where is it said? did the dragon in blackreach get there?

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greybeards? more like GAYbeards

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Imagine joining either side as a mindless pawn. Cringe.

>as he was the only thing stopped a moon/comet from crashing into it.
because he didn't actually stop it, he just paused it
the whole Baar Dau was a giant ego thing for Vivec, basically a veiled threat of "as long as you worship me you'll be perfectly fine"
he's not remotely altruistic

>>Skyrim can't beat the Thalmor on their own!!
>Hamerfell did it
stalemating into a treaty specifying the withdrawal of enemy troops isn't victory

Passwall spell.

sounds like tw3

>Having foreign soldiers pushed out of your lands isn't a victory


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>reading comprehension
