I just realized something weird. I live in a big first world city with millions of people and I'm on the go quite a lot, but I think I've never seen someone play a Switch in public.
I just realized something weird. I live in a big first world city with millions of people and I'm on the go quite a lot...
Same. Of course I only saw like maybe 6 or 7 people tops playing a 3DS in public within its lifetime.
I actually only gor ro use a switch for the first time a couple days ago, I went to a best buy and they had it there. Was way smaller than I thought it was. Like way way smaller.
I only play mine when I ride on plane when I visit my sugar daddy
Literally a cope thread.
I take the subway at 10pm every night on the way to my wage cage, and I see one person playing their switch at least once a week.
Itd probably be more if I was out during the day
Hmm, now that you say it I think I never saw someone playing it either. Seems like most people use it at home then.
I see them semi-regularly on the subway, just as often as I saw PSPs back in the day.
Weirdly enough I still see TONS of people playing Pokemon GO. Like everywhere.
What subway and what train
Moscow metro
New york city
4/5/6 line
literally play my switch every week twice on the train.
Yeah, same here.
I would but im scared to be robbed by niggers.
I see brown children playing switches in the laundromat
paris metro
I dunno about those
I have no reason to lie
But ive really seen it mostly during the night while heading into manhattan
I'm going to move from Berlin to NYC in about half a year. Never been to the US before. What can I expect?
to be shot, have no healthcare, and be shot in the hospital again.
Dont move to nyc unless youre already rich.
It's loud, stinks and there are niggers and brown people everywhere. You'll feel right at home.
3DS had streetpass.
And a bigger battery and was better suited for playing on the go.
That's because it's a home console. It would be possible to play it on the go it it were half of its size.
Probably because it's $350 and a bit too big to carry around in a pocket
anyone who isn't japanese won't come out with it, no one want their switch being taken by some "diversity"
This. In japan I’m sure it happens. Outside of Japan, you are just asking to get robbed by niggers
Yet people show their smartphones that are 3 times as expensive
I live in a small town and I've seen people play it on trains and on park benches. Maybe you're just not very observant?
Imagine someone playing a $300+ console in public where anyone could just steal it without an issue. You must be braindead if you think it would never be snatched at any conceivable opportunity.
>Imagine someone playing a $300+ console in public
Imagine literally everyone everywhere using their $1000+ phones 24/7.
oh wait this never happens
Probably seen as many as I saw people with a 3ds which is basically the rare kid on a train or something
We are living in a different time, man. Tbqh, never saw anyone using 3ds except for a bunch of kids while i was in europe (im from russia) and saw some boomers using a vita. Psp, ds, gba i saw all the time though. Never had a problem playing any of t hat in public, switch is kinda weird though, i think the size and just the fact that i work right now and try to look more serious is the reason.
most smartphones are outdated and have a security code, beside pickpockets do exist and they steal them
the switch has no security, no way to track it, no way to shut it down
If I commuted by public transport I'd use the switch but I just walk to my job. The most use I get from the switch while it's not docked is playing on the shitter and in bed. That's plenty for me desu.
yea and at my subways (bay area in california) they'll sock you in the face when the train is about to leave a stop and run out with your phone as the doors close.
oakland is a great city btw (-_- )
been there, doesn't happen unless you're an omega.
didnt happen to me personally bud.
doesn't matter if you're an "omega" or not. if you're not paying attention and sitting by the door looking at your phone, you are prime target
Stealing a phone is more difficult and you're stealing a dead weight unless you have the skills to unlock it or know someone who buys obviously stolen phones at a price where it's worth the crime.
Stealing a switch just involves grabbing it out of the hands of someone engrossed in a game. Then it's yours. That's it.
We just live in an era where people prefer to let their brain rot while in public.
lol. If it's cracked you can't even start it without a special cord and a fairly complicated process with special programs and files.
literally no thief knows about that, that's why they also steal phones.
>big first world city
Which one
Because it’s too risky to use it in the open and have it stolen by el nigre
I fly a lot. I've seen a few kids playing it in airports or airplanes, I've brought it with me before, and I've seen a couple of grown men playing with them before too.
>Not detatching the joycons and keeping them in a separate pocket
It's loud, dirty and archaic. Trash everywhere. Public transport is disgusting, traffic is unbearable and it's not pedestrian-friendly, so you will be miserable either way. Road repair often boils down to "put a steel plate over the pothole". Street food is trash, sometimes even literally.
People probably have them, but not play them in public. Think of the 3DS and streetpass. If the switch had something of the sort, you'd realize there are more of them than you'd think. Back when the 3DS was in its main stride, I used to hit around 20 streetpasses a day minimum, yet I never saw more than 2-3 at a time.
I live in Denver and every Switch player I see is black. Why is this?
playing their trophies before flipping them
Nobody fucking owns a switch here, I know it cause I do
why the fuck would you do that man? abort that mission
I often see people playing on london tube
I still wonder why you can't put a password on your Switch.
I don't wanna be seen with my $300 piece of plastic out in the open with my 6 $60 each game cartridges alongside it. To risky for all the brownos who also take public transportation
I've seen it a couple of times, the only time I played it outside was during air travel though
I've already seen quite some people.
It wasn't that much bigger in relation.
You're an idiot. I take the A train and have seen quite a few people playing.
I've seen a few people on the train but it's rare.
It's much easier to use your phone.
From one shithole to another. Congrats
I take the subway in Montreal, Canada and I've only seen someone playing the Switch once
Surprisingly when I see people with switches, its usually either a black dude or some stereotypical neckbeard type and no inbetween
I have had it for about a half year and I have brought it out twice, only because I knew I had a long long commute that day. But its a bit too bulky to carry around, and I have to get a good spot on the train so I am comfortable enough to play it.
Is it a place you could easily get robbed?
I live in Spain and I see some of them on the train every morning.
I'd rather be on my phone, I'm not really a back pack kind of guy, if it can't fit in my two front pockets then it's staying home.
Spainfag here too
While it's true that I'm a sad neet that barely leaves his home, I've seen some the few times I've ventured out, can confirm
I play my switch in restaurants when waiting for food. I probably look weird all by myself engrossed in what looks like a wide tablet with Splatoon colors, but it's fun.
Kings and royal Arab gold train
But I think i saw some """people""" with it from far when they went to the filthy jew train station
I've seen at least three people use a Switch at work.