Follows you around making extremely loud, obnoxious noises all game

>follows you around making extremely loud, obnoxious noises all game
>waste of a team slot as they don't do anything of use
>if you dare kill an enemy bard all of the bards on the server will spam how you're a nofunallowed tryhard faggot that hates anyone else having fun even though they're ruining the fun for people actually playing the game
>teammates will actually kill you for killing enemy bards
This is going to be the death of Mordhau

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1 or 2 guys in a 32 player team don't really matter, and they're probably shit anyway. They also make good distractions for ennemy players, so I can backstab them easily.

Not an issue

just fucking lop their heads off while they're playing

Except when they're following you around being annoying and when your own team votekicks you for killing an enemy bard

>play frontline

duels are fucking ruining this game

based bards

I just realized, bardfaggotry encapsulates reddit

Quit this game because I just got bored as fuck with it. Fighting with the same weapons on the same maps wears you down. Plus the fghting really isn’t that impressive, if any two people who aren’t retarded fight each other the game has to forcefully end the fight with stamina

False, its actualy:
>every passing teammate kicks bard
>every enemy archer focuses bard
>bards rage and whine
>"shut the fuck up and play the game"
>*bard leaves the server*

That's not what happens at all, it's always 3-4 retards defending them/bullying anyone who doesn't like them until they leave for every person who doesn't play by their imaginary rules

>bullying anyone who doesn't like them until they leave
Not to mention they can afford to since they're standing still instead of playing the game as it is, anyway

Why does this always happen. Getting flashbacks of people whining in Brawls in FH.
>2v2 fight

Nope, everyone is tired of bards, nobody supports them anymore.

More useful than archerfags.

>be me
>be OP
>try to backstab bard
>ge beats me to death with his little lute
>seethe with rage
>make this thread

just click on their heads wtf

It really is a redditors thing.
>don’t do shit for team
>walk around
>complain if killed

>Not being a chad battlebard

I'm glad I don't play these shitty flavor of the month games. I'd go out of my way to kill these obnoxious fucks, even if they are on my own team. Why buy a fucking sword fighting game just to jerk yourself off with an annoying instrument?

I once defended an enemy bard from 2 of my teammates and he followed me around while i killed 5 of his teammates it felt pretty good but that was during the first 2 weeks of its release
now i just kill bards, all bards

To piss autists like you off

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