What's up gamers

what's up gamers.

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what are you shilling today my dude

is he gay?

I see you fuck bitches, I fuck bitches too.

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>But you know what DOES have a soul? VPN Nord is totally not a scam, they totally DON'T sell your data and we all know that you can be private on the internet.
>shitty intro music plays
>check out these fat ugly fucks that are next to me, let's hear what do they have to say
>well, Linus, as a GAMER
>yes, my name is LINUS and I love gaming ( close up to my face, refresh rate joke) and also, shut up now
>and today I've got a new monitor, pre order now for only 999$, shipping not included
>so, you balding pig fuck, be awkward now so I can look less cringy while shilling
>look at this monitor, what a good monitor, very many pixels, colour is there as well
>now, I love playing GAMES, so here is a stock footage of CS:GO
>let's switch cameras now, here is some retard playing CS:GO on this new monitor, gosh, what a total gamer he is and it's totally not staged
>hey, fucko, enjoying your VIDEOGAMING?
>and that is all

I used to find the intro charming when i thought it was a legacy thing he's had basicaly since the chanel started. Then i saw an actual old video and looked around and he's only had it like 2 years. What a gawky motherfucker.

He have asian ugly wife who may as well be dude so probably.


>the ultimate gaming laptop

>invents Linux
>only uses windows

What the fuck is wrong with him

Onions incarnate

>asian ugly wife
cope uglyass roastie

He's so gay he makes Elton John look like Ron Jeremy.

Linus?????? No way. Prove it. Shoe on head.

Where's based fat man?

i'm the most yellow-fevered person on this planet and I can confirm Linus' wife is fucking ugly as sin.

it me bruh

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too busy working making videos actually work watching instead of just "DUDE WE BOUGHT THIS RETARDED THING AIN'T IT WACKY" like Linus and the other onions squad members do.

Splashing rats in Old School RS. Gotta get that magic level up bruh

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who is this man and why does he suck dicks for a living

She's literally a ho

I'm actually not an angry guy at all but that hyperactive beaver humping leaf pisses me off with his half arsed info, promoting obsolescence, nonsensical enthusiast products, even when called out never admits talking bs

>only a spineless asian woman would think to snatch up the most nasally voiced white beta

Buy one of my shirts using my code

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t. Dennis

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>now let me explain to you why RTX a shit and AMD is better
based old linus

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his video editor is based

what's up, i'm just the best PC parts reviewer on ytube. I hope you guys are waiting on zen 2 like I told you to do.

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How did he find time to develop Linux and git while making all those videos?

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He's got like 6 of them

fuck newegg, and fuck all newegg supporters

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How do I get a body as sexy as yours, Scott?

>1.04 MB, 1080x1062
Yep, I believe that he's the one who posted it