You're gonna play my game, "Digimon Survive"TM right user?
You're gonna play my game, "Digimon Survive"TM right user?
Digimon games are often pretty good, so I guess.
>60 dollars for a TURN BASED game that looks like a mobile game
You gotta give more info than that
What system?
I will stick with World 1,3 and Card battle thanks
I like digimon but fucking hate how deviant art tier some of the power levels and lore goes, also the fanbase is obsessed with shitting on pokemon for some reason
Fuck yes I will.
Can't wait to go around with my real nigga Agumon once again.
And PC.
Not really interested, what we've seen makes it looks like a discount Disgaea.
I think it's even on Xbox for the 3 people who still care.
Of course.
Of course.
Yea, Digimon games tend to be pretty good
What a cutie.
Who's takuma, the mc?
Let's talk business. How prominent is Angewomon in the game?
What a cutie. What's her name?
it's literally written in the pic
>also the fanbase is obsessed with shitting on pokemon for some reason
I've never sean a digimon fan shit on pokemon unless it was for a good reason. The only people shitting on pokemon right now are the pokemon fans.
Whaat are you, gay?
Lopmon or riot
It's my favorite 'mon
I will if it turns out to be a good game.
Any dating sim elements? Is this a Choose Your Own Adventure thing? I think this has the recipe for a franchise but I don't trust their first outing, the sequel could be 1990s Digmon World 1 kino,
I don't think the focus lies on any dating sim aspect, considering its titles Survival. Going by the dev video, it seems there's more focus an strengthening your relationship with your digimon so that they will be stronger during the battles, less about romantic relationships with humans.
I want to cuck the Matt of this game with the best girl. Revenge for that Digimon Adventure 2 ending.
The creator of this game actually said that he wants to make a digimon dating simulator. Not sure if Bamco will ever allow him to make it though
he was able to sneak in some dating elemants in Hackers Memory, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get something here
>Hackers Memory
>he was able to sneak in some dating elemants in Hackers Memory
I haven't played a Digimon game in ages. Sell it to me senpai, shame MetalPhantomon isn't in either of the PS4 ones (I have looked them up in the past and always skipped them once I found out they're not in either games). I know the Digimon World 1 remake/reboot/reimagining was soulless as fuck from what I saw a relative play it one day.
Start with the first Cyber Sleuth. They both are basically the same gameplay-wise, but Hackers Memory expects you to know the story of Cyber Sleuth.
It's a fun game, but no masterpiece desu. The game is mostly played for its story I guess and being able to battle with cool Digimon. From what I've heard, the digimon raising process is less complex than in World and there's a proper turn-based combat system in which you decide how your digimon will attack.
Dungeons sadly suffer from a lack of different designs and linearity and lots of revisiting places you've already been before.
Other than that, the game can be nicely compared to Tokyo Xanadu and Persona. You will spend a lot of the time in the real world, interacting with different characters (no relationship system though), etc. and mostly visit the "cyberspace" for story-related reasons.
The story itself is a classic digimon story. Real world and digiworld clashing against each other, mixed up with .hack (main character looses his real body).
i'll play it eventually
i'll buy it on release though
Many thanks desu senpai, I'm starting with Hacker's Memory since I'm limited in time. I heard teh games are easy, should I play on Hard right from the get go?
I only played the original cyber sluts and hard was completely fine, I had to turn the difficulty down to normal to fight the leopardmon secret boss though bc I couldn't be fucked to degen+evolve my team again
I'm nor a fan of the strat RPG thing, but the multiple storylines and endings sound cool.
Will there be social link style interactions?
Again, I can only emphasis not to start with Hacker Memory. The game reuses the interface, dungeons, assets and even your save from the first game (with playtime and your list of Digimon you unlocked in the first game) and fully expects you to know the old characters since they will frequently reoccur. You won't miss anything gameplay-wise by playing the first game.
That being said, it's of course your own choice what to play first.
Also, difficulty-wise they are pretty easy on the normal setting.
Seconding this.
Playing Hacker's mammaries before cyber sluts is like watching lion king 1.5 without watching lion king.
What's the best way to play cyber sluts? Is it on PC or vita only?
It's on PS4 and Vita
Can't wait to play this, Cybersluts and SMTV on my Switch, bros. This is being a good year for monster collectors
Not that interested, the whole VN and new battle system look like ass. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every time, maybe they should stick to a tried method and polish/add to it.
Wendigomon was confirmed so he's in
>this year
W-well... it's coming eventually
That looks badass