CTR Thread



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Is this the new ariel?

XD lmfao, tis epic mate, epic for the wiiiiiin

I don't get it.

rillachads rise up

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If I already bought Liz separately, will her Motorsport pack still be full price when it shows up?

>turn on game

>this looks fun itll be like mario kart!

>play 2 matches
>everyone relies on exploits and glitches (items, shortcuts) to win

retard tier game

I don't know

You forgot about dead online and 30 fps

Glad it flopped

>this look like it'll be casual garbage like MK!
>get DNF'd by Crash Chads
I bet you don't even know how to turboslide, what a newb.


Cope harder

Go back redditard

Is this the best modern kart racer?
>40 available characters to pick from
>beautiful tracks
>colorful tracks
>game requires skill
>shitters are outed
>shitters complain about glitches and exploits as desperate attempts to hide the fact that they're shit

Get the ps4 or Xbox copy?
You expect people to play the Bing Bing wahoo console?

:/ Guess I'll find out tomorrow or the next day then.


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>Its okay to use glitches to win! I love cheating!

>not waiting out the console beta tests and getting the 4k60+fps PC version next year

Plenty of matches online, what's with the sudden influx of hateposts like this? Or is it just the one Sonicbro?


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Some matches made me want to snap my controller in half, but now that I've kind of gotten the hang of things it is pretty fun.

What glitches? Taking shortcuts and mastering USF must feel like glitches to a Mario Kart babby.

Rillaroo is the worst creation to ever exist in the Crash universe.

He's literally a low rent, no personality, shit-tier version of Dingodile.

Also adding to this I got my first 1st place win today

>exploits and glitches (items, shortcuts)
stop trying to bait

Wrong series, dork

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>shortcuts are okay!
theyre literally exploits retard

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>you need to do x-thing to start enjoying it

Fucking corp ass lickers

The original looks better and doesn't have any of those awful goblin/alien characters clogging up the roster, but I do like the new tracks and gameplay.

>he can't boost cancel
>he can't wavefroggy
>his kart oki is shit
>doesn't shield on wakeup
What a scrub


Wow, you're a special kind of dum-dum. Just sell it on ebay and stay in MK.

Spyro characters are joining the game soon user...

>go from 8th to 1st place in online on last lap
>already extremely unlikely, and most games currently have 1-2 guys afking nitro points
okay this is epic

Spyro knotted that? Respect to that little purple dragon

>Baby Coco
>Baby Cortex
>Baby Crash
>Baby N.Tropy
>Chick (CTTR)
>Emperor Velo (CNK)
>Gnasty Gnorc (Spyro)
>Hunter (Spyro)
>Nina Cortex (CTTR)
>Pasadena (CTTR)
>Rilla Roo (Bash)
>Ripto (Spyro)
>Sorceress (Spyro)
>Stew (CTTR)
>Von Clutch (CTTR)
>Willie Wumpa Cheeks (CTTR)

And that's on top of confirmed vilain characters from classic trilogy. What's left??

>shortcuts designed by the developers
R. Tard

feels good playing the best kart racer of all time, crash team racing nitro fueled lads

Go back to MK 8 soicuck this game is too much for you

Don't reply to this faggot, he doesn't even know why he's trying to bait

No way, for real?

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>What's left??
N. Brio. What the fuck?

>all exploits
based cheater

Was there a new update just now? Not talking about grand pricks. Has N. Tropys time run out?

Yeah, see No Elora or Bianca though.

Which do you see as more scummy(see. Fun and slightly evil)?
>Nitro/TNT/Potion in a bottle neck like Papu Pyramid's first part
>The same but in the perfect line of someone doing USF so they either hit it and get fucked or lose their line
>Right behind a box

Stay in a lobby until only the shitters who are just happy to be here remain. It could take a while though.

What is your goal here?

Learn to read, Brios in

There's plenty more people online on Switch, but no version is in any way dead. That user is shitposting.

>no kong



Learn to push block scrub, I bet you don't even ukemi.

When are we going to get some form of ranking system so shit players like me can actually finish on the third lap instead of being left in the dust by those turbo autists getting stupid far ahead? That shit happens EVERY game and being anywhere behind first is just a huge shit show of item fuckery it's legitimately insane. I just want to enjoy being bad with other baddies.

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Xbox literally has more people playing than switch though

I want Clancy Brown for Uka Uka

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Just play with bots on easy lmao


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Are they really skipping both furry waifus? But why?

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This. I can only see anyone asking for him as contrarian lined shitposting. He's a complete garbage character with zero redeeming qualities. I remember the game would also have him picked by AI like 90% of the time, me and my sister would have to back out multiple times before he fucked off.

30fps is ok as long as it's silky smooth. It looks great on my nintendo switch

t. Pentafag

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That's too easy though. I understand that I'm bad enough to just play with hard bots, but I'd prefer to have the consistency with players similar to me. I know I'm not the first person on here to complain about this.

That abomination should not exist. What they did to Elora is evil.

>make a very nice run with only 2 dudes in matchmaking
>no one used items, it was just skill based
>we all ended up pretty much 3 seconds of each others
>new race
>throw a bomb right at the start
and then I did proceed to clock the shit out of him before a jump
fuck you, we could have fun

Yeah some sort of ranking system should be enabled
Constantly dnf'ing lobbies gets boring after a while

This might be a weird question but canonically, is the N. Sane Trilogy and CTR Nitro Fueled considered a reboot of the franchise? Like is this Crash Universe it’s own thing?

Meaning, only these games are canon and stuff like Twinsanity “happened but off screen somewhere and possibly differently”, or are all the games still canon?

If so, next game might be a completely new platformer

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He has two shots tank, which is superior.

And his name is too similar to Ripper-Roo

user from earlier. What's a good track to practice U-turning and air braking? I can't maintain my USF on Turbo Track during "that" section.

Not the games fault that you suck. Play offline till you learn how to play.

>Megumi is Japanese
>Isabella is slav
>Ami is American
Which one is the last?

Got my platinum relics for adventure all done!

So did tiny, dingodile and koala kong. There is zero good about rilla roo

Not like they couldn't be added in later, but we're already getting a 50+ character roster

They better use her twinsanity design.


Oh fuck yes, hope she gets the cute outfit she had in TTR
Trance was exclusive to a bundle, i think all of her items are separate.

It's most likely a completly new platformer but it'll introduce more key cast members(seen as likely, Crunch, Tawna(if they choose to keep her this time) and Nina)

I mean im the only guy finishing, tard

Crash bash lore talk, seriously, what the fuck is going on in the beginning? It always stuck out to me that there’s a floating temple in space and aku and uka just randomly teleport there, there are even multiple like in the wrath of cortex, HOW DID THEY NEVER ELABORATE MORE ON UKA AND AKU AND THE MASKS

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Dude different dimentions and multiverses dude n-trance n.tropy...

Liz is a Brit

I personally want to strangle whoever thought a "go from last to first online" challenge was a good idea.

All valid strategies, what's the problem?

Only Dingodile. Tiny and Koala had those shitty spiked ammo.

Who cares

also last boss being oxide

kong is in, read the last line of that guys post
him brio and moe are all in the doiwejhtr

Can it be done with a friend and easy bots?

Oh yeah. Woops my bad, it's been awhile.

Now that I think about it, I really feel like playing some pogo painter right now, that one game with the gun powder was fun too.

I just want constantly winning in online to be a viable way to get nitro
Fuck doing like 15 challenges daily

Oh no, I'm asking which you and other Anons think is the most evil or will cause the most rage.
I know they're all valid strats though I'm a fan of dropping a Nitro mid air on a jump that will almost certainly force second to take the hit.
I just want to discuss these strats that can fuck up people because clock and warp orb are too simple.

I've thought about this but I'm not where I can try it right now. What if you pulled and plugged in your lan cable to get easy A.I. online, then waited before the 3rd lap for all of them to pass you, then pass all of them on the 3rd lap and win?

Friendly reminder that even Aku Aku chose the speedchads in crash bash, if aku aku chose them, so should you speedlet, enough of being a turnbabby, time to be an adult and embrace the Speed

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how in god's name are you supposed to get back into the race? this is impossible with how crazy good some people are. you CANNOT make a comeback that late into the race. its not possible

What’s the wake up DP of kart racers

git gud

so whats the total roster at exactly?
with and without potentially upcoming shit

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Correctly placed nitros that are unavoidable (think Fire breathing section in Tiger Temple) are the most dickish in my opinion but I can't get mad at that considering I do the same thing.

I get more annoyed with glitchy shit like getting hit by a tnt by the person behind me. Anything legit like your examples I just shrug off/laugh and admit I got outplayed.

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Isn't this supposed to take a month? Why are you poop socking?

Where is Brio?

Any fellow autistbros grinding Thunder here?

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i hope they never fix these glitches

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31 in game currently, with another 4 confirmed. There’s likely gonna be near 50 when all’s said and done.

174 in 29 races seems low, are you using a full bonus set ? It doesn't seem worth it if you do.

I heard that was viable but I'm racing tropy right now since I finished up with relics

Turbo squash, its the best option, low end frames.

I'm idly grinding the 5 Nitro and 15 coins from retrying the Crystal Grab battle game over and over. Taking ages, but I'm not willing to deal with the constant online bullshit right now. Just wanna chill and shitpost in the meantime.

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They should double down and make some of the glitches as characters

If fake crash exists because of a cheap knockoff doll gone wrong, then so can these monstrosities


I'm missing a motorsport skin for my waifu, pit stop is being a real cunt.

What does Yea Forums think about adding more masks in the game and even letting you customize the mask, any ideas for masks that get added as well?

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Puting them inside wumpa boxes is the shitestest way behind mid-air

You need like 40 fucking thousand points to unlock everything
It requires either insane grinding or doing shit tons of challenges, and i wont have time to play 12h per day

>crash gets saved by uka uka
nah thanks

That almost looks like obj_motherfucker trying to disguise himself as Penta


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Lemonade Megumi a cute

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Where are my N Brio and Koala Kong?

Elementals could only work as a different weapons or environmental hazards.

The announcer in Crash Bash was the best part of the game

>Crash, this isn't weed

Nice Coco ass. To answer your question I would say Cortex Castle. Has USF and some tight turns. Prob not the best but decent I think

is he in bros?

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Theme remix was also cool

>he he hah hah

Those elemental icons look very authentic, who's the artist?


>late game gem and relic challenges

>still need 1000 wumpas for megumi

Too big. Can only work as dangerous piece of new track. I think Madame Amberly and Walrus are the biggest potential characters.

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Why are they all from different places when they were all created in the same location

Because the only character from the Spyro games worth being in CTR is Spyro.

That's what I did.
>Go Arcade
>Pick Twilight tour
>Pick Ami
>Set AI to Easy
>Let boots pass me before I touch the finish line
>USF through the course with seconds to spare

Pretty EZ

Is cortex tag teaming with penta?

So Tawna and Rilla Roo are in, what about Koala Kong, Komodo Moe, and the evil loli?

I'm not very good, but I love this game bros. I kept up USF for the first time just now on Tiny Temple. Is it happening? Are things starting to click?

>pyro could be some sort of flamethrower that has a greater range than the mask but with less speed
>roko could cause rocks to fall and splatter anyone nearby
>wawa makes things slippery for nearby opponents making it harder to stay on course
>lolo has a huge burst of wind that pushes players into walls and off the ledge

I dig it

>if you can't beat them, join them

>>finish last lap while doing it all backwards
>Enter last lap in reverse
>Don't get credit

Ah, guess you went with Liz, I got the Ami pack so that wasn't an issue. Remember paintjobs do have some bonus on them too.

nah Gnasty Gnorc is fine too user. Other than that, big fat MEH from me. Even Ripto isn't worth.

And Mecha Bandicoot.

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All in. Even w*llie w*mpa cheeks is in.

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>muh skins
>muh furry characters that all play exactly the same
instead of shitting out that useless stuff, why not do something worthwhile and fix the item balance in this game, because right now it feels broken

Oh so is this how those bouncy boys do it, I keep seeing some people constantly jumping way faster than other people, I haven't heard of any technique for that

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>tell me I'm pretty

Robot Crunch should've looked more like Mecha Bandicoot.

>playing a kart racer with cronus
embarrassing but i guess people need to feel good about themselves somehow

Getting the hang of it. Courtyard part of that track used to eat my lunch, but U-turning makes it easier. Also helps with that turn before the hallway with the two spiders. I just wish I wasn't a coward and could maintain my USF before the first jump.

>picked Polar Pass
>not doing particularly good
>can't even hold my USF
>still DNF all the other racers
Well alright, then.

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Same here bro. Tbh i never played the original, never got to them. A couple of hours playing on hard and watching some videos and I got the hang of it. Cheers

What item needs to be fixed? The point of items is to give bad players a chance, if you're honestly a skillful player you'll climb back to the 1st place even after getting bombed to a pit.

We can make it three characters.

Gnasty Gnorc

Do I need to beat the nitro kart tracks for ntropy?

>trying to do the from 8th to 1st position challenge in online
>only me and one shitter in the lobby
>stay 8th on purpose on the first 2 laps on electron avenue, clock the guy when he is doing some big jump to slow him down as much possible when compared to bots
>bot on 7th place literally starts the last lap at the 4 minute (when any decent people would have already finished 30 seconds ago lmao) mark
>the guy unironically takes almost 5 fucking minutes to end the race
>i still lose by 10 seconds
yeah this shit is fucking impossible, you need unironically to get people who play worse than easy bots do, and you yourself need to play badly on purpose
who the fuck thought this challenge would be a fun idea?

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>No Gex
List is fake as fuck.

I think we need CNK's Ice Shards and Static Orbs as an optional weapons to set too. They worked differently from breakers. But tornado is unnecessary shit.

I think this game takes place after Wrath of Cortex in general. Crunch is a protagonist and Tawna either got back with Crash or that plotline was retconned. She still has his face on her shirt and uses Aku Aku.

And pretty much all the games are canon including the kart racers, except for maybe Boom Bang and the mobile racers (sorry Yaya)

It's a fucking mecha like those N.Gin's robosuits, not a character.

i can count the amount of times i've finished in first place on one hand, but i'm still having fun with this game

I love that feeling of pure adrenaline. Mario kart doesn't give that feel even on 200cc except on the F-Zero levels.

Seems people actually do this, lol

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2100 more for me we can do this user

iktfb, I'm just having fun regardless

The best ones are when there are 3-4 of you blue firing around the track

>afraid to go to sleep or else I'll lose my 5% status

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Doesnt have to be online race


You'll get over it
I'm sure I'm already out of it on the first list I think so now I'm aiming for the nitro list

Sometimes it just becomes a shitshow for everyone else. Here's a round I played where it was really even for everyone but the leader. It was in the middle of the night so I guess the only people who were playing were a bunch of neets who knew what they were doing. It was actually pretty fun even though I kept finishing much lower than usual, just because it was actually competitive for once

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Don't worry hunny, just go to bed the 5% isn't real

That's retarded, there is real strategy in timing a Good boost over a Perfect if you need to cut a corner quicker, these shitters will never be able to beat someone skilled at the same using this.

Different region species

>N. Gin Labs
>actually getting kind of gud
>manage to maintain my USF for 2 whole laps, holy shit
>beef it at the last possible second and come in second

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Go to sleep so I can steal your spot

I'm still wondering about that frogging though, I didn't see a script for it but I'd imagine there would have to be one, unless they've really just figured out some way of doing it in this game. Or then it's just a visual glitch (which also makes them go faster)

There's one for online and offline.

>small norm
absolutely fucking based


>Place 19395 in the current Nitro numbers
>"Fuck I'm doing terrible"
>Total players: 328044
>MFW I'm actually in the top 6%

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Willie motherfucking Wumpacheeks

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They're all the same animal

Ok I see your point on that, How the fuck does that happen when they only spawn behind the person dropping it?

Oh yeah it was pretty funny at one point, I was the only Norm and every other player was a bandicoot girl. It was pretty fitting that Norm kept whistling

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Pretty sure it's lag. I was playing online with my friend today and he was hopping everywhere.
When I race him in person he only ever hops to start a drift and at the top of ramps.

penguin yay one

anyone has an updated wumpa earnings by race ?


Brio is a man of many tastes and fetishes

>Elora x Coco

Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it.

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I wanna go back but I have to get these goddamn nitro points

Haha, nice

What the fuck are you talking about? There are tons of people online, and the game is fun as fuck.

I guess it will be easier than I was expecting, there will be a large number of players who don't even bother getting Nitro. You get into the 5% just by being a reasonably active player

Lets have the hyperspace temple as a race track as well

All animals have different types which depends on region

Plus it's just the game where is time machines, blasters, teleports, magic, manlet with head ala Brain from cartoon and etc.

Same reason why Pinstripe sounds like a gangster and Dingo sounds Australian.

god I fucking hate online so much

These guys must be robots....

this is absolutely pathetic. I'm not very good at the game but at least I have fucking dignity.

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git gud

Stop responding to obvious trolls.

>tfw ps4 just died on me
>only have my PC for now

i really wish this had a PC release goddamn

Has anyone ever noticed how Big Norm's "WOAAAH" sounds exactly like Mike's WOAAH from RLM? I can't stop thinking about this.

Sure but I don't think there are French bandicoots. But yeah I guess I shouldn't think about it too much, as said, Pinstripe just has a gangster accent for no reason too

>git gud rng

I see people hopping all the time but they're certainly not going fast. The only other tech that might be similar but hard to pull off and doesn't include hopping at all is speed ghosts. I don't think froggying is very effective anymore when its original purpose was mainly for keeping a speedghost speed for longer than normal/keeping USF up on Turbo Track and some other small applications to shave seconds of a WR run.

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Literally the most fun I've had with a video game in years, git gud scrub.

Most of the tryhards will just grind online and the casuals will just do daily/weekly stuff and not figures shit out like Reverse on last lap

pc will be filled with cheaters and dead servers

I guess Brio made his own Vortex that gives the evolved animals personalities but doesn't brainwash them for evil like the Cortex Vortex

Sounds like someone can't make it to the finish line

King Chicken.

>think I have zero chance of getting into top 5%
>out of over 320k players I'm number 500
Holy shit, and I'm not even grinding races repeatedly for nitro. I'm just trying to get my challenges done and play the game.

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2-3 hours of grinding is the same as completing one challenge.

>tfw you knock off 4 challenges in one go

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>You get into the 5% just by being a reasonably active player
This is why I keep comparing it to gacha events. Only those who want the new characters will grind for points like crazy the others just ignore it or forget about it since it requires a tiny bit of commitment and just do the bare minimum for daily quests if even that.
>t. Actually did alright in a Bandori Event playing about 2 hours a day and got in the top 2500. I was just grinding crystals to try and get Moca's P5 costume. I got it just before maintence started
All I'll say is be grateful it's just event points. Item drop systems are fucking cancer.

The Vortex scrambles their brains and imprints them with various wildcard personalities. It can probably be assumed that various cultural media is part of the Vortex's brainwashing prerogative and so the mutants exposed to it pick up on whatever traits they're inclined towards

but I dnf people often enough, it's just stressful
how do you find it fun to constantly have to deal with avoiding 50 fucking items per race

Why does this game have such entertaining visual glitches?

A lot of people just play a match or two and call it a day, those of us who actually play the game enough to care about the championship kart are practically guaranteed a spot in the top 5% just by doing the challenges.

Some people are probably putting off their themed and pro challenges. They'll catch up.

I usually have a good time, but there's always some penguin or N.Tropy fuck joining to ruin the fun for everyone else.

>All this fan art portrayed megumi as a stoic ice queen
>Is actually the bubbliest most expressive one by far

Did you have your 50% nitro boost?

I just want Ami porn please you guys

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Learn to accept that you're going to get hit and try not to get super triggered about it?

I learned recently but you can get two decent sized boosts and land the second drifting on that ramp. Also works with Papu Pyramid

You can go download and play Forza right now, user. Why are you playing a kart racer if you don't want this?


(by personality)
Megumi > Isabella > Liz > Ami

They can fix every other bug but this needs to stay in

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Is it ok if I'm getting mad over being hit by power ups and other stuff? I mean I just swear a lot and that's all.

Should I be calmer or is it ok?

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>a stereotypical weeb trash character is better than a buff tomboy
What an actual faggot.

>the most generic manufactured weeb bait imaginable has the best personality
are you kidding

I think you'll enjoy it more if you just accept it and let go. I was really annoyed by it at first but now I just try to think about it like it can't be helped

Oh god
Goofy what happened to you

I don't, user, but I have this image.

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seething amifags COPE harder

You're talking about stereotypes while defending tomboys in the same breath? Get real.

>Trophy Girls rating best to worst
Megumi=Ami=Liz=Izzy(They're all the best)
Any other answer is fucking wrong.

Cute areolae!

Just remember that every time you hit someone else with a power up you could be inflicting the same emotions. Then don't worry about it.

Why all shadows are Cocos in different suits?

No matter which one you like we are all fandicoots

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Yes? One stereotype is better than another. A stereotypically nice mommy is better than a stereotypically abusive father. What I'm really trying to say is... Megumi is shit, and you're retarded for liking her.

This image is furry enough to prove the trophy girls aren't very furry. This image disgusts me, pic related does not.

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god i hate the motorsport skins

based latin-aware user

Isabella actually

My nigga

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Based 69th post user

He turned into a cocofag but the transformation failed half way through

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What are the odds that a Crush player is gay?


Megumi > Liz = Ami > who?

80% gay
20% WoC fans who think that game is good.

But my dad loves to pick Crush...

Genuinely based, bless you
This is also redpilled like a motherfucker, The appeal of the modern nitrogirls is that they are very human and virtually none of the charm comes from them being bandicoots. If they were human, they’d be just as hot

Dude fuck off. He's the cool big brother and Knuckles stand-in, you're just mad cuz he dabs on you online

>Stew and Chick
>No Brio
>Gnasty Gnorc (Actually this one is cool)
>No Brio
>The Sorceress (WHY?)
>No Brio
>Willy Wumpacheeks
>No Brio

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Based, rather than fighting with each other, we should all unite, after all, all we want is more than the same 24 images on rule 34 with the nitro squad girls

Brio is in there

>all I wanted was momma Isabella
>she's the very last one to be released before they rotate again
Why they gotta do me dirty like this?

Attached: 1562149615434.png (1533x868, 2.59M)

100% s-s-straight, right, a-user?

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>If they were human, they’d be just as hot

Attached: L i z raven.jpg (2048x2048, 1.42M)

>got furiously mad because of triple orb and 2 rockets hit IN THE SAME TIME on papu's pyramid.
>accepted that I will be finishing 3rd.
>on last U turn made shortcut jump and finished 1st
>found out that 2nd place guy fucked up that jump and 1st place was eaten by plant

I never recovered from anger to laughing joy that fast in my life.

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Exactly, also as a very smart Jap-user once said
>Through dick unity

those are fighting game terms you just got goofed on

I hope I have enough coins when she rolls around

They're saving the best for last, user.

Wait a minute, I have all the event shit equipped and my boost is only 50% (kart, paintjob, driver, skin for kart and driver), where do people get the extra 25%?

5125 or 5175 for the pack. I doubt they'd make her cost more

Extra 25%? I thought the 50% boost was the max.

Are there any pornstars that even look like the nitrogirls or have their personality? I’m desperate and I cant beat it to the same 24 outdated rule 34 images

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I want her to tell me something sweet on Russian

holy fuck will some user with a wallet commission some bandicoot pussy I'm dying

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This is who Crunch reminds me of in that comic

Attached: 844cc7669fe4c666d3840a874c623bbd0dc4a733_00[1].jpg (480x480, 29K)

Just go to ExHentai and find that Coco pack with 545 pics

Someone said 75% total in the last thread.

So I just got the game today, do I have to wait for someone like Nash to randomly appear in the Pit? That's my guy though Megumi's politeness to loss and other players plus her idle animations really made her become my main.

Coco is a gremlin that's like fapping to umaruchan it ain't happening

Honestly I think they're okay. Crunch clearly has the best.

I'm just sick of having to use them for max Nitro gains.

It's 30 and dead there too retard.

Then search for trophy girls pack with 98 pics

Nanami Matsumoto reminds me of Ami, minus the muscles. I also like older Riley Mason, and her personality does remind me of Ami's a little.
For Tawna just any big-titted blonde whore will do, and same for Megumi with JAV.

Queer detected

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what are the best third party controllers for the switch? I've heard that the pro controller isn't up to snuff in terms of its dpad and control stick travel time, but the main point is the joycon buttons are too hard on my fingers and there's some connection issues where the joycons will drop inputs

Cart racers are immensely fun and CTR is amazing, but by virtue they're utter bullshit.

If you DON'T feel some type of way about it, then you may not be human. But just keep racing and you'll enjoy yourself.

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I want next legendary skin for Trophy Girls be with umbrella animations

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Just when you think they've finally finished scrapping the bottom of the barrel, they dig right on through to bedrock.

Your smear campaign isn't gonna work seething shitter. I see more gay Dingodile shit

On exhentai?

Forgot my skeup

Attached: skeyruolp.jpg (1440x2888, 278K)

Absolutely based suggestion, will look into
That pack mainly has a lot of the same rule 34 images you see everywhere

Well problem is, I'm enjoying this game and usually finish on podium, but in process I just usually swear a lot on others or going full DPS with "That bullshit, there's nothing I could do" stuff.

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Is Cortex the true hero of the story? He created the bandicoot boobies the world didn't even know it needed.

Attached: Neo-cortex-crash-bandicoot-2.jpg (200x209, 7K)

t. Cortex taking credit for Brio's work again

Stealing credit for Brio's work as usual

Didnt he steal the work from brio who gets rewarded with not even seeing his own creation at peak fertility

Don't you fucking try and ruse me, Cortex. I read my bible. I know who wrote it.

Evil Twins and Rusty Walrus from Twinsanity

Also Pitfall Harry, Lost Vikings and Glitch from Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

This is why Brio turned against you in 2.

I invented tiddies. Stop playing with them because they're MINE!

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I shout 'You sho is ugly' when I get hit right before a jump which causes me to fall off.

Unless you master your autism to blow everyone the fuck out, items will be your ace and the hole and your achilles.

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Is there any other kart racer where the speed differences get so massive? You'll have some people super boosting around the entire track, and other people just driving normally. In other kart games the speed caps are lower and/or shorter, here you can be going twice as fast for as long as you want. I think that's what's separating this from other kart games right now

that was brio though


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>wake up outside the top 5%
>literally have to play non stop just to compete with the neets
Who thought this was a good idea?

>people complain about how boring coco park is
>95% of people dont even know the shortcut

>Rilla fucking Roo
>no Koala Kong
Is this the biggest reject in the series

Attached: Crash_Bandicoot_N._Sane_Trilogy_Koala_Kong.png (551x482, 393K)

Waifuwars were a mistake

Attached: Megumi Losing Podium.webm (390x720, 1.32M)

Well I have news for you user.

>Customize something that spins around you and is hard for anyone to make out.

Waste of development time.

What is the best way to farm wombs in offline?

kawaii desu ne!!!

Why does N Trance get Velo when he's specifically brought in by Uka Uka and N Tropy in his introductory game?

I just fucking played with Kelafornia 15 minutes ago.

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Attached: 2_clocks.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Looks like a possible skin for that fucking fruit guy from CTTR

>Not Bianca

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Just play better

Attached: she's_a_keeper.png (524x920, 629K)

He works with velo in CNK, you can see him in the intro on velo’s podium

>overtake someone before finish line for 3rd place
>over half a second behind me on scoreboard, I'm 3rd place, he's 4th
>podium scene
>that dude's standing on the 3rd place podium and not me

Attached: killme.jpg (800x516, 76K)

when's splitscreen online

Actually I'm pretty neutral on her, I liked it a lot better when I thought she was going to be a stoic ice queen. Not really a fan of cutesy shit.

Attached: I'm_gonna_make_columbine_look_like_a_fucking_joke.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Just grind Tropy and Oxide times(You need to do the stage 2/3 times minimum respectively but if you goof on the last lap don't reset(you make about 40-50 a track now) Otherwise just play some random races or do challenges you don't often do, like CTR token challenges in CNK tracks.


I blew up a CPU in battle mode but it didn't unlock the Kamikaze challenge, this is going to suck isn't it?

>win by 20 seconds
>not on podium at all

God at this point, i will even take ethots to cosplay as them, I just want more fap material

>I'm not chestless gremlin!

Attached: 1558666704320.jpg (1200x1200, 88K)

>playing at 1am
>12 hours later, playing in the middle of the day on a Thursday
Well I guess the name matches

Just do it with a second controller.

>No Bianca.

Umm excuse me, what the fuck?

Attached: you fucking serious.png (351x364, 262K)

I didnt either until I saw an interview on it

Grab a friend or a second controller

Can't wait for Pasadena and Nina. But more importantly I can't wait for Von Clutch

Consoleless PCtard patiently waiting for PC release here.
What's Ami's losing podium animation?

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What panties do the trophy girls wear?

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Frozen in Polar Pass LOL

I don't think they wear any

It says you need to hit another player, bots dont count

I never understood this at all

Anyone have a link to that shortcut that gets easy coins?

this image actually has some thought put into it, I agree at least with Ami wearing athletic underwear. If megumi is into the Japanese thing she's either going to wear white to show off how innocent she is or something cute.

She rapes whoever's on first place.

Bandicoots are exclusive to Australia you idiot.

Never talk to me or my melted daughter ever again.

Megumi wears panties with a little cartoon bandicoot on them.

Nah, she'd wear stripes. They're the weebiest underwear.

Why is this fanbase so intent on being as autistic as the Sonic fandom now?

if she's a japanofile she'll wear shimapan sure but if she's actually from japan they don't all wear shimapan over there
this is very accurate

>muh edgy bitches
bad taste ya low test fuck

>Ami wears sport underwear or just bandage
>Megumi wears striped or white panties
>Liz goes full commando
>Isabella wears expensive panties with ornaments

Fuck off nigger

Can't wait for arguing with you until 500+ tho

I don't know what they did to the items, but I fucking hate it so goddamn much.

Fucking Christ we can't have any normal discussion about these games anymore can we? It's just furfaggots and autistic /vg/fags running rampant.

Attached: here_comes_tiny.webm (1920x1080, 1.84M)

What will his costumes be

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You mean moust underrated right?

Nah the only wants worthy are Spyro, Hunter, Ripto and maybe Gnasty Gnorc for being the first final boss

My only issue is in online when the latency affects it. Stuff like missiles hitting you as soon as the reticle appears, getting hit by a mask before the player even touches you, phantom beakers and shit.

>he literally agrees with me
what did retard user mean by this?

seriously though, fair.

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Finished Hard mode last night. Only tough parts were Crash Cove and the Komodo Joe fight. Gets easier as it goes along when the levels and shortcuts open up but it is significantly more bullshit than normal. Dragon Mines has been fucking butchered with the new turning mechanics.

The only Spyro character I would play a lot as is this guy

Attached: moneybags.png (544x560, 76K)

here's your coco bro

Attached: Crash-Bandicoot-Coco-Cosplay-Gamers-Heroes-2-932x932.png (932x932, 1.04M)

Attached: here_comes_tawna.webm (1920x1080, 1.73M)

While I agree that Spyro/Hunter/Ripto is all that's needed, having Scorceress before Bianca just baffles me.

Oh thank fuck it's not only me. First time in a while I have gotten unironically mad playing a videogame.

you said Ripto wasn't worthy when he's the most memorable Spyro villain

people only remember him because he said the n word

Having Sorceress is a big Meh when moneybags appears in more games than her or Flora and Bianca

Is anyone even playing battle mode online? How cancerous is it?

Exploits and glitches?where?

Her face is really stuck to the floor

There are two fucking tiers of USF

i was shitposting user. i even went serious at the end.

but yeah this guy is right

I hope that they will make video for CTR too

Attached: faun_by_kempferzero_db83mxn (1).png (840x959, 56K)


Pardon my noob, but what is USF? I keep seeing that line in here and I'd like to hear of it?

Blue fire

They own pic relared faggots

Attached: Running_Wild_PlayStation_Cover.jpg (315x316, 28K)

Guys I think Ami is sick!

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> You have 40 sec to finish the race
> barely on second lap
Why do CTR pros do this?

Attached: 1562206690581.jpg (228x216, 10K)

Thunderstruck with the short cut takes about 1:30 and you get plenty of coins

Please elaborate. How do I achieve USF?

Literally when has this ever not been 'normal discussion' you newfag

How can you say that when Willie Wumpa Cheeks and Viscount exist?

>Megumi ended up as accel

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Attached: L2sPC95dWJA.jpg (225x225, 18K)

You know how you get a huge speed boost when you go across turbo pads and the flames from your exhaust pipes get bigger? That's known as "sacred fire" in the community. Ultra sacred fire is like that, but on crack. It's when you go across a special turbo pad that gives you blue fire out of your exhaust

You can hold on to both of these speed boosts for the entire duration of the track if you're good enough. You need to score mini turbos off of drifting very consistently in order to do it. Each "perfect" mini turbo gives you fire time in an invisible "reserves" meter, with a x3 perfect mini turbo off of one drift giving you the most reserve time. Keep building reserves whenever and wherever you can, learn how to not hit tough corners, and you can keep your fire going.

I honestly don't care anymore. I'm sick of getting absolutely fucked over by everyone sniping me with every item imaginable. I don't care if it upsets the scrubs who only get a lead on because they got a Mask or a Clock. I'm just fucking sick and tired of it.

Attached: Geary thinking.jpg (442x515, 65K)

Boost pads can provide the player with SF or USF. USF is not available on every map. If you consistently boost into the pad and continue to boost out of it you will keep the sacred fire on your kart and go very very fast.


Attached: reee.jpg (800x522, 30K)

Ah, I see. Thank you.

>not playing as megumi RIGHT NOW

What is even the best way to do Dragon Mines? I keep wanting to try taking the train track, and then jumping down to the normal route but I don't know if it would be any faster


Attached: oDALAsz.png (271x600, 192K)

I've no coins and didn't get to play yesterday

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30 fps. I would rather die

Yeah what's with this? I've noticed in Deep Sea Driving that sometimes I'll be going much faster. In this webm when he's jumping from turbo pad to turbo pad, sometimes I'll be going much slower in that section and have to drive on the ground, even though I have the blue flame

Attached: webm.webm (480x360, 2.86M)

Also, taking corners with USF active is extremely difficult. To achieve it you'll want to practice another advanced technique, air braking/u-turning. As the name implies it's easiest to do during a big jump but you have to let go of acceleration, hold square, and hold down + the direction that you want to turn. If you do it correctly, your angle/momentum will sharply correct and you can keep all your speed as long as you let go of brake and hit accel again before you hit the ground. This works with smaller hops too but timing is more difficult obviously

>t. DNF


Is this the Starcraft of racers?

Attached: 1561247325948.png (498x443, 79K)

'do, as in hairdo ya idiot

>No Bianca

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Attached: 1498827000927.png (1750x1258, 620K)

I've played Starcraft like twice and sucked at it so I'm not sure I understand the comparison

Great webm, I always lose control in the tubes but I play a speedlet

True-ish but you also have Willie Wumpacheeks, the Emu that Cortex shoots, Evil Crash, True Velo, Chick and Stew, Megamix and a dozen other one time gag characters that only existed for a single joke. This game could sink much lower.

I think he's making an APM comparison.

I wish I could map square to a trigger

That section is so much down to luck with the blades

Attached: pure skill.webm (1280x720, 2.08M)

Who is this supposed to be?

Attached: DSC_0025.jpg (512x683, 39K)

user, I legit don't know what to say when I want my hair cut a certain way
I am retarded

>must choose between farming nitro points or doing time trials now that they're fixed

Attached: 1550509123815.jpg (942x890, 108K)

I think Tawna...?

Wow, I've been playing as accel characters and those sharp turns are nearly impossible to pull off. Seriously considering about switching to easy mode characters.

is there anyone in balanced?

He's in?

Attached: happy_lad.jpg (1550x1600, 1.41M)

the animation is using velo, not sure on the model

Don't worry user, they actually aren't fixed.

white tawna, user

>he can't Doowop a Skippity Uppity Airlsap into Wavedashed Cockdump Sparklenut
>can't even Spitshine a Ledgecanceled Dicknob after Twirlywhirly Dibbidybobbidyboo 2: Electric Boogaloo
Fucking Inexcusable

USF and (what I'm now calling super USF "sUSF") is the difference between beating the Oxide ghost on the new level or failing. You will literally chop 20 seconds off your USF time by maintaining the sUSF turbo instead.

Fine, I'll bite. Then do it, just fucking go and play TSR, MK8D or whatever other kart racer that has your M-MUH SEEXTY EFF PEE ESS if your to much of a contrarian shitlord to do that then you should go shit up somewhere else, but we know you're not going to do that. So keep posting your flat fuck retarded fps comment and I'll keep handing out (you)s like the pedophile by your school hands out candy. Even if he did catch you, which he probably did if your this stupid, he probably let you go cause you must have been just as unlikeable and unfuckable to him then as you are to the rest of us now. Go crawl back it whatever basement you slithered out of while your mother secretly wishes she got that abortion when she leaves your food by the door. No one thinks your funny, no one thinks your cool, we all just wish you would finally stream your own hanging and waste bandwidth and oxygen only for a few more minutes.

Attached: 5bc.png (625x626, 35K)

And that to....

Attached: 220px-Shrek_Smash_n_Crash_Racing.jpg (220x313, 34K)

The next Crash game will just be a villain who creates these monstrosities as his minions


Why do all the Trophy girls (and Tawna) are full-grown women, but Coco is barely a teenager? You know... maybe she's just a midget...

Attached: CTRNFCC.png (276x282, 177K)

Maybe this is some ARG shit

Woah Crash easy on the evolv-o ray

They're taller than Crunch as well

The successfully evolve-o ray'd bandicoots are much taller. Pretty sure Crash and Coco are only smaller because it fucked up.

>Spend several hours online
Christ, at this point they might as well put in the CoD playlist bullshit so I could at least play the track instead of dealing with horrid rng

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I got it on my first game


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I've been on for the last 3 or so hours and got it a few times

and i just played it literally 3 times in 4 games


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Shovelware like this amazes me. Who is it for? Who do they expect to buy it? Does some suit up the chain really think that you can take a successful film IP, convert it to another medium while shamelessly ripping off a different IP and actually make money from that? I always imagine the people who are forced to work on this doomed licensed shovelware and feel bad. Literally soulless

I can already reinact the best part of this shitty franchise with four Pentas. Why would I even need this?

>character cut out due problematic issues

Money laundering

too difficult for you baby?

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The PS1 version of this was legit good

give me the redpill chief


this game in his ps2 version was fucking kino


yessss...the nefarious rites can be completed

I seriously hope they change how the Nitro Bonuses work, feeling the need to use the Motorsport Skins with the event cars feels very limiting. Just make the bonus account bound or some shit

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How is he so bad?

Attached: 1562151168250.png (262x326, 97K)

Okay. The Reverse Challenge literally does not fucking work. What a shitty fucking thing to do.

>All monster girls in this show evolved into generic women

It was shit

If you got hit by power ups or stopped moving it won't count

Can't get hit or apparently go off-road

I did it first try. Make sure you don't hit any boost pads and never stop going backwards for even a split second

>linking this faggot's channel
All his reuploaded versions are stuffed with bad humor and annoying repeated clips/sound bytes. I wish I could dislike without giving a view, he's worse than DSP

i'm having a really hard time learning perfect boost timing. All the visual indicators are not in the center of my vision and i either focus on them getting perfect timing but not paying attention to the track ahead or vice versa planning the perfect course but missing the boost. The bar is too far away on the corner of the screen an i cannot look at it most of the time, glowing wheels are too small and if i'm looking at the track i miss them, black smoke is the only decent one but still hard to see and is not perfectly synched so if i boost as soon as it comes up i only get a "good" boost.
Maybe i'm overcomplicating things but i'm really struggling with doing both things at the same time.

It's Phil

Start reversing right before you enter the final lap and don't come out of reverse for any reason (this includes collision with other racers) and it should work

I wouldn't know, I don't follow DSP, but a friend gave me this and he's so fucking atrocious.

How is she such a graceful loser compared to everyone else

It's better to just get a feel for the timing, so that you don't need to look at meters. It's like a second, if that helps

Yeah I watched the whole 3 hours some other guy uploaded, whatever the case wait til you see the Pinstripe boss fight

yeah i don't like the motorsport skins (mostly cause ugly haircuts) and i'm basically forced to use them

>faggot in #2 rockets me not once, not twice, BUT THREE TIMES to get my #1 spot
>give up
>wait for him overlap me
>stalk him and fuck him up until he finishes as #6
If you're in here, penguin, eat shit.

yeah i guess, audio also helps but i like playing with my eurobeat blasting at full volume but it ruins my timing lol


Attached: TT Stopwatch.jpg (1200x1554, 150K)

you seem a little salty

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>tfw lose the will to play after finishing the daily challenges, and wumpa hour ends
>online is boring
>already have the plat tropy
>not autistic enough to grind for coins, or nitro points, already in the top 100 so no point
I wish coin payout wasn't so stingy then I might actually feel compelled to play more. Online is only worth playing on weekends with the double coin bonus.

You the user I explained USF to? Personally, I did find the glowing wheels extremely helpful for learning the timing. It's mostly natural now but I leave nitro wheels on just because even from the corner of my eye the intensifying glow is a good indicator. I think starting out you can make it more obvious if you choose a bigger kart, and then learn to boost right when the bright orange band forms along the middle of the tire

I fucking can't stand the shitty Motorcross outfits so goddamn much.

>Dat Coco
Good golly Ms Molly

Attached: 1523598715916.jpg (528x543, 29K)

300% if he uses the dalmatian skin

>But not even I am autistic enough to grind the absolute fuck out of online for coins and nitro
Online has been so fucking infuriating these past few days. Everyone's figured out all the tricks and shortcuts, and I keep getting gangraped by items.

She seems too pure

Most pure girls fucks like animals

Did he create Coco too?

don't lewd megumi

But what if Megumi lewds me?

Attached: 1562068964629.png (905x813, 34K)

Yeah, she was his cock sleeve during the events of the first game

Is there any reliable way to do the Sharpshooter Challenge?

What about fapfics?

I only have issues with some of the hairstyles
Well that and there's no reason to use anything else while grinding nitro

Get close to the other guy before shooting him. Like right up to them

Battle mode with easy AI's and only missiles on

Plug in second controller and go battle mode, put only 3x rockets as powerups
It never says you need to do it in race

Talk to Ami about it, she'll sort meg out.

>Win a race in Online Matchmaking with all of the new Grand Prix character
I don't how I just got this because it's my first match online and I don't even have anyone other than Tawna unlocked

Same, I dunno if it's worded correctly