Fav games thread

it's time to post our fav games and rate others

Attached: fav games.jpg (916x916, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>battlefront 2015 is one of his favorites

>bf 2015
>fallout 4
nice bait thread, have a free (you)

need help with mine

Attached: iii.jpg (879x617, 44K)

Not to mention FFXV and MGSV

Okami because you are drawing everything in paint.

What the fuck are you doing, nigger?
Use this: befunky.com/create/collage/

ill do a proper one when I know what it would include. And it certainly wont include anything that sounds even remotely like weebshit(i.e. OKAMI-SAN)


Don't listen to this faggotYours has soul.

It's a joke dude. Okami is a game centered around drawing pictures, relax and put Scribblenauts then.

zoom zoom detected

No, im sure that there are more deserving games out there- they will be on my 3x3 list


Attached: Untitled3.png (1440x2560, 1.01M)

fucking embarrassing op

t. never played any other Ass Combat game
but seriously, play the PS2 games zoomkid. you'd like em don't worry

I don't have any pictures prepared, so I'll just say them:
TF2, Binding of Isaac, SOMA, Fez, Hollow Knight, OoT, Mario Galaxy, Monster Hunter 4, Half life 2, Stanley Parable, Chrono Trigger, Frostpunk, Amnesia Dark descent, INSIDE, Metal gear solid 3, Dear Esther and Fallout New Vegas

>implying the others are good
He should just play a real flight game.

How can so much shit taste be contained in the body of a single mortal

u cant be serious lol
