>steals your credit card info
Steals your credit card info
again? holy fuck
kek not again
does that mean they'll give out bloodborne for free then as an excuse?
Unironically something to look forward to. If this is really that bad of a hack, then they'll give out free games
they already gave out Bloodborne for "free" from PS plus
they gave a couple of games because their service went down for a whole two weeks or a month, cant remember, just because there is an error about using credit cards without the security code they wont give shit
>tfw only use PS gift cards because of shit like this
It’s your own fault at this point if you trust Sony with your info
>aaah! Save us Microsoft! Bring the Azure security servers here ASAP
they did last time during the ps3 era, basically all your info, including credit card info got leaked
>implying i would ever pay with my credit card on sonys shit service
why do people act as if its only sony with this problem?
it looks like your basic phishing scam that any sand nigger or anyone in a third world country tries to pull on people.
Fucking hell not again
you don't need to enter the security code on the back of the card for any online purchases if said credit/debit is saved to the account. this applies to literally everyone including Yea Forums's best friend amazon.
you've got bigger issues if someone is making purchases under your name.
Again, you can't be fucking serious, this shit is actually happening again? PS5 will be the PS3 all over again.
I genuinly think that as of lately sony being on top again theyre gonna pull another ps3 and xbox or heck nintendo even could be the big dogs next gen
Would actually be great because sony didnt really make any great replayable games on ps4 except bloodborne
Heh. Serves them right for being censor happy
>R*dditors pushing their fanfic again
Daily reminder that this is a paid service with a 90+m install base.
Fucking people say ps5 is gonna be another ps3 even though the ps3 is actually better than the ps4 in terms of games and backwards compability
I hope this is just like the hack years ago. What if this was just a follow-up to that? Kek, if you actually trust Sony with any valuable information you are a fucking moron.
And people say the money goes to improve the service, lol.
ps5 is rumored to be $800 by everyone but sony execs.
Nibba if they release an 800 dollar console they might aswell just get off the console train
Like come on this sounds retarded
>if i keep saying it it'll come true, mommy!
They'd have to be actual retards to do that
I do think it's going to be stupidly overpriced and fail but 800 is corporate suicide tier
>what is the ps3?
>it'll be like the ps3, mommy!
>just like the ps4 was, mommy!
That is not true. For instance, Steam requires you to enter it every time.
>having credit card info on your PS Account
>not removing it immediately after every purchase
no, the ps4 wasn't like the ps3. snoyboys seething again
Ps3 was 500 bucks at launch
>Xe's trying badly to rewrite history again
Neck yourself, Xtranny.
>For instance, Steam requires you to enter it every time.
along with name, address, and the card numbers on front/back because the card details were not saved. steam has a little tick box to save details.
the key point is info saved to the account.
Sony are honestly a joke and should fuck off from gaming completely
It was 600 which is nearly 750 in today's money
for fuck's sake, i'm definitely not getting a PS5 next gen
sony needs to get their shit together
The PS3 was $600 USD at launch.
Isn't this the 3rd time?
Why do Sony fanboys keep trusting ghwem with their parents credit card info?
It was $599.
>Phoneposting R*dditor
Same here, more people should do it that way.
it was down for a whole month, maybe even longer. the games they gave weren't even that good. i think it was like little big planet and the final fantasy movie as a mea culpa.
wipeout hd
>do this
>little brother is a little shit and uses his father's credit card despite me earning him
I swear to fucking God.
this is the list of games you could choose from, i just looked it up.
Dead Nation (PS3)
Infamous (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Super Stardust HD (PS3)
rain (PS3)
Puppeteer (PS3)
Invizimals: Lost Kingdom (PS3)
God of War® HD (PS3)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (PSP)
LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
ModNation Racers (PSP)
Patapon 3 (PSP)
WipEout Pure (PSP)
What games will they give up now?
is it different by region perhaps, i remember a friend getting wipeout hd because of it.
dude your credit card info has been stolen dozens of times already. places like home depot and target have had their computers hacked and credit card info stolen from anybody who ever used a credit card there in the past 3 years. this is a huge issue now but it's really not that big a deal. you are only liable for $50 no matter how much people spend. it's also harder to use stolen credit card info for nefarious purposes now because of fraud protection and the chip technology.
that's the game list for north america at least, maybe it was different for europe.
According to the link the exploit has been used for five years now and Sony outright didn't care to fix it.
This should at the very least wake people up to how idiotic brand loyalty is.
>This does not affect the majority of users out there, especially if they have 2-step verification enabled.
so only retards getting their shit stolen
Who cares? They already got them the last time anyway.
>so only retards getting their shit stolen
well duh, it only effects people who bought a PS4
>so only retards getting their shit stolen
AKA almost the entire PlayStation userbase.
>sony apologists
What if I delete my info after every purchase?
I assume they would still have a copy somewhere because Sony can't into online purchases.
>snoyboy saying it's okay for hackers to be able to log into your account and know your password unless you use 2factor
>tfw my sister gave me her ps4
>forgot to check if her card info was on it or let alone mine since i logged in to my account yesterday
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Read the thread Sony Warrior.
sony is the one getting their credit cards stolen, you dunce
>use credit card info without needing the security code
so like any online store that saves your information? that being said, how fucking dumb do you have to be to trust sony with that info?
>Someone actually read the article
>Oh shit, better slide it
How the fuck does Sony constantly have security breaches
I don't get it. why is he baby mario?
>censors boobs
>but can't censor credit cards
The very state of this company
Look at the Sony emails to see how retarded Sony is.
>due to a mix up with the ps5's gps app, your name and address have been leaked to the Cartel. We apologise for the inconvenience.
>sh-shut up... only SOME people got their information stolen!!! i-it's okay!
I deleted by credit card information right after making an account. Isn't it illegal for them to still have that information store somewhere?
I wonder how will Sony damage control this time? Free PS plus for a month?
Don't worry help is on the way working to make LBP2 a free game.
I stopped using my card as soon as I was suddenly charged for a year of psn on a day that I was nowhere near the console. PSN cards only now
>this again
When is snoy fucks off from gaming? It's been too long.
Didn't this shit happen twice already?
this, you're a fucking retard if you give Sony your info
On commission, Ranjeet?
There is unironically a hack I have that lets me log into anyone's account by spoofing a verification. I still haven't reported it to them or where the vulnerability is. Just watch the news one day. Shit is retarded.
There will be 2 versions at launch, a 400~500 dollar version for the average consumer & an $800 for "pro" gamers.
This. The industry would be much better with only PC gaming and Nintendo.
>"pls pay us for network now, we promis it fixed now and safe"
Nintendo would pay you huge if that was on Switch. I wonder if Sony pays for information like that.
>800 bucks for an underpowered plastic shitbox
You could build a PC for that price and it would be twice as powerful as the PS5.
good thing that I only used fake accounts with fake everything
My friends always make fun of me for being paranoid now who's laughing you cunts
they still are. this is old shit that basically requires someone to steal your ps4
Fucking hell. Again? I've only ever used PayPal for some of their shit, I should be fine right?
>You could build a PC for that price and it would be twice as powerful
and with a tenth of the games
How the fuck does this keep happening?
You mean 10 times the amount of games.
You know how people say Nintendo is inept with online?
It was actually Sony all along.
>Tfw the credit card I had on my Ps4 went missing two weeks ago and I've got a new one
Of course they don't. This is Sony we're talking about
christ on christmas, they are pathetic.
old ones you wouldn't to play, and indies you wouldn't want to play
many games indeed
sony did it again
Which is pretty much the entire ps4 worthwhile game library.
I don't even have a credit card.
good thing this convo wasn't about the ps4
>here you see a seething snoyboy that says old games are bad even though the whole thing about the ps5 is that it'll have backwards compatibility
typical hypocritical thinking of a sonyfag
I'm sure it effects Debit too, yes?
ps5 hasn't even been revealed yet m8
>worthwhile PS4 library
>Greatest Hits list has... 36 titles
Even worse, since Debit gives less leeway to fix fraud.
on that note, reminder that ps4 has a ps2 emulator and so will ps5, meaning ps1,2,4, and 5 games confirmed on ps5. sony cant be stopped
I guess, but I don't buy digital nor use online mp so either way it doesn't affect me.
>Gets hacked twice
>STILL trucks the entire competition
You dumb motherfuckers will be posting BING BING WAHOO and Goldface a week from now. You've learned nothing. Don't lie to me, anons. I see that double dipped copy of GTAV and each FIFA release since the last big hack on your shelf.
The execs bave already talked big about it to boast how "great" the ps5 will be, and you can look at the patents as well. also, do not forget that two years ago, sony execs were against backwards compatibility when microsoft did it because "old games look bad and no one wants to play them."
At the end of the day, no one is for gamers right now.
Now the major publishers, not the major developers, not the PC stores, not Xbox, not Nintendo, not Sony.
Ive only ever used PayPal to try out PSNow, I should be fine right?
but user, sony literally says "this is for the player" so they have to be good!
>$60 per year for this amateur shit
>Shit interface and store that throttles download speeds constantly
How the fuck can anyone defend this shit? I have a PS4 and Switch, the Switch eshop is atleast fast as fuck and less buggy, but both online shops are lacking and slow as fuck when it comes to download speeds.
Player is codeword for stockholder
xbox wins again, baby!
Mostly because Microsoft are becoming more and more service oriented and they kinda pioneered the online services for consoles we have today.
>How the fuck can anyone defend this shit?
by buying it
>even the 360's online service stomps the ps4's and the switch's now
You can still buy something and critique it, but it seems when it comes to Sony especially, it all falls on deaf ears.
what a cuckpost
>Greatest Hits list has... 36 titles
You know greatest is a relative term right?
what free games do you think Sony will give us this time as an apology? give me your hopes and dreams
>leaving your credit/debit card info saved on services after you've finished using them
lol morons deserved it
gore belongs on /gif/ retard
this isn't a chink rekt thread
literally nothing
>mfw everytime I gotta use my bank card to buy something I delete my payment info immediately after
>tfw never put personal info when using sony products
>never use my real e-mail for psn
>mfw might get a new freebie again because of shit like this
Anyone else happy whenever sony gets hacked? Hopefully it can lead to some major identity theft so that sony will give out something to damage control
>All the bullshit you have to go through to make it work
I get that Xcucks need some new FUD lines after another hell month, but at least try a little bit.
I just hope it isn't something I already have.
>Implying I own a Playstation
then you can sue them
Your average console shitter spend upwards of $800 on their phones. Why wouldn't they spend 800 on their console too?
Is this what now, the 3rd time?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stars of Time
Anyone believes that after they had announced they had made the most money from their paid online services deserves to have their credit card info stolen.
Sony's fanbase is made up of 72% LGBTrannies tho. Dilate
>set up 2-step verification
>you're now completely safe
damn, that was hard
>look mommy! I posted that i.funny joke again!!!1!! xD
the only positive thing you've been hearing about that company is just muh sales, which only benefits shareholders.
lmao they will blame affected people amd will increase plus price to recover from this
if you log in through PayPal's website at checkout, then yes.
suck shit consolefags
Got his ip, got his credit card info and shit.
theres a reason sony gift cards are always top sellers on amazon
you are a retard for giving them any information after the first huge leak
Does this apply if you use PayPal?
It's OK when Sony steals it.
So? My card is also password protected and logging into my account on any new console requires two step verification.
they still have your info even if you dont save it for next time
this is why I buy those PSN cards at Walmart/Gamestop.
>retards forgetting the shit that happened last time
This is why I only use gift cards.
>this shit again
>only this time you can't use the excuse of "at least we're not paying monthly for the servers!"
Oh no no no no no
I don't even try logging in on the psn site
Last time I did, some russian tried to blackmail me into giving him some bitcoin because he got a password
The past few times have been attacks directly at sony to steal customer data. It's different from phishing scams since there is no protection except don't use a credit card
>giving sony your credit card
You haven't actually done this, have you?
Just buy physical games and ps+ cards from best buy
>tfw haven't owned a Sony console since the PS2
feels pretty good