Don't forget to keep cool when gaming in July, Yea Forums.
Don't forget to keep cool when gaming in July, Yea Forums
It's always cool here but thanks
wtf i love niggers now
>Black girl next door, 10/10
>Kept inviting me over for lunch
>never got the hint
What hint?
My apartment has a really nice ceiling fan, that takes care of everything.
Thanks for looking out for me Yea Forums.
I know how you feel my dude
its winter where it matters
My birthday is on the 31st. I barely avoided the crab.
dude just go and eat her juicy sandwich
sounds like you still have a chance
that's what you get for being a massive faggot
fags that post sad anime girls < fags tat post miffed anime girls < tripfags < namefags < fags that post smug anime girls < literal shit < fags that can post without showing their autism levels
literal and shitpilled
I'll keep that in mind for december
Right now I'm basking in the cooler temperatures. 24-27°C is great. Wish it got a bit colder at night but 19°C is fine
To clarify, you aren't a massive faggot BECAUSE you posted a sad anime girl
But people who do invariably are.
Unfortunately, you didn't make the greatest tier.
>fags that can post without showing their autism levels
you can't post on Yea Forums and not show autism, that's impossible.
instead, everyone on Yea Forums already has autism.
She has very cute feet
Step 1: Be white
Step 2: Don't be hideous
That's it. This strategy also works with latinas.
you only live once. get up right now, go over there, tell her "hey you wanted to have lunch" "wanna hangout instead?" and grow some balls and fuck that shit.
>not white
>dont be hideous
1/2 counts right?
You will actually have to know how to talk to women.
Im not 100% autistic
I just wanted to put in less effort
No he doesn't, black women standards are low when it comes to white guys
im freezing to death in australia
My advice is to ask women questions that allow them to talk about themselves. They like that the most. Also be funny, making them laugh will help you immensely.
sex while it is miserably hot has got to be the worst thing
Weak cunt.
My wife doesn't even want to have sex because I'm supposedly too hot. I need to buy an AC asap.
don't speak to me
get off this website
This is exactly right. Let then ramble about themselves and do your best not to let your eyes glaze over while they talk. Easy sex.
t. seething nigger
can you imagine how good being downwind from her and that fan would smell?? fucking delicious
>lived to see counter-blacked posting
Not sure how to feel about this.
damn that's one hot black chica.
wait wtf i actually googled her twitter, she ain't that hot, those pics are misleading.
>went to religious high school
>made friends then dated one of the only chocolate girls there
>was the most PG boyfriend ever and never got physical even after she dropped hints
I wish I could go back in time and execute myself to create a wormhole in the time stream