What is the most pretentious game you've ever played, anons?

What is the most pretentious game you've ever played, anons?

Attached: thomas alone.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*insert literally any indie story driven game here*

Kingdom hearts 2.

Cease thy virginity

Bioshock Infinite.

Planescape Torment and Kotor 2

I don’t know... I don’t go out of my way to play “muh artistic masterpiece” crap because it always looks kind of boring.

I guess Flower or Windowsill would be the closest I’ve gotten.

Gone Home
Dear Ester
Fuck those two games, fuck my friends with their "I didn't get it but it's amazing", fuck jornous with their "amazing story", fuck everyone and everything.
I've pirated and I STILL want my money and time back, what a fucking waste

Spec Ops The Line
>hurrr you're an evil person for playing this game
Other than that it was an extremely by the numbers third person shooter

very low IQ spotted if that's what you got out of this game

Nier Automata.

The witness by far.

I guess your severe autism doesn't allow you to see pass visual representation. I liked what they did with characters and how they gave personalities to literal rectangles. And all that without falling to the pit that is identity politics.

What's the most pretentious game that you enjoyed understood and still found pretentious?

The biggest pleb filter.

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I can't stand the praise for kotor 2 its such a broken and unfinished mess. That fags praise it for its retarded story. Kotor 1 is superior.

The Witness if not for the ending alone.

Gone Home is probably the answer for me

The Witness
Beginners Guide

Special AAA mention: Bioshock Infinite

>One of the few games that gets wartimephilosophy correct without being pretentious is actually hurr you bad for kill people and dumb and I'm very smart for hating it becauze the sheep like it

probably this

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Nier automata

Tomas was alone was some bullshit tho. How did we get to the point where people can sell game with no fucking artwork that are just literal squares & retards will buy it.
Indies have been slowly chipping away at people standard of quality for too long.

Anything with "insert philosophy quotes here."

The Witness
The Talos Principle
That game where you' re the guy sitting in a pot.

>dude war is bad civilians get hurt and shit
I don't know how sheltered you have to be to be blown away by this game

The Last of Us
it pretended to be a movie so hard, but failed at everything that makes a good movie or a good game

Red Dead Redemption 2

probably the same for me
there's nothing deep or artistic about chucking out quantum mechanics that you don't understand to try to explain stupid plotholes

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Papa & Yo
It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the final ten minutes where the devs went "LOOK RETARD! This is what all the obvious symbolism meant!".
The final area went completely off the rails and instead of being touching it was fucking hilarious.

“No Russian” in MW was pretty good. The game asks you to shoot the civilians, but it’s optional. The “your a dickhead” stamp deserving lands on your head. Spec Ops the line forces you to use the white phosphorous to continue. By forcing the player to make the “decision” your severally cutdown on the emotional impact and create a disconnect. Players are going to try to not launch the WP and shoot it out, at which point it becomes obvious you are in a scripted moment. It’s pretentious because to empathize with MC we need to connect to the main character, so removing the ability to make choices but then to act as though a choice has been made is textbook “attempting to impress by affecting greater talent than is actually possessed”. A better script writer would have made it seem necessary to use the wp, a smarter one would’ve realized it should have been a cutscene.

Why did you play so many shitty games?

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I think you need to have a minimum IQ of at least 100 to participate in any conversation buddy, because I never said I was blown away. All I said was the message was a good one and it was done correctly. I don't get emotional over videogames.

don't forget that for the phosphorous part you were shown sillhouettes of always-hostile soldiers NOT civilians

>done correctly
the game/devs literally lied to you
it wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't able to see hundreds of soldiers waiting for you but got a radio message ordering you to just shoot the phosphorous

>No Russian
I was 16 when I played it (i think) and I loved that shit. I killed every person I could. it was my favorite mission when they started shooting i just thought "oh.. shit here we go. i'm gonna kill the most" it never occurred to me it was optional to not shoot them.

The Witness had a bunch of random famous person quotes scattered around the place that didn't really have anything to do with anything.

The game had a lot of very pretty setpieces and some good puzzles but it was definitely pretentious despite being quite nice art-wise.

A more acceptable form of pretentiousness since the game was actually pretty good I guess, unlike shit like Gone Home.

This desu. I lasted less than an hour and I don't think I was close to finished. Just so much story for what was essential a boring puzzle platformer.

>I didn't get it but
How the hell you don't get Gone Home? Dear Esther, sure, it's surrealism aka "whatever you want to believe, bro, that's so deep", but GH it's just exploring a girl's normal past through the environment she lived in.

Just turn off the game bro, you didn't need to keep playing and murder all those civilians

Nier Automata was definitely trying to copy journey's pretentious vibe in many ways.
they even stole the sand sliding mechanic except it actually works properly in Journey. in Nier the programming and physics are garbage.

They've bought on Fallout 76 hype after shitting on Fallout 4 for 2 years and Bethesda in general.
>omgosh, bethesda is like THE worst, have you seen fallout 4? omgosh
>their fans are THE worst, they will literally eat anything by shitesda, what a bunch of retards

>well Fallout 76 will be great

>why are you shitting on F76? you will buy it anyway just like us
My friends are not bright.

Dunno man I played No Russian when I was like 12 and I loved it.

>How the hell you don't get Gone Home?
Fuck off tranny.

treatise, some bizarre non-game where you're a stick figure and walk around while lots of extremely pretentious text presents itself.

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tick tock: tale for two
nice premise, story was starting to get interesting, suddenly shit ending saying you wasted [minutes played] of your life


The Majesty of Colors, it was a pretentious artsy flash game on Kongregate. I really liked it when I was a dumbass high schooler. I went back to later and was incredibly embarrassed that I had recommended it to people.

The witness was pretty weird. I loved the fun puzzles.

OP image is basically "ai real" or some stupid shit, zzz

It is the last jedi of videogames; but for some reason people seem to love it and that makes me angrier

KOTOR 1 is actually finished so it's understandable to consider it better. It's very star wars by numbers though. KOTOR2 at least tried to do some weird interesting shit even if it fell flat on its face.

I agree, the game was full of "too smart for you" bullshit that didn't come together in the end. Other than that I liked it. Simple but appealing visuals and works very well as a pure puzzle game. It is really impressive how much mileage they get out of variations on a theme.

I really liked Dear Esther when it was a weird experimental sourcemod. I guess I'm just more willing to accept artsy fartsy nonsense when it's a passion project distributed for free.

Dinner date

It's just heart of darkness with babby's first metafictional elements. It has great voice work and some occasionally inspired art design but the gameplay is fucking awful and the writing is nothing special.

Beginners Guide was so fucking awful.

Dark Souls

>It's just heart of darkness with babby's first metafictional elements.
>heart of darkness
look at this guy, thinking he knows shit

The guy who made this video died btw


>The Talos Principle
Why? The puzzles are pretty great, and you can completely ignore the story.

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I remember it being pretty good for the first half or so and then it went off the rails with the guy killing himself or something and the games starts to freak out
The ending was atrocious, but the first half was enjoyable enough to balance it out

I played this weird ass flash game once, I think it was called "those cold Appalachian nights" or something like that. You play some house wife and the core of the game is going to bed every night over the course of the week. There was this odd atmosphere of dread it would build up but nothing would ever happen. Then on the last night your husband asks to have sex with you and it transitions from top down to first person from the husband's perspective fucking the wife who now looks like she's out of her mind and has giant swastikas on her tits. Then it ends. I was totally baffled by it.

Memorable though, I played that like 8 years ago and I remember that bizarre shit like it was yesterday.

The devs literally said it was heart of darkness when the game was first revealed and the guy you're hunting is named fucking Conrad. Of course it's heart of darkness you fucking idiot, that's not some enlightened analysis, it's a blatant fact.

It basically ends up being an indirect character study of two unlikeable, uninteresting assholes who refuse to communicate with each other directly. It's not worth the time it takes to play it much less the money it costs.

Dear Esther

the one with the scotsman on the island who has been to jail.
i can't recall any more but it was a terrible walking simulator with a worse "story"
and i like walking sims usually

>Stanley Parable

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dilate sex seethingly

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Firewatch is up there for me. What a piece of shit

Night in the Woods

The Terrible Whiteness of Appalachian Nights

your favourite OMEGALUL

Was my description of it accurate? It's been so long I don't really know if I've embellished it in my mind over the years.

hbomberguy would defend

Jesus, I've blocked that from my memory.
>dude, you have to finish it, the twist ending is amazing
>uh oh, don't spoil it for yourself! go in blind!
>the bond between you and some cunt is supreme!

>some who knows who killed his son or some shit
>you are not related to a story in any way, shape or form
>that's all, folks!
Where is the twist? Was that a twist? Twist in my fucking nuts that was.

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Make me

This, would have been better if they dumped the story with the boy and went wack with conspiracy and cryptids

And you have the mind of a 13 year old autist if you think this game had anything meaningful to say.


Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP

It is a twee, cutsie, hipster game made by a musician or something that fetishizes retro graphics and has little to no merit beyond a MIDI soundtrack that is nostalgic and some sparkly animations that are kind of nice looking. It is the very definition of a shallow nostalgia trip where looking chic and insisting on the "authenticity" of older media. Yea Forums should love it.

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stanley parable, if you can call it a game

this, it is fucking expensive for the trash it is.

>Press x to proceed through the game
>Pressing x killed some civilians
Wtf bro you're evil like just shut the game off you didn't have to do that

100% agreed. I was so interested in this game before release too, when they were still sort of hinting at a supernatural/conspiracy/anything interesting happening angle. It was really disheartening to see it turn out like it did.

I couldn't finish it, the puzzles were so mind numbingly boring. Easy, but very monotonous to actually do.

Before everything is revealed it’s actually a great fucking mystery. The voice acting was also fantastic. But, yeah, the dead boy bullshit was dumb


this it's shit at actual gamifying moral conundrums and blames the player for what the director made unavoidable, without agency there is no responsibility
*tips fedora*
>"woah dude we're like the bad guys???? woooooow oh no we killed innocents! UGH"
fucking kek

>The game asks you to shoot the civilians, but it’s optional. The “your a dickhead” stamp deserving lands on your head. Spec Ops the line forces you to use the white phosphorous to continue
Pleb. The whole point of Spec Ops is that the whole game is optional. Turn off the murder simulator at any point, but you won't because you, like all men, want to travel tot he heart of darkness. Hence the name of the book, it is the heart, not the cor, not the centre. Because men have a heart, and they wish to know it.

No Russian is a great experience, but it is not the same at alll. A skippable mission is a choice in name only. If I put a gun to the heads of two people you loved and said you could save one, that is a choice, but to say you could also choose to skip the event entirely is a cop out. Not being forced to make the choice but still getting to enjoy the shooting is no choice at all.

Spec Ops gives you one choice, either choose slaughter (which always comes in the pursuit of heroism) or go home entirely. You don't get the fun parts without paying your pound of flesh.

Plebian analysis, didn't read the rest.

Rebel Galaxy

100% accurate

>That game where you're the guy sitting in a pot.
Getting Over It isn't pretentious, it's just intentionally frustratingly difficult. The challenge is presented, and you attempt it. That's all.

>The whole point of Spec Ops is that the whole game is optional
WOW WHAT A GOOD VIDEO GAME and not pretentious shit at all good thing i never bought it i guess that means i truly got it amirite

the game is literally nothing but a generic shitty shooter covered up with pretentious preachy bullshit thrown at the player

>dude just don't play the game lmao
Right on cue.

>A probably accurate depiction of soldiers getting false intelligence and being told they are 100% confirmed enemies, and then slaughtering them only to realise with mounting horror that you are a war criminal
Imagine thinking this isn't the single best instance of realism in a video game for years.

>The whole point of Spec Ops is that the whole game is optional
And that is a retarded point to make. Everyone knows its optional, they bought it because they thought it might have something interesting either in terms of gameplay or story. It definitely has absolutely no redeeming qualities when it comes to gameplay so the only reason to play it is for the story which tries to guilt trip you for things you didn't have any choice in. It's a shallow waste of time. If they wanted to make a point about the player enjoying the "murder simulator" then the actual combat needed to be fun enough to draw the player in on its own merits.

Yall don't even fucking KNOW pretentious. This game is pretentious. God it was awful. This thread is going to be filled with games where the focus is visuals or story or some type of gimmick. Those aren't pretentious, just one-note and poorly written. This piece of shit made me want to strangle the developer for wasting my time with pseudo-intellectual sickeningly emotional garbage.

This is infinitely worse than whatever walking simulator you're thinking of. It's a combination of the worst aspects of Spec Ops The Line, Firewatch, and Stanley Parable combined. At least those games had either novelty or interesting characters.

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>gone home
you're wrong since that's not even a game

The best instance of realism in games is the AC 130 in Modern Warfare. Spec Ops is just guilt trip nonsense.


Dear Esther is not only the most pretentious, but also possibly the worst without being outright broken

The problem being is that it isn't really a character study of two assholes. It's the study of one asshole and one guy who couldn't possibly exist. Coda (the guy whose games you play) is just such an unrealistic person bordering on psychopath.

The story makes it pretentious, do you not understand the thread theme?

>le game is optional maymay
If they really wanted to go with this angle they should have just made the game fun, but all combat be optional. instead they made a shitty generic game with an ebin tweest that retards like you will defend to the death to look intelligent on the internet. Your shitty war shooter is a worse version of Undertale go fuck yourself.


>dude nuclear bombs LMAO
puzzles were fun tho

Well all the actual characterization of coda is saved for the last 5 minutes or so, but the game pretends that its describing him until that point when you find out that the whole game is just the narrator jerking off.

jesus fuck I made that shitty picture 6 years ago

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SMT SJ, literally gacha game in disguise


>thinks the option to stop the slaughter and reject vidya that glorifies violence is fag tier
>lmao I like No Russian more cause if I don't like th enasty feeling I can just skip to the exciting feelings
Baby, at least one of these choices is a grown up decision to not pedestalize violence.

If Braid just embraced itself as a puzzle platformer it may be better off, albeit in its defense it got a lot people to discuss about it for years even if the story is just there to make the game appear "deep". Without it many would've just deemed a fun, if interesting puzzle game and nothing else. But it would've helped if the plot wasn't tacked in because it has fuck all to do with the gameplay other than muh 2 deep 4 u. Yes yes I know the whole time mechanic aspect is tied in to the plot, but it still feels forced. Also going throughout all that trouble for that extra ending that only lasts a second is bullshit.

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>no redeeming qualities when it comes to gameplay
that isn't the discussion, and is a separate topic from its core story and lesson.

Of course the game at large is optional, the point is, once you start the experience and the violence escalates, you and Walker are both under the impression that if you just progress you can turn it all around. You and Walker are both told that just because you commit an atrocity, does not mean you cannot undo it and just saying that "the ends justify the means" is not enough.

Choice based games often give you a simple ending scenario, but the only choice based game fitting for War is not No Russian (lmao I get to pick and choose how nasty I have to act today, cos real soldiers get to skip what they don't like about conflict). The only choice games fitting for War is to commit atrocities or to abor t the mission and face a court martial. The court martial for you and I is instead the fact that we don't get to play the game anymore, whereas for a real soldier its that he has to give up his career.

Obviously, it is a generic shooter, but its the story mechanics that make it unique.

YUKK's too easy a target but I'll nominate that anyway.

You mean too intellectual for you to understand? It's not the game's fault you're smoothbrained.

What is the difference really? The same rough scenario. And if you think that a guilt trip for doing what you thought was best in a conflict situation is not realism, then you are a pleb. The white phosphorous scene and its impact of the psyche of Walker is likely the most accurate piece of realism in a war game.

See The merit is not muh choice, it is realism of war which has one choice to make, slaughter or go home. The choice you deride is the only choice any soldier has, to go on or to lay abort the mission. The gameplay is a seperate argument.

Fictional violence is fiction. There is no reason to reject it unless you are a retarded child who can't tell fiction from reality. Violence makes for a convenient set of rules that can easily define a game, which is why you can find conflict all over classic board games. Even down to the notion that a board game should be competitive.

The idea of pretending you should feel guilty over some meaningless on screen violence you only perpetrated because you wanted to see the rest of the story is laughable. If they had made it actually fun to kill, then maybe it might have actually had some impact. MGS did something similar after all, there's a reason people remember "you enjoy all the killing don't you?". Because they genuinely did enjoy it, so there was actually something to feel guilty about. Spec Ops is a fucking chore to play.

The Witness is the best game ever made.

>that isn't the discussion, and is a separate topic from its core story and lesson.
It's a fucking game. The gameplay is always the fucking core. It's 99% of the game. The story only works if you either have greater agency to change how things play out, or you have actually fun gameplay that keeps people engaged so that they're blindsided when the game asks them to recognize the humanity of their victims. In its current state the game is thoroughly mediocre and I would not recommend it to anyone.

>is a separate topic from its core story and lesson.

At this point I am convinced you're just baiting for (You)'s, but this is something I am not going to let slide. How come out of every piece of media a video game is forgiven if it doesn't focus on its game play? Try to say that when you're watching a movie and say that the visuals are "a separate topic from its core story and lesson." If you want to tell a story in a medium you must use the strength of said medium to do so, that is to say you need to make use of visuals for a movie and to the point: Make use of GAME PLAY for a video game if you want to tell a good story. I don't care if the plot is amazing, if the execution is poor and the people trying to tell a history do not understand the medium they are working on they are pretentious hacks, just like you. I didn't even read the rest of your post because I know you're either a troll or a retard, but I needed to make this point.

Have a good rest of your day faggot.

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Just adding the hidden option to turn around and leave at the beginning of the game would vastly improve it from a story perspective, then you can at least make a credible argument the player chose to follow this dark path.

>Beginners Guide
Fucking this. It really feels like the creator is jerking off his weenie as hard as possible over how deep he made his game.

>The white phosphorous scene and its impact of the psyche of Walker is likely the most accurate piece of realism in a war game.
But unfortunately it's supposed to have an impact on the player and it's impossible to care when you know there was never any other option if you want to see the end of the story.

>Fictional violence is fiction. There is no reason to reject it unless you are a retarded child who can't tell fiction from reality
Then ask yourself why we have any media that has a moral lesson regarding war? All Quiet On The Western Front? Apocalypse Now? Platoon? Greek Epic Poems? We have always tried to explore the effects and impact of our actions through art.

If you just want a crazy shooter, fine, but pick one. People that complain about Spec Ops, a game renowned for its moral dilemma and not for its shooting mechanics, are like people saying they bought Planescape but think it's shit for being too story heavy and not magic fireball filled enough for them.

You bought the wrong game and now complain.

>Make a mediocre product
>Disguise it as a 2 deep 4 u experience to hide the fact it is mediocre

I'll give the creators credit because they knew people like you would defend it for free.

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>The gameplay is always the fucking core
By whose decree?

>The story only works if you either have greater agency to change how things play out
Since when has any story ever offered you any agency? Most stories are set and you are a passive observer. Books, movies, opera, plays etc.

Spec Ops is not about choice (apart from the choice to abort or to commit warcrimes). That choice is present throughotu, but that is not the point of the story. No Dev there wanted to remind you every five minutes that you can turn it off. They want you to play through it and see the full story. The real point of Spec Ops is the realistic sense of guilt you feel from what you have done.

>don't care if the plot is amazing
Great, there are plenty of action only games out there for you, why did you pick this one up?

Gotta agree even though I enjoyed it thoroughly.

>no one has posted this garbage yet
you guys got it good

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It's been said before, but Nier Automata. I enjoyed some of the mechanics and ideas, but the story, dialogue and overall vibe of the game was pretentious as fuck. It felt like some SFW erotic manga that tried to be deep. After finishing it for the first time, fully aware of how it has "new game +" and "multiple endings" I stopped playing and uninstalled. It just some weirdo jacking off into a videogame, if it weren't for some of the environments and art style I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.

at least it has gameplay

>A bunch of characters are are trying to escape thier weird prison
>These characters are given personalities by the narrator and help you to care about their story despite them just jumping being rectangles
>This simple ass story that is just told in a different way is somehow pretentious
You are a fucking idiot

Come on, now. Dear Esther's neat. Gone Home is the biggest piece of shit ever, though.

it's a story about an AI capable of learning put into an eden-like simulation that will only be complete once it learns to disobey the god-like figure built into the simulation. I thought it was an interesting concept, why did you find it pretentious?

I liked Gone Home. It came out for free on PSPlus and I didn’t know a thing about it. The first 30 minutes or so I thought it was a horror, until I found out more and more about the sister & became engrossed in what happens next. The environmental story-telling is great too. I won’t say it’s an amazing video game, but I appreciate new things & like seeing how developers tackle making games that aren’t about combat.

Not a single one of those stories asks us to reject violence in fucking fiction which is the topic at hand, tard.

There is no reason to care about the moral dilemma in Spec Ops when the game has decided your answer ahead of time. Spec Ops needed better combat in order for the story in its current state to work. You can't successfully guilt trip the player for being a killing machine when you make killing boring. If it was going to be story centric then it needed to actually let the player make mistakes and cause their own problems. Not write in a scene where you have no choice but to be very obviously evil and then the game tells you you're a monster. Give the player one central choice at some point in the game and as a result of their choice there, the best they can do in a bad situation, things spiral out of control and terrible things happen. Think like the beggar scene in KOTOR2 where no matter what you pick Kreia gets angry and the beggar gets screwed, except draw out the consequences more, so the player can think they made the right choice for a bit before everything goes to hell.

For a guilt trip to work, there needs to be responsibility. And like it or not, all Spec Ops boils down to is a guilt trip.

Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor. The devs describe it as an "anti-adventure" game and the main chatacter is an impoverished alien janitor with gender dysphoria. There are also "goddesses" which are referred to with the singular "they" pronoun. You have to buy pills everyday to change your gender. Don't play it, it's terrible.

>impossible to care when you know there was never any other option
that is the whole point, the impact isn't the gore or the carnage. the impact is knowing this is US Army Simulator 2012 and that that is what really happens to people. Shit intel in the middle of an operation, panic and instict converging, people getting blown up, overreacting to the threat, loss of civilian life etc. The impact isn't from the choice. You ever been forced to go do something without much choice? Hlaf the impact of going to a funeral is in the fact that the wait and the build up is terrible, knowing you are going to have to go up to that casket and say goodbye to someone. Same with job interviews or some such.

See this is my point, because the psycholgy of a soldier is that he is righteous. Walker would have merrily walked into Dubai and kept going. He wouldn't be able to or want to turn down the mission. The choice is an illusion, because you are pulled along by your sense of duty and each atrocity is explained away as a stumbling block to the goal. The """choice""" of Spec Ops is not its real attraction, it is in Walkers inevitable journey to the heart of darkness. That is the whole point of the Conrad parallels. Anyone who has read the book has more sympathy with the game. The protaganist had a choice (barely) to not go after Kurtz. But no man has any real say over whether he turns away from what his heart wants.

literally no rebuttal.

>he didn't finish the """new game+""" even though it's actually an entirely new game.

>By whose decree?
Developers who decided to make a game and not a movie. You can't ignore what the player spends 99% of the time doing when analysing a work. That's idiotic.

Everything is pretentious when you are retarded.

Pretty much any game that thinks it can get away with having neither an engaging gameplay, nor story.

>The real point of Spec Ops is the realistic sense of guilt you feel from what you have done
And that sense of guilt doesn't work when you aren't the one who pulled the trigger.

Absolute faggot. This is the only example of a "walking sim" that should actually be presented to a person who hasn't played video game to show them the merits of vidya.


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Oh yeah, let's play fucking 2D hacking minigames for another 10 hours.

Journey I'm convinced people pretend it's good just to seem smart

That fucking flash game where you just move to the right of the screen and become older as you move and then you die when you reach the edge

That's it, that's the whole game

We've reached the point of contrarianism for its own sake so much that people are willing to claim cutscenes from COD are more realistic than the game whose entire purpose is about the flaws of war shooter stories.

woah... i never thought about it that way before...

But you do pull the trigger in thw White Phosphorous scene user.

Unless you bought the game for the story, which I did. In which case I value the experience of the story over the shooting.

Why would anyone who hasn't played a videogame care about videogame fourth-wall breaking?

>Dear Esther, I have found myself looking at thesaurus again. As the time flows here gracefully I'm yet again found myself in a most peculiar embrace, like I was looking at some dickgirls and my red rocket was rising like a dawning sun. Are traps considered futa? That cant possibly be the case, but as I glaze upon their dick more and more I arrive to the conclusion that they are so similar. Am I gay?
go listen to an audiobook, faggot

Spec Ops The Line is pretentious because it directly conflicts with what most people in the industry and gaming communities believe. That games don't make you violent and that using violence in games isn't you acting out your desire to kill people. So killing people in the Spec Ops game isn't fucking you ACTUALLY killing people and causing pain. Yet the developers act like it is.

>duuuuuuuude, the robots are HAVING SEX LMAO

I didn't hate it but it could have been a lot better if it had actual puzzles and if they hadn't pushed the sister as the "main character". She's out on a pedestal right away by the fact shes the only one with voice logs but she's an accurate depiction of a vapid, annoying teenage girl which makes her totally uninteresting and worse, unlikeable. It baffled me that they added a character to the game that the audience would likely relate to, the SNES nerd, and had the girl shit on him constantly for no reason only to have some shitty half hearted reconciliation at the end. Made her really awful to me.

That would be fine if she was just another character in the house, the mother is an awful person too, but the fact the sister is the main character just makes her bland shittiness drag the whole game down.

neither of them are realistic

"pulling the trigger" in a cinematic story game of like pushing the play button on a movie.

Describing something and surrounding it with "dude lmao" doesn't make it retarded, user.

>He wouldn't be able to or want to turn down the mission.
There is no mission it's established your squad isn't supposed to be there from the start. That's the point, walker goes right in thinking he knows best and fucks everything up.

there are tons of games with no combat.

The part that makes me laugh the most is the fact that the reveal of her leaving is treated like an actual fucking plot twist that gives closure to the whole game or something. The fact that the credits roll after that is the cherry on top.
To me, the credits should have rolled when you decide to leave the house, by your own volition, whenever you feel satisfied with your discoveries.

it's like that scene where you put the companion cube in the furnace only it's trying to be serious

Is this loss?

>But you do pull the trigger in thw White Phosphorous scene user
No you don't, walker does. And you had no say in the matter. That's the core problem. You can't effectively guilt a player when they never felt in control to begin with.

>ctrl+f "edith"
>zero matches
So, I guess, it's actually pretty good, huh

It's probably the best walking simulator, yeah.

Yep. I could accept the whole idea that it's basically a Thief level with all the gameplay stripped out, but making the story so heavy handed killed it for me. If you want the player to explore and think for themself, then don't try to dictate which character they should latch onto.

Nier: Automata. Literally pure garbage

>one puzzle requires you to literally spend an hour watching a video of an eclipse
The Witness was even more pretentious than Braid, if that’s even possible.

So?... it's still pretentious with no gameplay value.
and it doesn't really show the value of video games at all. it's a portal mod where you move a camera + collider & trigger audio.
it sucks as a game.

this is a lie. it's the same shit again.

it's retarded. fuck off taro shill.

soldiers have no say in a battle either, you think they feel guilt?

>dude family curse lmao
Got you covered, Edith Finch was irredeemable SJW garbage. The premise no sense whatsoever.


The Witness. Hands down.

It's a false parallel. The player is not a soldier taking orders to do terrible things, they're just consuming entertainment. There are a few actions in the game the player is actually responsible for, like the death of the CIA agent or how the ending plays out. That's what makes the WP so frustrating. You can make the player feel responsible while still locking them scenario with no good choices, they even managed to do it several times, but the big central moment of the game totally bungles it. The frustrating thing about Spec Ops is that I could see it being a good game with only minor changes, instead of the mediocre game it is. Obviously to be great it would need more drastic overhauls to fix its dogshit, waste of time, combat.

That game had so much going for it, ruined by randomly inserted hipsterisms and an intrusive twitter function.
It was like trying to play a beautiful adventure game with the most insufferable latte gulping doofus constantly interrupting you with snide remarks and irritating nothings.
I suspect that was pretty much going on during the development process: Some real talent made the game, with someone working on it either contributing shit or overstepping his work station in bad ideas.

Well we are gonna have to agree to disagree. I didnt value Spec Ops for the quantity of choices. It wasnt like Mass Effect 2 where a dozen characters could die or be saved. I wanted a playable version of Heart of Darkness, which imo requires you to be semi-forced into going forward, because the moral lesson is that the draw to darkness is stronger than any heroine addict's draw back to his drugs. I didn't want to save any CIA guy or even my squad, I wanted a game that was a raw adaptation on the book. Being semi-forced to keep going is EXACTLY what Joseph Conrad would have wanted if he had developed a game rather than a book.

>insufferable latte gulping doofus constantly interrupting you with snide remarks and irritating nothings
based analysis

>Some real talent made the game, with someone working on it either contributing shit or overstepping his work station in bad ideas.
Maybe. It is a team of 3 devs and Jim Guthrie (the guy whose name is on the product) is a musician and not one of the devs. Likely a twee hipster that rolled into the studio to commission a game and then made it into a vanity project.

Be careful, half of the thread is just throwing shit because they did not get what they played, thus they gotta call it pretentious to defend their ego

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Actually, scratch that about egotistical hipster musicians ruining the game, this is a screenshot from the Dev site for their next game. They all sound like a bunch of faggots.
>slow cooked game
>the creation process

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-04 Superbrothers HQ - the latest.png (712x517, 71K)

That Edith Finch shit
Dear lord

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>Spec Ops
What the fuck is this "gameplay is optional" nonsense? It's just one of the rare times your fps main character is a fucked up shit instead of a goody two shoes mary sue who always save the day and can do no wrong

Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's a mediocre game that dares to think it is thought-provoking with all the unsubtle allegories of racism that are thrown to your face every second. But the racism itself feels very implausible and very unbelievable. The game also feels very cynical because it's clear the devs were money hungry and wanted to milk every penny out of you, just look at all their shitty practices like the microtransactions, Breach mode, DLC that was very clearly carved out of the main game, an unfinished story, and annoying one-time-use items.

Worst part is how the credits sequence of the game is filled with pics of the developers together and they're all happy and shit, just felt overtly pretentious to me, as if I cared about their shitty dev team who did their best to deliver a mediocre, unfinished """game""". Fuck Square Enix and fuck eidos.

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That was definitely up there

>You're not supposed to play the game you buy
Your analysis is top notch my dude, good thing I got this game for free and didn't give a shit about it or what it had to say.

The only walking sim I haven't hated

Attached: the-graveyard.jpg (1200x750, 189K)

>ctrl+f yiik
>no results
guess it faded into obscurity huh

Toss up between Infinite Bioschlock and Dear Esteban.
99% of walking sims are universally pretentious twattery.

shit, forgot those state-funded leeches - fuck every single one of their games

No one actually played it, everyone just watched vids of it on Youtube. lemonade

It doesn't count if you intended to come off as pretentious.

Dark Souls

>>You're not supposed to play the game you buy
>you are not supposed to buy the game you don't want to play

>i-i was merely pretending, guise
great excuse, dumb anime poster


Superhot was so fucking pretentious I couldn't even finish it.

Just shut the fuck up and let me kill red guys.

I think you mean
>dude cyclical nature n shit lmao

>not seeing it for the pretentious garbage it is after THE BEGINNERS GUIDE dropped

>A failed game by the same Dev makes the previous games bad
what is Deus Ex Invisible War?

But in No Russian the undercover is KIA making it look like the US did it. Its the whole pretense to the game.

>ohnonono the absolute STATE

How do you respond without sounding mad ?

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>to show them the merits of vidya.
you mean ''to deconstruct vidya, criticise its tropes and never bother to put the pieces back together in a better way'' like all the self-hating shit head critics do? All criticism and none of the vision is vapid pretentiousness 101

at least it was fun to burn things and unlock combos

>The whole point of Spec Ops is that the whole game is optional.
i like spec ops but you're arguing against yourself

>watched spec ops on youtube
>okay story about some nigger fucking up in every way imaginable, fresh for the genre
>doesn't feel any guilt trip because i'm not a self inserting retard and ESPECIALLY when i'm not controlling anything

>Make game
>Point is for it to not sell
So you admit to making a shit game then you also admit to being shit at business.

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>the twist is you were getting cucked



Attached: hylics bath dance.gif (150x150, 19K)

The Graveyard. It's amazing.

this sounds bad, i mean it sounds like random diarrhea
also Hylics is good

Attached: Hylics.jpg (593x1052, 103K)

But dude Keira is complex as fuck and the best written star wars character.

Yikes is a comedy masterpiece.

I know, which is why the game ultimately failed at its message.

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That one about fucking deer, what was it...
The Deer God

And fucking Journey annoyed me too. People praise it for being really good, but I felt like I missed something and that there was a trick I didn't get, or something.

obligatory gone home

Sure but to say its great cos its skippable is to be a baby. That is not the right type of choice for the Spec Ops. It isn't really about choice. see my other posts for stuff I already said.

No, to have an interesting experience ya dummy, it is interesting to have an absurdist journey through a mundane office block like Stanley does.

I cant believe the user I agree with most on this subject is a faggot youtube "gamer".


Im convinced you have to a completely stupid to react like this to game that simply has a flawed soldier-type MC.

by that logic, any game that is turned down by a small slice of the audience is a failure


Came here to post this, and I played fucking Future Unfolding.

Majora's Mask or maybe Ico?

I don't know. I try to avoid fart smelling games so I haven't played anything too pretentious

I don't like the word pretentious. It's like a buzzword you can throw at anything you think is bad. And even if it is, who can fault someone for trying to be artsy for example?

inb4 pretentious

I can't believe autistic people are STILL arguing/bitching about Spec Ops because of ONE fourth wall breaking line in a fucking loading screen.
That's solely the basis of years of internet bullshit. It's a linear story, it's not a fourth wall breaking game. You're not the guy, you personally are not being attacked, it's not a reflection on you. You're playing a role in a video game. Shut the fuck up already.

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Are you saying that if I forced you to kill your parents that you wouldn't feel guilty at all afterwards?

The meaning of pretentious is being more important or having an ego that thinks it’s more important than it actually is.

The idea though is that we can’t put the blame on journo’s or the fanbase if they are only doing it for clicks and/or the game “resonates” with them.
The game itself needs to have self importance that’s over bloated. As if the game itself thinks it deserves an Oscar when it fucking doesn’t.

The Last of Us or BioShock Infinite

No. Rain falls, wind blows. The strong prey on the weak. It was just nature running its course.

Undertale. Absolute pretentious shit, if you liked you are a fag

>No, to have an interesting experience
for a retard, maybe

What are some non-pretencious walking sims except INFRA and Observer?

You could shit on Undertale for a lot of things, but pretension is definitely not one of them.

I'd say The Witness, but I still enjoyed it a lot.
People also mention Gone Home but I couldn't bother playing after 5 minutes so I'm not counting it.

Reading comprehension. That user said his FRIEND didn't get it but assumed it was amazing anyways rather than using his brain.

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Isn't that the opposite of pretentious? Being not in a condescending nature?

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>phoneposter is retarded
who woulda thunk it

I was just joking man

But SOMA is great and not pretentious. The major flaw is lack of combat and I can overlook it for its worldbuilding and story.

And who said that you need to put yourself on solving it? Fucking brainlet

I thought the game was pretty good but absolutely hated the last 10-15 minutes. I thought the ending was awful enough on its own. Then I played Burial at Sea. Ooh boy, I didn’t realize how much dumber they could have made it. What an awful way to end what was a long marathon of all the Bioshock games.

2 was easily my favorite, despite that apparently being a contrarian opinion.

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No but don't you understand user, YOU are the PLAYER bro, like, even though there is not even a choice you can make in the entire game, but like you're the soldier man, [tokes GIGANTIC weed bong and exhales in your face]

>Getting Over It
For fuck's sake, it features quotes from Ice T and Jennifer Aniston.

>Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus (and New Order to a lesser extent)
"Hurr durr let's focus on the American side of WWII and how the US is so important in this conflict also better collaborate with other extremist groups to defeat the Nazis amirite? Italy and Japan? Never heard of them! Also let's remove all occult references and replace them with magic Jewish tech because that's more realistic! Ha ha!"
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
"Hurr durr look at how Czechia is xenophobic even though it has nothing to do with the historical reason why Czechia is xenophobic. Hurr durr let's try to make Czech police have Futuristic Knight armour that looks nothing like a Knight armor. Hurr durr let's reference Karel Capek but then actually not do anything with the themes he tried to convey in RUR and just use some shitty theatre metaphor"
"Hurr durr everything is supernatural but uh oh! No its not! Ha ha! Subverted expectations! Just a murde- I mean! Happy Accident! Ha ha!"
>Gone Home
"Hurr durr everything is supernatural but uh oh! No its not! Ha ha! Subverted expectations! Just lesbians and 80s references! Ha ha!"
"Hurr durr look spying on people is bad but also useful and good but also bad! You're badgood! This is just like 1984!"
>Nier Automata
"Ha ha trans humanism and robots and shit! Deep! Ha ha! "
>Spec Ops
"Ha Ha! Look we're going to take everything Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now and Jacob's Ladder did and make it shit and video gamey and arcadey! Ha ha!"
>Borderlands 2
"Ha ha! Rich guy trying to fix shithole bad! Bandits and criminals rule! Anarchy is paradise! Killing is good ha ha!"

Fuck this shit.

Attached: Now that you've REALLY pissed me off....png (648x706, 866K)

At least I got this.

Nier Automata

>That game where you' re the guy sitting in a pot.
That game is literally a parody of pretentious arthouse shit. The quotes are just there to mock you for not winning. Hell the guy in the pot is literally Diogenes, a drunk homeless philosopher that shittalked literally everyone and whose philosophy is literally fucking meme-tier. The game does not take itself seriously and does not want you to take it seriously, therefore the opposite of pretentious.

Attached: CHAD DIOGENES.jpg (555x503, 65K)

Dear Esther is a good screenshot generator though.

>Thomas was alone

Suck a dick Thomas was alone was a great game. Just to spite you I'm going to go play it again.

Probably God of War 2018 or Last of Us.

Braid. He couldn't even settle on one hidden meaning and implied the princess was the nuclear bomb but also running away from the hero because the villain was actually the good guy and who knows how many other indecisive "deep" meanings.

If you want to be kind to it you have to admit it kinda got early into doing the whole parallel universes/timelines lmao garbage before it got super mainstream with movie capeshit and netflix series. If you ignore the fact comic capeshit has been doing it since forever of course.

Any tales of tales games

>tfw you'll never watch Arm4g3dd0nX try to play and make sense of The Path again

That game was just a fucking mess.

Why are you still here?

Pretentious doesn't mean bad. It's a neat little game, but it is absolutely pretentious.

I would say I'm surprised this game hasn't been posted, but honestly I don't even think enough people have played it for that to be the case.

Attached: deer-god.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Every fucking time.
Yeah when you played that shit as a kid you went oh kweelll and deeep.
It's time to grow up and remove that nostalgia.

It was posted earlier
I don't see how a game dev can sink so much time into a game and not have a hint of self awareness about their own game

I played this indie game where all the sound effects were created by people using their voice. Couldn't keep up after a few minutes

Hmm i have a feeling most of the games mentioned ITT are not pretentious, they are even decent. But Yea Forums gotta Yea Forums . I am currently playing Pathfinder Kingmaker and i find it pretentious because i have no idea about its mechanics and DND shit. But i still enjoy parts of it, dont have to be a bitch about it

Yoko Taro games.

Braid, just kidding that game is amazing fuck the haters.

there was a game called blueberry garden that won the igf grand prize one year, it was supposed to be artsy and pretentious but it was really just a garbage game that a friend of the judges made lmao

Just because the game is pretentious doesn't mean the game is bad.
Just because the game is good doesn't mean the game isn't pretentious.

then none of the games ITT are pretentious except for

Funnily enough, I found the only time Spec Ops made me feel bad about an action I did was during the last few hours of the game where a bunch of civilians are blocking my path and the squad can't get by, and the only option is to shoot them.

I aim my gun at them but they don't budge, so I kill one of them and then they all scatter. Once it's clear one of my squad mates gets a bit confused and just shouts "Hey, come on man, you could've shot in the air" and that's when it hit me that he was actually right.

That was an action I did that the game ACTUALLY gave me an alternative option to that would've lead to no bloodshed and because of MY ACTION I felt bad about what I had done. Whereas the rest of the game I didn't give a shit because the game forced me to do it, this was the one time it gave me a choice and I fucked up.

>The whole point of Spec Ops is that the whole game is optional
Then it deserves top place in the "pretentious shitty video games" list