What job you playing this expac user?
What job you playing this expac user?
Other urls found in this thread:
DRK and GNB?
>still only level 75 and working through MSQ
Bros i'm going to get left behind...
>constantly reaching bump limit in less than an hour
How is this possible? Last thread had 760 posts.
Split between WAR and GNB for tanking, but BLM will forever be my DPS. WAR just feels kind of weak, slow and the hits that should knock the fuck out of enemies don't seem to do all that much (Maybe because I don't have a lot of gear yet though), GNB feels kind of weak too, but I like the fast combo it gets.
BLM continued to delete everything in its path.
Game is down
Didn't mean to put a question mark at the end.
>how is game discussion for a good final fantasy possible
same as usual
gonna pick up gunbreaker and maybe ninja and summoner though.
SHB is unirioncally the best RPG storyline I've ever played, many others feel that way. It's not flawless but it's pretty damn good.
Not gonna lie it's very frustrating that we have to go through this again when we just had maint Tuesday.
BLM forever and always. WHM as my healer job. Still haven't decided on a tank. Might be either PLD or GNB.
server down for maintenance.
I like War to much to switch. Just used my fantasia to go Hrothgar
what party role feels most like an rpg protag?
starting my first character when maintenance ends
>war and hroth
What's it like taking dicks in your ass?
Do Hroths hold their axes like Roes or how everyone else does?
I feel sorry for your spine.
There hasn't been a good final fantasy since Yea Forums was founded. This is a new experience to everyone.
Is DRG fun now, or should I take a different melee to 80
I like you, user.
probably tank since you are default leader in dungeons and what not
What should I level first? GNB, MCH, or DRG?
Tank for sure.
Feels good
drg is great. Only melee who didn't get fucked in terms of gameplay
>go to Ahm Araeng
what did she mean by this?
DRG is the same as always. If you didn't like it before you won't like it now.
SMN/NIN on the side
Tank. You're the one leading people through dungeons and main tanking primal fights makes it look more like you're actually exchanging blows with a boss
I shall bear every hope, every dream, every prayer!
>scholars do literally nothing in their story for 6 years
>suddenly everything is solved in a single quest
about fucking time
How am I supposed to get through the MSQ when it takes 30-60 mins to queue for these fucking dungeons in the Heavensward story
inb4 pay
>uploads a 19 minute long titania guide
absolute master class
They don't say it outright but you're basically supposed to be a tank.
>tfw DRG main
How did it go so right for us in 5.0, bros?
first time i heard this i just kinda sat around listening to it for a few minutes
t. monk
Bros.. Why didn't he get more story relevence or character development after assuming this form..?
I was expecting him to succ all the light out of the WoD, become an even bigger threat but then temporarily fuck off to build his angel kingdom in the empty wastes outside of norvrandt, where we confront him as patch content, like with nidhogg.
fucking tanking Susano man love it. SB was weak story wise and in many factors but I loved its primal fights and the omega and genbu stuff. Good fucking times.
Who said this?
Samurai. Fun, fast paced, enjoyable. Surprisingly my fc has too many tanks so I swapped to dps. Regarding story... It may not have been DRK kino level, but I still liked it.
>guide is twice as long as the fight
>qeue as whm
>tank doesnt wall pull
>tank doesnt stand in asylum
>tank never uses sprint
play a tank
I am a drg main fag who melee flex. nin is just as unfun and mnk is shit too.
>fight has like 4 mechanics
>spends nearly 29 minutes talking about them
Jesus, he really wants that YouTube watch time huh?
nin, and i fucking hate titania. roots+chains mechanic happens right after ur trick goes off cd.
It was fine. The only characters who were underwritten in 5.0 were Ran'jit and Ryne.
oh boy I can't wait to listen to him ramble offtopic for half the video or just be wrong with the guide so the fight is ruined for an entire patch.
You can ask a level 70/80 player to blitz you through whatever thing you need. If you want to "experience" the dungeon/trial in a timely fashion then pick a role that isn't DPS.
I did that for most areas. It's all so good
Especially LAHEE and the night theme
I don't get it. some of these dungeons are fuck huge, why aren't people sprinting?!
So according to Estenien Krile is capable of tracking people down via their aether like a fucking bloodhound. That seems like an incredibly useful talent that we could have been making a lot better use of before now.
MCH as always, I still remember the dark times.
Went with DNC through the whole thing, the class is fun but I feels like its lacking
Ryne will get more development in the raid too.
Maining DRK, gonna level GNB and PLD after I'm done with the MSQ.
I got DNC to 80 but it sucks.
Want to level another ranges DPS since they use the same gear so should I do MCH or BRD?
>tfw no dialogue option to sweep the Crystal Exarch into your arms and carry him around the First on dashing adventures
Is he why everyone is too retarded to do the fight correctly? Had a healer today that was too stupid to benediction the living dead DRK after the third hit. They also were too retarded to understand how to deal with stack-morn and kept dying to the knockback.
>pull large for whm
>he can't keep me alive
>he never sprints
>had them rescue me trying to stop me from pulling big
WHM are the true shitter healers. I want ast or sch for my ques now
Go tank or healer.
Everyone is doing shadowbringer stuff so expect it to be like this for a few days
You been paying attention retard? We've been doing that for a while with the aid of matoya's crystal.
>support class
>dps south for titania vines
which faggot spread this shit?!
She's already done it a couple times in the story. We've known she could do that for a while. She could use it more though, yes.
We've known about it user, did you forget pulling Yshtola out of the lifestream the first time.
DRG for the first raid tier, then will probably change jobs because I don't want to play the same exact job for 4 years.
Why does it suck
So is y'Shtola blind or not? One minute she is reading shit, the next she needs Urianger to describe the night sky to her. I get that she has aethersense, but the way it works doesn't seem consistent at all.
>pull literally half the dungeon
>WHM is based and spam holy
WHM are the chad healer, AST and SCH not welcome.
Special mention for DRG, BLM, and SAM
So you want to add an extra 5 minutes on to your runs?
Healer, because fuck 30 min queues.
>support class doing less damage than tanks and healers on average in dungeons
>turned the crystal tower into alexander.
Cid you magnificent bastard.
Hallicarnasus guides
the music is fucking on point this expansion
not that it was bad before, but ShB's soundtrack is amazing
That wasn't Krile that did that, she hadn't even.joined us at that point.
Been doing DPS south before that faggot put any guides up.
No daniel
Neither, keep playing DNC. My big BLM cock needs fluffing.
What's the better way to do it?
Oh you're right i'm retarded.
I think she can see physcial things near her as aether, but of course can't see the sky because of its nature
pls respond
You add an extra 7 if the whm cant heal me in big pulls because the class attracts shit players on the strongest heal class
Literally just be yourself.
>currently does the least amount of tank dps
>poor/average utility compared to PLD/GNB
>has the simplest/most boring tank dps kit
what do you even like about warrior right now besides 'me like axe'
>he can't keep me alive
Hypothesis: You are a shitty tank.
Just hit the west add while you wait, fag.
>Can bring him along for a single dungeon
>Can't even do that after finishing the MSQ
>support class caring about dps
How well geared do I have to be to pull wall to wall? I'm getting ready to gear PLD and I don't want any surprises like Doma or Bardam's Mettle.
>cid turned it into omega alexander. completely blowing the fuck out of allag, garlemald AND the ascians who could never figure out time travel nor how to pull full bodies through space, only souls
what's the alternative? I didn't watch the mr. crappy video but it seems like the only reasonable way to break the vines since they need so much area apart.
Yes. This, and many other fights. You can blame Tsukuyomi wipes on him, and 'skip soar or disband' is all on him as well. To this day people still suggest going 'Adds Belly Chains' during cerberus in WoD even though nobody in their right mind would ever come to the conclusion that you'd need an entire alliance for a two-man mechanic. This man is an actual blight on the community.
It’s a mmo thing.
Go compare fat boss vs hazzelnutty if you want to see true padding mastery.
>he never did o3s
well, that shit took 200 years, so cid's hand in it was purely the initial theory.
Should still care within the confinements of his own job. Of course he can't compete with other jobs but there's no harm in striving to deal more than other DNC's.
Soken deserves a lifetime's supply of chicken after this expansion
go DRG fag thatll man you up
Where can I read the hotfix notes?
Are they giving emergency potency buffs to AST because goddamn we need it.
AST also has shit players. Plenty of them too.
oh hell yes i love throwing my 100 something potency daggers
You need to go back.
>i didnt do o3s: the post
no one cares what you think, casual
DRG then GNB
Tanks need to learn the struggle of melee dps when the tank holds the boss in shit spots
WAR because you're the Warrior of Light.
It's basically the same thing as Fighter from FF1 that everyone pretty much played as by default, since they have both high offense and high defense and are just fucking unstopaable.
MCH and DRG are easiest to afk level with the trusts
Don't expect potency changes until Eden
This maintenance is for the 90 fps issue and possibly other bugs.
What materia should I meld for BLM? Just wondering if anything changed since 4.5 and if I should focus on SS>Crit>DH or just Crit>DH
I save two cds per large oull so we can easily get to the boss. I only have ever died because whms somehow suck on the strongest healer in the game. When I pull big for the other healers I never die. Ergo all WHMS are shit players who can't fucking press 2 buttons
How is it possible that one of the two trials is so much better than the other at literally every single aspect?
>90 fps issue
So they didn't just globally cap the game?
north is better for melee since they always end up with the titania or the adds. its ok for dps like sam which have gap closer but everyone else loses dps. reason i wish theyd also make the nin gap closer work like sam since sometimes i get stuck in the thorns.
No. There won't be any buff/nerfs until the 16th.
if he cant beat other DNCs then either hes bad or outgeared.
Remember that pixies are not your friend and will be the first to turn on you and make you a bush. Fairies are your true allies.
>beat the game
>now I need to run the 71 dungeon 20 times
The game is down fuck you.
It's not looking good then bros
I don't want to stay in the shed
we all know lakshmi sucks shut up
>can't hit in melee and still be in place for the knockback
God, you are pathetic.
based retards missing the point entirely.
Before EA was out, there was some theorycrafting guy who put out a chart for all jobs' DPS that set the balance discord on fire. Was he right?
Truly, the OST for this expansion is so fucking good. Usually there's a few songs that bug me but in this the only one song that I dislike is the Overworld battle theme which can be turned off. Other than that, the music is fucking KINO. Amourat fits so well, and the final boss theme I thought was kinda eh during the trailer but again fits SO fucking well for the story.
Crit>>>>>SS to comfort>DH
as much spell speed as you want and then anything but determination
He's growing too powerful. Much too powerful.
On PC when?
There's no "issue", the 90 fps cap is completely intentional and has even been stated as such during the patch note reading.
>first pull of that dungeon has Enforcement Drone 209
Go level WHM. You'll be amazed at how smooth the dungeons go compared to AST.
>since they always end up with the titania
Titania always follows the tank, retard, if he goes south, so does she.
God damn why was it so bad
stormblood was filler all along huh? looks like shadowbringers was meant to take place right after HW
No, I think the cap is causing issues.
SS up to personal preference. You need to find your spot in which the cooldowns work for you and phases cycle in a way you're satisfied with. For me 3.34 gcd seems to be fine right now, which means I do have quite a few SS instead of DH. With 0 SS materia and full i444 right now I think you should be looking at 3.40 or 41, not sure.
This is the rhythm of the light!~
That's funny, I had the same problem with having a healer that would keep bennying the DRK early and getting the DRK killed, and they died a lot too. More than I did, and I joined the party on accident intending to do Crown of the Immaculate instead and had only seen that fight.
so since iaijutsu doesn't scale with sks anymore is crit>dh still the go to for sam?
>>dps south for titania vines
It's been that for 3 fucking years user. Clearly a wowfugee
>retards who want to play at 91+ fps (note: you cant see the difference between 60 and 100+ fps if you have
I don't want to, I fucking love AST and their new toolkit is a blast to play with, the numbers just fucking suck though.
It was intentional, but it is also causing issues for some users so they're removing it.
tank is never tethered to melee you absolute nonce
The Nier raid isn't out yet. We haven't seen shit.
I dunno, user. WHMs have an entire repertoire for burst healing and ohshit buttons. That all WHMs, for some reason, are unable to keep you alive is unbelievable, at best.
Pulled everything to wall as I was leveling and gearing. Just pace your cooldowns. Only truly risky pull was the 3 group pull before the 2nd boss in Mt. Gulg
what are your hopes for the nier raids
>he doesn't want to go fast
I don't expect new tracks for the Nier raid, but it'd be cool if Okabe and Soken got to work together
sometimes u just cant, tentacles are random
>healer is solo healing orbonne
>asks for mana shift
So whats the opinion on no more ally mp batteries? Healers loved mana shift and the mp song, but now they must manage mp themselves
Gear tokens.
Clearly you've never played with 4 melees.
Anyone know if DH is still the MCH meteria meta?
an actual challenge
>melee cucks
i'm laughing at you while i'm casting my way to the bank
>AF duration lets me comfortably throw out six fire IVs and have enough time to dodge mechanics
>have to clench my ass-cheeks and pray that nothing interrupts me if I want to throw in a despair at the end
What am I doing wrong? Should I go fire IV x4, fire, fire IVx 2, despair instead of fire IV x3, fire, fire IV x3, despair?
shb didn't have enough fat cats
Never played any Taro games so I just hope we get some cool gear, nice music, and some creative bosses.
that its a bait and switch and has fuckall to do with nier.
I do but I would rather do damage instead
If ast or sch can do it and whms can't it's clearly the playerbase. Only whm that does keep me alive with no issue is my friend who I play with but when I play with pugs especially whms they let me down. I will pull large for whm and sch but I refuse to do it with whms now.
It annoys me that casters only get 4 role actions when everyone else has 5 or 6.
to be blunt after the MP changes only black mages would ever have any MP to spare anyways.
Time for them to learn to fuckin manage their goddamn MP, relying on other people for that was a crutch.
I liked that Fast SAM was actually viable but so was Crit SAM. Meant you actually had a shrivel of choice as to how to build a rotation. Same with TK MNK but both got gutted it seems.
Okabe said he's willing to do new tracks for the raid.
Just play AST. I agree that its kit is incredibly fun, aside from the Play bug. AST will receive buffs sooner or later. Besides, if people are fleeing the class in droves over potencies, then AST will just get overbuffed again. I'm ready to ride that train like I did in HW.
Are you saying that so long as he is not bad or outgeared, the should then be literally the best DNC in the entire world?
wen you play with fire~
Throw in firestarter at the end, maybe. And yeah F4x4>F1>F4x2 is alright too.
why don't you use a CD for once in fucking life
>trailer shows a dozen unique fat cats
>in game there is only Dulia and a random fatcat that uses her same model but an ugly hat.
We were scammed.
>revive some fag who stands in aoe 3 times
>have no mp
She sees aether. Aether's in everything, including ink and paper. When we look up at a daytime sky we can't see stars because the sun drowns out their light. For Y'shtola I'd guess that either the only difference between a day sky and a night sky is that the planet has rotated so the stars look a little different and the sun is there (but there's no light, so she just sees it all) OR that every star is too far away for her aethersense to see she, so she always sees a void.
I don't remember if she can see facial features or if we're all just humanoid aether blobs to her.
Summoner and rdm go low? No way
Based on Monastery and the overall quality of the expansion so far I have tremendously high expectations and can surely only be disappointed at this point.
Besides Taro did other people from the Nier team work on this expansion? There were more than a few moments where I thought they might have. Greatwood music etc etc
the seal system is so fucking braindead i hate it
>get your 3 different seals within using 3 cards because you have effectively infinite redraws
>burn every single card you get for minor arcana until you can use divination
that's it, that's their entire card mechanic now it's so shit. Time manipulating abilities like Time Dilation and Celestial Opposition were unique and fun and they're both gone too.
What should I be melding for DRK?
Never did extreme or savage before but I want to try this time
What do you think I was implying by "ohshit" buttons? You need to be horribly undergeared for a WHM to be unable to keep you up.
only clench if you're going to use the mana charge that gives you 3000 back. Other wise you should just use sharp and fire III after your last fire IV
The cool thing about the new AF duration is you can map out fights and do either one as needed. You can also sharpcast fires until you're more familiar with the encounter.
They have their own fucking mana battery, it's a fucking 60 second cooldown.
Don't rez retards is my motto.
i thought people built ss for kenki generation not cutting down on iaijutsu cast time. wouldn't it still be good since you have infinite TP now?
What play bug?
Only thing I've noticed is animation lock, I think, that slows down your playing when you're trying to go fast for sleeve draws.
Thou seeketh not my sick samurai dps?
He was right before but he’s wrong now.
RDM straight runs out of MP enitrely in about two minutes of casting if you dont pop lucid dream on CD starting at about 60% MP
If you're playing a GNB that's why. Their survivability is shit compared to the other 3. You only have 2 cds because camouflage is a fucking joke
>Should still care within the confinements of his own job. Of course he can't compete with other jobs but there's no harm in striving to deal more than other DNC's.
IF hes getting booty blasted so bad that hes worried about being compared to other DNC's then yeah hes out geared or just BAD AT HIS CLASS, otherwise if hes only a few thousand damage points off its just a matter of lag and animation cancelling because other guy is weaving better, whats your point idiot?
Please give back ability to dump enmity for dps. It's annoying that after tank dies you can't do anything.
Tank meld priority?
I'm assuming crit>dh but someone was speculating about gnb wanting sks, which makes sense considering it has two empyreal arrows.
WHM here, MP isn't really an issue anymore with Lucid and Assize on 60 sec CD's and Lucid's insane mana regen.
also stacking piety is very noticeable in how much mp you get back per tick.
So PUGs are the problem, not WHM itself.
>You did it this way in a completely different fight so it makes sense to do it the same here
You don't do DPS south for Titania because it means theres a 50/50 chance the melee CANT HIT THE FUCKING BOSS during big adds.
Dilate, XIVtrannies. Your game is shit. Your expansion is shit. And WoW's reddit has double the upvotes than your biggest post. Your expansion isn't popular and all WoW needed to do dethrone it was release a patch. Try to enjoy your dying game while you still can.
Yeah but that's basically required along with their alternative mp gain
Dunno why they removed energy drain but ok
What's the most lag friendly DPS?
the real question is can Taro make raids based on Nier that don't make normies want to eat a bullet because both Nier games are so fucking good but also really sad. This expansion has really sad under tones and you get a real sense of loss but its not on the level of Nier.
really? I heard that was secondary. I know the new hotness for over heat but does skill speed really make that much of a dif?
literally does not matter they're all so similar for the tanks, except paladin who's allergic to skill speed because a third of their GCDs are spells
oh you are absolutely right, I didn't think of that
I've actually had a couple of times where I wasn't able to get three seals in time, despite all the redraws I just didn't get a single sun for 3+ minutes, but I do agree, divination's cooldown is simply too long. It should be 2 minutes at the absolute most and force you to decide between getting all 3 seals versus playing the spell on cooldown.
Dumping your enmity when the tank dies just means the enemies attack someone else. It's not like it makes them stop attacking.
>MP isn't really an issue
It wasn't in SB either.
Is it really viable now? It's been a stat to laugh at for a long time now. All fags want is damage
That's the bug. Play doesn't queue right now, which isn't how it should be. It'll get fixed with the Savage patch, most likely. It's currently an accepted bug on the official forums.
Nah. This is how it looks like for casters/healers. Double-tap hotbar is for rarely usable skill or role actions etc. For melee you want to bind main gcds on face buttons and to avoid jumping between R2 side L2 side. Basically everything on one side if possible. Cross hotbar face side is for most usable oGCD. If you bind gcd on both sides there can be problems and clipping if your oGCD on another side or on cross hotbar unless you duplicate them like. Works perfectly for DRG. Imagine binding your oGCD on numlock
if the tank is dead who are you gonna dump enmity on? the other dps?
Is there something wrong with sharp on thunder? Not talking about the opener, just general mid combat rotation.
I'd thought sharpcast was meant for thunder, but fire seems to make more sense considering. I never did get the sharp thunder timing right.
There is no way for the raid line to have enough screentime to do that. It will just be a shittily abridged retelling of one of the games or a weird reference pile.
I wish it was a bit less popular.
I want Square Enix to be the final boss of the 3rd raid.
DH is better right now due to low crit numbers. You just can't reach a high enough amount with current gear to get any decent returns.
Yeah but the shitters who don't know better would die before I do.
warriors det > crit > tenacity >dh
non warriors dh > det > crit > tenacity
Yes, that's what I have been saying this entire time. Pug whms always fail me but pug ast.sch have never failed me. Why I have the bias not to pull large with whm now because all pug whms are shit
I do not trust anyone who I do not know personally in a dungeon if they're whm.
My point is, obviously, that there are a lot more variables to skill than merely
Rank the end game and city hubs
Whats a solid server for an Ausfag?
Maybe on AST and SCH. WHM has infinite no though so they can just stack damage.
How do we fix DNC bros?
Susano was so fun in JP desu.
I've just accepted the fact that I'll need to play my cards slow, so I'll just be standing there shuffling my deck while some DPS yells "Why isn't healer AoEing?!" and I tell him it doesn't matter anyway since gravity doesn't do any damage.
>Jesters didn't turn into sin eaters and merge into one
What a waste.
not really? either you know how to play youre class or you dont.
Can't help you there, my dude. I am on another continent.
Stay away from Mateus. Please.
DNC is fine.
buck teeth
Tonberry if you're okay with playing with Japs. Otherwise get a VPN and suffer on the NA servers.
When I saw those jesters I thought for sure they were going to merge together and become a boss fight.
>So according to Estenien Krile
He wasn't talking about Krile. He was talking about Tataru. Re-read the cutscene -- he says the Scion's secretary.
What Tataru wants, Tataru fucking gets.
I think it was tonberry but don't quote me on it
The story isn't even that good. It's a rip off of The Matrix 3.
Wait a second. Summoner egi assault bug was fixed in hotfixes but AST not?
>be Blizzard
>turn popular game into dumpster fire
>try to put out fire by dumping feces on it
>now its a dumpster fire with burning feces
poetry at its finest.
All joking aside WoW had a good run though and nothing lasts forever.
speaking of the jesters, why did the red one stare at us when we first saw them?
*shakes the platform furiously*
Kujata since Tonberry is mega congested
Tonberry is main english speaking JP server and Kujata is overflow. If using Mudfish i can get down to 130 ping to JP which is enough to play level 80 MCH.
>so they can just stack damage.
Not that current items let use do that.
>every 450 accessory has piety on it
Gotta explain real slow for the retards.
what's with the influx of brainless tanks recently?
Eulmore > Idyll > Donuts > Rhalgr's Poopie Brown Shithills
she definatly cant see faces considering she thought you were a sin eater
Stop tormenting me, user. :(
They seem to tear shit apart at low levels. I did a Labyrinth run and the top of to meters were all dancers and the mobs were just being deleted from the game as they ran through.
She wants dick.
why were they such wasted potential
He was talking about both.
I think some guy did the math and sharp thunder pulls ahead in dps by ~1% but is easily recuperated if fire III lets you keep your rotation running.
Basically sharp fire is much more forgiving especially with random target effects.
nin but got damn i really need to see how an opener and general rotation looks like cause i have no idea what to do at 80 now
By making the team do 2k more dps. Which they probably do. I don't know.
She knew you were up to no good.
She smelled your darkness.
What is the easiest tank to play?
I like the look of DRK but I think axes are cooler so WAR looks neat too.
I don't really have any interest in PLD. GNB is cool and all but it doesn't interest me at the moment.
For reference my only real leveled job is DRG at 79
>Tell my WHM friend that as a SCH I always have MP problem during aoes
>They tell me they are completely fine
>Ask them to get on a dummy with me and see how many of our aoes we can throw at the same time
>I can only do 17 Art of War without Lucid dreaming and Aetherflow
>They can do 27 Holy without Presence of Mind, Thin Air, Assize and Lucid dreaming
There's only 10 potency difference between Holy and Art of War, what the fuck Yoshi?!
Fuck off, I haven't played in a while.
>What is the easiest tank to play?
DRK and WAR.
The second I saw them I expected a Zorn and Thorn fusion in a dungeon and their music and I got fucking neither.
DRK is also UNGA, but it's DARK UNGA
She explains that she could see the paint on a wall because the aether of the paint was different and she could tell how old it was too.
Don't worry about it. In dungeons, most people really don't care about what the healer is doing as long as the tank doesn't die. Lightspeed is very useful for playing cards and DPSing, though.
She knew I have a midlander armpit fetish
So why not just use KBM and avoid all this bullshit?
Dancer is fine it's just the retarded people play it.
12s opener is the best one imho
Get bent.
whm aoe is just fucking retarded
CH and DET are still the priority since it effects your cures but PIE over SpS since you got the lilly instaheals and presuming your using C1-3 much less.
Everyone tears shit apart at low levels now due to insane power creep. Additionally, DNC AOE has almost the same strength as their single target, but in turn their single target is only as strong as their AOE so in boss situations they're completely balanced.
I doubt AST's bug is of a high priority. It's not like we're doing something unintended; the ability just feels sticky and weird.
Why wouldn't you just have 6 people take the tether normally rather than wasting tank CDs? The tethered player can easily stay at melee range, and even fucking BLM can do it without losing uptime. What is the benefit of the tank using an invuln on it?
whats this
It's not 1 or 0. Someone who can orange every fight clearly knows how to play their job yet they're not quite as good as someone who does 100%. It's not just "lmao it's either gear or lag nothing else matters lmao", stop behaving so damn poorly.
You stupid fucking retard. Why is it always people who are wrong that are so sure they're right? Estinien literally mentions Tataru AND Krile you fucking idiot. Pay attention if you want to start correcting people.
So MNKbros...how is it
WAR was already the easiest tank and they made it even easier. DRK is more or less the same as WAR but with more buttons to press and more focus/reward for defensive actions. Personally, as someone who liked Stormblood Warrior, I think Dark Knight is my favorite right now. Something about new WAR doesn't feel right to me.
>Double-tap hotbar is for rarely usable skill or role actions etc.
God I wish I could log into the game to show you my set up. I use double tap for shit loads of skills.
>saw the silhouette of the jester hat when they showed up
>joke about it being Zorn and Thorn
>it's actually fucking Zorn and Thorn
Fucking hell
They could have at least remixed youtube.com
You're wasting the tank invulns by NOT absorbing all that damage, user.
The immediate next invuln of the two you have is used on Fae Light, and the abilities themselves are up for every occurrence of both mechanics.
Literal retards wasting healer GCDs on healing tanks just because people can't count to six.
Clunky but we at least do retarded amounts of DPS second only to BLM.
I want to do Trust for story reasons but 30 fucking minutes.
Ok but are porxie minions available in game?
You're also not losing any cards per minute since draw goes on CD as soon as you draw, doesn't matter if you wait a few seconds to play.
more players doing it = higher chance of someone fucking it up
you already know in 99% of pugs someone WILL fuck it up
thanks im gonna give this a try when the servers are up my biggest problem has been finding out when and where to use meisui and bunshin
i wish bunshin didn't require ninki like tcj
That's good. RDM seems fun. It is fun right?
>he pulled this shit on me as well
Can you sharp every single fire? I know it's on a 30 second now but is that enough to not miss any ever?
At the very least they could have been sin eaters but they weren't even that.
So if Zenos is going to become Zodiark's champion or get his power or something in the later expansion(s), I just want him to Final Eclipse me with his sword at the least
>The immediate next invuln of the two you have is used on Fae Light, and the abilities themselves are up for every occurrence of both mechanics.
No single invuln lasts through all of the tether, you have to commit both tanks to it and then heal them even more for Fae Light. Invulining lightning is the most monkey shit to do and people doing it should fucking unsub.
>It's another Y'sthola does nothing episode
the difference between a 95 and 100 is padding and meta comps. Always has been
I don't know about fun but their level 80 gear looks amazing.
I think it's every second rotation.
Any SMN here? How do you feel about the pet changes? Would you still recommend someone your job?
Too bad it flattens your breasts for no reason, but mods will hopefully fix that.
Any WAR main here?
Is it better to use Chaotic Cyclone on single target bellow 80?
I mean, he does more damage than a Fell cleave but Crit Fell cleave is more potent, though I guess Chaotic Cyclone is more less reliant on chance, but I'm never sure...
What's a playable ping for end game shit?
New expansion brings back all the shitters who don't play the game normally.
This is why Titania goes so badly, you have tons of people who don't do EX Primals or Savage and they don't recognize mechanics that have existed for years.
In Titania I had two tanks who didn't understand they had to pick up the adds, and on the final boss one of the Tanks never adjusted for Earth Shaker after seeing it 10 times, just stood in the middle every single time.
Except for almost die
Yeah sure thing senpai. I had orange without padding, are you telling me I'm as good as the literal best guy in the world in my job? I think not.
Like they want to meet with you peasants.
How many Heat Blasts should I get within a Hypercharge? I want to know if I have good enough ping that I am not missing out on a shot since it really matters.
I haven't done a single trust and I never will.
This is a fucking MMO why are you playing it if you don't want to do dungeons with humans?
yes, you can sharp every fire now. it helps smooth the rotation especially because of random fuck aoes.
All of Emet-Selch's bluster and smugness is undercut by the fact it was us who invented time travel and he had to kidnap G'raha to try and get him to spill the beans on it
Score one for the human race you ugly shitter
no more ruin spam
egi assault spam
Where else do you think enough damage occurs in the fight that an invuln is needed user?
First time playing SAM it's pretty fun, the Sen gauge makes for a neat rotation plus you can mix in more damage with Kenki.
Also started DRK. Is DRK supposed to be a weaker Tank than WAR? I feel like I'm not as tanky as DRK than as a WAR.
Either my healer was shit or DRK just doesn't have as much health, I found my health getting dangerously low while in a dungeon.
>got the level 73 dungeon minion
>sold it for 390k
I'm sorry little buddy
what? if you know how to play your job and do everything right and youre still falling behind someone thats the same job as you it all comes down to gear or skill weaving with animimation cancle, else if youre falling REALLY FAR BEHIND that means bad or your gear is bad theres nothing else to it.
you bunshin before ta and don'ty use meisui after the opener
Pretty much what everyone expected. Same shit just dumbed down even more. Dragon Kick being a self-buff instead of an enemy debuff feels like learning to walk again. At least our AoE is fun now.
>DFC class
Perfect I'd still play as a guy
Is this fucking thing following me?
Pretty comfortable. Just need some practice. And you're not forced to sit in the front of monitor. Especially if you're wagecucking in office.
Xbox pad or L1 rebind? My DS4 triggers sucks and am lazy for re-learning.
>scholars and ast seething
feels good bros
Faelight doesn't do that much damage as long as the tanks use at least 1 cd. The fact that people try to invul it even though they can't handle it annoys me to no end.
I've actually seen more tanks screw up the timing of their invuln. Farm parties that just do the mechanic normally seem to have way less failure oddly enough.
>implying any healer wastes a fucking gcd on healing up from that
come on man
Fae Light you faggot
I think TA is too early there. AST needs more time to prep divination unless they get perfect rng. That's assuming that they actually get buffed though and you aren't just running the vastly superior WHM/SCH combo.
>no more ruin spam
did you forget the time from of before and after phoenix?
where is it in the tempest
The game is playable at around 200ms but you'll forever be less optimal than players with better connections.
>Shoot it
>It just stare at you
yeah I still like it but mind you I am only level 77 so am not aware of end game rotation. the one thing I dislike about it now is my summons have no HP and are basically invincible unless I die or whatever. they were pretty resilient before but occasionally they did die on me and I kind of enjoyed that. Over all it feels faster and I do far less ruin 3 spam than before but its still similar.
The class has always sucked a thousand cocks below level 60 though.
"Find the tower" quest
just tcj meisui everytime, fuck doton
I spotted him in the lookout quest you have to do when you go scouting around.
DRK. Changes kinda weirded me out at first but now it feels pretty good.
Miss the Dark arts spam though, if only for the animation.
And then you get a party of randoms who somehow takes longer than 30 minutes.
You have two invulns.
If you were talking about a single tank strat, then of course wasting it on half the tether mechanic would be stupid. But it's basically guaranteed that the second immunity - again by default since you generally have two tanks - is used on Fae Light already.
>can only do 5 and rarely 6
Looks like it's time to drop MCH.
>magic death gas drives mankind to the brink of extinction and what few survive into madness
>Cid takes it all on the chin and goes full "humanity fuck yeah" mode
Absolutely based. Fuck Ascians.
Tank health shouldn't be largely different between classes. Any defensive problems you may have with DRK, though, get sorted out at 70 when you get TBN. The problem with that is that you have to wait until 70 to get TBN
assuming no leylines, spell speed or swift/triple cast (which you would have) if you use sharp early in your fire phase it should be up by the time you get back around to using Fire 1 again
I've been sharping thunders. Once in a while I have to despair with enough mana that I could do another fire IV first, but not enough time (essentially lose a fire IV). If the difference is really 1% only then I guess I'll start sharping fires.
Edge of Shadow feels a lot fucking better to use than Dark Arts, I'll say that much.
Alright faggots I've had it up to here with Thancred.
Give me one good reason Thancred is a Gunbreaker. That's right, you can't. Thancred cannot manipulate aether. He's one of the few characters in the game that cannot. The Gunblade uses aether infused cannisters. Why would he decide to start using a weapon he can't even use fully? It makes no sense. Additionally, the only person he has to make ammo for him, Lolifilia, he's fucking mean to 99% of the time. Its absolutely bullshit.
If they wanted one of the Scions to be a Gunbreaker in Shadowbringers, Thancred was the wrong choice. Y'Shtola unironically would have been the best choice due to her having existed in the lifestream and her overall complete control of aether.
But it's alright let's make a shitty character like Thancred already worse.
Fuck Thancred.
I know people who look at the packet transmissions in-game and think that number is their ping.
Tank queues made it a legitimately faster alternative.
>occasionally they did die on me and I kind of enjoyed that
You do know that Fae Light just need both tanks eating up together right?
No need to waste invuls on it.
You can't get 6 Heat blasts during Hypercharge, max possible is 5.
The 5th Heat Blast keeps your GCD fast though, so you get 6th fast GCDs but you cannot in anyway get 6 heat blasts in hypercharge.
>How do you feel about the pet changes?
Makes the class a bit more involved as you can not use the ruin4s the egi actions give you all willy nilly.
I think the class is more fun to play than stormblood but it's damage as of right now is too close to rdm for way more effort to put in the class.
>but it's DARK UNGA
Clearly superior desu.
Along with this, be aware:
The Top BLM for Final Omega Savage would do both sharp fire and sharp thunder. If you know for sure you won't be moving at all out of your leylines, do sharp thunder. If you are unsure/don't have leylines, do sharp fire.
If this is too hard to plan out, BLM is not for you, try SAM instead.
you can get a minion of it
You need two immunities for the tether because of how long it lasts, ergo you can't use it on Fae Light. Yes, you can supermitigate Fae Light just fine, but then you are out of tank cooldowns for more trivial stuff which again only makes healers heal more. In ideal scenario you do the tether normally which then requires only one AOE heal to heal everyone up since there's no other damage, and then invulning Fae Light which takes one to none healer abilities again. What you're asking for requires healers to heal both tanks from invuln then heal fae light then commit at least a little more resources because tanks now burned cooldowns on a trivial mechanic.
Just do the fucking mechanic you shitters.
If you're waiting for queues it's because you don't have (x needed) in your party. Make some friends, this is an MMO for fuck sake.
360 xbox pad. I used a PS3 controller till it finally broke so I've been practicing with it since a month before SHB. I use double tap for for main GCD actions for a lot of classes.
They are just Cans infused with Aether, he doesn't have to manipulate shit, it just makes him hit stuff harder.
It makes the damage of fae light more predictable and therefore manageable, as well as sparing mitigation cooldowns for later use, like autos during the next growth rune or the add busters that both tanks end up having to manage. It's also more pug friendly
nu-scholar is such a bizarre mix of great quality of life changes and a boring clunky mess.
I missed DA at first because I liked , but Edge/Flood just feel so much better because they feel like they do something instead of DA eating up part of my weaves to do nothing
Because GNB was supposed to be Garlean based and was changed to Hrothgar shit after they had already decided to make him one.
I was ahead of everyone.
You just have to accept it if you want to do Trusts. It takes forever to get to the next boss, but you get a good deal of time with the boss.
>if you use sharp early in your fire phase
I was thinking about using it last in my ice phase. Using sharpcast without an instant cast spell first to cover the clipping is something I try to avoid. So the thinking was I do xeno as the last thing in ice, use the free global to sharpcast, then fire 3 and go into fire. Sharp should last 15 seconds ish so enough for me to fire and proc it.
Sounds bad?
Are you a cutscene skipper? He literally says he cannot make the ammo and has Ryne do it.
78 MNK right now but I'm looking for a new main because fuck anatman and give me back my goddamn buttons.
Please offer up suggestions.
>whing about why is thancred able to be gunbreaker
>literally posts the explanation in your own bitch ass post
It's okay that you don't like him, but you look retarded right now.
It's an MMO where there's no reason to talk to other players and the other players are mostly mentally unstable women that throw shitfits and get passive aggressive over every little thing
Then that brings me back to my question of what else in the fight is worth using an invuln on, user.
"Just do the fucking mechanic" isn't a reliable mindset in pugs, and halving the demand of a mechanic on a cd that'd otherwise get no use (especially if you're mitigating Fae Light anyway as in your post) is basically skimping out on free ez mode.
shoebill is going to be our best friend always watching over us
It's pretty strongly hinted that we are the 14th member of the Convocation of Fourteen that steps down before Zodiark is summoned. Maybe it's Hythlodaeus but who knows for sure.
>Ancients - The race of people that existed before the sundering
>Amaurotines - The ancients from the city of Amaurot
>Ascians - The ancients who became followers of Zodiark
They're not interchangeable.
We're probably the 14th missing council member, because Final Fantasy XIV, get it?
And Elidibus is going to use the other WoLs against us, which means we might end up finding a way to absorb them and recover our other missing parts
Doesn't every job require some kind of aether manipulation?
better monk
Gunbreaker is one of the few jobs in the game where someone CAN make something for him to let him fight on everyone else's level. Even if he were to pick up an ordinary sword instead, he's being held back by everyone else who might use that same sword also being able to use aether. No matter what weapon he uses, he would never be as good as someone of equal skill who can also use aether. But by using a weapon that uses stored aetheric cartridges, he's able to rely on someone else for them even if he can't charge them himself, which brings him to his maximum potential by giving him abilities he couldn't normally use even if he has to borrow them. No other weapon could do that for him. No other weapon could let him borrow the powers he couldn't otherwise use.
Why would you not be able to get 6? You have 8 seconds and a 1.5s GCD, provided you use the first Heat Blast within 0.5s of Hypercharge activating, you can fit 6.
what can i say it amuses me and I use the carbuncle glamours on them. I am talking about the egis of course not Bahamut. The interesting thing was an Egi getting killed almost never fucking happened in later content but it did in some of the ARR stuff.
>Start using a shitty weapon cause you have a dumb bitch around temporarily
It's stupid writing.
BLM is in a state where as long as you don't clip GCDs, overcap polyglot or waste procs you can do whatever you want with your abilities, as long as you use them
>"Just do the fucking mechanic" isn't a reliable mindset in pugs
How about you stop coddling idiots for a mechanic that everyone should've learned in 24-mans, jesus christ. If you can't do that mechanic you don't deserve shit from the loot box, and should kill yourself, unsub or both.
Anyone been logging SMN damage at 80? How are they faring compared to BLM/RDM? I just hot 80 on the job and man is it ever more hectic to play compared to 4.0. I've read that the damage isn't all that much higher than RDM currently, which kinda sucks since SMN takes so much more effort to play.
>yesterday found out that you can have your game minimized and still hear system sounds
Thank god, no more missed duties.
shoebill was emet spying on us
Seeing the final boss of the Twinning just made me go "CID GARLOND YOU GLORIOUS BASTARD"
I know he couldn't have personally made it but it's nice to know his legacy was still going strong, even during the apocalypse
We're the 14th, the one who left the council and summoned Hydaelyn. Not Hythlodaeus.
And how is that a problem?
NIN I guess? Anatman isn't too bad once you actually get to use it in the 79 Trial, or get to try saving GL3/4 between dungeon pulls. Six-sided Star is actually shit for not being a ogcd.
When you use Fire III while in Ice stage, your cast will be very quick. You're thinking is correct in avoiding the clipping. Use Fire III -> Sharp to reduce clipping -> Fire IV spam.
Also, try to avoid spending Xeno. Your best bet is to sit on them until buff phases come up (Battle Litany, Trick window, DNC buffs, etc.). Use them if you'll cap but otherwise avoid.
So what other class would you suggest now that he couldn't use aether in a world full of shit that wants to eat you?
Ordinary sword and shield?
>And Elidibus is going to use the other WoLs against us, which means we might end up finding a way to absorb them and recover our other missing parts
I'm betting he is doing this intentionally. He saved Unukalhai from getting swallowed by the void so he can make the WoL whole.
Why do I see some saying GNB is complex? It doesn't seem complex.
I understand you don't like it user but you're being a little bitch.
Because the game cuts you off during the 6th animation, it flat out prevents you from getting 6. Even with 0 ping it will stop you from using a 6th HB.
You can use fast f3 or fast b3 in order to not clip, because those still roll on the GCD, but have half the cast time. Can't double weave on those, but you can definitely single weave there.
I wonder if i should grind to 70 or run Castrum Abania at 69, is it hard?
The faggot uppercutted an Ogre in heavensward. He doesn't need shit.
>need a tank job
>want to be a mystic knight
>PLD has become increasingly magic, but is more FFT knight magic than spellsword magic
>DRK is actual magic, but dark and edgy magic rather than elemental
>GNB gimmick is basically fire strike, plus it has shields and regen, but it's more mechanical than magical
Why can I never be satisfied.
It's somewhere in between the other tanks and actual DPS, but you're right it isn't.
a lot of those people probably dont tank
I was wondering what was up with this, like it would go to do it but it stops and I have to go with something else.
I can do that mechanic but you're very unwise to trust PF to. If I can rely on my OT to press one button and then rely on 3 others to handle a tether, that's a mathematically objective gain over relying on six randoms to perfectly coordinate on NA.
Your salt just reads as inexperience. You aren't fixing shit with that attitude, so adapt.
The window you get when moving from ice to fire is there alright, but it's too small for me to use it comfortably with bad ping. That's why I try to make an actual full window for it.
Because what if Ryne dies tomorrow? Oops his weapon is now useless.
I'd say Paladin or warrior, nobody in the main plot is a paladin so you have some snowflake points there and if you don't care for a shield you can glamour it away. Someone very important does work as a warrior and they're kind of your mirror of sorts so that is also good.
There's also Dark Knight, you can't use them until midway into the story but they have an amazing job quest and are similarly unique in none of the main cast play one
>you can single weave during Fast F3/B3
Not the guy you're replying to, but holy shit have I been playing BLM wrong.
>It's also more pug friendly
Dunno about that. Also everything you said doesn't apply to WAR because holm doesn't last long enough to take all 3 hits and the tank has to use another defensive cd to not get one shot by, usually, the first hit.
could maybe make it a dps job,im sure the next one is either going to use maiming or scouting
What other weapon can he use then?
I saw a GUK using AOE on a boss. So its probably complex for half the braindead dipshits that play this game.
>expecting ShB to be where we become the warrior of darkness and go full edge
>instead it's just light vs light
>but oh it is corrupted light
>while our light is that of libtard vs the corrupted commie light
Well I did not expect the game to get any more bluepilled considering through out the game the leftist messages such as the poor dindu nuffin, the rich are evil, muh criminals are hhhhuuuummmmmmmaaaaaaannnnn, and that punishing evil is wrong.
It's like the devs haven't seen how much of a shithole places such as commiefornia, jew york, and europe has gotten with the normalizing of criminals such as illegals and normalizing poorfags.
nin is ded, bro. mediatour bunshin can save it, but then it will be even harder to play. well i hope they will adjust the potencies in our favor
>Your salt just reads as inexperience
Excuse me I play with people who I know is good rather than dipshits that can't count.
>GUN was gonna be B&R
>Instead we get furshit
Ryne isn't the only one who can make him ammo. She's just naturally good at it.
There was literally nothing with the daggers he used in the previous two expansions.
Even if he were to restore their people what's stopping them from getting triggered and creating something that Zodiark can't deal with. Elidibus needs the 14th to solve that problem.
That's very true but ideally you wouldn't have a WAR OT. Holm lasts through Fae Light fine though
Futaba thread
uhhhhhhhhhhhh based and redpilled post my dude
truly epic
That's where you traditionally put triplecast, on the fast f3, so that you can use the f4s on the triple to weave pot/sharp/ley lines/etc...
Then he'll switch back to ROG or whatever. Doesn't prevent him from being GNB today.
He can still use it. It just can’t explode anymore.
>what if his charge, who is the only reason he took up the weapon to begin with, dies
Well gee user, I dunno. Maybe he has bigger problems than that if the only reason he fights is dead.
The gunblade is still a sword. He just cany blast niggas with the explosions if he doesn't have aether canisters.
Rate AF4s from best to worst
■ The following issues were addressed.
・The astrologian action "Play" could not be queued.
God bless.
>Bringing American politics into a JRPG
He took up GNB precisely because he doesn't want that to happen you retard, he needs to be the frontline for Ryne instead of running away and shoot arrows or throwing knives.
Ordinary sword and shield shit won't cut it against sin eaters so the only way left is Gunbreaker.
If they were going to do it that way they should have just made Hypercharge into a flat "allows 5 uses of heat blast" skill instead of giving it a duration.
And? How does that help him when he's alone? It doesn't. It was pointless for him to take this weapon up story wise.
whats wrong with nin? and how was it during media tour?
>you can glamour it away
You better act quick if you don't have this yet, the only invisible shield options in the game are being removed with 5.1. (Yes, both the regular and gold saucer versions) PS: you can't calamity salvage it, so don't delete it once you have it either.
Reminder that
>Freeze > (Foul/Reapply Thunder IV) > Flare > Flare
is a dps gain over using Fire III to enter astral fire for the first flare when at 5 enemies or more.
Fire III when at 3 or 4 enemies
>hardly any images posted
why the fuck not?
>fat tats
He didn't need it, but he CAN have it. Thancred was already an extremely capable fighter, able to contend with other strong fighters even despite his condition. But, if he were to ever meet someone of equal strength and skill that can ALSO use aether, he'd be naturally outmatched. Giving him aether powers with his Gunblade shores up that weakness, even if he has to jump through some hoops to access the perks. It's literally the perfect weapon for him.
always found the us being a primal theory to be dumb
>we are actually an ascian which is even more retarded
What's even the point?
The best part of the Shadowbringers expansion: No Lyse.
I hate the idea of using anatman in my opener and playing with server ticks. GL4 wasn't worth all the buttons I lost. I'll give up steel peak but give me my howling fist back, kamehameha whatever.
Ingame female models have small tits.
More power to you, but most people don't have that privilege and that's why the invuln strats became mainstream. It's also not worth incurring extra movement where it isn't needed when you have an infinite pool of HP at your disposal, and since you mitigate Fae Light I'm not sure where the hell else you'd put that value, but you do you.
If he's alone he'll just go back to Rogue. He's a GNB specifically to protect Ryne.
I thought they ended up being pretty close in PPS to each other
Is Titania ex the more difficult of the two? Got my clear, but I want to beat Innocence before the Mr.Crappy guide appears
I was wondering why I liked it more. She really was worthless, wasn't she?
Thank god.
You did the right thing, he's with someone that values him that much and you'll be able to buy another for a fraction of the price in a few weeks/months.
I'm not casting flare in umbral ice. It just feels wrong.
the best part of Shadowbringers is lalafells being segregated to an unreachable mountain.
I think you'll get people randomly dying in Innocence a lot more often than in Titania. So based on that I'll say Innocence is harder.
>first I'm told not to use fire II anymore in aoes
>now I'm told not to use fire III anymore in aoes
I am so confused.
Lakshmi tier
No, we're not an Ascian.
Ascian are the one who summoned Zodiark, and we supposedly are the 14th member that quit the council before they summoned it.
Ascian are Ancient but not every Ancient is an Ascian.
Titania is more punishing. Innocence is just damage if you fail to dodge his aoe.
So many comfy tracks in this expansion.
>didn't fix nin tcj>gcd problem or bunshin just being 133p potency per hit
I wish she was worthless, then it's zero sum. Instead she dragged down the entire Amigan part of the expansion that I'd been waiting four years for.
Servers are up
Does DNC do anything for the party as a whole or are their utility entirely limited to their partner?
Innocence Ex is way easier. Tons of people can die and you can still beat the enrage. Reminded me of Suzaku Ex.
>used to love AST because it felt like a true support class
>great buffs and utility at the cost of personal DPS
>time fuckery allowing me to give stellar dps over a minute of 10% damage up
>could also give defenses or MP given the situation
>truly everything I wanted from being a support
>rip it all out, murder the class and pretend it's OK
>buffs last 15 seconds, only affect 1 person
>big aoe buff is barely 8% if you did everything right, 3 minute cd, 15 sec duration
I used to play AST when feeling generous and BLM when feeling greedy, I only play BLM now. Fuck you Yoshi, AST is a hollow husk.
you just want to imagine the brother in a dress.
No damn you the first will belong to us just like the source
>no one talking about paladin
Is it a shit class or a boring class? I was thinking of trying it
>lalafells get segregated to a mountain
>beast tribes become friendly
make you think
GNB is fun as fuck. i contemplated between gnb and war (war was at 60, too) but i decided to go gnb because war felt bad at 60.
I do miss my giant axe of destruction tho, the gunblades are a bit tiny on my au ra
Primals are just amaurotine creation spells that have an infinite threshold (a god being the focus) and thus never 'finish'
yfw the nightmare mount was just made by the ascians and kinda hints at them being able to will dreams into existence all the way back in ARR
Cold Flare rotation is increasingly better the more enemies there are
Fire III rotation is better the less enemies there are, as the single target damage of Fire III is relatively higher compared to a mass enemy Cold Flare.
Thanks for making me waste 2 seconds to check.
You won't need fire II as of 68 when umbral hearts let you double-flare. At that point, flare replaces fire II. Before then fire II is still worth using.
I got my SCH to 80 but it still feels weird to play. Having only 4 offensive options makes dungeons really dull and Seraph didn't help much.
I'm trying to level up RDM but I don't get the last skill I got, Reprise. I don't understand when you're supposed to use that shit over Moulinet.
Story was nice but the 2 jobs I'm playing right now don't feel nice to play.
Hopefully PLD will be better.
Why would you lie like that?
Can you really do this? Trait works even for Foul?
I thought AST was fun before and it's fun now. Sorry you're not enjoying the changes, user. The seal system is definitely their design direction going forward.
>use T4P as they come
Does that mean when sharping thunder I should literally just do thunder > thunder?
>ixals don't exist for obvious reasons
>goblins are weird looking dudes
>all the other arr beast tribes are the same
>no dorf gf to full nelson
PLD is the best it's ever been both powerlevel and gameplay wise. They're easily the best tank right now.
The sch quest giver was a woman the entire time? I thought she was a he?
>cold flare
alright, that SOUNDS cool, but I still don't like it.
Had the same revelation, It was wonderful not having Lyse talk about muh justice. Nearly only all the good scions and none of the bad ones. Better version of Minfillia, nearly no Tataru. 0 Lyse. Fantastic. Now if only they'd get rid of Y'shtola
>and Seraph didn't help much.
Seraph is such a disappointment in general.
She has pet stats so her heals and shields are fucking useless.
Consolation only heal for 6k for fuck's sake
Flare I mean.
Reprise was 300 potency in the media tour but since it launched at 200 potency you can unironically take it off your hotbar and forget about it.
what trait? Foul/Xeno have always cost 0 MP
What about crit though? If you crit a cold flare won't you end up wishing you had done a fire flare instead?
enjoy it before war fags complain enough to get you put back into the ground
Innocence is dead as soon as you learn how the tether swords, the saved green line aoes, and the the white bubbles in the last phase work. Everything else is just "dodge thing".
Did blind PF prog on both of these on day 1, and the biggest problems for random players were on Titania because of the thunder tether (there wasn't a common strat for it yet), and the adds phase, especially the knockback + vines.
>RDM player is retarded
Fuck you Tataru is great and really cute and not part of the decision making process for the most part anyway. Now Lyse sucked it was so much nicer when she was quiet.
honestly every healer should have an additional damage ability a la WHM, SCH gets a potent aoe dot and for AST buff cards idk
Flare uses up all 3 hearts, but only need 1 to not use up all your MP. That's why Freeze gives you 1 heart now.
But you get more Flares/Freezes, since you're cutting a GCD out of the rotation and cold flares only take 1.75s to cast, versus 3s hot flares (without swift/triple)
how about AST tosses the cards at the enemy like Setzer did?
So thoughts on Minfillia now that her arc is finally over?
I've had situations where during the phase with 4 orbs and you have to aim the lase to explode one, the tank pulled the boss too inn or kind of had a bit of his hitbox inside one of the orbs in the front. So even though the person marked for laser aimed it right, the laser still popped the orb right on top of us. I don't really tank but I sure as fuck hope this doesn't become a common tank mistake.
SCH should just have bane and energy drain again
Thank god.
these rp quests would be so much better with more skills and mechanics, but they can't because of shitters, theyre ruining this game
Isn't that basically what Lord of crowns used to be?
They could solve this by just making Fire II give AF3, and it would mean that Fire II is actually useful again.
I'm glad we got Ryne out of it.
>limited animations
>limited hairstyles
>limited headwear
>reused emotes
>reused underwear
>reused lore
I know they're hot and stuff but how the fuck was this okay and why aren't more people crying foul?
All lala boys are gonna be used as cocksleeves!
Pray return to the lifestream
I dunno, I saw like 70% buns in my server so people are pretty happy with it I guess.
minfilia was shit and face 1 midlander is ugly
I did the math on it and 300 potency is exactly the sweet spot for it to not be a DPS loss, why the fuck did they lower it?
The quest giver is a dude. The other tonberry is a girl and she wants to fuck the lalafell marauder that's always with you.
You get Fire2 much too early to put it in the same playing field as F3 and Flare. Same reason Bliz2 is still shit.
Triplecast > F4
Triplecast > Despair > mana > F4 > Despair?
for opener
Now it's going to be y'shtola arc
>had 4 vote abandons on hades before maint.
I just want to clear the story
People recommend Mizzteq but she's just as bad, her videos are a rushed mess.
It's awful because before it felt like an actual slot machine game. Yes, spread balance is the fucking nuts. Double back to back spread balance is ultra nut. But you wouldn't always get that. You'd actually have to mess around with cards and figure out if they're useful or not. Combining and extending cards was fun as fuck. It's supposed to be random gacha, not fucking "hurr everyone gets balance"
Ryze is great, literally who cares about Minfillia
A Jew, and Lolirito is a much bigger and much more useful one at that.
Now, we just need to permanently get rid of Lyse
How the fuck
It's not just shitters, it's the fact they have their own unique abilities and configure to a set hotbar that you can't change as you see fit for a single battle that you'll never play again under normal circumstances.
Honestly I think role-play is just bad and shouldn't be done anymore.
I hated her for a long time but Lyse made me realize how good I had it.
>why the fuck did they lower it?
They don't want you to lose a little bit of gauge so you can use gauge resource later more effectively because it's not obvious to shitters. That's exactly what they disliked about MCH heat, they don't want people to be unsure if it's okay to spend the gauge and on what.
When was this?
absolute degeneracy
I think if you go directly into despair you might be blowing it before the nin even sets up TA.
Early because where else would you weave your pot?
Why did the WOL say "So it's come to this.." or whatever when talking to the guy that gives you your role quest armor?
And they are SO long. All of them could be half the length or less and lose nothing for it.
Nigger how? Ran that fight for fun something like 20 times and only wiped on part 2 in 2 parties. Even then, they wiped and immediately fixed their shit. Crystal center by the way, they shittiest center
>summoned 7 other niggas
>they all just leave you with Hades alone
I guess we truly are the mystery niggas,
wowfugees catching up
The average player in this game is bad user. Every party I was in couldn't even break the orb dps check
I gotta echo your sentiment, user, I don't really care for the changes they've made to AST at all.
>her videos are a rushed mess.
they just show you all the information you need to know.
I don't get the hate for Minfilia, I'll miss her. She's been gone for too long for a proper return though, and Ryne is good, so I'm okay with this.
Do the relic weapons of previous expacs.
>You get Fire2 much too early to put it in the same playing field as F3 and Flare.
That's neither here nor there. They could always have a trait that evolve fire 2 and you unlock the trait much later, for instance. Kind of what happened to freeze.
>promised more customization options than other races to make up for no helmets
>literally less options than the other races
Fucking terrible.
>Indiana Jones sequence
Unironically kino
Because he's Gerolt
He's a dead ringer for Gwynwoldt or whatever his name is, he's the dude in Eorzea that forges all your relic/anima weapons and you have to go through a bunch of bullshit errands to get him the upgrade materials
Relic grind. WoL also had a panic attack at a sight of tomestones
video guides in general suck. Stick to google docs/texts that can be updated as necessary.
I only remember the lows of the RNG system. Doing Savage prog and getting back-to-back Spires and shit when I needed to be buffing damage. For that reason, I can see why they decided to make the buffs consistently a damage increase. I'll never have to see a garbage Sleeve Draw again.
all of you BLM posters please post DPS logs
I bet half of them didn't even pick up their AF4 gear. Making it optional was a huge fucking mistake.
despair>mana>f4>triple for the last f4 >despair>pot>despair
She's just attached to the stigma of ARR dragging on for too long. Not putting an Aetheryte near their old base was also a mistake.
She doesn't even clear content anymore. She hasn't since fucking gordias and hires other people to get her footage. There is a reason why she is a joke where faggots like xenos mock her constantly
>Crystarium tour
>WoL sees that tomestones are being traded on the First
>Face of extreme anguish
Fire 2 should give 3 stacks of AF through one of the later traits honestly.
Blizzard 2 should just be outright replaced by Freeze.
trusting Lolorito with the scion's finances are you mad. He is the sort of chap you send to bankrupt and destroy places like Eulmore turning into a Lalafell city or stripping it clean for the glory of the Lalafell. Fucking first is lucky the Source Lalafell can't get in because if they could they would be running that place.
yeah and they also could have upgraded Bliz2 to freeze. They obviously want to obsolete the skills for whatever reason.
I can't decide how I feel about the WoL slowly becoming an actual character instead of a player avatar. I usually hate self-insert characters in stories but it's a fucking MMO.
fflogs is not up yet user
>I bet half of them didn't even pick up their AF4 gear.
How, no seriously how? The game gives you a huge fucking message prompt about it
idc about all that shit tho, I just wanna see what bosses oh shit attacks look like and where to go to not die in a package thats under 5 minutes long which she provides one way or another.
>only picked up BLM near the end of stormblood
>couldn't even get purple on o12s with echo
I-I'll stick to being anonymous for now....
people are just using ascien as a shorthand for those ancient people because nobody can fucking remmember their name, begins with an M or something.
Shut the fuck up. WHM only has two.
Ah, I see. I've never done those quests so I didn't know.
If Biolysis simply had some AoE to it that replicated the Bane ability without costing aether I'd have so much less to complain about.
And without energy drain I find myself sitting on aether wondering what the fuck I'm doing and just looking for excuses to slap something like Sacred Soil or Excog down because I really have nothing to do otherwise. At least with Drain I could score some free dps ogcd when my aether kicked out.
still can't get over the fact that tomestones are smartphones
>you get to fight an improved version of Wedge's kettle in the Twinning
I am dead
Based punishments.
All potatoes used as besstmen stress relief.
you only get enough MP from manafont to do one fire IV into Flare
Just call them Ancients. A race of forgotten people just called "the ancients" isn't anything new to the FF series.
I think it's great.
screenshot of ur ACT or something
Echo is a different category, you get compared to only people who also had echo.
>doing Innocence Ex
>the other healer keeps dying
>at full health, even, the healer always dies to the transition AOE
>literally what is happening right now
>check their gear
>they're wearing level 75 greens
Everyone whos good at the game has already blitzed through the MSQ so you're left with all the stinkers catching up. Had a run earlier today where he lived long enough to cast Aetherial Gaol a second time + doom soak, which I didn't even know was possible.
then watch someone like hi_im_fox then faggot. I would never trust anything someone says without clearing content themselves
Did that change? I swear it used to be 2.
And that's good. I'd rather play a character like shephard instead of bland self insert forever.
Mana Drain also offset the high cost of SCHs heals, which is why it has mana problems now.
You'd be surprised. While I was finishing the MSQ I was examining everyone and only 1 guy was wearing it. I told some of them that they missed it and they didn't believe me.
Alright fine.
This song has so much feels into it, how the fuck does Soken does it?
>The sound of the clock ticking symbolizing how they are stuck in time
>The melancholy of the song representing their "final days"
what a bunch of shitty bards
This is why I love playing with BLM.
Not sure but in Astral Fire F4 is 1600MP and Manafont gives 30% MP, which is 3000
Shouldn't you be using sharpcast fire whenever you're using Manafont, particularly the opener?
I thought it would go something like this
F3 > Triple > F4 >Ley/sharp/ F4x 2 > F1 > F4 X3 > Despair > F3 > manafont > F4 > Despair
>12500 flat
good shit user
Kings honor friend.
Well, I haven't played BLM at all for ShB, so maybe.
to be fair Dragoons/Bards should be able to reach 10.5-11k dps if they play well.
Yeah I know that was my point, I couldn't even compare to shitter BLMs doing logs that late in the game
What's the average damage for tanks that I should aim for now?
When will act update? I am fucking tired of my phoenix being called chocobo in act
I don't play wow what is this meme
6500 bare minimal
why don't you just use the combine pet dps with owner option?
with dancer on me, could be better tho
Should I wait to do the two new EX or do them now, because I really wanted to level my other jobs?
He's adorable, especially when he starts crying after you call out his name
I had dancing partner. This is one without. The DNC partnered the SAM.
Do we know the potency of DHCrit yet?
People were supposing it would be +75% damage but how is it in the end?
It feels more like a +100% increase for me, at least on WAR Fell cleave.
Okay sure
I do but act still shows it as a chocobo seperate from mine
Manafont gives you enough for two fire IVs or one fire IV and despair.
Get your clears now. then go back to leveling.
launch ex fights are pretty much worthless progression wise. You should only do them if you feel like clearing for its own sake or if you're a mount autist.
those ex fights will be the only ex fights for what, 5 months? no rush
Made me think of investigation mission from TSW. I miss it
Tell me how accurate fflogs prases.
>all those padded parses
>DRG+NIN+BRD+pad job
>people upload only their best
>best gear
Doesn't sound very accurate.
>Haven't done The Twinning yet
>Keep getting more and more spoiled about it
>play and level whm first
>clear titania ex
>use medica 2 and ogcds to heal, spam glare
im just gonna reroll dps bros this shit is boring
They are pretty useless because launch primals. Do them if you want.
Just fucking do it as soon as maintenance is done, user. It's just one dungeon, it won't take long.
if fire IV costs 1600mp how do you get two fire IV's out of 3000mp from manafont?
I used to say play AST since you have much more OGCD stuff to do, but that got gutted since now it's fucking boring.
This is a wipe isn't it? Not cool user. Not cool.
while you had pre-eb erp, i studied the gunblade
So let me get this straight...
Nascent Flash give you 50% of the damage you do as HP right?
But you give back 50% of that damage to whoever you targeted.
So you only give them 25% of your damage back as heal?
That's fucking shit no?
Prior to SHB convert gave enough for 2 fire iv. Now it only gives enough for fire iv+despair. Have not tried it out with fire iv+flare.
So the new primal mounts are the weird ugly dragon things?
I plan to, I just haven't had time to go in since I beat the MSQ.
So what do I buy first with the new tomes? Weapons or accessories?
Get one ring and then a weapon. After that go do ex
I don't even play a healer but why did they fucking gimp them? is it because too many were focusing too much on damage or something? seems fucking insane to gimp the one roll that didn't even get a new job making sure that every dungeon is going to be waiting on healers.
Why would you ever buy accessories first?
I love Despair special effect.
primal mounts getting worse with each expansion, this is my only complaint
Whatever you actually need. Ronkan gear is pretty worthless if you can craft or plan on buying crafted gear in 3 weeks.
Weapon > Torso/Pants > everything on left side > Accessories
Replace lowest ilvl items (prob accessories), then weapon
Always weapon first. then prioritize armor followed by accessories unless you need an ilevel boost on a particular slot really badly.
you heal half damage you do
whatever value you heal yourself for, your partner heals that amount
that's it
ring, weapon, or left side, retard
anyone with a brain can easily look up the fact that one of the EX primals gives accessories that are 10 ilvls higher than the tome currency.
Jesus fucking Christ this game's IQ is freezing on average
that wasnt a wipe
Because you aren't given Lv80 Accessories like you are for armor so you probably have sub 80 dungeon shit still?
because my accs are utter shit
human npcs in WoW say it when you click on them
Contemplate exactly how much damage a WAR can shit out as burst. I'm pretty sure even 25% of that is going to overheal any motherfucker you put glint on.
>great buffs and utility at the cost of personal DPS
3% damage for 5 seconds every 3 minutes
The sound it makes is oddly satisfying.
Light be with you.
>inability to read
it was referring to the previous AST you retard
i'm convinced i figured out a really sick opener that i WONT SHARE WITH ANYONE!!
user I don't think you can kill innocence in 5 minutes even if all 4 of your dps were doing 14k.
>can't run 80 dungeons a few times
At best you should buy a ring since the dungeon ones are unique.
>done ex primals a couple of times
>dungeons for ronkan
what to do now, anons
Nigga, you get free 430 gear but no accs thats why Im asking. I like to get my shit upgraded before I go into an EX.
you have trick attack windows and you were dancers dance partner which is permanent damage up, and might've got dragoon's tether.
I wouldn't be surprised if 14k is possible with optimal BLM play with AST/DNC/NIN feeding them damage
Level another job. Farm fates.
Why are you so rude? This thread is 18+. Go away.
nu-AST is great for healing though, which is the role
Intersection is great
Horoscope is great
2 ED charges is fucking great
Neutron sect is great
unsub for a month until savage comes out.
you replace your shit 79 accs then farm titania for weapon then janny for better accs, rest is used on left side, you don't need the weapon
level ur crafters, second job, gatherers, complete all the sidequests, farm fates, help me to catch aapoak
ahaha you're probably a faggot
i did innocence ex with average ilvl 428 and still did >10k dps as machinist, which is above what you need to do to beat enrage.
don't see the point of spending tomes on weapon/accessories when the extremes are so easy to get gear from
>Unlock the ex dungeons and run them once
>Then run expert
>All im missing now is one accessory from there
Truly it is impossible to get level 80 accessories
Its kit is Scholars but worse
Link to full notes?
Fastest speed clears of laksmi was 6 minutes when stormblood released. It's very possible. Average playerbase is just bad
I love Intersection so fucking much.
Not him but what in a slightly related subject, when the DNC is not partnering you, do they still have group wide buffs? Or is it all strictly partner only? Anything I should be on the lookout for in terms of DNC buffs?
Yeah well they need to balance for your 3 minute CD damage boost.
50 bitcoins says that’s the guest bedroom of a relative’s house done up with bare bones gamer guff
* In [System Menu] > [System Configuration] > [Display Settings], we have reverted the frame rate limit back to what it was before Patch 5.0. (The [Maximum (90 fps)] setting has been removed and reverted to [None].)
what the fuck were they even thinking with this one
2 weeks for normal mode raids, 4 weeks for savage.
Don't know when Gasp EX comes out.
Old AST was fine at healing, didn't need anything aside from maybe the buff that grants both shield/heal. Maybe making CO last longer.
Blame the children that don't have basic 6th grade reading ability.
His parse was there though His was 13.5k and then you had drg and nin doing suboptimal numbers. Look at this and tell me these numbers killed him in 5 minutes. That's why I think it's a wipe.
>120fps breaks collision and spell queueing
>well let's just cap it for 90
>but nobody caps shit at 90 because
But if you go back to
Obviously not everyone is pulling top dps.
Damn, what's up with that nin
it's probably just fucking normal mode lmfao
Uncapped FPS breaks various shit in the game. Makes it easier to fall through the world and stuff like that. But when they capped it, it caused the game to not run at all on certain hardware, which is the only reason they're undoing the cap.
Dancer has a single partywide buff, Technical Finish. They can do it for every two minutes and it lasts twenty seconds.
RNG can be pretty shit when you need 1 specific slot. I figure replacing an Omega accessory is better than a 79 one.
they did it to prevent people clipping through stuff as the game's physics are tied to framerate. 144 and above allowed players to clip through things.
Oh yeah fuck, I wanted to ask you Anons.
IIRC, when I read the patchnote I saw they made some change to Frontline, something about only getting the exp/tomestones on the job you entered Frontline with instead of the one you switched for, but I can't find it anymore.
Did I dream it or something?
>2 deaths
>titania gives weapons
>not innocence
>the one with giant blade wings and sword attacks and the better aesthetic
Thank you.
I'll take your word for it and head in there then, I got done with the MSQ yesterday. Didn't know it was that easy.
30 cap incoming
Clinical brain death.
My friend will be happy they'll be able to go out of bounds in Shadowbringers.
>could have cute butterfly accessories and god like swords/weapons
you bring up a good point, they fucked up.
You want angel weapons, do gulg
80 dungeons give you goetia either way you know.
They probably figured "Everyone is expecting Innocence weapons, let's do Fairy designs instead!"
Intersection not working with Neutral is dumb.
DRG got 1 and still scored second. DRG must be god like class.
>it caused the game to not run at all on certain hardware
got a source on that?
I presume the logic is you already have the 79 dungeon which gives weapons in Innocence's aesthetic anyway
then again it's the same as titania and dohn meg i suppose