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White men are pathetic. Harassing a little girl

>age of consent is 16 in maple land
so what's the problem?

Ok but 16 year opds can give consent what even is the issue here?



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Melee wins again, better luck next time Sm4shies

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Smash is fucked. Ally and zero are gone. MK Leo is destroying everyone with joker. Tweek and nairo both fell off. The competitive scene is a joke

Wait ally was gay?

a mere 5 minutes until this thread is pruned into space dust

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Why does everyone think California is America?

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so he gay? explains everythin

because nobody gives a shit about flyover states

why is the 18 meme is pushed so hard??

Makes me think.

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>Sorry Canada.
Why did this make me laugh?

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Smash was the giveaway.

Literally who?


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>little girl

Is 25 and 15 too big of an age gap?
Asking for a friend.

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and? jesus what a cuck... but well, it's canada.

No court in America actually goes by this btw, if age ever comes up in a case it’s always 18 for consent. Always.

SF, LA and NYC are the only cities that matter outside of America, two of those are in CA, that's why

>Christian Feminist

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lol no
You're literally not breaking any laws if you date or bang a 16 year old.

Can smash players just go 1 week without being an embarrassment?

ban feminists, plague since 18th century

>Pro Snake player was a homosexual pedo
what did he mean by this?

16 is legal pretty much everywhere nowadays.

you creep

Maybe because all the media that people see outside comes from there?
Or the fact that all the porn in the country regardless of where it's being filmed needs to have 18+ actors and you need to be 18 to view?

Only way someone outside would know that the age of consent isn't 18 across the board is if they go looking for it. Hell people in the states don't even know what the age of consent is for their state half the time.

14 is the age of consent in italy. Are Italians all disgusting pedos?

>imagine failing to get a 5

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Of course.

Why is any of this wrong? They were just dating... It's not like ally forced anything on Zack, right? Zack clearly found him attractive hence why they WERE DATING, dating is fucking MUTUAL I really don't get why it is such a big problem. Seriously anyone mind giving me a quick rundown?

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fuck ultipedos and their dying "game"

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We live in the age of overreactions. Often those guys who yell the loudest when something like this happens are really doing something much worse themselves and are trying to cover up.


Oh fuck off, pedophiles. Feminists are cunts but marrying a 7 year old is sick.

>AoC in my country is 15

fucking amerifats


I don't really get it, if you play smash good that means you can do anything

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Kill yourself, swine.



Based retards. Threadly reminder US medical dictionary specifically states that Pedophilia is attraction for kids 13 and below.

Sounds white to me.

The average man is a pedo.

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>labcoats are busy diddling 14-16 year olds
>set it to 13 so they're okay

Checks out.

Young men/boys dating older men is time honored gay tradition.
If you're straight you can't judge this, it's not your culture.

>dude its legal so its moral
Kill yourself retard nigger.

Morals matter nothing in something that's legal or not.

>"muh morals!"
>proceeds to eat meat

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So which laws are used in this case? Zack isn't canadian and he'd be seen as the "victim" in this.

What is an age gap, Muhammad?

Honestly he should be praised, coming clean about this is the first time a smash pros has ever been clean

user how do you think laws have been created since the dawn of time?


What a pathetic as fuck country where you cant even date girls do realize this won't effect much of anything at all, right.

>I'm really afraid
>I'm really sorry

nigga, it's fucking video games. stop it.

I don't get it at all what the fuck
If they were dating FOR MORE THAN A YEAR zack followed Ally's advances, he could've easily denied him or just said "Sorry but I don't think this is right" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Fucking retard.


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He's Canadian

*dabs on moralfags*

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Just another Jewish proxy.

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>sorry Canada

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>it's immoral to fuck a 16 yo
Imagine living in 2019 and this being your greatest concern.

>new york is 17
when the fuck did they lower it? wasn't it 18?

What? He was a 16 year old kid who probably had no friends and clung to the first person who showed him affection. When he was old enough and mature enough to realize he was being manipulated, he exited the relationship. What part of that story doesnt click with you?

>everything is the jews
Do you ever question how simple-minded your worldview is? Like, unironically, do you ever, or is your life too hard and you just want to bandwagon on whatever scapegoat is easiest? As an autist, this genuinely puzzles me. If I feel that I am wrong, I get super insecure and immediately start researching something. /pol/tards seem to be the exact opposite.

Reminder if you want to fuck a 16 year old you have issues. Pic related. She's innocent and still growing.

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>calling Seinfeld a pedophile

Cool it with the antisemitism

>He was a 16 year old kid who probably had no friends and clung to the first person who showed him affection
This can be said for tons of people, including singles over 50.

This is a 15 year old.

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The evidence is literally in front of you and you're in denial. Consider asking yourself the same question: isn't it alarming to you that all of your opinions are the ones that mainstream media prescribes?

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This can happen at literally any age.
Kids are more susceptible to it, obviously, but 16 is an age where you are capable of making those types of decisions on mature enough level.
It's still slimey for someone nearly 30 to date someone that young, but it's not "force into retirement and label him a pedo for life" level of bad

what a shitty timeline, when did women start hitting the wall so early
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.

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Why would Zack date such a fat goblino when a lot of better looking guys lusted after his boipucci?

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Unpopular opinion: Men like younger women because they are more fertile. There is a stark, moral difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia and the two's conflation is both insidious (in its attempt to impose values and morals) and moronic. There are issues with engaging with a toddler or a child, but it is less so disturbing and more comprehensible to be attracted to a late teen given that they they are not only their most fertile, but their secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop. There is always a difference between abuse and consent, but even high schools don't recognize that with their policy against new alumni dating their girlfriends from when they were seniors.

Everyone below the age of 21 is considered as child.
There is no difference between a 20 year old woman and a 5 year old.
Lusting after a 20 year old woman makes you a pedophile.
Welcome to the modern world.


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>and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.

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I'm not up to date on my consent laws but I think it's 16 if both parties are below 18, or some overly complicated bureaucratic bullshit like that.

Wait what the hell is wrong with being 30 and dating an 16-20 year old?

damn Christian feminist... you scary

>here is an unsourced graph for you! nuff said.......

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>Two teenagers within legal age of consent dated each other willingly
Wow someone call the SWAT already, I'm litterally shaking right now

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Wow that's like fucking a literal retarded dog who can't make a concious decision about sex and isn't horny as hell. How could he take advantage of someone like that?

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how the fuck did Zero get of scot-free from the Pierce situation

>Men like younger women because they are more fortile.

Ain't that the truth

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Why is this board called Yea Forums again? I'm starting to see less and less discussion about video games.

>tfw no 14yr old gf

Ally is in his late 20s


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Install GNU/Linux.

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ally is 10 years older, user.

>Wanting to bang kids is okay if they have big boobies
God I hope people like this remove themselves from the gene pool.

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>you will never fap to Line-trap era Bailey ever again

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So what, just because there isnt an upset in every single supermajor, the competitive scene is bad?
You do know that large tournaments happen weekly at this point, right?

We don't have seasonals like Yea Forums does.
Yea Forums died the moment /vg/ and /vp/ were separated.

>No friends
>First person who showed him affection
Dude literally what are you on? You're just assuming bullshit.
Do you seriously think a shy sperg could even get close to """manipulating""" a bratty sassy teenager? The thing was obviously mutual

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Canada is an American country though.

Give me one legitimate reason.
You can't.

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And I should give a fuck because...?

No, at least not in leafistan. Thanks to cali having all the tv and the literal most restrictive AoC laws in the western world, all of the US and Canada think it's 18 no exceptions, whereas Canada is 16 with exceptions for close in age under that and restrictions if the 16 year old is the older one's student or something.

was he right?

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>two teenagers
i was correcting you.

>21 year olds are now children

I never finished this series. Do they bang?

Nothing major, which is my point.
At worst it can just be considered slimey because you could be seen as taking advantage of someone with relatively little life experience
But it doesn't even compare to being as malicious as doing that with someone less than 16

so the 2nd lot got a bit of mental wordplay put in and it took them a second longer to rate them? Seems about right. But the article said they rated them lower. Where is that graph?

>Dating a 16 year old is being a pedo
Fucking retards man

nah senpai, its fair game

Good god this thread reminds me of my sister's friend who's in her mid teens.

>Stacked as fuck and always gives me hugs and knows I like her but can't act on it.

This is true horror.

>Delaware managed to lower it from 10 to 7

Attached: 220px-Vanderlyn_Burr.jpg (220x299, 17K)

Anyone younger and more attractive than them is immoral to love.

>Consider asking yourself the same question: isn't it alarming to you that all of your opinions are the ones that mainstream media prescribes?
No, because they're literally not. Pro-tip, faggot, but there's more to the world than A. IT WAS THE JEWS B. No, it's Russia. You know? You can have, like, a different view that is your own?
It's not a coincidence, but that doesn't support your theory in any way.

Because kids like Rin are still idiots that can't make smart life decisions.
Aoki had to wait until she's in highschool before they fucked.

Yeah dude that's predatory

You're using the meme wrong.

thats just a blur filter to hide their face lol

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They tried when Rin was a proper teenager but her pussy was too small so it hurt her and they had to stop midway after foreplay.
Apparently Aoki has a horse cock.

you are not completely incorrect but its a state to state thing


i think being attracted to 15 year olds is unthinkable

i only like well developed adult women's bodies like pic related!

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You have Nightmare who's also a pedo, this isn't a Ultimate or Melee problem, it's a Canadian smash problem.

>and pubic hair

what about the blur? her body looks disgusting for a 15 year old


You can't make this shit up.

Daily reminder that a child born from a 30-year old has a higher chance of genetic defects than a child born from a 14-year old. And a child born from a 35-year old has a higher chance of genetic defects than a child born from direct siblings. America in the past 10 years has had a strange obsession with sexualizing older women (with the "milf" memes, making characters like Mercy in Overwatch THIRTY-SEVEN years old, jesus christ). And biologically speaking, sexualizing older women is more dangerous than other widespread taboos like pedosexuality and incest.

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More like EuNICE.


I don't think it has to be.

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Fuck no.

I was 25 when I went out with a 16 year old and this was because she went to the same class I did at a college for dual credit and I had no idea she was that young.

Before taking her out I went to her parents to let them know I was dating her. They kinda got mad but eventually softened up since I wasn't a "douchebag like her exes".

We now have 2 kids and a dog.

formerly chuckville


Is that actual pedophilia or just legal in Canada but not in Commiefornia """""pedo"""""?

Women start looking like saggy tits after 30. You literally only have 10 years (9 in some countries) to copulate legally with a girl in her prime. No wonder birth rates are falling.

>Do you seriously think a shy sperg could even get close to """manipulating""" a bratty sassy teenager?
That literally happens all the time user. I don't even think ally is a pedo but you cant deny that happens all the time. People who don't have solid social lives tend to gravitate towards younger, more impressionable teenagers

>tfw had 15 year old gf
>after a few months she didn't want me to get in to any problems because of her so she wants me to wait until she gets a little older
it was fun while it lasted

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The age of consent isn't based on how mature someone is physically, it's about how matured they are mentally. The reason why the age of consent is 18 is because kids and teens below that age threshold aren't seen as being able to make good sexual decisions for themselves. You're shamed for fucking a child because you're taking advantage of someone who isn't knowledgeable enough to completely understand what they're doing, not because they have a certain body type.

someone post the non editted version

Did You Know? Women have the same eggs their entire lives. That's why you can get paid $100,000+ to have your eggs harvested.
These eggs are prone to genetic degradation in a way that spermatozoa, which are produced daily in the testes, are not.
Older women produce children with lower intelligence and higher incidence for genetic illnesses, including sub-symptomatic issues which still have a cumulative effect. The healthiest children are born to young mothers.
>Downs syndrome incidence organized by mother's age

>At age 16, 1 in 2,843
>At age 20, 1 in 1,441
>At age 40, 1 in 84

Attached: downs.png (983x545, 48K)




American here. Wow is it really this civil during non-American hours? If this was posted earlier then the thread would be /pol/tards chimping out and spamming webms of drag queen storytime and kids in pride parades.

>The reason why the age of consent is 18
Excepts it's 16 you stupid calinigger.

I'm 25 and I'm dating a 16 year old
Why is this controversial? Its perfectly legal here

16 is absolutely immoral. terribly, terribly immoral.
i hope none of you find this girl attractive

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who cares

There's your problem.

t. third world shithole

Instead it is pedos spamming to try and justify touching kids

No it's 16 but the other person can't be in a government positioned or connected job or something like that. Once they got 18 though it's fair game.

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Intercrural sex.

Okay. And?

Zack isn't a trap he's just a gay twink.

nope, you just can't if you're in some position of authority over them

because a nearly 10 year age difference is just kinda weird, I could never see myself doing that even in a situation where I'm 28 and the girl is 18.

You realise its legal in pretty much every european country and most states in the USA right

No one wants to fuck a 13 year old except white people tho. Germans mostly.

All Europoors are pedos. No exceptions.

You and I both know that's unconstitutional and will get repealed the minute anyone brings it to court.
Though this guy won't because he's been shamed into thinking Canada has Cali laws.



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>he wouldn't

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Age of consent for anal sex in Canada is 18. Get fucked, smashpedos.

becuase you're supposed to date some 30 year old roastie with a half-black nigglet

>little girl

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20 and 30 is not.
15 and 25 is, a little bit.

Because jealous old women without boyfriends


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Honestly, Fuck the Smash community. They completely destroyed a persons entire life because some whiny faggot teen wanted to get fucked, and it's somehow Allys fault that this teen was a fucking snake in disguise

Stop user you're a pedophile!

Attached: 15btw.jpg (460x668, 41K)

based falseflagger
based LARPer

unironically claiming that 95% of men find 12 year olds attractive.

you dont even get a meme arrow for this one

>touching kids
>cultures around the world celebrate girls becoming women at the age of 15/16
>implying a 15-year old is equivalent to an 8-year old
It's really easy to cover up manipulative rhetoric by throwing around accusations, isn't it?

We don't know the exact age of the minor but the allegations were sexual assault and grooming, and he was charged with sexual interference which means in Canadian law he had sex with someone 15 or younger and likely raped them given everything we know about Nightmare.

how could anyone have impure thoughts about this innocent child

Not sure how familiar Yea Forums is with rhe 3DS hacking scene, but I remember there was drama over one of the hackers flying to europe and fucking a 14 year old French boy and arguing that it was okay because it was "consensual"

>13 years old are considered more attractive than 17, 18, 19, or 20 years old
Try more believable next time you lie.


It's fucking sodomy. Anal sex has proven time and time again to lead to severe injuries in teenage buttholes. There's a damn good reason it's 18.


Then why are there more child predators in america?

Americans are hyper sensitive and retarded when it comes to the age of consent. You could be 19 legally banging a 17 year old, and they flip shit. I ponder if it’s projection.

stop touching children and then take a shower

>T-the 16 year old manipulated the 25 year old!!
Get a grip user. Step outside and get a breath of fresh air.

17 years 364 days?

18 years?
fully grown adult

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Dont forget that if the girl ever got cold feet she could accuse him of rape and immediately ruin the rest of his life despite there only being 2 years between them.

>16 year old girls don't know how to manipulate thirsty losers who've never even kissed a girl
found the virgin

The whole purpose of raising the age of consent was to keep women in school so they can be exploited by Jews as worker-consumer drones.

A doubled consumer base is very valuable in the short term

>Muslim pedo rape gangs in every major British city
>child marriage completely normalized in Africa and the middle east
Kill yourself, shitskin.

most US states have added laws to their constitutions that put limitations on the age of consent. For example, Washington's AOC is techincally 16, but only if the age difference is less than a certain amount(don't remember the exact number, but don't be expecting to be the girl's prom date if you're over 20) and it's 18 outside of that threshold. Same thing is the reason why "JAPAN'S AGE OF CONSENT IS 13" is a massive meme since most parts of the country have laws that say "yeah it's not actually" honestly you could probably do some research and it might turn out that the relationship you're having with a 16 year isn't actually allowed and at any point you could get busted, but honestly it comes down to how much everyone else around you actually cares.

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i don't get it
what's the problem here?

Can somebody explain what happened

go ask your grandpa, most likely the gap with your grandma is wider

Take a look at who we have running leafland right now and tell me again they won't repeal it the moment it comes up in court.

Meanwhile children dancing in strip clubs as drag queens is perfectly moral, but maintaining a healthy relationship with a 16 year is old isn’t moral for some reason.

The age of consent should be raised to 25 to satisfy the fully formed brain meme

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Do you guys think zack has the brain capacity of a peanut? 16 years olds are very capable of thinking for themselves. He was into it, and why is everyone assuming they fucked?

TLDR a pro smash player dated a 16 year old and everyone's virtue signaling to get twitter clout

IF you are 25 and date a 15 year old you might as well date a 3 year old, there is no difference legally.

>the boomer who’s proving he’s not a pedophile by posting his folder of underage girls and getting no replies
Keep fighting the good fight

Women peak at 16-18 and everything after that is downhill
Just being honest here ladz

Dude stop wanting to fuck kids!!!

Attached: 15 years old.png (718x846, 1.02M)

Yeah alright user, the kid who initiated knew what he was doing, dont come at me with that bullshit about Ally being the manipulator.

This but unironically

This but I should get to have a loli wife.

user his grandparents probably met in the 80s

They have like 50% european blood. That's white as hell.

Just get your hormones under control anons, even if you were attracted to this pedoshit it wouldn't be hard at all to say no, sex is not your life.

This is simply not true and is literal fearmongering. You can easily google the flat age of consent for every state (it's 16 on average.) Romeo laws are a modifier to that number.

You mean the country that actually RAISED its age of consent laws by two years from 14 to 16? Yea, okay.


>trying to keep people from fucking until 25
Good luck with that.

My dad is way older than my mom. Welp guess he's a pedophile now.

Even if a girl is hot in the late teens range, why would you want to date one when you're older. Even when you're early 20s, perspective on how absolutely idiotic teens are should keep you away from wanting to date them. Teens are just so fucking obnoxious.

women never fully mature mentally

I mean they obviously did fuck, just fucking look at Zack, he dresses like he wants to be fucked every second of the day

In Australia 16 is perfectly legal if they consent
I dont see whats wrong with that

>Do you guys think zack has the brain capacity of a peanut
Well he did play Bayo.

Attached: fifteen.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

Nobody's touching children, though. Nobody is advocating for touching actual toddlers or anyone below the age of 15 (so far). Men are just attracted to younger women, and it's safe to say that that is factual. We have our preferences, sure--some men prefer older, more experienced women--but shaming men for something so intrinsic is just stupid if not just outright arbitrary.

>perspective on how absolutely idiotic teens are should keep you away from wanting to date them.
This applies to all women so the same reason you'd date any woman.

I'm not a pedophile and I do think that a 30 years old dating a 16 years old is disgusting
But it shouldn't be illegal. 16 years old are old enough to decide who they want or don't want to date

Cause pedos are broken and can never be fixed.

Well, where does he live? Some places the age of consent is 16.

>I do think that a 30 years old dating a 16 years old is disgusting

That's because you're either

1) A jealous woman who wishes she was young


2) A feminist-dominated man

still applies, the teen/adult panic epidemia is recent, 80s still had cee p magazines legals, brooke shields etc

My dad was 25 and my mom was 16 when they started dating. Get fucked Amerimutt prudes.

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Maybe he was never even manipulative to zach, he was still the adult in the scenario and continued to do something he admits he knew was wrong

why lie to yourself? I don't expect you to say it out in public but at least anonymously online you can concede that what men are attracted to is not related to the age of consent at all but has more to do with biology.

You can't be posting while in the shower user. Stop being a kiddy diddler and use soap

But it's legal, isnt it?

Social pressure is the only way to stop people from fucking kids. If the law wont fucking do it, the Mobs will.

Yeah but you have to remember until you're 18 you're pretty much your parents property. Nobody wants their daughter being a whore with a 30 year old (Unless he's rich)

Ironic considering how many people have been praising that movie about arnie hammer boning a seventeen year old. But I guess that’s okay because he’s tall and handsome

Here is the root of the argument against a teen age of consent.

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I thought the age of consent in Colorado was 16.

what breed is the dog?

>my country is at 14y
>fucked some 13y nevertheless
kek you americans have it rough

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Because I prefer virgins? What kind of retarded question is that
No shit men prefer girls in their prime

Depends on the physical and mental development on both parties.
Many 15 year olds are basically children but then again so are 25 year olds.

The weird thing is that in the gay community younger guys fucking with older guys is extremely common and not many people make a big fuss about it.

Isn't it weird how jews constantly preach in their media that fucking teens consensually is wrong, and then you look at Hollywood and it's a den of teens being raped?

It's a law that discriminates against homos, there's not a chance in hell it would stand in the current political climate anywhere in the first world besides maybe Japan. With Justin "ISIS members are just misunderstood, let's bring them back into Canada" Trudeau as the PM even less.

women stop maturing mentally at teenage age, so the level of maturity they have at 15 doesnt really change much to when they are 25, not to mention that having a mature older partner naturally would help them mature themselves

flat age of consent doesn't actually exist user, and it varies state to state, this is why age of consent laws should be universal since all states and countries treat it differently. There are literal things that state governments ended up putting in place because of problems that they foresaw arising(such as teacher and student relationships, foster care abuse, among other things)

this isn't about the age of consent, its about protecting women. NOBODY gives a fuck if it was an underage boy dating a 20 year old woman.

so basically its just another case of Americans think their laws applies to everyone in the world?

Add some more reddit nazi frog posters to the filter.

Are you ESL?

18+ is fair game, nig

>women stop maturing mentally at teenage age

Well that explains alot

Why are smash babies such drama queens, this shit doesn't even affect anything.

Most of them are 18-19 dating people who are 25 or so. Which is completely normal, when you are 18 you are expected to at least have some financial control over your life.

what does this have to do with women? ally was dating a 16 year old boy

Why are smash players such mentally deranged disgusting subhuman freaks?

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No shit, what percent of people here do you think are fucking kids? How many of them do you think are even having sex?

Protecting the anal cavity from injury is is not discrimination. There is no law that says gays can't suck each other off at age 16.

>wanting to fuck little girls
why are you like this, Yea Forums?

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something about hearing "sexy nude 2-year old" in my head made me laugh

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Why is this thread still up?

The film is critical of how easily an older man can influence a younger person to do what they want them to do. It’s praised because its a well made film, not because the character is a model citizen

Everybody already thinks that the Smash community is a bunch of obnoxious degenerates and here we go again.
Can these retards just act like normal people for a month? No wonder nobody wants them at big tournaments anymore.

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Why are Americans so incredibly gullible? I think Jews could tell them to mutilate their children's genitals "for god" and they'd do it.

Oh, wait

It all started with a Smash game called Melee.

Nah, it's just that a lot of 16 years olds despite having pretty much mature body have the brain of a little kid, even the ones that whore around. There's literally nothing you can talk to them about
>inb4 just bang them
That's not how it works. You've never banged a 16 years old either

i would pay to see dumb feminists react to russian ig models and start saying how its rape ir something

>implying your dad will suddenly be okay with you getting fucked in the ass once you hit 18
He won't be but he'll just have to learn to live with it.

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Thats the fucking game, user, you have to stand against it for morality points, and if you don't do it you're an awful human being.

Also, make a video on it, filled with ads. Yknow, to profit off of it, but its ok, because you're on the right side of history.

Comment on someone you've never even met before. Do it. Do it or they'll hate you. You need those morality points.

Its fucking sickening.

Because the perpetrator is still a man.

If I posted pics of my 16 year old gf (9 years younger than me, virgin before she met me too) would that count as child porn even though its perfectly legal in my state?

Because retarded amerifats and europoors don't know the age of consent for anal sex in canada is 18.

15 is the age of consent here so morally eh idc. Guy should have followed the laws and cultural norms of the US though


>little girl
Why are you like this, Reddit?

Bitch, Americans are easily the sleaziest, most bratty, most backhanded people after the fucking Chinese, especially teenagers.
I don't know what the fuck parents are doing for everyone to end up so fucked in the head.
What makes you think zack wasn't the manipulator all along.
What even makes you think there was any sort of manipulation here?

>age of consent is 14 in my country
Eat that, burgers

imagine writing a serious business I'M DELETING EVERYTHING post on the internet

how embarrassing

Fuck off with that shit nigger.
Some people being fucked in the head doesn't mean we all are, I haven't got into a single part of drama in my life, and I'm part of this community.

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they ended up having you so something must've went wrong

Why anal sex specifically?

Wait is she really 16?
She looks like she's in her late thirties wtf

what are you trying to show here?

along with that, in the US particularly they added these additional things to their age of consent laws(in certain states) because they only made the age of consent 16 so high schoolers couldn't be branded as sex offenders for losing their virginity on prom night(which is something that can actually happen if you live in places with an age of consent of 18), that's why certain states made it so it's 16 up to a certain age difference, since they wanted to protect high schoolers but didn't want situations like creepy 50 year old larry attempting to bang the pastor's daughter.

Based Delaware.

It's funny to me that you think that has anything to do with anything once liberals get involved.
Also, this whole argument is predicated on the idea that ally actually had anal sex with this boy, which we don't know. If he didn't, this whole argument is pointless.

All of this is true of everyone under 25. What's an adult man going to talk about with a 23 year old? Under 25s are basically children, their brain is literally not formed yet.

What's even more interesting is that a student can be 18 and can't sleep with a teacher, since the laws state they are in a position of Authority.

>a wasted away fat 30 year old neckbeard
>a cute 16 year old with a perfect life
It's never going to happen anyway, stop wasting your time and look for some divorced old hag

Injury. Do you really trust 16 years ago to not devastate their anal cavities?

These people live in a fantasy world where teenagers are these pure wholesome, yet amazing at sex creatures.
In real life they're obnoxious, moody and can't suck a dick

No surprise
They'll blame it on Jews, though

nude pics? yes, AoC != legal porn age, thats always 18

Anyone under the age of 20 is a pain in the ass to deal with. If you want to fuck kids you are either a basement dweller who never has to deal with annoying 16 year olds or actually fucked up mentally.

I think 16 is the right number, all children should have finished puberty by 16, so they are biologically adults
I think we should be encouraging marriage at a young age and discouraging promiscuity

Is it really that hard to buy lube

>16 year old is cp
No. You're safe user, in fact I'll let you in on a little secret. There is Chan that is dedicated to looking at nude little girls RIGHT now and is still and will continue to be up on the internet. Just don't download 13 or under shit.

the only post in this thread i agree with

>It's never going to happen anyway
Not arguing with you there.

3D is annoying in general, that's why people should stick to 2D

Why would you want to date a 15 year old? She has 0 life experiences, you're at different stages in your lifes and you probably have nothing in common. She shouldn't care about the debt you have amassed through purchasing overpriced magic cards in your moms basement, you creep.

t. seething seether

Ask Yea Forums. That board changed me.

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What's the name of this chan?

>which is something that can actually happen if you live in places with an age of consent of 18
this is why going to high school in california fucking sucked, I knew someone that went to my school that literally did get labeled as a sex offender because he had sex with his 17 year old gf while he had just turned 18 and his entire life got changed dramatically, it's fucking retarded that shit like this can happen.

The projection is palpable

>Muh age of consent!

I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean someone in their 40s can mess around with a 16 year old.

Shut the fuck up.
Can you shut the fuck up?
Fucks sake its the only thing anyone asks of you and you fuck it up

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Yeah you're right I should date a 30 year old roastie with tattoos, and 3 nigger children instead.

You can keep playing that card all you want, but if you've done a simple google search then you'd know that that movement has gone nowhere in the last two and a half years.

>Men like younger women because they are more fertile.
Did you anons know that 5% of Caucasian women are infertile by the age of 31? Also around that age the chances of having healthy children starts dropping quickly every year after.
Yet men are expected to want these women, marry them and even older to start families with.
Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me.

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>Why would you want to date a 3D woman? She has 0 life experiences, you're at different stages in your lifes and you probably have nothing in common

>wanting to bang literal fucking retarss is okay as long as they’ve lived aydeen years
Fuck you bud, anyway I myself and anyone who wasn’t a mouth breathing retard like you probably wanted to bang their hot teacher at some point, and wouldn’t have regretted it if I got to (I would have had to have been better looking of course, but it’s just a theoretical). Maybe being a woman is a disability and they really are retarded, so be it, but that doesn’t change the fact that men who aren’t idiots want and won’t regret sex by the age of 14. Really, you should have to take an IQ test to see if you can consent, not just pass a certain number of birthdays.

They're teenagers, user. They're going to fuck the second one of e'm gets remotely horny. If there's no condoms or lube, they'll fuck anyway

nice spooks faggot

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What is grooming exactly?

date a girl in her 20s user... jesus christ don't overcorrect because you're mad someone doesn't think you should date an objectively boring person.

Yes, you should.

You shouldn't date anyone. You should turn off your phone permanently, stop playing games unless they're from the 90s, and dedicate your existence to meaningful contemplation.

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It literally by definition does.

Literally talking. Literally not allowed to talk even

Tell me, are americans just retarded that they really think 16 and 17 year olds are children or are they just jealous as fuck and that's why they get mad?

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In my state it does

mainly because of the all this bullshit that is comming out of the wood work that doesnt mean anything. Like most of california's pretentious garbage they spit out. You have to be squeaky clean to be in the public eye. But faggots keep following twitter and making big deals about relationships rather than actual video games

Are you retarded? That is EXACTLY what it means.

christians are a subset of jews anyway

I did fucked some 13y to 15y and I must agree that they are annoying and still have a brain of a toddler. You learn really quick to not get attached to them, most of them already know it's not going to last.

when you essentially take someone below the age of consent and sort of use your power as the older authority figure to essentially prepare(or groom them) to be emotionally dependent on you so they basically will become your sex slave when they become legal, sometimes shit like drugs are involved. Honestly it's pretty fucked up in reality but there are probably people here that fantasize about it.

Still though. Imagine being in a house without any lotion. Are they uncircumsized or some shit?
Fuck I envy that

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They're puritan "christians". Bunch of sexually repressed self hating perverts
They get off on not getting off


No. Modern American women are fucking disgusting.

not if balls didn't touch

>christians are a subset of jews anyway

kys pedo
you're a disease

wasn't there a cam model who got busted trying to groom a 14 year old girl into joining her cam modelling group with her boyfriend that was trying to prove how shrooms and MDMA will actually cure cancer or something retarded like that

that's hot as fuck desu
/pol/ told me white women don't like black men
guess it was a cope after all

Would you fuck this girl?

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Ally had a girlfriend but cheated on her with another 16 year old (he's now 17) Smash player named CaptainZack. Pretty based if I do say so myself senpai.

Wanna run that by me again?

>Americans will never know how based being uncircumcised is

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>prepare to be emotionally dependent on you
That's called being a friend you fucktard. You can twist everything into something ebil, even if you're being nice to somebody you're "making them emotionally dependent"

Are people here seriously trying to justify a man diddling a boy's butt?

Lol sure imagine being such a fucking toddler you can’t help but be “groomedl at the age of 16. People like you are too stupid to live, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote or drive or drink if you were to irresponsible as a teenager to be able to control who you fuck.

They kept saying "no homo" the entire time so it's good

It's because 14-19 is called ephebophilia, you mong.

>cheated on her with another 16 year old (he's now 17)
So he's a homo demon. Okay, now I can condemn their actions in peace

A 16 year old is not a toddler

Funny how you go off, ready to defend your cesspool.
I imagine everyone in the community is that mislead, while degenerate incident after degenerate incident pops up all around you.

user, all you have to do is to not fuck little girls and aim for women (or men) around your age. It's not that hard!

The age of consent in California is 18. This means that it must be true to the entire world.

A boy who's grown enough to make his own choice, and it wasn't against the law. There's nothing to defend because there's nothing to need defending. He hasn't done a single morally wrong thing. It's just two fags fucking each other

Reminder that anyone below the age of 25 are still children since their brains have not fully formed, so it makes sense to raise the age of consent to this number.

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it's my fucking rights goddammit


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of course i would fuck an S-tier oral expert

This is Yea Forums after all.

>"No, non, no! A grown man fucking a little boy's ass is completely okay AND legal!"

you don't understand how bad grooming is, and it's hard to explain it. it's quite literally a form of abuse, honestly probably should've left out "emotionally" since the reality of it is just forcing the person to become dependent on you in general.


That slut Zack was asking for it.

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Ok Joe Rogan, you can leave now.

>retards on twitter = DA ENTIREE COMUNITYY XDDD
I rest my case.

You're talking to the wrong guy, I wouldn't date someone under 20 even if you forced me. They're vapid cunts. Also the young thing is a horrible meme, there are plenty of 18 yos with shit bodies and 30 yos with god tier ones. Only incels think young = automatic good looks.

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She's 15 user thats immoral and highly illegal

Actually it makes more sense to lower the age of consent back to 10

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You wouldnt know good oral from a fish head digging through your urethra to lay eggs

>nose ring
Unpure, I'll stick to 2D

white bois..... this is the future you chose........

Yeah I'm talking about Canada or I wouldn't have replied.
So you're telling me it's legal in my country for an adult of any age to go with a 16 year old? That doesn't sound correct. Also I'm not going to google this.

>if it was a 16 year old girl you wouldn't care
cringe and redditpilled
both are fine and legal regardless of gender


He's got the mind and body of a child. Ally ravaged that forbidden anal fruit.

>gets stomped by a newbie with a low tier
>is actually dating a 16 year old dude

man how deep of a hole can this guy fall into?

Pillars of the community that are treated like gods turn out to be degenerates and the minions still defend them.
That makes them all degenerate.