What's your gamerfuel of choice?

What's your gamerfuel of choice?

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girl gamer pee

Unironically this.

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Isn't this done by that artist who's an actual dogfucker and has this weird hateboner for Tails?

I'll have a glass of cyanide please


Found the basedboy.


Stupid Yea Forums, I meant basedboy

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Tropicana 100% Orange Juice No Pulp

How new?

anything above 60% alcohol to drown my sorrows


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6+ years on here, PC censoorship is bullshit.

If you need "gamer fuel" you should just buy a tub of pre-work out powder and take a spoonful with water before your session. A tub normally cost around $30 and will normally last you a little over a month, longer if you ration it. Cheaper than buying a 24 pack of energy drinks and will last longer.

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>a 24 pack of energy drinks
>be me being young and dumb
>down a 24 pack within 2 hours
i've never felt so horrible in my life and it felt like my heart was about to explode

haven't touched anything energy drink related since

This is like, what someone thinks Yea Forums is if the only interaction they had was through Youtube and 9gag screenshots. I'm not even mad im just amused.

Damn. People have died from drinking much less. Luckily, considering that we're on Yea Forums, you probably didn't do much physical exertion afterwards. What was the situation that necessitated you to consume 24 of them at once.

15 years ago, when lan parties were still a thing.
Like I said, I was young and dumb, didn't want to go sleep.
So basically all I was doing is sitting down or at that point laying down, even though I couldn't find a single way for hours to feel comfortable at the time.
It was legit the worst experience in my life so far

No pulp?

I went off energy drinks at the start of the year, when I was driving home I had a tin of monster, nearly caused me to crash and I siezed up because of it. Never drank another one.

Watered down juice.

Blue Bawls is the true beverage of the Gods. So glad I live near a Kroger now so I can get one whenever I want it.

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Arizona fruit cocktail

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I'd buy that