France makes a post-Brexit grab for UK's game developers

>"The French government has launched a major push to poach British game developers in the wake of Brexit, promising subsidies, tax breaks and loans to creatives who make the move across the Channel."

>"The new campaign, “Join the Game”, sees the French government highlighting the scale of its home-grown games industry, promising similar support to anyone who wants to relocate – and hoping to capitalise on the fact that the UK will shortly not make much sense as the base for “European operations”."

>"“In only a few years, video games have become France’s second largest cultural industry, behind books and ahead of cinema,” the French Directorate General for Enterprise, which is leading the campaign, says. “It is one of the most dynamic sectors in the French economy, with more than 5,000 direct jobs.” Video game revenues totalled €4.9bn (£4.4bn) in 2018, it added."

>"Some of the world’s largest games companies have strong links to France, from publisher Ubisoft – founded in Brittany in 1986 by the Guillemot brothers, one of whom, Yves, remains the company’s chief executive to this day – to developers Quantic Dream, Dontnod and Arkane."

>"The campaign is likely to have an appreciative audience among the British gaming industry, where concern about the impact of Brexit on access to talent, markets and funding is widespread. In November, Ian Livingstone, the founder of Games Workshop and one of the leading lights of Britain’s industry, warned: “By removing certainty and many of the existing benefits of EU membership, it is feared that Brexit will hinder the UK industry’s ambition to be the best in the world.”"

All out future video games will come from France/Japan/China (and Poland). Is this a good thing, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread: Kingdom&city2=London

Fuck anglos

It's a great thing. American games are literally the shittiest on the market right now. It's all the same souless shit Battle Royale or this new auto chess shit. Wtf happened....

I thought tax cuts are bad

who the fuck gives a shit about Europe nothing but sand niggers and inbred whiteoids

>living in France
>working for Ubisoft
>help us make our anti-Brexit game!
That's a "no" from me

>hey come keep paying taxes to EU after UK leaves us!
No, thanks.

>Country of Emmanuel "I like to suck black cocks" Macron
LOL no.

Assblasted amateur jap dev

Stay mad yellow jacket

Won't stop us from stealing your coding pajeets. Next time you come steal our fucking clams we'll bring some FAMASs rosbeef.

france has gobelins, quantic, and brigitte bardot.

b a s e d

Good thing a retard basement-dwellers’ opinions don’t matter to those that produce actual value to society.

New ango-france war when?

>you will never be french
I hate everything about the UK

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Deviant honhonhon shithole

I can't even...
You do know that those retarded basement dwellers are the ones who buys the game?

>they won’t make good games outside UK
Based retard.

Only for the consumers not the companies

Just Nuke France. They are not even hiding the fact that their goal is to destroy the UK as punishment for leaving.

Certainly not if they live in France.

Everybody who has more than two brain cells knew this was coming when British peasants voted to exit. A bunch of retards there on that island.

Good, fuck Britain and fuck Anglos

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As opposed to United Caliphate of England, the worst shithole in western Europe?

Wouldn't be cheaper to just use pajeets instead going to France?

I make six figures, champ. Right now I'm posting from the toilet of my second house.

i make seven twelve figures, chimp, Right now I'm posting from the bidet of my fourth house.

the fuck are you smoking France is even worse than England

I make 24 figures kiddos
my current location is unknown and I have guys shitposting from every toilet in all of your houses

Why is brexit still a thing, didn't the bongs already vote on it?
t.shitposter from down under

We didn't vote what they wanted, so now they're waiting until they can make us vote "right" this time.

>Why is brexit still a thing
Autism caused by centuries of inbreeding

>Liberals bitch about Reagonomics not working.
>Use it offensively against your foe economically

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at that rate it's going brexit will happen in 62 years time

Buddy you don't know what that word means

Trickle down by making tax breaks.

Wait so Brexit finally went through after all these years?

Imagine thinking that the UK won't make sense as the base for European operation when it leaves the EU.

Tax breaks as presents for your billionnaire buddies are bad.
Tax breaks as incentive for companies in a growing sector you are good.

UK Goverment realized its actually terrible economically. Now they want all the good stuff from the EU without staying in it. EU is having none of this shit. UK Goverment has to delay brexit and get the 50-51% voters (who voted for it) to realize how stupid they were. Oh and the PM left because of Brexit.

To my understanding of it, wasn't it known at least initially it would be terrible economics wise but it would mean that Britain can be more open to trade to countries outside of the EU and without the EU dictating how the economy across the entire land mass is handled?

I only know my country's politics, world politics is a mystery to me.

Video games are literally not affected by Brexit at all as they are mostly digital goods and services.
Nobody would be stupid enough to invest millions to move to France for no reason at all.

>Wanting independence from a corrupt self-serving conglomerate that simply wants to import cheap slave labor and then pretends it's for social equality is stupid!
Literally the IRL equivalent of video game companies censoring shit to appease China and then saying it's because titties are distasteful. No, it's because China nets them more money.

>What are subsidies and tax breaks bro

Yes, that is exactly the economic benefits of leaving. But instead of setting up pre-agreements with other nations, the UK Gov has pissed away three years trying to just wait out the decision and appease the EU.

The reality is the UK Gov is a fucking inept puppet that hasn't had to make a hard decision since Thatcher. They bumble around constantly at a middling "I dunno" stance.

Reminder that the EU provides a means for Europe to stand alone and scares Americans

Sure that works for anyone that wants to expand.
But then again if you want to expand(i dont think there is any british dev in the position for that), you are better off just going to eastern europe.

Maybe with some British talent Ankama can fix Wakfu and just give us a single player game.

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the fact that people think france is in any way better than england is baffling when they are a part of the european mainland

Wrong part of europe. You need to hit at least Poland to get proper Eurojank
that's the good shit

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I would have thought the Irish would be the ones doing this since their government just loves giant corporate cock and they speak english

Europe is filled with a bunch of people that hate each other and the same thing is happening to America. I wouldn't be surprised if in ~100 years there's a split where the US becomes several different countries and wars with itself. White people are too fucking ardent in their beliefs and have no problem killing other white people. Perfect pawns for the (((elite))).

>Not a single mention of America in the article or OP
>Complains about Americans anyway
Absolutely obsessed.

so why do Brits tolerate this?
why haven't the permanent ruling class been thrown out already?

>come work in a country where you pay more tax and are just as likely if not more to get murdered
Ah, french delusions

Wish we had a vidya industry here in Australia. I'd like to see game devs going to work in ruggers and high vis.

People who abandon their homeland for money are fucking scum. Sure, work for a few years overseas, but if you leave for good because some country has better tax laws, fuck you. You are just as bad as the people who run this Earth, you are scum.

Only for millionaire executives, for a whole company and indie developers it's alright I suppose.

Forgive them. They're scared and lashing out.

>Growing Sector

Eat shit and die.

1 pm left because he knew how bad this would get
The other left because literally everyone hated her and her only support was from tories acting in solidarity with their party

The public was not informed of everything leaving would entail before being asked to vote for an extremely impact point of their countries future history.

Because we can't legally carry firearms. Welcome to the wonderful world of disarming your populace.

But if Brexit happens wont all the workers be forced to go back to England? I thought that was a big part of Brexit that all the immigrants would be thrown out and all the emigrants brought back?

If a sector has established names and companies it is no longer a "growing sector."

The EU has been spouting contradictory bullshit since the vote happened. It's all pathetic scaremongering, and quite frankly how anybody wants to stay within this faggot club after they revealed their true colours is beyond me.

>Literally went on record saying they were going to punish and make an example of us for leaving

Because Brits live in an orwellian society where going outside is noted by 30 cctv cameras, buying eggs, flour and spoons require an ID check and a government body sends you threatening letters if you don't pay to watch the state's tv network.

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but the french don't need more devs, they imported all those somalian programmers

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I'm sure having to do everything outside work in French will be fun.

this shit is actually fucking great

People who have never been to europe and get all their info from online sources, word of mouth, and news outlets - that are less than trustworthy - claim that europe is a shithole crater wasteland full of rapefugees.
Seriously, chill out guys. haha what the fuck

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We already sold some of our best scientists to France. Gotta face the facts mate, our government are fucking retarded and greedy. There's no reason for talent to stay here when they can get it better elsewhere. Somebody's gotta pay for those coal mines.

>tfw born on the wrong side of the manche

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t. European who gets all his sources from government TV and lives in a shithole crater wasteland full of rapefugees

>Literally went on record saying they were going to punish and make an example of us for leaving

They have to. Its the same thing with the American Civil War. If you want to stay relevant and keep the power you have managed to garner you cant let anyone go. Once its precedent that a member can leave with no repercussions than its over. It may not be tomorrow or the next year but its over. Nations will break off the second that it is not beneficial to them.

Guess those rape statistics are all false.

game of the year 2016


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If they're as open as they are with sex as they are in their cartoons, then fuck yes.

>America is the Nr. 1 Rape nation in the world
>higher than fucking African shitholes

Yet nobody cries in every thread about America and their rape, murder, school shooting rates etc..

Attached: rape world wide.jpg (1800x820, 188K)

>muh homeland
>muh white race
Also let me guess, you are a deus vult tard too?

Devs are paid like shit in France though.

I don't get the gradiant and why it is heavily skewed upwards towards the high percentage.

America doesn't pretend there isn't a problem. Also take a look at Sweden.

*higher per capita

Oh hi that's a very misleading fucking gradiant

>31 is deep orange
>95 is red

It tries to play down how fucking bad Sweden is when it has three times the rapes per 100,000 citizens compared to other Western nations.

Listening them speak is so fucking shit, people voted for these shitcunts.
>How come we're now the 20th world economy in the OECD?

you retarded cunt.

Sweden isn't the entirety of Europe and they don't pretend it's not a problem either.

All you need to do is join ISIS

Come to Australia, we make better games anyway. It's really nice here.

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you dumb paki fuck

>They don't pretend it's not a problem
>Umm sweetie our rape statistics are the third highest in the world because we have a wider range of classifications of rape
>It's totally not the insane levels of migrants we take in

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I hope all the shitlibs from the uk goto france, PLEASE!

We need more normal developers to take their places, so we can have games with BIG JUGS and VIOLENCE again.


>we make better games
Not ever since Pandemic was shit down.

The UK would be a fucking amazing place if all the lefties left, please make it happen Boris

>tfw Ralph Fulton fucks off after Fable shits the bed and MS drops his ass

xD good one bro

As an Irish citizen, we may have excellent corporate tax but we are generally a very disorganized country when it comes to pro-active economic activity abd our own countries' affairs. Having the naunce to poach british game devs would require both initiative and competence, something the Irish, on a governmental standpoint, completely lacking.

I'm french and I'm going to live in london for at least 1 year. How fucked am I?

You convince people of anything here if your ads have scary music and big captial words them. It tends to help when fucking Palmer United ads were airing on television literally every ad break, twice sometimes. Youtube ads out the ass and a goddamn billboard on every intersection in Queensland all spewing the same message "hurrr big parties bad"

This year's election was nothing but an assault on the eyes and ears jesus christ

Fucking avoid anything that isn't a mainline traffic route. You're asking to be mugged if you do that. Literally don't trust a single fuck out in public. I went there for work training for a week and nearly had my phone stolen.

Fucking lol, nice try chink. Not fucking happening.

Why are french people so overly confident of everything?

Your games are shit, your language is shit, your immigration policy is shit.

It's hard to find cheese and pastries that are up to French standards, so pretty fucked

This. Anyone against the idea of a strong united Europe is a shill for America, Russia or China Kingdom&city2=London

Watchdogs will outsell cyberpunk and be higher rated.

You can screen cap this.

Because voting is not magic. You can vote for brexit in the same way you can vote for the sun to orbit the earth, it's meaningless

Europe has capitulated to China a long time ago.

"Labor is going to close tax loopholes old people with millions of dollars use to avoid paying tax but that will somehow affect you negatively. Labor: it's the bill Australia can't afford."

and at what point is the movement that "germany and france" should rule everything starting, just like in the USA "New York and California" should rule everything, which is already on-going.

all the smaller countries and states are just "fly-over" and useless places that hold no value.

Yeah goy, better stay seperate and weak. Surely big daddy Russia/ America will care about your national interests

>and at what point is the movement that "germany and france" should rule everything starting

this, globalism is the only way, otherwise they win.

>strong united europe
Europe will literally never be united

Now wouldn't that be nice with a quality single player game.

>thread about france and britain and their videogame industries
>australians shitposting about themselves
Fair dinkum.

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>British game developers


The recent stuff with Iran show how useless and weak the EU is

Weak, small states are the dream of every globalist, they're easy to exploit and strongarm

N-No we'll hold our own and be self-sufficient you'll see

>leave the EU
>your citizens then just join countries in the EU
truly WHO would have guessed this would happen???

You know nothing froggie

>globalism is the only way to defeat globalism

Stupid retard doesn’t even know the ////elite///// is behind it all

How much longer will these kind anons let us live in their heads rent free?

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as it should be

You been fuckin

Not quite yet

Thank god for that. Only absolute retards would want to be part of an authoritarian superstate with imperialist aspirations


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Not like you need any reason to laugh at Americans

They've been running Europe for more than 2 decades now.

you realize that every dollar/euro/pund "taxes" to the EU wields double that investment in return for you right?

well people there have more rights to express themselves and aren't treated as criminals by default by their government so thats a plus for france

Yeah but me tho

>>It's totally not the insane levels of migrants we take in
it actually isn't and statistics prove that
whites rape more the more immigrants come into their country, take a look at germany where the great rape of Cologne is actually nothing compared to the amount of rapes that happen every single year at Karneval and Fasching and have been german traditions for hundreds of years
so if anything, those raping refugees just try very hard to integrate themselves into the society

At least based Queensland has forced the Libs to deal with the recession

Why would you do this ?

You fucks