Stop it with this "old good new bad" shit

Stop it with this "old good new bad" shit

You're just getting old. It's part of human nature to like what made you happy in your childhood than what makes you happy now.

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sure thing retarded zoomer

zoom zoom

No, not really. The overall quality of games now is definitely much lower when compared to something as close to 5 years ago. The decline has been sharp and quick, like a stab to the fucking heart with a knife.

Shit that wouldn't have survived a few years ago is cashing in on the new market of retards. These new retards are the majority now, therefore shitty games are made for shitty people. Objectively speaking, "old good, new bad" has some credibility to it when observing the overall attitude towards game development and its consumption.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

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what a coincidence
your thread made me think of this episode and lo and behold its actually playing

dont you ever think of being a brick too?

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>old game had a nice feature
>new game remove the feature because ??? but it's still better muh graphics

new... good?

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Deep and well thought out post, dare I say revolutionary thinking. Had not considered this view point before. Thanks op. I will now think new is good and old is bad

do not look at the past nothing to see here goys please buy new fortnite skins

There are plenty of new things that I disliked in my childhood that now I like.
There are plently of old things that I liked in my childhood that now I dislike.
I dislike new vidya because it's shit.

Enjoy your politics in every game, zoomer retard.

Going back to old games, the UIs and controls tend to be rather counter intuitive and clunky, but other than that there are still a lot of games with solid gameplay
Old gameplay tend to have quite a lot of contrast with some modern money grabbing designs

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Kill yourself, underaged faggot. Every single game made on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters, vidya is dead.

>I like buying lootboxes and sucking nigger tranny dick
I hope that someone comes and kills you retard.

Nah not really, I discover old games I've never even SEEN as a kid on systems I've never owned and they're still a blast. More than that, all of the modern games I enjoy are throwbacks or ripoffs of the classics. It's telling when the only type of new that's good is the type that's emulating the old. "Soul" and "comfy" faggots are retarded tho

No. Old games had soul and games today are shat out to meet quarterly income projections.

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The growth of anything as an inudstry leads to an increase in normalization and greed to best cater to such normalization among the growing consumer base. Yet that's not to say those who try for effort are gone, they're just overshadowed by shitty practices and therefore not given the spotlight needed in order to succeed. That's why you see millions of indie devs go absolutely unnoticed by the awful AAA titles these days.

People look at said shitty practices and place this as the state of an industry where growth is inevitable and practices evolve with your ordinary shitty human traits that come with greed and laziness.

It's inevitable, so make use of what good is left. Otherwise there's no hope.

>shit that wouldn't have survived a few years ago is cashing in on the new market of retards
Name one

>old stuff can't be good
>new stuff can't be bad
are you retarded?

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suuuure thing, on it the second they stop making actually bad shit and using lines like that for excuses

But I like a lot of newer games. There's just some games that try to recreate it and miss the entire point

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T. Calarts shitter

>men in their late 20s and early 30s posting about little girls on a video games board and saying shit like "have sex" and "seething"
You haven't gotten older, you're just a manchild

Lets just agree to say new CAN be good and old CAN be bad?

I actually think that video games are now better than they have been in a long time. We're seeing a resurgence of Japanese games and the AAA development model is coming crashing down. I really don't get the interest in mobile gaming or stuff like Fortnite, but that's okay so long as the games I know and love are still around.

I agree with you. The big heaps of trash get the spotlight. The actual games with soul never do.

This decade it's literally just how much money you pour into your game. That goes with anything in a corporate. Invest enough money into it and it'll gain traction, and people will buy it regardless of how shit is.

No, shit just keeps getting progressively more retarded.

this episode fucking blows so much, everything wrong with late AT writing and how pretentious it became. It is so forced and cheesy they somehow managed to make a worse episode than the one about his tail being a sad clown at a bug circus.

Blow it out your ass, you corporate dicksucking imbecile.
I never played those games as they were coming out and I can tell you they're miles ahead of the soulless braindead shit you love choking on.

No. Video game quality has gone down consistently since 2011. This has nothing to do with age. 30-50 year olds enjoyed Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Starcraft, etc.. Because they were great games. Games are now generally terrible and it's due to a large amount of factors you don't really care about. If you actually do, look into development team bloat.

>people who watched adventure time are on Yea Forums now

Games get worse every year, vidya is dead unless you want to kneel before niggers, sluts and trannies to suck theit shriveled tranny dicks in order to look ”progressive”.

If you think that there’s even one good game made on or after 2007, take a knife and slit your fucking throat, retard.

does it scare you to say that adults also watch cartoons?

i only watched AT mid 2018 but ok pal

You'll be one of the fucks praising Johnny Test as a classic kids cartoon in a decade or two so go fuck yourself.

Name me one good game before 2007.

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yeah, I did and it came out after I graduated high school.
I also watched Regular Show, Steven Universe, and pretty much every new show they air just to see how things are going with CN.
This might blow your mind but there's a whole board called Yea Forums where adults talk about kids cartoons they watch.

No one before or after us has or will ever stop, why the fuck do we have to be singled out?

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>We're seeing a resurgence of Japanese games
Are you saying that as in old style Japanese games, or just games that just happen to be made in Japan? There is a huge difference...

>AAA development model is coming crashing down
I don't see this going on. In fact, it seems like AAA is becoming a protected class. For example, Breath of the Wild and Red Dead Redemption 2 are some of the worst games to happen to vidya in a long time and yet they are praised as if they are GOAT material. Along with AAA thriving, it seems like shovelware being rebranded as indie is on the rise. LoL, Fortnight, and so on are the most play games of the generation for crying out loud... You see recovery, and I see the lowest point in vidya history during the past 30 or so years (think I started around the age of 2) that I've been playing vidya.

lol that's pretty gay

>Yea Forums

Unironically kill yourself.

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those standards are a little extreme, user. Games on average were better back then, but how fucking jaded do you have to be to have not enjoyed any game after that?

So, uhh....I can't enjoy classical music just cause rap and rock exist now? Can't see a silent movie unless you were born at that time?

Imagine being this ass blasted millennialcuck that was born when the wolrd is ending and who's first console was the Wii. I don't pity you because even if you think whatevr SHIT exists today is the best thing ever, the thing is you refuse, and I mean REFUSE to play and accept anything old so that you can cope with your miserable life. Hurr durr i gotza play whatevea iz in front of me no matta what!

How much of a fucking shit-eater you have to be to think that it’s perfectly OK to be a retard buying lootboxes and have SJW devs forcing trannies and niggers down our throats? Kill yourself.

Only a retard would think everyone falls under that. Games are objectively bad due to many obvious industry cancers that are eating at the quality of games and their content. This doesn't mean however, that all games new are shit. Fuck off.

Games being made in Japan are starting to go back to their old styles after years of trying to copy the western game industry and they're having a lot more success with it. So it's the same thing.

The AAA development model is still going on, but companies are having a much harder time spending hundred of millions of dollars on games and making that money back. Just look at the many AAA games that have bombed in recent years.

I'm 35 years old and have been playing games for as long as I can remember. the mid 00s to the mid 10s were the absolute worst time for video games ever in my experience and things are much better now than they were even just a few years ago. Maybe not the golden age of the late 80s though the early 00s, but things are not so bad.

Point out where the lootboxes and trannies/niggers are in Dirt Rally

I agree they are awful, why do you think I am talking about cartoons here instead?

>You're just getting old
shut up

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Touche. I have no argument for that.

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Doomers are just ahead of the curve.

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>Stop it with this "old good new bad" shit

But it's true for

Aquire better tastes retard.

>Yea Forums has all but collapsed completely just like everywhere else but a singularity has occurred where actually civil conversation can blossom as long as it's not video games

There are still video game threads that thrive and are actually about video games, but usually they're cult indies from what I've seen and experienced

Nah the recent trend of 'garbage unoriginal multiplayer shooter' is a downgrade even from 'garbage call of duty knockoff.'
Shit has gotten way worse.
I still find good old games regularly.
Still enjoy old games that I haven't played yet.
I find maybe one good new game a year.

Games have gotten a lot fucking worse.

>Forming your own opinion means it must always be unique and different.

>valid complaints about the objectively shit-tier gameplay aren't valid because I say so
k zoom

>SJW bs
What world do you live in that this shit started right after 2007?
also all those complaints pretty much only apply to western AAA and mobile games with a few outliers

by your standards I'm apparently not allowed to like Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden 2, I could name way more if I cared and weren't drunk at 4AM right now.

It's true for fucking everything except technology.
Technology is the only thing that has gotten better since like 70 years ago.

Not him but you should see the Link's Awakening threads. "Long time fans" are tearing it apart and it's literally the exact same game except with 3D models and widescreen.

non-/pol/ off topic threads have always been civil on Yea Forums.

I kinda miss reading Deepsea Threads. moot even made them Yea Forums legal for a while.

shut up nigger you're wrong and I'm right and that's how it's going to be

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the only bad thing about modern vidya is lootbox gatcha shit.
as long as you stay away from that there's nothing from with games coming out now
if anything they are better than they've ever been
>inb4 zoomer
t. older than dirt

Post your top 5 from the last 4 years
Let's see how shit tier your tastes are

>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Nier: Automata
in no particular order

I liked Sekiro better when it was called ddr, was actually challenging then too

All shit, kill yourself.

I grew up with PS1 and Dreamcast and yet I consider most of the games on those platform unplayable garbage, even some games that I liked back then. Modern games are much better most of the time. Is there something wrong with me?

Name some unplayable dreamcast games without trying hard and seeking out shovelware on google

Fallout 76

Technology has generally gotten worse in the last say ten years though. Or maybe this is misstating it, but software has gotten a lot worse, and it's dragged a lot of technologies down with it.

Skies of Arcadia

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That's a special case since it's a jrpg, they're all bad and they're still around

Nah mainstreamification is a thing. There's an obvious shift to casual shit and formulaic soulless crap for money

>it's bad because old graphics are bad
>it's good because new graphics are good

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But user what if newer games are genuinely bad? What should I say instead then?

Getting old is realizing EVERYTHING is shit. The old, the new, it's all the same asinine palmistry. Distractions from the shittiness of the real world that might actually be another shitty video game. It's realizing no game actually works as you see how its cogwheels turn. It's realizing every piece of media might as well be procedurally generated from random specs. It's realizing competition is meaningless and acgievements are empty. That's what getting old is; now you'd better forget that I said and try to enjoy your little games while you still can.

But Druidstone came out not too long ago and I was born in '87 and I liked it enough to get all the achievements pretty goddamn fast.
Also bought my copy legit after pirating due to lack of money, the developers are good people.

old game bad
new game bad
forgotten indie game good

fuck off zoomer

You're missing the point Lil Zoom, new games can be great. It's the monetization, multiple editions, separated preorder DLC, day 1 season passes that we hate. Maybe when you become self aware you'll realise this.

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>glitchy and seemingly unfinished downgraded fucking garbage is constantly released
>you have to wait a minimum of a year after purchase to get something that is marginally playable
Destiny 1/2
Diablo 3
Battlefield 4
Dark Souls 2
Whatever number that dogshit battlefront reboot is
No man's sky
And then theres the cinematic tripe that focuses more on their mediocre story and pretty set-pieces than satisfying gameplay
They bad games
They also just happen to be new(er)

Kirby Air Ride

>5 years ago
>Dragon Age Inquisition
>Watch Dogs
Videogames were fucking ass 5 years ago

But user i was 21 when it first started.

u stop bad think. new bad

why woud you buy any of this lmao

>heres a list of garbage games
>lmao why wud u buy dis

There is allot of "new good" but with how much the industry has grown there is much more shovelware and "new bad" while with "old good" smaller industry means less "old bad" also
>old good new bad
is just bait it means nothing

>stop this "old good new bad" shit
>it's getting old
... so it's good?

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