What are you guys playing?
Whats the oldest game you have ever played?
Dark Souls 2
hitman 2
smash ultimate
mario 1
7th stand user
I don't remember, but probably something on the NES
is that what elite dangerous is following up?
also what part, build?
how long is hitman 2?
also pong is my answer as well but it was on an atari remake so probably doesn't count.
on what system did you play mario1 ?
Oddworld: New n Tasty
Hitler posters should go back to even if they are ironic.
Lobotomy Corporation
Are you really expecting much besides Pong as an answer? Most people played it and you can't really go much farther.
what is that on? it looks like a mod for pokemon
really surprised at the variety that Yea Forums has. I don't know if I have seen a duplicate answer yet.
RPG Maker 2000, its a good game
holy mother of cringe
yea but it should only count if its on the original atari to be honest.
The original Elite
You mean my systems? I don't fucking remember, all I can say that I've never got the last warp drive or what the fuck it was called
So what's the oldest game you've owned on its original console?
I guess one of my Gameboy games. Kirby's Dreamland might be the oldest I have.
Nothing until I get fucking Twilight menu working, I keep getting the damn error.
I mentt in Ds2 lol
FFXIV, expansion is pretty tight. Maintenance is on right now, so might play Three Kingdoms or pick up Nier Automata or something.
either snake on the phone or Some nintendo 64 game
I'm cosplaying as Guts, so you know
ADT sucks major balls, btw
dont know about the Nier automata. If you like a game with a great soundtrack, somewhat predictable outcome and average Japanese gameplay sure. otherwise just avoid it.
what is that?
mario world
"adventure" for the atari 2600