Is there a worst fanbase on Yea Forums and the internet than Smashfags

Is there a worst fanbase on Yea Forums and the internet than Smashfags

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Other urls found in this thread:

People who hate smashfags

anime community in general

smelly bros ultimate is a trash game
I dont mind them bullying whores though

Any one who likes anything.


UnIronically reddit.

xivg by a mile


Undertale fans

This is why men who haven't had sex or kissed a girl after the age of 18 should be shot on site. Nothing but pent up sexual frustration.

imagine getting butthurt because a tranny girl won against a top 10 male player


Feels good to be a meleechad, where there is not only no women, but the game is too skill based to allow bullshit upsets.

I don't even get why people were mad? Was it because she plays a campy character? Or was it literally because it was a girl? I've been trying to piece together why but its literally not making since, There a multiple female smash players in the community (SuperGirlKels, VikkyKitty, Cinnpie etc etc) that literally havent had this issue before. Are people mad she used a campy character(Isabelle) to beat a campy character(Snake)?

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anime faggots and ironic weebs, reddit, zoomers

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Sony fans

With that shit taste filter, I'd bully him too.


I bet it was only 2 or 3 idiots that you can find in any community or workplace or whatever, and now they're taking the chance to fabricate yet more outrage and shit by shitting on a game community
Don't @ me


It is literally a 15 year old girl go check her twitter.

Not every girl that plays video games is a fucking tranny

dios mio....


>killing 95% of Yea Forums

Hello Adolf.

Can I get the obligatory Tyler?

Smashers.... we gotta do better.

Bullying a 15 year old girl is NOT ok by any stretch of the imagination. United, we can stop this. Alone it will continue to poison our community. Rise.

That is a tranny btw, if anyone was wondering about why they were performing so well

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that's a fucking tranny.

Someone post the video.

>15-year-old player
At least they didn't call "her" a girl. It's something.


>gets 1 hate message
>go on tranny outrage
>meanwhile hbox gets harrased left and right

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>Not every girl that plays video games is a fucking tranny

no, but she is a tranny

top female players are always trannies

Okay so we now know he's not a woman but a tranny, but what about his age? Is he really 15? If so; why aren't his parents in jail for allowing this to happen to their son?

Hbox can take it. He's a man. This is different. She's a woman.

Child abuse is Ok when you call it "transitioning".

Please don't de-person the trans community by referring to her without acknowledging her trans identity.

>nearly retiring
imagine being so ineffectual you cant even successfully bully a 15 year old

So just attention whoring then.

HBox has embraced being the heel.
Outside being crabbed.


Real girls don't play Smash competitively.

Well gotta give it to >her, >she really does act like a female. Just as entitled and spoiled.

anybody who says its not a tranny, 99% its a tranny user

How many children do you know that are transitioning? I'd bet my entire life savings that number is less than 1. You have never met a person with gender dysphoria. Don't act like you know what it is.

yeah sounds like a 15 year old girl alright

In a normal world allowing your child to become trans/take hormones would be considered child abuse and neglect

Remember we had a female only bracket at a local. Out of all the entrants only one was actually female.

>15 year old ironic weeb thot

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>She's a woman

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I think you've hung out around too many trannies user
15 year old girls don't sound like that

Get over it you precious little bitch. Somebody post the Tyler Tweet.

Too me the upsetting revelation from all this is that a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds(including Zakurai) can pick up Ultimate as their first Smash game and beat a bunch of adults who've been playing Smash since Brawl. Too me that's just a revealing exposure of the fact that all nuSmash games have a devastatingly low skill ceiling and that all of these adults are practicing away at a retard proof game. It pretty much also BTFO's all people who say nuSmash games have any skill comparison to Melee because nobody can just pick up a controller and survive against people who have played consistently for years.

sounds like a 15 year old white boy


Want to exchange one-word retorts? As long as you refuse to take an argument at its merit I will respond in kind. You pathetic loser.

I'd like to retract the statement regarding women. I guess no real woman plays competitive smash. It's the exact same with melee.

>Get into competitive community
>Can't handle the banter
Fucking hell, I understand bants when I was fucking 5, bitch deserves to get bullied

Transthot to be specific

Pic unrelated I assume because if that's real then it's one of the few based things smashfags have done

I think you win "stupidest person in the thread" award and that is really saying something going off of this thread.

>that voice
WTF She's really trans!?

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I think you've hung around too many retards and autists user.
You're too dumb to see blatant sarcasm.

That just sounds like the average nerd. My god, they're turning the nerds into trannies.

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females and males are fundamentally different

HBox is a man on his late 20s, men can deal with shit like that , this is how males man up. op is a 15yo transgirl

Not worse, but just as bad is the discord tranny group that spams UNIST, Risk of Rain, Scp and Lobotomy Corp threads

>I think you've hung around too many retards and autists user.

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Hoq do I get a teen trans nerd gf?

Cool, people of all skill levels and ages get to play competitively
Sorry your message showed up glitched. You were saying? Lol

source of literally any of the bullying thx

it's so easy for some faggot to make a twitter and post shit like "Masuda sexually abused me" and somehow even easier for a journalist to think it deserves a whole article

Isn't that mainly who become trans? A bunch of lonely fucking nerds?


There is something really funny about people who claim to be over 18 years old making fun of a 15 year old to feel superior

yup, thats a dude, i thought you guys were trolling

Anime fighters attract some of the worst.

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Wow how insensitive. There are thousands if not billions of proud women who have deep raspy voices. Some have huge labia lips and many past partners. All are just as valuable as any blonde bitch. Even more valuable, they know their way around a bedroom, unlike those virgin loser blonde girls lmao.



Oppa Gangnam style.

Wow, asking for evidence is like, literally rape user. Listen and believe, never forget.


That's like a toddler announcing that they're "retiring" from tee-ball.

>writing "sigh"
it's just tiresome man

A lot of times yes. There are some guys like Macho Ma'am that are pretty manly that still got their brain fucked up though.

So why are all these articles saying he is a girl? Why did they lie to me? I think that the grand total of 3 women who play smash bros in a competitive sense should be offended that these fakes are taking the spotlight as "female smashers."

All women are precious and need to be protected.

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"The worst of it comes from being a girl"

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>smash community
>imagine giving a fuck about the opinions of some faggots who have constructed a false personality forn themselves out of the fact that they like a shitty game that literally has no value outside of advertising for actual nintendo games.

Dont get why people play that game seriously. Its a goofy party game with kids characters, how come male adults even spend time on it is beyond me.

she is obviously using a voice modifier retardos

They don't even hide it anymore.

>nearly retiring
So... nothing happened?


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All of Yea Forums of course!

>top female players

lmao this is a literally who kid

Imagine being this guy

>Why did they lie to me?
I can answer your question for them in the way they would answer it
>Because she IS a girl!

Fuck off trannyera.

>someone posts a spic or nig
>dios mio xD!
you idiots cant even use memes properly

t. Fat

she tweeted that she'll be returning in time and that the sudden burst of popularity got to her emotionally, which it would do at most people her age.

she's a fucking kid, it's ridiculous to see a bunch of grown ass men bullying a kid over something like that

imagine falling for such shit bait


what the fuck is that suppose to mean? she stop playing games?

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unironically resembles a female friend, it could almost be her from that picture

Huh? Sorry user your message didn't send properly lol

I said everyone in this thread, including me, needs to have sex.

Look through "her" Twitter pics, it's not a girl

>retired when only 15 years old
Fucking hell, you could do that? I still need over 20 slave years till im allowed

Hey I'm down for that user.

is this person really a dude? I'm so confused, voice says no, but it hasnt made mention of if it is or not

Covering his mouth/jaw, wearing baggy clothing, and doing an odd angled pose. Whatever helps him with his illness I guess.

me gusta

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>voice says no
Clean out your ears. Voice is 100% a dude

Look at how small her hand is, is she really trans?
Why kind of dude has tiny hands like that. And smooth legs.

nice jewish pedophile thread
"journalists" should be shot and smash players forced to use soap on a rope

>voice says no

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>which it would do at most people her age.
Wrong, a normal boy this age would be swingin his dick around and bragging after a feat. This estrogenized faggot is just trying too hard to behave like a woman.

lol good

>Not posting the other thing

sorry, i meant the voice is saying yes

He wants to keep the spotlight on him and keep the attention flowing.


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Oh fuck off, i haven't had sex but i don't spite and hate women, unless they act like you or the people that were after her.

-shaves legs
-photo filters and editing
-the hormones the dude is taking

It's not hard to figure out

Did they make fun of her for bathing?

You conflate your hatred of God's chosen people with your hatred of mainstream media's journalists.

Journalists are your friends. Do a google search of "yellow journalism". It might just change your perspective.

>That shitty animal photo filter
Literally deserved it. That shit just looks stupid

Fuck off with that shit.

That's your opinion. Mine is that it is cute. So who deserves more credence, me or you? Keep in mind that you're a nobody and so am I.

you get to hang by your neck via soap on a rope

so if you callout or talk shit to a woman, you're and incel now. okay

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Hang this. *grabs dick*

>> unless they [insert thing that makes me feel like I can be a shitty person to people]

sure thing kid, real mature to self appoint yourself as the judge of who does and doesnt deserve spite and hatred
*ahem* have sex

>29 year old man dated a 16/17 year old for a year
>bunch of people bully a 15 year old confused kid nearly to the point of death

what the fuck is wrong with Smash players? I literally don't see crazy shit like this in any other Fighting game scene

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You sound upset

Shut the fuck up incel

incel is literally seething in this post. my sides are in orbit!

>says this while judging him
what did she mean by this?


Shut the fuck up incel


>nearly to the point of death

these silly faggots are very sensitive. this stupid insane boy should say off the internet if he can't handle it.

he's also stuck with that man chin and fucked up knee.

This one cracked me up.

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Shut the fuck up incel

"Words can kill" Okay skullface, calm down, no one was actually going to die

>real mature to self appoint yourself as the judge of who does and doesnt deserve spite and hatred
He responded to a post literally doing just that, you fucking brainlet. Maybe look at the context of each post before making yourself look retarded.

the guy she beat actually quit because he was outed for being a pedo.


Dota and LoL

trans folk: *exists*
Yea Forums: wOw TrAnNy KiLl YoUrSeLf!!!! DiLaTe!!!!

Wtf Ally is a faggot? French genes I guess.


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Wow, smashfags are worse than speedtrannies.

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he act like a attention whore, what a surprise from a tranny.

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Yes? What's wrong with that?

sorry bro but go listen to his voice.
Its a tranny.

You literally wished death on people you animal.


Looks like a girl to me. You knwo what they say. If it is a duck then it's a duck.

a true classic

Agreed on that one brother!

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If it's a chicken then it's a duck.

>that chin

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>File: 1182120-bdjoe.png (189 KB, 285x515)
>Agreed on that one brother!

Wanna keep your racism out of this one?

still a cute


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how much of a bitch can you be to be affected by the Smash community?
They are a bunch of unwashed, fat, ugly neckbeard menchildren.
It is as pathetic as being a 30 year old dude getting bullied by 12 years old kids.
Get a grip bitch.

>Non-traditional fighting game brings in a different crowd for that community
>Said crowd is off their fucking wagon and can't handle themselves or have common sense
The series is just kind of cursed in that way.

If a duck is a duck then yes it's a duck
But if a duck is a cow then it isn't a duck now is it?

>If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
too bad it sounds literally nothing like a duck in this case you fucking mongoloid

fuck trans trash they should be shot

Lmao, Yea Forums cucks btfo


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>trans folk

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wanna keep that cock out of your mouth?

>This is why men who haven't had sex or kissed a girl after the age of 18 should be shot on site

Its pretty much a america only problem where degenerate sex is glorified 24/7 and normal sex is a taboo topic.

At least here in europe if a guy is a sperg you can send him with 50 bucks to the whore house and hes gonna fuck a legit babe and get the shit out of his system

If anything this means Yea Forums is right. Women can't play smash bros and this dude is a tranny.

I wonder who's behind this post.

She has a female brain.
She sounds female (voice). She looks female (appearance). She acts female (submissive).
That's a girl as far as the logical world is concerned. Take your /pol/ bullshit and shove it up your own ass.

Smash faggots are the new horsefuckers.

why bulli young girls, young girls are for luv and making sexual jokes they dont understand yet.

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Unfortunately very true
We can show children heads exploding and limbs being lopped off but nipples are forbidden

Then these kids learn about sex ed and start fucking like rabbits. Really big issue with it here.

>its a tranny

where is there so much mental illness in the modern gaming communities?

>She sounds female (voice)

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One fatal flaw, she has a cock

>Ally lost to a tranny and admitted to being a creep
It is a great week for him.

Female to Male Trans are fine, they don't have disgusting wounds in their crotches, and they at least don't have to dilate their hilarious meat tubes that only a handful end up getting.

I wouldn't hate FtM trannies if SRS wasn't a thing, unironically.

She has a microcock user

>gamers bully tranny into quitting
based gamers
fuck faggots and fuck niggers

supergirlkels is actually ranked top 5 in her region and consistently places top 8 at regionals

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>She sounds female (voice).
>She looks female (appearance).

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>has beaten a pro Smash player

what's the surprise here? trannies are the only girls capable of competing against males due their part male / part female brains

You seem to have a retard brain, user

You aren't born with the opposite gender's brain. Not to mention this man has the correct chromosomes that make him equal to a man. No amount of makeup, dresses, body altering procedures and chemicals will ever change that. That's just the truth!

>Female to Male Trans are fine
They are the most cringe especially when they chop off their tits. Going from a girl to ugly scrawny dude is peak mental illness

>eceleb fanboyism to the point they get pitchforks to whoever makes their online idol feel small

god I hate this poodiepoo generation

>Joker being given the Bayonetta treatment
>ZeRo and others stirring the pot
>Ultimate gets the most entrants at EVO
>Ultimate likely to get the main event timeslot
>Bocchi bullied
>Ally accused of statutory rape
>Ally retired
I hope at EVO 2019 during top 8 on the main stage in primetime we get something even worse than the EVO 2018 sandbagging. The drama would be amazing.

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Peer pressure and people refusing to get off of social media

And I'm in love with her

>finding a cute ftm gf who is just tomboyish without mutilating their cute bodies
If only

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american men are so pathetic no wonder your women are fucking niggers

They're quieter about it, and they don't have to use a dildo to keep a collapsing wound from healing on a daily basis.

It's the Jews man. We can't help it.

>She has a female brain
and wheres your source for that, you stupid asshole?

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agree on that faggot, degenerates trannies.

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She has a penis (feminine)

>she has a penis
>this is somehow bad

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Thats a man.

>They're quieter about it
its not like anyone would listen because no one cares about men especially the ugly ones which is the category they will be in looks wise.

Wasnt there a lesbian who did this as a experiment and was happy to transition back because life as ugly man was living hell? I think there was a documentary about it

>Isabelle guide
>Birdo is narrating

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Imagine taking his boi virginity.

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Have you seen it? No? It's none of your business? Oh, ok then. Way to destroy your own argument with the most fundamental flaw.

her penis is feminine, she's fine

I can prove that wrong real quick. Her name was nowhacking but I don’t know what her Twitter name is now.


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>Trans folk: *exists* *entire world gets ruined* *people lose their jobs and platforms for misgendering someone* *children suicide rates spike up dramatically* *western society slowly crumbles*
>Yea Forums: wow what a bunch of cunts

crazy huh

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Regardless of the reason, this automatically makes them less loud and annoying and shoved in your face compared to FTMs.

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i really hate how american faggots are ruining anime. first they fucked it with their politics and every anime avatar on the net is a tranny

>You kind of look like Helena Bonham Carter!

I don't doubt that some are annoying but it's a drop compared to an ocean of annoying mtfs.

Exactly bro you got it

none of that happened

Just want to remind everyone that she is a REAL HUMAN BEING and she may one day stumble upon these horrible things you're saying about her. Be kind. Be respectful. You never know who is watching. Karma is a bitch and you may one day find yourself in a horrible situation because of your cruelty.

The Pokemon community.
>a community so cucked, there are people defending anything past the DS era

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I remember reading about that, she said it changed her view on men entirely. I’ll have to go look it up again

It was pretty funny, honest. She didn't smell like pancake batter and old farts.


it wouldnt be any fun if she wasn't real faggot

you mean the ones that turn into trannies right

lol dab on them

We care enough about him not to lie about it. You wanna be a cross dressing queer go ahead do it behind closed doors but you will never be a woman

All of it happened

what did she do to deserve the hate though? beat ally?

>Just want to remind everyone that she is a REAL HUMAN BEING
Trannies aren't people.

It's because she's a girl and young and also plays a low tier beating a top tier character and explayer. So she got all this attention, especially after people like Zero talked highly of her. She gained a shitton of clout for basically this one notable, and great win.

But at the same time there are other young players taking down big names, and the community was not as responsive to them as they were to the new girl. So people started indirectly attacking her like that. "Why does this gamer girl getting all the attention while these guys are taking names and no one cares" is what some people were saying.

Let's be real. She's getting attention for all the things I mentioned. She's a girl, she's young, she beat a top player, and she plays a low-tier. That's "newsworthy" in the community. The world isn't black and white. She's gonna get more attention because she's a rarity in the community at this moment, and I doubt she was ready for that explosion of exposure. However that does not excuse the legit bullying towards her because of her current status. I'm glad she's taking it well as well as the other young smahers (Spargo and Puppeh) responding to this shit in such a mature manner.

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they exist but they're like 3/10s, any girl 6/10 or more aren't good at video games.

Based ryan

Ftm are just retarded, trading in life on easy mode just because they want to be special. Mtf at least want to get on that sweet gravy train that is female luxury cruise life.

Wow get the fuck off Yea Forums you colossal faggot

all women who bitch about men should be treated like one for a month that would shut them up

it is absolutely baffling to me that less than 1% of the population has this much traction and attention
has first world living really gotten so easy that people now get a gender identity crisis to give their life meaning?

fuck off incel

>source: my ass
keep seething discord tranny

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So you're saying that FTMS are people who want to play on hard mode and MTFS are retarded journalists complaining that Fromsoft games need an easy mode?

souls toddlers

>hurrrr muh epic spoopy hardcore
>no its not overrated
>no the giant bossfight gimmick was not already overdone years before by casual pokemon monster hunter type games

someone in a discord i am in sperged out since the admin made a channel just for Pokemon since they don't like it also a lesbian jew

go dilate faggot

No theres just less of them because no one wants to be a male in 2019

Don't white people fucking suck at fighting games?

Suck it up, and learn to embrace someone from your own volk.

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This fucking guy


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>she she she she she she she she

This is literally the logic nazis used against the Jews. "they aren't people"

You can justify just about any cruelty against something that isn't human.

>She acts female (submissive)

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Send me her nudes

I was against this but found out it was a tranny, any man could take the criticism but trannys are fragile as fuck and have breakdowns for nothing, fuck them.

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There being less Ftms than Mfts doesn't somehow make them bad, if anything, Mtfs should follow their counterpart's example.

I agree with him so that's 2-1 we're all nobodies but you're still a faggot

>trannys making shit up to make it seem like they aren't killing themselves en masse
no where can you find something that says gender therapy reduces the rate of suicide attempts, and it certainly isn't from the williams institute data

Holyshit, a 15yo girl beating a guy on an autistic game? That's fucking impre-
>hears voice

Attached: wojakworried.png (214x236, 5K)

never posted herself but she was a giantess

>Fighting game

t. ranny

but thats literally false. We had that 15 year old Jap kid come to America and take names and people wouldnt shut up about him. Then like 2 weeks ago we had that 13 year old Mexican kid beat MULTIPLE professional players in one tourney

I thought the point of trannies is to become the opposite gender and not a third option

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i know this is b8 but you still made me reply so take this (you) nigger

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Ahem Fuck trannies

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Seethe harder, snoygger.

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Watch this.

No, seriously.

Watch the whole thing. You might just be surprised at how much you'll learn.
Don't dismiss it outright because of the source, attack arguments on their own merit. Watch it, seriously.

Gender is cultural but you can be born with the wrong brain. Makes sense

if that was the case LGBT wouldn't be a thing, it would be called LBG instead


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Someone post the picture

it's still impressive, trannies have partial female brains and she played with a low tier against a high tier

This is fucking Yea Forums. From this website's very inception, we care nothing for the feelings of others. Take your kindness to Reddit, or somewhere else.

nice fucking try, ghosts

This reminds me of those weird moloch videos, im not watching this fucking degenerate demon


Damn you sure showed me with that shitty ms-paint comic. I guess I must concede! It definitely wasn't a generically made "catch-all" for a strawman of arguments that aren't being made and by nature of being illustrated gives it some form of validity.

watch this

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She’s a guy. She’s not a girl. An actual biological female player would probably be a little annoyed if a trans was given all this attention as a top female.

>that voice

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are you threatening me bitch boi?

But you do have my care user, have a good sleep today. fuck trannys tho.

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Why do publications NEVER point out that they're a transgender in the headline, they just refer to them as their identified gender. Just because you transitioned doesn't mean you can just lie to other people pretending to another gender.

>she's a girl

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The video is 30 minutes. Wanna know how I know you didn't watch it?

>tranny gains notoriety for any reason
>people react to him being a tranny
>tranny quits because even though he made zero effort to pass as a girl he can't stand people thinking he's a guy
>his favorite pastime and fellow players are blamed and the entirety of the media flocks to his defense over him not wanting people to be mean to him uwu owo
aside from the implications of putting someone who needs parental permission to stay up past 10 on hormone blockers, if this was some normal guy getting bullied online for playing a cheesy zoner in a fighting game nobody would lift a finger in his defense

>Gender is cultural
Penis male, vagina female
Nothing else


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No we don't, no one cares what you have to say, get the fuck out tranny.

Doesn't matter how many times you say it, it's not going to become true.

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>trannies have partial female brains

They don't. They're just mentally ill males.

She is 15 years old you complete retard

>when you're seething and coping so hard you feel the need to post a ms paint argument

Tyler the creator said it best.

Because they all said they weren’t going to?

Why does Yea Forums hate women?



penis cunny

that's a tranny. Trannies get the canny

To be fair, a female brain would explain the mental illness.

She’s a He


So such inane faggotry isn't just isolated to western nations. I'm only slightly surprised.

smashfags are manchildren
what did you expect

I love women, men pretending to be women need an ice pick to the brain

It's almost like it's a universal condition and not some culturally defined form of "degeneracy" from your judeo-christian normative. Imagine that. Wow.

So playing vidya is a job now?

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Is it because they told you directly, or because Contrapoints is known for """their""" terrible strawman arguments?

No argument, what a failure.

They are men with aspergers, they are even more advantaged than the typical male when it comes to video games.

>It's almost like it's a universal condition
Insanity and degeneracy are unfortunately universal conditions to a degree. The problem comes in when they go unchecked and are allowed to fester.

needs more wojaks

>it's a tranny after all
just the icing on the cake, can't believe all those white knights jumped in without knowing

it's not a woman you fucking psychos
it's a fucking alien

It's a tranny, you complete retard.

>watch my trannytuber

The entire format of the video is a conversation of stereotypes, examining the most accepted points of view of two different groups. You can scream "STRAWMAN" all you want but nobody's gonna listen to you until you state facts.

Your point being?

i love women, passing transwomen and traps (honorary women) just like any normal straight male

Trannies are just autistic men, which are better at vidya on average. It's why so much top speedrunners are trannies.

Respect their decision, nigger.

Because they think women are the reason they're single, overweight, and smell like molded cheese that sat under the sun for a week. It's an insecure way of coping.

linking a contrapoints video
10/10 bait, this is some true innovation i'd like to see more of in the future

i'd like to bully her uterus!

Pretty chadlike chin. Im being mogged by a fucking tranny
stop falling for the bait

You mean his prostate?

Well, if you're only talking about the internet, the Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale, and Sonic communities are way more autistic Smashfags win for Yea Forums though.

Bruh you're gonna have to tl;dr that shit. This issue is not important enough to me to warrant a half hour video with notes. If Socrates came back from the dead right now and talked for that long I probably wouldn't care.


Is she actually a tranny?

>Thinking prostitutes solve anything
It's not about sex it's about love, i don't want to feel the insides of a pussy i want to feel accepted and that someone is attracted to me.
Too bad you can't pay for that.

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He said it himself, also there are videos were you can hear his voice, that's a dude my good lad.

>i want to feel accepted and that someone is attracted to me
you should try being a decent human being

Is it even a question? Get your trap detector checked faggot.

>tfw you were born in the wrong time
As a 30yo boomer, for once I am jelous of zoomers who can legally fuck these cute nu-trans that took hormones before puberty and icky male testosteron fucked up their bodies. These are the perfect, real life futas thanks to HRT at age 9: small, girly frame, hairless cute dick, deep male voice didn't emerge thanks to hormone blockers, no beard growth etc. Fucking christ, there are people out there who will fuck these cuties, I'm so jelous of the lil zoomer kid who will break her in

simply jumping at random points in the thread could have given you the answer immediately
he literally sound like the faggot dweeb you'd beat into submission at school

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There's a twitter screencap ITT where they confirm it.

No one wants to deal with tranny drama either but here we are, none of this would happen if trannies were faster with their suicide.

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Fucking kek. The reason this is gaining any traction in the first place is because people thought "le girl gamer getting bullied for being better than the boys"

>15 years old
Literal degenerancy

she doesn't have an adams bump at all, check twitter image feed

when was the last time you heard a 15 year old girl?

i didn't know it was a boy until 2 hours ago, i think most people don't know either.


tranny angles

Who do you think the trannies are?

Is this this the part wherethe don comes into play or nah?

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>watch this

how about no. 40% soon my friend

I wish you weren't alive to be completely honest, you don't belong here

It's not illegal to improve as a person, user. Most people here complain not because they cant get a girl or boy or whatever the fuck, but because they dont put the effort in to be the best version of themselves they can be.

>Yea Forums has spent so long with zero female interaction that they can't even tell when someone is a tranny
That's fucking sad.

What if it was a girl trying to become a boy? Would that be cute or something?

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Same tier of shit as pic related.

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I’d feel bad if it weren’t a tranny, but they need to be bullied out of existence

trannies are male sorry to break it to you retard, no point in acknowledging ftm trannies because they don't exist

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lmao press f to dab on trannys

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Only if she looks good, everything is in the looks my man.

hard to tell when he's hiding his chin when that's the straight giveaway besides his faggot voice

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