If you've been wearing your headset for more than 2 hours, please take it off for a little while and chill out in this refuge from gamerhead.

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Just buy a good microphone and a good pair of headphones.
You get higher quality for less money and can replace one if it breaks instead of buying an entire headset
All modern consoles have usb ports and the ability to use a separate setup for each.

Who's this guy?

they wear them because of sponsorship deals, most have a proper mic

>buy a good microphone
who cares what other people have to put up with, cucks

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>mfw no gamerhead or gamerbald

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Most people dont have sponsorship deals.

epicnicolasgaming2006 wont be sponsored.
I hate squeakers, but nothing is worse than a squeaker with a shit mic
Good audio quality is very important

Imagine being so pathetic that you get deformed by using headphones

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What about gamerhorn?

Just use earbuds, what kind of stupid attention whoring faggot needs a microphone?
I hope none of you, that would be pretty embarrassing


not a real thing

some of us have friends that we like to talk to. I understand that friendship might be a strange concept for you but do think before you post, friend.

Are you talking shit about the most alpha man on the planet?

How about you talk to them face to face
Or are they internet friends, you know, the truest of friends

>he dosn't shittalk kids into leaving the game
also fucking with them using mind games is great

Sounds like someone is in denial about his bald spot that is directly under the spot where the gamerheadset rests.

>also being afraid to talk
Thats a yikes from me amigo

I have people that have moved away/live a bit aways that I keep in touch with through VOIPs. We use it to plan game sessions and shoot the shit. Granted, real-life contact would be great, but when everyone is separated by distance, online talk is still talk.

>using headphones
What are you, 12? Use speakers.


I worked in dermatology for 3 years, epic troll bro

So you have to bring your friends over every single time you want to talk to them while gaming? Perfectly reasonable to have a mic to shittalk in game with buddies.

Is this fucking real?

You are a literal child, stop living your whole life on the internet

uh huh sure you did.
You have a masters degree in denial.

Fuck off loser and make some friends


This meme wouldn't work because most people start thinning along the temples first, not the crown, which would otherwise make sense for this to work

Yeah, apparently there are people out there that don't use speakers. Was hard for me to grasp at first too.

>deforming your skull for a sub par audio experience

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That is shopped but he really does have a gamerhead.

>hurting ears instead
Right choice.


Funny I've actually got tinnitus after using in ears for 10+ years.

Feel you bro.
I got tinnitus from migraine.
Used to only get tinnitus when I had migraine but now it has become permanent.

Feels eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wireless headset. Shit talk people while taking a shit! best purchase I ever made.

my baldspot is behind where my headphones rest.

do you also piss loudly enough for them to hear you?

>not balding
>hair is shoulder length and wavy
>keep it tidy and soft
>family doesnt have a history with hairloss at all, grandfather used to have a long mane of silver hair

man i feel bad for yall hairlets

>Mom I hear static in my ears

>not balding
>both grandfathers have full heads of hair at 75-80

Feels good not being a hairlet

no, I simply lower the mic into the bowl

>not playing turn-based games at a regular volume using the trackpad in bed

So what really made this guy's head that shape? Did someone press on his a skull when he was a baby?

/hairchads/ unite

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>why yes I use surround sound for gaming, how could you tell?

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weak but acceptable


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It's an edit but because he shaves his head it does have a noticeable dent when he takes off his headset

visited my friends place and he has surround sound set up for his gaming
I was pretty jealous when he showed me

bitch, sounds like a tv with no signal and a blue screen

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this nigga got 3 brains and his iq still under 60

It fucks up your hairstyle even if you have short one

There's nothing "funny" about that because IEMs specifically cause tinnitus, they're fucking awful for your ears.

it is real, I'm 29 and my hair is thinning where I wear my bulky headset

I guess you just have to pick which one you want.
Deformed skull or tinnitus.

In ear headphones and a desk microphone is peak comfy


>In ear headphones and a desk microphone is peak comfy

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haha he doesn't know who this twitch streamer is! what an idiot!
please leave underage poster

I used to live next to this black girl who’d yell I to her phone and play music over her speakers all the time the walls are thin. After getting tired of yelling across the wall for her to shut thexfuck up and turn that shit of at night (was in college) I started blasting my tv at night while I went to sleep.

Point I’m trying to make is of you honestly play music through speakers instead of using headphones you are a nigger

At least you get far better audio quality for the price. And if you keep the volume low your wont get eeeee

(you) denied

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I literally had to blow my eardrums with music on full volume for 10 years to get tinnitus.


>onions diet giving me boobs
>brain calcified from fluoride
>caffeine killed all my sperm
>balding, skull deformed, carpal tunnel, and low test from gaming
>lumbar lardass setting in
>microwaves and cellphones melting my brain
>tinnitus from intense gaming sessions
>circumcision permanently shortened my dick

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