this game is one the best i've ever played.
What the fuck
The sequel is so much better. Play it.
na nananana naa
nanana na nana naaaa
How’s performance on the port?
I heard it in my head!
What's the sequel called? Are they planning to port it to Switch? Its super comfy on there.
>How’s performance on the port?
Only got a drop in framerate once when things were getting really hectic for some reason. But its really smooth other than that.
Katamari Damacy has always been good you fucking zoomer
>Some younger person says they like something you like
user, stop being so bitter for no reason.
young people don't deserve to be happy
they need to build character by being miserable
nigga i'm 25, i just missed out on it when it came out.
ever think about that
lol zoom zoom
>I'm kinda annoyed they didn't remake that one too since the original is so short
i hope its not too short, i must have played for hours last night and it already feels like I'm a decent way into it.
It is. But for me I was so addicted to it I racked up 25 hours according to my switch.
Another user here who recently played this for the first time recently and it immediately became one of my favorites
The only level I have left to get the highest grade is taurus. That shit is stressful
Quite an underrated game. Sometimes I let my niece play the first level because it doesn't have a time limit.
fucking switchfaggot.
Actually the best one is katamari forever on PS3, basically combines the first two games and some new levels.
yeah ill go dust off my PS2 or better yet emulate it jsut so i dont get called a faggot online by some other faggot.
I was a little sad at how short it was because I played it for the first time recently as well. But man the music is so fucking good. In particular, Lonely rolling star and Que sera sera were outstanding.