Does Yea Forums still hate Mortal Kombat 11?

Does Yea Forums still hate Mortal Kombat 11?

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Not really.

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yes. its pandering to #sjw`s hard

lol rekt


I'd have to play it to hate it.
I hate MKX.

Yes, and that hate will likely continue until all that obnoxious micro-transaction bullshit is removed from the game and classic skimpy outfits are added for the female fighters.

Was it netherrealm's goal to make me hate the supposed good guys. On top of the fact they some how made Cassie cage into a insufferable cunt along with all the other female fighters.

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Yes, but I was never a fan of the series to begin with so not really much of a problem.

Im boycotting NRS until they make a real game
MKX and 11 are fucking garbage and I hate what they've done to MK

Micro transactions are there in name only. Probably just to please the publisher. The in-game currency is fucking thrown at you like a female twitch streamer and the shop only sells shit you could get from doing the first character towers, which takes about 15 minutes.

Yes, but is still fap to Frost porn.

I might play it if it was free. Not paying a dime for woke pandering though.

Best ryona contents of all time. Can't understand why the virgin hate.

Its not even the politics that put me off, its just the entire tone has changed. Say what you want about 3d era but they nailed the cheesy campy MK aesthetic perfectly. Deception and Armageddon oozed soul. MK9 was the perfect combination of that aesthetic with the original trilogy, and it was pure kino. MKX and 11 feel like a different franchise entirely.

It's a good game, but I really dislike how they pander too much to the competitive fags and won't release a badly needed balance patch because it's too close to majors like CEO and it would be """unfair""" to the pros as if they're the only ones that matter. Also, I hate the really annoying grind. I already cleared out the krypt and barely got anything I wanted for the 4 characters I play. I have to wait for the retarded time towers and get lucky that it's one featuring my character, spend hours redoing a character tower over and over again or get lucky with the in game store and pray I have enough goyim krystals to buy it. I miss the days were you could just unlock everything in the krypt and knew exactly where everything was, instead of this gambling game shit. The sjw shit is annoying, but I don't really care about it that much.

>unlock everything in the krypt
This. I don't mine if they randomize it for different accounts to stop players simply looking online for the exact thing they want. but no micro-transaction. It's a full priced game enough you fucking kikes

The game is incredibly campy and cheesy, user. It has zoomer Johnny and boomer Johnny quipping. Half the intros are jokes and pop culture references.

This is my biggest fucking complaint right here. I don't give a FUCK if balancing the game is going to screw some furry out of game knowledge before a tournament. I want to play online and see more than 4 characters out of the roster.

I get that they patched X like every month and it killed the game, but you don't have to swing to the other end of the fucking spectrum just find a sweet spot in the middle my fucking God.

No it isnt. Its completely different from the 90's action movie tone of the old games. Its made to appeal to newfags.

Yes, always

The tone is entirely the same as the old games. Something tells me you think MK is just about the tournaments when the last tournament was MK2.

Just listen to this soul

Absolutely not, best b movie I have seen in awhile and would still be playing if my controller didn't break and my brain prevented me from kb controls

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fuck the whole tranny dev and ptsd bullshit though, I view that as separate from the game itself

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Only animefags, waifufags and people obsessed with trannies hate it. Or people who suck so hard, they cant even get into demigod and whine about MUH EXCLUSIVE SKINS THEY FORCE ME TO DO RANKED

>The tone is entirely the same as the old games.
What the fuck
Not at all lmao

I agree with although the capeshit ending and specially Kronika was a bit much, she's just not a mortal kombat villain

The "tranny dev" Yea Forums absolutely seethes over isn't a dev. He's a fucking QA tester.

The dude is on the very bottom of the totem pole and likely makes about the same as somebody working a register in retail.

sniff on papaw rip in peace
See I didn't even know that, I thought he was part of the team or something so now I am even less mad. Thank you user, godspeed

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Boon himself has stated he supports the "de-sexualization" of 11 though

Yeah, Kronika was a garbage villain. But anyone who says ItS NoT tHe SaMe ToNe is just a zoomer who's only played 9 outing themselves.

I dont see how you could play something like Deception then play 11 and say they have the same tone and style
Its like night and day

Like the user you replied to said though, he was a QA, so fuck him. Seriously

Because MK was never about that. It only started that shit at the end of the 3D era when they were hemorrhaging money, and with the reboot of 9 because they were throwing fucking everything at the wall to see what sticks and get the ball rolling.

>Ed Boon is QA
Is this bait?

I'm talking about the steven/stephanie faglord

>Because MK was never about that.
Oh here we go with this revisionist bullshit again
Fuck off dumbass

I misread your reply, disregard I sucks cocks

Yeah man wow look how sexy this was wew she's wearing even more clothes than a 12 year old gymnast how lewd!

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>only in the 3d era
So 80% of the franchise? Lol

And yet you have Scorpion and Sub Zero invading a company that manufactures cyborg on a old mind, that's some mortal kombat level of dumb

The absolute massive majority of Yea Forums is shit at fighting games, doesn't play them or thinks Smash is the only legit fighting game.

Who cares what Yea Forums's collective thinks when it comes to any fighting game, good or bad?

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And those are coming back

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Who cares what Yea Forums thinks at all. 90% of this board is children and NEETs.

>so when the franchise went to shit


Kronika looks like one of those Marvel's villains who appear once for some dumb event, she doesn't even qualify as a DC crisis character.

I'm not going to do this song and dance with your absurd strawman arguments
They hired a literal playmate to be Sonya and recorded her with her nipples protruding
MK has always had sexy women and its always been an attraction to the series, you wouldnt know because you're obviously new to the franchise. In fact pretty much all fighters had sexy girls (and still do).
Buff dudes hot chicks ripping each others spines out was the main attraction to MK for pretty much every game up until MK11.
MKX was a departure but it still had plenty of sexual shit in it.
It was significant enough that Boon and the devs felt it necessary to even say that they were making a departure from the tradition. So dont sit there and lie to my face saying it wasnt a tradition of the series, faggot.
I dont care about it all that much and neither should you, but denying it outright is wrong.

Why do you comment on things you werent even around for?

They also hired cosplayers and a WWE wrestler to dress up as a basically naked Jade for their reveal party and tournaments for 11.

Guess everything is back the way it was before the garbage 3D era and your argument falls flat, huh?

no user, u. The 3D era was so fucking horrible the company went under and WB bought the rights. NRS and Boon have been making fun of how shitty those games were since.

Only the fact that the developers stated the opposite of what you're saying kind of destroys that excuse doesnt it

You weren't around for it I already know that. You're just repeating things you heard online. I doubt you could actually tell me what killed the franchise and why without just saying "3d era"

No, they said they didn't want female fighters wearing borat swimming suits with bolted on tranny tits in game because it looked retarded and wasn't a thing until Deception.

>doubles down on his YOU WERENT THERE MAAAAAN argument

Thank you for proving my point

They never said anything like that you autist and theres a game before Deception that has the exact same models lmao
not to mention MK3 and 4

It's called MUSLIM CUMBAT 11 you fucking shill. Let me know when they add KLASSIC THREADS for the babes

I hate that this is the MK fanbase nowadays
Fucking kill yourselves

>in 11

I only care about these games to see all the fatalities performed on Cassie.

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I want more fat D'Vorah art.

As in women.

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Yeah bro just reuse the same stages, models, voice clips, fighting styles and literally everything else and make them fly in the air and shit. There's our new game we're charging full price for.

>in 11

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If you didnt think Konquest was kino then gtfo

They really turned Skarlet into a sexy half naked blood freak into a full on Muslim in 11
Didn't she like, absorb the blood through her skin or something in 9?

If you want a kino single player sixth gen MK game, play Shaolin Monks. Konquest was shit, both in Deception and Armageddon.

Shaolin Monks is really good but I also loved Deception and Armageddon
What makes you so bitter? People loved those games back in the day
The problems with Armageddon only appeared in the online scene because the balance was terrible and movesets were too similar due to the bloated roster
I never played online though so it didn't bother me

God all those women look like cheap, out of shape cosplayers. My man boobs are bigger then those piss poor excuses for breasts.

Like, I'll grant you they arent amazing fighting games, heavily flawed for a competitive setting
But as just games they are excellent
Way more enjoyable than New MK

I ain't bitter, it's just nobody I know outside of contrarians on Yea Forums remembers the 3D era fondly. I could ask my friends, they would tell me it's the awkward phase where all the shit characters like Hsu Hao came from and it helped bankrupt Midway.

What NRS is finally getting is that a balanced game and active multiplayer community is what makes fighting games work. What is the point of playing against a brainlet AI that just reads your inputs all day?

Why does old game have to be better because "soul"? Old game wasn't better. Old game is worse.

>I ain't bitter, it's just nobody I know outside of contrarians on Yea Forums remembers the 3D era fondly.
Its literally the other way around
I only ever hear negative things about those games on Yea Forums
Gstar's lets plays of the ps2 games have like a million views and all the comments are singing their praises

>I could ask my friends, they would tell me it's the awkward phase where all the shit characters like Hsu Hao came from and it helped bankrupt Midway.
Thats completely anecdotal but its also ignoring all the good characters that came from that era

>What NRS is finally getting is that a balanced game and active multiplayer community is what makes fighting games work.
Yeah its becoming more e-sports centered, which I really dont care for
I never played MK for competitive fighting I just like the story and setting

>What is the point of playing against a brainlet AI that just reads your inputs all day?
Again, i think you just like the games for a different reason to myself
I dont play these games for multiplayer

>Why does old game have to be better because "soul"? Old game wasn't better. Old game is worse.
They were better you just think they are worse by your criteria
They're still very good games and they sold plenty
People constantly spread this rumor about Armageddon making the company bankrupt but thats untrue

>Still being this mad about Jax
Your loss, senpai.

Yeah it was kind of odd how different the women were dressed in the 2d cutscenes, they were about as skimpy as they were in mk9. Maybe it's just one art director that's really into a certain style of fashion.

I'm sorry bro but single player fighting games just don't work, especially with the campy and cheesy stories Boon and friends write up. Shaolion Monks is the only one I like but that's more of a beat 'em spin off anyway.

Anyway, I remember buying Armageddon at release and turning the console off after thirty minutes. I always hated it. I was able to find some shallow bits of fun in the previous two but gameplay wise it was a watered down version of them. NRS's games sold way better than it ever did, but I don't think sales determine worth anyway.

Really enjoying 11 on the other hand. Animations are a lot smoother, lot less rushdown 50/50 BS than X and more neutral based. I mean you still have wacky shit like Erron's dropkick but eh, every fighter has its bullshit.

You're just confirming everything I said

That I like the game for different reasons? Yes I do. I mean it doesn't really prove either of us right or wrong does it? Just confirms we have subjective opinions.


>the shop only sells shit you could get from doing the first character towers, which takes about 15 minutes.
So, they literally try to sell you shit you can unlock in 15 minutes of playtime and for some reason you think that's fine and a great argument. Jesus Christ. Kill yourself, zoomer.
Same here. This is the first and only MK game I've not bought or played, too. It feels bad, but I can't support these business practices (or stomach the WOKESHIT) and honestly the story has gone to utter shit since MKX anyway...

Feels the same to me, honestly. They just have a bigger budget this time around.


What are you talking about?

Any good SFM of her?

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Not to mention the shop randomizes its items every 24 hours.

The unlocking system is terrible and I can't wait until lootboxing is banned.

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Already broke this cycle, cleared out the krypt and got everything I wanted.

Just like, play the game nigger like lmao play the game you spent sixty dollars on.

I still think the biggest problem with this game is the excessive grinding. Even after the patches to the ToT and the currencies, I still absolutely cannot stand this game's progression system. It takes way too long to unlock anything meaningful and the Krypt being almost 100% random? Good lord.

I love Mortal Kombat to death, but fuck me does this kill my enthusiasm to play it. I just want to unlock the things I want for my characters, but it's like the devs got scared that people will drop the game if they unlock everything too quickly, so they just decided to stretch out game time for as long as possible.

It shouldn't take over 20 hours to unlock everything in a fighting game. THAT. IS BULLSHIT.

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>cleared out the krypt
Nigga the chests regenerate. Infinitely. You can't "clear out the krypt" when all the chests just have tower consumables so you can play more fuckin towers and forge items which are literally useless. Meanwhile most of the shit doesn't show up in any of the chests.

It's a scam.

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I got all the skins and gear from the krypt ya retard. Every chest is opened. I could regenerate a bunch of empty chests for consumables, but why would I do that? I've already completed all the towers on rotation. Games been out for months dude.

>I got all the skins and gear from the krypt
lol there are literally skins and gear that say "the krypt" that nobody has because it's a scam. Also there are still new towers even in the normal rotation so you're full of shit.

no sexy time clothes

>shang tsung fatality where he chains you up and holds you over a pit where you get ripped in half and your skeleton gets pulled out
>use it on women
>get boner

what does it mean


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Scam scam scam scam, it isn't real money you dipshit. Nobody cares. We found out like a week or two after the game was released what wasn't and was in the krypt currently. If you're a retarded brainlet that wastes a bunch of money on time crystals to get something thst isn't there because you can't use Google, I have no sympathy for you. Thanks for being a retard and contributing to our thriving Capitalist economy because SOMEBODY has to occupy that lower rung. I haven't spent a dime extra on them and I still have 5,000+ with nothing to spend them on. That's because unlike you I play games instead of shitposting about how much I hate shit I know nothing about. Also I have completed all the towers that have showed up so far.

>that sultry Polish voice

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Go play some virtual novel you incel. The game is finally getting more competitive and good. Just because you suck at it and cant fap to it doesn't mean its bad. Mk is better off without people like you. Woke shit and all that buzzwords. Goddamn shes fucking hot. No wonder most of you guys are incels

This is pretty much where I am at in the game. I have most towers completed, level 24 of gauntlet, 2 character towers finished, all the others are a work in progress, I've made top 5% in each weekly tower score except the 1st week when I had no idea how they worked.

Krypt is pretty much all finished just need to keep rolling through it and double checking til everything is finished. The shrine and Kollector are a big help. Crafted majority of that stuff but still missing a couple pieces.

I have not yet spent a single time crystal either. I have over 8,000 at the moment. All in all I like the krypt, tower, forge, kombat league thing. If skins are not your thing then just forget about it and play the game. These extra deep features prolongs the game and keeps it healthy for even the casuals who do not even want to do pvp too much.

I had fun with it, but I'm waiting for a balance patch before I dive in. All the characters I want to main are D/F tier.

I hate NRS as a whole. Their animators are abysmal.