Have you ever lost your temper after losing a ranked match?

Have you ever lost your temper after losing a ranked match?

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Pitbulls are niggers who have reincarnated. Prove me wrong.

fuck dogs
post cats

Attached: kitters.webm (800x450, 2.81M)


Attached: 1531692022073.webm (640x640, 1.39M)

post pitmommies getting torn to shreds

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1529942154265.webm (360x640, 2.7M)

Prove reincarnation is real.

Attached: 1547767012481.jpg (758x644, 64K)

sup bro

Attached: buff cat.webm (540x960, 2M)

Chinese reincarnated from insects. Here is proof they have insect brains


Attached: nigbull.webm (640x360, 1.4M)

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One of my cats. Can't wait to see them again in a month.

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>most Chinese cried when Mao died
there is your proof of the insect hivemind

Attached: Pitbull Vs Tiger.webm (360x360, 2.75M)

based tiger

I ask a chink commie and he said they were free. they have democracy.

Attached: 1491703063337.webm (720x404, 1.85M)

Why is it based? Do you really think it's appropriate to say that in this context?

niggers of the dog world

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Cats are useless faggot animals that only cater to women and actual beta males. Would be absolutely amazing and based to see a TOADLINE SMASHED AND SLAMMED ™ exotic bully such as CRIMEBOSS or STAYPUFT utterly DESTROY a soiboy faggots utterly useless toxoplasmosis carrying cretin. Imagine the cucks face as a TOADLINE CHADBULL rips his faggot animal to shreds with minimal effort. Utterly and completely based.

Attached: smashed.jpg (1678x861, 144K)

Yes. On Overwatch no less. I only slammed my fists on the desk like a fucking autist.

After a couple more losses I realized it isn't fun and just gave up. I never play ranked now. Casual is just better in every way.

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Take it to the base of this dicc

Why do pitbulls have these eyes you usually only see in drunk russians and sharks?

I've witnessed a tiger heating a cut-off head of a cow before. While this webm doesn't have sound I'm fairly certain it ends with a very loud crunch.
If he's into dogs getting killed, then yeah. His comment is appropriate.
What the fuck did you expect?

Attached: ehlixQA.webm (512x288, 2.11M)

So that's where the meme comes from


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>comparing russians to sharks
based and slavpilled

Attached: cats (2).webm (720x720, 2.79M)

rate my new cat guys. he was living in the campus garden area.

that tiger was still a kitten

Attached: 6D1725D3-20A4-4DED-9CAE-263D70888B3C.jpg (4032x3024, 2.92M)

because it killed a shitbull that's why

That doesn't prove reincarnation exists though

Attached: 1561938233343.webm (300x369, 1.76M)

This is the most terrifying thing I've ever
seen on 4chins and I've been here all summer

Cursed copypasta

get your disgusting genetic abomination away from me

You fell for one of the classic blunders. You responded genuinely to a thinly veiled off topic thread about pitbulls! How embarrassing.

>meet up with a friend I haven't seen in ages
>he has a pit bull now
Well, nice knowing him. Getting a pit bull is one of the dumbest things you can do. It is going to attack something at some point and you are going to have to watch your dog get shot to death or get beaten to death just to get it off the thing it's already killed. Pit bull owners are the ultimate liberals. Think that they can change the nature of beasts.

you must have heard that a lot as a kid

You know, this is actually the first time I've seen sphinx kittens. Cute.

rate my cat guys.

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>mfw reading the Toadline site
Is this real or is this a prank

Imagine being this fucking autistic holy shit.

Warms my heart,and he was white

Attached: pitbull-comic.png (625x909, 57K)

I have a friend who has 2 pits and they're both really playful and non agressive. It's all about who you raise them. You just sound like a sheltered little bitch.

I wouldn't go out of my way to get one cause it'd be way too much work, but you CAN raise a good pitbull if you know what you're doing and put in the work for it. Most instances of one attacking something are either strays or shit owners. Any dog in those conditions can attack, the difference is pitbulls are built to hurt way more than other breeds.
So it's possible for your friend to have a fine pitbull, it's just more work than it's worth when you could just get an easier to train and less powerful breed.

have sex, cats are literally THE incel pet

My sister got my nephew a pit. It snapped and slaughtered the dog that I grew up with. I was literally the first human to see her as a puppy. I wasn't around for most of her life though, due to complicated life stuff. Anyone that says there isn't something wrong with the breed is full of shit.

I hope he gets run over

How can dogfags compete?

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>dude it's not the breed it's the owner xD

10/10 would pat, hope you have a comfy reunion
10/10 would pat
tiger cat 10/10

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Based kitter

Still crunch sounds, but cuter.

Absolute Unit

Based, fuck shitbulls



Based retard

pls give pets for me

fucking hate libtards promoting virtue calling niggerbulls

look at this youtube channel they claim pitbulls are oppressed and "misunderstood" animals.

people start paying attention to the fact that genetics shape behavior and behavior shapes culture, because dogs DO have a rustic version of culture, people will start understanding certain uncomfortable truths about the world.

Attached: dodo.png (1051x516, 212K)

Based kotto

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aww he's smiling :)

sex have

I stopped playing dota 2 because I'd just get mad as fuck every game

The Dodo is owned by PETA

t. scared to go outside

Will be based when that pathetic cat tries that shit with a Chadbull and is killed in less than a second by BPJ (big pitbull jaws). Why are incels so enamored with cats?

anyone know how dodo went extinct? it's due to liberalism.

>Set up bird feeders and a bath.
>Birds start visiting regularly.
>Psychopath cat shows up.
>Buy a raccoon trap for 11 bucks.
>Catch the cat. Don't want it overheating though. ;^)
>Dig a nice, cool hole twice the depth of the cage.
My birds have never been happier and there's no more faint urine smell by my front door anymore.

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I'm licenced conceal carry. we have stand your ground law and castle law.

>my sons feeling when Yea Forums hates on him once again

Attached: smiling-dog-stray-pit-bull-adopted-brinks-13.jpg (700x700, 83K)

>shit everywhere, retarded, piss everywhere, fat and ugly, smell like shit and kill babies

>shit and piss outside, affectionate, bring in mice just for you and dont kill babies

dogs are the niggers of the pet world.

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The pitbull breed needs to be culled from the earth.

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Not really. All videogames are just party games and shouldn't be taken seriously.

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Fucking love jack russells. True unflinching heroes fighting against all odds.

I won't visit anyone who owns a pitbull

Attached: hewontbite.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>Dogs: Useful
>Cats: Useless

You won't visit anyone anyway.

Found the low rank

Cats are literally just house plants who dont give a shit about you

Why do people keep blaming the dog instead of what is more likely a shitty owner?

>cats: pets
>dogs: livestock
way ez

Look, I'm a catfag but that is bullshit on both sides. Both pets need to be house trained.

Excellent bait

>This level of cope
I get that you're such an incompetent human being that simply training a dog is an insurmountable task for you but come on. Cats are women and beta males pets, plain and simple.

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>That painting.
Shit taste deserves a (you).

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are you saying niggers and muslim are bad due to improperly raised?
no it's in their blood. like said gene shapes our behavior.

I grow up with no parents and somehow I'm not a criminal.

Not sure if retard or bait


LMAO. Also cat owners are most likely numales and fat lonely women, so they're basically a loser certificate.

This. Nothing screams Low-T like a man owning a cat.

Which animal would appreciate Death Grips the most?

Cats also destroy entire populations of birds, so there's that.
This captcha took 10 minutes btw, wtf...


based kot


Aw he's smiling :)

Attached: cat4.webm (360x360, 190K)

I suppose I'll just be low-T then. I can see the appeal of dogs, but I just don't like them as much. Finding a dog that would be chill, quiet, and not jump all over me all the time seems like it would be difficult.

You can pet him, buddy. He is a good boy.

Attached: cat5.webm (1920x1080, 1.76M)

My G-shep, Canderous, would spread that cat like a paste over the dunes.

these are pretty chill

Attached: abc.jpg (960x640, 179K)

The irony of PETA being associated with an animal rescue channel is pretty hilarious. If any of these dogs ended up in their shelters it would be dead within half an hour

the fuck can a dog do? run after a stick?
cats are great for killing rodents

Ugly as mud though.

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That gave me a good laugh

Attached: Big Boss smile3.jpg (157x204, 10K)

Dogs kill rodents as well, stupid.
And cats, too.

this has to be bait, theres no way the toxoplasmosis has hurt your brain that much.

Attached: Cat.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

chow-chows are like cats in a dog's body
that is both a good thing and a bad thing

Based cat, fuck thots


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no one cares

>complains about pitbulls
>posts a video of a yellow lab

Attached: 1445242044770.jpg (540x540, 44K)

Its okay. Dogs (and cats) always look/act a bit like their owners.

why are females so useless in situations like this

what about based boys?

Attached: Cat2.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)

>Hating on women.
That toxoplasmosis has fucked your incel brain up.

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they're children

This is much better with sound.

Attached: shitbullwebm.webm (480x360, 2.65M)

its a bunch of kids you fucking idiot
unironically have sex


That's a future serial killer if i've ever seen one

did they die?



>Reddichan helped get this cunt caught.
>She got a slap on the wrist though.

she should have drowned them herself in case any managed to swim to shore
otherwise based


females are useless in general

Final form cat = lion
Final form dog = wolf

dogs forever rekt

But that article specifically states it's women in pregnancy that have to be careful and people with compromised immune systems at which every fucking thing is a threat to them.
So how the fuck are you accusing him of being affected by it if it's about women and the likely terminally ill?
Think, you stupid retard.
>me no like cats
>me want reason to hate cat
>not good reason? me not care

People have been doing this since the beginning of domesticating dogs. There's no easier way to kill them, but I don't think anyone wants to strangle each one to death.

Dogs are unarguably more useful in a variety of tasks than Cats, if they are a proper breed and trained, but thinking that owning a pet should rely on how useful it is is retard thinking.

t. pet idort

We have animal services that can put down dogs for you today, no reason to do this shit unless you're a sadistic fuck, and she looks like she's having an absolute blast throwing puppies to their death.

I can get a dog that could kill you easily as a pet, you can't get a lion as a pet, only a useless domestic old lady cretin creature.

Yea Forums was wrong to get her in trouble if those are pitbulls, no better than vermin.

>I can get a dog that could kill you easily as a pe
>this is a good thing in the eyes of pitniggers

It depends. If it costs money, not worth it. Stick to the free tradition. I honestly don't know why she's smiling about it though.

Doesn't she know dogs can swim

Attached: 1560811842222.webm (400x400, 1.12M)

>Implying I'd get a pitbull
>Being so autistic that you're pretending all dogs are pitbull
A fucking chihuahua could murder you lmao

I'm a catfag but dogs are literally engineered to serve humans. Domestic cats are genetically identical to wild ones.


Watch the one with sound. She's overjoyed to be ending living creatures lives.

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> I honestly don't know why she's smiling about it though.
Really? I can think of a reason.

She's Bosnian and a female. You wont find a smoother brain outside of Africa.

You fucking idiot, only like .001 of dogs out there actually serve any purpose, the rest are ticking time bombs ready to hurt humans.
Dogs are detrimental to humans if anything.
The limited uses they do have are already being phased out by technology.
So what's left? An nimal that kills children and attacks millions of people.
Really fucking useful you retard.
You operate purely on emotion you know that? But you like to act like you are reasonable when you are completely in a state of emotion.

>if you were to try this on a pittie you'd instantly be chewed up
>literal lioness is better tempered than a fucking pitbull
holy shit my sides

I have drown like 20 pups myself when I was visiting my grandma in the country. There is literally nothing you can do but to drown the bastards. Yeah, throwing them one by one is dumb, just put them in the sack with stones and go about your day.


I'm pretty sure days old puppies can barely walk, let alone swim.

I wish that lion fucking tore their throats out. Poor thing.

How many people have cats killed?

was he ever wrong?

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Probably a lot. Cats can be rabid or otherwise infectious with dangerous diseases.

Whoever made that drawing needs to be fucking punched

>You fucking idiot, only like .001 of dogs out there actually serve any purpose
Better than the 0 out of cats. Calm down you seething autist, go bang your gf or something.

pic related.

The river behind her trailer, right Cletus? Same place where grandma made love to her brother to have your parents.

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Assuming you don't consider his views on politics utterly retarded, which is subjective opinion.

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I did. Do we have a problem here?

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Except cats probably saved humanity on countless occasions during times of extreme pestilence, which is why every culture reveres cats as ageless companions and dogs as stupid fucking rabid demicreatures.

Tiger already looks wounded, pretty sure he didn't survive this either.

Okay? That's not the question that was asked though.

Why are Nigcels so enarmored with shitbulls?

That's a funny way to spell antibiotics.


Attached: Cat_Harness_Parent1.jpg (1600x978, 502K)

What the fuck are you even talking about

They're basically a weapon, they're good at keeping your house safe in a place like a hood where any dumb fuck can break into your house and kill you for shits and giggles. A shitbull sitting in your yard is a very good deterrent

What a cunt

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>Tiger didn't survive this either.
>Obviously came from some shithole third world country.
Yeah, you're probably right.

You know what? You're right. It's the owner. Shitty, stupid people shouldn't own dogs.

Also anyone who actually wants a pitbull is shitty and stupid. Since they shouldn't own a dog there would be no improperly raised shitbull.

If someone is looking to break into your house and kill you, I don't think they're going to NOT kill the dog first, stupid.

cats in antiquity serves as purpose as mouser on board of a ship or in grain stock. humans have very little food back then. so they enlisted small felines to help. small enough for the ancient humans to afford giving away hard earned food.

*slams door loudly*
*pitbabies snap and maul every infant and woman in the house*

Post the original NEDM video if you are man enough

Attached: NEDM1.jpg (600x520, 42K)