Would you play a video game with this boy as a main character?

Would you play a video game with this boy as a main character?

Attached: d7xjqbz-bdca82a6-3d95-4ea7-aa6e-0994e588d3c9.png (1280x603, 347K)

Like a furfag Rayman.
I know this is probably a stealth topic, but there's a lot of factors that go into whether or not something works as a design. 3D turnarounds of lowpoly characters work fine on twitter, less so when used in a game that rivals Fur-Fun.

Looks cute

Is this some kind of bootleg sci-fi Ori?

How is it furry? It's a robot.

Only if it played like an armored core game where you fly around at the speed of FAST with the rocket turbine tail and shoot sick turbo lasers and a million funnels that track and pew pew your enemies to death, creating Studio Trigger level explosions.

He's cute

Is it intentional that the silhouette in the third angle makes it look like it's got its dong out?

Growing furry mold from all the cum you degenerates leave on it.

Pretty cute but the weird arm shape and tail thing fucks up the silhouette hard.
Wouldn't work very well in a videogame where visual clarity matters a lot.

If it looked like a good game, yes. If not, no

oh lord I wanna hold those hands

how big is his peepee

If he can surf around on his own arm I'm sold

>Would you play a video game with this boy as a main character?
Depends on whether or not his game is fun.

Attached: QZoE4sY.jpg (600x315, 28K)

>male coded

Depends on the premise of the game. If it's something actually interesting, sure.
If it's mediocre or fairly boring, maybe, depending on how cute his actual model and behavior in game is.
If it's boring schlock, absolutely not, no game can be saved purely by art direction if it has shit gameplay. I'd just completely ignore the game and look at the wealth of 34 created in its wake.

>male coded
What's wrong with this?

i want boobies and bagina

balliolis > bepis > boobie > ugly smelly bagina

