Over 50% of gamers are female

>over 50% of gamers are female
So, that's counting playing on your phone. Which isn't real video games. What do men do on their phones then, or are they just not as vapid?

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Play videogames.

I use my to watch porno

I jerked off to some many of her videos jesus christ.

>What do men do on their phones then
I use it as a...well you know, a phone! That or simply for texting...

I'd still be using a flip phone today if the latter wasn't such a pain in the ass. People are way to attached to their little handheld screens today, seems they can't go 30 minutes without FB, Twitter, or some other narcissistic social media crap.

she has some gems

dont have a phone and dont intend to get one
life is awesome

women aren't gamers, just sluts with controllers

She's killed millions.

Who decides what are "real" videogames? What really makes AAA garbage any better?

It is because half of all male gamers become trannys.

Why did private Amber Blank marry a tranny cuck?

why did she ruin herself with that fucking awful chest tattoo
how could you ever think that was a good idea

>What do men do on their phones then

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I make phonecalls, browse Yea Forums and look at porn

apparently her tits are awful and she rarely shows them, is that true why she always wears a shirt?

stfu roastie
phone games are not games

>I'd still be using a flip phone today if the latter wasn't such a pain in the ass. People are way to attached to their little handheld screens today, seems they can't go 30 minutes without FB, Twitter, or some other narcissistic social media crap

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three from left is best.

Black male sperm cells.

>look her up
>all the dudes she's fucking are black
we got some cucks in our midst lads

Or you know user. Black dudes.

They're counting mobile gaming as gaming so that they can be outraged when actual games are still being made for males because 99% of their customer base is male.

there's literally nothing wrong with watching interracial cuckold porn

Try thirty seconds. I’d be using one too since I hate touch screens, but having a pocket computer is nice ngl.

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Nothing except for everything.

Won't removing those bandaids be painful?

Panties/thong fucking is one of my fetishes


the only games worth playing on mobile right now is vainglory and seven deadly sins: grand cross

name? google is giving blanks

She had a threesome with two hispanic guys

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they're big girls

>yfw she cucked her boyfriend so hard he is now a sissy that gets fucked by black guys with her.

For you

line em up against the wall

I'll take the 3 on the far right please.

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Where does one find video footage of this so that I know how to avoid it?

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> Jerk it to interracial cuckold porn one day
>Jerk it to plain vanilla porn the next day

Honestly I don't see what the big deal is it's just porn. The one positive thing about amateur cuckold porn is the camera work tends to be a bit better since there is a third person handling the camera. Though interracial cuckold porn can get a bit obnoxious with the BBC worship/sissy/hypno bullshit

or fucking gold digger bitches as i like to call em'

Don't be rotten racist edges

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Nah the guy was always a fucking faggot.
That is just so disgusting. It makes no sense either since the guy was big. Proof that this fetish has nothing to do with insecurities about penis size. It is just pure mental illness.

>artist identifies with the cuck first and not the bull

>what do men do with their phones
Call people? I also browse here and some news sites when i'm not at PC station.

I use my phone for communication and checking japanese vocab. occasionally to read something on the web. Don't play mobile 'games' at all.

i take candid pics and vids of girls on my phone. also send dick pics to little girls off snapchat

>Offers a world of risks and rewards.
What exactly is the reward for cuckolds?

Go on. Don't worry, it's just you and me. No one else would possibly be monitoring you

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>gamers hate women and minorities
>over 50% of gamers are female

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somoene pls be my gf
gf(male) is okay too !!

gaming needs to be MORE INCLUSIVE!

sex vids with my gf. nothing much else

The people into this shit are the biggest racists on the planet. The whole appeal of it is about degradation of the white female or even the whole race. You are basically not mentally ill enough to see the appeal like those trannies nor are you racist like the alt right into this.

>he is now a sissy

user, the guys that are into watching their wives get fucked by black men were always faggots to begin with

Nothing wrong with racism.


>playing mobile games
>playing actual games

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>is that true why she always wears a shirt?
i thought it was because she has a abstract art tattoo and she doesn't want the nigs to ask about it

Other than phone functions, I browse the internet for news and entertainment. Also to fuck bitches.

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everyone plays games and everyone has phones
it doesn't matter what they play
what matters is do women also play on console or even pc?

infinity /interracial/res/6200.html

Is the tranny that fucks other men with her really her husband?

>No you're not a gamer like me

Women don't have the brain power for that