Why is IV the best FF in the series?

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Its not. 5,6,7, and 9 are all better.

I can't even remember any of the character names or how leveling and classes worked at all. 2 has value in its uniqueness. 1 and 4 are too similar to dragon quest to he considered valuable. 3 has the job system and 5 refines it. Basically nothing is really worth playing before 5.

FFXII is better

>main characters canonly use armor
>5 party members
These are 2 big reasons. God I wish the series actually made anime armor more often

the answer is easy user
it had an amazing story

Isn't the story just star wars though?

It had soul.

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Not with that difficulty curve it isn't.

>He didn't grind

I don't play games for pointless busywork, user.

>tfw they didn't remake FF5 and 6 on 3DS after 3 and 4 on DS
>tfw they didn't even do updated versions of FF5 and 6 in the style of PSP FF4
>tfw we got cucked with awful looking mobile versions

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This, if you always beat the enemy and never run away the only fights that should give you problems are bonus bosses and mimic type enemies

Because the main character has a real problem to overcome, and Rydia's scene where she rides in on a mist dragon is 10/10. It also does nifty little things like making kid Rydia not use fire magic, or making the cost for Tellah's ultimate spell higher than his max MP.

This is the reason I haven't played V and VI. After playing the IV PSP remaster on my Vita, I refuse to settle for less.

get the fuck out of this thread nerd

Normally, yes. But FFIV has massive spikes of difficulty in each area.

its infuriating especially for VI because that game was a masterpiece and really pushed the SNES to its limit. The mobile version with those god awful sprites is sickening to behold.

The more you talk, the more it sounds like you're running from every battle since I know whenever I had problems in a play through I was doing just that.

To be honest the only areas I can think of that are like that are the Marsh Cave and going to the core of the moon. And even then they aren't as bad as you would think

not even fucking close. is merely the first FF that's actually playable by modern standards. V through XII are all better. It's better than XIII though

X and XII are both mediocre games. IV through IX are the good ones.

>imagine caring about canonically using armor, get a fucking life

>implying these aren't the coolest looking dudes in the series

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At what point is FF4 hard ???
It's almost entirely auto-battle winnable unless you're playing the DS version

1. VII
2. VI
3. V
4. X
6. IX
7. IV
8. I
9. III
10. XI
11. XII
12. XIV
13. XV
14. II
15. XIII

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4 is a fat fucking joke compared to 5 though

The final dungeon Lunar Subterranean was the only hard part for me, only hard bosses I can recall were Golbez and Zeromus. I never did the super bosses Geryon and Proto Babil so I can't comment

started playing the ds version a few days ago, it's pretty fucking hard at some places

I just wish the redesigns in the PSP version weren't so shitty. At least Dissidia 012 got the classic designs for Cecil.

I just finished it for the first time yesterday. It was just okay, 6 and 7 are way better

4 started the cinematic cut scene bullshit.

I mean if you've never seen fucking star wars, sure you could make that comparison. Are you retarded or something? Serious question.

Star Wars does not begin with the protagonist carpet bombing a village.

I see, a man of culture.


What is this movie? I must watch it.

Hmmm, not really tho. The world of FF12 was pretty well built, and the way you could explore the world and have seamless fight across it, wasnt a bad idea. Also, even if you dislike the X, it was kind of the bridge between old, rusty, ugly graphic, and the now modern, good looking character we see in every Square Enix game today. You know, its good to see a game in itself, and stop trying to compare it to the old one, which are mostly good because of the nostalgia boost they give. Yet, 4 and 7 are still my favorite.

>Hmmm, not really tho
Thanks for leading your post off with a display of faggotry so I don't have to read the rest.

Dude. Brachioraidos. This was the peak. Een the boss hardly compare.

>amazing story
Come on now.

It has the best characters, OST, designs, and plot. The PSP version is the best and TAY is a fun little romp as well.

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Damn, why are you so fucking edgy? Just making a point about a GAME, stop acting like i insulted your waifu lardass.

TAY was pretty much only good for building on FF4's characters (which I appreciate it for), the main story itself was what the hell ever.

The only good thing about 4 is the sexy loli

Looks like an episode of Xena.

Yeah I'm not a giant fan of TAYs story but it was fun regardless.

FF4 is the only FF I replayed more than 20 times, Characters, music and story is great, only FF7 comes close

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You're such a fucking faggot that I can literally hear the semen dripping out of your mouth and onto your keyboard.

yet you play jrpgs?

>Being so fucking butthurt on a Final Fantasy thread.

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Jesus Christ. Did you just get in from reddit this morning?

Use your spells intelligently. Status effects are actually useful in IV.

Oh fuck I forgot about him. That was the GBA version right?

Yeah, this mofo gave me a hard time the first one. Yet, if you got the shield that reflect any magic and give him to Cecil, he then become easy af.

You know, i could ask you the same thing.

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Best battle theme

IV should get an FFVII tier remake.

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IV is one of the worst games I've ever completed and both of the other SNES FF games are easily much much better.

>The worst FF games (I didn't beat 3 or 12 yet)

I put FFIV just above FFXIII because it has better characters, but everything else in FFIV is pretty bad. I beat the snes and psp versions, the game isn't fun to play.

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Even if i love FF4, this is hideous.

This was the only FF I bothered to play, and I enjoyed it.
The best part was Rydia, the classes reflecting the character and being somewhat individualistic (can't just have a team of red mages)
Please post images of Rydia

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You're a man, aren't you? A grown man!
Stop crying. I have.

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It definitely should

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It definitely should

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Man, FFIV bring so much memory back. It was the first SNES game i've ever played.... I love that game so much, i wanted to make a remake by myself, but i'm just an artist, so i still need a lot of peeps to fulfill than fanart dream....

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