Why do Smash players like grooming children

Why do Smash players like grooming children


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Between this and all the mass amounts of people who bullied a child so hard she had to quit the game, today has not been a good day for the Smash community. It already had a bad reputation but this will just take it to the next level.

Holy shit it is true

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Way to move away from the actual issue. Never change Yea Forums
The actual child bullying is an problem, but it's something Smash is already know for. Only retards actually link problems with people's personal lives with the a game. It become as issue with reputation if they still let him play after this

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Who the fuck are these people and why do you guys actually give a shit about the inner drama of some wannabe highschool girls?

What the fuck is going on recently. First it was all happy go lucky because of Banjo Kazooie in Smash, then it turns to a shit show a month later. This shit is sickening. Why must these perverted assholes be allowed to live and lurk in the community to only taint the good name of Smash Bros? That's my real question.

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Top "smash player groomed and dated a kid.

Can I please get a quick rundown? No, seriously. What is going on with Ally?

So why did Zack decided to come out with this. Did he get mad salty after losing at CEO or what?

People keep being vague about how "members of the community" or "some people" bullied her but no one is posting examples of said bullying. I've tried hard for the last hour to find them but I can't.

These people deserve to be shamed for bullying a 15 year old child.

Ally and Zack dated a few months back for a short while. Zack's like 17 so now Ally is cancelled and he retired.

"Groomed"? Like brushed her hair and shit?

Dating a 17 year old is grounds for retiring? What? The Age of consent in parts of the US is under 18 and all around the world there are many parts where it is under 18.

Nobody specific bullied her, it was just literal whos on twitter, they were just saying that people only gave a shit that she beat ally cause shes a girl, which lets be real is true.

So its a bunch of faggot drama?

Well, they certainly aren't grooming themselves.

Months ago Ally was accused of dating a teenage boy.
You know that one from evo grand finals in smah 4.
Basically, the best buddy(?) of the kid started acting crazy and talk about pedos in the smash community. One of those was Ally who was in a relationship with the guy when he was 16 I think.

Months later the post int he op came out

>they were just saying that people only gave a shit that she beat ally cause shes a girl

Is there any evidence of this though? It's not like we can look in to an alternate universe and see that she'd be less popular if she were male.

Nothing. Screenshots are fake and Ally did nothing wrong. Someone who has beef with the Smash community made it up to cause drama.

Pretty much

Wait wrong Smash Drama

Ally did actually groom a kid. Jesus.

well this from the op proves you wrong