The future has arrived.
The future has arrived
Other urls found in this thread:
And became the past after 30 minutes of playtime.
You wish Stacey. It's over for you.
fuckin stacey
back off bitch
Holy shit, dude, you NEED to have sex.
holy incel
The roastie backlash is real.
what game?
>tfw too poor to afford a waifu machine
kill me pete
At least go outside and talk to some real people. Can you do that much?
Tfw Joi and photorealistic VR in 10-15 years first sexbots in 20, future is going to be bright lads.
>anime will be made real within our lifetime
we live in a blessed timeline
>tfw waiting for that to release on PS4
Jealous as fuck, OP.
Have a Kizumono VR webm instead
This is why i'm improving myself, to afford and experience the upcoming VR waifu era, it is still worth living, lads.
Imagine being so unpleasant that you get replaced by ones and zeros.
Artificial wombs are literally the final step, and then we've made it.
Based I’m on my third day of lifting so I can grow old and rich and get my lolibot to piss of the normalfags.
Replaced? No one would want to put you into a VR game to replace the real you, retard. Learn some basic reading comprehension and literacy.
I...what? The fuck are you on about, neckbeard?
I'd get my lolibot to piss on me h-haha!
The absolute state of normalfaggot reading comprehension.
Enjoy your cats.
excellent choice
Draw your last breath and die already, roastie.
tfw no waifu
>women(mainly western) are so trash men are literally clamoring for artificial relationships
Hmm really makes me think about all those bible/Torah/Quran passages about the state of women thousands of years ago.
consider a rope or reddit
Eh... they censored a fucking head pat?
>mfw saving up and buying rift s to talk to e-girls on vr chat
once you can headpat them and gesture it's a good in to pull them away from other orbiters
and i got a couple friends already with vr and i know they'll help wingman for me
I haven't tried it yet but I'm pretty interested in Shinobu Project as a waifu sim. I'm hoping it inspires some Jap devs eventually.
Holo is my waifu but the VR's interactive mode is limited in scope; it lacks ShinobuDev's raw autism and dev time. From what I've seen Shinobu has tons of little animations and lines to respond to various things, so it'll really set the bar for future games of this sort.
Snoy strikes again.
is there literally ANY reason to get a game on the PS4 now?
don't pretend its not a sex thing you pedo furry anime brainrot watching incel
What was she doing on the roof?
She explains that she was dimension hopping and accidentally no clipped into a floor and got flung into your room.
I'd like to try the Shinobu project that dude is making but I've yet to try setting up my PSVR for PC. My PC probably can't run anything in VR well anyway.
The webm I posted is from the official Kizumonogatari VR and the model of her in that is so damn good.
PSVR is both a blessing and a curse. It means so many limits, but at the same time I get to play pic related while listening to the Macross soundtrack so I can't complain.
>patting someone's head is a sex thing
All it needs is to have an AI that can learn routines, patterns and anticipate when interacting with that specific user and people can have their own tailor made waifu that knows and recognizes them, like straight out of Blade Runner.
I don't think we're that far off and people will legitimately fall in love with their personalized A.I. and not for no reason.
What will this mean for the future of humanity though?
>What will this mean for the future of humanity though?
Fleshies never had a future in the first place. Once the meatbags realize they are unnecessary, advancement will reach levels never before seen.
>it thinks humans will explore space instead of AI
Fuck off Siri
>chair status: clattered
So why is this okay but furries aren't? Yet another case of hypocrisy from Yea Forums.
True. Still will enjoy my time with loli androids before that.
There is a very clear line, and it's whether or not the nose is human.
thank you
You can neither kiss, tickle or fuck an AI. Why would this be a threat for real women?
Because this is wanting to fuck a human girl with one or two additional features from animals that are cute. Furries want to fuck animals with a couple of features taken from humans. If any.
>kickstarted this but still haven't gotten the cash saved up for VR
wait for me Holo. I'll be there one day.
There are pros and cons for each.
AI is only getting better, and women are only getting worse, so they should at least be concerned.
Call me when I can tickle Holo
There is a clear distinction between a human with animal features and an animal with human features.
One step closer to dumping our conciousness into cyberspace forever
Kissing, tickling and fucking really aren't worth putting up with all the horseshit even a "good" woman will put you through. Sex really isn't a big deal if you've actually had it enough to dispel the whole mystique about it.
anybody got the download link
My gf is the same size and looks at me like that when she sits next to me.
And fucks great. Enjoy your vr lmao
angry hole detected
Actually I'm happy. I have something real
No one was calling your hand fake.
the OP video's girl is a lot more interesting than that movie shit
please post all your ryan gosling memes
preop or postop?
your gf is ugly and fat
Ah yes, from inside Jehuty's cock pit.
There is no reason to get anything on the PS4
Shouldn't the anime be replaced because you got bored with her?
>almost no hair clipping
So they can do it if they try, lazy fucks.
I can feel all warmy just looking at those webms. Can't even imagine how it feels in vr, or how can you go back to real life after experiencing it.
>Getting bored with your waifu
Then it was never your waifu to begin with
I'm a little disappointed that they didn't model Ken in the cockpit with you once she joins you in there.
>I will finally be able to pilot a virtual mecha in my lifetime
I'm so happy bros
>can finally see if she has 2 pairs of ears
what a time to be alive
Depends on who you're asking. Asuka has been my Waifu since 1997.
I want holo to bully me
I'm searching for Korbo VR but I can't find anything.
Enjoy it while it lasts dude, we both know the odds.
Am I the only who find her very different looking from Holo?
It's pretty dull. There's basically no interaction, it's just a cutscene and a crappy interact mode with a couple of basic animations.
The pedoweebs who like animorphhic people will like it.
i dont believe that you were searching for jack shit cause all you have to do is google spice and wolf vr and get relevant results
design feels a bit younger than what Holo should be but I'm cool with it.
>thinking this is anything like having a real woman
>orange wolf
another seething roastie to the call
I'm a dude mate
it's better
Underrated post.
It looks like they stuck closer to how she looks in the light novels than the animu.
Why would anyone want that?
That's.. kind of the point user. It's meant to be fictional, not realistic, etc.
>mfw the widespread roastie butthurt as increasingly sophisticated sex robots make actual females irrelevant
God capitalism is based.
>Wanting to be with a real woman
You don't why why people play anime games, user...
>touch fluffy tail
Holy shit
>What will this mean for the future of humanity though?
You will want these things on a local net, not connected to a world wide web or you can say goodbye to privacy and hello to others (including the company that made it) to being able to see you in your most intimate, private moments.
don't ever disrespect my goddess waifu again or you'll be the orange one here
Look even if you dislike woman
Arguing that some shitty vr is better than actually touching and cuddling with a real human is dumb
Also makes you faggots appear shallow as fuck if all that you look for in a woman is that she looks good and acts like a retarded child so you dont have to do anything to appeal to her
Lazy fucks
I'm going to marry candy store and then I'll be able to eat candy whenever I want to
I have a loving, dedicated, cute, thin, 21yo girlfriend but I still want this. I'm gonna tell her to cosplay this for me.
Am I the only one who finds the VR things meant to simulate relationships to be creepier than the ones that are explicitly about sex and/or violence?
I NEED to see a video of someone playing this with the headset on, instinctually trying to reach out and hug her, and falling over on his face at realizing its so close yet so far.
>PC gaming
>real woman
BallisticNG support VR
Can't wait when Knuckles-type controllers will be popular in VR.
> accidentally no clipped into a floor and got flung into your room.
so its spending time with nep in the Back Rooms?
*slow clap*
Eh.... not bad Spice&WolfVR......
Tails (male) remain king
I remember when images like this were a joke. We all used to laugh at the idea of an Illusion game being available on steam. Weebs are cancer to gaming.
I know, saw some anons posting it, looks cool. I like Omega Collection specifically though, I already had it before I got VR anyway. It's also easily the best looking PSVR game too which is nice.
Honestly? Yes pretty much.
The context given is that somehow for the first time the world of "The Player" and the world of Neptunia have crossed over and created some sort of limited spacial dimension of your room. Histoire informs you that they knew of you as an entity but were never able to communicate directly with you before, so while you're in this pocket dimension they have the CPUs visit you.
Big Neptune specifically also just keeps dropping in anyway because she's a dimension hopper by trade in the first place.
>having more choices and less restrictions is bad
>3DPD seething
what sort of insane lunatic washes hair with a bar of soap
>Friend got an HTC Vive for only a 150 burgerbucks
I'm so angry and jealous of him but happy at the same time.
yes, they are a breed native to japan that are now extinct
that's already the case though. they spy on you through the cameras in the Vive.
just lift, shower and talk to real women, this is depressing
How the fuck?
Based lil kid.
Why would I want to talk to you? You're probably boring and spiteful.
He works at disk replay so he gets a discount and he used his store credit he saved up on top of the fact that they were being sold for only 350 didgeridollars
You'll be phased out soon enough, gash. accept it.
sorry i'd rather not risk rape accusations because i verbally conversed with the wrong female.
this is just roleplay around a respawn glitch for the record that was in the player right? what actually is that game?
One idea I'd give for free is local network waifu AIs or whatever you call them, that get updates via USBs, so you cant spy in real time
this is too great
Where’s the webm of another VR game where you steal donuts from a girl?
Hell is other people
Fuck off back where you came from "colonist." The only embarrassment is you.
Call me when real women are this cute, bucko
>All these angry 3D shitters
If this is the future, tell him i'm not at home
that noodly hair makes me uncomfortable
ive fucked around 40 women in my life of various looks and personalities. why does this looks more fun than interacting with real women?
The only thing I feel for 3d women these days is sexual desire. I only feel genuine love for 2d. So pretty much 3d women have become objects to masturbate to.
>get sex incel
no way fag
So do trannies love VR for allowing them to be women, or hate VR for being problematic?
and you wonder why they treat you like shit
No they don't because I don't try for women these days. My last relationship ended kinda nasty.
this is advice for clueless 18 year olds
the sooner women realize they don't want to be equal to men the sooner we can all go back to normal
This is the only reason i'm not messing with vr yet. I'm okay with a 5/10 woman being on the other side as long as she's a real woman.
Manlet's answer to everything lmfao
what you just said literally only applies to VR Chat and its clones
>not a Liru VR
Blessed thread. The future can't come soon enough!
Statistically speaking many men will never breed, so whats wrong with letting the failures at least experience virtual happiness if not the real thing? Or are they not allowed even that?
Why do roasties care so much what other people do in VR if they didn't want to fuck them anyway? I thought they could live without men?
>been a Saberfag since reading the original VN a decade ago
>first character I genuinely cared about deeply, potentially waifu in the actual sense of the word
>been on and off with the Fate franchise but still care about her a lot though I wouldn't call her my waifu today
>get PSVR
>try Fate/Grand Order VR
>unlock the Saber scenes
>mfw remembering all those times Shirou talked about how small she was, how her slim frame was uncharacteristic of her strength, and how she looked like a doll in that armor of hers
>mfw it was all completely true, she's absolutely tiny, she looks like you could pick her up
>mfw that rush of emotions when she interacted with me, when she called me "Master" and the finally, when she stood before me, fully armored, Excalibur in front of her, and I could see exactly how tiny she is
Fuck, man.
>Im okay with a 5/10 woman being on the other side as long as she's a real woman
nobody is on the other side of anything. this concern only applies to VR chat.
This is the stupidest VR gimmick I've ever seen.
VR really changes your perspective of scale in video games.
D.Va is a tiny womanlet too.
That's the lie. They don't want less selection at the supermarket.
>on the brink of advanced VR dating sims
>devs still havent implemented proper soft body physics to the skin and body
In my experience, I've gotten to experience how it feels to be an even smaller manlet than I already am
Ohh I see what you're saying now
Memes aside, why don't you guys just have sex?
How do I explain this without sounding gay.. I want to experience being a loli. Nothing sexual, just making everyone's life hell and doing cool loli stuff.
I live in a small town with no prostitutes.
Bend over then
I don't need these feels.
>Men who hit on women should be arrested
Also women:
>all this gooseposting itt
you and every other person on VR Chat
I'm poor, live with my parents, i have no car and have social anxiety, i'm pretty good looking but my looks don't make up for all my other shortcomings, i'm also too proud to pay for sex
I'd rather enjoy a perfect illusion than suffer through an empty reality.
because by now real women are a simulacrum for the anime girls I can't have sex with instead of the other way around
LMAO, there is literally nothing wrong with paying for sex (as long as you go for independents and not trafficked chicks)
You fell for social conditioning
>probably ugly
>probably overweight
>will age
>will nag you
>might cheat/leave/otherwise break your heart
>has expectations of you
>doesn't exist solely to make you happy
Having a girlfriend is too much of a fucking hassle just for sex and some companionship. I haven't tried any of these VR waifu sims but it looks like they're getting close to offering a hassle free girlfriend/companion experience
>Cyber bullying is not rea-
>just lift, shower and talk to real women
And risk getting STDs, unwanted children, false rape accusations, and start WWIII? No thank you.
I'll start fucking women once I get my hands on a full body futa cyborg body, then I can fuck as many fucking sluts as much as I want and not get STDs, unwanted mutant children, or even worry about false accusations or accidentical causes of a world war since I would have a pussy, a dick AND a female body at the same time, since many women swing both ways.
Are you me? I'm pretty decent looking, 6'2 and have a really good chin/jawline (diamond I believe it's called where the jawline starts higher goes down into a pointed chin) but i'm a loser. Don't waste your money btw, having sex without any sort of love feelings towards the person is pretty much just masturbation. The "good part" about sex is the emotions and passion you feel during.
Fuck bros.. this looks so good, might be my one chance to feel loved and happy but im scared that it will only feel good for a few days and that i'll still be lonely and horny.
>there is literally nothing wrong with paying for sex
except its illegal in the US, a great way to get STDs, and a great way to invite crime into your life (getting marked for robberies, getting burgled by the slut herself)
My ex threatened to put false rape charges on me and send 5 guys to beat me when I broke up with her
I am never trusting a woman again in my life
My only concern is i'm a pretty emotional person and fall pretty easily. Am I going to fall in love miserably hard just to have to comeback to reality and have the most massively painful heartache a human is capable of experiencing?
>Memes aside, why don't you guys "meme"?
You are silly.
That sounds like literal hell.
>im scared that it will only feel good for a few days and that i'll still be lonely and horny
that is what will happen. it functions just like drugs in that they are temporary, and you need more and better kinds to fill the hole
god dammit Gabe! I just want to buy my index so i can play these porn games!
It's suffering being me.
>tfw 3d women are literally garbage compared to 2d but 2d is where the pain truly is
The Switch is truly the thinking mans choice.
Imagine typing like some troglodyte who crawled out of Twitter
Only one falling for a meme is you, pal. It sounds like you're projecting your rage at people who dismiss your pathetic method of obtaining sex, because you were so scared of becoming a wizard. Pussy.
because you can switch it off
so i saw one of those youtube commercials for those wireless vives, does that mean no hdmi port? i want to make a consideration in getting vr now or just waiting for next gen.
I'm 27, have no job and live with my parents
Lots of people still live with their parents, user. Calm down. (I don't but my gf does)
Figure it'll be something like that. Might aswell fall down that rabbit hole. Being a vr junkie is better than suicide at least, and if i end up reaching the bottom i'll just hang myself.
At least knowing something isn't real therefore cannot love you is better than having something that can and did love you stop loving you. But both of these options are better than spending time with a roast.
Remember, she's just a program. She gives the same unconditional love that a pet gives. Literally designed to milk your emotions for profit for some dubious corporation. Imagine devoting your life to a cat to the point that you shut out the real world and delve into extreme mental illness.
STDs, not as common as you think, easy to avoid. Don't go after slutty women.
unwanted children, wear a condom, or got freeze some sperm and get snipped
false rape accusations, don't be a fuckhead and act like there is no value in ruining your life ( IE don't show you have money and shit)
and start WWIII? wat
I'm 27, got a decent job, my own house, everything I want except for a family. There are no decent women available to me to start a family with though, so I'm not going to give up the luxury I have now.
>easy to avoid. Don't go after slutty women.
When a woman doesn't work and lives with her parents it's fine, "she just hasn't found a good man to marry"
When a man doesn't work and lives with his parents he's a "freeloading parasite loser who needs to man up"
Very different thing
Too ugly and awkward. Being subhuman fucking sucks.
>Needing to do all that
>Or just get a VR set
Yeah, I know which I prefer
You know this is the first time I've seen vr used for something more akin to puppetry than faggot dress up.
For real the first thing that came to my mind seeing that Webm. was some behind the scenes footage from farscape
I wonder what new things might pop up if folks develop something in that direction.
>unironically mutilating your body for roasties
I just want to sniff anime girl butt, bros. );
People care way less than you think. You're being self conscious.
Sword Art Online comes out in 2022.
>why don't you guys just
Little does Klein know.
>tfw will never see sword art for the 1st time again
years of being stabbed in the back and thrown in the gutter for a hunk of money,drugs,or generally any advantage they could get, i don't trust anyone, never mind people in the normal sphere of the world. I reached beyond the void of finding 3d pd disgusting 4 years ago.
>and start WWIII? wat
Absolute worst case scenario tier self defense resort, by triggering WWIII, almost all landmass in the world will be nuked to shit, creating a lawless radioactive wasteland, "supposedly". I'd obviously die to death, but at least I won't be able to realize that I died when a nuke explodes in my face.
I want to try out vr but don't want to spend way too much at first. Recommend me some cheap vr setups please. Mainly for porn and cute anime girls, I don't really care about the rest. I have a laptop with a 1050 and i7 and I'm pretty sure that does not meet the minimum requirements so I'd have to get a pc too I guess.
He's clearly baiting, but also
>don't go after slutty women
we're literally living in the millenial hookup age, it's just normal and cool to be a distant slut because sex is empowering and being vulnerable with a significant other is not cool or empowering. It's a really easy time to have sex, but it's honestly a really hard time to find anyone who wants anything more than that. Like I get that being sexually liberated is a good thing and all, but at the same time it's brought about a really bad era for marriage rates and loyalty between partners because a lot of people know it's so easy to just go bang someone else instead of just make things work. It's really hard to find non-slutty girls for a guy who actually wants something, but hey it's almost as bad for chicks, gays, lesbos etc. It's just a bad time for people who want something more meaningful than their dick in a hole or to get their holes filled.
Cyberpunk af. Westacucks btfo
pretty cute, but you'll never be able to touch her or feel her so what's the point in these as opposed to just real life
It's already spending too much if you want to buy a better headset after trying a cheaper one. Go Index or nothing.
It's so interesting that you roasties always say the same things without dissproving that you are just mad at 2d for beeng better lokking then you in a few years.
>real thing is just some ugly 3d woman
What's the point?
why do incels get upset about being called incels when they call themselves incels anyway?
Moustache guy. Look at that stance, open mouth so he can sense threat nearby
How the fuck do I drop stuff in Skyrim VR with valve index and that nexusmods A button fix
When will VR pander to my tastes?
well for starters it's something that actually exists, which i think is a pretty big thing
If you removes the stupid "tech" from them they all look like normal men, except for that dude in the fucking trenchcoat, he looks like he's about to rape someone
I'm not worth it, eny girl can look around for a few minutes and she will find someone better.
>STDs, not as common as you think
why do jews get upset about being called jews when they call themselves jews anyway?
Holy fuck my sides. This shit caught me by surprise
Hard pass, cuz.
>have sex
I'm passing, user. More sex for you.
shit actually exists, you can touch it and feel it. that doesn't make it categorically better than something intangible.
same reason trannies get mad when you tell them they have a mental illness.
nothing exists anymore when you die from your perception
you might as well enjoy what you can rather than trying to be the ideal mate for a hole who will either take half your money and belongings or have a kid with who will grow up to be a failure tranny who will also take your money and disappoint you
Why do black people get upset about being called nigga but they call eachother that anyway?
>6 (You)'s in a row
>Nintendo learnt not to censor head-patting after all the drama they had over removing it in that (FE?) game.
>Sony still censoring left, right and centre.
I wish the Japs would nuke California and say it was revenge for WW2.
done it already, couldnt care for it anymore.
Intimacy >>> actually doing it.
The idea of intimacy, even a fake one, without the baggage of socializing, the physical pain of rejection, and the stress of being an actual couple is an incredibly enticing idea, especially in an age where sense of communities and trust are destroyed.
Japan is having to resort to migrants and handouts because their people want nothing to do with each other.
Youbest be ready for this problem, because the Better Than Life Chip dilemma has existed for years and its only getting worse.
>dark skin
Fucking gross. You could've at least used an asian girl.
>real women
>smelly nigger with 18 liters of makeup
You see these because you clicked "YES I ACCEPT I WANT TO SEE THESE". And it asks you TWICE.
You're crying about a non-issue just for the sake of wanting to be offended.
Thanks for confirming that there is no competition for 2d. That is really gross, user.
>mfw none of you will probably get to know what it feels to hold a child of your own in your arms
You walk a dangerous path, Yea Forums. A dangerous, soulcrushing path.
Don't let your waifus consume you, turn back while you still can.
Get /fit/, read books, travel,laugh, talk to that chick at the local café....
It's a short life....
This better be a fucking joke. You can't be serious.
when the russian do the same thing with bonbi, I'll buy this VR shit
lmfao. Hey user, if your taste is this bad, don't judge us for what we like.
She doesn't need make up. She wears it for the style. Pic related.
>read books so a girl can give you a blank look when you try to talk about them
>implying daughterbots won't exist
>t. accidentally got a girl pregnant.
Your life is over user.
>travel.. laugh..
Holy fucking shit im laughing at your disgusting normie post. This reads like a tinder profile of some sub 80 iq communications major.
Stop posting ugly niggers in this thread! REEEEEEE!!! My mood is ruined. Seeya virtual anons.
Could becoming a virtual girl for 15-30 minutes a day treat trannyism?
Cool. Looks like she plunged her face into a bucket of makeup.
Legitimate advice and all these virgins raging at you in the replies. Lol.
Travel requires money
Books require time
Chicks require status
All for the world having to deal with my offspring, when we have reached populations so large that no individual is unique?
Here's your (you).
You mean gender identity disorder? Maybe don't ask a forum full of racist/transphobes for the best medical advice.
is this on an oculus lol it feels like its only 90 fps
God bless VR technology
This place has brainwashed you very badly
>be me
>be ugly as fuck
>be a 5'8 dwarf
>Get /fit/, read books, travel,laugh, talk to that chick at the local café....
That not for someone like me, user. That's why I want at least some of artificial happiness with a 2D.
I'm not judging you.
I don't think I'm missing out much
this video hurts my fucking eyeballs literally
Yeah had those. Fuck them. VR is better.
I'm surprised they haven't made a VR SAO game yet. That shit would sell fucking gangbusters.
do you ever feel like if you grew up with a sister like this you might not hate women so much?
ok, I lied a little bit. I am judging your taste. Nepshit is bottom of the barrel garbage.
Headpatting literally has nothing to do with sex you fucking degenerate animal.
It is closer in terms of affection to petting a dog or a cat, or tussling the hair of a young child, and innocent display of attachment and love. Only a truly twisted mind would interpret it as something sexual.
>Cool. Looks like she plunged her face into a bucket of makeup.
That's her natural skin. It's a no-makeup shot.
Throwing a child into this shithole is a crime, user, unless it's a childbot with deadly laser tentacles and nuclear barrage launchers.
I grew up with a little sister and I don't hate women, I occasionally hated her tho
Because it's not about sex. It never has been. They all use the same buzzword of incel, but no one is actually an incel. Literally any man on this planet can easily go purchase sex or drop cash on some random bar thot and get laid unless you have some crippling disability/disease in which case you're a genuine incel. The pursuit has always been a search for a relationship. A woman capable and willing to give you genuine love and affection for no other reason than the love shared between the two of you.Ironically they find more of this from fake depictions of such made by other men. In a modern setting such as ours a genuine and pure relationship is an impossible dream for the vast majority of disenfranchised men. The world is currently laughing, but honestly it scares me. The violence of which angry young men with nothing to lose are capable of will be horrific if anyone at all can tap into it.
How do you play video games with such weak eyeballs.
don't missuse the image of my dear deceased Fitz for your travel degeneracy.
Ps. this thread is ass, pic related
No more objections? Good.
True. Those 3dpd will never get my dick.
You're just going to keep spamming garbage anyway.
In what way lmao? Do you honestly think "be urself" is good advice?
When will casuals finally adopt VR?
why does this retard have dpads on its head?
I wonder how much pure love romance material through history was written by men, and how much by women.
not just any little sister
>Get /fit/, read books, travel,laugh,
How do normies out themselves every time?
Only to prove a point.
Are you implying sex with another primate is somehow equivalent to headpatting an anime foxgirl?
hey ron
I don't care for sex that much. At this point, I can just satisfy my urges via my hand. What I long for is just basic affection and closeness but as a shy, socially awkward 26 year old kissless virgin, I am pretty much destined to a life of loneliness as no woman would ever want me.
my poor goddamn heart, holy fucking shit negro
Okay nazi.
>implying this isnt already the case
But you like ugly dark skinned girls.
That you have jungle fever.
We're in 2019, psy op shits read your mind on daily basis.
absolutely fucking based.
t. lonely Resetera trannycels and bitter cool wine aunt roasties who have such miserable lives that they want to drag everyone around them down so they too shall be miserable
Stop larping as an atomic family dad, you cuck.
even if he larps he is right
>implying women my age even want kids.
The memes of "being childfree is better life" and "having children is disastrous for the environment" have sunk deep.
My people are headed towards extinction, chiefly because women no longer want to reproduce.
If he was right he wouldn't be on Yea Forums larping.
that poorfag must have been super ass blasted to larp that hard
her face looks like shit
"dude just lift yourself into having peak genetics and money"
>cool wine roasties
heh heh. That one always makes me laugh because all the posts I see by girls drinking at fucking 12 in the afternoon, alone.
And that's an improvement.
"Jungle fever"? What are you 40 years old? Who says jungle fever anymore?
all the women I work with are alcoholics
5pm hits and they are finishing bottles of wine in the break room (we have a liquor cabinet at work)
I know it's the same person who posted this so i'll just tell you the obvious. You're on /v homeboy. You aren't doing or have any of the shit you posted.
20 minutes on blender will fix that. What about you?
dont you ever use fitz for such a terrible opinion ever again faggot
that's not the Korbo i know from animu
literally soulless
Women don't feel genuine, romantic love for men. They can only really love their own children.
You gotta understand that in the evolutionary history of our species, being loyal to one man was not all that beneficial for women. The social power women wield over men has always been about their sexuality and it's use over men. Being loyal to one man is basically total forfeiting of that power.
Plus, whenever tribes of humans fought, the losing tribe risked the deaths of all of it's men and boys, while the women and girls only gained new husbands.
In short, women are biologically hardwired to be thots.
Unfortunately you're right.
It's staged.
What's the problem?
You will never be loved.
You will never feel the gentle touch of a woman.
You will never have her, to talk about your thoughts and feelings.
You truly will never feel joy, and worst of all, you will die alone.
Dark skin is ugly. I'm convinced you're trolling at this point to get (you)s.
I'm getting better now that I'm slimming down!
what I meant is her face model is too low quality, not enough polygons were used so it looks like a triangle from the sides
who hurt you user? you should seek help.
It's the appropriate diagnosis for shit taste.
>You will never be loved.
>You will never feel the gentle touch of a woman.
>You will never have her, to talk about your thoughts and feelings.
>tfw he's right
fuck, guys, why didn't we think of this earlier???
How fucking pathetic have one gotta be to "play" this stupid nonsense? Holy shit.
Do you think I collect images of literally who cosplayer and models, in order to troll Yea Forums?
That's why we need VR.
no it wouldn't.
I wouldn't have anyways because no woman besides my mother has ever cared about my existence.
What's your point?
>This absolute level of seller's remorse
Christ. How do you make it twenty fucking six years and still come out that fucking dumb?
Did her mother pop her on the oven and try to scramble her like an egg as a baby, or something? Because holy shit.
So you're telling me you're generally attracted to the woman you keep posting? I'm having a hard time believing this, user.
Well it sounds stupid. "jungle fever"... It's just an awkward name. I don't think it has the effect you intend.
>currently engaged
>still want this
anyone have that early vr webm of that princess carry game?
Stop posting that. Holy fuck you're annoying.
bro... I just got a crazy idea for a 2-for-1 deal.
"Women". I've posted multiple women. Not one. Are your eyes broken?
Must we really go down this road where you pretend to be incredulous as some kind of passive aggressive insult against my tastes. It's so tiresome.
they want, even if they don't realize it.
because the anime is a fraud
I did with a few prostitutes. I don't get the appeal. It was actually kind of boring. I'd rather just get a blow job ro play vidya
3D waifu fags are the worst.
Being right isn't why literally anyone on Yea Forums ended up on Yea Forums
It's time to stop romanticizing what Yea Forums is and isn't, and just call it the dumpster fire it is.
Imagine: someone has kids, family, career, prospects, a life and more.
And he's gonna spend his time lecturing people on a video game board on a Thai basket weaving forum.
If we-- you, I, anyone-- made good decisions we wouldn't be here. Please do not act like you're the faggot who thinks his farts don't smell.
Not at all dude. You can like anything you want but stop posting that shit here. And how the fuck am I supposed to know? they all looked the same to me.
it's literally posted in this thread jesus christ user youre such a faggot holy shit
Guy on the far right.
I don't think your posting has the effect you intend. Unless your intention is spamming this thread with your shitty 3DPD.
genetic dead ends: the thread
natural selection: the thread
thanks for playing vr waifu games guys
One of you asked to show him 3D that is just as cute as virtual Nep. So I'm just doing what he wanted.
He singularly wants people to reply to him because it's exactly about attention
>talking to a woman about your thoughts
Not unless I get some super autist who wants to talk about dumb space theories, or whether cows would be cool if they were fossils and dinos would be lame if they were alive.
>You will never be loved.
I am though
>You will never feel the gentle touch of a woman.
I have, many times. You on the other hand never have because you are either a REtardera tranny or a roastie, both groups don't get gently touched by women.
>You will never have her, to talk about your thoughts and feelings.
LOL! overrated meme you picked up from corny Hollywood rom-coms. I can tell you are still a virgin
>You truly will never feel joy, and worst of all, you will die alone.
this is you projecting your own existential fears onto others. no wonder you freaks kill yourselves before you hit 35 or end p with 27 cats
lmaoing@your life
oh wow less than 1 percent of Americans have chlamydia based on that stat...
Besides chlamydia is solved with a broad spectrum antibiotic.
I've posted 5 different girls. If you can't tell the difference, then perhaps you're faceblind, and don't really have the authority to speak on taste.
>seething blackoid roastie
>talking to a woman about your feelings
literally asking to get dumped
But she's not cute.
>the pornstar hoverhands him too at first
I don't know... I think I'm making headway.
perhaps something that combines qualities of a wife with the qualities of a daughter
what would you call such a thing?
She cute doe.
user that's a single demographic in a single city in a single state...
BZZT! Wrong.
yet you're still here
They all look like ugly niggers to me. All darkies look the same honestly.
Wow, user, you're so cool. Keep it up. Keep telling lies.
>posting niggers
what the fuck
Niggers. are. disgusting.
keep triggering incels
No u
I want all this but with a cute anime girl
Purrblind is cute
isn't there somewhere else you can spam niggers?
Worst parts about black and asian girls all combined in a single 1/10. Jesus.
I have a feeling you're this ugly nigger inrl and you're just spamming your pics.
>deliberately posting only the ugliest race of women in a thread where no one said anything about race
ok, so you're faceblind. Thus, I disregard your tastes.
Dey cute.
You're not with me, faggot. I don't want your approval.
Well when asian girls do it I can kinda see how it's cute at least
Yes, you know they are not into them which is exactly why you are spamming things that have nothing to do with the thread.
It only gets darker from there.
But I know it's in there somewhere.
Well, I can have both real gf and virtual gf.
I don't see the point of fighting.
Just make yourself a tulpa. This virtual weeb shit cant love you.
all niggers must hang
You guys asked for proof. I'm just posting it.
Shit taste.
I just happen to have a lot of her saved. But if you like, I can post other girls.
this is literally a black woman posting. I'm sure of it now. she gon' prove we lookin gooooood tonight ladies mmmmhmmmm *clicks tongue*
>Wowie zowie I'm so cute look at me being cute in my cute cosplay and cute filters
I hate women.
God I'm so fucking lonely
I'm posting cute girls, user. That is all.
look at that sheboon
She is seriously disgusting, man. Have fun jerking it to her, nobody cares, but few people would agree that she is even remotable passable.
No please don't. All you have is ugly black girls. No one wants to see that shit.
I think it's literally the bitch in the pics posting.
Based. 2D > 3D
Ok last post because I'm having too much fun, and cannot believe you people are actually being 100% genuine
Is it really that fucking DIFFICULT to practice some self-improvement?
Does the idea of your neighbor finding your rotting corpse, still wearing the latest VR headset with a vague grin across your face, sound appealing to you?
You aren't posting proof, you're posting a disgusting nigger. Niggers are awful and disgusting.
ITT: Yea Forumseddit incels falling for obvious bait
why would i care id be dead
White men are biologically incompatible with black women. You smell bad to us, and we to you.
Impossible. Everyone loves cute girls. I just haven't posted the right one yet. But I'll keep trying.
>Does the idea of your neighbor finding your rotting corpse, still wearing the latest VR headset with a vague grin across your face, sound appealing to you?
Why would I care?
Actually yes, since that means I died happy.
Not videogames.
It's literally impossible for me.
>nigger spammer
lol this is worse than the Austrian retard and his plastic gooks
have your tried posting girls that dont have shitcoloured skin?
Why must it be some conspiracy to post cute girls?
why would it be my neighbor and not a landlord wondering why rent was never paid this month? I don't speak to any neighbors.
If you were actually trying, you wouldn't post niggers.
Hahahaha, you're a bastard user. You win, i'll leave. Dead thread. Thanks to all the retards who stopped posting cute vr webms. Jerks
No it doesn't, but it's better than them finding my corpse without the headset at least that corpse is smiling.
I literally can't improve, i wouldn't be an incel if i could.
Self-improvement means people will take advantage of you. That's all society is. People with certain skills will be used by people who want those skills to benefit themselves. Using people is a skill also, and if you don't have it, you're a chump.
I would have agreed with you until I graduated college and realized without the structured environment of a school to facilitate regular social interaction with people of the same calibre it's never going to happen, especially now that the sociopolitical climate has shifted in such a way where you actually do have things to be anxious about in just casual conversations.
She's so kissable, right?
Post a cute girl first. I'm not into beastiality.
Fucking based as all hell mate
i was talking more about behaviuor, in anime she wasn't kawaii ugu wet noodle
No, I have no desire to kiss that thing
because you chose to exclusively only post girls of a certain type in a thread where no one is posting 3D girls nor talking about black women
you guys ever consider a physical doll?
I think a physical daughterbot with just simple loops would be really nice
I'm afraid I don't understand what you're getting at. Can you explain in simpler terms?
No you are not, you are posting girls you know people are not going to like, as some kind of protest or what ever is in your hear.
The average guy does not like black girls. You know this, so you post them even more.
That's the only reason you are doing it, inversely to how much people want it.
She cute
I feel this way to. Like I can tell she would be out of my league yet I would be the one rejecting her.
>she wouldn't ever want you!
I'm okay with that, i'm just saying.
I can absolutely see the girl in the pic having an attitude like yours. It's you.
The average man does not find black women attractive. At all.
>If you were actually trying, you wouldn't post niggers.
I'm just posting cutes and patoots.
Finally, someone else amits 3D is just as cute as virtual 3D.
All i see here is small amount of polygons, shitty cell shading, hair clipping, overused bloom effect, lack of proper artistry and a strong pandering to virgins. Have sex.
the FUTURE of gaming...
user... permission to marry your daughter???
Anime eyes in 3d are pretty scary.
Those look like poached eggs about to fall off.
I love her self-absorbed self-pity delusions. It makes me laugh every time because I too have a similar life anecdote to tell.
>I'm not a gold digger, except I am
>I was perfectly fine with the relationship until I saw some cunt I haven't seen for 10 years living her life and I instantly decided I wanted to live that life because I have no concept of self-determination. I have a vagina and only copy what other vaginas around me seemingly do
>women are entitled to fancy dinner
>men are obliged to disclose their entire financial status to any roastie who asks
>I broke up with him, therefore HE should have been devastated, continuing to seek me out, giving me sociopathic ego boosts
She is also dumb as a shitbrick.
>lives alone in a bigass house
>rarely works
>just "runs a couple websites"
Enough clues and hints there that will wasn't just a basement dwelling neet.
imagine saving pictures of ugly black girls on your computer
>KFC socks
Fucking niggers, lmao
why don't you go bother reddit? I'm sure you can find degenerates there that want to fuck baboons
Nobody here likes niggers and you know it.
How about this one?
But you guys explicitly asked to know when 3D girls are as cute as virtual ones.
can you bind their hands together by stabbing through both of them and just watch their ai break down?
This thread is nice. I'm happy for the virgin weebs who will have their waifus within arms reach soon, because they will be happy. I'm happy for the normies for being able to have good social skills.
>Nobody here likes niggers and you know it.
Talk for yourself, faggot.
All I see here is a small amount of brain cells, shitty makeup, hair chemicals, overused blooming labia, lack of proper grace and a strong pandering to base lust.
Why would I care.
I would be too dead to feel any sense of shame.
Time to buy some cardboard lads
user... Cute girls, user. that is all.
Hell yeah, brother.
Yet you could post your entire folder of sheboons and you would fail to meet that criteria.
Dont be so triggered, user.
No niggers
Blade and Sorcery
Also known as C and BT since last update.
Pretty much. Sometimes they tried to fight with a weapon stuck in their arm. Females are retarded lol
Uh, user? That's a different girl than the last one you accused.
Buddy you've been spending way too much time online. Height literally doesn't matter if you're not conscious about it.
t. 5'5"
every nigger literally looks alike
guess we need to fight fire with fire?
Maybe she's not your type. But how about this one?
wish I had your confidence. I'm 5'10" but my friends are all 6'0" or taller, makes me feel bad.
Ok, that's cool and all, If you're fine with dying while embracing a virtual reality drawing, that's you. But seriously, atleast do it with a character that doesn't have a canon romance partner like Holo. that's just beyond sad.
Obama and Morgan Freeman look pretty different
If you're gay, then just let me know now, so I don't have to waste any more of my time.
Only Grade A cuties here.
pretty sure parents would be less disappointed their son turned out to be gay than a niggerlover
We can’t escape the eternal Becky soon enough
>3d girls
>post a chimpanzee
This one ain't cute. She has nice hair though.
Are you that same face blind user from before? Or are all of you suffering from the same condition?
Don't you have a drug deal to go get shot in or something? Niggers are disgusting
2D >>>>> 3D
Yes you are.
Obama is only half-black.
Then why haven't you come out yet?
Hey man, I have to try all kinds. Different men have different tastes.
She looks cute but that's probably all the makeup. You have any non-makeup girls?
If you had more experience with females you would know that hight matter.
>all the 3DPD spam
what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? kill you're selfs
Have sex.
This one ain't cute either but has even cuter hair than the last. Post more cute hairstyles.
Doesn't sound like a very fun VR game to me. I'd much rather play head pat Holo.
Cute nose
A nigger cannot be cute.
You're the one suffering from a condition, nigger lover
this one seems alright
What does improving myself have to do with hating roasties and liking virtual anime girls?
Gross I bet she's not even welsh.
awww look
she thinks she's people
Now you just talking to yourself.
seems like you'd rather fuck Donkey Kong based on the images you post.
Oh god she's so cute Bros I'm gonna die.
You wish you were me.
>This one ain't cute either
I don't believe you. She's adorable.
>can you bind their hands together by stabbing through both of them and just watch their ai break down?
based user
Thank god that not a single one of these ugly whores ITT is cosplaying as my waifu, I'd be mad otherwise.
>hey user, are you really into this 2d fox girls? >maybe you can leave your computer and we can build communism together?
Maybe you like black girls because you don't see a lot of dark skinned girls where you're from. I'm a non-white in a non-white country so I see a whole lot of them. In this pic the girl literally looks like any other girl around where I live. It's weird man.
She hide her face, but still cute.
i am going to become a criminal
Commie girls are always sluts because that pussy belongs to the proletariat. Don't date commie girls.
please be legal
She's 21
My fellow cuteness brethrens! Thank you for joining me.
That's just terrifying. 2D is cute and 3D can be cute but don't cross the fucking streams.
You live around a lot of cuties then.
>dont be so silly, user
Niggers are not cute you delusional fuckwit
Only good thing is she's wearing my fetish. I think. It's hard to tell because her gross dark skin.
You could have prevented this. It's all ogre now.
>Men in uncanny anime masks.
Nevermind. You're not my fellow.
>monkey in a bikini stealing someone's drink
that's even worse than actual trannies
pls stop
Oh dear God, gonna cum.