I wanna talk about the lore about Warhammer

I wanna talk about the lore about Warhammer.

Also why isn’t Nagash playable?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nagash is a dead little bitch
Warhammer has shit lore
The game requires you to buy Warhammer 1 and all DLC to play 80% of the game in Warhammer 2
Fucking jews

So Warhammer is the past and 40K is the future? Or is it separate universes? Why aren't lizardmen and vampires in 40K? Or Skaven?


Nagash is dead and too powerful to be in the game, it would be like making sigmar playable

Separate universes, but there are a lot of fan theories connecting the two.

Originally designed as 1 universe, but dropped before release.

Nagash is not my king, ok??
Life and prosperity, not undeath and mecromancy.

Nagash will probably some big end game event in Warhammer 3.

Lizardmen are tau, undead are necrons, and skaven are tyranids.

greeting from /tg/. Warhammer fantasy was so cool that GW decided to murder it, and then that wasn't enough so they decided to rape its corpse with something called age of sigmar.

they nuked it so this couldn't happen

I'm unironically not buying 3 until I know for certain I can play as Kisev.

i like you

I'm unironically not buying 3 because the devs are SJW

Nagash comes back to life a bunch of times dude.

Also Neferata should be in the game. She’s pretty important.

just because of shit they say publicly or is that represented in the games

new to Warhammer

Do the dark elves worship chaos elves or something? Why are they evil?

Wasn't there a joke being the world of fantasy is in 40k just surrounded by a metric fuck ton of warp storms

All elves are evil

let me explain quickly
>manlet is supposed to be phonex king
>Manlet test is to walk in fire
>If you get burned you are not phonex king but if you walk through unharmed you become
>Manlet burns
>Manlet gets mad
>Manlet gets other elves that follow him
>Turn into dark elves after fucking with dwarfs
>Big war between dwarfs and elfs

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Present in the games unfortunately.

They should have Nagash in 3.

She'll be in 3 because CA fucking loves vampires. I expect 3 is going to be:

>4 chaos gods (or more likely their top champions)
>Hung or Kurgans (Chaos warriors, maybe some horse archer chaos warriors)
>Maybe Nagash
>Maybe the Strigoi Vampires if the map is conductive to it.

I'm pirating 3 because having to buy the game twice in DLC is shitty and gay.

Some cults worship Slaneesh, but it's not their state religion or anything. They all worship Khaine, the god of war.

They're essentially just a rogue elv state that formed from

Chaos elves?

Dark Elves are led by some faggot named Malekith who got butthurt that he couldn’t become the Phoenix King of the high elves, and then he got kicked out to some shit continent along with his whore mother.

Dark Elves worship some god named khaine, an elven god who is the god of war or some shit. Dark Elves and Malekith hate the chaos daemon gods, but Malekith’s whore mother secretly worships Slaanesh, the daemon god of sex and trannies. This pisses off Malekith when he finds out, and they both throw temper tantrums because cringe.

FUCK elves

How would they do Neferata and Nagash? Would they just be vampire count lords?



Shitty reskins

What else

>Reddit Spacing

Nagash was weak

>unironically liking Warhammer


Warhammer is awesome you skaven bitch

>Unironically browsing r*ddit


who /skaven/ here?

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>Finish the game
>Nagash is just a skybox

yiff in hell, furfag

It literally isn’t though. It’s trash.



I'm a man of beards, I like dawi.

dwarfs are worse than lizards, kys

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It's a really, really long story. But no they don't worship chaos, except for Morathi and her cult in secret

kiss your sister

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Same universe still is. Lizard men are playable in 40k called the slanni. Shaven are just mutants and vampires beasts of chaos

You can get it all dirt cheap now.

you kidding me? It cost me $134 CAD for TWWH 1+2 and all DLC this summer sale.

No, stop being weird drengbarazi.

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beards are cute

Must not be in full sale
Also, some of the dlc is sold again on WH2 which you don't need to buy.

A friend got everything except for the newest 3 dlc for like 30 bucks

That's better.

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bullshit, its $30 just for TW:WH2 on steam and this is the best sale I've ever seen for it

Manlet is phoenix king tho, its canon

skaven are more cute

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Is there any way to get more challenge out of TW:WH2? Maybe a way to cancel out the cheese or improve the AI? I can beat any campaign on legendary without any issue. I've done This Is Total War campaigns and curbstomped the AI. Its all so tiresome, I just can't have fun anymore. I took Karak Eight Peaks and as Skarsnik on turn 64 playing legendary.

Nibba I've gotten both games and all the DLC at full price that is dirt cheap. Just buy both games so you can play mortal empires and the best races (empire and dawi) in it. You can buy whatever other faction DLC you like peacemeal.

There are mods to make it harder, install some unbeatable chaos invasion mods, some mods to limit your expansion and things like that

Nigger, that's still like $55 for the base games themselves, and I like all factions. But thanks.

I could try I guess. I've never really checked the workshop to see if there's any decent mods, most just seem like shit.

Are Khorne and Khaine the same dude?

canonically they're gay BFF's, but CA said that Khorne is most likely trans.

Bardin and Kruber's bromance is the best part of Vermintide, shortly followed by Victor and Sienna's secret romance.

stop being poor you nigger

That's still less than a full price game and it allows you to play the grand campaign with like 8 factions each with at least 3 different lords and all the lords in 2 have unique startpos. There is also quite a bit of free DLC.

I just think it's dumb that warhammer fans bitch about being nickle and dimed on the one hand, and get mad when every conceivable race, faction, unit and hero isnt represented in the game on the other.

Are you insulting my heritage, goy?

Honestly all of the character interactions are gold.

Kerillian is probably the worst, but that accent still gets me hard so w/e

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>based lizardbros being faggot tau



The tavern event revealed she's just a whiny little girl as per usual.

All of the times I played through this, I never heard the steam tank line. That shit is great.

And I played that too many times as Kerillian.

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Real talk, is Gelt the most op motherfucker when it comes to magic
Absolute mad lad

no, thats Thanquol

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Anyone dank enough to dismiss Teclis and call him a fag is a true baller.


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rat magic is garbage

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God I hate the fucking bug eyes. They were never canon

>doing anything besides getting high off warpstone and thwarting his own plans

I just like when settings try to make elves a little more different than pointy eared skinny humans.

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If we're talking in terms of lore and pure magical prowess then Teclis is probably the most powerful.

That's cute
>Proceeds to engulf the continent in earthquakes and tsunamis with a thought while napping in a comfy pool.

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never played as order of the loremasters, are they fun?

>Kroq-Gar, I have a PLAN, I just NEED the TABLETS

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They're elves. No. All elves should die.

>Teclis doesn't get Qhaysh spells in TWW

It's bullshit.

Nothing more kino than the Aztec aesthetic


They are supposed to be straight upgraded humans

I smell jealousy of Thanquol powerful magic powers

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Probably the hardest start of all the elves, both ritual shit and Mortal Empires

Ker is cursed with black eyes.

Probably the most satisfying and a little challenging campaign compared to other starting positions. You're not inside ulthuan to snowball for one and nor do you have the nothing personnel stance.

>Thanquol powerful magic powers
>can explode and nothing else

Wow what a real shocker.

elves are pretty easy, so that kinda sounds fun
Might actually give it a try instead of playing as the Empire____ for the 20th time

>playing as Vamps
>Isabella and Vlad

What are some fun lore-armies to make? right now I'm just face-rolling everything with blood knights and varghulfs, gimme something to make it challenging.

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>The species that grows in vats and has in-born castes
>Tau and not Nids
Are you an idiot?

go back to africa nigger. or pirate it if you are such a dirt poor shitter.

That's a really stupid thing to say.

>Kroq-Gar, my friend! We've known each other for ten thousand years. Trust me when I say, in order to stop the Skaven invasion of Lustria, the tablets ordained that some bumfuck city in Middenland needs to be razed!

Nagash would be like Arkhan, a Tomb Lord with access to Vampire Counts units.

Thanqueer cant even be relevant enough to make it into the game.

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I know right? Nagash in the game is a really stupid thing to think about

No, but Khorne wants to eat Khaine and absorb his dominion over war.

>Isabella and Vlad
Mah nigga. Manbaby can go fuck himself.

Queek headtaker more like Queer headgiver

Fuck you, Thanquol deserved to be in that DLC literally no one wanted Ikit, only reason people wanted him was because of his clan weapons, now that Ikit is out of the way Thanquol has a big chance to be in the game!

stop calling Thanquol Thanqueer

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He is in the tabletop, so why can't he be in the game?

>Manlett is literally 100% responsible for the end times because he has autism

Who could possibly NOT hate Manlett?

No one sane

Burn in hell, raki.

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like all rat faggots

He's in Age of Shit, not Fantasy.

>because he has autism
He's an asshole, but killing Gelt was a rational thing to do, even if it didn't actually work.

Killing one of your(temporary) allies when you are fighting off the actual end of the world is a fucking retarded thing to do.
Kill him the second you've won.

>kill the guy who is essential to closing the Chaos portal and saving the world, literally working to stop the entire planet from exploding including your own realm

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how? absolutely how was it rational?
only a dumb fucking retard disrupts a ritual meant to stop the world from LITERALLY being destroyed

this is now a khemri tv thread

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What? He was in the tabletop since 4th edition.

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Are they really not coming back? Settra is so cool...

I think you're referring to Arkhan the Black.


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He wanted the world to end. Kemmler described pretty well what he was trying to escape.
>You and your masters are desiccated relics of a dead age. And what greater prospect do I have in Nagash's service, a future of mindless servitude in an unchanging world? The Great Necromancer is a selfish child. Though assured of his power, he remains forever terrified that another will take it from him. He will not be satisfied until his is the only will in existence, for only then can he be safe.

thanquol is no queer

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For Vlad, use lots of elite infantry (who benefit from his full vanguard the most) and cavalry to overwhelm the opponent. Make Isabella the reinforcer with tons of monsters (especially Vargheists) and heroes, all focusing on mobility so they can get to the fight quick.

Other fun ideas are researching the -100% upkeep skeletons and spamming free Master Necromancer skeleton stacks at a particularly dug in enemy you want to bog down.

If you really wanna feel like you're playing as the von Carsteins proper, focus on their bloodline lord and field those human missile troops. In tandem with a strong airforce you can be a shockingly good skirmisher as the Counts. And Carstein bloodline lords are very good at dominating the skies.

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>dark elves
Cease that vile slander, Malekith is the one rightful Phoenix King

No, I'm talking about Nagash.

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>I recently deleted my Khemri tv pics by accident during a cleaning

God I wish he would come back. Settra is fucking great, and canonically the strongest person in the setting.
In terms of actual physical strength. He has 6 strength, Ogre lords have 5.

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I can't find a model for him in Warhammer Fantasy searching on google, can you post it? I mean yes Nagash was spoken of in way back in 4e, but I don't think he was ever a model.

>Wanting the world to end

>memri edits
why would TKs hate elves? they probably dont even interact much at all, shouldn't they hate the vampires more?

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>but I don't think he was ever a model
How new are you?

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He preferred death to eternal torture. Sounds rational enough.

Well I've been baboozled.

Nagash basically learned necromancy from dark elves.

>morons who get their lore from Youtube

Mannfred was betrayed by the Alliance of Incarnates. Nagash framed him for the death of the Everchild and handed him to the Elves as a token of goodwill in order to form an alliance with them.

Mannfred was buried under a magical tree and condemned to have his soul slowly being drained by it. He was left for dead there until Be'lakor freed him.

Mannfred then escaped and then was recruited by Archaon. During the final battle Mannfred was given the choice of

A) Helping out the Incarnates who demeaned him, treated him like shit, and sentenced him to a slow painful death.

This option would ended with him getting fucked because it would end in him being enslaved by Nagash again or the Elven Incarnates would track him down and punish him again. This time more brutality.

B) Fuck over the Incarnates in spite and revenge and reach out to the Warp Rift in hope of using its power to elevate himself to godhood.

This option allowed him to take revenge on the cunts who made his life miserable, with the added bonus of a gamble for ultimate power.

The power of rift was too much for Mannfred to possess and it burned him to a crisp but at least he got his revenge.

In this context Mannfred did nothing wrong. If you were in his shoes, you would have done the same. You wouldn't have accepted being the slave of Nagash or being the chewtoy of the Elves.

He learned Dark Magic from the Dark Elves. He used it to invent Necromancy.

Consider the following user.
Rather than being "morons who got their lore from youtube"
Could it, PERHAPS, be that people already hated Mannfred before the end of WF. Because he was always written as an incredibly paranoid, selfish, and shortsighted manchild? And that because they already hated Mannfred, they play up his actions in the End Times?

No. Nobody knew who Mannfred and his characterization was before the End Times. Unless you read the vampire wars BL novels.

So I doubt you and others hated him before.

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He betrayed Vlad.

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>obody knew who Mannfred and his characterization was before the End Times
Are you fucking retarded? People adore Vlad, and Mannfred always comes up where Vlad is concerned as a consequence of being one of his descendants.

Still nothing rational about it you moron. Even if you present it as a wager, it is the absolute dumbfuckest of gambles to take and absolutely motivated by being butthurt. Fear, not logic.

same no kislev no buy


why did they focus on gay ass vampire pirates instead of a million other things?

It's not a gamble. He would've been fucked anyway.

Because there is no '> a million other things' left for TWW2.

CA loves vampires

>daemons of chaos
>ogre kindgoms

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are you unironically using the """""""writing"""""" in the endtimes books for your argument?


>for TWW2
Only Araby could be possible.

>Nippon or Ogre Kingdoms
>On the current map
Come the fuck on user. Nippon is on the other side of the planet, and has barely any information on it anyway.

It seems like an excessive use of resources for such a gay and minor deal, there are other aspects of the old world even that could still have been fleshed out more instead of that gay shit.

Tilea and Estalia could have used more love if nothing else. Araby, Kislev, Ogre Kingdoms, Hobgoblins, Chaos Dorfs. But no we got gay undead pirates in a game with no naval battles.

Araby is far more deserving than those shit pirates

From your list, only Araby is on TWW2 map. And a big portion of the map is an ocean, so they had to fill it with something.

Kislev is on the map user. It's an NPC faction even

He was the king through, the not being burned part was bullshit.

t. Muhammad

No. I'd like to have Araby, but not over Noctilus.

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It isn't.

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You are the one discussing, dumbass, and doing it poorly.

>warhammer lore

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What TW:W character has the biggest tits? Female and proportionally?

Nope. I have been in the WHDB fandom longer than the End Times. Nobody cared about Vlad and Mannfred before End Times. Vlad was just a vampire warlord that got killed. In the End Times, Matt Ward attempted to humanize him and him likeable. That's why his meme spread.

do you not play mortal empires?
im so confused lol

I hate muslims actually, but I hate gay ass undead pirates more. Honestly, it'b be different if there were ships.

You do realize these games have the Old World right? In the Mortal Empires campaign for 2, and the main campaign for the first one.

Nope. Option 1 ends with him getting fucked certainly.

Option 2 presents a chance of walking away alive and with power. Even if it fails, he gets revenge.

It's logica, you dumbfuck. That's why Mannfred did nothing wrong.


Mortal Empires is not the original map of TWW2, Vortex is. So whatever you sell as a DLC for TWW2 should be playable on Vortex map.



Are you retarded?
>Here is a DLC for your game
>Oh, and by the way, it wouldn't even work unless you buy another full priced game.

yes, and the subsequent joke is that the 40K universe is contained in a bottle that is locked away in the forbidden vaults of the light college in altdorf.

its basically a fun way to give people who want them to be connected to have their way while not having them connected at all.

none of the content is duplicate, so you buy nothing twice.
the only dlc that is effectively the same is the blood dlc, and if you buy it for one, you get it for all.

There used to be a lot of hints that WHFB is in the same universe as 40k, but it's really old lore.

t. Kurwafag

So what occurs now that 3K is out? Warhammer 3 news? New Lord DLC for WH2?

We just don't know.


We will probably get more TWW3 stuff. Daemons of Chaos are already confirmed, hopefully we get some Chaos Dwarves stuff too.

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Get a job retard

Total War 40k when?

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Never, 40k is all about objective based combat. It
wouldn't work in a TW setting.

Its another tw game with magic gimmick and ok graphics. Meaning boring... Also to pkay whole game you need to spend like you are playing paradox game

After TWW3.

>objective based combat

You have no idea what your talking about. objectives work fine in total war

You'd never be able to play as, say, Space Marines, since their entire chapters are 1000 man units with few exceptions. You'd have to have only Imperium with some space marine units.

>You'd never be able to play as, say, Space Marines, since their entire chapters are 1000 man
Why not?

Because your armies would be minuscule in a TW game if you played as SM. Units regularly are larger than 100 men in TW, you'd have squads of 5 marines if you wanted to be lore-friendly in TW40k.

>Units regularly are larger than 100 men in TW
There are units with only a few models with them.
>you'd have squads of 5 marines
TSM squads can be as big as 10 marines. But even if they have 5, what's wrong with that?

unless everyone else has a very small group of people like that, it's going to be pretty hard to see ur dudez when there's 10,000 tyranid gaunts or orkz or whatever stabbing them

You'd have to rectify the disparity between crunch and fluff, which would be very, very difficult for some factions.

>unless everyone else has a very small group of people like that
No, why would they? That's the whole thing about SM - quality over quantity.
>it's going to be pretty hard to see ur dudez

Like what?

Archaon is based af. The fantasy equivalent of Abaddon, but done right.

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Got his ass annihilated by an orc twice. He's just as much as a pathetic fuck up as Abaddon.

His story and motivation are much better than what Abaddon has.


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TWW2 is one of the biggest sources of Lizardmen and Tomb Kings lore.

Mostly because of how little lore these two factions got in the actual TT.
So im quite happy about that.

>reads a cursed, explicitly forbidden tome because lol
>muh Sigmar didn't immediately validate me, I'm a slave for Chaos now

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Like how in fluff Marines are unstoppable killing machine but in crunch they're barely better than Guardsman. Or how Necrons are this unstoppable tithe of machine death but in crunch they too are barely better than guard.

End times isnt canon no matter how much gamesworkshop tries to make it

>reads a cursed, explicitly forbidden tome because lol
After being hunted by his own brothers.
>I'm a slave for Chaos now
No? He tried to escape his fate by any mean possible, and after that he decided to destroy the world so there is no gods left.

>implying his fall to Chaos wasn't sealed by the shard of wyrdstone implanted in his skull
>implying his path to fulfilling the prophecy wasn't set in motion by Lutzenschlager once he sent the Knights of the Fiery Heart to hound him based on the prophecy


>Like how in fluff Marines are unstoppable killing machine but in crunch they're barely better than Guardsman
Tabletop can't really be 10 marines unit vs 200 guardsmen unit. TW game can.

What? Whatever GW says is the canon. That's how it works.


Any lore past 2012 is dogshit. Look up "End Times Warhammer" and if you like the setting even a little bit prepare for rage.

Ye. There was also a joke in a WD issue I believe where 40k was actually a wizard's phylactery in Altdorf.

>both Vlad and Nagash are returned
ET is great.

Arcuck is a fucking retard. At least Abaddon doesn't come off as an edgy emo kid with posters of Dahmer and Gacy in his room. His original story was good but like everything else the Kirby team at GW did they turned it into shit that made so little sense they had to rewrite all of world history being controlled by the other once-cool-but-then-became-an-insufferable-faggot Bel'akor to make it work, which made even less sense still.

He's basically "Daddy Doesn't Care" mixed with "Crawling In My Skin" mixed with "Break Stuff".

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Nagash would be his own faction, the Undead Legion, which can pull units from all the undead rosters. But the crux of the faction would be that they start quite weak, just the basic tier units of each.

Nagash himself is not playable at the start, your goal over the campaign is to gather his parts and eventually revive him, and with each part gained and ritual performed, you gain access to more undead units. Either that way, or if you defeat an undead faction/LL you can also gain more undead roster.

Eventually if you can manage to revive Nagash, then you gain full access to all undead units, as well as the ability to confederate undead factions. However upon Nagash's resurrection, all factions become perma-hostile (kind of like how warriors of Chaos team is towards most). So the notion is that although you are "playing" as Nagash, you never actually start with him. He's just always the end game goal of the Undead Legion faction. The actual playable LLs starting for that faction would be Arkhan of course, and if they're willing to dabble a little in AoS as some people have wanted (still some small few gems in that overall shitpile of a setting that could be worth taking while leaving the majority rest) then Lady Olynder would also make a good LL.

Such as?


Vlad returns as a literal retard and Nagash is the biggest letdown in Warhammer history (besides the End Times itself of course, but then again most weren't excited for it)

>Nagash is the biggest letdown in Warhammer history
How so?

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Ok user, what's better then?

Why did nagash decide to fuck everything up?


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Fanon is just as valid as Canon in Warhammer newfag

tfw no dreadlord gf

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Female Gladelords gf > Dreadlord gf

No, your wet fantasies are not valid at all.

Did he?

Nice projection faggot

>reeeee my fanfic is canon
You are pathetic.

>it's going to be pretty hard to see ur dudez
You're fucking retarded mate.

I'm not talking about magical realm. you did

40k is set years after our own future, it has the planet Earth in it. Warhammer fantasy is a completely different world, though some say it’s within the eye of chaos

>Nagash is a dead little bitch
You take that back you swine

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>vampires beasts of chaos
Blood Angels

Imagine the smell of thousands of warp STDs hahaha

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Separate universes. A few shitters say they're connected because hurr hurr kaos.

Is mortal empires worth the price?

lol no

lol yeah. That's how canon works.

Fandom owns WHFB. GW owns Age of Shitmar. Learn how shit works.

>being able to confederate Settra
Sounds shit

>Fandom owns WHFB
By what right? It's like saying that your fanfics are as valid as Tolkien's books when it comes to LotR.

LegendofTotalWar here

You wouldn't understand, since you're not part of the fandom.

They're the same. You can use lizard men in 40k and they have their own official addendum

Unlike what this retard said, the real reason is that 40k units do not move in the nice, regimented block formations that fantasy units do.

>you are not autistic, so you are not a fan

Spread formations is a thing in Total War.

>knowing oldhammer is autism
Brainlet or zoomer tier

>Tfw I cant get myself to ever play any race besides human

How do I stop being racist lads?

Most of the 40k games played on tabletop are objective based, he's 100% right. Defend or take an objective, that's what you build your points around.

You kill yourself

What it has to do with your fanfictions, you retard?

Why cant anyone make a good 40k game?

So what? Total War has objectives as well.


>no space skaven
Feels bad.

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Because good developers can sell their games without paying to GW.

Elves are for ________ ?

best eceleb

Blizzard wanted to but GW are fucks

Ah but user, don't you know? He's already back! In the form of Settrus, leader fof the Imperishables, Stormcasts in the service of Sigmar!

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Because whfb is discontinued so playing that game is all "fanfic"

Warhammer fantasy skaven already have a space program

>Because whfb is discontinued
Yet it is not retconed.
>playing that game is all "fanfic"
No one ever said that this game is canonical in any way.

AoS is such a fucking cancerous pile of shit, holy shit.

>Lizardmen are tau
You mean skaven right?

Tau are neither skaven or lizards.


Play dwarfs
This wont actually make you any less racist, but it may change the things you are racist against

I mean thats just cus guard are op

>but in crunch they're barely better than Guardsman
You what? A single guardsman is a fucking smear on the ground compared to a regular ol' marine in crunch.

and noone outside of your mancave cares

How well is TW WH2 optimized? I have a mid tier PC and I know it will run fine, but I'm more worried about the load times.

it requires an SSD

Do you have an SSD?

It's pretty well optimized, the most trouble you'll run into is the game lagging during large battles.

Nagash and his Undead Legion feels like a no-brainer for game 3.
He'd obviously start in Nagashizzar which is basically in the Dark lands.

DLC faction with a VC+TK combined roster, just like in the End Times.

Attached: Game3RegionsFull J3.jpg (2455x2786, 3.85M)

No more VC content. If there is a single new VC unit or mechanic in the third game I will personally burn CA to the ground

But I want so see Abyssal Terrors.

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No SSD yet. I typically just play old games, indies and smaller budget PC games these days and have a hard time justifying getting upgrades.

No, they are not. GW recently stated that they connected in June's 2018 White Dwarf issue.

>This fag got in over Eltharion


We need more undead stuff.
Well, then the loading times will be horrible.

D A W I - Z H A R R

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>that shitty map again
No, fuck off.

>t. chinkaboo

Face it, Cathay has no lore, no roster, no living characters, its not getting in.

Daily reminder that Morathi gets creampied by 1000 Norscan BVLLS

>TWW1 map has the Old World
>TWW2 map adds 4 new continents (Ulthuan isn't really a continent, but in the game it's as big as one)
>What should we do in TWW3? I know, let's do the Old World again!
Wow, so exciting.
That couldn't be further from the truth.

>no lore, no roster
How is that a problem?

So you'd rather the same map but it stopped at the worlds edge?
That's throwing away the west / east dynamic, there'd wouldn't be many reasons to pass through the dark lands.

They are adapting the WFB licence not making a new setting.

So what? She's a Slaaneshi whore.

Play Norsca and Chaos.

Forgive me lads I broke out my WHFB wood elf army to play age of sigmar because I was tired of them collecting dust.

I promise to only tolerate the rules and ignore the lore though.

AOS plays pretty fine. Though I cant use my old tombkings for anything


I like this but the four chaos start pos need to be directly above norsca and the old world.

>So you'd rather the same map
I'd rather have a new map, no same old fucking map with some new areas.
>That's throwing away the west / east dynamic
That's what combined maps are for.
>not making a new setting
Cathay is in WHFB

Honestly, I wouldn't mind the faction specific campaigns like in twwh 2.

Having specific victory conditions, mechanics and events are great, but what it has to do with the having the proper map?

I'm just not confident they can pull it off.

>Also why isn’t Nagash playable?
Get in line.

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Daily reminder, this is all we are getting as far as darklands in twwh3 ME campaign.

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What? The map?

Pulled from your ass.

Wrong, its going to be slightly bigger

They should postpone WH3 and make a new engine that will allow faster/skippable load times and better AI, WH2 is basically just one massive expansion for WH1 and did not warrant the $60+ price tag

They can waste all their new yuan on Winnie the Pooh shit

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GW constantly flipflops between saying they're separate and they're connected. The headcanon most agree on is that the Warhammer world is a sort-of capsuled world where the Old Ones of 40K experimented with different races but fell at some point in the hands of Chaos wich started toying with it, hence why the struggle is eternal and periodically the gods win.

As a proud Skaven veteran since 2002 this will always make me feel sad.

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>make a new engine
Yeah, and after that port TWW1, TWW2 and all DLCs on the new engine. Are you retarded?

I'm willing to bet money that this is probably all there will be. They already mapped it out, why else would there be a giant empty space there?

Attached: MEe.png (800x655, 1.18M)

That was the area I highlighted.

>tfw /twg/ is still obsessed with 3 chinks
I just want to discuss Warhammer

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At Least the gooks can contend with the ratfag. It's the same situation with /tesg/, the actual lore-fags make threads on Yea Forums and /tg/ while the actual general is loverslab: the thread.

Look at the bottom right corner. The map is just as wide as its widest part.

I know that I just didn't include it in the screenshot, the area I circled is pretty much what your showing me on your map. It's all be planned out already.

Everyone else just gets banned.

How stupid are you? The DL part of the map is there because the map has to be a square and there is that part on the south.

That doesn't' change anything you butthurt faggot. What I highlighted is it for ME, get over it.

With an SSD expect 2-5 minute load times between battles and campaign

Without SSD my god why even bother playing, between the crashes and the load times you'll spend most of the game not playing it.

Holly shit, you are retarded. I just explained to why is it there. Obviously, the map will be expanded to the East, but it would go further.

>With an SSD expect 2-5 minute load times between battles and campaign
Your SSD is broken. My loading times are 30 seconds with an SSD.

>why is /twg/ discussing the new TW game

Chicom TW is a fad, it'll pass.

WH3 races are also uninteresting.

Liche King a shit
Settra lets Thutep run Nagash's shitty ass pyramid then go off to conquer the rest of the world.


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>falseflagging hisfag
>tries to shit up a fantasy thread
It's been a while.

But I'm not a historyfag, I'm an actual Warhammerfag.

I haven't even touched the other TW games.

Chink TW is a fad, most of its players on Steam are literal Chinks and not your average TW or Warhammer audience.

So now the shoe is in the other foot, warhammer fag

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All generals are trash, after /kspg/ I'm never going to one again.

I find it hilarious that Shogun 2 was the main entry point for nu-TW players and is beloved by all fans while 3 Kingdoms are despised by everyone else save by Chinks.

>beloved by all fans
No. Fuck asian 'history'

>visits a trash general that's been trash since it started on Yea Forums
>"hurr all generals suck"

based, only whites matter. unironically.

No, that's not what I said.

WH games are the best nu-TW games since Shogun though

Attila is better than shogun

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Get fucked fantasyfag.

If that isn't what you meant then you aren't based and aren't redpilled user; are you sure you don't want to rethink that?

HAHA, oh man imagine being this pathetic.

Yes, I'm sure.

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Nice lack of arguments you have there, weebfuck.

>3 Kingdoms are despised by everyone save by Chinks
Not true.

I'm putting you on temporary probation from the B&R association; for now. Take some time to think about your tastes.

The only thing Attila has over Shogun 2 is unit variety, which even then it's complete trash
The only decent thing Attilla has on its own is a 15 dollar DLC that replaces the boring vanilla setting with Charlemagne's Bizarre Adventure

Should i pick the first or go straight to the second?

>If you were in his shoes, you would have done the same.
No I wouldn't, I would try to find a third option.

>Not true

t. Ping Wang

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I can smell the gutter oil from here.

You will need both to play whole map.

Fuck you I'm not a Chink.