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UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
Haven't seen that name before
buddy from the local who normally works early so he can't make the threads
Make a general, you fucking faggot.
I wasn't aware romeoville had a yuzu.
Did you sign up for Garage Gear?
Holy shit reset time
yeah he netplays with me a lot, he comes to most of the locals, I think you met him at CB. I haven't signed up yet but I'll get on it.
kw: pclobby
I'm going to try making the threads 2 hours 30 mins earlier than usual in the future to see how it goes. I'm going to be doing 55~ hour work weeks for a few months very soon, so those'll be the only way I'll be able to play here unless I get lucky.
Might as well have all nighters at that point
finally, someone else who's tired of these gay threads
Modding the ps3 version is so easy lmao
Gonna start subbing Naoto?
My internet might still be garbage, forgive me, whoever is my opponent.
Also, here's the tentative randomized teams, I wanna thoughts on it if i should roll the random sorter again
>clawz, merk, xgon, huo, hippie, sha, joker, icey, waifu, mag
>sean, razzy, broken, atic, sai, bench, dia, phrumpf, lain, kitazei
If u4 give me the files then yeah
are you still stealing your neighbors wifi hotspot?
> hippie sha and waifu all on the same team
that's too good I think, maybe put sha or hippie on the other team.
That user isn't me.
And no, not anymore.
Nah, just like 3 different instances of people on Hulu and discord.
Ill host a second lobby, but only for about 40 minutes
The 1st team looks kinda stacked, I would randomise it again.
I'll join, I've got 17 days to become a pink square.
Attempt no. 2
>Icey, phrumpf, sha, huo, dia, waifu, sai, clawz, mag, bench
>lamp, xgon, kita, merk, joker, razzy, sean, hippie, lain, atic
Uninstall am I rite.
>sean hippie merk & atic on the same team
Attempt 1 was better
actually, I think just moving sean or merk to the other team would make it balanced. As long as atic and waifu aren't on the same team, the rest should be mostly fine.
I'm so sick of the reverse sweep! Damn it all, just die! Please!
>hitbox parts are in Chicago but won't ship until Friday because of the holiday
>holdover fix has stopped working so I can't even practice in training mode
next week for sure, bros...
I need to remember those dashbacks, but I'm definitely satisfied with the FF roll play at the start of round 2.
How do I stop the tears?
Are those hyde 22x moves in the corner a good play? Looks nice to me.
22B is +1 and an incredible combo starter
>those uneven abs
Sounds very convenient then if you've got the enemy on knockdown. I see why it was being utilized there now.
Maybe trade Dia for Sean?
I can't wait to watch this cool tournament with all my cool friends in it.
Do you have any info on how to spritemod the PC version?
sploogie did you want to enter? that would definitely fuck with the team balance
Goddamn it sploogie
yeah just check the pc discord
I wouldn't consider him a regular to begin with aside from his extended shitposting and like 5 times he's played with us
Sorry friend you have me confused with someone else. I'm just a pancake.
Is there a Steam group or a Discord for playing with you anons?
nope, just these threads. Check the OP for the regular start time.
>Steam Group
Not sure about how the PC guys do it
Was that a dash under Enkidu after you did that j.2[C] to get 3C Clawz? Looked neat.
Yeah you can use it to pick which side you end up on with the j2[C] 3C routes
Nice. Seems like a good way to set yourself to turn the corner tables on your opponent.
I didn't know so much time had passed. I ended up playing like 20 or so matches in samsho against this amazing Genji. I can't believe that fucker is allowed to do multiple dps and be safe.
I'll let the second lobby run for a few more matches then close it
I beefed it so bad the lobby's closing. Damn it.
Oh I forgot to mention it but Genji is also allowed to do his ABC during his rage even after I grab him. I couldn't fucking believe it.
Well if you want to play more let me know. I know Lobby 1 is filled and I did wanna get my fix against all these high level players but if you're down to play more I'm game to help you with that too.
You had me on the ropes, I basically just tried to cheese my way out of it.
christ 5 frame delay wald is terrifying. I can't reversal or counter poke for shit.
>purple mika joined the lobby
This should be interesting
Man playing a character with so few options in the air feels pretty strange.
Looks stylish even if it's abit on the weaker end.
Who you playing?
Fuck XD
Hyde. I keep wanting to throw out air fireballs to help approach aggressively
Aight, who's got the next lobby?
Made a new lobby 2
I put one up. as always the kw is vee
what's unist
I'm west coast so like the majority of the lobby unfortunately has an iffy connection with me at best.
Is it haru? Gotta get more Mika tech. I always seem to catch something new every time I watch another Mika player.
No it ain't haru.
A fighting game
Blast, wrong input! Oh well haha.
I'm so fucked from playing shamsho
Yeah, but it's a good kinda fucked. I do hate that I'll press c+d to grab.
Those are some nice FFs Dia.
Well right now iv forgotten all my block strings and am dropping combos left n right so right now it's not really doing me any favors.
playing samsho feels like it's improving my patience and forcing me to actually open my opponent up the hard way.
I blistered my thumb playing Yuzuriha. You guys weren't kidding when you said she was high execution. Constantly doing those DP's on a pad hurts.
The lags a bit worse today than it usually is.
This is too sad to continue. I'm sorry to have wasted your time.
I don't like that username
I hate myself I'm getting read like a book.
Wait since when does Basta play Wald? I thought he played Chaos.
He swaps between the two and mika sometimes
Really? I don't think I've ever seen him play Wald.
I believe Wald and Mika are his mains while he subs Chaos.
He's been playing wald all week and then some
If you say so, I don't remember ever seeing him play Wald.
You have a memory of a fish to be fair
That's true
>7 frames
What the fuck is wrong with the internet this week?
I play Mika and Wald and I'm learning how to play Chaos, though I've only picked him up two or three weeks ago so I'm still really shaky on him.
I usually only stick to Wald and Chaos in these lobbies.
>Yuzuriha spotted as a guest in Skullgirls Casino level
>Lab Zero helped with the PC port and netcode for UNIST
>UNIST has Akatsuki as a guest character
>UNICL-R coming, potentially with a new guest character
Uh yeah... I'm thinking she's in
How the hell does mike do combos in 9 frames of lag?
Raito is also working on indivisible right now
FB said guest characters were off the table since uniel. Keep that rosterfaggotry language outta here
Interesting theory. However, I'm putting my money on an SNK guest character personally just because of how open they've been with many fighting game developers lately.
>guest characters in Tekken (Geese, MAAB (Iori) and FEXL (Terry)
I wouldn't be surprised to see Kyo or Ryo to make the cut for next UNI guest character.
Born in lag
Forged in lag
Interesting. I wonder if it was due to finance reasons or if they just want to develop more original characters.
Of course they'd rather make their own characters. It's their game and they have tons of people who still need to be added.
GGs PC lobby
Had this happen to me today, thought you guys would like it
ggs bro
That's awesome
That's pretty good
What combos? I haven't done a single one yet.
I spent 6 hours today trying to change my bnb, and my muscle memory keeps fucking me up.
I wonder what triggered that force.
Well I'm a dummy. I just noticed the attack from offscreen.
Nice timing!
I wonder if a modder could remove the wall and see if they would both just keep going forever.
>Keep that rosterfaggotry language outta here
People thought I was insane for thinking there was gonna be a switch port too and look where we are
>where we are
Where are we?
The only people who would be insane would be FB for not porting it to the switch. It's free money.
reddit i think, going by his filename
>that damage scaling on the end of that round 2
That had to hurt.
Oh wait, you're that obnoxious guy too? Jesus, what is with nintendo people talking like this?
Anyways, congrats on your switch confirmation but lemme remind you that nothing of uni-clr has been officially acknowledged yet. You can celebrate all you want since it might as well be real but let's not get ahead of ourselves
I swear every other person is 5 frames today
that's what I was saying in my switch posts. UNI has huge ground swell ESPECIALLY after the evo announcement and every recent fighting game save one or two is on switch. ArcSys is publishing it and they have DBFZ, BBTAG, BBCF, GG anniversary and probably KLK on switch. Literally why would they
I assume they're waiting for evo to make an official announcement.
Well no shit they're waiting for EVO. You can bet your ass that they would have revealed it earlier if they weren't obligated to show up at EVO and reveal something big there instead.
Can the obnoxious meme speak next time, this ain't /vg/
I think this is the worst I've felt our connection. Surprised me a bit when I saw lag spikes.
Is there even a playerbase on switch? I heard the BBCF on switch had like what, 40 people?
What the fuck makes you think Acr is going to publish this? They only publish UNI in JP for console and PC for NA.
The ony person i have three bars with is clawz and dia, and the former has been hovering 4-5 frames too with some stutters.
Oh well, if it means avoiding shit connection week for the tourney, then I'll just sit out and wait it out for tonight
Not him but they have to give an excuse for that commiefornia branch to exist. I doubt Aksys can be trusted again and they shouldn't
It doesn't matter who should and shouldn't be trusted. It's about who the fuck is going to pay more for the rights to sell it in NA.
>they shouldn't
Although there's plenty of reasons, why shouldn't they?
I bet it's for people looking to double dip. I double dipped on MK, BBTAG and FighterZ. Getting to lab portable is worth it. i also have a switch stick so I have to buy these games or else what did I buy it for
Well Aksys clearly didn't give a fuck about profits when they decided to release it two weeks after DBFZ
irrelevant to the point. If Aksys is willing to pay more for it then Acr or anyone else they're going to get it.
>Complete lack of proof reading or editing
>muh localizations changing up move names, stage names, and theme names for no reason when they mostly had it right in uniel
>promised 2017 release, delay it to February weeks after the biggest fighting game of the year released instead of before
I'm like It's easier to transport a Switch around to play with family and friends fighting games casually wherever I go and also doubles as a practice machine wherever you want too.
Is Nisa bankrupt yet
I swear Aksys' localization "department" is just some weeb teenager they hired off twitter who offered to do it for a free copy of the game.
Next year they will be gone for good and hopefully it takes the NA branch with them.
I hope NIS survives honestly.
NISA can die off but NIS made some good games.
key here is past tense
no point for NIS to keep shambling around now
Can we wait until they release Utaware 1 before they explode?
The games aren't going away, they'll just be sold off to a different company.
Thought I should throw this in: Bloodstained despite being the worst performing version is also outselling bother other console platforms combined in the UK which is typically Sony-land.
There may be hope for this game to attract an audience on the platform.
They'll sell the translation to a different company. Basically free money for the company who takes over.
>fighting games
>selling in europe
nevermind the UK will probably classify the Switch as a deadly weapon by 2021 and confiscate them all
>There may be hope for this game to attract an audience on the platform.
I imagine the genre of the game has an incredible impact on what games people buy
I'm still looking forward to some of their titles, but at this rate they'll disappear before they can release.
Though Disgaea needs to stop.
I'm talking about the games they actually make, not just publish.
God I keep getting paired with Mike. When is he going to fix his internet?
I don't think his internet is fixable
He's in Europe.
You're never not going to get +5 connection with him
He's EU; the lag is from the distance, it can't be fixed.
Yes, the games IP that they own will be sold off to a different company. They aren't going away if the company who bought them decide to continue them.
gg pc bros
It's the future
Shit I did the run up IWEXS too fast
Igavania isn't that popular of a genre is it?
Granted there alot more of them being made by indie developers lately than there are fighting games.
I'm curious to see how different of numbers SNK Heroines did on Switch compared to other platforms (namely PS4 because we know PC is even more niche for fighting game players than Switch outside of a few outlier IPs).
Then again, that game was marketed pretty well on official channels despite being a niche game. How well do the Western publishers market niche fighting games like UNIEL?
Fuck man, all my efforts go to waste on atic. I can never touch him/
For one, Aksys hardly did anything aside from some basic twitter shilling. The other twitter shills being obnoxious cunts about got word around
Darn shame. Wish FB had the blessing of Nintendo to shill their game like SNK did for Heroines and grab at least 300k sales.
Minimum dashblock times came up the other night. I ran into this chart by chance while looking for something else.
So Hilda and Merk can do 1f dashblocks (whatever good those might do), while everyone else is going to be vulnerable for 4+ frames at the least.
You can always block during the dash startup, it's just that you won't move if you're hit before that 4f startup
Ah, good to know. Not that I'll ever be inputting a dashblock within 4 frames.
This is the reason the A+B shortcut exist
ggs, My 3 hours of sleep last night's finally catching up to me.
GGs m8. Have a good night! Also thanks for the Linne images.
Man I have to play against Chaos like I'm playing Enkidu.
GGs second lobby
nice to play ya again lamp, you've gotten a ton better since we last fought
Sha is going to AX right? I should have told him to get me some merch, I would have sent him money
Fuck, I can't even land the simplest Chaos stuff right now
My samsho patience is working out.
ggs Lain and everyone else who joined lobby 2. Fuck those matches were stressful
I'll entertain this shoddy connection night one more time
How are you even supposed to approach Yuzu? Seems like she can just throw near full screen normals for combos and there's not much you can really do about it. I hate labbing...
Oh it's just sploogie
Sha can play Seth now?
As Eltnum? Charged pistol works sometimes like you saw, otherwise just dash blocking. Make sure to shield the slashes to win GRD and force me to do something else besides mindlessly slash
Alternatively just down back if you have the life lead, as she has no overheads besides assault
I don't think I've ever sen a Chaos mirror before. It looks pretty wacky when two Azhis are on top of each other
Just around 15 more minutes
Full? Finally felt like joining a ps4 lobby.
Sounds good.
I suppose now's a good time for me to call it as well since my friends are spamming me with CS invites.
GGs m8s and have a happy 4th! See ya next time!
I can restart lobby 2 if you want
GGs have a good one
For some reason getting 2-3f is literally too good of a connection for my Chaos, I can't finish any combos
One more spot but I'll be closing the primary lobby at 3AM central
Currently visiting family so I couldn't play. Hope you guys had fun. Happy 4th.
alright we'll see if i get a game in
Should've visited them on Canada Day
I feel that. I have to keep reminding myself to add more delay or not because I auto to delayless training mode junk.
>now duesta in the lobby
Real Seth hours?
Anyone still playing?
GGs. Shame I didn't manage to land that a combo I've been wanting to try.
Why did I get counterhit on a backdash?
On the bright side I'm getting better at the Yuzu x chaos match. Just gotta lame it out like in samsho.
This, these UNIST threads need to fuck off to /vg/. Also imagine playing this cringy weeb game on console when it exists on PC lmao.
I wouldn't really call our fights today a good indication versus the MU. I was playing Fata Morgana during my time between matches and just continued it when I realized you were mostly backing away
Yo icey, skip for me. I want to fight duesta
What do I get out of it?
You get to go play samsho quicker
>unironically doing better Azhi combos in 8f than 2f
That's really something.
Waking up early for work all the time these days has set my sleep schedule and I'm nodding off, so I'll have to call it for tonight. ggs everyone
Who's playing Samsho with me?
I will
I wanna see these terrible lobbies I've been hearing about
I think it is, Chaos can't really do anything if your full screen. The dog can't do anything to you and by the time Chaos is running up you can just teleport away. The match isn't exactly safe for Yuzu when she's near him.
Holy fuck duesta, you can do that one TK j236A into 3C orb combo I have no idea how to do.
Also, can you write down that easy EX orb reset combo you wrote down last time? fireden has been shitting itself the past few weeks
Also, GGs everyone.
GGs boys, I get so much worse when I'm tired jesus.
Just use a "going into .webms" machine and find out yourself
I sent you the invite claws, also I'll take on one more for Samsho. I think 3 works best
Also, teach me that stagger pressure. I can at least already copy sploogie's style of side-switch 623A/Orb confirms but I cannot stagger with seth for shit. I noticed you do those smart steer normal re-usage
See how bad it is already claws?
>EX orb reset combo
I don't remember/know what this is lol.
Yeah I like to smart steer a bunch and make use of the massive window of 5C. It's also good to end at a range where other characters have trouble contesting even at +1.
Oh wow the lobbies really are a clusterfuck
What is this seat selecting shit
Yeah and you can't even set it up to do rematches with 1 other person
It's a chore offline too. Can't just pick sides.
Something either you or some other seth player describing some 236C > CS reset? I can probably look it up now that firende is up and running
>5C delay window
I read that 5C > 2A isn't all too safe, what's your general go to?
If that's an unblockable it's probably in the brett guide, idk anything about a reset with it.
So if you want a long string that frametraps like every hit: 2B5C5AAA2C2Aw, but any string with an early 5C is good imo because it moves you forward and you can make the gap with the next button as big/small as you want.
Anybody still playing on PS4?
Thanks m8
Do you want them to be? I can take hits for like 30 minutes.
anytime bud, I'll try and join more ps4 lobbies and hopefully get some w's.
I actually got a title and a cheevo for that perfect.
Sure, I'll make a room
Sorry I'm not a more worthy opponent.
I'll come be unworthy as well.
Use that fire sword more Clawz
Have you ever regretted making a post?
You're fine my guy I'm just trying to get games
What happened? I was stuck in the frozen time and then the match disconnects.
I feel like this is about as much of a game as Candyland.
Yeah, that's why I'll close the thread, remove it from thread watcher and pretend it never happened.
Are you alive clawz?
There's no voice chat in this, right? I keep hearing some weird microphone-ish croaking noise, am I losing it?
In UNI? I wish. There is in samsho though.
Uh oh looks like my ISP hates Nakoruru my net cut out as that match started; had to reboot modem
Don't beat up on yourself, you're doing fine and I really do just enjoy playing.
It would be fun to hear all the derisive laughter as a drop another combo.
Glad I can be of some assistance.
Welp. It looks like my CS blunders have ended prematurely so if you guys are still playing, I'm down for a few more before finally calling the night.
knowing UNI's netcode voice chat would just clog the works even worse
I'd be willing to sacrifice that for voice chat.
Let the record show I have no idea what Orie does.
Please no this netcode is already bad enough
Fuuuck I passed wrong. I can't even operate the menus properly in this.
A few more matches clawz. I still haven't eaten since I woke up
what the fuck guys
Man I can't even touch you Sai. You just have me figured out.
Sounds good, I need to sleep soon
Nah, I think warming up against all those other guys earlier pumped me up abit. Got a few matches with Icy earlier as well so I was definitely prepared for some of your stuff.
That and all the Lobby 2 matches with Lamp I think help me with the match-up quite alot. I bet you'll have me down after this all wears off, haha.
I should probably rescind my entry in that tournament huh.
Does everyone just have a flawless Merkava on deck?
For next time Calws if you're gonna go with dogboy. Spam those fucking lighting knives. They're amazing
I believe that's D0D's sub and he's a tourney player so it kinda makes sense that he's pretty good with him I believe.
Besides, the anniversary tourney is an event for fun right? You'll be fine.
If you shield Merkava's grabby arm thing, you can punish it with an immediate slash depending on distance. 236C makes it easier since it has faster startup than 236B
Good games Clawz. I love playing this game way too much, so thanks for playing with me.
I just feel dirty when I'm the only guy below red. Like I came underdressed for the party. Isn't it somehow presumptuous to think I deserve a spot?
Those are definitely some godlike fireballs
I was planning on seriously subbing him for major offline tournaments at one point so I know his stuff. You also weren't running your main so don't worry about it.
At least your name isn't red. As long as you have fun playing I don't see the issue.
Yeah, I like them though when I was in rage I really wanted to connect a fireball and use my ABC to finish you off. I couldn't react fast enough when they did though. Next time
This design is pretty nice compared to the old one.
Deadass square color means very little. I've played Purples you'd beat and Yellows who beat me. You're fine.
Definitely, the thigh high leather boots/heels looks amazing.
I don't think I like this game.
same but I love it more than any other game
I got 1 more in me because CS is calling once more sadly, hahaha.
It is probably the ideal fighter. This or GG.
Oh, make it two! It ain't Unist night without at least one Yuzu duel.
Damn I've been got, good shit
Ideal fighter is Dengeki-Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, I'll fight you to the death about that.
I'll try it, but I don't think I've ever heard of that.
doesn't having assists immediately disqualify it from the running?
might as well play competitive pokemon at that point
GGs latefriends
I shouldn't have requested the Duel-zu. I'm gonna go moisten a pillow, have a delightful night.
I don't think so at all. I think certain games mishandle assists, but there are really interesting ways to do them. DFCI nails them in my opinion.
Its by the same developer as UNIST, 1v1 plus assist only characters on the side
Last one for me too, GGs yall
Rhythm your Yuzu is testing me haha, keep it up
Do you come back home late from work with all that smell and sweat, and the first thing you do is play UNIST?
GGs late night lads. Thanks for the fun fights! Have a Happy 4th of July!
Oh shit you can play as the tsun girl from The Devil is a Part Timer? You may have just sold me a video game.
>Forced to buy other fighting games because my friends won't play UNIST with me
fuck Tekken
fuck BlazBlue
Everybody I know adores Tekken, and it is pretty sad. I know your feeling all too well.
She's not high tier but she is solid so she's a good choice! It never got localized so you'll need a JP PSN to get (its really easy).
Yeah, basically.
Thanks, hope to actually keep up with you someday.
could be worse. the local scene here only plays mk11
Damn, I gotta hurry up and learn Japanese already. Just move over there and become a fighting game mountain hermit, that's the master plan.
I am definitely very lucky to have an active AFGC in my town
meant for
But I hope to keep up with you as well Sai. You're becoming crazy strong yourself.
I'm not usually that gross after work (I take a shower right away if I am) and I just wanna decompress a bit before bed is all.
I definitely wanna at least visit the popular arcades for my games and play JP players haha.
DFCI is actually already somewhat in english, I know zero japanese and its still my favorite fighter.
I'll have to give it a look then.
Get samsho
If you hack your ps3 and get the jp version you can put in a translation.