Never played this shit... Is it actually good or a meme?
Meme. Remake of the first game blows it the fuck out.
This got me thinking, do all the numbered Resident Evil's still begin with some scary voice loudly saying the title or did they stop doing that? If they do hat's off to Capcom for tradition I guess.
They don't anymore. Only happens for RE2make if you have classic ost turned on.
They stopped doing that after 6
That's what I thought, thanks.
And I say it's absolutely worth playing. Fuck man now you have two conflicting opinions you're fucked.
It's good the remake is even better
Two minutes long
>Died to a licker right after the Ada segment
I fuckin suck bros..
Police station basement or was it the morgue?
It's good but it's way too easy. I think there is some rare version with a hard mode out there
Meme, the remake is the only version worth playing
Morgue I believe. Where theres 2 of em. I thought i could tank a hit but boy was i wrong.
She's lovely
Reminder that you can play as a huge chunk of ONIONS in that one.
Playing the remake in current year gave me the same feels of playing RE 2, for the first time, in 1998.
>Yeah the remake makes the original irrelevant basically....
>Huh? Scenarios? Isn't that just where you get a different gun?
>RE is a series focused on grit and realism now so let's remove some of those enemies. Spiders, crows, those plant monsters, the moth, the alligator. They're all so gimmicky, outdated and so 1998!
Claire is wonderful.
I want to hold hands and cuddle with her
Plant monsters and the alligator are there, though
Doesn't mean they didn't try to not include them.
>Tsuyoshi Kanda: One thing that sticks in my mind, really, is that… when I think back to my memories of Resident Evil 2, the plant monster that appears was really memorable for me. So there I was, I was thinking ‘oh, how are we going to handle this one…’ but then one day I looked at the planning documents of how we were rethinking the story and it was no longer in it.
I was kind of like… “what’s happening here?!” [laughs] I talked to the team and they said well, it’s really hard to make a plant monster in a more realistic atmosphere. We just thought we’d skip it. I told them I needed us to make it work, and that led to a back-and-forth on how to do it for about a year – them saying it couldn’t be done and me as producer saying I wanted it in there. As for how it turned out in the end… we’ll leave it for you to see later! But that’s one of the things I really remember butting heads with the team on for quite a while.
Same process for the alligator. The team they had working on it seemed to just not care. Game was originally going to be released with just 2 A scenarios until fans flipped their shit and they hacked together the 2nd runs.
I'm annoyed this wasn't referenced in REmake2.
Was Japs even aware of this April fools? I had always the feel it was an USA thing ended up in Europe bc was fucking brilliant. good old days when game journalism was actual useful and sometime fun
Those things were terrifying and I did everything in my power to never let them close to me. I'm glad they were kept in though.
I had no clue they could 1 shot you though until the bonus tofu game mode when I ran into one with no counter.
I like them too though in an ideal world, you'd have the full plant monster from the original and these plant zombies showing them mid-transformation into becoming those plants. I just think it sucks they had to compromise instead.
G3 is the best
Remake 2 had some cut content, but honestly it's okay. Because REmake 3 is going to make me blow fucking loads.
What makes you think REmake 3 won't have cut content? I doubt the live-selection choices will come back but I'll be fine with that if they added something to make up for it but I don't think they will.
>the remake is even better
Maybe if you're a casual or a nigger that can't wrap his mind around a new control scheme.
Fuck these guys. I hate when I'm playing this game online and some stupid newbie hits one of them as I'm running past and poisons me. It's why I always go out of my way to steal the blue herb outside the cabin.
fuck off
All they have to do is copy paste MR X from REmake 2 and put it on nemesis and make a couple extra animations and attacks. Boom, nemesis is now such a bigger threat than MR X and the internet will explode.
>lab area doesn't nail the vibe/aesthetic of the original which is pretty bad
>generally game doesn't seem like its set in the 90s and it breaks the immersion heavily (USB dongles, e-mail GUI that looks like it's from 2025, various slick modern sedans in the parking lot, claire/leon clothing etc)
>complete absence of post-sewers Marshaling yards
>starting pre-RPD segment being nonexistent instead of even longer than in the original
>Leon/Claire have no dialogues, never talk via radio like in the original, instead of fleshing it out they scrubbed their relationship altogether
>The only meetup they have (at the gate) is not only weird as fuck in terms of voice acting and written dialogue but also happens way too early in the B scenario (you literally meet 30 seconds after the car crash and you act as if you havent seen each other for an hour)
>Anette's character is garbage and she looks like some tweaker junkie instead of highly intelligent scientist, her character in OG RE2 felt far more humane and dramatic
>Mr X being unkillable is a good addition and it adds to the intensity a lot but the fucking fedora design just makes him cheesy as shit, terrible design choice
>lack of spiders, green lickers, crows, OG plants
>even regular lickers appear only two times in the game or so
>zombies snap and grab on you from way too afar, you should be able to evade them slightly more easily
>ending cutscene feels rushed and is overall too short and anti-climactic
>new music is some kind of dumb minimalism/ambiental mix with zero memorable tracks, you need to swap the original OST in the settings
>world feels dead as fuck because you cannot interract with anything, even RE4 had neat descriptions for random objects around you, I already felt the disappointment at the starting gas station when I realized I can't "check" anything around me
>less boss battles
>no final birkin 2nd form where he transforms into the spikey dog
>gay as fuck map coloring that tells you when you cleared the room of items, it literally kills all enjoyment about exploration where you just as you enter the room already see that the map section is blue
>inventory is too forgiving, I didn't have to backtrack to an itembox once, too many pouch extensions
>voice acting and dialogues are often more nonsensical than in the original game (most notably everything Claire says)
>lots and lots of minor non-canon inconsistencies that clash with the original game (why Leon was late for his first day on the job, why Chris left for Europe, Leon accidentally dropping G-virus sample instead of throwing it away, Ben being imprisoned instead of locking himself up...)
>way too many defensive items
>burst mode on matilda is useless
>overall atmosphere being lacking, it's neither scary nor nailing the original vibe, despite not being an over-the-top action game it somehow retains the vibe of one
I find it hard to imagine how it'll play out after seeing the streets in REmake 2.
Still I doubt they'll actually include spiders for the same reason as REmake 2 so that web-covered 2nd floor in the clock tower might get cut.
Read his post again user.
>remake of the first game
well now I feel fucking dumb
though what I wrote at least stands