Name a more insufferable audience.
Hard mode: No smashfags, Sonicfags or Undertalefags
Name a more insufferable audience.
Hard mode: No smashfags, Sonicfags or Undertalefags
What do I win?
The Breath of the Wild fanbase will sperg out if you even suggest the game isn't a perfect 10/10 or isn't the best Zelda game
The ResetEra audience
Meant to say fanbase, fuck.
Animal Crossing
Fuck that game and everyone that likes it
Issabelle was a waste of a character slot
Villager was great
Dark Souls
you already made this thread today
>name a more insufferable audience except the most insufferable audience
Anyways, Yea Forums in general
Valve droness
Everytime I spot a xenoblade thread they are talking about the waifus and their kinks and barely discussing the game, I guess jokes on me for playing the game too late.
Frustration is getting bigger
Bang bang bang
Suck my dick you nigger
this photograph is funny as crap got anymore?
New Vegas fags
Morrowind fags
Based, I just downloaded that game and tried it a few days ago, and holy SHIT it was awful. Bad graphics, bad controls, bad ui, boring wasteland world. Literally unplayable
Zelda Fans
FF7 Fans
Shantae fans
Monster Hunter fans
Neptunia fans
Atelier Game Fans
haven't encountered a valve drone in a loong time
only played skyrim. i'm willing to bet morrowind is better than oblivion. probably better than skyrim in a lot of ways. i'll probably never play it, but i'd rather play it over oblivion.
the part of any fanbase that gives a fuck about the rest of the fanbase / lets said fanbase ruin the game for them
[Your favourite video game] fans
Metal Gear and Fire Emblem fans
> Zelda fans
Only nu-Zelda fans like BOTW. The original Zelda fanbase is pretty chill and I've had some good conversations with them on Yea Forums.
> haven't encountered a valve drone in a loong time
Literally go into any Epic game store thread and you'll find loads of them
I really can't, DMC fans have become the kings of completely shitting up threads that aren't even about their game. You can't discuss ANY action or action RPG game without a bunch of faggots crying about no air combos running in.
FPBP, I kinda feel bad for legitimate FE oldfags
DMCfags have been pretty tame recently from what I've seen ever since no Vergil DLC got shown off at E3
>Anyone who disagrees with shitty business practices is a drone
Could have just said you were retarded from the start.
Why is Yea Forums mad at DMC now?
Fire Emblem fans are unanimously happy currently
Witcher. Easy
Anyone who believes the "Chinese botenet" conspiracy theory is a /pol/ drone. And anyone who thinks Epic hasn't done more for PC gaming in the past decade than Valve is also pretty ignorant.
Life is Strange
That really Tianenman Squares my Free Tibet.
What has epic done for PCgaming besides abandoned it in favour of console exclusives?
Their engine is factually shit btw
Its just witcher fags. They hate literally everything
angry zoomers mad people like gameplay more than story
> Their engine is factually shit btw
Excellent point you made. Can you point to a better engine with available source code?
First answer my question
OP confirmed for Smashfag, Sonicfag, and/or Undertale/tailfag
They introduced a lower cut and the best licenseable engine. They're pretty much what Valve used to be.
Unsustainable and no they didnt
> Unsustainable
Ah, so you are indeed a Valve drone. Literally all Valve has to do is host the storefront for other companies to distribute their games. Basically ebay, but for digital goods. And, what a coincidence... you know what cut ebay takes? 12%. The need for 30% is a lie that all the major companies have a tacit agreement to keep because devs didn't have any other options until Epic. And name a better engine with available source code.
Not as bad as they used to be a few months ago.
Lol you are buttmad
nu-zelda fans are reddit-tier bad
it's bad practice and i won't use their platform, but i give them props for having such big, metallic balls. i don't hate steam, either, but the dumbass cardgame made me lose 2/3 of my respect.
You still haven't named a better licenseable engine than Unreal
>law 39: stir water to catch fish
i don't agree with epic and i'm gonna try my damnedest to not give them my money, but what their doing for pc gaming is gonna be really good in the long run.
No group of people on this earth will ever be more annoying than you whiny faggots who cry about other fanbases day in and day out. If every one of you killed yourselves, the world would be a better place, if only by a small margin.
All of them. 15 years of unfixed texture loading issues and counting. Unreal engine is shit and your impotent hate for valve is endearing, but ultimately pointless as no decent publisher is stupid enough to fall for epic's lies
No shopping cart btw
Uhh okay
>Dark Souls
monster hunter
any gacha game
Witcher 3
> All of them.
Like? Name a few
> No shopping cart
And Steam has multiple equally pathetic issues, like crashing for hours every time there's a major sale.
Worst than /mlp/ that's for sure
All of them
No it doesnt
Nah, there's overlap. You're the proof.
never met an undertale fag. probably because it peaked in popularity when i was abstain from the chan for that couple years. how bad are they? haven't played the game yet, is it gud?
can't really say i've met a sonicfag, either. most people trash most of them with the exception of the snes or mania. maybe it's because i don't really go outside v for my online interaction...
Ladies and gentlemen, the intelligence of Valve drones on display
Prove it crashed.
We're chads and superior for a reason, incel.
I know it's not a video game, but JoJo fans are very insufferable.
Any fan base that supports esports
Soulsfags easily, Ninja Gaiden fags come close because they always have to compensate for their tiny dick by shittalking every other 3D beat em up, DMCfags used to be like this but now they've calmed down probably after Konami threw them a bone with 4SE, the remasters and now 5.
Most of the fanbases posted just stick to their own threads, for example I've never seen Monster Hunter or Yakuza fags be obnoxious outside of their containment zones so they really aren't that bad.
yikes, I meant Capcom not Konami