
>soulful, artfully crafted, large and easy to look at
>Mechanical looking, ugly, soulless, too small, fails to capture the essence and expression of the character

This is objective truth and cannot be denied

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>Not just liking both for different reasons

I never knew the doodles I made when I was a kid had more soul than art.

holy fuck so much soul was lost its just an eyesore

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Both are fine. It's the pachinko sprites that are really atrocious.

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say it in red if you think it's so true

>ps3 art
>4:3 instead of the proper 16:9
This was already a mistake

For me it's pachinko battler

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I want to get into this, where should I start? With Higurashi?
Are steam versions good?

Start at higurashi as umineko has some nods to it
I just got the steam version and it's okay. The nu-sprites are cancer. Patch in ps3 sprites or old sprites

Just do higurashi don't play umineko. If you want to do umineko watch the anime then read 5 to 7 and skip 8 since it is horrible. First season anime and first 4 chapters are similar and not very different. Higurashis anime is missing a lot of details but is still fine but you should really read the vn if you care enough.

>Watch the umineko anime
Don't listen to this person, please.

Yeah I was planning on playing the VN first, I already read Fate and Steins Gate but they were easier to get into.
I'm confused about higurashi/umineko, since the game is separated by chapters, I thought there would be a complete version with the whole story.
Also, how long is this game compared to another one? Is each chapter as long as a any VN?

Forget souless, this is soulnone

Fuck them all and just read Umineko. That's what I did. Enjoyed it.

Anime is by Studio Deen. That should be enough to veer you away.

What was wrong with the anime? It looked fine and told the exact same plot. There are literally zero differences from the first 4 and the anime. If anything it is the smallest details that don't even matter.

you are such a faggot holy shit

If you're going to call anything soulless it should be this.

Attached: UbZXYa7.png (1650x2470, 1.23M)

Extreme High Octane Soul Soon

Attached: 1543867541513.jpg (2667x1500, 3.02M)

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Higurashi and Umineko are split into 2 arcs consisting of 4 chapters. Umineko is simply just the question and answer arc, but Higurashi is released by individual chapter. They are fairly long. I would say each chapter is probably like 10-15 hours each depending on how fast you read. Might not be that long, but I don't remember exactly.