Why haven't you played the best game ever made yet?

Why haven't you played the best game ever made yet?

Attached: Thief-The-Dark-Project-box-art-close-up.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

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I have.

I played it for 5 min and coulnt get used to how wasd is used to move the camera. Ill give it another go because of this thread though

>wasd is used to move the camera

>coulnt get used to how wasd is used to move the camera.
Did you install Tfix? ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134733

Am i misremembering? I remember camera moving along when i turned

Is this your first fucking video game? How do you not know how to rebind keys? TFix even comes with WASD presets if you're lazy.


someone please help this third worlder

Its time you go back to the alchemists workshop you salt golem

it's shit

I'll give it a go thanks

This was literally my first PC game as a kid, my friend and I use to sneak into his big brothers room whilst he was out to play it and because we had to erase all traces of us having been in his room we could never keep saves, so it took us like 9 months to beat a single level.

It's also the reason I built my very first PC.

Because it's not even the best thief game

I only play games with morally good characters

I was supposed to start DS today but fell asleep and now don't feel like doing it, since it's not night anymore.
Can't fucking get a consistent sleep schedule.

I just beat Thi4f
You know a story is bad when 5 out of 8 chapters feel like filler

Attached: 220px-Thief_box_art.jpg (220x231, 11K)

>I just beat Thi4f
For what purpose?

It was on sale so I bought it. Beat it in one day.
It's not the worst game I played but you can tell this was rushed

I did and I mostly enjoyed it but I didn't like some of the gold exclusive levels, thieves guild was kind of confusing and mage towers was a cool concept but not very fun to play

It had one I didn't like (Thieves Guild), one I was okay with (Mage Towers) and one I really liked (Song of the Caverns).

It's hard for me to get into the Thief games. I like the idea, I like the execution, but I just rarely am in the mood to play such a dedicated stealth game. Dunno why. I beat the first Thief over the course of a year. It took that long. Enjoyed it though, fuck the Thieves Guild though finding that final piece of loot in the room with the fire pit or whatever was total bullshit. I ran around that level for an hour after knocking every person out. Someday I'll do Metal Age. I got maybe halfway through Thief 3 and have no desire to ever touch Thi4f.

You should try Metal Age, you might like it quite a bit more. I thought it felt a lot more polished even if it was in some sense less ambitious than the first.
Of course, I suppose it's even more "dedicated" as a stealth game than TDP was. But it also felt like it was a bit more comfortable with what it wanted to be.

I have the first three on Steam and I've only launched Metal Age once and started the first level on Expert. Because if you're gonna play Thief 1 or 2 or even maybe 3 you play on Expert, always. But I recall sitting in a corner in the dark watching all these guards walking around and thinking "fuck there's too many this is too hard I'm not in the mood for this fuck that" and stopped. I will try again I'm positive of that, hell I probably should now seeing as all I have access to these days is a toaster of a laptop. It can run Arx Fatalis so I'm sure it could run Metal Age. How many garbage levels does Metal Age have? Because I honestly enjoyed pretty much every level in the first one not counting the one everyone hates and maybe the last one because I was getting pretty burnt out at that point.

I have, it was great.

Shit taste, probably also a weeb.

Yes it is.

>How many garbage levels does Metal Age have?
One, I would say. It's called Casing the Joint and it literally is just that, you case out the map of the next level. It felt out of place to me but thankfully it isn't hard or annoying.

I've had it in my library for so long due to a sale thanks for giving me the motivation to try it

There's really just one that is universally considered bad, and some others that you might like or dislike depending on your tastes. There's a lot more stealth emphasis in the game in general, and less crazy trickster shit, although what supernatural stuff is there is done really well.

I have played dwarf fortress. Quite a bit actually.

I don't believe so, don't get me wrong thief does need key remapping. I mean, you can even get scroll to work on mouse in Thief gold with the right fixes.

Thief 2 is better, though, since they were sure people liked the stealth of thief 1, so they removed mandatory combat from pretty much the whole game.

It's a shame they're still several orders of magnitude better than literally every other stealth game, but i hope people will make attempts, like dishonored

Unironically this game is too high IQ for me, I get easily lost in the big-ass levels and without a walk-through I wouldn't know where the fuck anything is, so I'm too intimidated to keep going sorry

Not even the best Looking Glass game.

That would be System Shock 2.

is deadly shadows worth playing?