Okay, Yea Forums

okay, Yea Forums

this is my first time playing New Vegas.

anything I should know before I start?

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you'll hate it if you don't play with mods


Don't go left unless you want to get raped by bugs.

Keep your expectations low.

Head north out of Goodsprings.

NV is the only modern Fallout I've felt didn't need mods to enjoy. Not that mods don't make it better, but unlike 3 or Skyrim you don't NEED mods to make the game playable.

kill the guy you are after. do not let him escape.

If you have a 144hz monitor you're gonna need to cap your FPS to 60 or else your game will run at super speed.

Yeah, you don't get any benefits from toughing it out against tougher enemies. Max XP is 50 so don't think you're making a huge achievement spending all of your ammo and uncrippled limbs against a deathclaw.

Also is a shitter. I play it on 360 and love the fuck out of it. Also fuck geckos. Just fuck all the geckos.

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House is objectively the best option both lore wise and character wise
Allows you to be a made man and hero while mr. Autism does all the leg work

Don't listen to him GET AS MENY FRAMES AS POSSIBLE!!!

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>NV is the only modern Fallout I've felt didn't need mods to enjoy.
You need mods just to get the fucking thing to work halfway decently.

You could tell user to get a vanilla friendly fanpatch. That's a little different than rebalance or graphics mods.

Don't feel bad if you don't enjoy it. The game isn't as widely loved as Yea Forums likes to pretend it is.

The Charisma special stat is useless and can be dumped though the Speech skill is one of the most useful in the game. You won't need any Luck points or crit chance if you're aiming for an Explosives or Unarmed build either. When you're getting close to Vegas you can effortlessly steal half a dozen power fists and a suit of valuable combat armor from the Camp Golf building and find two more on corpses at Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan.

Get ready to go "huh, neat" a lot

For the love of god, don't stick your nose in the desert without any purpose and then come back and complain when the desert turns out to be, in fact, a barren desert. The game will give you reasons to go there later if you stick to the towns like you're supposed to. Somehow zoomers always get this part wrong.

ok so i want to do an NCR playthrough. how the fuck do I get NCR fame? even when doing all their quests in the main quest I am just at "accepted" but I want the cool armor. is there an easy way to be liked by them?

You can find an unique rifle and many easy enemies (Geckos and scorpions) you can kill to level up fast in a location called "Quarry junction"
It's somewhat close to Goodsprings so you shouldn't have any problem getting there, avoid going beyond the graveyard because you will find Cazadors
Enjoy your game user it's truly the best Fallout!

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Try doing all the hidden jobs at Sloan if you haven't already

guns are for the weak
be an unarmed chad and become Kenshiro

anyone else just fucking kill the boomers instead of doing their shitty quests

Fists are for poop sniffing cavemen
be a katana-chan and become Lord Weeb

What's a good attribute spread?

This is what I came up with. Probably sucks but I don't know.

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Unarmed and melee are very fun but they're way too easy, you just need to get 10 on Strength and beat the living crap out of every enemy.
Unlike guns and energy weapons where you need to aim at the limbs and make the best out of your ammo

Did you play 1 and 2?

i always set charisma and perception to 1.


Quite literally the most overrated game imaginable. I tried so fucking hard to like it, but after 3 playthroughs, I’ve just accepted that I find it boring as fuck. At least vanilla.

Red Lucy got good pussy.

Good boy.

They call her red for a reason. Don't fall for the meme! Fetch quests and hemoglobin abound!

Luck is hysterical when given a few extra points because you can gain a permanent +1 to it very early so starting at 6/7 bumps you up to the point of crits becoming a moderate ocurrence
Charisma is fucking pointless because everything is done behind the most overpowered skill, speech
Agility I forget what the fuck is for but Strength should be a good focus because the heaviest endgame weaponry such as big dick clubs and miniguns have a strength requirement and not meeting it suffers some penalties
what you have is excellent for a first run but maybe allocate a bit more to STR, just a suggestion. Are you playing a stealth build?

is there an easy, repeatable way for NCR fame

Don’t wear NCR armour. You stay at “accepted” for as long as you wear it. I don’t want to admit how long it took me to realize that...

OP for sure get the community bugfix patch for you first playthrough.
in my experience, if you try to mod a game you're not familiar with, you'll just end up changing a bunch of shit you had no idea about. best run through it once and get a feel for what you'd like to change. chances are, there's a mod for it.

if you're the type of person that can get into a game and put a couple hundred hours into it, you've found the right game (with mods)

Recently did an melee legion run its so strong pretty much any melee weapon can just about 3 hit anyone. So much fun though

Kill lots of legion, recruit Boone and continue to do the NCR's bidding. HELIOS one, Camp McCarren, and Camp Forlorn Hope all give lots of faction rep. You'll eventually be taken to every other major outpost by the main story, so those three are the only ones you have to keep in memory.

Setting charisma to 1 and putting the spare points into Intelligence is the most min-max meta way to play. You can use all the extra skill points you'll earn from your high INT to increase any of the skills that benefit from charisma later if you want.

Use jSawyer and the StutterRemover. Do not recruit the sniper guy or else the game turns on super easy mode.

They need to change charisma to whatit is in F2 where it sets the number of companions you can have at once


thanks man. gonna try it. wish it didnt take so long to get the coolest armor in the game, the ncr ranger armor

>after 3 playthroughs
i love this bait

Here is what I do, I figure this is the best:
Strength, Endurance, Agility and Intelligence at 9
Perception, Charisma and Luck at 1

This leave 1 point left. Usually give it to Intelligence. I feel like this is the best build for good combat.

Don’t put any points into charisma, there’s no reason unless you want companions to die slightly slower. Make sure you have at least 7 Endurance so you can get all the SPECIAL implants from the clinic. Also in the dlc you get a perk that gives you 2+ strength so you really only need 7 strength if you are getting the strength implant, so you’ll have max strength. Also for some fast caps raise your luck with drugs, alcohol, or apparel and play Blackjack at the the casinos, then right before you hit the max amount of caps you can get at the casino, hit the slots and try to get 3 oranges so you can walk out with a shit ton of caps.
And one thing, if you’re playing hardcore, use the Survival skill if not use medicine skill. Have fun.

Was planning on just doing what I did in Fallout 2. Small Guns / Speech / Doctor.

8 or more points in Luck is a really cheesy way to play. Luck not only gives you the best damage boost of any stat, but you can clean out every casino and afford all of the Gun Runner's best shit.
Endurance is also important for minmaxing because you can get permanent upgrades via implants from the NV medical clinic, but the maximum you can get is determined by endurance (I think the max is 9 implants). Aside from that, the rest of the points just depend on what combat style and perk selection you want. Strength is obvious for melee/unarmed, perception for energy/explosives (don't dump it please, 6 is needed for better criticals), agility for guns.

Look up the Forlorn Hope legion ear collection on a wiki and see if it earns good fame. If not, I don't think you can do anything but quests to get your rep higher than Accepted

>Perception and Luck at 1

Have fun being constantly ambushed by enemies in buildings and losing every single game of chance.

It’s honestly not. Albeit the third playthrough was borderline speedrun. I blazed straight to Benny (got money through stealing Silver Rush shit), killed him, delivered the chip and told House to fuck off because the job was done. Didn’t get credits but I consider that playthrough wrapped up seeing as I accomplished exactly what I wanted. Still found it as boring as the other 2 playthroughs where I sided with the NCR until the end.

Doesn't charisma have some good perks associated?
Or is it only modded perks that can be worth the investment?

stack luck and int rush to the strip quick save and gamble till youre rich spen the money on neural mods then you can start playing

ED-E's scanner perk lets you detect enemies as if your Perception was 10

kill Vulpes Inculta and as soon as you encounter him. He'll only get harder to beat later and that's the only ticket into the Legion.

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Altered my attributes based on your guys' feedback.

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charisma is pretty much useless since speech skill determines everything, put charisma as one and dump the points into intelligence since it affects how many skill points you get