Holy fuck this combat is ass

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think it's that bad. Putting points into heavy attacks helped, and delimbing kept me entertained. W3 is not a great action game by all means, but the combat is decent for an rpg.

Literally a movie game. All style and no substance. The fact that Yea Forums considers TLOU a moviegame but not TW3 is evidence as to just how far this board's heads are up their asses.

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The game is highly overrated. Dumbasses bought in the visuals meme.... the story is bland, at best, the combat is pretty bad. Not as bad as some other games, but bad nonetheless.

why do i get the feeling you didnt play witcher 1 and 2

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Welcome to a one-off game that played their PR game correctly and shit out 3 forgettable games in 8 years.

What's with the meme that W3's combat is bad? I say "meme," because people parrot it all the time, but nobody has ever bothered to articulate what's wrong with it.

why bother when all the characters from 3 just sort of show up in the story for the first and only time?

Do Nintendies need to make this thread everyday?

It's just what Yea Forums contrarians have settled on as an explanation for why WITCHER 3 BAD. Not really any logic behind it at all.

Honestly because they did a monumentally shit job explaining what the fuck was going to to anybody starting with 3.

because then you'll actually have an idea what's going on without opening the character tab every few minutes

nintendo fans are forced into Witcher worship since it's on the switch

Because I actually read actual books... video game "stories" are written to entice the lowest common denominator. There hasn't been a single video game "story" that I've found compelling. Some have been interesting such as "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice," and a few others that I deemed as well crafted, but, at best, they were still rather bland.

>weaseling away
Didn't you hear? Six gorillion of them were killed like last year!

As someone who actually likes W3 a lot I can pretty easily explain why combat is the worst part of the game, and could easily be considered bad in general. First of all, even with the alternate movement controls enabled, Geralt is still governed by AI pathfinding instead of direct player input. This means moving him in a direction will not necessarily move him in that direction if something is in the way, and he'll try to get around it. The issue is, the pathfinding is BAD. Coupled with the horrible lag between inputs and Geralt actually moving, the many different possible sword swing animations that take different amounts of time to execute, the terrible hitboxes, and a ton of environmental and NPC clipping issues, the combat just isn't good.

The only thing that made me want to progress through the game was finding new characters to cheese at gwent.

Everything you said is a straight up lie.

>Because I actually read actual books...

Which ones? The Bible? Lolita? That book with a green cover?

It's really not. I'm glad you enjoy the game, but it's weird that you would just straight up ignore things people could have a problem with. Don't let me sway your opinion on it, I like it a lot too, I'm just puzzled at your way of dealing with something you like having flaws.

OP, you don't like randomized attack animations with different activation times, movement assist, random durations all for the same type of attack?

Lmao according to someone in this thread those don't actually exist, we're playing a different game

I liked it. Quen, Spam light attack, dodge when they swing, refresh quen

On the hardest difficulty and super underleveld, it felt like dancing with death because one body shot KO'd you but Quen could save your ass.

Even spending 10 minutes fighting a drowner was fun youtube.com/watch?v=ZPTXehkTelo

The only problem was when I leveled up and the fights got piss easy. I liked it more than sekiro that punishes you for parries

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There are no Jews, it's all Illuminati propaganda. Have you actually been to Israel?

It really is though.
>Geralt is still governed by AI pathfinding instead of direct player input.
You're gonna have to prove this somehow because it sounds like bullshit to me.
>horrible lag between inputs and Geralt actually moving
There is no lag, Geralt just has more weight and momentum than the other games.
>the many different possible sword swing animations that take different amounts of time to execute
It's based on distance, not hard to control or manage at all.
>the terrible hitboxes, and a ton of environmental and NPC clipping issues
So many of these were fixed in patches and I'm gonna have to ask for an example.

I do admit there are flaws to the combat, just what you said seems like bullshit to me.

it's weird that they went back to that when TW2 had this rather unique system where Geralt's direction relative to the target would change his animations

it was really nice when you figured it out because some moves were clearly better than others

>spend an afternoon researching the illuminati
>turns out the illuminati are jews

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I think the combat has a few minor issues, like pre-baked finishers not having any i-frames, so on higher difficulties, a bandit with a warhammer can take out half your health while you're in the middle of chopping a guy in half, or the wonky imbalance in damage calculation which means one drunken middle aged man in a fistfight does more damage to Geralt than a garrison of bandits or a monster made of boulders and magic, or the fact that using oils and potions basically trivializes every encounter, even on DM difficulty; but the issues you brought up are patently false.

It's remarkable anyone would ship a product this way but I think CDPR doesn't know how to make a good game, they just observe what everyone else does and copies it, however poorly. It's basically bamham combat but with all the spectacle taken up to 11.

Any Souls game might have pretty shallow combat but it at the very least gets the basics right. CDPR ignored the basics and plunged face first off a cliff into one of the worst combat systems in 10+ years.

Did you even play the game? It basically does so much of the same shit dad of boy does and rightfully got lambasted for. This shit doesn't work in any game, it is bad design.

It's not great, but I'm surprised how much people hate it. You can lower the difficulty and breeze through the game if it bothers you that much. It's got nothing on games like Pillars of Eternity that have obnoxious combat even on story mode.

>The only problem was when I leveled up and the fights got piss easy.
They added in a level scaling option at some point. The only problem with the option is that it makes some encounters (like the sewers filled with rats and the fight against the Djinn) actually impossible.

>Did you even play the game?
Starting to question if you did at this point.

List 3 third person Action WRPGs with better combat. I can only think of Darksiders 2. Kingdoms of Amalur is shit. Dark Souls is Jap.

>You're gonna have to prove this somehow because it sounds like bullshit to me.
Literally start the game up, stand next to a barrel, try to walk into it and be awestruck as your moron brain watches Geralt turn away from it.
>There is no lag, Geralt just has more weight and momentum than the other games.
Actually Geralt has zero weight and momentum because almost none of his animations interpolate into each other nor are they governed by physics or affected by previous animations, it genuinely sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, in fact the problem is BECAUSE the animations are so rigid
>It's based on distance, not hard to control or manage at all.
It's not based on distance, each distance modifer has several random animations available that all take different amounts of time, and the best part is all of the "mid distance" animations that trigger when you're close enough for a close animation to hit faster. Bonus points for when a mid animation triggers and takes so long that the enemy is actually out of range when it finishes.

You really have no idea what you're on about at all, do you? CDPR isn't paying you to ignore these things, you're allowed to like something without defending it.

What are some good CRPGs to play that don't have bad combat? I tried playing PoE, and despite trying really hard to like it, I gave up playing and was prepared to write off the entire genre as just not being for me. But it's actually a bit of a relief to hear you and some anons in other threads say that PoE wasn't very good.

Darksiders 2 has flashy and responsive combat but it isn't particularly deep, and late game it just involves a lot of cheesing with passive effects(like freezing) much like TW3 does.

westerners can't make good combat, but there's never been an excuse for it.

>level scaling

No, it's average, also combat is not a whole game. Overall W3 is great though.

It's boring. DS type shit 2 stagger swings/dodge > repeat.

>It's basically bamham combat
In what possible way is the combat anything like bamham aside from the fact that you fight multiple guys at once, a similarity that's basically meaningless since you can say that about most games.

Sure, compared to stuff like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, it's simple. Still pretty good. And most games can be cheesed.

can I get away with just playing 2 before 3? I couldn't get into 1 but 2 seems alright

> Overall W3 is great though.
No, it's fucking shit. Combat is awful, graphics were downgraded, literally SINGLE quest copy-pasted through game, boring story and characters, useless dialogs.
This game is 4\10 AT BEST

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the original God of War trilogy is all I can think of, and it's not really an rpg either

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I want to give you some credit for attempting to intelligently and respectfully explain and discuss your argument, but I've played through Witcher 3 twice and none of that is true except for the attack combos bit, and even that is actually predictable once you get used to the flow.

1 and 2 are pretty disconnected from 3. You'd get a bit confused playing 2 on its own at the start but the story is pretty self contained afterwards.

Just play them all. But take a break between each one because they are all long as fuck and you might get burned out.

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Name a game you think is good. I dare you.

God of War(2018)

Exactly. There's literally nothing wrong with the combat, Yea Forums just has to find a way to hate popular things. Because the art direction, actual graphics, story, voice acting, and gameplay are all phenomenal, you would get called out instantly if you came after those for no reason.

I really enjoyed Witcher 3, but this is a good argument against it. The quests in Witcher are more about dialogue options and story than actual gameplay choice. I wish games would stop with the GPS map stuff and vision highlighting thing (unless it's used only for random loot items and not quest/key item stuff).

>get asked binary question
>complaining there aren't more than two responses

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>all of them are like this (trust me btw)
>literally a complaint about a tutorial quest being too easy and ui elements you can turn off

They keep playing the victim card.
Nowadays using that card makes you invunerable to criticism and people shower you with unconditional love & care which is why some prefer to keep being victims than growing as a person.

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Yep. That's what I used. I had to turn it off when I fought the Djinn. Felt scummy about it too.

Even with scaling the fights were too easy. That drowner, a random fight I had with bandits in the woods, a random overleveled spirit, and the wolves early game were the most fun fights. That and the fistfight minigames. Everything else you just slice through later with good equips.

I wish more games were about dodging/parrying like this or MG:RR instead of blocking/cheesing/running away like shit like sekiro or dark souls

Breath of the wild is 100 times better than TW3.
Clunky combat, poor designed open world and awful graphics ruined this game for me

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Darksiders 2 is not an RPG

It was about time someone posted a horribly outdated webm featuring a bug that is impossible to replicate.

>yfw DA:O unironically better than Witcher 3

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Dang, I haven't played that one. Someone else will have to tell you why it sucks and is 4/10 at best.

The Witcher 3 is not an RPG too

Are most of the quests in Gothic like this? I'll have to check it out if that's the case.

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The combat is bamham tier pathfinder, it automatically swing at the direction of the enemy. Adding bad AI to the mix, death march difficulty is a fucking joke. W3 maybe good at other aspects but the combat is fucking sucks.

>Breath of the wild combat

>hit 3 times to stun
>repeat till the thing is dead
frankly embarrassing desu. Combat made for children and soibois who can't time dodges or parries

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But you have quests, dialogue options, experience points, dungeons, loot. Let me guess. Your one defining element of an RPG is "make a character?" Right?

Here bruh, this is your final boss)

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I watched 4 hours of backstory before playing the witcher 3 and none of it matters

You are a witcher. You kill monsters.

>limitless options
>pretending the ui is actually minimalist and not overbearing trash
>pretending that level is not a complete shitshow

This. It's actually laughable that people think Witcher 3 has a good story.

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>winds howling

There are definitely areas to improve, but I also think a lot of people don't give the system credit for things it does right. Prepping oils and decoctions for the right enemies, shooting fliers out of the sky when they rush you, timing the right bombs and signs to create attack openings; all this stuff is fun and in my opinion does make up for things like lackluster swordplay.

>quen isn't up
what a fag


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Kind of sums up why I dropped witcher 3 by skelligg, despite all the polish it was simply boring. No reason to explore a map that tells me where all the secrets are, towns are mostly lifeless, witchers sense quests are abundant and dull.

Bland, repetitive, poorly balanced, requires a hybrid built for the bare minimum of variety, only actually challenging if you try to fight a ??lvl enemy.

What autism level is required to make an image like this?

Absolute shit taste in narrative if you legit think this is true.

t. probably doesn’t even read actual books to have a baseline appreciation for narrative

I think the reason the reason W3 suck is because I played Dragon's Dogma. DD set the bar for action RPG combat really high that I can't find any enjoyment playing W3. To this day, I played Wither 3, KH3, FFXV, and God Of War and none of them beat DD in term of combat.

>thread criticizing combat
>brings up Skyrim

I'ts like somones chick complaining about her bf's curved penis and a Eunic comes up like "I GET HELLA PUSSY LOL"

>Read the books written for 13 year olds
I'll past Norberto

You mean tedious

Witcher 3 combat isn't amazing, but I don't know why people rip on it so much. The only games that do it better are dedicated action games like DMC, or Dark Souls/Sekiro

It's better than TES games, it's better than FO games, it's better than Grand Theft Auto, RDR, Borderlands, CoD, VTMB, KOTOR 1&2. It feels tolerable to me, I don't know why so many people hate it.

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When the industry is blatantly shifting towards fallout 4, and a game like Witcher 3 comes along and you faggots toss it in the same trash as fallout 4, there’s no incentive for developers to try to make anything but fallout 4 in the future.

Well if it's not an RPG and it's not an action game what is it?

don't be disingenuous, do you really believe the mere presence of these elements is what qualifies for an RPG?
sierra text adventures have dialogue options, does that make them RPGs? overwatch has an XP system, does that make it an RPG? I could go on..

you must consider the type of game the dev is trying to make, DS2 is a metroidvania hack and slash, while witcher 3 is trying to be an RPG.

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Guarantee I've read more books than you and it's absolutely laughable for you to pretend the Witcher 3 has any literary value.

user it says right here in the books that the MC died to a pitchfork and none of this should be happening

Where did I say “Witcher books” autist? Project much? Proving my point.

I'll take your use of buzzwords as a concession

>Philipa Eilhart
Lol that's just off the top of my head

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I doubt that, but the fact you measure books by quantity ahead of quality already points to your single digit IQ. But I’ll bite, name one or two of your favorite literary narratives of all time

Everyone needs to know
>OP is a spic and he posted a photo of his shit-smeared set up once where you can see his barely discernible steam library through an aging panel speckled with shit that's so worn out all the corners of the screen are yellow
>he said the game was "poorly optimised"
>he unironically said skyrim is a better RPG

Thank you for throwing this debate and drowning me the victor. I accept.

It is an RPG though. Sorry if you think games where you don't have a blankslate character don't qualify as muh RPG. There are a lot of different endings and continuity throughout the 3 games.

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No, it's not. Even downgraded W3 is one of the best looking game currently and has the best quests I seen in an action RPG game.
>boring story
Which games have no boring stories?

Diablo, every single one of it's clones. Easy.

But it's not an RPG. If mass effect isn't an rpg then witcher isn't an RPG. The only difference is mass effect is a decent action game

Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
Absalom Absalom
Blood Meridian

> best looking game
Dude, it's downgraded to the ground.
> best quests
It's ONE fucking quest, dude, they just copy-pasted this shit with witcher sense
> Which games have no boring stories?
God of War(2018)

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>The only games that do it better are dedicated action games like DMC, or Dark Souls/Sekiro
Are you new? peoples been comparing W3 with Dragon's Dogma since it was released because both are open world action RPG and the consensus are DD is way better. This is apparent when both have similar quest to kill a griffin except W3 griffin fight is total ass and DD griffin is way awesome.

The graphics look like dogshit, what are you on about?

>Dude, it's downgraded to the ground.
I never said it's not, I said it looks great, can't you read?
>It's ONE fucking quest, dude
Are you trolling now?
>God of War(2018)
I think both are on pair, I asked of multiple examples though.

Mass Effect is an RPG dumbass, what dimension are you living in?

both mass effect and witcher are RPGs

the quality of them are debatable but denying what they are is just being retarded.

>GoW doesn’t have boring stories

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>The graphics look like dogshit
get an actual set-up, carlos. the witcher 3 will obviously look like shit in your ancient PC, which is why you are desperate in equating it with an ugly game like skyshit.

>The graphics look like dogshit
You must be retarded or pretending.

>sierra text adventures have dialogue options, does that make them RPGs? overwatch has an XP system, does that make it an RPG? I could go on..
You're the one being disingenuous, dude. Those games have only 1 or only few elements from RPGs, so no, they aren't RPGs. Likewise, you can create a character in Monster Hunter, but no one calls it an RPG. I'm saying that Darksiders 2 has enough elements to consider it an RPG. DS2 is not like a Metroidvania. Barely even gatekeeps you. Darksiders 1 is much more like a Metroidvania Zelda.
>you must consider the type of game the dev is trying to make
From interviews and developer's own words, they literally say it's an RPG. What? Everywhere they list or advertised it as an RPG. I don't get your point here. I'm genuinely curious to know what you define as an RPG.

he's a poorfag beaner spic.

> I asked of multiple examples though.

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>third person
Yeah okay. "Easy."

>Mandatory HS readings
Eh not bad

The game looks worse than Skyrim special edition on ultra. Sorry, it's not that good and only came out 4 years ago

>complain about bad graphics and downgraded
>post one of the worst looking and most downgraded game
This thread is getting epic.

>the witcher 3 has shit graphics
well memed my friend

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>The game looks worse than Skyrim special edition on ultra.
No Skyrim looks like shit compared to it. You're not even trying.

What am I looking at here?

I have a 2080ti and have run both the SE and TW3 on a 1440p monitor ultra settings obviously. I would highly recommend seeing an ophthalmologist if you think Skyrim comes close to the Witcher



witcher fans are worst fans

>carlos de macaco plays one of the best looking games to hit the market on his pentium's integrated graphics and 800x600 display
>"it looks bad!"

This might be the worst non troll post I’ve ever read

That's just sad. Keep believing that.

>Skyrim doesn't look better than the Witcher
I sleep

Please show me how amazing Skyrim looks compared to Witcher, especially it's retro textures and 4 houses 2 streets cities.

Witcher 3 is overrated m8. And its not just the boring combat that's bad.
>shitty open world with useless collectibles that you end up selling
>some of the collectibles are behind a level requirement making exploration useless
>game gimps you damage against the higher leveled enemies and rewards you with shitty gear
>crafting system is worthless since its better to just do the witcher sets quests
>boring ass skill trees that has somehow less content that w1 and w2
>streamlined potions system that has less focus on preparing before a fight and just lets you use them anytime; game gives you infinite copies as long as you have an alchohol base meaning less inventory management to appease casuals
The only good thing you get are some of the sidestories.The DLCs are pretty good, too.

You're looking at the game of the generation

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>Witcher 3's animations are somewhat reliable, the contextual attacks just choose wrong 100% of the time because they choose according to the current distance between the player and enemy, whereas a player that is used to tight combat is making decisions based on the future distance between the player and enemy.

>If a drowner is lunging at geralt, you want to counter hit. Ideally you will press light attack and he will do the quick upward slash, the drowner will jump into it and get staggered, and then you have a chance for big offense. Of course this never happens, because the drowner is currently out of sword range when telegraphing the lunge, so Geralt will instead choose to twirl 100% of the time and completely lose the exchange 100% of the time. Player is punished, not rewarded, for predicting and reacting to the telegraphed attack.

>In the same vein, if an enemy is dodging away, you want to do the twirl to chase and punish their backdash. However, since they are currently within sword range, Geralt will do a quick sword attack and miss 100% of the time. Player identified the enemy's next action and the counterplay, but is thwarted by the game from capitalizing on it.

>This is what it means that Witcher's combat is low skill. Any rewards for spacing, timing and anticipation are completely removed. I dislike the batman clones like Shadow of Mordor for the same reason.

He'll show you a pic with 50,000 mods installed. And it still won't look as good, lel.

Yea figures that's your response, probably had to google them despite them not being esoteric in the slightest.

Nice LoD on that windows background

You literally said Skyrim looked better.

Thanks, I reckon there's more trees in this screenshot than what there is in the entirety of any elder scrolls game.

>>some of the collectibles are behind a level requirement making exploration useless
I can use them later, I can get materials for crafting, skill points and new quests. Are you joking?


Nice piss filter.

why didn't ciri just bring a nuke back from some other world? awfully convenient for the story the aliens that wanted Ciri were also only on sword and shield based technology

Thanks for letting us know you have never left mommy's house to experience a sunset.

I like the strategy aspect of the game, it make the battle a lot more fun on higher difficulties, also you have a lot of shit to do with the story

>permanent sunset
lmao sure

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Yeah, its so much fun fighting a normal sea hag with my gimped damage because its name is red and has a skull on it only to get some shitty sword. Its so much fun making a beeline to some icon in a map, only to get a copy of the sword i got from a previous chest. Its so rewarding to climb on top of a tower only to get a shitty armor that's weaker than my witcher set. The extra materials I get is also useful for selling so I can buy more alcohol base that magically turns into potions.

not onlye the combat, riding the horse sucks, exploration sucks , and it pointles , thanks leveled enemies, and the missions are all, go there, watch a cinematic, go there, use witcher button to win, sometimes shitty combat

>not esoteric
Hence why I said High School reading list, you insecure retard. You picked Joyce and Faulkner. Every kid in America reads sound and the fury or ulysses. Your books are the equivalent of a white girl ordering a caramel frappacino

Dragon Age Origins will always be leagues better than Witcher 3. The characters actually have a part to play instead of just seeming like season by season throw aways.

good taste.

>get skill that lets you spin around
>get enchantment that turns your sword into a lightsaber
>drink potions
>hold m1
>beat every enemy in the game except the fucking vampire

The fact that Fallout 4 is second place invalidates GOTY accolades entirely.


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>still seething 4 years later

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I can't believe this dude actually take the opinion of the people that can't beat the cuphead tutorial, zoomers are brainless

>base game screenshot
I'm not a fucking idiot, you drone.

I got many useful items and gear during exploration before I could get witcher gear, don't know what are you talking about.

get gud normie there is nothing wrong with the combat

Projecting one journalist’s actions onto hundreds of individuals. Literally Marxist mentality


Going to replay this even though I'm in the middle of B&W. I think the reason that I liked everything but the combat is because I was playing on a low difficulty. I also failed most of the side quests because I didn't pay attention at key times. Is Death March fun or is it just artificial difficulty?

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Please be reminded OP is a south american spic

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What's the most fun build to make combat good?

It's pretty sad that this game is so indefensible that the only thing people can do is shitpost and bait

>Critics can't be trusted!
>Unless they vote for my game

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He's not, that's why no one takes you seriously.

Death march is the only way to play. Can’t spam attack, have to read up on enemies and battle prep with oils, potions, decoctions. Meditation doesn’t restore health.

It's fun because you actually have to deal with the mechanics they actually put time into like potion making, oils, reading the bestiary on monster weaknesses, etc.

And they all get replaced by witcher gear anyway. What a badly designed game

where did you copy/paste this from, sound like a based reviewer that knows a good combat mechanics. I always knew W3 combat suck but I can't really pinpoint it why, it just feels weird and oddly similar to Bamham.

blood and broken bones and death march are fun though I admit death march is just artificial difficulty. Feel free to choose on your own.
Also finish B&W first, it's god-tier kino. On your next run 100% of it and just slowly take everything in.

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>if you go further into a game you will get better gear
Yeah, just like in every RPG game. What a bad design.

>Witcher 3 is indefensible
>Witcher 3 isn’t mediocre, isn’t decent, it’s a BAD game

This is why fortnite is the most popular game on the planet you fucking mongoloid. Even when quality hits you in the face you screech because it’s not what you personally wanted. I hope every future rpg is fallout 76 on steroids, enjoy

In B&W it is, yes.

You can literally get any witcher gear at the start of the game and even their base forms easily outclass any gear you get.

>Witcher 3 is good because fortnite isn't

Do NOT play B&W first otherwise the ending you get is absolute dogshit

But he already said the game is great. Are you retarded?

>you didn't like my bad game so i hope all games are bad now
The story doesn't make sense the characters are shallow and the combat is shit.

Why shouldn't some random loot armor be not replaced by high qualty witcher gear?
give me some valid reasons for your retarded complaints. Is it your IQ? are you a betheshit shill?

you'll excuse me if I do not write an essay deconstructing what is an RPG for a Yea Forums post.
I think it is dumb to just look at it like a checklist and not consider what the game is and how its elements are executed.

DS2 dialogue options are there for exposition or as a middleman to open shop menus. you're never steering death's personality one way or the other depending on what option you pick, there are no triggers or checks that react to the skills you have chosen or choices you have made, no "reputation" or similar systems that change the behavior of who you are speaking to, etc. etc.

Attached: dialogue tree.png (724x453, 49K)

Yrden, oh wait. No fun allowed in a serious and mature game like W3


>Game is good
>Why is game good

That’s not what I said, use reading comprehension. When a markedly better product comes out into the market (TW3 compared to fallout 4) for example and it is met with criticism equal to fallout 4’s, there’s no incentive to improve future iterations and lowest common denominator games like 76 become the norm.

fortnite has a bad gunplay, but crossplay, dude that makes all of my friends to play and talk shit and call niggers on to other kids on the mic, like the good old days of xbox live

not sure you quoted the right person

>projecting this hard
Because it makes the already useless exploration even more useless

>You can literally get any witcher gear at the start of the game and even their base forms easily outclass any gear you get.
You must be retarded, higher level gear is better than witcher low level gear. Play the game.

wtf did you just say about my witcher?!!??!

>it's useless because I said so

>Witcher 3 good because no pay for lootcrates
Oh, and? What about the actual game

Starting the DLC fresh means no romance to factor into the ending. So instead of getting a consummate and last page finish with yen or Triss, you get some filler moment with dandelion

do you even understand what a projection is, carlos?
>because it makes the already useless exploration already more pointless
uhm, getting witcher gear is in itself a huge milestone of exploration. And getting witcher diagrams itself is actually a proponent for more exploration to go hunting for crafting materials and doing lots of contracts to be able to craft and afford the gear.
I don't understand why I keep eating your bait, you literally never stop impressing.

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You're talking about a completely different issue at the start there. The weird ass lazy movement Geralt does only really happens outside of combat. In combat most of your movement is through dodging, and it's much easier to direct him around with dodges and rolls than it is to try to rotate him smoothly outside of combat. If anything I'd say the dodging is way too forgiving and can make the game very boringly easy even on death march with level scaling.

>you're never steering death's personality one way or the other depending on what option you pick
>there are no triggers or checks that react to the skills you have chosen or choices you have made
>no "reputation" or similar systems that change the behavior of who you are speaking to, etc. etc.
Ah, got it. So Infamous is a mighty fine RPG series. Cool, thanks for educating me.

>witcher gear can't be upgraded
By the time you get higher level gear that was better than your current set, you already have upgraded your own witcher gear


Compared to bethesdashit, Witcher has better:

Choice and consequence
Cohesive and logical world building
Lore consistency

>following a marker in the map is huge milestone of exploration

Like what



I told him to continue his playthrough, I'm assuming he's playing the game and got into the DLC and didn't just jump into the DLC straight from the menu.


Don’t play stupid

Dude, just stop embarrassing yourself

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>By the time you get higher level gear that was better than your current set, you already have upgraded your own witcher gear
No, stop projecting.

>Some woman celebrated her 9th month milestone carrying this braindead beaner only to shit out an autistic chimp who ends up being an outsoucred bethesda shill

>low settings

I think it's one guy in this thread.

Witcher 2
Grim dawn
Kingdom come deliverance
Divinity original sin 2
Darkwst dungeon
Path of exile

Yes you do. That's why I stopped following useless icons on the map since witcher gear is better anyway.

The Djinn is entirely possible, like most things in the game it requires quen spam. I had the adrenaline point casting skill too.

>left is a 3rd person in-game screenshot
>middle is a 3rd person in-game screenshot
>3rd is a rendered cutscene
Why is user being dishonest?
Lets even out the field with a prepared cutscene from the Witcher 3

Attached: 20190704072353_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.03M)

>being this mad that you become delusional
Oh man, I guess ticking off a checklist must be a huge achievement for you anyway.

Bruh it’s animation movies playing out how tf this count LMAO


Imagine liking skyshit
literally lowest common denominator tier.

not worse than tekkens combat

Ok at least we agree about the other 6

once again just seeing things as a checklist, not thinking about it at all. shooting out a smug reply as fast as you can just to be a dickhead.

agree to disagree, i'm done talking to you.

No because you need: more money, higher level, more rare and expensive materials. You are not complaining about Witcher 3 exploration, but basically every RPG exploration. How much (You) do you want Jimmy?

>he thinks i like skyrim
You need to take a chill pill m8. Your favorite game isn't perfect

Never played the others so I wouldn’t know. I’m also not the guy you replied to, I just saw Div and Terraria and saw how little sense it made


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you clearly have a shit computer then

thats how my looks in game

>I'm totally not OP
>your favourite game isn't perfect
I'll employ reasoning and sample the 96% positive user reviews, 99% positive journo reviews to conclude your opinion is the one that's shabby on the side.

the thing that sucked is that you would find a weapon with good stats but it would be level 11 so by the time you get to level 15 you replace it with something that has worse stats except for damage which is the one that matters.

Can’t we all just agree that Skyrim and Fallout under Bethesda are trash and Todd deserves the guillotine?

> you clearly have a shit computer then
I've played TW3 on my PS4 and it looked like shit

>ever having problems with money or materials
The game shits that out for free

Game's not even hard, combat isn't complex. What the hell are you on about OP?

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>assuming this much
I know you're paranoid and defensive because someone called your favorite game shit, but this is just sad.

Disagree. Fallout 4 is awesome

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That same logic can be applied to the Witcher 3, as far as overwhelmingly positive reviews go.

Not the other guy btw. I love both games for different reasons

I don't know what are you talking about now, seriously.

Todd is pure and helped make morrowind get the fuck out chad it is chess time whos laughing now I make good games.

>The game shits that out for free
No, it's really not. Some are very expensive or require vast exploration to find.
Even on PS4 it looks miles ahead of Skyrim.

Post the pc metacritic. It’s an 84 like New Vegas. Selectively choosing your review scores is pathetic. Also post the user metacritic reviews.

As far as reddit goes, New Vegas is a 2011 game. Incomparable for social media popularity.

4 has a 71% rating on steam with over 93,000 reviews.

Even normies think it’s trash. Even normies.

You really want me to make a list? Everything from the Bible to James Patterson. Emerson's essays, Dante's Divine Comedy, everything Poe wrote, hell most of the classics... Tom Clancy wrote some great fiction as well. "The book with the green cover" - I assume you mean Harry Potter? Nope, never read any of Rowling's work.

So what defines it? Infamous has dialogue options and skill abilities that directly influence your character's personality and steers the path to good or evil. It has triggers and checks and a reputation system that changes your character's behavior around others and how NPCs interact with your character. Some skills only become unlocked depending on this choice. And using those abilities directly further influence your character. By your definition, how is Infamous not an RPG?

Based, Harry Potter is for fags

>no u
Sorry my playstyle just breaks the game that I find it way too easy. Guess they shouldn't have given you free potions and random shit on the ground that you can easily sell

I liked bombs because of how absolutely ridiculous they get when you unlock the cluster option. Everything is exploding all the time.

I said materials for gear not healing potions. You are really dumb.

weapons that you find scale to your level when you pick them up. so you can find a weapon with very good miscellaneous stats but it will only be worth using for a few levels because of limited damage stat.



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>weapons that you find scale to your level when you pick them up
lol, what? No they don't, you just can't use them unless you have required level.

Thinking about playing the Witcher series. I don't like the idea of starting at the third game in a trilogy, but I've heard the gameplay in Witcher 1 and 2 is utter shit (with TW1 being practically unplayable, according to some people). Are the story, characters, world, and other elements of those games good enough to make them worth playing through?

>Grim dawn
>Kingdom come deliverance
>Divinity original sin 2
>Darkwst dungeon
>Path of exile
These do not count, dude.
Refer to I said THIRD PERSON. Top down is not THIRD PERSON. And Outward has even worse AI than Witcher.

Ignore those fags. They're just mad they can't mash their way to victory in 1.

Witcher 3 felt like a ubisoft game. Couldn't care less about the story since i can always watch a movie or a tv show and get a better written story.

All three games are good play them all.

TW1 and 2 are the ultimate pleb filter. Anyone who told you to skip them are utter subhumans, the same kind of people who are equal to women who look at their phone during a movie.

Play the trilogy like god intended.

I was in the identical position as you two months ago. The combat in 2 isn’t as flashy as 3 and in 1 its downright bad.

But the characters, writing, and story are arguably better. Absolutely worth the playthrough.

Much more gratifying to meet old friends and to understand references. CDPR did well with lore continuity and fan service unlike bethesda where you can jump in any game in the series and not miss anything.

its not even a competition, the books are vastly superior than the over hyped game, it took me a month to actually finish this game bec everytime im 30mins into the game i feel sleepy and felt that finishing the game was a choir

Okay, will they play well in Windows 10 or are there any patches to know about?

Yeah they're all fine. Make sure you're playing the Enhanced Editions for 1 and 2.

>play RPG
>I don't care about the story
What does he mean by this?
>I don't watch movies because I can get better story in some book
What does he mean by this?

The game having a better potion system instead of giving you free potions would give more depth to inventory management. In 1 or 2, I need to manage my materials carefully to have enough resources for fights. In 3, I can just sell all my potion materials for gold because the game refills your potions for free anyway. The money I get from those potion materials just goes for upgrade materials for the witcher gear. Yoyure the dumb one here for not knowing how to put two and two together.

This is flawed thinking. You don’t play RPGs to experience a “better” story, you play them to experience a narrative that results from your choices. It’s a unique form of entertainment in that regard.

And speaking of better writing, that’s absolutely not true. Games allow characters to be fleshed out more than a movie would. You have some terrible preconceptions or have played some shit stories

>he read the books

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>a book has a better story than a video game

What? Is this really shocking to you?

>The money I get from those potion materials just goes for upgrade materials for the witcher gear. Yoyure the dumb one here for not knowing how to put two and two together.
Some materials for witcher equipment cost so much that you will have to grind potions for hours or you can't even buy them at all. You are so fucking stupid.

wrong, a weapons level is determined when you find it limited by a range. so if you find a sword at level 8 it might be level 1, but if you find it at level 12 it could be level 15.

I haven’t read the books but what’s wrong with that? From what I’ve heard they tell a great fictional fantasy a la Hobbit or Lord of the Rings

Wow real life where Toussaint is based on has some crazy piss filters. Epic.

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I don't think he is complaining because he dies in combat user..

How do you die anyway? You can just spam the short dodge and absolutely nothing can hit you. Do you still suck? Well place a few points into Quen and voila you are invincible no matter the difficulty.

Btw, I should mention that I liked the game from a story standpoint but the gameplay and especially the exploration is very lacking. Basically I never had to explore or find things. You have a detailed map and you are shown the points of interest so the travelling just becomes a long loading screen for me until my auto drive horse reaches the destination.

Fortnite lets you talk to the enemies now? Last time I asked, people said you could only talk to your team.

hahaha, reading amirite?

Play on Death March scrub.

>people are actually comparing Witcher 3 to Fallout 4 in this thread
Where the fuck did you imbecilic lunatics come from? Don't be comparing your goddamn porn modding game to actual quality.

You do know that some of those "rare" materials are just lying around in the ground when you do quests right? Or that you can just dismantle the shitty weapons and armor you get for materials?
Any missing material I can easily buy from selling and from the gold I get from quests.
Also you do know that you just need one item to refill your potions, right?
You're like a kid whose only responses are making silly excuses and calling the other party stupid.

There you go:

Some retard started comparing it to Skyrim and Bethesdashit by extension.

All BGS games since Skyrim are irredeemable trash.

>since NV

similar to dark souls games

NV is obsidian

still published by bethesda

why are you hiding the userscore, bethshit shill?
>2nd highest scoring game
Yean and guess what's the first lmao
>220 awards
pathetic. TW3 has 800. Your game will never even orbit the witcher 3, let alone compare to other games below it's league.
Prepare to cope, CDPR is ramming straight up your undilated wound

>Top scoring game on metacritic on all platforms (by user score which is the only score that matters on metacritic)
>Won the highest amount of GOTY awards of all time
>2nd highest rated game of all time on Steam according to Steam Top 250 with 190,000 reviews, of which 97% are positive
>Its DLC (Blood and Wine) won RPG of the year over Dark Souls III
>Still rakes in 15,000-25,000 players monthly on steam 4 years on release

Cope betheshit trannies.

Attached: game of the generation.jpg (2420x2287, 1.67M)

Playing Witcher 1 and 2 beforehand actually makes the experience worse because Witcher 1 and 2 have very decent writing, while Witcher 3 is plain bad. Also Witcher 3 doesn't live up to any setup from the two games, everything is either dumbed down, ignored, dropped most good OC characters from 2 were ruined

Yes. West Europe is piss, east Europe is shit. God bless America!

>You do know that some of those "rare" materials are just lying around in the ground when you do quests right?
"Just lying" - yeah, so hmm, let's get to conclusion - you need exploration and you need to do quests to get them. Looks like you were wrong from the beginning user. Also, selling potions is really bad way to get money in Witcher 3. You are so fucking dumb.
>Also you do know that you just need one item to refill your potions, right?
No, you can only refill certain limited potions that you can get from alchemy, you are stupid.


I did? The only thing that happened was that enemies became more spongy and hit harder. They were the same speed. You can still spam short dodge without a pause and cast quen. There is no way you can lose, the 'difficulty'just makes the fight longer, not better 'scrub'.

>omitting the userscore
Hmmm, shills, gotta be.

Attached: failshitstha.png (1304x348, 106K)

I was referring to BGS games

>he reads trash written to sell a quick buck and push witcher merchandise
Genius reading fanfic makes you super high IQ

>being this retarded he doesn't know how game mechanics work
>thinking that doing the main quest = exploration
>thinking that selling potion materials = selling potions
God you are retarded. Its like talking to that one kid who just learned how to speak.

>plain bad
You’re plain retarded

a meme indeed

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Are you unironically retarded? The Witcher books were all written by a Polak in the 1990’s

>The Last Wish: Published in 1993
>Witcher 1: Released 2007
>written to sell a quick buck and push witcher merchandise
What did the zoomer mean by this?

i-i-i was m-merely pretending!

>he reads trash written to sell a quick buck and push witcher merchandise
holy fuck levels of zoomzooom retardation that shouldn't even be possible hahahaha
this spic never stops impressing

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>you don't have to explore to get subqests and for some magical reason only main quests matter
>potion materials somehow cost enough to make you afford the best gear
You are a special kind of retard, holy fucking shit.

How hard is it to understand that main quests give you the materials you need and any missing materials can be obtained from buying them or dismantling for them?
You are a special kind of retard, holy fucking shit.

>be fartthesda
>release horse armor dlc
>Release a game and call it a DLC


>that main quests give you the materials you need
No, they don't you autistic sperg, 1. you need to explore aside of them if you want to get best Witcher gear 2. Finding them during exploration saves a lot of money and time since they cost a lot.
Neck yourself retard.

He can’t, there’s no propaganda remaining for him to use

Yes they do you silly fanboy. The witcher gear quests are set up to progress along with the main quest. Its designed that way specifically so casuals won't bother with inventory management
Neck yourself retard.

What about sales my dude? Fallout 4 sold 20m copies while TW3 only 13m copies.

TW3 has sold over 20M copies as of January 2019. Your last point buckled out beneath you

Skyrim has two versions on steam. Plus fallout 4

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>TW3 only 13m copies
TW3 sold 20 million copies.
Cope harder.
>Fallout sold 20m copies
topkek, try 14.

steamcharts calculates owners of different versions as the same.
If a player owns Skyshit special edition, they als own the "unspecial edition". Same for games like dork souls 3 deluxe editions and normal edition.

>two different fucking versions
>still can't even surpass TW3's player numbers
the absolute state of bethesda dogshit

Should I get it lads?
It's $12 right now.

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Cope and dilate yourself.
Better luck next time, trannythesda shill.

Fuck off sissy faggot.

If you like action rpgs, yes. Get the bundle with the two dlcs. They're huge and are what all dlc should aspire to be.

Only if you get the DLC's, they push the game to 12/10

wanna get this on the sale, is 15 yurobucks a fair price for the GOTY?

If you haven't played 1 and 2, get those, they cost a combined 5 bucks right now. Those two will net you 100 hours of play time between them so you can safely wait for the next discount.
TW3 GOTY goes on sale all the time, and it most definitely will go on sale again, maybe for cheaper, before CP 2077's release.
Point is, if you're going to buy TW3, get the DLCs, they're arguably the best parts.

best 15 euros you could spend

>goes full retard
>called out
>nononono tranny tranny dilate shill

> Epic.

What about it?

>despite all the polish

It's good. You should try it

>every bit of gameplay is mediocre/bad
>every bit of non gameplay is good/great

Literally why even play it? Just watch the story and cutscenes on youtube. Will save you money, time, effort and frustration of going through the shit combat and the empty world

> >every bit of non gameplay is good/great
Quests are bad, characters are bad, dialogs are bad, graphics are bad.
There is nothing good at all

oh the colorblind reshade fag is a witcher 3 fan. figures.

ok then, I'll get it and the first two games.

>steam awards 2018
fucking kek

4 years running and still shitposting and talking to yourself

Attached: faggot.png (186x84, 2K)

Quests, yes, mainly due to the retarded witcher senses design
Characters, no, a lot of them are really well made and written
Dialogue, no, again a lot of it is very good
Graphics while downgraded, are still pretty decent

The combat was serviceable, could've been a lot worse

I still played it just for the story.

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Fallout 4 is fun

I played them all and bought Witcher 1 at launch, and 3 is the worst. It's like Witcher 3 DLC > Witcher 2 > Witcher 1 > Witcher 3
In terms of story, that is.

Pretty much. Don't forget that DA:I also won GOTY. It's fucking insane. They just give it to the game that has the most story focus every year. I seriously doubt they'll pick Crash in for 2019, even though it has the most fun gameplay.

Gothic games are awesome but be prepared for super ass controls
also there's lots of compatability problems with modern computers and you need to download some patches from websites that barely exist and they're all on a foreign language
if you can get past all that, you'll have an incredible RPG experience with the trilogy

Yes. Gothic 1/2 are both amazing. A fair warning: noobs are going to tell you to only play Gothic 2, but it's a direct continuation of 1, which I would argue is a better game in some respects (atmosphere is definitely superior). But yes, Gothic gives you no handholding and it can be pretty fun at times.
For example, in early Gothic II you gotta get into a city. You could either get a pass from a guy, talk to the guards... or glitch the came and climb over it, at which point you're fine, unless one of the guards finds you and fucks you up.

Reminder that CDProjekt initially said Witcher 1 was supposed to be a spiritual successor of Gothic. That should give you an idea of how fucking disingenuous and miserable they are. I mean, Witcher 1 was closer to a BioWare game than anything else.

It looks like, ummm, hmmmmm, goals and target can change. Unbelievable

>Not jumping (if short attack) or dodging (If long attack) to the side.
You are a fucking idiot, you deserved to eat shit and die.

Good thing it didn't. It turned out absolutely beautiful the way CDPR made it.

That salt mine is still being dug to this day.

Attached: W3_awards and tears.jpg (1145x873, 290K)

Ive only played 40 hrs or so and just about to go to Skellige. But I find it just very samey, it basically to me just revolves around casting Quen and dodging and hitting. It doesnt really come across as challenging, the enemies never demand you parry or block or switch up tactics.

No real need to use strong attacks. Few enemies really demand you think tactically while fighting them like in Souls, I have yet to really find a boss that was difficult. Im playing on the 2nd highest difficulty.

can someone mod todd howard's head as a trophy in the game for geralt to rope on his saddle

Fallout 4 was one Bethesda game where the honeymoon period, during which everyone praises it, ended real fucking fast. After Fallout 76 they have precisely zero goodwill left.

What are other games that offer this?

Ah, yes. Funny how you say CDPRtards and Nintendr*nes have this mindless zombie defense to any criticism, but if we were talking about Molyneux or Todd, you'd be accusing them of lying in 0,1 milliseconds. Just shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt. Of course it is WRONG to say one thing and then do another for the sake of advertisement, and CDPR have been doing this since the start. They just fucking lie and lie and lie.
Not really. It was a solid game, but it would've benefited immensely from being more like Gothic. As it is, it's an extremely streamlined experience with awful combat and some sections so shitty they make me not want to replay it. It's a B at best, while Gothic I/II are both A+. Though Geralt was admittedly a much better character in Witcher 1 than the anime protag they turned him into in 3.

>fallout 4 is better than Bloodborne

RPGs? None that aren't old (like Ultima, Wizardry). But I guess Thief 1/2 and some of the Hitman games might give you that sense of freedom and going about things your way. I guess you could play ELEX, since that's their newest game.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

Attached: file.png (700x466, 470K)

Are you saying TLoU is not a moviegame? It very much is.

That being said, I feel the combat in TLoU is over looked, it's some of the most satisfying shit out there.

>tfw owned both a ps3 and a ps4 and never played TLoU
I just don't care for zombies. Also, Detroit is probably the best movie game anyone's ever made. It's like a Telltale game that isn't shit. I don't think Witcher 3 is much a movie game, because it's not cinematic AT ALL. It's more of a visual novel, that just has you sitting there reading, and reading, and reading. It's about the characters and the setting, not about setpieces.

Most who played three didn't play the previous games.

Fucking delete this my man.

>Drop horse off on island
>sail to another island
>climb a mountain
>enter a dungeon
>exit a dungeon into an enclosed courtyard
>whistle for magic horse
>horse instantly teleported directly behind you
>50 Credits 25 Exp

Takes over half the game to even unlock special moves

CDPR made it that way too. It's why they completely dropped everything from W1-W2 like it never happened and imported the shittiest story they could have from the books.
>cut out scoia'tael completely, no explanation beyond some shitty 30 second side quest
It's so fucking blatant. And then you have that spynigger from Witcher 1 that is acting as he did when he was in character in the first game before revealing his real identity. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. FUCK this company.

the game has awful gameplay for 90 percent of the playthrough

I looked up the final boss of blood and wine and it seems that CDPR is capable of making a decent boss fight, but to get there you have to follow 1000 red footprints, poke around 10000 cupboards and bushes, etc.

unironically breath of the wild if you turn pro hud on.

BotW was great

I really should go back and play Thief, I had the demo as a kid and loved it. And I love stealth games, have 1 and 2 aged well? I heard 4 was shit.

Where I was wrong? If w1 was supposed to be a spiritual successor of Gothic then all later games should be spiritual successors too? You are retarded. They hit the jackpot with witcher 3. Normies think of it like it's second coming of Christ. Nobody really cares about gothic now. And ppl who care are too irrelevant too be adressed from company perspective

"It's a me, mario"
"bing bing wahoo"
"The princess is in another castle"
"Go down a pipe"
"Level skip"

What was your point?


> If w1 was supposed to be a spiritual successor of Gothic then all later games should be spiritual successors too?
What are you even talking about, dumbass? The point was that 1 wasn't either. Are you dense? Are you brain-damaged? Did your monkey of a mother drink while nurturing you? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TO NOT BE ABLE TO READ?
>They hit the jackpot with witcher 3.
And I care about commercial success, why?... Do I have stocks in CDPR? No, I don't. I care about having a good game. W3 was not a good game, it was a glorified VN. It was fucking trash, that instead of building upon what W1 and W2 did right (which weren't great games either), instead made Skyrim 2.0. And I am supposed to be grateful for this? DURRRRR

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It's dice rolls masquerading as action combat. Your input has next to no meaning, the outcome is decided by levels.
You will dispatch a level 5 drowner in a couple of slashes, but a level 40 drowner will just backstep your every swing, even those that physically connected on the screen. It's not like the AI predicted your attack pattern (over which you only have very loose control anyway) and reacted to it with a dodge, you simply got unfavorable RNG. It's Morrowind combat dressed up in more convincing animations.
I can't believe the number of retards (especially here) that fell for it and are going around telling people to "get good".

I've been here since before habbo raids zoomer. Excuse me for not putting a chevron at the start of each line. You probably greentext on facebook.

I unironically think Witcherfags are the worst people I've come across. Not even consolefags at the height of the 360/PS3 wars were this retarded. Like, they aren't just biased mouthbreathers, they legitimately don't know how the game works. And they're almost always underage (or were when Witcher 3 came out), and think it's the best RPG ever made, and have no interest in the fact that CDPR repeatedly lied about the game as they're doing now about Cyberpunk. It's just incredible how fucking DELUSIONAL they are. Fucking zoomers.

Attached: cdprojekt fans unite.webm (720x405, 2.61M)

The story of W3 IS just bullshit compared to W2 and especially W1, all the character building was killed, they literally made normie bullshit good vs bad and I will never forget how they killed if radovids character, muh he insane muh he bad, fuck of polack faggots, the author of the books is right, you guys are hacks.The only redeemable part of the game are the dlcs, the main game is dogshit. Like even Dragon Age 2 is a masterpiece compared to this.

5 years later Yea Forums still mad TW3 got all GOTY instead Bloodborne, just wow

Yeah we got it, stop making witcher threads fuckheads, no one playing it anymore.

I agree with you 100%, user. I still remember how people hyped up the Bloody Baron as well, and it was literally fucking nothing. A big nothing. Wow, he was a character with motivations a little more fleshed out, must be 11/10. Bra-fucking-vo. And that entire storyline just fizzled out into nothing, and the Witches are killed by CIRI OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE. What an anticlimactic shitfest that was, Jesus Christ. Everything after you meet Ciri just 1/10, especially those forced MMO-tier combat sections.
Even the side quests that would ordinarily have a few more layers of complexity to them, like that ogre pretending to be a god, are just yes-no things that are solved in five minutes. So retarded. Witcher 2's story was kino by comparison, and the final confrontation with Letho were you can just let him live was great. Even Witcher 1 had great characters like Siegfried, Vincent, and so on. What does Witcher 3 give you? AYOOO, WITCHER, CAN'T YOU SEE I AM A STRONG WOMAN THAT'S A BETTER BLACKSMITH?

Its not bad.

Fuck off weeb godhand autist!

Your faggot ass is the reason why the horses in Breath of the Wild are useless cancer incarnate that no one ever bothers using ever.

Witcher 3 gameplay suck ass.
The game is the best example of how game reviewer don't understand shit about vidya. If you want to be extra generous you could give the game an 8/10 instead we got 9.5+. A score to big for a game that has a control system just a little better than PS1 Tomb Raider.

You can say Story/Char/World is good and I can agree with you, but the gameplay ruins everything.

Vidya reviews go like this
>game is about the story
>game is not about the story, but at least has a good setting and nice visuals
4-5, problematic

I agree but for the overall tier list I'd swap 1 with 2. On story you're right.

In which person do you think Diablo is played?

Isometric, idiot. Is Fifa fucking third person? Is Crusader Kings?

Don't be a fucking goalpost moving retard. Third person refers to the camera. Diablo is top down.

The topping on the cake
>Killing radovid off screen
this was the final moment I realised that W3 is unredeemable trash, like they ruined every character, vernon,djkstra,eskil,ciri (somehow a 10/10 now), the evil elfmagicans, like everyone.

Never heard of isometric person.

I have to say, getting cucked by Keira without even having a say in the matter hurt my feelings as well. But the most triggering for me will always be removing the Scoia'tael from the equation. The Scoia'tael were THE main focus on the first two games, and now we're pretending they don't fucking EXIST? Holy fuck. So, so, retarded.
I guess it was doomed the moment they decided to make it open world. Like, Novigrad is beautiful to explore, but it's no different than going around in Guild Wars 2. Just a beautiful environment with nothing to find or do. What a waste. I genuinely hate the game more each time I go back to it. The controls for Roach after playing RDR2 and other recent games are unforgivably atrocious. Like, you will have Roach stop dead in his tracks because there's a goddamn rabbit in his way, as if he just hit an invisible wall. SO BAD.

It's an awful movie that people only shilled because it came out against bloodborne, an actual game.

>sell a quick buck

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Gothic 2
Mount & Blade

>Gothic 2
nostalgia goggles the post

TW1 combat is unironically better than 2 and 3.
It doesn't try to trick you into believing it's something it's not. You get standard RPG RTWP combat, dictated by dice rolls only with the possibly unnecessary addition of having to click at the end of every turn. I think you could even turn it off, or at least disable punishing you for mistiming you clicks.
Witcher 2 has no redeeming features other than the writing.

>everyone ITT
you're not cool because you think the witcher or its gameplay is shit, fyi

Attached: snowflake.jpg (800x450, 85K)

>Play on Death March scrub.
Not him but Death March is just a test of patience, it doesn't make the combat any better. Imagine using the difficulty slider on Skyrim/Fallout to determine how good the combat is, it just highlights the problem.


>so much of a newfag he doesn't know what a snowflake is and how that word is used

This is my problem with the movie game. Detroit is definitely a movie game. Is TLoU a movie game? I don't think having great animation rig means that the product is a movie game.

I made a point to take on quests that were "skull" icons or much much higher level than my current one.

I fought a golem which broke my weapon before I could kill it and then a man-person which I had to parry every attack because he 1-hit killed me. It wasn't fun but I did it anyway. When I completed the quest I was rewarded with a diagram of an armor set I wasn't high enough level to wear. I then immediately uninstalled the game. Itemization in that game is complete shit.

This. While Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games for various reasons the combat is not it. The combat state replaces your jump with dodge which can be very frustrating at times.

I played it a few years back.
It's not the best combat ever, but it's consistent and predictable. The character will react to your input immediately and the same way every time, which means the system can be learned and mastered.

Attached: Gothic2 2015-05-01 22-16-18-76.jpg (1920x1200, 803K)

God, Khorinis is so COMFY.

>playing shitter 3

its good, stay mad :)

god you are so punchable

That doesn't mean it's good. It's designed for 1v1 but when you encounter more mobs they will trash you. Later in game it doesn't matter bacause you are OP anyway

It's enough to make it better than W3.
There's also cheesing with archery which is more fun than anything Witcher 3 gives you.

>That doesn't mean it's good
It still makes it better than Witcher, m8.

Zoom zoom.

>exploiting combat in other games
>explioting combat in w3
how witcher even compete
I'll take witcher combat any day over that clunky gothic trash

>I'll take witcher combat any day over that clunky gothic trash
Dumb zoomer.

new AssCreeds unironiclly

>Something isn't good unless it doesn't have a retarded high skill cap for muh mastery

Attached: heheheeh.gif (480x368, 391K)

Witcher 3 is literally fanwank for people who read the books and for that it's great, I bet 99.8% of reviewers never read it (and probably 85% of players) and still given it 10/10, well fuck, this is how world is now.

>Dumb zoomer
Retard. Played it first when expansion came out. I replayed it last year. My opionion haven't changed


Ehhhhh, it's really not that great imo. Uncharted 4 felt way better to me. Scavenging was ok, but felt too simple and kind of pointless in a mainly linear game.

Not even him but those are some pathetic lies. This pasta has been posted for so long there is no way you wouldnt see it. Every single fuckcing witcher thread since 3 and ur telling me u never saw it?

It's fine.

Finish this sentence:
>Are you a neko?

best post I've seen on Yea Forums today

Play BnW to have your answer of teleporting Roach.

It's a game that needed a combat shakeup at the 30th hour, then again at the 50th hour, and one last time at the 80th hour. IT cannot carry itself at 100 hours with the combat. I dreaded it more than anything else.

4 years later and people are still talking about it

TW3 is a cinematic experience

people enjoy it for the same reasons they enjoy watching a HBO series, not because of the gameplay

to this day nobody has been able to explain why the combat is bad

>>turns out the illuminati are jews

It's actually the remnants of the Roman empire.

There's like 5 essays in this here ITT, dumbass.

maybe but everything else is unmatched

Exploration is pointless.
Crafting sucks.
Skills suck.
Music sucks.

Then you haven't been paying attention. It shouldn't need an explanation for anyone that's played it anyway.

You suck at it.
Or you just started. The first ten levels feel rough.

this cant be real

fucking based, the only good thing about this game is the story and characters, everything else is trash

They also manage to ruin a few characters established in the previous games and the writing is weakest out of the trilogy.
The DLC is massively overrated too.